Nix - the best domestic computers in Russia! The best mobile games for Game of Thrones fans

“Russian-assembled computer” is a phrase that can be heard more and more often in computer showrooms or in computer equipment markets. The number of Russian companies involved in assembling computers is quite large, and it is unlikely that anyone can even approximately name their number. Among these companies there are many small ones with 5-10 people on staff, and giants that are rightfully considered brands of the Russian computer market.

Of course, it is pointless to compare large companies with small ones - both in terms of production volume and the quality of the service provided. It would seem, what, exactly, is the difference between a computer with the logo of some well-known company and a computer made within one or two hours somewhere in the back room of the Savelovsky market or simply home-assembled? Indeed, the components are the same, and the assembly process itself is quite simple: plug the processor and memory into the motherboard, connect the hard drive and CD-ROM, push it all into the case - and that seems to be it. But this is a superficial view, or rather, an amateur’s view.

Naturally, among our readers there are specialists who can independently and at a high professional level assemble their own computer from individual components, which will be no worse than an industrially assembled device. And if necessary, they are able to find any problem and fix it themselves, even if they have to arm themselves with a soldering iron and an oscilloscope. But there are not so many such professionals. But what about ordinary users?

Assembling a computer from separate components is indeed not difficult, but setting it up correctly, finding hidden defects and making it work correctly is not something everyone can do. And can you be sure that such a computer works exactly as it should? And the constant and completely incomprehensible freezing of the computer - isn’t this a by-product of such unprofessionalism? So what is the difference between artisanal and professional computer assembly in a production environment? Where and how are the company’s technological capabilities and the professionalism of its employees demonstrated? Creating a computer begins with designing its model. A serious company has a lineup of dozens of models of desktop computers, which differ significantly in parameters, functionality, and recommended areas of application. Design is the most important and responsible stage, consisting in the selection of components, the range of which is very diverse today. The choice of specific components, as well as their suppliers, largely determines the final consumer qualities of the future computer - performance, reliability and cost.

The balance of the PC depends on the choice of individual components. To achieve a balanced system, all computer components need to work together in the best possible way. Compatibility of components is one of these problems, the successful solution of which is ensured only by the vast experience and high professional level of technical specialists. Despite the fact that all component manufacturers declare this characteristic of their products, practice shows that they do not always solve this problem.

Large companies specializing in computer assembly can afford to have not only a technical department, but also test laboratories, which are engaged in the precise selection of computer components depending on their positioning and cost, as well as checking their hardware compatibility with each other.

In addition, manufacturing companies have access to technical information that is inaccessible to mere mortals and primarily concerns compatibility between various components and how to achieve it.

After the PC model is designed, the turn comes to incoming inspection, which makes it possible to identify both individual components and entire batches that do not meet either the declared parameters or reliability requirements. It should be noted that, despite the highest technological level of production of leading component manufacturers, cases of components being rejected at the incoming inspection stage are by no means rare. According to unofficial data, a batch of motherboards is considered to be of high quality if the percentage of defects is 10%, that is, every tenth board has a defect (now think about what kind of motherboards come to the computer markets from “gray” dealers!).

You should also keep in mind that large companies that assemble computers order the necessary components either directly or from reputable dealers of manufacturing companies. In this case, the possibility of supplying counterfeit and, accordingly, obviously low-quality components, which are a dime a dozen in our computer markets, is excluded. Naturally, when purchasing components at retail at your own peril and risk, even an experienced user may well stumble upon an ordinary fake or defect.

After all components have passed quality control, the assembly stage begins. But even after assembly, the computer does not go on sale: the next stage is quality control of the finished product. It is gratifying that domestic computer manufacturing companies take this control seriously. Thus, many companies do not just check the performance of a computer by turning it on for five minutes, but test it for a day or two in stress mode, that is, various applications are emulated on the computer, and such tests are carried out in special thermal chambers at elevated temperatures. Only if the computer has passed the test in such a “steam room” is it considered fit for use.

It is also important, especially for inexperienced users, to have technical support from the manufacturer and the possibility of free warranty repairs.

So, to summarize the above, we can conclude that a modern computer is a structurally complex product that requires a professional approach at all stages - from the selection of components to the final testing of the finished product. That is why, especially if you have no experience working with hardware, it is worth purchasing a computer from large companies whose logo is a guarantor of the quality of their product. We will talk about some of these companies in our article. In addition, based on the long-term cooperation of the ComputerPress testing laboratory with these companies, we can responsibly declare that the products of these companies deserve the highest rating.

Aquarius company

The Aquarius production company is part of the Aquarius group of companies, founded in 1989. Aquarius became the first non-governmental organization in Russia to open its own factory production of personal computers. Currently, one of the main activities of the company is the development and production of personal computers and servers under its own brands.

Today Aquarius produces various computer equipment, including universal office computers, professional workstations, high-end computers, specialized computers (with built-in information security features, in special cases, etc.) and servers.

Computer equipment manufactured under the Aquarius brand is assembled from components from leading hardware manufacturers. Before entering assembly, components undergo a preliminary check - functional testing. The manufacturing process of each computer is documented in a special accompanying coupon. Upon completion of assembly, the computers are sent for preliminary testing, and then for 24-hour tests in a thermal chamber (servers are tested for 72 hours).

Aquarius computers and servers have a full set of mandatory state certificates (including certificates of conformity for Aquarius PCs and servers, hygienic certificates for PCs and servers, a certificate from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information for AquaServer servers). If necessary, special studies and inspections are carried out, as well as military acceptance of manufactured equipment. The quality system for the design, development and production of Aquarius computer equipment is certified for compliance with international quality certificates ISO 9002 and ISO 9001.

The company has its own production facilities in Shuya (Ivanovo region) and in Moscow. The Shuya Aquarius plant, with a design capacity of 120 thousand personal computers per year, was put into operation in August 1990.

Last summer, a second production facility was opened in Moscow, on the territory of the Voskhod Research Institute. The new workshop with a design capacity of 36 thousand computers per year, unlike the Shuisky plant, is designed to produce products in small batches. At the new Aquarius production facility, a fundamentally new thermal chamber heating system is used - based on infrared (IR) heaters, which prevents dust from settling on the tested PCs.

Warranty and post-warranty service of products is carried out by about 40 authorized service centers of the company, which serve any user of Aquarius equipment who asks for help. In addition to warranty and post-warranty service, service centers provide comprehensive services for the modernization of computer equipment.

Valga company

Valga company was founded in 1995. The main direction of its activity is the production of computers and servers under its own MicroFT brand. The range of computers includes a wide range of equipment - from workstations for office work to high-tech machines for processing complex graphics and multiprocessor servers.

A certified service center carries out repairs, modernization and maintenance of computer equipment. MicroFT computers and servers manufactured by Valga are tested by highly qualified service center engineers, which allows the equipment to be guaranteed for up to four years with specialists visiting the installation site.

The corporate sales department implements not only standard solutions, but also the latest technologies and equipment samples. At the decision-making stage, Valga provides computer equipment for testing.

For the convenience of customers, the Valga company sells its equipment through a network of retail stores, an online store and a corporate sales department.

VIST Computer Company

The VIST Computer company produces and markets a wide range of advanced computer systems under its own brand. VIST Computer has its own production base in Moscow, equipped with high-tech equipment and allowing for mass production of products that meet the most stringent international standards of quality, reliability and safety. The production is certified by the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Careful selection of components, the use of modern methods of production organization and strict control over compliance with all requirements of the assembly process - all this allows us to ensure consistently high quality with fairly large production volumes and a wide range of manufactured models and configurations.

The VIST product line consists of three main lines of commercially produced computers - VIST BUSINESS, VIST GAME and VIST PROFI. VIST BUSINESS series computers are designed for a wide range of business applications, for various application and office tasks. The VIST GAME home series PCs allow you to comfortably work with both computer games and a large number of educational and developmental programs. Computers of the VIST PROFI series belong to the category of high-end systems and have a strong reserve of computing power.

The VIST Computer company sells its products and solutions through a wide dealer network covering all major regions of Russia. Customers are provided with branded warranty service and full technical support at VIST service centers throughout the country.

The company operates on the Russian market in close cooperation with world leaders in the computer industry, including Intel, Microsoft, Sony, Seagate, Microstar, etc. VIST is one of the largest official distributors of Samsung Electronics in Russia.

KIT company

The KIT company (“Complex of Information Technologies”) has been operating in the Russian computer market since 1992. At the first stage, the main activities of the company were the assembly of personal computers and the sale of a wide range of components, peripherals, accessories, consumables, and office furniture. The second stage began in 1996 - with the creation of the KIT Integrator network integration department, which allowed the company to more actively promote its products on the corporate market. Since 1999, the company has entered the third stage of its development, which, in addition to expanding the range of computers and developing new market segments, provides for a deep structural restructuring and improvement of the company's management mechanisms.

The company specializes in the production and marketing of personal computers, workstations, graphics stations, and servers under its own KIT brand. KIT computers are assembled at the company’s own production facility in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Components are purchased directly from manufacturers or their official representatives.

All manufactured models are pre-designed. At the design stage of KIT brand PC models, only those components that have become the de facto standard for quality, compatibility and performance are included in the design. Calculations of power consumption and calculations of power released in the form of heat are carried out. The case and power supply that meet these requirements are determined. The design includes the possibility of expanding the configuration, maintainability and ease of maintenance; The corporate PC concept has been fully implemented.

Before launching into mass production, as well as in case of any changes in the design, basic configuration or technological process, type tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 21552. If there are any comments, the PC design is brought to compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

In further production, only changes to the configuration provided for in the design documentation are permissible. All components used are tested for compliance with basic electrical parameters, vibration and moisture resistance, thermal conditions and, of course, workmanship. System units are assembled on a modern production line. Each KIT brand PC undergoes a full cycle of acceptance tests, including vibration testing and stress testing at elevated ambient temperatures.

System units are certified by Rostest and have hygienic certificates. All new PC models of the KIT brand are certified by state supervisory authorities in the prescribed manner.

The KIT company provides a two-year warranty on components and a three-year warranty on the computer. Service can be performed at the company's Moscow service center or at one of three regional service centers. Under an additional agreement, maintenance can be carried out at the site of operation.

Klondike Computers Company

The Klondike Computers company, founded in 1994, occupies one of the leading positions in the country's computer market. Since its formation, the company has been focused on producing modern, high-quality and reliable equipment. The products of the Klondike Computers company include simple office computers, and ultra-modern hi-end stations for printing and working with 3D graphics, non-linear video editing and working with CAD applications, and servers, and cluster solutions. All this diversity is united not only by the KLONDIKE brand, but, first of all, by the responsibility and professionalism of a large team of company employees.

The high professionalism of the technical department workers, modern production equipment, the presence of a quality system - all this allows us to produce reliable and high-quality equipment.

Today, ensuring a high level of product quality is impossible without close partnerships with world leaders in the IT technology market. Long-standing and fruitful cooperation with Intel Corporation helped the company take one of the leading places in the Russian computer market - at the beginning of 2000, the company received Intel Premier Provider status, indicating a high level of qualifications and dynamics of the company's development. Confirmation of the company's professionalism and the excellent quality of its products is the receipt in 2000 of the ISO 9001 certificate for compliance with international quality system standards in relation to the development and production of system units of personal computers, graphics stations and servers.

In the process of assembling personal computers, the Klondike Computers company consistently goes through all technological stages - from designing a future model to testing the finished computer. The process of designing a future PC and selecting components is carried out by a test laboratory operating within the technical department. Information coming from the testing laboratory allows the model design team to use only a set of components that are tested for compliance with the parameters and, importantly, for compatibility with each other.

After the design process is completed, the computer is assembled in the company's assembly shop. At the same time, all components entering the assembly undergo thorough input testing, which guarantees their correct operation. After assembly, the computers are sent to the quality control department. For desktop computers, the inspection cycle at QI stands is one day, for exclusive models and graphic stations - up to two to three days, for servers - from three to four days to two weeks, depending on their class.

Klondike Computers provides a three-year warranty on all products bearing the KLONDIKE brand. Service can be performed at the company's Moscow service center or at one of 30 regional service centers. Replacement of failed components is carried out within 24 hours from the moment of request. On-site service is also possible.

Craftway company

The Kraftway Corporation is a Russian enterprise whose main activity is the computer business, including the production and sales of computers, servers and computer equipment. Craftway focuses on the market of large corporate customers. The company's policy assumes wholesale deliveries.

The first computers with the registered GEG trademark of the “Craftway” assembly were released in 1993. From the very beginning of its activities, Craftway used only high-quality components and all manufactured computers underwent 100% final control within 24 hours.

Industrial production of computer equipment began in 1994. Since that time, Kraftway computers have been assembled in specialized premises of the state research and production enterprise Kvant (Moscow). Now a new stage in the development of the company is beginning: Technical Production Conditions are being developed, implying 100 percent incoming control of components, assembly control, 100 percent output control of finished systems, carried out in a thermal zone for two to three days, personal responsibility of workers, etc. Craftway Corporation has entered into an OEM agreement with Microsoft to preinstall licensed software on GEG computers. To ensure an uninterrupted supply of components, Craftway opens its representative office in Taiwan.

Today, Craftway produces nine series of computers under its own GEG brand. All computers have certificates of conformity with the Russian State Standard and hygiene certificates. Workstations and graphics stations are certified to be compatible with major operating systems. In 1996, the production of the Kraftway company received the international certificate ISO 9001.

Intel highly appreciated the activities of Craftway Corporation in the production of personal computers and server systems and awarded it the status of Intel Premier Provider.

K-Systems company

The history of the K-Systems holding began in 1994, when the company structure was created and the first regional company was opened. Currently, the K-Systems holding unites 19 companies located in the largest regional centers of Russia. Since 1997, the production of K-Systems Irbis computers, K-Systems Patriot servers and monitors under its own K-Systems brand began. Since 2000, the company began producing K-Systems Skybook laptops.

The K-Systems production quality system is certified in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001-96, which confirms the provision of a high level of products at all stages of production - during design, manufacturing, sales, and accounting of products. K-Systems equipment is certified according to the requirements of the Russian State Standard and has hygienic certificates. The K-Systems company received a license from the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for serial production of personal computers intended for processing information containing state secrets. Compliance with the requirements of the above certification bodies allows us to produce products that are safe in all respects.

Each produced computer undergoes a full cycle of pre-sale tests. Testing procedures are continually being improved to ensure full compliance with reliability and performance requirements. The main criterion for the quality of production and testing is the reliability of manufactured computers.

K-Systems provides after-sales service for the supplied equipment. K-Systems computer equipment is guaranteed for up to three years, and for servers - up to five years. Service maintenance is carried out by the holding’s qualified personnel, as well as by specialists from partner companies that provide warranty service for K-Systems equipment.

The company's strategy is to offer high-quality products that meet domestic and international quality standards at affordable prices for Russian consumers. For government agencies, the company offers products at extremely low prices, taking into account the minimum level of profitability.

Company OOO "NKA-group"

OO "NKA-group" is a very young but dynamically developing company on the Russian personal computer market. NKA-group produces computers and laptops under the Genius iRU brand. Computers are assembled in Russia, at the Kvant assembly plant located in Zelenograd.

The development of new models is carried out by NKA-group technical specialists. At the design stage of PC models, only components that are traditionally considered the standard for quality, compatibility and performance are included in the design. A variety of components from Genius are used.

When developing new models, special attention is paid to the hardware compatibility of all components and the optimal price/quality ratio. Most components come directly from the manufacturer, which significantly reduces the likelihood of using low-quality components.

During the computer assembly process, selective incoming quality control of components is carried out, and after assembly, all computers undergo technological quality control in thermal chambers for 12 hours. The high temperature maintained in the heat chamber makes it possible to check the reliability and functionality of the heat dissipation system, as well as to identify components that are not resistant to overheating during the testing stage.

All computers under the Genius iRU brand have certificates of conformity from the State Standard of Russia and hygienic conclusions from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.

At the moment, the line of models of modern Genius brand computers is quite wide. The most popular model ranges are offered for sale: Genius 845 “Worthy”, Genius 745 “Swift”, Genius 545 “Confident”, and each model range includes several different modifications that differ in their functionality.

The NKA-group LLC company provides its customers with a guarantee for computers of the Genius iRU brand, as well as qualified technical support and the possibility of comprehensive service. The company has one branded service center in Moscow and a network of authorized service centers throughout Russia (currently there are 41 of them).

Company "RAMEK"

The RAMEK company was founded in 1992 as part of the conversion on the basis of one of the largest military-industrial complex enterprises in Leningrad, NPO Impulse. Since that time, the company has been producing and selling computers under its own brand. PC production remains one of the company's main activities today. The production program includes four families of RAMEC computers: RAMEC Breeze series - computers for mass use, belonging to the SOHO category; RAMEC Gale series - a family of universal PCs; RAMEC Storm series - graphic stations; RAMEC Tornado series - file servers and application servers.

Each computer undergoes a mandatory 48-hour test. The reliability indicator is at least 14 thousand hours between failures, which corresponds to the indicators of foreign Brand Name equipment.

All computers released under the RAMEC brand are based on Intel processors. Ramek's long-term close cooperation with Intel Corporation (Intel's business partner since 1995, authorized solution provider since 1999) allows Ramek to supply the market with new models of its computers equipped with the latest Intel processors, almost simultaneously with their announcement.

In addition to conventional computers for mass use, Ramek offers its customers a wide range of industrial-grade computers designed to solve automation, control and management problems in harsh operating conditions. They successfully resist external adverse factors - dust, moisture, vibration, strong external electromagnetic radiation.

All work and products performed have state licenses and certificates.

In 2001, the company was one of the first among computer companies in St. Petersburg to receive the International Quality Certificate ISO 9001.

The products of the Ramek company are well known not only in the North-West, but also in other regions of Russia. To achieve this, the company has created a wide dealer network, which today includes over 150 companies in 40 regions of Russia. In addition, the company has a representative office and warehouse in Moscow and 14 regional service centers.

Research and production association "Technika-Service" (TS Computers)

Research and production association "Technika-Service" (TS Computers) was founded in 1991. The company specializes in the production of personal computers, servers and laptops of increased reliability from imported components of the highest quality.

TS Computers brand computers are developed based on the criteria of complete mutual hardware compatibility of the incoming functional blocks and nodes and their highest reliability. The development of basic models of TS Computers brand computers is carried out in a computer systems modeling laboratory specially created at NPO Tekhnika-Service.

All new models of incoming devices and components are tested according to programs for compliance with declared technical characteristics, full hardware compatibility with basic models of TS Computers brand computers, and full software compatibility with major operating systems.

Without exception, all components undergo incoming inspection. All memory modules are tested on special equipment that simulates temperature surges and surges in supply voltage and analyzes changes in access time and the quality of memory cells. All hard drives are tested on specialized equipment and supplied in individual shock-resistant packaging. In addition, 100% incoming inspection of CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM SCSI drives, Iomega drives, LS-120 drives, magneto-optical drives and other products is carried out.

New computer models undergo mandatory certification by Rostest.

The warranty period for components and PC is three years. Servicing is carried out at the company's service center. Failed components are replaced within 24 hours from the date of request. For an additional fee, equipment can be serviced at the place of operation.

A distinctive feature of TS Computers brand computers is the use of the TS Thermal@Control 88M temperature control system, developed by NPO Tekhnika-Service. The system consists of a main unit and eight temperature sensors. Four controlled fans are connected to the main unit, cooling the internal components of the computer and the space of the system unit. TS Thermal@Control 88M monitors device temperatures and fan speeds, and turns fans on and off when a user-defined temperature threshold is reached.

Formosa Company

Today, Formosa is not just a company that assembles computers, but a manufacturing company that owns the full cycle of computer development and production technology - from circuit design and printed circuit board layout to comprehensive testing of finished products. One of the main achievements of the company is the organization of modern high-tech production of system boards.

Currently, the company offers several models of motherboards manufactured in Moscow at the company's production base. Among them there are both motherboards produced under license from Lucky Star and boards of the company’s own design.

All production facilities of the company are certified to comply with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 9002.

The production of computers takes place on the most modern conveyor line in Russia for assembling and setting up PCs. The assembly line includes more than ten computerized workstations for monitoring and testing computers with a built-in thermal testing system, which allows us to constantly improve and improve the quality of manufactured computers. The quality control system ensures a high level of reliability of manufactured equipment.

Computers produced by the Formosa-Altair company have certificates of conformity from the State Standard of Russia and hygienic conclusions from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.

Today the company produces three model lines of computers - universal, educational and corporate series. Altair computers of the corporate series are distinguished by a high level of input control of components and undergo multi-level testing. This testing includes an external inspection to check for the presence of all required elements, testing on equipment simulating a workstation, where the actual performance of components is determined, testing to identify hidden defects in components and assembly, assessing system reliability, checking electrical safety, checking the functioning of the network if there are network card configuration. Separate tests on vibration stands are also provided. In addition, corporate series computers can be tested for information security and specially checked in a laboratory accredited by FAPSI for the presence of “bookmarks”. Special tests are also carried out for leakage of confidential information due to background radiation of the system; recommendations to customers on preventing information leakage (in a laboratory accredited by the State Technical Supervision Authority of the Russian Federation).

F-Center Company

The F-Center company was founded in 1993 as an office trade enterprise focused on the market of personal computers and office equipment. Since 1999, the company began serial production of computers under the MIR brand. Today, the list of F-Center partners includes such world-famous manufacturers of computer hardware and software as 3Com, AMD, APC, Bridge, Epson, Fujitsu, Intel, HP, Lexmark, Lucky Star, Microsoft, Mitsumi, Panasonic, Samsung , Sony, U.S. Robotics, ViewSonic.

The F-Center company practices an individual approach to the client, therefore it offers a unique service - assembling a computer to order without advance payment. The company's specialists pay close attention to the design of new PC models - configurations that are constantly available for sale, created based on the most frequent wishes of customers. To date, F-Center engineers have developed several models of system units based on modern computer technologies, intended for both home users and corporate clients and wholesale buyers.

Computer development fully meets all technological requirements. Particular attention is paid to the design of future PC models. Having its own testing laboratory, the F-Center company is constantly engaged in an innovative search for new combinations of components for future PCs. As a Microsoft OEM System Builder, F-Center has the opportunity to equip its projects with the most modern software.

The production complex is equipped with unique equipment. The quality control system and testing for 30 hours under extreme conditions ensure a high level of reliability of the manufactured equipment. MIR computers have certificates of conformity from the State Standard of Russia and hygienic conclusions from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.

F-Center provides warranty and post-warranty service for the equipment sold. The warranty period for MIR series computers is two years, service is carried out in two Moscow service centers of the company.

Highly qualified technical consultants work in the sales areas of the company's stores, who can not only talk about the advantages of the selected equipment, but also select equipment that is most optimized for the buyer's tasks and financial capabilities.

ArBYTE Computers Company

ArBYTE Computers was founded in 1992 and is currently a dynamically developing corporation focused on meeting market demands for high-quality equipment and servicing of supplied equipment. The main activity of ArBYTE Computers is the production and supply of high-quality computer equipment for a wide range of users - corporate workstations, SOHO equipment, professional graphics workstations, video editing studios, as well as warranty and post-warranty service.

Under the ArBYTE brand, several model lines of computers are produced, each of which is designed to solve a specific range of tasks - these are high-speed graphic workstations ArBYTE Tempo with powerful graphics subsystems, corporate workstations ArBYTE Forte, and inexpensive computers for home or small office ArBYTE Quint .

Computers are assembled at our own production facilities. The assembly shop in the building of the Physics Research and Production Association began operating in mid-January last year. In the computer production process, an in-house quality control system is used, which allows us to constantly improve production technology and monitor its careful compliance. The company's technical laboratory conducts research into the components used, designs, testing technologies, develops and tests new models. ArBYTE production uses a modern technological cycle for the production of PCs and servers. Before entering assembly, components undergo random preliminary checks - inspection and functional testing. Upon completion of assembly, the computers are sent for preliminary testing.

All assembled computers have a full set of mandatory government certificates. If necessary, special studies and inspections are carried out, as well as military acceptance of the supplied equipment.

The result of well-established production technology and quality control was that the company received a production quality certificate that complies with the international standard ISO 9001-2000 and confirmation from the Military Register.

Desten Computers Company

Desten Computers, founded in Moscow in early 1995, is today one of the largest Russian manufacturers of computers, workstations and servers under its own brand. In 1999, Desten Computers received iASP (Intel Authorized Solution Provider) status, and in 2000 - Intel Premier Provider.

The company has an extensive dealer network in many regions of Russia and a developing retail network in Moscow.

The quality of all Desten Computers products is confirmed by certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU.АУ64.В01397 for mass production.

Desten computers are assembled in the company's new workshop. The production is equipped with modern industrial equipment from Treston and has a design capacity of up to 2 thousand system units per month. The production uses a fundamentally new technological process, the basis of which is a multi-level quality control system. This technological process represents independent operations: order completion, incoming testing of components, installation, visual inspection, OS installation, final comprehensive testing, packaging. Particular attention is paid to control and testing operations, in which devices are tested for compatibility of components with each other, for compatibility with software and for operation under increased workload. Monitoring compliance with production technology is ensured by a reporting system for each operation and internal quality standards.

Desten Computers pays great attention to service. The company provides warranty and post-warranty service and technical support for products sold, including modernization of purchased equipment on preferential terms. The warranty on the company's computers ranges from two to three years. Service is carried out in two Moscow and 15 regional service centers. Repair of failed equipment in service centers is carried out within 24 hours, and if an additional agreement is concluded, it can be carried out at the place of operation.

Force Computers Company

Force Computers company began its history on March 9, 2000. The main activity of the company is the production and sale of system units and peripherals. The company's products are aimed at consumers with different income levels. The range includes both budget-level computers and computers assembled from the most modern components from leading manufacturers; We also assemble custom computers. All computers undergo mandatory testing. All products manufactured by the company are certified.

Currently, the company has developed a series of computers: Webby, Friendly, Very and Supreme. The Webby series is a complete entry-level solution offered at a minimal price. Friendly is high performance and the latest technology at affordable prices. The Very series combines maximum performance and reliability, the latest technologies. The Force Supreme Series workstations are designed for professionals who demand exceptional performance, reliability and scalability for workstation-class applications.

The company offers customers the purchase of computers on credit, warranty and post-warranty service, and, at the request of the client, a visit to the site of operation is carried out. You can order by phone or online. Free delivery of computers is provided.

The warranty on system units is given for two years. Service is carried out in the company's own warranty department. A technical support line has been launched by telephone and via the Internet.

ISM Computers Company

The ISM Computers company has been operating in the computer market since May 1995 and during this time has managed to become one of the largest and dynamically developing suppliers of computers, computer equipment and solutions on the Russian market. Today the company has more than 100 permanent partners in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as five retail stores in Moscow.

Currently, ISM Computers has Intel Premier Provider status. This status allows the company to benefit from the full technological and intellectual support of Intel. The production of personal computers under the ISM brand is one of the main activities of the company. ISM computers are assembled on the basis of our own assembly areas.

The high quality and reliability of ISM computers and servers are guaranteed thanks to a multi-stage quality control system at each stage of the production process. Only highly qualified engineers and technical specialists work in the company’s assembly shop; assembly is made from high-quality, tested components. At the end of the production process, all products are checked by the technical control department. All this allows us to guarantee the high quality of ISM brand computers and provide a two-year warranty on the equipment produced by the company. Service can be performed in five Moscow and 124 regional service centers. Replacement of failed components is carried out within 24 hours from the moment of request. Thanks to the network of regional service centers for servicing ISM equipment, the buyer has the opportunity to repair and service computers directly on site, which significantly reduces costs and time for repairs.

ISM brand computers are certified in accordance with all requirements for products going on sale in Russia.

Currently, the ISM computer product line consists of three main series: Initial, Standard and Master. The Initial series are low-cost, practical models aimed primarily at the SOHO market. Models in this series are suitable both for working with office applications and for studying using specialized educational programs and educational games. The Standard series combines mid-level models with the best combination of price and performance. Such computers show excellent results when working with complex Internet applications, multimedia applications and graphics packages. They are great for both work and play. The Master series is, on the one hand, powerful workstations, and on the other, models for the home, allowing owners of these PCs to edit digital photos, sound or video, watch DVD movies, and play the latest games without thinking about it. whether there are enough computer resources for this.

Nord company

The main areas of activity of the Nord company are the production of computers and servers and the implementation of complete solutions based on them, the supply of components, peripheral devices and consumables, equipment maintenance, design and construction of computer networks, turnkey projects, comprehensive services for enterprises, examination of computer equipment . The company has the status of Intel Premier Provider, Microsoft OEM System Builder Member, CISCO Authorized Reseller, Iwill Authorized Dealer, Mitsumi Official Dealer, ViewSonic Official Reseller and other evidence of recognition by world leaders in the computer industry.

The company was founded in 1994, and in 1995 its own trademark, Nord, was registered. In 1996, Nord computer equipment acquired all the qualities of a branded product. Since then, the company has been paying special attention to issues of purchase conditions and additional services. The company became a member of the international EAN system and its products received a bar code. The company mastered the serial production of office, home and special computers, servers, laptops, including those for unfavorable operating conditions. In addition to serial models, custom configurations are assembled. All Nord computers are thoroughly tested after assembly and have Russian quality and safety certificates. It is possible to supply equipment that has undergone additional testing, inspection and certification, up to military acceptance of the product.

In addition, the company always has more than 500 items of high-quality peripheral devices, components and consumables in stock. Deliveries to order are distinguished by efficiency - within a period of several hours to three days. A wide range of products in stock - from cheap mass products to expensive high-quality ones - allows us to satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers. Close and long-term relationships with the world's leading manufacturers and their representative offices in Russia allow the company to maintain a wide range of products.

The company has a service department that carries out warranty and post-warranty repairs, modernization and maintenance of equipment; a visit to the customer is carried out, including an urgent one. The company's specialists have been trained and certified by the world's leading manufacturers and have the appropriate diplomas.

Today the company is ready to create computer systems of any level of complexity depending on customer requirements, up to distributed networks in a “client-server” architecture or boxed solutions - computers and servers, packaged with wires for laying the network, tested, configured and completely ready for work .

NT Computers Company

NT Computers, founded in 1994, occupies a significant share of the SOHO market in Moscow and in a number of regions of Russia. Over the years, the company has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality computers sold under its own brand. Well-established relationships with the world's leading computer equipment manufacturers allow us to use only reliable and high-quality components for PC production.

The development and updating of the model range is carried out by employees of the NT-Labs laboratory. NT Computers products are certified by the Russian State Standard, which guarantees compliance with technological conditions at all stages of production.

Professional training of personnel is one of the most important components of the company's work. The company's employees undergo training both at the NT-Labs training center and at the training centers of the world's famous computer equipment manufacturers.

The company provides free on-site PC service during the entire warranty period. If your computer malfunctions, POLARIS Service specialists will perform the necessary diagnostics and repairs.

In Moscow, NT computers are supplied to the largest network of computer centers POLARIS.

R-Style Computers Company

R-Style Computers company is one of the oldest manufacturers of computer equipment. The production of computers under the R-Style brand began in 1992, and today the R-Style company produces the entire range of computer equipment: personal computers, workstations, servers and laptops.

Service support for equipment manufactured by the company is provided by more than 90 certified service centers throughout Russia. The company's partners are more than 300 companies, of which 23 are authorized.

The quality system for development, design and production is certified according to the international standard ISO 9001. R-Style Computers has production facilities in Moscow, as well as at the Kontur TPO plant in Tomsk. The peak capacity of the two plants is now 14 thousand computers per month.

The R-Style retail network currently consists of 15 showrooms (six in Moscow and nine based in regional branches).

R-Style Computers was the first company in Russia to certify R-Style Carbon workstations and R-Style Proxima computers for compatibility with the Microsoft Windows XP operating system.

ComputerPress 7"2002

This season, the last among the best was ASUS. Thanks to the unique technical equipment of each individual model and impeccable build quality, laptops and ultrabooks from this company are among the most purchased devices in the world. The disadvantages of ASUS technology include only the weak display matrix in many budget lines of computers. Asus ROG recently announced the release of their new product - the ASUS Crossblade Ranger motherboard with FM2+ socket. The manufacturer notes such features as Intel Ethernet Gigabit, GameFirst III and LANGuard, audio SupremeFX 2014, KeyBot and many others

Fourth place

The familiar HP company took a higher position. As the largest American high-tech company, it occupies a leading position among computer equipment manufacturers. HP produces almost all types of devices, from printers to laptop computers. The company was created by two graduates of Stanford University, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard; the date of its formation is considered to be 1957.

Now HP has become a company with many offices, a huge staff and multimillion-dollar profits. But despite the long history, it is impossible to form a clear opinion about the manufacturer. Many buyers note the high build quality of the devices, as well as the comfort of its use. However, HP sometimes chooses not the best materials for its budget devices.

Third place

The top three most popular computer hardware manufacturers are Acer. Acer is a giant international corporation with huge volumes of devices shipped around the world. The company occupies a leading position in the Russian market.

Thanks to a well-functioning system of distribution channels, annual production growth is observed. But the peak of popularity occurs at the time of the merger of the brands of Acer, Packard Bell, Gateway and eMachine. Customers generally speak well of the company. One of the reasons for dissatisfaction is the design of laptop computers, namely their easily soiled glossy finish.

Second place

Samsung deservedly took second place. The result of a user survey shows that only 23 percent have a “good” opinion of the manufacturer, while the rest consider the build quality and technical characteristics to be “ideal.” The success of the company directly depends on the chosen production strategy. Samsung uses all the resources available to it to give the next device a high level of quality.

First place

The olive branch goes to the American company Apple. This season, the company managed to beat its main competitor, Samsung. This was facilitated by the productive work of the company's analytical department. Engineers and designers took into account and corrected all the shortcomings and errors of previous devices, setting an unsurpassed level of quality and convenience for their products.

Unfortunately, Apple devices are not so popular on the Russian market. This is due to the high cost of products in retail sales. Therefore, the average buyer cannot afford such an expensive purchase.

Computers have deeply penetrated every area of ​​our society. This led to the creation of a gigantic computer hardware industry. Among the wide variety of manufacturers, it is easy for the average buyer to get lost. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of technology as seriously as possible.

If you've ever wondered about the best computer manufacturer, you've probably looked for the answer on the Internet. There are quite a few manufacturing brands that produce a wide range of desktops, workstations, laptops and other computer peripherals. However, the main difficulty when choosing a manufacturer is precisely the significance and fame of the brand and the interestingness of their offers.
So, let's look at the list and brief description of the world's most famous computer brands. This short review covers only those manufacturers whose reputation in the computer world has an exceptionally high level. Their quality and reliability, popularity and sales level speak for themselves.


Brand closely associated with Steve Jobs and high level of production. Apple computers known for their quality build, high-tech research and development, and precise adherence to manufacturing technology. Apple successfully produces a wide range of computers, laptops, monitors, Tablet PCs, phones, etc. Apple laptops, thanks to their wide range, are among the best and most beautiful in the world. Of course these are world famous laptop series such as MacBook, iMac or Mac Mini. Along with quality, performance and quietness, Apple pays great attention to the design of its products. For personal use, this brand is the best among laptop manufacturers.
Mac Pro- the most productive model from the line of Apple desktop computers. Crazy performance and excellent stability and reliability. The best choice for serious tasks.


Dell- one of the most dynamic companies in the computer market. The growth rate of profits and sales of this brand’s products has been significantly higher than that of the entire industry for many years. Dell produces a huge number of models of personal PCs, laptops, PDAs, networking equipment, storage devices, servers, and other hardware.
Michael Dell truly turned my dream into reality. Dell's main motto is to put a computer in every home. Dell produces computers and laptops for students, home users, entrepreneurs and corporations. This allows you to equip every home, school, office and any public place with computers.
Dell relies on three aspects: creating computers of exactly the configuration that the customer wants, within the specified time frame, and most importantly, constant service.
Another important feature of the company’s development is the constant race for minimum prices and attracting customers with various bonuses and gifts.


International Business Machines- a giant that at one time produced almost every computer for a home user. IBM creates compact, powerful, fast, quiet computers. The product catalog of this company is so large that you will find a computer in any processor frequency range produced throughout the history of computing. The main idea of ​​the company is to supply a computer to every user. You can easily find countless companies using IBM computers. The company was founded as a creator of computers for the corporate sector, and that's what it still does brilliantly. In addition, competition with IBM and the desire to surpass it served as the main impetus for many start-up companies for their own development. WITH IBM companies that were just starting out competed Apple , DEC, Intel, Microsoft, Compaq and others.

Hewlett-Packard (HP)

HP often associated as a supplier of desktop computers and laptops to corporate clients. In addition, the company does not forget about small offices and home users, producing a huge range of home computers, printers, scanners, and monitors. HP develops and produces a huge series of desktop computers and laptops that can satisfy even the most sophisticated customer requirements. Some HP products are truly innovative, e.g. TouchSmart- a computer with a touch screen, and the famous HP Brio. If you plan to study at your desk at home, then this is one of the best desktop computer brands.


Gateway, now owned by the brand Acer, is a brilliant computer manufacturer. The company's product range includes netbooks, notebooks, PCs and LCD displays. Like Apple, this company is admired for its precision research and development. Gateway Computers can be used by both corporations and consumers.

I hope you find the best computer for you from the best computer brand. And which brand is the best is up to you to decide. Good luck in choosing your computer.

So in Russia, CJSC MCST and OJSC INEUM im. I.S. Bruk" at the 9th International Exhibition "ChipExpo-2011", which takes place in Moscow from November 1 to November 3, 2011 at the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre", demonstrates new processors, personal computers, laptops and other electronics running on microelectronics and processors of our own production.

Computers are intended primarily for: the civil production industry; military departments of Russia, CIS and BRIC; radar systems for civil purposes (sea, air, land transport). For civilians and businesses where it is necessary to install especially secure and reliable computers. Computers have different designs. Different security classes depending on the need. All computers have support or the ability to work with GLONASS and GPS, depending on the needs of the buyer.

In this note, I will try to explain the principles of operation of Russian computers and processors, as well as the areas of application of new products.

So, let’s briefly go through the new products, then we’ll look at the details and features of Russian processors and how to compare them.

Elbrus-2C+ is the first hybrid high-performance microprocessor from MCST. It contains 2 Elbrus architecture cores and 4 Elvis digital signal processor (DSP) cores. The main area of ​​application of the Elbrus-2C+ processor is digital intelligent signal processing systems, such as radars, image analyzers, etc.

Compared to the Elbrus-S processor, the following changes were introduced into the Elbrus-2C+ processor:
- The number of Elbrus architecture cores has been increased to 2.
- Level 2 cache reduced to 1 MB per core.
- Added a cluster of 4 DSP cores operating at the same frequency.
- Supported memory type changed to DDR2-800, bandwidth improved by 60%
- Added one more I/O channel. You can connect an additional KPI south bridge or a specialized device, such as a DAC/ADC controller, to it.
- A C language version of the compiler has been implemented for the hybrid processor, allowing you to compile code for DSP cores and ensure effective interaction between the main program running on the CPU cores and procedures for the DSP.

The latest 4-core microprocessor “MCST R1000” (“MCST-4R” working title)

The MCST-4R chip is a four-core system on a chip with a built-in shared second-level cache, a coherence controller, an input-output channel controller, a system switch and intersystem exchange controllers. The microcircuit is built on the basis of the R-500S system-on-chip previously developed at MCST CJSC

The microcircuit and the MVS4/S, MVS4-RS processor modules developed on its basis are intended for use in high-performance computing systems compatible with the Elbrus-90micro VC for automated control systems, as well as for creating high-performance single-board computers for wearable and embedded applications.

Possible areas of application of the MCST-4R microcircuit and MVS4/S, MVS4-RS modules include:

Wearable small-sized household computers for use as:
a computer for working in the field, in particular for performing operational calculations, storing reference information, preparing documents for various purposes, etc.;
terminal of radio-electronic and communication systems, mobile and portable equipment complexes,
terminal for testing and verification equipment in technical positions, as well as as a device for storing and preparing documents related to the operation of complex complexes and other applications.
Computers for automated operator workstations for use as display tools, documentation of work performed, etc.
Embedded control computers for solving problems of information processing and controlling the operation of special objects in real time
A class of mobile fault-tolerant servers for building automated systems for special purposes, in particular, automated systems of civil and military authorities.

CPU0… CPU3 – four processor cores;

L2 cache – second level cache memory;

CC – coherence controller

MC – DDR2 SDRAM memory controller;

IOCC – input/output channel controller;

ISCC – intersystem communication controllers;

SCom – system switch.

Embedded computers (modules) and finished products based on the MCST R500S microprocessor
The MUP/S module has been developed for industrial applications. The module is made in the Euromechanics format, 3U high, with a CompactPCI bus and has all the necessary components: processor, memory, video adapter, hard drive, external interfaces.

Processor MCST R500S, 500 MHz
DDR memory, 1GB
Video controller of our own design (MGA), 2 independent channels, resolution up to 1600x1200 with 24-bit color. Video buffer 2x8 MB, DVI-I and VGA outputs
Interfaces (external and with output to the rear system connector) USB2.0 (4 channels), PCI (32bit/33MHz), stereo audio, SATA 1.0 (3 channels), GBit Ethernet (2 channels), RS232, PS/2 (2 Kb&M channel)
Power supply 5 V, no more than 20 W
MCST has developed a thin client model with small dimensions and energy consumption
A thin client is a device for inputting and displaying information (terminal/mini computer). Physically, a thin client is a compact and silent computer without a hard drive (and without fans), the main operating system of which loads on the server. All user applications run on the terminal server (application server), but this is completely transparent to the user. Since the entire computing load falls on the server, the thin client has a minimal hardware configuration without any loss of performance.

What are thin clients used for?
Thin clients are used in organizations where most users use computers to perform the same type of tasks: working with databases, information catalogs (shops, pharmacies, libraries), working as bank terminals, etc. External view on the left is a thin client from the Japanese manufacturer NEC on the right of MCST.

Characteristics of the Russian thin client:

2-processor system MCST R500S, 250 MHz
DDR memory, 128MB
Video controller Silicon Motion SM722
Ethernet network 100Mbit
Other interfaces PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse
Power supply 5 V, 7 W

Wearable terminal (secure laptop)
Developed based on the MPY2 module.

Module features:

Low power consumption (27W)
wide operating temperature range
(-20...+50 degrees)
Impact resistance (up to 100g)
Base module MPY2, processor frequency 400 MHz
TFT display 15”, 1024x768
Video controller MGA
External interfaces 2xUSB2.0, 2xRS-232/422, 2xPS/2, Ethernet 100Mb, IEEE 1284.
Integrated devices SSD 8Gb, Wifi 802.11n a/b/g, Glonass/GPS receiver
Battery 3Ah, 16V
Operating system OS "Elbrus" based on Linux or OS "MSVS".
I’ll say right away that the case on the presented model is temporary, this is a test copy of mass-produced Russian computer cases you can see in the photo below. For comparison, on the left is a protective laptop from JSC MCST, and on the right is from Panasonic.

In general, the laptop case can be made in any way, the main thing is that it meets the standards of the consumer’s request. In this case, you need a well-protected and shockproof laptop.

Now let's look at some questions and statements like: not an iPhone at all, somehow not glamorous, where is the place for pens, the frequency of 400-1000 MHz sucks, Krevedko is saddened by the megahertz, finally started, sad, slow, etc...

Of course, this is not an iPhone, I won’t argue here, the processor manufacturer is not China, but Russia. And, I want to note, this is not the first time Russia has made computers and processors! And constantly. Many engineers trained and raised in Russia (USSR) work abroad and develop both software and computers with processors themselves. If we take the well-known Intel Pentium, then there are our, domestic, roots and developments. For example, the well-known Sun, according to B.A. Babayan (former head and developer of Elbrus), Peter Rosenbladt proposed cooperation with HP. But Babayan chose Sun (the first meeting with Sun management took place back in 1989). And in 1991, a contract was signed with Sun. Sun officials know that Elbrus took part in the development of the UltraSPARC microprocessor, optimizing compilers, operating systems (including Solaris), Java tools, and multimedia libraries. The E2k project was originally funded by Sun. Now the project is completely independent, all intellectual property on it belongs to Elbrus and is protected by approximately 70 US patents. B.A. Babayan explains, “If we had continued to work with Sun in this area, then everything would have belonged to Sun. Although 90% of the work was done before Sun appeared. It is a big misconception that JSC MCST is the only one to produce processors in Russia; this is not true at all. Just to name a few manufacturers that produce processors:

SPC "ELVEES" - production of chips and processors, microelectronics. They are used in Russian PCs, access control systems and other small household appliances. They work in conjunction with OJSC ANGSTREM-T to produce chips and microcircuits according to 0.13-micron design standards. Lines are being prepared according to 0.09-μm design standards, under the leadership of Sitronics.

The manufacturer's most famous processor is NVCom-01 (Navicom), which is a programmable three-processor “system on a chip” with a built-in 48-channel GLONASS/GPS navigation function. The microcircuit is designed using 0.13 micron technology based on the MULTICOR IP-core platform, crystal dimensions 8.8 * 9.5 mm*mm, ~60 million transistors. The NVCom-01 microprocessor allows you to replace high-performance DSP processors of foreign manufacture, including ADSP TS201 (ADI) chips, a number of OMAP (TI) series chips, and SiRF Atlas-III (SiRF) navigation chips. Oriented for mass production at the promising domestic microelectronic production of JSC ANGSTREM-T according to 0.13-μm design standards. It is a programmable three-processor “system on a chip” with a built-in 48-channel GLONASS/GPS navigation function. The microcircuit is designed using 0.13 micron technology based on the MULTICOR IP-core platform, crystal dimensions 8.8 * 9.5 mm*mm, ~60 million transistors. The NVCom-01 microprocessor allows you to replace high-performance DSP processors of foreign manufacture, including ADSP TS201 (ADI) chips, a number of OMAP (TI) series chips, and SiRF Atlas-III (SiRF) navigation chips. Oriented for mass production at the promising domestic microelectronic production of JSC ANGSTREM-T according to 0.13-μm design standards.

To be more specific, processors and modular devices based on these processors are recognized in Russia as one of the best. In St. Petersburg, the Multiboard kit received high marks from international experts from ESA, NASA, University of Dundee, Astrium. It was with the use of the kit’s chips that at ISC-2010 the domestic branched SpaceWire network was first demonstrated, provided with the position of the M&T development network Administrator.

Together with specialists from the world's space agencies (ESA, NASA, JAXA), specialists from SPC "ELVEES" and SUAI actively participate in the work of the International Working Group (ESA, Holland) to improve and further develop the SpaceWire standard, including the development of a gigabit version of the new promising standard with galvanic isolation, tentatively called "SpaceFibre".

KB "Korund-M" specializes in the assembly of various electronic modules of computers, processors and chips, including military applications and harsh operating conditions, the design and manufacture of complex, highly reliable electronic devices and computer components. The photo shows a Baguette Super processor for PCs and laptops and a motherboard.

STC "Module" is an enterprise formed in 1990 by military-industrial complex enterprises - NPO "Vympel" and the Research Institute of Radio Instrument Engineering. He is engaged in applied research in the field of pattern recognition and the development of hardware for digital signal and image processing and the construction of functionally complete computing systems on their basis. Developer of the well-known NeuroMatrix series of microprocessors. Embedded computers developed by STC "Module" are used in industrial systems, on-board avionics and space applications. Particularly secure PCs are distributed among departments. In particular, MBC186 is installed on the Zarya module of the International Space Station, as well as on the ISS service module and the Yamal telecommunications satellite.

I would like to note that STC “Module” has granted the German division of Fujitsu (Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH) a license for the NeuroMatrix Core processor core, aimed at use in signal processing systems and the construction of neural networks. It can be used in various multimedia and telecommunications devices (for example, MPEG-4 decoders).
The Fujitsu division has received non-exclusive rights to use NeuroMatrix Core in the EU (patent license for 4 years). The contract amount has not been announced, but such agreements typically cost between $250,000 and $1 million, plus sales royalties.

A representative of Licensintorg noted that the agreement between the Scientific and Technical Center Module and Fujitsu is the first agreement in recent years on the export of a Russian high-tech product in the field of microelectronics, although a lot of agreements on the import of similar technologies have been concluded. In general, I can talk for a long time about Russian manufacturers of processors and chips, but I hope the essence is understood that we were, are and will be in this direction. Now let's talk about the appearance. Many people reproach that computers are cut square, etc. And that the size of the motherboard will only fit on a stretcher and that the computer can only be transported on a tractor. Complete nonsense. For example, in Russia there is a company, ZAO GRANIT-VT, which makes various computers, mostly built-in. Of course, such computers are needed for production, but just look at the photo to see what kind of single-board computer they managed to make.

In the photo, the GRANIT-VT Module VM503 is designed to work as an embedded small-sized on-board PC for automatic and automated control systems for moving objects, industrial control and data acquisition systems, as well as other systems operating in difficult operating conditions... The computer processor is from the manufacturer JSC MCST " Now let's get back to the glamor. Standard housings from the manufacturer for domestic and civil needs from JSC MCST look like this:

Next to the photo is what is built into a regular case. Slots are unified. You can buy any case to your taste, even made of gold and with rhinestones, if someone needs it. The simplest versions of civilian PCs, such as Elbrus, look like this.

Inside is a standard motherboard of familiar sizes. The only thing is that Russian processors do not need water or conventional cooling; you will not see fans on processors. Here's what's inside:

Expansion slots are standard PCI and S-BUS. ATI Rage128 runs on Elbrus-90micro, our processors handle this card with a bang. The HDD and CD-Writer drive are working.

Now about performance and megahertz. Often people do not quite correctly understand the clock frequency, for example 150-200-300-400 or 1000 MHz, on Russian processors, comparing it with foreign analogues. The clock frequency of Russian processors is low - but it is compensated by the “explicitly parallel” architecture (EPIC). Some Russian processors at 300 MHz are on average 1.5 or 2 times faster than Pentium 4/1.4 GHz. Let's start with simple examples and small numbers “my dear millions” (c)…

At one time, STC "Module" processor NM6403 NeuroMatrix core frequency 40 MHz arranged a sparring (test drive as is now fashionable) with an Intel Pentium II processor with a core frequency of 300 MHz, and severely knocked out the latter, the microprocessor created in "Module" is a hybrid so called RISC - a processor with a massively parallel ultra-high-speed computer. The resulting architecture as a result of this “crossing” is ideal for tasks of digital signal processing and neural network modeling. This interaction is the main difference between the Russian development and all world microprocessors; the NeuroMatrix’s bit depth is arbitrary from 1 to 64 bits, which allows the processor to process a larger number of words at the same time - this is exactly the same parallelism in calculations. As a result, the NM6403 can achieve performance that is comparable or even superior to all well-known brands of microprocessors.

An example is the Sobel Transform performance test, which is used in object detection and classification systems. The NM6403 runs it at 68 frames per second. The TMS320C40 processor from the American company Texas Instruments, which has a clock frequency of 50 MHz, performs this conversion at a speed of 6.8 frames per second; an Intel Pentium with a core frequency of 200 MHz performs the same operation at a speed of 21 frames per second. And this despite the fact that the operating frequency of the NeuroMatrix core is only 40 MHz.

Another test is the "Fourier Transform". The Russian processor does the conversion for 256 points in 102 microseconds, the TMS320C40 is four times slower, the Intel Pentium II with a clock frequency of 300 MHz is two times slower.

The reason for such high performance of the NM6403 is that the developers from STC “Module” took the path of improving the architecture, and not along the path of increasing the clock frequency and cache memory capacity. As a result, the processor uses all its resources to the maximum when performing any operation, which allows it to “beat” the speed and performance of the Intel Pentium, which has an eight times higher clock frequency. But these, experts may argue, are synthetic - special laboratory performance tests. If we talk about the vital application of Russian development and its efficiency and speed in work, then imagine such a situation. A video camera with a built-in NM6403 is installed on the Moscow Ring Road and monitors traffic.

At the same time, she is able to instantly recognize the make, color, size and license plate of each of the cars flying past her at great speed in all eight lanes. Moreover, it will not only recognize each individual car, find out whether the driver has undergone a technical inspection or whether the vehicle has been stolen, but will also transmit all the information to the nearest traffic police post. By the way, on the international space station “Alpha”, in the Russian block “Zarya”, an on-board computer complex based on NM6403 NeuroMatrix has already been installed, which interacts perfectly with Western-made computers that are familiar to all.

The chip created on Module can be installed in a regular home computer. But in this case, the result will be a cannon shot at the sparrows. In his opinion, for everyday needs it is difficult to come up with tasks that would justify the need for this chip in a conventional processor. NM6403 is designed for research projects, solving applied problems, encryption and decryption, and processing information received from spacecraft in real time.

In Golitsyn, where the center for processing such information is located, and where its volume per one operator is equal to all the programs of Central Television for a year of continuous operation, the STC “Module” chip is not yet installed. But according to his capabilities, he is able to “shove through” all this and much more additional information. Of course, the processors are outdated, but I gave this example to make it clear that the frequency of our processors can be safely multiplied by 2 or even 3, depending on performance tasks. And then there will be approximately equal performance of processors in terms of gigahertz. Let's take more recent testing, for the State. tests of processors, for example, Elbrus-3M/300 MHz on average exceeds the performance of Pentium II/300 MHz by 1.75 times and is 17% higher than that of Pentium III/450 MHz. In a broader class of tasks, the performance of the Elbrus-3M computer when executing IA-32 codes is comparable to the performance of Pentium II, Pentium III and Pentium IV processors operating in the frequency range 300-1500 MHz. At one of the exhibitions, Elbrus-type computers were presented to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev; in the presence of journalists, programmers, and gamers, the SPEC test was run on the computer; he highly appreciated the performance and compactness of the computers. Regular users happily tested the Windows shell and Microsoft Office on it. Gamers were happy to test their favorite games like Quake, Kerchief, etc... Today, Elbrus-3M runs about 20 operating systems in IA-32, MS-DOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, QNX, Elbrus OS, OS " WSWS", Ubuntu OS, etc. Under the control of these operating systems, about a thousand applications run on the Elbrus-3M platform, including computer games, programs from the Microsoft Office package, videos, data compression programs, and external device drivers. All this indicates the reliability and completeness of the binary translation system and its competitiveness. Do not forget that Western analogues of x86 processors have reached their performance limit and are shifting the processor frequency higher for commercial use. Performance does not increase as much as they would like + huge heat generation, and as a result, the need for powerful cooling coolers or water cooling of processors. What looks energy-consuming, dangerous, inconvenient. New Russian processors, such as the six-core Elbrus-2C+ processor with a clock frequency of 500 MHz and the four-core MCST-4R processor with a clock frequency of 1000 MHz, do not need such cooling. And if you want to express your opinion about their performance, then, as I already wrote to you above, the processor frequency must be multiplied by 2-4 times, depending on the task assigned to the PC with its processor. And only then will you approximately reach the frequency figure of our processor, measuring it in the frequencies of foreign analogues. Moreover, Russian manufacturers of processors and Elbrus-type computers of the same name are developing not only multi-core processors, but also multiprocessor ones. In the photo below you can see a motherboard with four domestic processors at once.

Such computer boards were supplied to us in the south, to OJSC Taganrog Plant Priboi. They are made to meet the requirements for harsh operating conditions. Used to create navigation devices for transport and the military. The MBC/C processor module contains four dual-core R-500S microprocessors, thus representing a single-board 4-machine system with a total of eight processors. It is also available in the MVS/S-K version with conductive cooling.

The plant is the fourth organization that uses modules of this type in the radio systems being developed. In general, I can talk about computers of these families for a long time and tediously... The main idea is that processors and computers have been made, are being made, and will be made by us. “National Unity Day” is approaching, I would like to congratulate all visitors to our portal on this holiday. And happy holiday to those who make and develop Russian microelectronics.
