Nutmeg pumpkin, description of pearl and vitamin varieties. Health benefits of butternut squash or butternut squash

Pumpkin is a useful and beautiful garden crop. Fruits contain many useful substances, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fiber. There are several varieties of vegetables grown in garden beds. Today we will talk about the description of nutmeg pumpkin, the sweetest and most delicious. Let's compare its two varieties: Vitamin and Pearl.

Plants form vines of considerable length - up to 6 meters, on which fruits are set, usually 2-3. Plant 2-3 seeds per hole, planting them to a depth of 10 centimeters, or seedlings. In the middle zone it is guaranteed to ripen if grown in seedlings. This culture loves sun and warmth. It is recommended to arrange the plantings in rows.

The best soil for this pumpkin is light loamy and sandy loam.

Care includes pinching side branches and the main stem. It also requires a full range of agrotechnical measures, consisting of watering, loosening, weeding, and regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizer. The harvest is harvested in September-October. The harvest must be harvested before the first frost.

Vitamin pumpkin close-up

Vitamin Pumpkin is a late-ripening variety. Large, slightly ribbed, slightly elongated fruits ripen approximately 130 days after planting. The size of the fruit reaches a weight of 7 kilograms, and 5-kilogram specimens are common. The fruits are characterized by satisfactory keeping quality and transportability.

The light orange or yellowish thin bark hides the crunchy flesh of a dense but tender texture of rich orange color. The layer of fibrous pulp under the crust reaches 10 centimeters. Ripe fruits contain large quantities of carotene and sugar, and therefore they are used in baby food and therapeutic diets. Juice, puree, baked goods, and other vitamin-rich dishes are prepared from the pulp. High taste qualities allow the pulp to be consumed raw.

Description and characteristics of the Zhemchuzhina variety

The plants are distinguished by their powerful growth, each producing up to 6 shoots, each of which produces a fruit. The weight of oval-cylindrical fruits can reach 6, sometimes 8 kilograms, but not less than 3 kilograms.

The bark is smooth, thin, orange in color. Beneath it is a thick layer of dark orange pulp. A small seed nest is formed in the upper third of the fruit, the rest of the space is occupied by pulp.

The dense fibrous pulp contains a lot of sugars and carotene, which is beneficial for growth and vision.

Close-up view of pearl pumpkin

The cultivation technology is the same as for other nutmeg pumpkins. The only note is that in view of the formation of a powerful bush, it is recommended to leave a space between plants of at least 60 cm. It tolerates a decrease in temperature well. The harvest ripens in 100-120 days - this is a mid-season variety.

Pumpkin stores well and even improves its taste during ripening, although after six months of storage the quality of the fruit begins to deteriorate. From the pulp, rich in carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins and beneficial micro and macroelements, dishes are prepared for baby food, delicious low-calorie diet meals and drinks.

Comparison of two varieties of butternut squash

To compare two varieties - Vitaminnaya and Zhemchuzhina - we will draw up a visual table

Butternut squash variety Vitamin Pearl
Appearance of the plant Long lashes up to 6 m Several lashes
Preferred soils Light loamy and sandy loam
Temperature Heat-loving Heat-loving
Planting methods Seeds in holes, seedlings Seeds in holes, seedlings
Number of fruits per plant 2-3 Until 6
Ripening time 125-130 days, late ripening 100-120 days, mid-season
Fruit shape Slightly elongated, slightly ribbed Oval, smooth
Fetal weight 5-7 kg 3-6 kg, sometimes up to 8 kg
Bark color Light orange, yellowish Orange
Bark thickness Thin Thin
Flesh color Rich orange Dark orange
Pulp consistency Dense tender crispy fibrous
Sugar content High High
Carotene content High High
Keeping quality and transportability Satisfactory Good
Recommendations for use Baby food, therapeutic diets. For making juices, purees, baking. Can be consumed raw. Baby food, therapeutic diets. For making juices, purees, baking.

A comparison of Vitamin and Pearl nutmeg pumpkins did not reveal a striking advantage of one type over the other. If Zhemchuzhina ripens a little earlier, Vitaminnaya has a slightly better taste. The pearl is stored better and longer.

As for yield and transportability, these indicators are almost the same for both varieties. Plants of both varieties require the same growing and care conditions and are heat-loving. Only the shape of the fruit and its size differ.

Butternut squash is distinguished by juicy, fibrous, orange-colored pulp with a characteristic pleasant flavor accent. Among pumpkin crops Musk varieties are characterized by a particularly high level of sugar content. Thanks to these undoubted advantages, nutmeg pumpkin has gained popularity among gardeners.

The shape of the fruit can be very different, reaching large sizes, but the taste of the fruit invariably remains at its best. Both Vitamin Musk Pumpkin and Pearl can be successfully grown, both for personal consumption and for sale.

A large variety of musk varieties makes it difficult to choose, and therefore the analysis of the features and advantages carried out in this article, comparing them with each other, will allow you to decide for the new season.

Perhaps Cinderella's carriage was transformed by the butternut squash fairy. Although the homeland of this amazing fruit is on a different continent than France. Hot soil South America became a stepfather's home for the orange beauty. But everything happens in fairy tales. Possessing magical properties and taste, nutmeg pumpkin has long won its place in the dinner and festive table. So, let's find out more about this product.

A look from the inside

Butternut squash is an excellent material not only for fabulous transport. On Halloween, it gives great opportunities for designing festive lantern faces. However, the main advantages are considered to be her “inner world”. The pulp is juicy, sweet, and has dietary properties. The body easily and happily absorbs pumpkin.

Many dishes are prepared from the fruit, which become favorites of discerning gourmets not only for their taste, but also for their low calorie content. There are not more than 31 units in 100 grams.

Benefits and harms

Butternut squash is rich in vitamins. There are different varieties, but regardless of the type, the fruits contain necessary for a person pectins, mineral salts (phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, manganese, copper). In terms of the presence of carotene, pumpkin is many times superior to the more familiar carrots. For those who attack accumulated fat folds, excess weight, dishes from the orange beauty will be a real salvation.

It is recommended to include pumpkin in the diet of pregnant women. People who are prone to “matters of the heart” will benefit from consuming this valuable product. They claim that nutmeg pumpkin helps reduce the risk of strokes and arrhythmias. Oncology is also included in the list of diseases for which fruit consumption is recommended.

Additional valuable bonuses are a general strengthening effect on the immune system, a beneficial effect on the condition of kidney ailments and liver disease. In addition, pumpkin has laxative and choleretic properties.


Nutmeg usually has a pear shape. Some compare her graceful figure to an hourglass. But this is far from the only option appearance sweet beauty.

Today, nutmeg pumpkin is also grown on Russian lands. We will now list the varieties that can most often be found among domestic farmers. This:

  • nutmeg pumpkin “Pearl” of cylindrical shape. Weight can reach 7.5 kg. Has a delicate interior;
  • nutmeg pumpkin “Vitaminnaya”, elongated shape, weight up to 7 kg with crispy pulp;
  • Muscat pumpkin “Prikubanskaya”, small, reaches only 4 kg, the flesh is sweet and tender.

Other varieties are also suitable for the non-black earth zone. For example, “Marble” pumpkin, the average weight of which is 5 kg. It is distinguished by a spotted, grayish crust covered with tubercles. It is traditionally orange inside and very sweet. Fruits can be stored for up to 9 months.

Arbatskaya pumpkin can reach a weight of 20 kg. Its cylindrical shape thickens towards the apex. The peel is very bright, golden-orange. It is considered one of the late varieties. It outstrips the “Delicacy” pumpkin in terms of ripeness. Outwardly, it resembles a sports dumbbell. Unlike other types, this fruit has very few seeds inside. The Golden Pear variety is compared to a small drop. Possessing a modest weight, up to 2 kg, it tastes slightly nutty.

Numerous varieties of butternut squash are grown by Russian farmers today. Its high popularity is explained not only by its valuable qualities, nutritional properties, and excellent taste. Butternut squash can be stored for a long time without requiring particularly sophisticated conditions. Therefore, dishes prepared from this fruit can be seen on the table in any season, even the coldest.

Dishes and recipes

What to cook with butternut squash? Experienced cooks will immediately name a dozen dishes. Porridge, soup, cutlets, side dishes. There are many options for stuffing the fruit. Pumpkin is added to baked goods, sauces, and creams.

For any celebration you can prepare a hearty festive dish. Butternut squash will also help surprise guests. There are many dishes made from this product. For example, baked fruit with filling.

Recipe for baked butternut squash with vegetables and minced meat

For cooking you will need a medium-sized fruit. In the list of ingredients:

  • cheese - 30-50 grams;
  • minced meat (preferably pork and beef) - 100-150 grams;
  • bell pepper - 30-50 grams;
  • medium zucchini - 1 piece;
  • leeks - 30-50 grams;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • oil (preferably olive) - 30-50 milliliters;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • thyme - 3 grams;
  • salt, red and black pepper to taste.

Cooking process

If the oven is an old model, it is better to preheat it in advance. The required temperature is 170 degrees.

The first step is to prepare the pumpkin. To do this you need to cut it lengthwise. The pear-shaped nutmeg has a depression at the top where the seeds are placed. They should be removed along with the connecting fibers. The result should look like two boats.

The next step is processing the pumpkin pulp. Notches are applied to the surface using a mesh. The cuts should not damage the peel, but they must be made deep enough.

A marinade is a must for this dish. It contains thyme, ground red and black pepper, and olive oil. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Pre-crush the garlic, you can pass it through a crush and grater. Beat the resulting mass thoroughly with a fork, whisk or mixer.

Using a brush or feather, the marinade is applied to the cut surface of the pumpkin. The poured halves should be allowed to stand for a while so that the dressing seeps into the notches, saturating the pulp.

Pumpkin blanks treated with marinade should be placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment or in a special container with a heat-resistant surface. The halves are loaded into a hot oven. Baking time is from 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the workpieces.

While the main dressing for the dish is being prepared. Sweet pepper is cut into small cubes. Zucchini is processed in the same way. If it is young and has thin skin, then it is not necessary to peel it. A more mature fruit should be peeled and the seeds removed. Cheese of curd consistency is cut into cubes. Set aside a little for decoration. The main part goes into the filling. Leeks are cut into rings of medium thickness.

Spices and salt are added to the minced meat and everything is thoroughly mixed. For satiety, you can use boiled rice.

The frying pan is heating up on the fire. On vegetable oil The vegetable part of the filling is fried until the onions acquire a golden hue, then add salt. After this, minced meat is added to it. Remains on low heat until done. Cheese is added to the filling. Stir the mixture over the fire until it melts.

Dishes made from nutmeg pumpkin are particularly juicy. Baked halves, taken out of the oven, also give juice, which is better not to pour out of the boats. Then the pulp will become even more tender and richer.

The filling is placed in heaped depressions. And the halves go back into the oven. Residence time 10-15 minutes. Then the blanks are pulled out again, and the remaining cheese is laid out on top. Final stage- 7-10 minutes of baking (until the cheese melts).

The finished halves are sprinkled with herbs and served on a large platter. Baked pumpkin will become a royal treat and table decoration! It looks delicious and tastes very juicy. The main thing is satisfying.

Gourmets know how many first courses can be decorated with nutmeg pumpkin. Recipes are improved almost daily, each chef brings something different. We will consider one of the main ones below.

Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

It will take only about an hour to prepare the first orange dish. Ingredients for one medium pumpkin or 4 servings:

  • chicken broth - half a liter;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • spices and salt are added to taste.


We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds. Then cut into medium size cubes. We process potatoes in the same way. Finely chop the celery, carrots and onions.

To prepare the soup you will need a large saucepan. The butter is melted directly in it. Add chopped onion, celery, fry carrots, add potato and pumpkin cubes. Simmer for five minutes until lightly browned.

Pour in the broth until the liquid completely covers the vegetable mass. After the broth has boiled, turn the heat down and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 35-40 minutes.

Cool the soup slightly. Pour into a blender and puree until smooth. Pour into the pan again, pour out the remaining broth, and put on fire for a few minutes. Add salt and spices to taste. Serve with greens.

If you discard thoughts about the benefits, and first of all emphasize the taste benefits, then you should pay attention to desserts that use nutmeg pumpkin. Recipes for making puree, jelly, even cakes from orange beauty should be kept in every housewife's culinary notebook.

with raisins

One small butternut squash can make six servings of this dessert. Ingredients are indicated per one:

  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  • cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • raisins, nuts to taste.

How to cook?

Pumpkin is baked in the oven. The pulp is placed in a bowl. Here it is mixed with a blender with sugar, butter, cream and salt. The resulting puree is poured into molds, raisins and nuts are added.


Now you know what nutmeg pumpkin is, we have told you the recipes for preparing this product. We hope you enjoy these delicious and healthy dishes. Orange mood to you!

The graceful beauty of butternut squash, or butternut squash, with its unusual shape, slightly reminiscent of an hourglass, can be an excellent addition to your diet. It is valued for the sweetish, nutty taste of its pale yellow, nutritious pulp and numerous beneficial properties. In Australia and New Zealand it is known as the “nut squash”, but the American Indians many centuries ago called it the “apple of God”.

Almost all parts of the plant are edible: fruits, leaves, flowers and seeds.

Butternut squash is surprisingly low in calories, has no cholesterol or saturated fat, and is high in fiber, protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. That's why many nutritionists advise their clients to eat butternut squash dishes to combat excess weight and high cholesterol.

  1. Vitamin profile: A, C, E, B6, K, folic acid, thiamine and niacin.
  2. Mineral profile: calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

Butternut squash is also high in flavonoids (bioactive plant compounds) such as α- and β-carotenes, lutein, and cryptoxanthin-β.

What benefits can you get?

  1. An excellent nutritional product for pregnant women. Butternut squash supports maternal and fetal health through its exceptional nutritional value and high concentration of folic acid.
  2. Combats symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as mood swings and abdominal cramps, due to the presence of high doses of magnesium, a mineral that maintains hormonal balance in the female body.
  3. The digestive benefits of nutmeg pumpkin are associated with the presence of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in its pulp, which improves intestinal motility, promotes the proliferation of beneficial microflora and removes toxins from the body.
  4. Reduces risk cardiovascular diseases, as it contains high levels of magnesium, which minimizes the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and potassium, which fights high blood pressure. But that's not all: vitamin C and beta-carotene prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and its deposition on the walls of the arteries: excellent protection against atherosclerosis. And folic acid in butternut squash is involved in the breakdown of homocysteine, an amino acid high level which in the blood can lead to a heart attack.
  5. Butternut pumpkin in the treatment of cancer, like many other products of plant origin, resists cancer thanks to its pulp, saturated with powerful antioxidants. Scientists know for certain that beta-carotene reduces the risk of developing lung and breast cancer.
  6. Strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and flu thanks to a complex of natural vitamins: C and beta-carotene. Add to this the plant polysaccharides of butternut squash, which, according to the latest scientific data, have antibacterial properties, and you get powerful protection against infections. And you can always get additional zinc, which is necessary to improve immunity, from baked or fried pumpkin seeds.
  7. Good for eyesight. Replenishes vitamin A deficiency in the body due to the high concentration of beta-carotene, protects against a whole range of eye diseases. and as part of this product they fight cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  8. To strengthen bones, it is important to ensure not only a constant flow of calcium and phosphorus into the body, but also manganese, a mineral necessary for the absorption of calcium. These micronutrients increase bone mineral density and are all present in cantaloupe. Meanwhile, vitamin C allows the human body to produce more collagen to build healthy bone tissue, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis.
  9. A healthy prostate in men is another reason to include butternut squash in your family's diet. No wonder the extract obtained from this food crop is a popular herbal remedy for combating benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

Cosmetic benefits

I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to have healthy skin and beautiful shiny hair. Butternut squash is ready to come to the rescue here too, because it is rich in provitamin A, vitamins C and E. These compounds prevent premature aging and maintain the natural level of acidity (pH) - a natural barrier against acne and skin infections.

With regular consumption of this variety of pumpkin, you will no longer be afraid of early wrinkles and age-related pigmentation.

Among the beneficial properties of nutmeg pumpkin, there is one related to the beauty and health of hair. The biologically active substances of this product promote hair growth, protect it from fragility, strengthen follicles, get rid of dandruff, prevent the appearance of split ends, soften and nourish an overly dry scalp.

To enhance the positive effect, use our tips for making homemade pumpkin cosmetics.

For weight loss

For those trying to lose weight, butternut squash will be a delight. This is one of the most delicious low calorie foods with a good dietary reputation and high fiber content, stopping a rumbling stomach and hungry impulses to rummage through the refrigerator. Protect your body from overeating.

Choose heavy fruits with flawless, matte skin that produce a subtle “woody” sound when tapped. A shiny, glossy appearance indicates immaturity - such a pumpkin will not be sweet and pleasant to the taste.

Whole butternut squash should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area for up to 3 months. When cut, to maintain freshness, it should be wrapped in paper or cotton cloth and placed in the refrigerator, but for no more than a week.

Butternut squash offers a lot of options for culinary experiments. It can be baked, steamed and stewed, pureed for soup, ravioli or risotto, prepared as custard, added to pies, pancakes and muffins.

The variety of pumpkin that is least often found in gardens middle zone and in Siberia - nutmeg pumpkin. The reason is simple - all muscat varieties are late-ripening and love warmth very much.

Most gardeners are afraid that nutmeg pumpkin varieties will not ripen during the short summer. The fears are justified, but it can be grown in seedlings. The result will please you, because nutmeg pumpkin is the queen of taste and a storehouse of nutrients.

Butternut squash – annual cultivated plant native to South America. The beginning of flowering is June. Large flowers are arranged singly or in bunches.

The fruits are large. The shape depends on the variety. An elongated, oval shape is common; spherical varieties are also found. A lot of seeds are produced, they make up 10% of the total weight of the fruit. The seeds are yellow-white on the outside and grey-green on the inside. The seeds taste oily and sweetish.

The pulp is aromatic, juicy, tasty and very healthy. It contains many substances beneficial to the human body, such as:

  1. Sugar.
  2. Carotene.
  3. Vitamin C.
  4. A nicotinic acid.
  5. Vitamins B1, B2.

You need to know the characteristics of nutmeg pumpkins. This late date fruit ripening. Marketable ripeness occurs four months after emergence. TO characteristic feature This may also include the absence of bush varieties. All varieties are climbing.

The benefits of growing butternut squash are tangible. The fruits are very shelf-stable and can be stored for a whole year without spoiling. Whole year You can eat dietary pulp if you are not lazy and plant nutmeg pumpkin in your garden. It is especially useful to consume this type of pumpkin for people with eye and stomach problems. Pumpkin seeds are a proven remedy for helminths.

Common varieties

A lot has been withdrawn interesting varieties. A brief acquaintance with the most popular varieties will help you make the right choice.

Let's consider only proven varieties:

  1. Muscat.
  2. Vitamin.
  3. Marble.
  4. Candied.
  5. A pearl.
  6. Prikubanskaya.
  7. Palav Kadu.
  8. Muscat de Provence.
  9. Arabatskaya.


The variety is late-ripening, long-climbing. The fruits in a state of technical ripeness are covered with an orange peel and weigh almost 7 kg. The fruit has an elongated shape, expanding towards the end.

The orange pulp has a dense structure and is juicy. Not many seeds are produced. It is better to grow this variety in seedlings.


The fruits are ribbed at the stalk, elongated (short-oval, short-cylindrical), with a dark green peel covered with orange spots over the entire area of ​​the fruit. The average fruit weight is 7 kg.

The pulp is very thick (10 cm), bright orange, juicy. The main purpose is to produce juices and purees from the pulp. This is an ideal vegetable for baby food. The variety is moderately susceptible to anthracnose and may suffer from powdery mildew.


Marbled pumpkin stores well and ripens by the end of summer. The stated period before harvesting is 125 days. The fruits have round shape flattened on top and bottom. Pronounced ribbing is visible. The peel is dark gray with a greenish tint, there is spotting.

The weight of large pumpkins can reach 10 kg; smaller ones weighing 6.7 kg are more common. The fruits are stored for a long time, maintaining their presentation. The pulp is good to freeze; it is usually used to make pumpkin puree and delicious porridges.


A medium-late variety in which commercial ripeness occurs in 150 days. The color of an unripe pumpkin is green, but as it ripens, the peel changes color and in a state of commercial ripeness, the peel of Tsukatnaya becomes light brown, and the flesh becomes Orange color. The fruits are medium in size, round, slightly flattened in shape.


The Pearl fruits ripen at the end of summer. They have an oblong (cylindrical or pear-shaped) shape with slight ribbing. The fruits are covered with a dark gray or grayish-green peel. The largest specimens weigh at least 7 kg. But usually the fruits are smaller and their weight ranges from 3 to 6 kg. The pulp has a rich orange color and is bright. The taste is sweet and harmonious. The pulp is very juicy.

It is necessary to carefully collect the fruits and transport them, avoiding damage to the peel. With this approach they can be stored for a long time. Pumpkin is very demanding of heat and tolerates drought well. Yields are consistently high. Pearl is recommended for the production of baby and dietary food.


The variety is interesting for its early ripening. You can use pumpkin for preparing various dishes after 100 days. The pulp has a beautiful orange-red color and will delight you with its delicate taste any gourmet. The fruits are quite small, usually weighing 2 kg, less often 3 kg.

Prikubanskaya pumpkin is convenient to use in home cooking. Thin peel that is easy to cut, and small sizes fruits make the Prikubanskaya pumpkin very convenient to use.

Palav Kadu

This variety is very popular in India. There, the fruits of Palav Kadu are used for medicinal purposes. A medicine for tuberculosis patients is prepared from the aqueous extract. Here Palav Kadu is grown for preparing various healthy dishes and juices. Large fruits can weigh more than 10 kg. The pulp has a beautiful bright orange color and contains a lot of juice. It has a good dessert taste. The fruits do not have good keeping quality. They cannot be stored for long. They last no more than 4 months.

Muscat de Provence

Mid-late Muscat de Provence pumpkin ripens at 110-115 days. The fruits formed are not large, round, with grooves. Average weight 3-4 kg. The pulp is orange, juicy, sweet, and contains a lot of carotene and sugars. Used in cooking. Most gardeners know this variety under a different name - “Muscat Provençal”.

Pumpkin tolerates transportation well. Keeping quality is excellent. Pumpkin owes its good taste to French breeders. Chemical composition pulp makes it a valuable food product for people with stomach diseases.


This variety has interestingly shaped fruits. They have an elongated shape with a thickening at one edge. The peel is a beautiful golden-orange color. The fruits ripen late.

Arabat pumpkin is one of the latest varieties to harvest and the largest-fruited - 20 kg weigh the most large fruits. The fruits have good shelf life provided that the pumpkin fruit did not receive mechanical damage when storing it.


Butternut squash – perfect option for winter consumption. The fruits of this species do not lose their taste during storage. The pulp retains its density, juiciness, and nutritional value throughout the year.

For beginning gardeners, we can recommend three varieties: Zhemchuzhina, Prikubanskaya, and Vitaminnaya. These varieties require the least amount of care.

What advice do you have for beginning gardeners?

And we also have

Representatives of the Pumpkin family - valuable plants, widely used in cooking. The Muscat Pearl variety is distinguished by its excellent taste and juicy, aromatic pulp.

Pumpkin Nutmeg pearl: varietal features

A very heat-loving crop. Habitat nutmeg pumpkin grows in Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Central America. The Muscat Pearl variety belongs to the mid-late variety. The fruit is a false berry. Maturing, changes gray-green color to orange-greenish. It is completely ready for consumption 115-130 days after germination.

The average pumpkin length is 45-50 cm, weight is 5-7 kg.

The shape is cylindrical. The flexible peel is quite thin. The seeds are compactly located in a small seed chamber. Certain conditions are necessary for normal pollination and fruit set. The air should warm up to 200C. Air humidity – 60-70%.

Crispy, dense pulp with a high concentration of carotene has a rich orange hue. Sweet lovers will love it. Its texture is very delicate. Nutmeg pearl pumpkin is a powerful plant with 4-7 lateral vines. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green, with faint white spots. They are pentagonal, undissected.

The variety can withstand significant temperature drops and other unfavorable factors. It has high productivity.

Harvesting is done in sunny, dry weather. You can’t break off the ponytails all the way to the base. Leave 5-10 cm of their length. If weather allow, it is recommended to keep the fruits in the sun for 3-4 days.

Ripe berries do not spoil during long-term transportation. They are stored for quite a long time in appropriate conditions (dry, warm). In the basement or cellar they will become covered with mold and rot will appear. If the fruit sits for more than 6 months, its quality will noticeably deteriorate. Muscat pearl is a variety valued for its yield and high concentration of carotene.

To make the plant happy big amount fruits, you will have to allocate the sunniest and warmest area for it. It must be protected from the wind. The ideal soil is sandy loam and light loam.

Seeds are sown in the ground starting at the end of May. The deadline is early June.

Agricultural technology:

  1. Soak the planting material in an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (500 mg per 1 l). You can use zinc sulfate or a growth regulator. The procedure is carried out immediately before planting.
  2. After 18-20 hours, rinse the seeds clean water and dry.
  3. Treat the planting material with a contact fungicide. This is the prevention of root rot, fusarium, and downy mildew.
  4. Prepare the wells. The distance between rows should be 1.4 m, between pumpkins in a row at least 1-1.4 m.
  5. Place 2 seeds in each hole to a depth of 5-6 cm.
  6. They begin to work when the threat of a strong drop in temperature has passed. Seeds will begin to germinate in soil that has warmed up to 130C. Active development will begin when the soil temperature rises to 18-250C.

They are thinned out. The strongest plant is left. The germination process can be accelerated. To do this, planting material is placed in a damp cloth for three days. If the nights are cold, it is advisable to hide the holes under empty light plastic bottles or film.

In order for Nutmeg Pearl pumpkin seedlings to appear as quickly as possible, you need to choose the right time for planting and prepare seeds.

Proper care of the crop will ensure good growth and abundant fruiting. In a tropical plant, the leaves develop faster than the berries. In cold summers, you need to trim the stems, leaving no more than three. When the stem length reaches 0.5 m, the top of the plant is cut off. These actions stimulate the growth of side shoots.

The internodes of the branching pumpkin are sprinkled wet soil. They do this 2-3 times per season. Thus, more adventitious roots develop: the influx of nutrients increases, the vegetative part is actively formed, and fruits are formed. It is believed that pumpkin is not afraid of drought because it has a strong rhizome. But she will like irrigation.

Water the plant at the root. It is especially important to water it during the period of formation of inflorescences, setting of berries, and flowering.

After the bulk of the fruit has set, watering is reduced. If this is not done, excess liquid will degrade the quality. ripe pumpkins. Feeding the plant mineral fertilizers. Not onerous, but proper care for pumpkin, a nutmeg pearl will allow you to get a high harvest.

Pumpkin fruits and seeds contain a large number of substances that have a positive effect on health and are simply necessary in the daily diet. The following were found in their composition:

  • Beta carotene
  • Calcium
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Pectins
  • Cellulose
  • Iron
  • Acids (palmetic, steoric, linoleic, oleic)
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Vitamins E, B
  • Sugar

IN planting material there are more than 50% quality oil, which is in no way inferior to traditional vegetable or olive. This substance is valuable culinary ingredient, a component of drugs. Unlike butter, it completely lacks compounds harmful to humans.

Regular consumption of pumpkin will allow you to:

  1. Prevent diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. Vegetable juice can dissolve kidney and bladder stones.
  2. Get rid of anemia.
  3. Prevent the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer.
  4. Improve metabolism.
  5. Remove toxins and cholesterol. The substances in pumpkin remove bacteria and heavy metal salts from the body.
  6. Get things going gastrointestinal tract, speed up the healing of ulcers. This is a valuable dietary product.
  7. Relieve inflammatory processes in the liver and prostate gland.

Pumpkin is delicious stewed, baked, boiled and even raw. For medicinal purposes, juice is extracted from it and the stems are boiled. Drinking juice will relieve gout and help cope with diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder. The recommended dose is 1/3 glass of fresh liquid several times a day. A decoction of shoots is an effective diuretic.

Pumpkin is a treasure trove useful vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body.

Fans of pumpkin dishes say that the Muscat Pearl variety is one of the most delicious. Anyone can grow this useful product and enjoy dishes made from it.

More information about pumpkin can be found in the video.
