Installation of lining with your own hands - covering the walls and ceiling with wooden lining. How to cover walls with clapboard inside a house: choice of material and finishing options Options for interior finishing with clapboard for a wooden house

The only logical option for finishing a log frame or timber house– wood paneling. Of course, the walls of the bathroom and toilet can be partially or completely tiled, and an apron can be made of tiles at the sink and stove of the kitchen working triangle, but no more. All other surfaces must correspond to the general style. And the most common way is to decorate the walls with clapboard in a wooden house. The installation itself does not take much time, and the choice of wood species and panel profiles is very large.

The interior decoration of a wooden house with clapboard organically fits into the rustic style

Grade of lining

Under the general name “lining” in the catalogs of manufacturers and sellers there are at least a dozen varieties of wooden cladding boards. And since there is no single standard, and each domestic manufacturer works according to their own technical specifications, then they all differ from each other in size and profile type. Even in determining the grade of lining based on the quality of the wood and the cleanliness of the surface treatment, there are certain “liberties” of interpretation.

Important! It is necessary to determine which lining is better for interior decoration of a house only based on their own ideas about classes and quality. “Premium” or “extra” is from the evil one. Sellers are simply trying to attract buyers with such big names.

According to the “old” domestic GOST (for profile parts made of wood) there are two grades. They conventionally divide products into “transparent” and “opaque” coatings. Essentially, there are two grades - I and II.

Eurolining (which was not necessarily brought from Europe) must comply with the European standard DIN 68126, and there are three grades - A, B, C.

The prefix “euro” does not mean high quality – there is also a second grade here

Selection of lining

Conventionally, the entire range of linings can be divided into four large classes:

    Domestic profiles. The simplest one is a quarter board. It is rarely used, since there is no convenient “tenon-to-groove” connection. The more common profiles are “standard” and “collective farmer” (“calm”). In the first case, the bevels at the ends of the front panel are standard (at an angle of 45°), in the second - rounded.

    Eurolining. It is distinguished by a deeper groove and the presence of a “shelf” in front of the elongated tenon. There are also two design options: standard eurolining has beveled chamfers along the front surface, “soft line” – rounded.

    Imitation of timber. By the type of profile, this is a typical “standard” lining, but only more powerful. And although there is overlap at the edges of the size ranges, the difference lies in the purpose. Imitation of timber is used when, when finishing, it is necessary to preserve the style of a “timber” house. Therefore, this type of panels is installed mainly horizontally (and the lining is often installed vertically).

The imitation timber is wider, and it completely replicates the laying of its “full-length” counterpart

    Block house. The scope of application is the same as that of imitation timber. But in this case, the front surface of the panel has an oval profile, which, when installed, repeats the relief of the wall made of rounded logs. For interior decoration, the thinnest panels are chosen. They are mounted exclusively horizontally.

If the finishing of the facade is mainly done using lining made from coniferous species wood, then the choice for the interior is much wider. In addition to the “popular” pine or larch, you can find offers for the sale of lining made of cedar, oak, linden, ash and even exotic overseas species.

For living rooms There are no restrictions on operating conditions and humidity conditions. The only room where high humidity and “wet” conditions are dangerous for wood is the bathroom. In this case, it is better to use factory-treated lining - the usual technology of “painting” with antiseptics only protects upper layer, and vacuum impregnation in a factory makes the wood in the “mass” invulnerable to moisture and fungal damage, including from the underside surface. Another modern option for “factory” protection is heat treatment of panels.

Good to know! Impregnation is one of the most effective methods impregnation, since during the impregnation process air is removed from the pores of the wood, and an antiseptic solution is “pushed” into its place under pressure.

There are also such types of lining profiles as “land house”, finca and a whole subspecies “ wooden wallpaper", differ from conventional lining and eurolining in the complex relief of the front surface. These are decorative wooden panels that are used in doses - for finishing small areas.

The “brick” lining has a relief similar to brickwork

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.


Finishing with clapboards inside a house can be divided into several main stages: preparation, installation of sheathing, fastening of panels, installation of additional profiles.

Preparation and installation of sheathing

Cladding interior walls of a wooden house occurs along the lathing. And this is one of the few possibilities for hidden installation electrical networks. Of course, you can stretch cables and wires under the floor surface or in the attic along the ceiling, but the vertical sections to sockets and switches must be pulled along the walls. And this is not brick or construction concrete blocks- already in a log or beam standing house It is very difficult to cut a channel, especially considering the constant “breathing” of a wooden house.

And here the main thing is to correctly lay the cables and install the socket boxes. The peculiarity of a wooden house is that all power circuit cables are hidden wiring on a combustible basis must pass in metal pipes(steel or copper). These are the requirements of the PUE. And the wall thickness should ensure cable localization when short circuit– the walls of the pipe should not “burn out” from the arc. Therefore, neither plastic nor metal corrugation is suitable here.

As an alternative to hidden wiring under the lining - retro style with open wiring on ceramic insulators

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house insulation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

The first stage of preparatory work is pipe laying, installation metal boxes for sockets and switches. And based on the diameter of the pipe and the height of the boxes, the cross-section of the timber for the sheathing is selected.

The lining must be delivered in advance so that the wood can adapt to operating conditions. Usually they are kept for several days, even if the wood is seasoned and has its own normalized moisture content.

Necessarily! If the lining is packed, then it must be unpacked.

During this time, the timber for the sheathing must be treated with an antiseptic.

The next stage is marking for the sheathing. The lining is usually mounted vertically, and the house block and imitation timber are installed horizontally. The sheathing is made perpendicular to the panels.

Combined wall decoration with clapboard in a wooden house

Note! Sometimes the lining is laid diagonally. In this case, the sheathing can also be made vertical, but with a smaller step.

The spacing of the sheathing timber depends on the thickness of the panels - the thicker it is, the wider the pitch. The recommended layout range is 50-80 cm. And the specific value is chosen so that from corner to corner the sheathing bars stand at approximately the same distance.

Video description

Laconic and accessible about the three main mistakes preparatory stage explained in the following video:

Installation of lining

Decorating the house with clapboards in each room begins from the corner, which is “in plain sight.” At this point, both walls should converge equal, and preferably intact, panels. But if the trim ends in a very narrow strip at the other corner, it will look unattractive. Therefore, before starting installation, it is necessary to calculate the number of whole panels and the width of the “remainder”. If it turns out to be narrow, then installation should begin with a trimmed panel.

Along the perimeter of the plane to be sheathed, small gaps should be left to the adjacent surfaces

The first panel is positioned with a groove from the corner outward. If the panel is intact, then place the tenon in the corner. Fastening to the sheathing from the tenon side is carried out with thin nails, which are driven in at such a distance from the corner that their heads can be covered with a decorative corner.

From the groove side, the lining is secured to the sheathing with clamps.

The next panel is inserted into the groove first. If you are tiling a bathroom or toilet, do not push it all the way, leaving 1-2 mm to compensate for changes in size due to fluctuations in humidity.

Video description

The entire sequence of work is clearly shown in the video:

Important! It is also prohibited to connect lining panels end to end for the interior decoration of a seasonal home.

Features of interior finishing with block house and imitation timber

Only thin and narrow panels of this type of lining can be mounted on clamps; other standard sizes are mounted on nails or self-tapping screws. But if the wooden house is for seasonal use, and in winter there are “visits” in it, then in any case it is better to choose traditional mechanical fasteners.

There are two options for fastening with self-tapping screws:

    open method– for “thick” panels;

    through the base of the tenon, or hidden method (for panels of medium thickness).

Fastening through the base of the tenon is more difficult, but this method is the most reliable for thick panels

To decorate the corners of a block house, one of four techniques is used:

    washed down the panels at an angle of 45°;

    through the docking bar with a side equal to the thickness of the panel in the wave;

    using a wooden corner or two boards connected at an angle;

    panel adjustment on one side of the wall under the profile of the other wall, but for this the layout relative to each other is shifted by half the width of the panel.

It is the latter joining option that allows you to obtain the most reliable simulation of the room inside wooden log house from rounded logs. Although the execution of a figured neckline will require some skill in marking and fitting. And it will take longer.

This method of decorating corners requires precise marking and mastery of the tool.

Conclusion is a last resort...

There are also options for finishing a wooden house: with slatted panels made of fiberboard and PVC. But they are used extremely rarely - only when there is an urgent need to make repairs at the lowest possible cost. Fiberboard is less tolerated high humidity, and the laminated surface is easy to damage. Plastic lining in a wooden house will naturally look only in the bathroom or toilet.

Lining is high-quality, aesthetic, and most importantly, environmentally friendly pure material, which is often used to decorate walls residential buildings. IN modern conditions, when there are so many synthetic materials on the market, it is the lining that makes it possible to create a very pleasant, warm atmosphere and a good microclimate in the house. In this article we will look in detail at how the interior decoration of a house with clapboard is carried out in accordance with all the rules, reliably and competently.

Basics of installation technology

Install the lining in wooden, timber, frame house It’s not at all difficult with your own hands; you can do this kind of finishing in a cottage built of brick, in frame buildings and other residential structures. In order for surface cladding made of wood to be of high quality, it is important to follow the installation technology and carefully select the material. You also need to decide in advance how exactly the lining will be installed: horizontally or vertically.

Typically, for interior wall cladding in a wooden building or other types of residential buildings, material made from the following types of wood is used:

  • birch;
  • larch;
  • Linden;
  • aspen;
  • pine.

There is also a modern synthetic material– plastic lining. It is easy to install, weighs little, is quite cheap, but creates the same favorable atmosphere as natural wood she certainly won't. The only condition under which a plastic analogue will be the preferred material is high level humidity in rooms. For example, in the kitchen, toilet or bathroom, plastic that imitates natural wood will be the best option. And in living areas and the hallway of your home, you should use exclusively natural wood. The undoubted advantages of wooden lining are excellent sound insulation, long-term operation, heat retention and, of course, a beneficial effect on human health.

Lining made of wood is divided into several types:

  • variety "Extra"– the most expensive and high quality;
  • variety "A";
  • variety "B";
  • variety "WITH".

If you want the decoration in your home to be durable, beautiful and of high quality, give preference to more expensive materials.

Interior decoration of a residential building

Step 1. Preparing material for interior wall cladding. Before proceeding with installation in a wooden or any other structure, you should prepare not only the walls, but also, first of all, the lining itself. It must be coated with special bioprotection products that will prevent rotting, mold and other factors unfavorable for the tree.

Step 2. If you want to get lining in an unusual shade that perfectly matches your interiors, treat the material with stain or special compounds that will give the desired tone.

Step 3. Dry the lining well and keep it in the room where the repairs will be done for 24 hours. This is necessary so that the panels “get used” to the temperature and humidity conditions of the room and do not shrink after installation. In addition, such “adaptation” also protects the material from drying out in the future.

Step 4. We are preparing the sheathing for installing the boards. The panels will be installed on a wooden sheathing. In order to make such a supporting structure, you can purchase ready-made slats for the frame, but to save money you can make them yourself. This is not difficult to do: using an electric saw, slats are cut from boards with a small cross-section. Next, using self-tapping screws, the sheathing is attached to the wall in increments of 50-70 cm.

In order for the frame to be strong and its service life to be as long as possible, a slight gap should be left between the cladding and the surface of the walls: this is necessary for good ventilation. If necessary, insulation material and a vapor barrier are installed in the frame. It is also important to treat the sheathing with a primer to protect it from mold or mildew, which can ruin the appearance of the lining and, most importantly, shorten the service life of the material.

Step 5. Fastening the lining. Before you start covering, you should choose the best way fastening the material. Can be secured with nails, clamps or staples. You can make the fasteners hidden or external, use ordinary nails or special decorative screws, staplers, etc. for fastening. The main thing is to try not to cause any damage to the material during the installation process (if handled carelessly, the wooden surface may well crack).

If you prefer a hidden fastening method, the lining is fixed to the frame from the groove side, where it meets the tenon. The method most often used is the most accurate, but also the most complex: nails are carefully nailed into the grooves of the lining. At the same time, the fixation points become almost invisible.

They will also help you to install the lining with high quality special devices for such material - metal clamps. The clamper cuts into the groove of the lining with its teeth; on the other hand, it is nailed or screwed to the sheathing. It is very convenient to install wooden finishing material using clamps.

Important rules for covering the surfaces of house walls with clapboard

  1. You need to decide in advance on the direction in which the trim will be installed: this primarily determines how the frame will be arranged - horizontally or vertically. The material is attached perpendicular to the sheathing. Horizontal clapboard cladding will help you significantly expand the room visually, while vertical cladding will help make the ceilings appear visually higher.
  2. For horizontal cladding, start fastening the material from the ceilings to the floor; it is advisable to direct the grooves of the boards downwards. In this case, debris, bullets and dirt are prevented from getting into the grooves, and the absence of such negative factors will significantly extend the service life of the casing.
  3. When covering interior walls vertically, start installation from the corner. In the grooves, on back walls boards, clamps are installed, which must be nailed to the frame rail. The first board is fixed in the corner with nails, and the fastening points will subsequently be covered with decorative slats. Further, all work is carried out in the same way as with horizontal fastening: the boards are fixed on top of each other, lining up into a single, even sheet.
  4. The installation is completed in the same way as it began: the last board must be nailed down, and the fastening points must be covered with decorative strips. With the help of such strips, as well as decorative corners and baseboards, all joints and corners - internal and external - must be covered. This will make the wall paneling complete.

The video clearly shows the entire installation technology:

Decorating a wooden or any other house with clapboard is a wonderful way to make interiors spectacular and fill them with an extraordinary feeling of natural warmth and comfort. A house built of stone or brick has a “cold” beauty - and such decoration can completely change the atmosphere. Give preference to high-quality natural materials for decorating walls inside the house - and enjoy the comfort and beauty of your country home!

In our world modern man cannot always do without comfortable conditions. Considering the pace of development of house construction, clapboard finishing inside the house remains unchanged. Of the variety of proposals for design services, multiple quantities of material provided by markets or hardware stores, wooden lining is the best option for finishing the interior of a building.

Cladding panels for interior decoration of a house can be made not only from wood. Based on the base material it is divided into:

  • Wooden;
  • Plastic (PVC panels);
  • MDF panels.

Cladding inside country house- an option where you can save money. It allows the room to breathe. To give the cladding a special look, you can varnish or paint the surface. It is possible to saturate the carriage with oil. This type is divided into classes depending on the composition of the liquid and the quality of execution. There are four varieties in total:

  1. EXTRA-class; Best in quality. There are no chips, no cracks, not even knots. Price of this material more expensive than the ones below. This class is considered the most durable and resistant to environmental influences.
  2. Class A; The boards contain knots, but there are no direct defects in the form of chips, cracks and nicks. The price is slightly lower than first class. The prevalence among the general audience is higher.
  3. Class B; There are visible defects of chips and nicks related to manufacturing defects. Quite durable, used in finishing work. It is preferable to use it for finishing premises such as balconies, or for cladding country houses.
  4. Class C. Inexpensive material. Quite low quality. Less durable than other types. Its appearance differs from other classes in its unattractiveness. It is advisable to use it for covering technical and utility rooms.

There are also different types of lining.

Standard wood panel

Standard lining is similar to plastic panels in appearance and quality.


Eurolining has best quality, most resistant to frost and moisture. According to external data, it is divided into categories:

  • Standard;
  • Softline;
  • LandHouse;
  • American;
  • BlockHouse.

Today, BlockHouse is the most popular. Finishing the house with this type of lining will smooth out the corners of the house, turning its shape into a more rounded one. In Russia, this timber is valued for its appearance.

Lining material and its advantages

In this chapter we will look at what material the lining plates are made of.


Plastic lining is suitable for covering the ceiling. But it has a huge disadvantage - if you move it carelessly, it can be broken or scratched. The main advantage of plastic over wood is its immunity to moisture. The panel is also easy to clean without using special means. Interior cladding of a private house wooden clapboard will save time on cleaning the premises.

MDF panel

MDF panels are similar to wood. Lining made of this material copies any surface. Installation will not take much time and effort. Manufacturers offer a large selection of varieties and colors. The material is not moisture resistant and cannot be used in steam rooms or in rooms with a humidity of more than seventy percent. On the website you can see additional information on the material: clapboard finishing inside the house, photos of examples.


Wooden lining is created from the wood of deciduous and coniferous trees. The following are classified as deciduous.


It is more common in areas with temperate climates and humidity. The wood of the lining is soft and amenable to processing. Keeps you warm. Has medicinal properties.


Birch family. Grows in Kazakhstan and Russia. Cladding with this lining will fill the atmosphere of the room with comfort and soft light, with shades of pink.


Grows from the Far East to the Northern Hemisphere. Over time, the color of the wood darkens, giving the product an antique look. Very strong and durable. Withstands temperature changes and is resistant to moisture.

TO coniferous trees relate…


A plant from the Malvaceae family. It has a high threshold of heat resistance and deformation. It has a beautiful chocolate shade.


This type of tree is from the Aspen family. It grows in many European countries and on other continents. When heated, it releases special substances that neutralize microorganisms. This type of lining has an average service life.


Pine family. Grows on the banks of Crimea. Has a pleasant aroma. Durable. It will give the interior a beautiful and finished look. The price for wood is quite high.


Family Pine. Wooden panels They are not inferior in strength to oak. The disadvantages of this type include accelerated drying wood Lining made from such wood will fit perfectly into the interior of the room. Has a beautiful pattern.


Grows in America, directly in Canada. Durable, beautiful. Resistant to external influences environment.

Wood panel installation technology

Before installing the lining, the wooden surface must be treated with special protective agents. There are a huge number of them in construction markets. Prices range from high to low thresholds. You also need to make sure that there are no nicks or protruding knots on the front of the board. If they are present, they must be removed with a grinding machine.

After the work has been done, the next step will be installation of the sheathing. A profile is used for this. It comes in wood and metal. It is worth considering that one of the advantages of lining is the alignment of walls. The lining itself is fastened using the tongue and groove type, that is, its tongue snaps into the groove. You can't do it without an assistant.

Following traditional technology erection of the frame, it is installed strictly vertically. After installing the housing, markings are applied to the surface of the walls, and then the parts are installed level. First, the first bars are attached at opposite ends of the proposed structure.

The next step is to stretch the line from one end of the platform to the other end. The distance between the frame parts should be no less than 50 centimeters. If you want to do less, then keep in mind that it may not be enough to lay the mineral wool seal.

Before installing the lining, it should be dried in the sun or indoors. If dried for outdoors or where they will take place Finishing work, it is advisable to leave the material for a longer time. After these recommendations have been completed, proceed to tiling the room.

The lining fabric has a tenon on one side and a groove on the other. During installation, the groove should be located at the bottom to prevent moisture from occurring at the bottom of the structure.

Decorating the inside of a house with wooden lining begins from the ceiling, although assembly from the floor is possible. In this case, the gaps can be hidden under the baseboard. The slats of the structure are attached with nails or with a clamp, which is more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.

Treatment with paint or varnish

In order for the room to take on a finished look, the wooden lining is painted with varnish or paint. These different bases have different composition and structure of the substance. There are varnishes:


Acrylic varnish dries quite quickly. It is easy to apply to the surface. Protects from moisture and dust. Easy to clean.

Polyurethane varnishes

Polyurethane varnish is the most profitable option. There are quite a lot of options to choose from in stores. The color range varies from light to dark tones. When choosing this product, you must purchase a primer in the appropriate color.

Alkyd varnishes

This varnish dries for a long time and leaves behind Strong smell, which will not immediately disappear. To speed up the drying process, there is a specially developed product. One of the advantages of this varnish is the creation of a microfilm on the surface of the wood.

Acrylic-polyurethane substances

Made from recycled resin. The composition includes a urethane component, which dries quickly and protects the coating from aggressive environments.

On water based

This varnish is a more environmentally friendly product compared to others. Dries quickly and washes well. Contains water-repellent components. The price of this product is much higher, but the safety of use makes it the most popular in use.

Methods of finishing a room

Of the many examples of design work, we will analyze the most popular. If clapboard finishing is carried out inside a country house, detailed photos of ideas on how to design the room can become the main assistants in the implementation of the interior of the room.

  1. The first method lies in the contrast of colored walls and a darker ceiling. Suitable for apartments with high ceilings. Visually expands the room.
  2. The second method: colored walls and a light ceiling - on the contrary, it will narrow the space. It is advisable to paint the walls in bright colors.
  3. The third method of painting - one color, but in two tones - will give the room a finished look. Lining for finishing this style will round out the room. However, the boundaries of the color transition will be noticeable.
  4. The fourth method is to outline the accents in the details of the room. Black is most suitable for highlighting accents or for the insides of cabinets.
  5. Finishing with clapboard inside the house perfectly hides the shortcomings of the room. By installing it vertically, you will visually stretch the room, and horizontally, on the contrary, it will expand small space. This is the fifth point.
  6. The sixth will be the arrangement of wooden boards diagonally along the perimeter of the walls. This will add dynamism and originality to the house.
  7. In seventh place is rustic style. Country houses are ideally finished in this way. This relieves the pressure of the walls and diversifies the appearance of the interior.
  8. Painted lining on the eighth line is also popular in the country or in a country house. Combination in one color various items It will brighten up a dull room and add extravagance to the design.
  9. The ninth point will be the design of rooms in two colors. This will save money.
  10. The tenth option is individual items made and wooden material. For example, a panel or a headboard by the bed. Very beautiful and elegant.

Using hardwood parquet boards you can decorate any wall. In this case, the colors match each other. Finishing with wooden paneling inside the house - beautiful photos ideas on our website.

The ceiling, as an option, can be lined with plasterboard around the perimeter. In this case, fix the clamps separately from the walls.

When wallpapering a room, you can replace the bottom with clapboard panels. It will make for an interesting interior.

Cladding a house in the English style is also popular today.

Eco-style interior decoration is the most fashionable in big cities. It allows you to fill your apartment with the natural colors of nature.

Cost of repair work

Finishing with clapboard inside the house does not require special skills or training. The installation work can be carried out by one person. If you do not have enough time or desire to carry out the work, then you need to order a team of professionals.

Rough finishing of premises will cost less than finishing. Decorating the interior of the house with clapboards with your own hands will help you save even more on repairs. About three hundred and fifty rubles per square meter. meter. Finishing uneven walls will cost from seven to ten thousand rubles per square meter premises.


In conclusion, we can say that any decor made from lining will decorate your room and transform it beyond recognition. In addition, any style of room can be diluted with wooden inserts or objects.

There are many styles and textures and methods of application. The material is very practical and popular. It does not require special care, with the exception of laminate or parquet board that needs to be washed damp cloth without a lot of moisture. Then wooden plank will serve you for many years without deforming or swelling, maintaining its original color.

Cladding materials have always been in great demand. One of their varieties is lining. It has established itself as a high-quality product with many positive properties. There is a wide variety of profiles on the market, which allows you to create different textures and attach panels anywhere. Almost any type of wood can be used as a primary raw material. The lining has become familiar material for finishing steam rooms, but it can also be found in expensive private homes. The styling pattern is selected individually. It can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, combined. Complex configurations are popular these days. Eurolining has a good reputation. It has a neater appearance and improved properties. In the presence of basic knowledge clapboard cladding can be done in-house.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing

Types of lining

Conventional lining is characterized by the following dimensions: thickness - 1.2-2.5 cm, width - up to 15 cm and length - up to 6 m (this is basically what it was in the old GOST standards). Standard lining has a smaller tenon - 4-6 mm, compared to 8-9 for Euro lining. The humidity of ordinary material is 8-12%, 25-35%, the European version is up to 12%. The old type of lining is made from material with natural moisture. Eurolining is a high-quality cladding board for external and internal wall decoration. It masks imperfections well and is capable of leveling surfaces. In addition, it performs sound and heat insulating functions. Eurolining has certain fixed parameters. The thickness is 1.3, 1.6 and 1.9 cm. The width is 8, 10, 11 or 12 cm. The maximum length of the board is 6 meters, but this figure depends on the manufacturer and varies greatly in different cases.

Types of wood from which eurolining is made:

  • Linden;
  • pine;
  • aspen.

Types of lining profiles

Variety is important in finishing, so manufacturers produce different variations and modifications of the lining. Traditional eurolining forms distinct seams after installation. If this type of lining has a rounded chamfer, then it is “Softline”. Its outer part is devoid of corners, which allows you to protect the wood from burrs and chips for a long time. "Softline" is well suited for saunas. The Shtil lining does not have a chamfer near the tenon, and, as a result, there will be no pronounced seams after assembly. The thickness reaches 2.5 cm, so it can be used for decorating facades. “Landhouse” is a lining with a complex rounded shape at the edges. Finishing with this coating will make the interior more “expensive”. Another interesting option is “Blockhouse”, which features a rounded front side. This material can be used to finish the surfaces inside log houses and facades.

Several more types of lining:

  1. "American". Has a sloping surface. The elements are overlapped.
  2. Double-sided. Both sides are obverse. It is used not only for finishing walls, but also for constructing partitions.

Type of lining depending on the type of wood

The lining is made from coniferous trees, deciduous trees, as well as from exotic species (for example, mahogany). Among the coniferous species, it is worth highlighting spruce, pine, larch and cedar. Spruce is endowed with softness, which is important for making boards with rounded shapes. This material looks great in a modern interior. Pine lining is a budget option that has many important qualities, including high strength. Larch is one of the most expensive coniferous species. Cedar boards have a pleasant natural smell that has a beneficial effect on the body. Among hardwoods, the most popular are oak, alder and linden. Oak wood is a durable and sought-after material. The lining made from this wood is considered classic version. Alder is suitable for use in damp rooms as it does not absorb moisture. Linden is very resistant to deformation and mechanical damage. Lining from it is relatively inexpensive.

Type of lining

There are 4 varieties:

  1. Extra;
  2. Class A;
  3. Class B;
  4. Class C.

The boards are sorted depending on the presence of resin pockets, pronounced blueness, knots, cracks, and roughness (poorly treated areas). The extra variety is characterized by the complete absence of prostrog or minor defects on the front side. On one linear meter there may be one light knot. For class A, the presence of microcracks and small untreated areas is allowed. At the longitudinal ends, cracks no longer than the width of the board are allowed. There should be no more than a fifth of all boards made of core profiles. It is acceptable to have 3 knots on one linear meter. As for class B, the presence of 2 falling knots is allowed on one such board. Cracks up to 3 cm are allowed on the front side, and any size on the front and back sides. All panels can be made from the core, while having resin pockets. Class C includes all boards that are not included in the categories from extra to class B, but are suitable for use. Rottenness is not allowed.

Where to apply

Clapboard finishing is often used in steam rooms and other bathhouses. In this case, choose panels made of linden and alder (for steam rooms) and coniferous wood (for other places). These types of wood are endowed healing properties, thanks to substances that are released when heated. Boards with knots cannot be used in steam rooms, as the corresponding areas become hotter. For a good aroma, it is recommended to install several pine boards in the area of ​​the stove. Processed protective compounds the lining is suitable for cladding facades; the type of wood in this regard does not matter much. Interior decoration - difficult task, panels in a uniform color scheme are required. Mahogany lining is used for cladding walls in expensive mansions. The panels are also used to make partitions to divide space: both in apartments and in open areas.

Sheathing schemes

There are two ways - using external fastening and hidden. With the external method, the boards must be fixed with fasteners. In the second case, the panels are attached to the sheathing from the groove side, where there is a joint with a tenon. The appearance with this option will be more aesthetic. The lining can be mounted vertically, horizontally and, if necessary, in a non-standard way. When laying panels horizontally, the teeth must be directed from the lower element to the upper one, and not vice versa. When sheathing a log wall, staples and nails for them and lathing are used. To clap a room with smooth walls, you need to use bars. They are placed at a distance of no more than 50 cm between adjacent elements and perpendicular to the panels. The cladding is framed with decorative skirting boards and fillets

Basic fastening methods:

  • nails;
  • screws;
  • staples;
  • kleimers.

How to sheathe it yourself

You will need to complete the following stages of work:

  1. Prepare the lining.
  2. Prepare the wall.
  3. Assemble the sheathing.
  4. Attach the clapboard to the lattice frame.
  5. Finish the covering with skirting boards and, if necessary, other elements.

The panels are processed first. Depending on the place of application, any class of lining can be processed. It is always necessary to prepare the surface of class C products. The same applies to lining made by yourself. Preparing the walls consists of leveling them and applying markings for the sheathing. It is not necessary to level it; instead, you can do other manipulations. The crucial point is the installation of the sheathing. The timber itself and the distance between the elements are selected. The configuration completely depends on the planned method of laying the lining. To fix the panels they are used different approaches. The main thing in the work is caution, because inaccurate driving of the fastener can lead to the appearance of serious defects in the material. When the sheathing is ready, installation of baseboards and finishing begins.

How to prepare the lining

If necessary, the panels are treated with fine-grained sandpaper to eliminate roughness. Further processing begins with cleaning the surface of the material. If you plan to apply wax or varnish to the lining, stain is first used. It will preserve the color of the wood for a long time. There are 3 types of stain: oil-based, alcohol-based and water-based. Antiseptics will protect the wood from moisture penetration and mold. If the installation location is a bathhouse, waxing will be required. It is applied in small quantities, in the direction of the fibers. This procedure must be repeated several times. Then the products are polished. Among other things, the color of the boards will become deeper. There is a large selection of wax impregnations on sale, which are also suitable for preparing lining. Final stage- applying varnish. You will need at least 2 layers. The material must be perfectly dry before installation.

Grease stains can be removed using a 25% acetone solution.

Preparing the walls

You will need to make markings on the wall for the sheathing. This action is performed using a pencil and level. The configuration of the cladding and the direction in which the lining will be placed are determined in advance. The bars are always placed perpendicularly. If everything has already been decided about this nuance, you can start treating the walls antifungal agents and outline the surfaces. If something happens, the pencil is replaced with chalk. The width of the sheathing step is selected depending on the purposes. For strength, it is advisable to make it as small as possible. Usually this figure is in the range of 35-60 cm. If insulation of the room is planned in the future, the step is determined based on the size insulation material and should be a little smaller than it. To frame construction was level, you will need to use a plumb line and fishing line. A visualization is created, along the edges of which bars are then placed.

We create a sheathing for fasteners

This is one of the most important stages, which has a significant impact on the final result. Only sometimes the lining is attached directly to wooden walls, in other situations, lathing is necessary. At the very beginning, we select the timber. For this sheathing, a block with a cross section of 40×20 mm - best option. We install the frame one level at a time. If necessary, we level each individual wall. You can use another method - determine the most protruding place on the wall. Then a small piece of timber is placed there and the sheathing is mounted from it. From this point the thread is pulled parallel to the planned direction of laying the panels. At the extreme points of the wall, 2 are placed load-bearing beams. If necessary, install spacers between the wall and the beam. If a row of lining will be mounted from 2 boards, another beam is needed at the junction.

Other important nuances:

  • when securing the structure, you need to check the level;
  • if there are door or window openings, the beams must be fastened around them;
  • Installation of lathing on the ceiling is done in the same way as on the walls.

Fixation methods

The lining is secured using staplers, clamps or fasteners (screws, nails). During installation, care must be taken to avoid splitting the wood and causing cracks. Full insertion of the nail head into the material and accuracy of work are ensured with the help of a hammer. During installation in a hidden way the panels are nailed to the frame at the tongue-to-groove junction. The simplest and easiest assembly method is to fasten with small nails in any places, but it is better to prefer a neat method that involves hammering nails into the grooves to hide the connection. The highest quality fastening is ensured by metal clamps. They are different sizes, shapes and are calculated for a certain board thickness. The fasteners are connected to the sheathing on one side, and cut into the grooves on the other.

Fastening the lining to the ceiling requires careful steps, so it is better to do this together with a specialist!

The process of fastening the lining

At correct installation lathing, the process of installing the lining will take place without complications. A level may be needed when attaching the first panel. The first question before installation is which side to start laying the boards on. You can determine the answer by finding out how smooth the surface is. If it corresponds to the level, then you can start laying from any side: top, bottom, right, left, corner. The first board is then placed level. If the surface is slightly “overwhelmed”, or some corner is uneven, the boards cannot be installed this way. Otherwise, they will visually emphasize the curvature. The lining will need to be assembled in a different way. The first board is attached flush to the corner, the rest - with a slight inclination in the desired direction. Sooner or later some panel will become level. All boards “fill up” to the same extent. The first one needs to be placed with the spike towards the corner.

Rules for installing skirting boards on a wall with lining

For an aesthetic appearance, the sheathed walls are decorated with floor and ceiling skirting boards. Sometimes they need to be mounted on the wall (corner). When finishing corners, they are guided by the following rules: if there is an adjacent unsheathed wall, then the plinth is installed on it, and when placed between two sheathed ones, it should be attached to the shorter one. These measures should not prevent thermal deformation and drying out of surfaces that are most susceptible to them. If the wall is decorated with clapboard, then the baseboards are fixed using finishing nails. They hammer it through the body, the narrow cap goes into the mass. The location data is then processed wax pencil. If the surface is not flat (for example, log), nailing a regular baseboard will not always be possible. Gaps may remain. It is likely that in the corners the baseboards will not meet at all. Instead, you can use flat platbands. They fit tightly on the wall, and you can make them yourself, including from clapboard.

Decorative finishing methods

If installation is carried out in a hidden way, it is recommended to use decorative fasteners. A hammer will ensure accurate fixation and decoration of the nail in the wood. You can decorate the corner between the boards using treated timber - this way there will be no gaps in the opening. If the natural color of the wood does not fit into the interior or does not add any color, then the lining is coated with paint. It’s better to match the decor or White color. The nail heads that secure the starter board are covered with decorative corners. If there are no decorative slats, then the tops of the fasteners are removed with side cutters. All joints, internal and external corners must be closed. For decoration, the lower and ceiling skirting boards. The interior can be radically changed by installing false beams on top of the lining.


Lining is a popular finishing material. It varies according to metrological standards, profile, wood species and grade. Cladding made of lining has an attractive appearance And beneficial properties. This material is used in baths/saunas, apartments, houses, on balconies, land plots, in transport. The fastening scheme can be external or hidden. The second option is more aesthetic. You can sheathe the surfaces yourself. First of all, they are carried out preparatory work- boards are processed, markings are drawn on the walls and ceilings. The panels are varnished, coated with impregnations and wax, painted, and in some situations, minimal surface treatment is sufficient. The next thing to do is install the sheathing. The panels are attached to it using special means. The installation technology differs depending on the correct shape of the surfaces and angles.

After the boom of impersonal European-quality renovations with an abundance plastic materials, wall decoration with clapboard - thin wood cladding boards - is coming back into fashion. The name was assigned to this finishing material when passenger cars were sheathed with small planks.

Natural lining made from simple and noble wood species can be used as a finishing material in rooms for various purposes and in different interior styles.

It maintains a good level of humidity in the room: it absorbs excess moisture and evaporates in a dry environment. Even a non-professional can handle the cladding if he has knowledge of finishing technology.

How to cover walls with clapboard

If the walls are smooth, paneling can be done directly onto the wall. But builders recommend mounting it on a pre-installed frame.

Installing the lining on the sheathing improves the quality of fastening and allows you to lay an additional layer of material under the sheathing that has heat and sound insulation properties.

Wall cladding with clapboard can be done in several ways:

  • horizontal, often the only possible;
  • vertical, recommended for finishing the ceiling surface;
  • diagonal, capable of changing the space of the room;
  • mixed, when the boards are laid in patterns and placed in different directions.

The choice of option depends on the specific purpose of the room, its size and interior style.

Materials for work

Before covering the walls with clapboard, you need to purchase the material itself, taking into account design preferences and the type and type of wood. To avoid shortages, you should purchase boards with a 10% reserve. It is manufactured with different types of profiles:

In addition to a quality board, you will need construction tools, as well as tools:

  1. wooden beams;
  2. fasteners: dowels, screws, nails, clamps
  3. surface treatment products;
  4. building level or plumb line;
  5. length measuring tape;
  1. fishing line;
  2. saw;
  3. hatchet;
  4. wedges;
  5. screwdriver;
  6. pencil.

In order to qualitatively sheathe a wall in a house with clapboard, you need to take care of the availability of tools, preferably professional ones, and check their readiness for work. Make calculations, purchase fasteners and hardware.

Pros and cons of clapboard cladding

Despite the presence of a huge range of modern materials, such as plastic, plasterboard, various types particle boards, wood does not give in to its position and remains a highly sought-after material. Its popularity is based on its quality characteristics:

  • unique wood pattern;
  • environmental safety;
  • possibilities for mitigating temperature changes;
  • humidity regulation;
  • wonderful woody aroma;
  • ease of installation.

The profile is made from various types wood: pine, spruce, birch, larch, oak, ash, other tree species, almost without exception. If you take into account the characteristics of the type of wood, you can get the advantages and avoid the disadvantages of the material:

  1. Spruce You should not sheathe the children's room and kitchen due to the high release of resinous substances. Rooms facing north should not be sheathed, as exposure to the sun will make them darker.
  2. Sosnovaya it is necessary to purchase one made from mast pines, cut down in winter, then it will last a long time, will not emit resin, and will heal the air with bactericidal substances.
  3. Oak gives scope for design thought and is able to muffle sounds, but in rooms intended for sleeping, it is not recommended to use it due to its heavy spirit.
  4. Larch board exquisite, persistent, capable of ridding the house of all insects, makes breathing in the room smooth and deep.
  5. Birch Suitable for finishing a dry house, as it is susceptible to fungal diseases.
  6. Linden, alder and aspen Suitable only for finishing bathhouses and utility rooms due to their low strength.

Disadvantages that are difficult to correct include:

  • high price;
  • the need for proper care.

How to sheathe walls if you place the lining vertically

The vertical installation method is used in rooms with high humidity or in unheated rooms with the possibility of condensation due to temperature changes, such as a hallway or veranda.

The procedure is not very complicated:

  1. The boards are placed away from the corner.
  2. The first element is set using a plumb line and secured.
  3. The following elements are inserted into the groove and fastened in the chosen way.
  4. The reliability of the joint is controlled.

Horizontal clapboard cladding

The horizontal cladding scheme is used more often, since installation is simpler and the result is more beautiful. An indispensable condition for competent horizontal cladding is laying with the ridges facing upwards.

The correct location allows you to get rid of micro-reservoirs in which water will collect, leading to rotting of the material. Following the technology, the edge of the groove of the bottom board must be cut so that it is more securely fixed and does not form a reservoir for trapping moisture.

You can assemble boards either from the bottom up or from the top down - this does not affect the final result. But adaptation of the tree to future conditions is necessary, so the material must be placed in the room a day before installation.

Work order:

  1. Preparing the walls.
  2. Creating a frame.
  3. Installation of insulation and vapor barrier.
  4. Fixing boards.
  5. Decoration of corners.

How to process the material

Pre-treated is significantly more expensive than untreated. Therefore, in order to save money, it is more rational to buy untreated and independently prepare it for fastening. Necessary:

  1. Boards from coniferous wood degrease with acetone and lubricate with an antiseptic, and then moisten with water and dry.
  2. Treat each board with a wood surface bleach mixture consisting of a 10% solution. oxalic acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide, and after five minutes rinse with water.
  3. Fill the slightest damage and defects special composition on wood, adding tint pigment.
  4. Impregnate with tinting compounds or stain to give a noble color.

Creating a sheathing

The lathing allows you to create ventilated channels and eliminate dampness and rot. The design is easy to make yourself. Will be needed wooden slats, which will prevent mechanical vibrations of the lining, unlike metal profiles, which do not have damping properties.

  • thickness – 20-40 mm;
  • width – 30-60 mm.

The sheathing must be in the same plane and form a perfectly flat surface, all structural parts must be firmly and securely fixed.

How to properly place lathing slats?

The principle of placing battens is that the slats should be placed perpendicular to the boards. There must be beams located along the edge, so the ends of the lining should not be in a loose position. When choosing a diagonal arrangement of boards, the sheathing must have a continuous frame. The distance between the slats is equal to the profile width multiplied by 4, that is, 50-60 cm.

The slats for horizontal laying are installed using a plumb line strictly vertically. Nails or screws are suitable for fastening.

Then, in the opposite corner, another rail is installed in the same way and a fishing line is stretched between them. In the direction of the fishing line, all elements of the sheathing are installed.

If the walls are uneven, then pegs or wooden supports must be used to secure the beams.

Mounting methods

You can attach the lining to a wall or sheathing different ways, each of which has both pros and cons, using:

  • kleimers;
  • nails;
  • stapler;
  • screws with decorative caps.

How to fasten lining using clamps

Clamps are special fasteners in the form of brackets, mounted with nails or self-tapping screws, which allow you to secure the material without destroying its integrity.

The clamp hook secures the board firmly, but remains completely hidden. The result is an ideal surface without flaws.

With the help of this type of hardware, installation of the lining occurs very quickly. To calculate the number of clamps, you need to proceed from the fact that twenty fasteners will be required for two square meters of lining.

Installation of lining in horizontal version with the help of clamps it happens as follows:

  1. Fix the starting board on the sheathing from bottom to top.
  2. Insert the hook of the fastener into the groove and screw it to the sheathing bar with a self-tapping screw.
  3. Place the next board with a groove onto the tenon, securing it with clamps.
  4. The top board that completes the row is cut and nailed to the sheathing.
  5. Hide the places where the nails are driven in with a decorative corner or cover with putty.

Installation of the lining in the vertical direction occurs in a similar way. An important difference is that every 10 panels it is necessary to check the accuracy of installation with a plumb line.

Using a staple gun

When laying boards from top to bottom, it is effective to use a special stapler, which secures the boards to the sheathing with staples. Installation in this case is fast, safe and quite reliable.

Decorative screws

In certain cases, you can cover a wall with clapboard using screws or nails with decorative heads. It is better to hammer them in with a wooden hammer so as not to damage the decorative element.

Nails and screws

The simplest fastening option is through, in which self-tapping screws and nails are screwed or driven into the front part of the lining to the sheathing. But this method is not the most decorative.

With the through method, markings are first made so that the fasteners are on the same line. The fastener must be recessed into the wood; to do this, it is better to drill a hole for the cap in advance. As a result, there will be visible holes on the boards that violate the integrity of the material, although they can be covered with special plugs or putty. This method is acceptable in technical rooms, when using inexpensive lining for painting.

Painting the lining

Painting is not necessary; you can leave the profile in its original form. But over time, in a humid room it acquires a bluish tint, and in the sun it becomes dark gray. Sometimes you just want to change the color of the room to a brighter one or achieve an even color for the wood.

If there is a need to change the color of the lining, use products designed to protect wood for painting:

  • protective compounds to prevent exposure to sunlight, moisture and fading;
  • tonics and stains that do not hide the texture of the wood, but only add shade, while maintaining the property of permeability;
  • modern water-based varnishes: matte, semi-matte and glossy, capable of protecting against dirt and adding brightness;
  • paints that hide the wood structure and create a dense, impenetrable film;
  • oils whose effects are similar varnish coating, but without bright shine;
  • wax compounds that allow you to delicately protect and preserve the properties of wood.

Depending on the purpose: to protect, tint or brighten, you can choose the appropriate composition.

Final activities: material processing

The wall that has been covered with boards must be brought to its final condition. To do this you need:

  1. polish sandpaper with grain size 125-160;
  2. prime;
  3. go through the sandpaper again, with a grain size of 200-250;
  4. using a vacuum cleaner to remove dust particles after sanding;
  5. cover with a layer of varnish;
  6. wait for it to dry completely;
  7. varnish again.

This treatment will enhance the texture of the wood, reduce the fire hazard, but will not create a film that will prevent the skin from breathing.

The full cost of installing the lining

The cost of covering a surface area measuring one square meter ranges from 600 to 800 rubles, taking into account what happens without the involvement of builders. The calculation includes the cost of materials at an average price:

  • – lining – 400 rubles;
  • – stain, varnish, antiseptic – 150 rubles; VKontakte