My period came a week early for a reason. Why do I get my period early? What to do if your period comes early

Gynecologists claim that in some cases, early menstruation is a physiological pattern of a woman, but it also happens that repeated premature periods can, unfortunately, indicate serious malfunctions in the female body. For those who keep the timing of their menstrual cycle under control, it will not be difficult to determine the nature of their periods. Only a specialist can understand the reasons why menstruation began ahead of time, so it is necessary to urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist.

The main reason why women experience premature regula lies in inflammatory and infectious diseases of their genitals. In this case, a woman can observe not only a violation of the timing of her menstrual cycle, but also a change in the nature of the discharge, an increase or decrease in its volume, pain, etc. In this case, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible!

Women's health may be compromised by the use of emergency contraception, such as Postinor. This may manifest itself as premature menstruation.

Another main cause of premature menstruation in women is constant stressful situations and nervous tension. Doctors say that these factors lead to disruption of the central nervous system, which, in turn, leads to constant spasms and dilation of blood vessels. As a result, premature endometrial rejection occurs. Outwardly, this is precisely what is expressed in vaginal bleeding.

Hormonal imbalance is another common cause of premature periods in women. In some cases, these failures can lead to quite serious gynecological diseases. That is why in this situation, gynecologists immediately prescribe their patients to undergo hormonal examinations. In addition, hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body can be caused by constant use of oral contraceptives.

The main reasons for the premature onset of menstruation in young girls include intense physical activity. Sudden weight loss can also significantly disrupt the menstrual cycle in their body.

It is important to know that premature menstruation may not be at all, but uterine bleeding! In most cases, it is not possible to identify this on your own, so it is urgent to consult a doctor. Uterine bleeding can occur as a result of certain mechanical injuries received by a woman, as well as due to tumors and uterine diseases.

Sometimes women confuse bleeding resulting from rough sex with premature periods. It is worth understanding that in this case they need to turn to specialists for help. Irregular periods can also occur during the decline of the menstrual cycle. In this case, early regulations are not at all a deviation from the norm. However, it would not be a bad idea to undergo an examination at a women’s clinic: this will eliminate the risk of other pathologies.

Regular periodic menstruation is one of the main indicators of the condition of a woman’s reproductive system. Menstruation is necessary to cleanse the uterine mucosa of an unfertilized egg. In the absence of pathologies, menstruation occurs every 21-35 days, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle (this time period is individual for each woman). If your period begins a week earlier than expected, this may be a cause for concern, and many girls fall into a state of shock. What are the causes of premature onset of menstruation? How dangerous is this? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

When can menstruation start 5-10 days earlier?

If your period started a week earlier, this is not always a clear sign of pathology. The regularity of the menstrual cycle is greatly influenced by the functioning of the nervous system: under stress, depression, nervous tension, and overwork, the cycle can be disrupted. The fact is that psycho-emotional stress leads to dilation of blood vessels, as a result of which the activity of the uterus increases - it rejects the egg ahead of schedule.

Other possible causes of menstrual irregularities:

  • Taking birth control pills – starting to take oral contraceptives disrupts the natural hormonal balance that has formed in a woman’s body. As a result, your period may begin 5-7 days earlier or later than expected. Gradually, the body will get used to the new conditions, and the cycle will stabilize (perhaps as early as next month).
  • Taking hormonal medications - such medications can disrupt the natural production of female sex hormones, and the body can react in the most unpredictable ways.
  • A miscarriage or abortion is a real stress for a woman’s reproductive system, after which the menstrual cycle becomes disrupted and it will take time to establish its regularity.
  • Age-related changes - cycle instability is often observed in girls during their first menstruation, as well as in women after 45 years of age when menopause approaches.
  • Climate change is a factor that affects all systems of a woman’s body, including the menstrual cycle. Often, after a long flight or arrival in a country with a hot climate, periods begin 5-7 days earlier.
  • The onset of pregnancy - if the egg has been fertilized, it is fixed in the uterus for further development. This process is called embryo implantation. During implantation, the uterine mucosa may be damaged - liquid pinkish discharge appears within 1-2 days. Women often confuse this bleeding with the onset of menstruation, believing that menstruation began a week earlier.

Features of premature menstruation

Considering the fact that menstruation began earlier than the expected date, depending on the influencing factors, they may have some features:

  • With psycho-emotional stress, menstruation is accompanied by headaches, sleep disturbances, increased fatigue, and apathy.
  • With hormonal imbalance, the discharge is abundant and accompanied by blood clots.
  • In infectious diseases, menstruation is accompanied by pain in the lower back, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and discomfort when urinating.
  • Bleeding in the middle of the cycle (on days 10-14) is a sign of ovulation. Usually this is a scanty discharge that lasts 1-3 days. They are not painful, not dangerous to health, and do not require treatment, but they can stain laundry.
  • Implantation bleeding - scanty, pink discharge, lasting no more than 2 days, associated with pregnancy. Carrying out a pregnancy test removes all questions.

Reasons for starting your period early

We have already talked about physiological reasons associated with taking medications, climate change or neuro-emotional tension, now we will look at what diseases can cause the premature onset of menstruation:

  • Ovarian dysfunction – occurs when the hormonal balance in a woman’s body is disrupted under the influence of physical activity, endocrine pathologies, diseases of the nervous system, poor nutrition, and poor environment. Malfunction of the ovaries is manifested not only by premature menstruation, but also by changes in its abundance and duration, pain in the lower abdomen, lack of ovulation, and PMS. This disorder can lead to infertility; if you have several of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • An ovarian cyst is a tumor formation on the ovary that can occur as a result of infection, after an abortion, or in the absence of ovulation. Polycystic ovary syndrome often occurs in girls during puberty, as well as in obesity. Menstruation begins 10 days earlier, hair may begin to grow on the face and chest, and when a large cyst forms, the girl is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease in which endometrial cells grow abnormally and extend beyond the uterine cavity, beginning to put pressure on all neighboring organs. This is manifested by menstrual irregularities, painful menstruation, changes in the color of discharge, pain during sexual intercourse, and pain in the lower abdomen. You can learn more about endometriosis from the video:
  • Mycoplasmosis is an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. In addition to the onset of menstruation a few days earlier, the girl is bothered by itching of the genitals and nagging pain in the pelvic area.
  • Tumors of the uterus - in most cases, they form in women over 35 years of age, and are usually benign in nature (most often fibroids are detected). Such tumors often occur after multiple abortions, frequent gynecological inflammatory diseases, and hormonal dysfunctions. A symptom of a uterine tumor is a disruption of the menstrual cycle, the discharge becomes dark, contains blood clots, frequent urge to urinate, pain in the pelvic area, and anemia. These symptoms are a clear sign of an early visit to a gynecologist.
  • An inflammatory process in the body – even a common cold can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. After suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, periods may begin a week earlier, they may be painful, heavy, and longer. A weakened body often cannot cope with the balance of hormone production, which is why such disorders occur.

In addition, improper nutrition, most often a harsh unbalanced diet, can lead to premature menstruation. Perhaps the goal of the diet was achieved, and you managed to lose a few kilograms and fit into your favorite dress, but you should remember that any diet depletes the body’s supply of nutrients, and the lack of fat intake reduces the production of sex hormones. That is why experienced nutritionists recommend getting into a diet gradually and leaving it without sudden changes, so that the body can adapt to changing conditions.

What to do if your period comes early?

If menstruation began a few days earlier without a change in the abundance and color of the discharge, without pain in the pelvic area and other signs of pathology, then this can be attributed to physiological reasons (climate change, stress, age-related changes, etc.). But if there is pain in the lower abdomen or discomfort when urinating, itching, or the appearance of blood clots in the discharge, then you should consult a gynecologist.

After an initial examination of the patient, an additional examination is usually prescribed, which includes the following procedures: vaginal smear, blood test for hormones, hysteroscopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, etc. Based on the diagnostic results, a diagnosis is made and further treatment is prescribed.

Regular menstruation is a natural process in the body of a healthy woman, which serves to cleanse the uterine lining of an unfertilized egg. A healthy woman menstruates every 21-33 days. The intervals between menstruation depend on the physiological and individual characteristics of the body.

It happens that menstruation comes ahead of schedule. The reasons can be of a very diverse nature. This applies to women whose cycle is complete and disruptions cause anxiety.

Stressful emotional state

Many women have faced a similar problem. Constant stress, nervous tension, and overwork affect the cycle. Nervous tension affects the central nervous system, causing spasms and dilation of blood vessels.

The motor activity of the uterus increases and premature rejection of the uterine mucosa occurs. Subsequently, menstruation may begin several days earlier. Even a little stress can cause such a situation.

Hormonal imbalance

Cycle failure occurs due to taking hormonal medications. The pills disrupt the production of female hormones. A similar problem can arise after an abortion or miscarriage, which also affects the hormonal background of the female body.

Onset of pregnancy

6-10 weeks after fertilization, the embryo enters the uterus. During the process of entry, the mucous membrane is damaged and bleeding occurs, which a woman may confuse with the onset of menstruation. Bloody discharge may indicate pregnancy if it is quite scanty and lasts 1-2 days.

Ectopic pregnancy

It is important to know! An ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous and requires urgent medical intervention. The embryo begins to develop not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, which subsequently leads to rupture.

Bleeding occurs due to fetal pressure on the blood vessels and can be similar to menstruation. As the embryo grows, bleeding intensifies and is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, urgent surgery is required.

Effect of contraception

If a woman starts taking birth control pills, then premature onset of menstruation is normal. The body will gradually get used to the new hormonal levels and the cycle will be restored next month. Also, when using emergency contraceptive pills, the menstrual cycle always gets disrupted.

With hormonal imbalance, the discharge is accompanied by clots and can be abundant. This is one of the reasons why my period came a week earlier.

The body receives a shock dose of hormones, which causes the early onset of menstruation.

Age-related changes

Cycle instability is quite normal in adolescence. Menstruation is established during the first 1-2 years and should not cause concern. The young body is preparing for future reproductive activity.

Usually, by the age of 50, a woman also experiences disruptions in her cycle, which means the approach of menopause and is also the norm.

Change of time zones and climatic conditions

Changes in climate or time zone have an adverse effect on a woman’s menstrual cycle and can lead to a delay in menstruation or to its premature onset. Travel and flights should be made no more than once a month, since climate change affects the health of the whole organism.

Presence of diseases of the female reproductive system

Diseases of the reproductive system in many cases cause the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule. The reasons lie in the inflammatory process in the body of a different nature.

Diseases in which menstruation occurs prematurely:

Disease Symptoms Causes
MycoplasmosisItching of the genitals, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, cycle failureUnprotected sexual intercourse
CystCycle disturbances, lower abdominal pain, urinary problemsGenital infections, obesity, abortion, stress
MyomaIrregular or early periods, rounding of the abdomen, frequent urinationHeredity, hormonal disorders, obesity, abortion

The listed diseases show symptoms in late stages. Therefore, earlier onset of menstruation may not be the only sign.

The presence of a benign tumor in the uterus

A benign tumor disrupts the process of hormone production, and under their influence the cycle fails.

In this case, the woman experiences:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • clots appear;
  • dark discharge;
  • the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule.

Intermenstrual bleeding does not cause a woman much concern and does not require treatment.

If the tumor is not detected in time, it will continue to grow and become malignant.

Trauma to the vagina or cervix

Slight bleeding is possible due to mechanical damage to the cervix or vagina. They appear after rough sexual intercourse or an incorrectly placed contraceptive.

If the bleeding disappears quickly, there is no need to worry. But if repeated, along with blood, an infection can enter the uterus and ovaries, which will negatively affect the woman’s health.

Inflammatory processes and colds

Inflammatory processes in a woman’s body can cause premature onset of menstruation. Viral infections such as acute respiratory viral infections and influenza also lead to disruption of the reproductive and hormonal systems in the body.

This happens due to the general weakening of the body due to colds. Menstruation during this period will be painful and heavy, there may be clots.

Excessive exercise

Extensive physical activity affects the body in the same way as stress. Under the influence of physical overexertion, pressure rises, blood vessels narrow and the uterus becomes toned, which causes premature onset of menstruation.

If a woman decides to play sports, then she should increase the load gradually to avoid such consequences.

Unbalanced nutrition (diet, fasting)

Girls' excessive desire for ideal parameters pushes them to go on strict diets, and sometimes even starve. Such methods lead to quick results, but at the cost of health. Blood clotting is impaired due to lack of nutrients.

If the body does not receive the required amount of fats and carbohydrates, sex hormones stop being produced. In the future, menstruation may stop altogether.

How does menstruation work if your period comes early?

The course of menstruation depends on the reasons why it happened. If the cause is stress, then the woman experiences additional symptoms such as headache, weakness, and insomnia. With hormonal imbalance, the discharge is accompanied by clots and can be abundant.

Infectious diseases appear nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Implantation bleeding is characterized by short duration and scarcity of discharge.

Short cycle or intermenstrual bleeding

It is important to know! Extra bleeding may occur between periods. They arise due to a sharp increase or decrease in the hormone estrogen during ovulation.

You should not delay going to the doctor, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by general malaise.

This phenomenon is not pathological and occurs in 30% of women. Intermenstrual discharge appears 10-14 days after the end of menstruation and lasts up to 3 days.

Note! Such secretions are very scanty and hardly noticeable.

This phenomenon indicates the onset of ovulation. They can also appear against the background of a short cycle. Bleeding does not cause a woman much concern and does not require treatment.

Is it possible to confuse menstruation and implantation bleeding?

It is important to know! Implantation bleeding is different from regular periods. If a woman has an unstable cycle and menstrual flow is scanty, then it can easily be confused with menstruation.

As a rule, implantation bleeding occurs several days earlier and has the following characteristics:

  1. Scanty discharge.
  2. Duration ranges from several hours to 2 days.
  3. The blood is liquid and has a pinkish tint.

A woman should take a pregnancy test if there is reason to do so.

When to see a doctor

You should immediately consult a doctor if a woman has gynecological health problems. In this case, menstruation may be associated with a previous illness or improper treatment.

You should pay attention to the number of discharges over the total duration of menstruation. Fever and pain in the pelvic area may be symptoms of a serious illness. You should not delay going to the doctor, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by general malaise.

Every woman has encountered a situation where her period comes early. The reasons can be either the most harmless or requiring urgent treatment. To figure out whether it’s worth sounding the alarm, you need to pay attention to the general state of their occurrence and the characteristics of the discharge.

For what reasons can your period come a week earlier:

What does it mean if your period comes 10 days ahead of schedule:

Not yet established cycle schedule

Most often, the reasons why menstrual periods come ahead of time worry young girls. And this is quite natural: during puberty and hormonal changes, the establishment of the menstrual cycle occurs, and this process is by no means quick.

The situation for the menstrual cycle to be established immediately, once and for all, is extremely rare. So, ladies, don’t worry in vain if your period comes ahead of schedule. In the absence of additional pain or any frightening symptoms, menstruation, which began earlier than the expected dates by 5 days, a week, even 10 days, does not pose a threat to the reproductive system.

Stressful situation

The next most common reason why your period starts early is stress. A nervous reaction to important events, expressive emotional experiences, depression - all this can disrupt the even flow of the menstrual cycle and cause early periods.

Excessive physical activity

Too intense training with a high load on the entire “lower floor”, namely the abs, pelvis and hips, can also cause failure of the female reproductive system.

This, in principle, does not mean anything very terrible, unless, of course, you exhaust yourself with such training all the time, but it may well lead to menstruation occurring a week or two ahead of schedule.

Therefore, please remember that the struggle for a beautiful athletic figure should not bury women's health under rubble.

Strict diet

Continuing the theme of the war for beauty and slimness, which is often senseless and merciless, one cannot help but touch upon the issue of diets.

Even without delving into anorexic extremes, from which, as we know, girls even die, it is important to know that frequent or overly strict diets can not only weaken and deprive the will to live, but also disrupt the natural course of female cyclical sexual health.

So, if you are a dieter, don’t be surprised if your period suddenly happens earlier or later, by a few days or even a week.

Abrupt climate change

The love of traveling with climate change can also play this bad joke on you - making your menstruation come early. This happens especially often in hot weather. In principle, even in a home climate, an unusually hot summer can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

In fact, the listed reasons relating to excessive training, diets, climate change and even native, but abnormal heat, are just types of stress for the body.

Thus, if stress of any nature arises in a woman’s life - physical, hormonal, emotional, psychological - critical days may come ahead of time.

Use of hormonal contraceptives

The use of hormonal contraceptives of any kind, both oral and vaginal, can theoretically cause premature (attention!) menstrual-like bleeding.

Therefore, if you decide to use hormonal contraceptives, which is, of course, very commendable from the point of view of pregnancy planning, for the best implementation of this decision it is very important to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will take into account your individual developmental characteristics and select the drug that is most suitable for you.

By the way, this may not be a drug, but, for example, a vaginal contraceptive ring or a contraceptive patch. In general, if you do not intend to become pregnant in the near future, the prescription of hormonal contraceptives is precisely intended to regulate the menstrual cycle.

The body works like a clock: you use a contraceptive for 21 days, a break for 7 days, during which menstrual-like bleeding occurs. However, in the case of independent selection of such a drug, or in case of inattentive and irregular use, these bleedings are also possible within the cycle: a week after the previous ones or a week ahead of schedule, or even 2 weeks.

Another point associated with taking hormonal contraceptives is the very beginning of their use. Whether you are starting to use them for the first time, or have taken a break for some reason - taking the first contraceptive pill, the initial insertion of a vaginal contraceptive, or the initial sticker of a contraceptive patch is done strictly on the first day of menstruation.

And, in fact, this fact very often, firstly, delays these same periods, and secondly, forces you to bleed periodically throughout the first month of your new menstrual cycle. It's unpleasant, but completely normal.

Let us repeat once again, in this case it is not menstruation that began earlier, but intermediate menstrual-like bleeding that occurs. In the instructions for hormonal contraceptives, all the necessary information about such phenomena is described in detail.

Early menstruation in girls: what is the reason?

The normal initial arrival of menstruation in girls is considered to be at the age of 12-13 years. Doctors also do not consider the age of eleven to be too early. But if a girl under 11 years of age has her first period, this is a reason for concern and a visit to a pediatric gynecologist, and then, quite possibly, to an endocrinologist.

The reasons for such early menstruation can be both disruptions of the hormonal system and cancer. But even if menstruation began ahead of schedule, that is, for example, a girl is 10 years old, the main rule for her and her parents is not to panic.

Obese girls may also be victims of early menstruation. There is an unspoken and scientifically unproven gynecological sign: if a girl has reached 40 kg, wait for her first period. However, it is often confirmed.

If you realize that the spotting is scanty, indistinct dark brown or blackish-red in color, happened once or was limited to one day - this is not full menstruation, but the so-called menarche.

Generally speaking, this term refers to the first menstrual bleeding in a girl, which is followed in due course by the establishment of a cycle. It happens that menarche can appear at 10-11 years of age, and then disappear for six months, or even for more than a year.

In any case, even if you have no doubts about your girl’s health, but her period started at 10 or earlier, take her to the gynecologist.

What to do if you have unexpectedly early periods?

First of all, you need to understand: did your period actually come ahead of schedule or was it something else?

Standard options

If you are not pregnant, are not in the postpartum period, have not had an abortion and do not see any special, unusual manifestations in untimely bleeding, then consider whether something listed in the first part of the article has happened to you?

If you are still a teenager, or have just recently experienced some kind of stress, or found yourself in unusual heat, got carried away with a diet or overexerted yourself in training, or maybe use hormonal contraceptives - just relax and survive these unexpected periods that came ahead of schedule. It happened 5 days, a week, 10 days or 2 weeks earlier - no big deal.

Bleeding during pregnancy

But if you are pregnant, you can’t hesitate. We need to call an ambulance. During pregnancy there should be no bleeding at all - this is evidence of a threat of miscarriage.

Although, slight bleeding is still possible in the early stages, in the first trimester. They occur right at the time when your period would have arrived if you had not become pregnant. However, the obstetrician-gynecologist leading your pregnancy must warn you about such discharge, and they should not come as a complete surprise.

Bleeding after birth, abdominal/groin injury, or abortion

Shortly after childbirth, there is still a high risk of uterine bleeding. Therefore, if you have recently given birth and suddenly discovered a copious discharge of bright scarlet blood without clots, or feel dizzy, immediately call an ambulance. While you are waiting for her, take something cold, apply it to your lower abdomen and lie on your back, elevating your legs if possible.

All these warnings also apply to nulliparous women if they experience the same symptoms: uterine bleeding sometimes occurs, especially with injury, shock, unbearable physical activity or heavy lifting. The consequences of an abortion can also lead to uterine bleeding.

In addition to uterine bleeding, bleeding can also be vaginal: again, an injury or blow to the groin area, rape, or even just rough sex can lead to rupture of the vaginal wall. Such bleeding is also a reason to call an ambulance.

Take care of yourself and be vigilant: good health is the key to all kinds of achievements in life.

However, even if you are a little unlucky and your period comes ahead of schedule, do not panic or despair, analyze the recent events of your life, and if you have any, even the slightest, suspicions of health problems, be sure to visit a gynecologist!

Remember that in such situations the most important thing is to consult a doctor on time and undergo treatment responsibly! Then all problems with women's health will be left behind, and you will enjoy life again.

Video: What you should know about menstruation

Our article will introduce you to the most common causes of premature menstruation. You will also find out what affects the regularity of the cycle and whether early periods are a symptom of a serious illness.

  • The female body is quite vulnerable, so even the slightest stress can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. But if women react quite quickly to a delay in menstruation, then they practically do not pay attention to the early arrival of menstruation
  • No matter how scary it may sound, many women are more afraid of an unplanned pregnancy than inflammation of the female genital organs. For this reason, women who experience bleeding ahead of schedule almost never see a doctor.
  • And they do it, of course, in vain, because in most cases the body signals in this way that not entirely correct processes are taking place inside it. And if you don’t try to understand the cause of this pathology, then quickly enough this can lead to more serious problems.

Can my period start a week earlier?

Menstruation may start earlier due to a central nervous system disorder
  • Period- this is the process of rejection of the uterine mucosa, as a result of which not very heavy bleeding occurs. If everything is in order with the body, then the uterine discharge will be slightly different in color from ordinary blood. This is explained by the fact that they contain an enzyme that makes them a little darker and prevents natural folding.
  • A completely healthy girl should menstruate every 21-33 days. Of course, there may be some deviations in one direction or another, but this is considered a completely normal process. But if your period starts before a certain date, then it’s worth thinking about
  • If a woman feels quite well, then the reason for the early appearance of “guests” may be a malfunction of the endocrine system. It has been proven that with the correct development of events, ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If a woman is attentive to her body, this will happen 10-15 days after the start of discharge
  • But if everything is not in order with a woman’s hormonal background, then there is a possibility that menstruation will begin prematurely. Therefore, if you have such problems, then in addition to the gynecologist, do not forget to visit an endocrinologist

My period came a week early, reasons

Oral contraceptives may affect cycle regularity
  • It is probably difficult to find a woman who does not know that a regular menstrual cycle is the main indicator of her excellent female health. Therefore, if it goes astray, then for most women it causes anxiety and concern
  • Most often, ladies who do not really like the gynecologist and go to him only in case of emergency begin to worry a lot. After all, if they regularly visited a specialist, they would probably know that some women are generally prone to such a course of menstruation
  • Of course, this is considered a deviation from the norm, but with proper adjustment, the cycle is adjusted quite quickly and discharge occurs exactly according to the calendar. If everything is normal with the hormonal system, but menstruation still begins ahead of schedule, then we need to look for other reasons

Factors contributing to late onset of menstruation:

Stressful situations. When we are nervous, an involuntary muscle spasm occurs and our blood pressure rises. All this has a negative impact on the central nervous system, and it already begins to directly affect the reproductive system

Taking oral contraceptives. Almost all birth control pills contain huge doses of hormones. Once in the body, they can interfere with the functioning of female hormones for some time. All this can lead to menstruation starting prematurely.

Bad cold. Any disease gradually reduces a person’s defenses. Against this background, a rather strong inflammatory process begins in the woman’s body, which disrupts the blood supply to the uterine area. Due to this negative influence, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and discharge appears a little earlier than it should.

My period came a week early - pregnancy?

Unplanned pregnancy can also cause premature periods
  • Periods may well help us understand that something is wrong with us. If they come earlier than you expect them, this means that you need to be more careful about your health.
  • After all, although it is believed that premature menstruation is provoked by stress and hormonal problems, in some cases this pathology can signal that another life has arisen under your heart
  • Fortunately or unfortunately, such a possibility still exists. Bleeding that began quite unexpectedly cannot be called menstruation in the truest sense of the word. It’s just that when the embryo enters the uterine cavity, partial damage to the endometrium occurs and this is what provokes the appearance of bloody discharge

Signs of an unplanned pregnancy:
Menstruation began 2-7 days earlier than expected
The discharge is pink or brown
The number of lochia has decreased quite significantly
My period lasted less than usual

Heavy periods a week earlier, reasons

Heredity has a strong influence on the formation of the cycle

Heavy periods- a rather painful process, accompanied by fairly intense bleeding that can cause the development of anemia. How do you know if you have excessive bleeding? Yes, very simple. If you have to change a pad or tampon every hour and a half, then immediately seek help from a specialist.

Uterine bleeding is a rather insidious process in which a woman may need emergency medical help. After all, if you don’t try to normalize a woman’s condition, this can lead to quite unpleasant consequences.

Symptoms of heavy menstruation:
Lochia is secreted for more than 7 days
Blood loss per day exceeds 200 ml
Blood clots do not disappear for more than 3 days
Very severe pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries
Regular occurrence of intermenstrual discharge

Causes of heavy menstruation:
Carrying out a medical abortion
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
Avoiding certain foods
Taking aspirin regularly
Lack of vitamins C, K, P
Diseases of the reproductive system

Scanty periods a week early, reasons

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system may well provoke scanty periods
  • We all know that during normal menstruation, approximately 70-150 ml of blood is released. If the amount of discharge is even slightly less than these indicators, then we can say that you are developing hypomenorrhea. In addition to a sharp decrease in the number of lochia, their color also changes
  • The discharge may be so sparse that only faint traces of pink or brown may remain on the pad. In addition, a woman may experience severe headaches, general weakness, nausea and dizziness.
  • But with all this, such menstruation can begin at the right time and lasts from 3 to 7 days. Most often, the cause of scanty periods is not entirely correct functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland. If these two organs work abnormally, this immediately leads to negative changes in the endometrium.

Factors influencing the appearance of scanty discharge:
Frequent abortions and curettages
Injuries of the genitourinary organs
Operations on the reproductive system
Malfunction of the nervous system
Incorrectly selected hormonal therapy
Intoxication of the female body

How to get your period a week earlier?

Try taking a larger dose of ascorbic acid
  • Every woman knows that menstruation has the ability to start at the most inopportune moment. For example, on the very day when you gathered with your whole family at the water park or just on your birthday. Of course, such a natural phenomenon quite spoils the long-awaited holiday
  • To avoid such problems, some women try to calculate the onset of ovulation as accurately as possible and try to induce menstruation ahead of schedule. But remember, you should only do this if you know for sure that you are completely healthy and definitely not pregnant. If you have even the slightest doubt, then it is better to abandon your plan
  • Also remember that this is an emergency measure that can be used in the most extreme cases. After all, if you regularly resort to such manipulation, then there is a possibility that you will begin to have problems with women’s health, which can subsequently lead to infertility

Oral contraceptives. This method is only suitable for women who take birth control pills regularly. In this case, in order for menstruation to occur earlier, you just need to not take a seven-day break from taking the drug

Hormonal drugs. The mechanism of action of such drugs is quite simple. Once in a woman’s body, they reduce the level of progesterone as much as possible and increase the amount of estrogen. It is the latter that is responsible for the planned onset of the menstrual cycle

Hot bath. If you don't want to take medications, then try simply increasing blood flow to the genitals. To do this, give yourself a hot bath and lie in it for at least half an hour. Passionate and violent sex can enhance the effect of warm water

Herbal decoctions. Brew mint, chamomile and valerian and take 2 times a day for 3-4 days. The decoction maximizes the tone of the uterus and this contributes to an earlier onset of menstruation

Why did my period come 2 weeks earlier?

A sexually transmitted infection can cause premature menstruation
  • Unfortunately, recently there has been a significant increase in cases where menstruation begins 2 weeks ahead of schedule. And, although women like to think that this is a banal hormonal imbalance, in some cases the cause of this pathology may be problems with the ovaries
  • Most often, against this background, a woman develops two diseases, which contribute to a rather short period between menstruation. First, anovulatory dysfunction develops. This disease reduces the production of female hormones and maximizes the production of male hormones. In this case, estrogen may not be produced at all. Typically, women with this problem have quite noticeable male pattern hair.
  • If you do not begin to get rid of this problem, the condition may worsen and this will provoke the development of ovarian resistance. In this case, the body will produce all the necessary hormones, but the ovaries themselves will not respond to them in any way. Without proper treatment, menstruation may stop completely or appear quite unexpectedly in the form of fairly heavy and painful bleeding.

Main causes of pathology:
Thyroid problems
Excess weight
Elevated blood sugar
Tumors in the uterus
Miscarriage or abortion
Fasting and, as a consequence, lack of vitamins and microelements

What does brown discharge a week before your period mean?

The appearance of dark brown discharge can be caused by intense physical exertion.

Discharge from the genital tract is a natural physiological phenomenon that helps a woman understand how healthy her reproductive organs are. If the mucus that appears from the vagina has a light, almost transparent color and does not emit any odor, then there is nothing to worry about.

But if you notice that they have begun to change their color and consistency, then this is a reason to make an appointment with a doctor. Light brown discharge may appear due to bacterial vaginosis or cervical injury. Dark brown mucus indicates that there is clotted blood in the vaginal cavity all the time.

Causes of brown discharge:
Abrupt climate change
Physical exercise
Uterine fibroids
Bleeding disorder

Video: Is getting your period a week 10 days early a sign of pregnancy?
