Who are Peter and Fevronia summary. About Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Video: the ideal marriage of Peter and Fevronia

You can build happiness on your misfortune - either by trial and error, overcoming great difficulties, or easily. Marilyn Kerro knows a shortcut that will lead you to well-being.

A harmonious existence with oneself acts as the basis on which the personal happiness of each person is built. In any situation, remember that you are at the helm of your life. Advice from Marilyn Kerro, who knows the path to happiness, will guide you in the right direction. You will find a guideline that will help you overcome all obstacles, overcome difficulties and finally call yourself a happy person.

The path to happiness

Naturally, everyone has their own path to happiness, as does the concept of happiness itself. For every person, happiness is something personal, intimate, unique and inimitable. You can’t follow someone else’s success, just as you can’t turn away from your own path of destiny. The path to your well-being begins within you. Therefore, it is so important to hear your inner voice and follow the call of your heart, noticing all the little things and clues from the Universe.

When we talk about happiness, we imagine that we already have everything: all our dreams have come true at once. Yes, personal well-being is unique, but every person wants to have everything they need to live. It’s enough to even remember what we wish each other every year on holidays: good luck, health, love, joy. Happiness is the general name for all the blessings that one can imagine. And the moment we gain everything, we become happy.

You need to listen to yourself. After all, if you remember yourself at ten years old, you can understand: what made us happy then will no longer make us happy now. And this is normal: happiness grows with us, as do our needs, views and desires. You need to do what you love, greet every morning with a smile, feel the support of loved ones and be yourself. Do not chase after other people's happiness - the Higher powers have prepared their own path for each person.

Try to compare happiness with a mosaic that is assembled from different parts and becomes a complete and beautiful picture. This is exactly how the laws of the Universe work. To find the details that will fit into the picture of our happy life, our long-awaited happiness, it is important to accept changes, grow, develop. Remember that the most important victory on the path to happiness is victory over yourself.

Getting rid of problems in life

To follow our North Star, we need to understand where our problems come from. Usually it is difficulties and difficulties that tell us that we have gone astray from the right path. It is important to learn to understand, accept and get rid of them correctly. Apart from you, no one else can put a spoke in your wheels: even ill-wishers and envious people are powerless if you follow your destiny from Above.

1. Keep it simple. Take everything with ease. Happiness is inextricably linked to our worldview. If in every situation you see only failure and defeat, you need to repress everything negative emotions. Fear and uncertainty stop your endeavors. Learn to relax and enjoy the little things. As you meet the world, that is how it will reveal itself to you.

2. More joy. Enjoying the little things is an important step towards happiness. It is enough to appreciate the current moment, be content with little and dream of more. Don't burden yourself with thoughts of past defeats and worries about the future. Problems should be solved as they arise, and not created from scratch.

3. Doubts away. There is nothing worse than doubting yourself. Be brave, determined and determined to win. Every new day brings new opportunities that you can use in unlimited quantity. Believe in yourself: Until you believe in your success, no one will believe in it. Affirmations will help you become more confident and cast aside all doubts.

4. Kindness. What we give to the world and people is what we get back. The law of reciprocity is the key to happiness. Create a good atmosphere around you - this will attract to you a feeling of harmony and unity with the Higher powers. Be polite, open and cheerful. Cheer up the people who interact with you.

5. Avoid conflicts. Learn to maneuver in a dispute, achieving victory through diplomacy. Do not impose your opinion on another person, there is no point. Accept and respect the views of other people - this will help you strengthen your position in society and gain capricious fortune to help you.

6. Learn from your mistakes. Oddly enough, but learning from other people's mistakes is a completely empty exercise. Each person has his own path to the Olympus of happiness, and workarounds will not work here. You need to draw experience from the past, reevaluate the path traveled, understand where is important and where is secondary. Error is your valuable teacher, assigned to you by the Universe itself. In moments of defeat, be strong in spirit.

7. Criticize only yourself. Self-criticism is useful, especially if you are in a bind. Don't try to blame it on other people, an accident or bad luck. If you are stuck, the answer is hidden within you. Take other people's constructive criticism calmly - it corrects deviations in you, directing you in the right direction.

8. Humor. Any situation that we perceive with humor becomes less painful. Humor helps us find positivity where there may not be any. Give yourself the right to laugh, make fun of your failures and don't think about what others will think.

9. Informed decisions. Awkward situations, damaged relationships, lies and slander - all these are the consequences of rash decisions. Don't jump to conclusions based on rumors, gossip, or personal guesses. Try to be objective and rely only on reliable information.

10. The right to make mistakes. Remember one important thing: no one is perfect. Don't demand too much from yourself, don't try to jump above your head and don't reproach yourself for mistakes. This will only give you a feeling of guilt and inferiority. You have the right to make mistakes, this is inherent in our genetic code. Correct the mistake or draw conclusions, try to understand what this situation wanted to teach you, and move on. Do not accumulate negative memories in yourself - they should be replaced by new, pure and positive ones.

11. Learn to forgive. To be happy, it is important to learn to forgive. But in order to be able to forgive others, you first need to forgive yourself. Let yourself go, free yourself from the past. Everything in our life consists of trial and error, so get rid of fears and doubts, from everything that prevents you from moving on. You are unable to control the Higher powers and bear responsibility for all your mistakes. In this world, we are only guests who should gain valuable experience - the experience of living a happy life.

Happiness cannot be bought with money and cannot be found in someone else's misfortune. Happiness is, first of all, working on yourself. And there is nothing more difficult than changing yourself. This is why many people leave this path, looking for affordable and imaginary happiness. Marilyn Kerro is confident that personal well-being can only be found through changes that begin within.

Despite the fact that Saints Peter and Fevronia lived at the beginning of the distant 13th century, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a very young holiday. In 2008, the wife of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Svetlana, put forward the initiative for this celebration, and it was supported State Duma. By the way, it was Svetlana Vladimirovna who came up with the symbol of this day - the chamomile.

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

So were there really such historical figures like Peter and Fevronia, or is this all a tribute to the legend?

The Tale of the Fiery Serpent and the Wise Maiden

In the chronicles, according to historians, such a historical character as Prince Peter of Murom does not exist. However, there was Prince David of Murom and his wife, who in old age took monastic vows and were called Peter and Fevronia in monasticism.

The couple were canonized in 1547 and only after that the work of Ermolai Erasmus, one of the great chroniclers, “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” was published; it is this Tale that underlies all the legends telling about an unparalleled marital union and marital fidelity.

In fact, this Tale is based on two ancient Russian tales - the tale of the flying fiery serpent and the tale of the wise maiden.

But first things first. Before talking about Peter and Fevronia, we need to remember that Peter had an older brother - Prince Pavel. It was the story of his married life that served as the beginning of all events: “... the winged serpent began to fly to the wife of that prince for fornication. And with his magic he appeared before her in the image of the prince himself. This obsession continued for a long time. The wife did not hide this and told the prince and her husband about everything that happened to her. The evil serpent took possession of her by force.”

Paul began to look for ways to destroy the serpent, and his wife deceived her into finding out from the serpent that he would die “by Peter’s hand and Agric’s sword.”

Pavel went to brother Peter and told him about his misfortune, but the brothers did not know what “Agrikov’s sword” was. But here, too, God helped the well-behaved brothers - such a sword was discovered in one of the churches near Murom. When Peter killed the snake, blood splashed on him and the younger prince fell ill with leprosy.

Peter kills the serpent Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

For a long time, Peter was treated to no avail, until they told him that Fevronia, the daughter of a beekeeper from the Ryazan region, could help him. The girl promised to help the prince, and in exchange for the favor she asked him to marry her. Peter agreed, Fevronia cured him, but did not specifically heal one ulcer. Returning home, Peter did not think of fulfilling his promise, since Fevronia was a commoner and the illness returned.

Having come to Fevronia for the second time, the prince fulfilled his promise and married the girl.

The life of the spouses was not easy; after the death of his elder brother, Peter ascended the Murom throne. The boyars were very unhappy that the princess was from a peasant family and forced Peter to abdicate the throne.

Parable of the Water

The couple left Murom, sailing along the Oka by boat, Fevronia noticed that one of her fellow travelers was looking at her with undisguised interest.

“She, having immediately guessed him bad thoughts, denounced him, telling him: “Scoop up water from this river from this side of this vessel.” He got it. And she ordered him to drink. He drank. Then she said again: “Now scoop up water from the other side of this vessel.” He got it. And she ordered him to drink again. He drank. Then she asked: “Is the water the same or is one sweeter than the other?” He answered: “The same water, lady.” After this she said: “So the female nature is the same. Why, having forgotten about your wife, are you thinking about someone else’s?” And this man, realizing that she had the gift of insight, did not dare to indulge in such thoughts anymore.”

And then the residents of Murom caught up with the prince and princess and told them how many boyars had killed each other in the struggle for the principality and begged the married couple to return to the throne. They still ruled for a long time in piety and fidelity.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia Photo: wikimapia.org

In their declining years, they decided to retire to a monastery, Peter took the name David, and Fevronia became Euphrosyne in monasticism.

They prayed to God to die on the same day and hour, and so it happened - on June 25, 1228, the couple died. Despite the fact that they bequeathed to bury them in the same coffin with a thin partition, they were buried separately, but the very next day they were together again.

“After their repose, people decided to bury the body of blessed Prince Peter in the city, near the cathedral church of the Most Pure Mother of God, and to bury Fevronia in a country nunnery, near the Church of the Exaltation of the Honest and life-giving cross, saying that since they became monks, they cannot be put in the same coffin. And they made separate coffins for them, in which they placed their bodies: the body of St. Peter, named David, was placed in his coffin and placed until the morning in the city church of the Holy Mother of God, and the body of St. Fevronia, named Euphrosyne, was placed in her coffin and placed in the country church Exaltation of an honest and life-giving cross. Their common coffin, which they themselves ordered to be carved out of one stone, remained empty in the same city cathedral church of the Most Pure Mother of God. But the next morning, people saw that the separate coffins in which they had placed them were empty, and their holy bodies were found in the city cathedral church of the Most Pure Mother of God in their common coffin, which they ordered to be made for themselves during their lifetime. Foolish people, both during their lifetime and after the honest repose of Peter and Fevronia, tried to separate them: they again put them in separate coffins and separated them again. And again in the morning the saints found themselves in a single coffin. And after that they no longer dared to touch their holy bodies and buried them near the city cathedral church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God, as they themselves commanded - in a single coffin, which God gave for enlightenment and for the salvation of that city: those who fell with faith to the shrine with their relics generously find healing."

Here is such a legend, and it is also interesting that, according to legend, Peter took the name of the real-life Prince of Murom, David Yuryevich, as a monk. This is how reality and fiction are intertwined.

Since 1547, Peter and Fevronia have been considered the patrons of Orthodox marriage, although weddings are not celebrated on this day, so the day of their commemoration falls on Peter's Fast.
