Watch crime stories from life. Crime stories. New bandits - lads

Several incredible and funny stories about unlucky robbers are worthy of being posted here on this site.

Granny was "divorced" for her unborn son

A 72-year-old resident of Novodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, never thought that when she picked up the phone, she would hear a stern male voice that would notify her about a serious accident in which her son was involved.

He can still be saved from serious responsibility if he urgently deposits five thousand rubles on the phone, the number of which was dictated by a stranger with clearly police notes in his voice. The old woman, right in her slippers, rushed to the nearest “download”, which was located in the store on the first floor of her house.

Running in payment terminal five thousandth bills and having received a piece of paper on the receipt, granny suddenly realized that she had somehow been very simply “conned.” She never had any son, only her only daughter had two grandchildren...

She took the statement to the police, of course, that same evening. But it turned out that the piece of paper on which she had hastily written down the telephone number of the formidable “policeman” was thrown into the trash bin that stood near the “downloader”. Moreover, the receipt was also thrown out there. And the store employees regularly cleaned up the sales area, throwing out garbage from the trash can near the terminal... The telephone “distributor” was never found.

Don't distract the robber while eating!

This case was described on one of the American legal portals. One of the most ridiculous robberies recent years happened in Chicago.

Late in the evening, two robbers broke into a McDonald's that was preparing to close, demanding proceeds and six Big Macs. They were given the money right away, but in order to heat the hamburgers, they had to turn on the ovens. The unlucky robbers agreed to wait! When police sirens suddenly flashed in the restaurant windows, they rushed to run, grabbing food but forgetting about the money. When the police caught them, it turned out that the robbers never tried a single Big Mac.

This American history as if read and adopted by a robber who tried to “take” a village store in the village of Glebovskoye, Yaroslavl region.

Running into shopping room, he demanded money from the cash register and a box of vodka from the saleswoman. The resourceful saleswoman handed him the box without much emotion." fire water", and she ceremoniously retired to the back room, supposedly for money. From there she called the local police officer who lived nearby. The policeman, running into the store, found the following picture: a sweaty man grabbed a box of the desired drinks, unable to throw it away, and the saleswoman was calmly collecting put bread and canned food in a bag for him, supposedly for a snack. The hungover man even forgot about the money...

The greenhouse thief became a cemetery "zombie"

A taxi driver from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region, dropped off a summer resident in the middle of the night at the Taiga SOT, which is 16 kilometers from the city. It was the end of June, the height of the white nights in the north. Everything is visible as if during the day. When the car was passing by the city cemetery "Myronova Gora", right in front of it jumped out of the bushes naked man, his appearance is very similar to a dead man or a zombie from horror films: pale, thin, with red eyes and a club in his hand.

The only clothing he wore was a loincloth made of branches and leaves. The driver jerked the steering wheel sharply and managed to avoid the monster. An elderly summer resident fainted in the passenger seat. At fourth speed, having reached the turn from the highway to SOT, the driver called the police using his cell phone. And an ambulance to the passenger. The duty department didn’t really believe the driver’s confused story, but they still sent a squad in the UAZ.

When the patrol officers approached the cemetery, something almost naked and pale with red eyes jumped out of the bushes right at them with inhuman screams. But the policemen’s nerves turned out to be somewhat stronger than those of the taxi driver who called the police. In the end it turned out that this very “something” was a greenhouse thief who made a living by stealing seedlings from summer cottages. The summer residents caught him, beat him up, stripped him and sent him home. The cucumber-tomato thief walked barefoot from the cell phone straight to the cemetery, making himself a loincloth from leaves along the way.

Result: the thieving “something” was sentenced to administrative arrest and a fine for violating public order on country roads...

Bank robber made the clerk laugh out loud

It is difficult to agree with the satirist Mikhail Zadornov. Well, not stupid Americans, not stupid!.. But cool. In California, an unlucky guy in life came up with what he thought was a brilliant plan to rob a bank. It seems that everything was planned. However, while going to work, he suddenly forgot a mandatory attribute for a bank robber - a mask! And he found what seemed to him a brilliant solution.

On the way to the bank, he bought a can of whipped cream from a nearby supermarket and smeared it all over his face - well, you wouldn’t know, for sure! The young man quickly entered the premises intended for robbery. When the “disguised” robber pulled out a pistol and sternly demanded money, the cashier burst into laughter. The robber was taken aback. There was an unexpected hitch.

Meanwhile, the cream began to slide off his face. He panicked and rushed to the exit. Since the cream got into his eyes, the poor fellow got confused glass door with the window and lost consciousness, hitting his forehead against the thick glass with all his might. It was the police who brought him to his senses.

Liquor robbery - only after 21 years of age

A young resident of the Kupchino district in St. Petersburg entered a night store, took out an object that looked like a pistol, and demanded the proceeds from the seller. Since there was not much money in the cash register (the seller had just accepted a shift), the guy demanded several bottles of expensive cognac. And then the indignant seller balked: they say, it seems to me that you, young man, are not yet 21 years old, I can’t give you alcohol!

The confused robber took out his passport and showed it to the trade worker: look, I’m already 23! After carefully looking through the document, the seller agreed to please the “adult” robber with “drinks for adults.” An hour later the unlucky robber was arrested in his own apartment- the address was suggested to the operatives, naturally, by a cunning salesman, who remembered it when “checking documents.”

Andrey Mikhailov

There are cases when the police have to save people from dangerous animals, say, a snake that has accidentally escaped or a tiger that has escaped from a zoo. Here you will find 10 stories about animals who found themselves in completely different situations - all of them were "arrested" for specific offenses, from vagrancy to espionage...

Lorenzo - drug cartel member

Parrot Lorenzo was caught in the net of justice in Colombia. He was just one of 1,700 of his kind, trained by drug traffickers to stand on the lookout and shout in Spanish, “Run, run, before you get caught,” when they see approaching police officers.

However, the police recognized the ruse and arrested Lorenzo right at the crime scene, simultaneously seizing 200 weapons, a stolen motorcycle and a bunch of drugs. Together with Lorenzo, they “mated” four people and two other birds.

A burglar cat named Oscar

The police report described Oscar as a “well-fed and aggressive” animal. This cat was arrested in Sweden for "terrorizing" domestic cats by showing up uninvited and taking their food.

After “arresting” and examining the “suspect,” the police decided that he looked too well-groomed for a homeless person. Therefore, it was decided to keep the shaggy bandit in the police station until his owner could be found. Fortunately for Oscar, the owner was found (otherwise he would have been euthanized).

Spy Dove

A Pakistani pigeon was discovered by a resident of Punjab (India) and immediately called the police. It may seem strange that an Indian could recognize a stranger in a bird, but Pakistani pigeons are really distinguished by their white color.

After a more detailed examination, a ring with an address and telephone number engraved on it was discovered on the pigeon's foot. The bird was accused of espionage and “put under arrest.”

killer cow

In 2005, a cow was seized in Lagos, Nigeria. The animal was accused of killing a bus driver who stopped on the side of the road for relief. The cow approached its victim from behind, knocked him down, began kicking and goring with his horns until the man died. Then the cow went on the attack on other passers-by, but then the police arrived and neutralized the criminal.

Bobby is a Hindu in Pakistan

Bobby is an Indian monkey whose crime was to “illegally” cross the India-Pakistan border. Unlike Bhol, Bobby was wild (he received a name after his arrest), no one tried to smuggle him. He was just taking a walk and wandered into Pakistani territory.

When the locals discovered the uninvited guest, they first tried to catch him on their own, but were unable to do so and turned to the authorities. The Punjab police caught the "intruder", took him into custody and handed him over to the zoo.

Smuggler cat

Not long ago, a cat was arrested in a prison in northeastern Brazil. Before this, he had been noticed by prison authorities several times, but did not arouse any suspicion.

But one day one of the guards noticed that there was a bag tied to the animal’s belly, which contained mobile phone and a charger for it, several small hacksaws and other tools clearly intended to prepare for an escape.

It turned out that this cat was raised by prisoners. During visits, the cat was picked up by members of their families, and then released near the prison, and the animal returned home with a “parcel”.

Tramp Gosha

A macaque named Gosha was bought by a wealthy family from the Russian city of Biysk. At first, Gosha was very nice, but as he grew up, he became completely uncontrollable and, in the end, he was kicked out the door.

After living in abundance, Gosha found himself on the street, met local homeless people and lived with them for several months in an abandoned building. Then the police raided the house, arrested all the inhabitants, including Gosha, and charged the entire honest company with vagrancy.

It was too expensive to deport Gosha, so it was decided to send him to the Novosibirsk zoo.

Illegal elephant nicknamed Bhola

The elephant, named Bhola, was arrested when its owner tried to smuggle it across the border in the Indian state of Pradesh, where he hoped to cure the animal. It turned out that the elephant had previously collided with a truck and was wounded and almost blind.

At the police station, Bhola quickly became the favorite of the local children, and his owner never showed up in court, fearing paperwork. The court later handed the elephant over to WildlifeSOS, a wildlife rescue center.

Monkey Flour

Florida police have placed Mookie the monkey under house arrest for biting two people who tried to pet him. The owner warned strangers that the animal could react to “tenderness” in the most unpredictable way, especially when cars were scurrying around and frightening the monkey. However, I still had to answer to the law.

The house arrest lasted 30 days while authorities investigated whether Muki had rabies. The owner of the “criminal” was very upset, because Muki had all the necessary vaccinations, and in general until that moment he had been an exemplary monkey. Moreover, because of this trouble, poor Muki was forced to celebrate his 20th birthday in custody!

Magic goat

This prisoner had no name at all. He was taken into custody in 2009 in Nigeria as an accomplice to a robbery.

Witnesses claimed that several men were trying to open someone else's car. The police managed to catch almost all of them at the crime scene, only one escaped. When the police caught up with the fugitive, it turned out that he was... an asshole.

The police thought about it and came to the conclusion that, apparently, the unknown accomplice in the crime turned into a goat with the help of magic in order to avoid punishment (but that was not the case!). The goat was eventually sold at a police auction for 300 naira (or about two dollars).

In our provincial, but fairly large city, the first sex shop was opened at the beginning of the 2000s. Back then it was a significant event, and over time the store itself turned into some kind of semi-legendary place, where none of the residents themselves ever went, of course, but everyone always had friends and acquaintances who had been there. Mysticism indeed. A lot has happened over the years, but these stories are especially etched in my memory.

Picture one. Action-packed

This happened in the mid-2000s. The sign then hung in the window, and was covered with steel shutters during non-working hours. The store was accounted for; only the blinds above the door were raised. There are no signs. There was some kind of bank on the opposite side of the building. Middle of a day. The store is closed for registration. Dinner. There is only a bored salesman in the store. Suddenly two masked men burst in with weapons. They see display cases with a bunch of dicks, handcuffs and other latex bells and whistles. And then one says to the other: “Seryoga! This is not a back door!” Just think, they made the wrong door, it doesn’t happen to anyone. They ran away quickly. There were no cameras then. Cameras came later. They didn’t touch the police, they just warned the bank. Whether these unfortunate robbers reached them then or not, I don’t know.

Picture two. Teatralnaya

Do you know who is the real threat to such establishments? Grandmas. Seriously! They burst in like a crowd. Several grandfathers are with them. The seller is immediately cursed in the spirit of: “They have unleashed debauchery! They sell prostitutes!” One faints from the assortment and begins to urgently die. Alarm button then it already appeared and was urgently pressed. A police detachment arrives. The grandmothers begin to be sent away, the grandmothers begin to complain. The one that was dying urgently resurrects and retreats. Bottom line. The strap-on and artificial vagina were missing. That's when the cameras were hung up.

Picture three. Robber's

In the morning, when the store opens, the director notices a camera dangling on a wire at the entrance. Let's look at the records. Under the cover of darkness, one of the grandmothers comes up and looks at the camera for a long time. Throws stones at her. Misses. Leaves. About 20 minutes later he comes with a mop and spends a long time trying to knock down the camera. Does not work. Goes away again for 20 minutes. Comes with a mop and a stool. He struggles for a long time and finally knocks over the camera. The grandmother was found immediately. I paid for the damage immediately, after showing her the record at the department. The case was not opened. But the whole courtyard then retold the legend about the heroic battle of the grandmother with the antenna through which the Americans irradiate everyone, turning them into prostitutes and drug addicts.

This story happened to me personally. I was then a small six-year-old boy, growing up in the yard among my older friends and girlfriends, as well as grandparents, of whom there was a whole platoon in our provincial yard. Our yard consisted of two two-story, two-entrance Stalinist houses, facing each other in the letter “G,” as well as a block of sheds, one for each apartment of the two houses—the result was an unfused letter “P.” Idyll of the nineties. Around are garages, factories, the main street of the city, a small forest park, abandoned garage cooperatives, drug enclaves of Brezhnev's five-story buildings and elite high-rise buildings of the modern sense. In general, my friends and I had plenty of room to explore in search of our own adventures.

We all see dreams: vivid and not so bright, pleasant, funny, sad, sometimes we are tormented by nightmares, sometimes warning dreams. I have “imprint dreams”. I've seen them three times in my entire life. The dream itself is quite everyday, but in it you feel smells, subtle touches, mood, and as if you are in the body of another person, you see through his eyes, you catch the flow of his thoughts. It can be assumed that a person left an information imprint in space, and I counted it. I want to tell you about one of these dreams, my friends. Dreams are dreams, but this one had a continuation in life that amazed me.
The duration of action is no more than two minutes of real time. I (in the dream) am a girl of about twenty, winter, about eight in the evening, it’s already dark outside, I returned home from school and walked into the entrance.

I heard this story from an old friend of mine; she was not yet married at that time and loved to travel on vacation packages. In Soviet times, they often gave free trips, just choose the directions. My friend’s name was Irina, she was very pretty - ash blonde, very petite, with a thin waist; on vacation she was popular with the opposite sex, which she liked very much. On vacation, she liked to dress in all white, but, in fact, in the south this was not uncommon. She had a lot of money, since she served in the Army, and received very large vacation pay. She went on a trip to Georgia, to a very nice boarding house by the sea.

I’ll tell you from the words of a girl I know about an incident that happened several years ago in the Krasnodar region.

A friend of mine (let's call her Natalya) was traveling on a train in a compartment car. She sits, bored, and then a guy of twenty-seven years old, hefty, pumped up, asks to join her in her compartment. We got to talking - it turned out that he was either a contract soldier or a former marine (the girl spoke, but I didn’t remember).
The guy was going to the same city as my friend, with the goal of relaxing and seeing the world. Natalya immediately took a liking to his tattoos, especially the blue anchor on his strong man’s forearm.

I want to tell you two stories that will make your hair stand on end. Not so much from stories, but from incredible human cruelty and sadism.
I was studying in Yekaterinburg then in my first year. The winter was cold there, prickly, with knee-deep snowdrifts. I then went home for the weekend by intercity bus. My stepfather worked as a driver and agreed with a colleague to pick me up and drive me for free. But he didn't deliver. He wanted to take revenge on his stepfather for past grievances that I did not know about, and he pushed me in front of everyone into the snowdrifts onto the highway near Khomutovka. Not a single passenger moved, and while I was taking my heavy bag out of the snow, the bus doors closed.

In 2006, I finally moved out from my parents and rented an apartment on Begovaya, in an old six-story Stalin building. It was an amazing two-room apartment, which was located so that it went through the entire house - that is, I had two balconies that overlooked different sides Houses.

Then the village consisted of several five-story buildings (about ten in the whole town), kindergarten, military hospital and officers' house. Not far away Railway, and the village was surrounded on almost all sides by a dense forest, in which, in fact, there was a military base: artillery, tanks and, as my father later told me, missiles.

Crime stories about curious crimes, brutal killers, maniacs and their heinous deeds. Some people's actions are worse than any mystical phenomena and, unfortunately, there is no doubt about their reality.

If you also have something to tell about this topic, you can absolutely free.

One evening at 18:00 in November, I was walking through a mini park in the city of Dnepr near the train station. There were no people that evening. My soul was always out of place, and my heart was beating in anxiety. On another path among the trees, I saw a man walking in the distance. He inspired neither trust nor fear, but my soul sank with fear. I began to anxiously fiddle with my bag. Suddenly, from behind, he suddenly jumped at me with the words: “Come on, stop!” At this time, I sharply screamed for help.

One thing happened to me as a child strange story. I was about 7 years old, after school I went to my aunt’s house, she lived next to the school, had lunch, taught homework and waited for one of my older sisters to pick me up after school. I usually sat on a bench in the garden, which stood behind summer kitchen, such a small shed.

And so, I’m sitting on a bench, studying my lessons, and suddenly I see a man trying to climb over the fence from the top corner of the garden. I got scared and, shouting “mom, mommy,” I ran behind the barn, down 4 steps and to the house. I jumped into the house and closed the door with the hook, and then immediately, before I had time to close it with the top lock, I felt the door being pulled from the outside. I was shocked, since the distance from the bench to the house is very short, and I ran very quickly, and the distance from the corner of the garden to the door of the house is quite decent.

“We are not killers at all, we are just thirsty for blood. During the meal, I make a slight incision in the “donor’s” body and suck the blood very carefully so as not to cut off the vein. There’s something in the blood” - Kane Presley (female vampire).

They sleep in their coffins during the day and go out hunting at night. They can fly, jump out of mirrors, pass through walls, and often attack in dreams. They are immortal, they are not afraid of either time or space. They have terrible fangs and claws and are afraid of daylight and garlic. You can kill them only by driving an aspen stake into their heart. And most importantly, these monsters drink human blood! Vampires, regulars of horror films and chilling stories!

“They were led to a small area in front of the prayer house of the cursed Idol. They put feathers on the unfortunate people's heads, gave them something like fans in their hands, and forced them to dance. And after they performed a sacrificial dance, they were laid on their backs, their chests were ripped open with knives and their beating hearts were taken out. The hearts were offered to the Idol, and the bodies were pushed down the steps, where the Indian executioners, waiting below, cut off arms, legs, and skinned faces, preparing it as glove leather for their festivals. At the same time, the blood of the victims was collected in a large bowl and smeared with it on the Idol’s mouth.”

- Dad, where we came, it’s full of rats, I’ve never seen so many rats, and they’re all very vile, disgusting and scary! - Daughter, don’t exaggerate, not everyone is disgusting, that one with the shabby tail is nothing at all, but she’s so affectionate, she rubs everything at your feet, begs for treats. Here's a piece of bread to feed the animal. What, he refuses to eat bread? I'm completely screwed! Give her human meat, and not just ordinary meat, but exclusively bloody villains, who have hundreds of ruined lives on their conscience, because these are special rats, Mexican ones!

When I was twelve years old (it was 1980), my parents and I went to Belarus to visit relatives. My aunt, uncle and two cousins ​​lived in the city. The older sister was six years older than me, she was then eighteen years old. She told a lot of interesting things about herself, I listened to her carefully.

That evening she was going to a dance with a guy whom she would marry some time later. There was a portrait hanging on the wall in the room. It was very beautiful, my sister was drawn on it. Then we returned home. A couple of years later, we received a letter inviting us to a wedding. We didn’t go; my parents didn’t have the opportunity. Very little time passed, we received a telegram that my beloved sister was no more.

A couple of years ago a terrible and wild incident occurred in our region. I'll tell you in order.

A guy got married in one of the districts. The daughter-in-law was a sight to behold - white-faced, slender and stately. In addition, she was very sociable, got to know all her neighbors, and impressed everyone very much. good impression. A few months later she became pregnant. Her next-door neighbor had a one-year-old daughter at the time. The girl was like a doll, with chubby arms and legs. The daughter-in-law adored this girl, she squeezed her all the time, kissed her and joked: “I’ll eat her now!” Well, many people say so, but they don’t eat it!

A similar incident happened to me in 2004. I was 14 years old at that time.

I only stayed at school for 30 minutes because I was on duty. I left school at 18:00, it was already getting a little dark. As usual, I reached the stop and my bus arrived. I went in without thinking about anything bad. After about 5 minutes I saw a man who looked about 29 years old, or maybe a little older. He kept trying to cling to me, at first I decided that it was just my imagination, because there were plenty of people in the salon, and I thought he was just letting people through, so he inadvertently touched me. But the longer this went on, the more fear arose in me, and I already realized that something was wrong. I had only one thing on my mind - to get there as quickly as possible.

And now, finally, my stop, I look at the exit, and he’s standing behind me, also getting ready to get out. I went out, he followed me. I went to left side from the stop he is to the right, I also decided that he was probably going in the other direction. In general, I was walking as if nothing had happened (and from the stop to the house, slowly, about 20 minutes), and when I was already two steps from the entrance, I decided to turn around. I look, he is following me. Of course, I ran into the entrance in shock, and the fool went up to the mailbox to check, but I should have immediately run upstairs (it was my mistake). Then he definitely wouldn’t have caught up with me. In general, I thought that he would never come into the entrance. But he dared to do that too.

The story happened to me less than an hour ago. There is no mysticism in it, but one moment in particular struck me.

Just half an hour ago I was returning home. There's a backpack on his back and a box of cereal in his hands. There is a children's playground in front of my house. There are benches there. And now everything is remembered as if in slow motion. I put my backpack on the bench to get the keys to the house. I take them out and out of the corner of my eye I notice that my action is seen by a man in a black coat and hat, maybe a cap. I don't remember the face. He sits down on a nearby bench and looks at me. I look at him for a moment, a split second, and feel the negativity emanating from him.

Amazingly, now it seems to me that at this time he realized that I understood something about his intentions. A housing office worker smoothly passes by. I take my backpack and walk along the path towards the house. When I already reach the entrance, I turn around and see him coming. I quickly insert the key into the keyhole. Now I know that I was terribly stupid, going exactly to my entrance, but when I walked, this man was sitting there, on the bench of the playground.
