Kobeya growing from seeds at home. Kobeya - a method of cultivation. How and when to collect kobea flower seeds

Have you ever heard about the wonderful climbing plant - kobe? This is a delightful perennial subshrub; it is also practiced as an annual crop. Today we will talk about the features of planting this amazing plant in the open ground, and we will also reveal to you the secrets of proper care for it. This will allow you to grow kobei on your own site. You can be convinced of the charm and beauty of the kobei by looking at the presented photo.

Varieties and varieties of plants

Kobeya is famous for its rapid growth, development and powerful root system. It is characterized by complex pinnate leaves, branched at the ends into tendrils, and stems, the length of which sometimes reaches more than 6 m. In addition, kobeya has large beautiful flowers bell-shaped with protruding stamens. Their delicate white or purple color leaves no one indifferent.

There are 9 species of kobei in total. The most popular is climbing kobeya, which is also popularly called monastery bells. Its long shoots cling with their tendrils to all existing barriers. The leaves of the plant are openwork, they can create an attractive green carpet. Its flowers reach 8 cm in diameter and have a divine aroma. The crop manages to secure a certain area in just a couple of years, and annual crops can be planted annually in any place convenient for you.

Planting kobei

Kobei, planting and caring for which will not seem difficult even for novice gardeners, will decorate any courtyard with their presence, making it colorful, lively and attractive. IN open ground Seedlings usually begin to be planted in May-June, when the weather is already warm outside. It is better to choose for her an open, unshaded area with good, fertile soil. Cold gusty winds have a bad effect on the plant.

For planting, holes are dug at a distance of 50-100 cm from each other and filled with a mixture of humus, peat and turf soil. Kobes are placed in them, dropped in drops and watered a little.

Advice. Install supports in advance so that the plant can gradually climb along them and not spread to other plantings.

Plant care

Nothing will decorate fences and decorative buildings like a magnificent kobeya. Caring for it is based on regular moderate watering, timely loosening of the soil and, of course, removing harmful weeds.

Attention! Never overdo it with watering the plant. Excess moisture can cause root rot, and the kobeya will quickly die.

During the first time after planting, kobei should be protected with two layers of non-woven insulation. If the tops of the plant freeze, it is better to cut them off, this will contribute to further branching of the kobeya. Kobeya begins to bloom from July until late autumn.

Collecting its seeds for further sowing is very problematic, since they do not ripen in our climate zone. Germination is only 30%, so it is better to purchase them in a specialized store. To save the plant until next year, in October its shoots should be cut off, the bush should be dug up and transplanted into a spacious box. Store the container in a cool and dark room, occasionally watering the plant. After the end of frost, kobeya is planted in open ground.

Fertilizer and feeding of kobei

Young plants should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers every week. You can start fertilizing from the first days of the crop’s life. With the appearance of buds, the plant will require phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Kobeya can also be fertilized with humate, and mineral supplements alternate with organic ones, for example, with mullein solution.

Reproduction of Kobei

Kobe seeds are sown from February to March, after soaking them in a special growth stimulator. It is recommended to sow each seed in a separate cup. They are sprinkled on top thin layer soil. The first shoots appear after 2-3 weeks. You can see this process in the next photo.

Advice. To get the first shoots as early as possible, simply germinate the seeds before sprouting.

Around April, the first leaves will begin to appear. Then the seedlings should be watered well, carefully removed and planted in separate containers. This will ensure normal rhizome development for the plant.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings need some hardening. For example, they can be taken outside periodically, gradually increasing the time. In addition, propagation can be carried out by cuttings, first planting them in wet sand. Strong seedlings are transplanted into open ground with the arrival of warmer weather.

Dangerous pests and diseases

The danger for kobei is mites and aphids. To combat them, use a solution of potassium green soap or flea shampoo with Fitoverm. Bad drainage system may cause horse rot.

Kobea: combination with other plants

Kobeya, both perennial and annual, will become a bright and unique decoration of any site, especially in proper combination with other plants. Petunia, verbena, and lobelia are perfect for her. If you approach this issue creatively and use all your imagination, you can get a fantastic result.

Kobeya in landscape design

The beauty of kobeya has not left modern landscape design unnoticed. If you place it on the south side of the house, near the gazebo, then, with the help of special trellises, you can recreate a real green scene. Planted near a hedge, kobeya will quickly entwine it and create a beautiful, unique wall or arch. It will look good planted in pots. With such a vine you can quite effectively divide the yard into conventional zones, decorate flower beds and enliven the exterior. You can see the excellent use of kobei in the illustrative photos.

Growing kobei: video

Types of kobei: photo

Cobaea is a perennial climbing semi-shrub plant, cultivated as an annual. It is a representative of the Sinyukhov family. The Jesuit monk-naturalist Barnabas Cobo lived for many years in Mexico and Peru (the birthplace of the kobei), and it was in his honor that the vine was named. IN natural environment kobeya grows in the tropics and subtropics of South and North America. Cultivated since 1787. The vine is popularly called monastery bells and Mexican ivy.

Botanical description

In the natural environment, there are 9 species of cobaea, but only one is cultivated - the climbing or tenacious, creeping cobaea (Cobaea scandens). The root system of the plant is powerful, well branched, has numerous thin fibrous roots, due to which the growth rate of the vine is rapid. Kobeya reaches a length of more than 6 m. The leaves are whole-cut, oval-shaped, arranged oppositely, some young leaves can be cut into 3 lobes with sharp tips.

Numerous tendrils located throughout the stem help the vine to cling to supports and climb upward. Large flowers are bell-shaped, reach a diameter of 8 cm, stretch out on long stalks in the axils of the leaves, singly or in groups of 2-3. The corollas are colored pink, lilac, purple. Curled stamens grow from the center of the corolla, giving the flowers originality. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the first frost. The fruits are a leathery capsule that opens at the side seams. The seeds are large, flat, oval in shape.

White cobea (Cobea scandens alba) is a subspecies of tenacious cobea with snow-white flowers.

Growing kobeya from seeds at home

Possibly seed and vegetative (cuttings). In our latitudes, it is not advisable to sow seeds in open ground; it is necessary to grow seedlings. Stock a significant amount seed material, since seed germination is about 30%.

When to sow kobeya for seedlings

Start sowing kobei for seedlings from late February to mid-March.

  • The seeds should be soaked in a growth stimulant solution for several hours.
  • It is better to plant one seed at a time in an individual cup.
  • A universal substrate for seedlings is suitable.
  • Place the seeds flat side down, cover with a 1.5 cm layer of soil and spray with a spray bottle.
  • Expect the emergence of seedlings in 2-3 weeks.

The video will tell you how to grow kobe seedlings at home:

To make seeds germinate faster:

Covered with a dense shell. To get seedlings faster, you should get rid of it or pre-germinate the seeds.

  1. To remove the shell, spread the seeds across the bottom of a wide plastic container so that they do not touch each other. Pour some warm water and cover with a lid. When the crust has softened to the state of mucus, carefully remove mechanically the part that easily peels off. You can completely get rid of the peel in 2-3 days.
  2. In order for the seeds to hatch, you need to fold ordinary toilet paper in several layers and moisten it generously warm water and spread the kobei seeds over the surface, avoiding the seeds touching each other. Place the paper with seeds in a horizontal position in a transparent bag and keep under bright lighting. Germination will take about 2 weeks. Don’t be alarmed if the seeds become moldy - rinse them lightly with warm water, replace the paper and bag with new ones.

Carry out further sowing in the same way as described above.

Transshipment of seedlings and hardening

  • In order for the seedlings to have the opportunity to develop their root system well, once 2 true leaves appear, they should be transferred with a lump of earth into separate 3-liter pots.
  • Install a metal or plastic ladder to provide enough light for the plants.
  • In this form, begin hardening: take the vine to a balcony or loggia, where the kobeya should spend about 3 weeks before planting in open ground.

How to transfer kobe seedlings, look at the video:

When and how to plant kobe seedlings in the ground

Do not overexpose the vine in the pot. When the threat of frost has passed and the night temperature is +5º C, you can plant it in open ground (late May-early June). If you are afraid of the return of cold weather, after planting you can cover the kobeya with non-woven material for a while.

Keep a distance of 0.5-1 m between plantings. Planting holes dig a little larger than the size of the earthen ball. Handle the vine, add soil, compact it a little, and water it generously. Immediately install a support for the vine - an arch, a fence.

It is better to choose an area for planting with good lighting; light shading is allowed. You need a secluded place without strong winds. The soil is required to be fertile and loose. Planting holes can be filled with a mixture of humus, turf soil, and peat.

Video about the further growth of kobei in the ground:

Propagation of kobei by cuttings

Unfortunately, in our climatic conditions, kobe seeds do not have time to ripen. You should purchase them annually from flower shops. In order to propagate kobeya by cuttings in the spring, try saving the vine growing in your garden until spring. To do this, in early October, cut off the shoots, carefully dig up the bush, transfer it to a box or large flowerpot. The plant must be stored in a room with an air temperature no higher than 12º C - in the basement, cellar.

To prevent the earthen ball from drying out, water it a little every 3-4 weeks. From the end of February, move the plant to a warm, bright room and gradually increase watering. Cut and root cuttings from young shoots and return the mother plant to open ground.

  • Cut off the apical shoots 10-12 cm long and root in damp sand, after pre-treating them with a growth stimulator.
  • To create a greenhouse effect, the cuttings are covered or plastic cups, cans, or bags.
  • It is necessary to ventilate daily, moisten moderately to avoid rot.
  • High air temperatures will be destructive; 22-24°C is enough.
  • When young shoots appear, you can gradually accustom the plants to the air by removing the shelter.
  • Before planting in the ground, rooted seedlings are hardened off in shady place garden, and with the onset of warmth at the end of May they are planted in the ground.

How to care for kobeya in the garden

Watering and loosening the soil

Water regularly, more abundantly in dry weather. The soil should always be slightly moist, but be careful with watering, especially if the vine grows in the shade - excess moisture leads to the appearance of root rot.

Regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Top dressing

The first feeding must be done in the first days of life - with the appearance of 2 leaves, add humate. After planting in open ground, fertilize every 7 days, alternating mineral fertilizers with organics. Before buds begin to form, add more nitrogen, and then phosphorus and potassium.

Diseases and pests

Spider mites or aphids can settle on the vine. It is necessary to spray with a solution of green potassium soap; pet anti-flea shampoo will do. To completely get rid of pests, treat with an insecticide.

Kobeya in landscape design photo

To make your garden plot elegant and bright, be sure to plant kobeya. This beautifully flowering shrub vine is simply created for garden landscaping. Homeland of thermophilic climbing plant are the mountain forests of the subtropics and tropics of Central and South America. In our country, it is usually grown as annual plant, since kobeya does not always tolerate our frosts.

Kobeya: photo and description

The plant is characterized by long, over 7 m, stems, on which complex feathery leaves are located in a regular order, and the tips of the branches are complemented by tenacious tendrils, due to which the flower can tear itself off the ground on its own, clinging to any base. Kobeya grows quite quickly, in a short time, decorating huge areas with natural cover.

The plant blooms with large (approximately 9 cm in size) “bells”, which create a musky pleasant aroma: During the growing season, long pedicels are formed from the axillary leaves, which are crowned with single or group flowers of 3–5 pieces with a large pistil and stamens. The young leaves of the inflorescence first have a yellow-green tint, then the flower becomes purple or white (depending on the type of kobei). The fruits of this plant look like capsules that are leathery and elastic to the touch, filled with small round seeds.

If the sun often pampers the plant with its warmth and light, then the kobeya will definitely reciprocate: in excellent weather, the flower grows surprisingly quickly. Moreover, the fibrous, powerful roots of the flower actively use nutrients from the environment.

Kobei are in their family There are 9 varieties, of which only one variety has taken root in ornamental gardening., which is also called creeping kobeya, or, as they are also called, “monastery bells”. This type of plant is successfully grown as an elegant decoration for a personal plot.

Features of planting kobei

The growth stage of kobei from a seed to a beautifully growing vine can be divided into two main processes:

  • on initial stage Kobea seeds are being planted for seedlings;
  • at the next stage, the germinated seeds are transplanted into the ground.

Tropical “living” determined the main character trait of this plant: kobeya does not tolerate negative temperatures, therefore it is cultivated as an annual plant. You can get this beauty on your personal plot only with the help of planting kobei seeds.

Kobeya in the garden: photos of the plant on the site

How to plant kobe seeds?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for growing kobei:

  • work with seeds is still starting in early spring . The bottom of a wooden container is covered with several layers of thick toilet paper or gauze, then soak this flooring with a diluted solution of manganese (potassium permanganate). The vine seeds are placed one at a time at a short distance from each other. The container with the upcoming seedlings is preserved using plastic film;
  • choose a warm place for the container, under indirect sunlight. It’s okay if the seeds suddenly become covered with mucus: in this case, they are washed with a manganese solution, the covered paper is replaced and clean planting materials are re-placed on it. Tender shoots form in approximately 18–21 days. When the sprouts grow a little, they are planted in a common container;
  • the approximate diameter of the total container for replanting the plant is about 9–11 cm. Loose soil is poured into this pot and seedlings are dug in to a depth of 1.6 cm. Each seed is laid out horizontally, with the flat side down. With the formation of the first leaf on the seedlings, it is transplanted into a separate container, not forgetting to install a peg in the ground - a “pack”.
  • to boarding open land(mid-spring) seedlings need to be prepared in advance. 16–22 days before planting, the seedlings need to be hardened; to do this, place the container on the loggia overnight. This should not be done if there are still frosts at night;
  • growing quickly, the seedlings stretch out greatly, and this greatly reduces them decorative properties. To create a branched and lush crown, young shoots need to be pinched;
  • for normal acclimatization of a young plant, select the most closed from drafts and the most sunny plot, for example, against the wall of a house or near a fence. With the absence sunlight Kobeya will be able to accept it, but the constant shadow will not give the vine the opportunity to show all its beauty during flowering. With the arrival of summer, the planting holes, located at a distance of 80–100 cm from each other, are filled with turf soil, peat and humus. The seedlings are placed here without removing the earthen ball. While weak seedlings have not yet begun to climb, they are given support in the form of pegs. A little later, when the shoots are already stronger, the plant will be able to independently climb onto the support installed nearby.

Conditions and care for kobeya after transplantation into open ground

The liana is actively growing and expends a lot of its energy to climb up with the help of its tendrils - and it is quite logical that this plant requires abundant and constant watering, as well as a large amount of nutrients, to grow. Especially Satisfaction of these needs becomes relevant when the summer days are dry and hot. Moreover, it is always necessary to carefully ensure that after watering the vines, water does not stagnate in the soil, otherwise root system Kobei are sure to suffer from the ubiquitous fungal infections.

Kobeya grows quite quickly, but begins to bloom only after weekly feeding - it is necessary to start adding fertilizers from the time of growing young sprouts from seeds in closed ground. The bait should be alternated:

  • First, the soil where the kobeya grows is saturated with organic fertilizers;
  • Then mineral supplements.

At the beginning of the growing season, the plant needs nitrogen most of all, and before flowering (early July) it needs phosphorus, potassium and various useful microelements. The bait must be carefully dosed: if you give the kobei an excessive amount of nitrogen, the vine will actively produce leaves, which will significantly reduce the flowering time. Unique fact: than acidic soil, the brighter the red color the plant inflorescences acquire; if there is a lot of lime in the soil, then the blue color predominates in the flower petals.

Tree trunk circles of soil certainly mulch with sawdust, peat or any other material, to which is of organic origin, so that it is possible to control the degree of humidity.

Kobeya is greatly “loved” by all kinds of garden pests, including spider mites and aphids, so this plant must be frequently inspected and treated with insect repellents if the need arises.

Wintering of Kobei

As we said above, a tropical liana is grown in our conditions as an annual plant, especially since growing a beautiful liana from small quantity seeds are quite simple. At the same time, some summer residents manage to preserve this shrub in the winter, so that when the spring frosts go away, there will already be an adult, last year’s plant in the backyard.

This is actually a challenge to nature itself: organizing the wintering of a kobe and not ruining it is a rather difficult task, since this plant, first of all, is quite large, and the vine does not take root well after transplantation. However, this emotional shake-up is only beneficial for the plant. As practice has shown, kobeya, having coped with the winter, begins to bloom earlier and does so quite actively.

How to preserve kobeya in winter?

With the onset of autumn, at the end of September, all foliage is removed from the plant and carefully dug up. The most important thing is not to damage the roots - the root system, although quite large, is very fragile. Store the plant itself in a container, placing it in a cool and dark room at a temperature of at least 9–11C. The cellar is best suited for this.

In winter, kobeya is dormant and this plant does not require care. Periodically it is necessary to check the soil in which the roots of the vine are located, monitoring its normal moisture level. With the onset of spring, the plant is moved to a warm and bright place, slowly increasing the amount of watering of the vine. The plant is returned to its original place on the plot at the beginning of summer, when the insidious frosts are already far behind. Care and planting of kobei, which managed to survive the winter, are the same as for annual plants.

From mother plants that were able to overwinter, cuttings are cut off for vegetative propagation of the bush. When, after wintering, plants are exposed to heat and solar lighting young shoots begin to form, the strongest of them are prepared for this purpose: they are carefully cut so as not to deform the mother plant, and stored in damp sand until the shoots create their own root system. Young seedlings are transferred to open ground when good weather returns to normal.

Flower growers who have been growing this climbing vine for a very long time talk about one unique feature: kobeya, which is grown not from seeds, but from cuttings, begins to bloom earlier, but not as brightly and actively as the one grown from seeds.

Growing kobei in garden compositions

Flower growers love to grow this “branchy” beauty for its cheerful, lush appearance and significant growth on any surface where the vine can reach. Here's how you can use kobeya to refresh and beautify your home garden:

For many gardeners, kobeya is a rather capricious house flower. But those people who decided to grow this flower crop will create it proper care, as a result, they will be able to get a magnificent plant that will decorate the flower garden on the balcony or garden plot.

Kobeya is an amazing liana that amazes with the beauty and size of its flowers. Only one of its species has taken root in the climatic conditions of Russia and European countries. It is called "climbing", "creeping" or "tenacious".

It is a perennial crop if propagated and grown in warm climates. In the climate of Russia, Kobeya is grown as an annual plant.. It is difficult to breed it at home from collected seeds, because they often do not have time to ripen. This determines the cultivation of vines exclusively from purchased seeds.

A distinctive feature of Kobei is its long shoots, which often reach 6 meters. The leaves with a pinnate structure have a tendril at the end, with which the plant clings to a special support. The vine flower is a large bell with protruding stamens, which is purple in color. Much less common is white kobeya, on which flowers of the corresponding shade are located. They have a honey smell. The fruit of the plant is a leathery capsule containing seeds.

Kobeya is an amazing liana that amazes with the beauty and size of its flowers.

Technology for growing climbing kobei from seeds at home

Upon careful examination of the vine seeds, you will notice that they are covered with a shell that is sufficiently durable. Before planting them in the soil, it is necessary to soften the shell to a slimy state and remove it from the seed by mechanical processing.

To do this, use a container with a wide bottom so that each seed lies separately from each other at a short distance. The seeds are laid out and filled with a small layer of liquid, after which they are covered with a lid to prevent water evaporation. After some time, the dense crust should soften and become softer. You need to get the seed and remove it as much as possible, as much as possible large quantity shells. After this procedure, return the elements to the bottom of the container until the next opportunity to remove part of the crust. Complete purification of the seed will occur in a few days.

The next step is to sow the material for growing seedlings. This is done by placing the seeds in an individual cup filled with universal filler (soil) purchased in the store. You need to fill 2/3 of the cup with soil, place the seed on it with the flat part down, and cover it with an additional layer of filler (about 1.5-2 cm). The whole procedure is carried out at the end of February or early spring, if the wine-white form of flowers is chosen, and in late March - early April, if the purple form is planted. Individual cups are needed so that during the first dive you do not damage the stem and root system of the vine.

Gallery: kobeya (25 photos)

How to grow kobeya from seeds (video)

After the seed is planted, you need to wait a couple of weeks until green sprouts appear. When the first leaves appear, the first transplant should be done into a larger container, for example, into a 3-liter pot. The transplant is carried out with everything lump of earth, in which the plant is located. It is required so that the root system has enough space to develop and strengthen. Transplantation can be done several times in increasingly larger containers to wait for favorable climatic conditions in the garden.

Also gentle temperature regime apartments promotes the growth of strong shoots. For these seedlings you will already need a base for weaving, so you need to install a ladder made of plastic or metal into the soil. Along it, Kobeya will cling and grow. It must first be tied to the ladder to enable the first engagement.

When the first shoots have entwined the stairs, you need to harden the seedlings. It is transferred to cool air, for example, on a glazed balcony, and left for a couple or three weeks. This allows the plant to prepare for upcoming conditions.

Before planting kobe seeds in the soil, it is necessary to soften the shell to a slimy state

After the specified time has passed, if all night frosts have already passed and the temperature has normalized to at least 5 degrees Celsius at night, the vine is planted in open soil. It is recommended to do this in time so that the plant does not have time to grow large enough for a comfortable transplant.

To successfully grow Kobei, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. The holes for each vine should be located at a distance of at least half a meter.
  2. The chosen place should be well lit; if this is not possible, then partial shade will do.
  3. The soil must be fertile.
  4. The site should be inaccessible to cold winds.

When all conditions are met, you need to fill the excavated areas with a loose mixture consisting of humus, peat and turf soil. On this mixture you need to place the root system of the vine along with a lump of earth in which it grew. Dig in until the roots are covered and water. Immediately after this, you need to install a support for the plant so that it does not look for it on neighboring plants. If, according to weather forecasters, night frosts on the soil may still return, it is necessary to cover the seedling with two layers of windproof nonwoven material. After establishing warm weather remove the material.

The first green sprouts of kobei appear two weeks after planting the seeds

Options for using creeping kobei in garden decor

Liana grows very quickly and is able to decorate a garden plot in a short time. If there is a desire to hide what is happening in the yard from prying eyes, then you need to place the plant near the fence. High fence will acquire an attractive appearance thanks to the large flowers of the vine.

They often stand in the garden outbuildings, not distinguished by external beauty. They can also be hidden under the bright greenery of Kobei. You can use the plant to create a shady area; for this, on the south side it is planted next to the place where the shade is planned.

The entrance to the garden can be decorated with a flower arch, which is ideal option for weaving an ever-growing vine. A recreation area, for example a gazebo, can be transformed by placing plants in large pots around the perimeter. You can combine Cobea with Lobelia or Petunia to create a vibrant, colorful bouquet.

Another way to use Kobeya in the garden is to use it to divide the area into zones. The liana will harmoniously create hedges between different cultures.

How to transplant kobeya (video)

Rules for planting kobei

Kobeya can also be planted on open area in the garden, and on the balcony of a storey building. For each method, there are a number of rules that must be followed when planting.

On the balcony

The soil should be a mixture of two types of soil: leaf and turf, humus and sand. All ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. The balcony should be located on the warm side of the house, where there is no wind.

First, seedlings are grown from seeds, and then planted in prepared containers secured around the perimeter of the balcony. In this place, the plant may be difficult to care for, but this must be done in any case.

  1. Produced regular pruning tops to ensure better branching.
  2. Feed good fertilizer once every half month.
  3. Water the root system and spray the greens.

First, the vine is tied to set the direction of movement, then it finds support for itself. Even a rough wall of a house can act as it.

Kobeya can be planted both in an open area in the garden and on the balcony of a storey building.

In the garden

On garden plot care is feeding the soil and ensuring its comfortable composition. You should pay attention to the drainage of the soil, which determines whether moisture will stagnate at the roots, leave too quickly (with strong drainage), or whether the conditions are comfortable for the plant.

You also need to ensure the presence of a support that will be able to withstand the weight of Kobei, and will also correspond to its length. Sometimes the vine is planted by cuttings, but the safest way is to grow it yourself from seeds.

In the garden, caring for kobeya means fertilizing the soil and ensuring its comfortable composition.

Caring for climbing kobei in open ground

Kobeya – capricious plant which constantly requires attention. For this it thanks for its abundant and bright greenery, beautiful large bells that change color as they grow.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering and fertilizing the plant should be done regularly. Particularly thorough soil irrigation should be ensured during the dry season. On such days, you need to water the Kobei root system abundantly. Wherein the process of moisture absorption should be monitored, so that it doesn't stagnate. If this happens, there is a high probability of fungal diseases appearing on the roots. Also, the soil should not become too dry, otherwise the vine will drop all its flowers due to overheating of the roots.

Top dressing is the application of complex fertilizers to the soil every half month. The very first fertilizer is applied a week after planting the vine in open ground. It is recommended to cover the area near the plant trunk with a layer of mulching. Any organic material is suitable for this.

Kobea is a capricious plant that constantly requires attention.

Formation of lashes

For the first time after landing you need to control and direct the growth of the kobei in the intended direction. First, this is done by tying it to a support. For more lush landscaping, you need to cut off the tips of the shoots and also pinch the vine. In order for the plant to please with its well-groomed appearance, it is necessary to remove dried flowers from it in a timely manner.

One of the many types of tropical vines, it has unusually beautiful and large flowers. At home perennial, in our conditions it rarely survives the winter, it has to be planted every year. In the tropics, kobeya has nine species; in our country, only two are grown: with purple and white flowers. These two species are most adapted to unfavorable climatic conditions.

The plant has tenacious tendrils that allow it to hold firmly on vertical planes and climb from one support to another. The flowers are shaped like bells and can reach eight centimeters in diameter. As they develop, the color of the flowers changes, which gives them a special beauty. Plants are very often used by professional landscape designers for vertical gardening gazebos, verandas, fences, etc.

Flowers can be single or group, grow from the axils of the leaves on long stalks. The fruit is a capsule with a hard skin, opens at the side seams, the seeds are flat and oval. In the conditions of our country, most often they do not fully ripen. For cultivation, you should buy it in specialized flower shops.

An adult plant prefers fertile, loose soil and requires abundant watering. Does not tolerate shade; development is slightly inhibited in partial shade. Young shoots die when frozen, adults can withstand down to -5°C.

You need to start planting seeds from February to March. The earlier the better. But the climate zone of residence should be taken into account. When planting in open ground, the risk of frost should be minimal. If the weather forecast is unfavorable, then the seedlings must be protected from freezing temperatures.

It is difficult for the seeds to germinate; soaking and stimulation are recommended to increase germination. Kobe seeds are large, there are five pieces in one bag. If you purchase goods from trusted sellers, then there is hope that out of five pieces, four will come up. But practitioners advise to count on about 50%; it is better to sow with a reserve than to regret the pennies saved later. Growing kobeya from seeds can be done in two ways.

Dry seeds

Land can be purchased ( the best option) or prepared independently. To prepare the soil, one part of turf soil is mixed with one part of washed sand. To increase nutritional value, it is recommended to add humus or complex mineral fertilizers to the mixture.

Very important. The seeds have a very hard seed coat, which damages the first leaves during germination. In order to help shed it, the soil must be strongly compacted after sowing. Such an agrotechnical technique will enable the plant to free itself from the seed coat while still in the ground; the cotyledon leaves will not be damaged.

Prepared seeds

Before sowing, the material is soaked in growth stimulants.

You can use any, they all have a positive effect. Experienced flower growers recommend removing the shell yourself. To do this, after swelling, you need to very carefully pry it with a needle and try to remove it. How to properly prepare seeds?

Seeds take a long time to germinate, about three weeks. You need to be prepared for such long periods and not panic prematurely.

How to plant sprouted seeds in pots or cups

  1. Carefully remove the hatched kobe seeds and place them on a previously prepared and moistened substrate, flat side down, sprout up. Sprinkle about 1.5 cm of soil on top and water again with a sprayer. Compact the soil a little. The seeds of the plant are large, this allows you to immediately plant the plants separately, and in the future there will be no need for thinning and picking.
  2. Cover the cups or pots with film and place the containers on the windowsill. It is highly desirable that it be on the south side; natural light is very important for kobei.

Slightly grown seedlings with two true leaves need to be transplanted into large (at least three liters) flower pots, in which they can form a powerful root system, and this is very important for increasing survival rate.

At the same stage of growth, plants are hardened. The procedure must be performed without haste. First, take the vines out onto the balcony for several hours in good weather.

Over time, the period of stay outdoors increases. When the weather gets significantly warmer, you can try leaving them overnight. Just be very careful, watch the weather and don’t let the sprouts fall under negative temperatures. Hardening lasts approximately three weeks, thus achieving the expected effect in a plant-friendly manner.

Transferring kobei to open ground

The specific date is determined by the climatic zone of residence and actual weather conditions. It is recommended to transfer seedlings when the night temperature does not fall below +5°C. For middle zone In our country it is the end of May or the beginning of June.

Important. Keeping seedlings in pots for a long time is not good for them. It is more difficult for plants to take root, and the transfer process becomes more complicated.

First you need to decide on a place. It should be sunny and protected from cold winds, especially northern and eastern ones. The soil must be fertile. If the land on the site is not fertile, then you will have to prepare the land yourself for the kobei. You can enter organic fertilizers into existing ones, or you can bring a completely new one under the beds. On heavy clay soils, the plant feels very poorly, development slows down, and sometimes there may be no flowering. Clay lands will have to be improved. There are several methods.

  1. First. Mix with river sand in a 1:1 ratio and add organic fertilizers.
  2. Second. Bring fertile land. Dig out the clay to a depth of forty centimeters, pour new soil into the prepared areas.

Practical advice. Replacement or improvement of the soil should be done in a timely manner. At the time of planting, it should already shrink; this will take at least a month. Otherwise, the soil will shrink faster than the root system grows, small roots will be injured or torn off, which has an extremely Negative influence for the growing season.

Remove the kobeya from the pots along with the soil, making sure that the roots are not damaged. If the soil is difficult to remove, it is recommended to water the plants abundantly in the evening and move the replanting to the morning. Plant kobeya in prepared holes, the depth of which corresponds to the height of the soil in the pots. Sprinkling the stem with new soil is not recommended.

The distance between plants is within one meter; after transplanting, water the plants immediately. At the same time, you need to install supports along which the vine will rise. It can be as ordinary wooden stairs, and decorative supports. If there is concern that night frosts may return, then the plants should be covered. It is better to use non-woven modern lightweight materials for these purposes.

Kobei look very beautiful on various arches. To make it easier for plants to attach to load-bearing structures recommended to use plastic mesh with large cells.

Some gardeners offer an interesting way of planting kobei. They plant seeds in summer peat tablets. Until mid-autumn they grow a little. Then the plants are put into the cellar and stored until spring at a temperature of +5–8°C. In the spring, when the threat of frost has passed, the plants are taken out to Fresh air, harden, awaken and transplant into open ground. Plants planted in this way bloom much earlier. The only problem is that you need to constantly monitor the condition of the plants in the cellar all winter. They should not outgrow; there should be enough light for the growing season.

Plant care

As already mentioned, the homeland of kobei is the tropics. Hence the rules for caring for vines. She is afraid of two things - hypothermia and lack of moisture. It is necessary to water especially abundantly in the first months after planting in open ground; in the future, the frequency and dose of watering can be reduced. If plants are planted in the shade, and the temperature is insufficient, then the risk of root rot is high. It is very difficult to fight this disease. If the plant does not die, it will not throw away its flower stalks. This means that it will be possible to admire their beauty only at next year on new plants.

The first fertilizing should contain nitrogen. With its help, a powerful root system and leaves are formed. Subsequently, as development progresses, the intensity nitrogen fertilizing reduce and eventually stop completely. Adult plants are fed only with phosphorus and potassium. These nutrients are needed for the formation of buds.

The length of the vine can be up to ten meters; if this parameter is not adjusted, it will crawl far up and there it will begin to curl up into a ball. To prevent such phenomena, the plant is pinched. But don’t get too carried away, otherwise the vine will become very low and wide.

Pests and diseases

The biggest problems can be caused by aphids and mites. The fight is on in the usual way, showed itself well liquid soap with fitoverm.

Is it possible to collect seeds?

It is possible, but not in all climate zones. We have already mentioned that not all latitudes have a sufficient amount of positive temperatures for the full ripening of seeds. If you live in the south, then try collecting them. To do this, you need to plant the plants in open ground as early as possible to give them enough time to mature. But it should be remembered that even professional agronomists in our country collect seeds with a germination rate of no more than 30%. Now think about whether it’s worth the risk and being left without these next year beautiful plants due to the fact that the seeds were not viable.

Video - Growing Kobei
