What materials are best for decorating kitchen walls? Walls in the kitchen: design ideas Modern wall decoration in the kitchen options

There are certain requirements for the design of individual parts of a living space, this is due to the functional load on the room. When it comes to the kitchen, you need to make a choice in favor of practical materials and carefully approach the decoration of the room. Let's consider the main points that you should pay attention to when designing walls in the kitchen. Photos and specific examples will help you thoroughly understand the issue, and ideas will push you to creativity.

In most cases, effective use of kitchen spaces requires proper zoning. The decoration of the walls in the kitchen is directly related to the division of the room into an area for eating and preparing food. Thus, it seems logical to divide the wall into two parts: the main part and the apron.

  1. Main part. More material is spent on it, which means it’s worth paying more attention to its cost. This is the main background, so the main part of the wall is demanding in terms of texture and color.
  2. The so-called “apron”. Useful where walls can easily be stained by careless movement or splashes from cooking food. The apron is made from ceramics, glass panels, stone, metal or MDF panels. Often has a practical meaning - it increases the service life of wall decoration.

Let's consider the basic materials through the prism of the requirements of kitchen premises:

    • Wallpaper. wallpapering your kitchen will not require much effort or financial investment. Wide range of decoration possibilities, huge selection colors and patterns. Choose only from water-repellent or washable fabrics.
    • Dye. Cheap and incredible practical material. If you wish, you can play with the texture, but the main bet is on the choice of color. However, painted walls are sensitive to mechanical damage and temperature changes.
  • Plastic panels. MDF and PVC sheets slightly reduce the volume of the kitchen, but microbes do not accumulate on the surface of this material. The main advantage of the panels is quick installation without additional wall preparation.
  • Wood paneling. This type of kitchen wall interior is rare, since wood reacts poorly to moisture, and, as is known, steam from the stove increases the humidity of the room. However, on large areas wood paneling is a viable option. Wooden walls “breathe”, maintaining a healthy microclimate in the room, and natural material is an excellent frame for a recreation area. You can call wood an always relevant and beautiful material in design, but not every housewife will like this finish.
  • . Noble finishing that requires careful attention to the creation process. Not as practical as the above options, but has an excellent texture.
  • Stone finish. Natural, environmentally friendly material will allow you to create beautiful wall decor in the kitchen, but will just as easily empty your wallet. The best option– use of decorative stone to frame slopes, corners, and zoning.

Fashionable kitchens - stone wall decoration

Let's look at some options in more detail.

Wallpaper selection

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen

Modern technologies have made it possible to significantly expand the list of wallpaper materials, and it’s easy to get lost among this variety. Let us list the main criteria for choosing kitchen wallpaper.

  • It’s more logical to choose moisture-resistant ones (wave icon), and even better, find washable wallpaper. Today you can even find super-washable wallpaper on the market. On such rolls there is a sign - a wave with a brush. This marking guarantees you that the wallpaper will withstand not only a damp cloth, but also machining with a brush (see article about).
  • The information on the wallpaper roll indicates such a parameter as vapor permeability. The microclimate of the room is directly related to the ability of the walls to dry quickly and allow air to pass through.
  • Density is of great importance. The higher the density, the more practical and durable the wallpaper for the kitchen. This parameter guarantees the absence of pores, which means less dirt will accumulate on the wallpaper.

You can learn how to decorate a wall in the kitchen using wallpaper right in the store, trying out combinations different colors and textures. Feel best in this room vinyl wallpapers. The two-layer structure allows you to combine the practicality and decorative advantages of vinyl coating with the advantages of natural material.

Decorating the dining area in the kitchen with wallpaper

If the kitchen goes into the living room or is combined with a recreation area, then silk-screen printing or natural wallpaper can become a non-standard decoration. And wallpaper with a photo printed on it can complement almost any interior design idea.

Advice! When choosing wallpaper adhesive, pay attention to antibacterial properties. The antifungal properties of the composition will be useful if the wallpaper contains natural materials.

Using natural wallpaper in the kitchen

Interesting idea– canvases for painting. Non-woven wallpaper is used for these purposes. The main factor when choosing is the quality of non-woven fabric. I am pleased with the design and high practicality associated with the ability to quickly replace damaged sections.

Decorative plaster

One of the main alternatives to wallpaper and a great way to create a memorable and pleasant interior. For such work it is used special look plaster, sometimes applied on top of the base layer. To make the plaster truly decorative, consider two factors:

  • The main texture of the finish depends on the grain size;
  • Methods of applying the solution and the selected tools affect the formation of patterns.

There are many ways to apply a design to decorative plaster

This design of the walls in the kitchen will require care. This is a meticulous job, unlike painting processes. A plus, in addition to the non-standard appearance of the wall, is that the walls do not need to be leveled for work, and small unevenness is welcome. For decorative plaster at home you will need the following tools:

  • all standard plastering tools with spatulas of different sizes;
  • roller and sponge for applying paint;
  • wax or varnish for finishing and fixing the plaster.

After standard surface preparation, applying a primer, insulating sockets and metal objects, you can begin applying plaster. This is done using a large spatula or a special metal leveling board. The layer thickness is no more than 0.5 cm. Cross movements from top to bottom form the main texture of the finish, which directly depends on the structure of the selected material. There is no need to wait for the plaster to dry. If you want to learn more about, read our article.

After the main part, a pattern is formed with a smaller spatula or a trowel. Using light touches, small, smooth strokes are made, creating abrasions and unevenness. At this stage, everything depends on imagination, pressing force, angle of inclination, etc.

Creative ideas for the kitchen

How to decorate a kitchen wall with an accent color

In the main part, the design of the walls in the kitchen does not involve any experiments. The kitchen is a place of relaxation. Decorating the main area comes down to more, but one bright spot will not harm the design and can become a place where you show your creative imagination. We are talking about a kitchen apron. There are three main types of this element.

    • The apron is neutral or “casual” style. Usually this is a small functional part above kitchen stove. If the main areas are already well decorated, and furniture and textiles are selected for them, then you should limit yourself to this option.

Neutral matte tile backsplash
  • Contrasting apron. Its main task is to attract attention to a certain area or furniture, for example, a kitchen set. The counterbalance of one bright spot and an even, verified design is an almost win-win and proven option. It is better to somehow “rhyme” such an apron in color with one of the interior details. For example, you can decorate the apron and door handles in the same color.
  • Bright apron. This is a solution to the question of how to decorate a wall in the kitchen without installing unnecessary elements. A bright spot of color with its own pattern is not just contrasted with the main part of the room, but sets the mood for the entire interior. Such a platform carries little practical load and you can use interesting materials for it, for example, fabric.


To summarize, I would like to say: even using inexpensive and standard materials, you can achieve a beautiful kitchen interior with your own hands. The main thing is to harmoniously choose their color and texture, but this is only a reason for your imagination. Spend a couple of days creating a design project so as not to be disappointed in your work later.

Wall decoration is the background for filling color solutions design of furniture, accessories, curtains. A small kitchen space can visually benefit or lose depending on the color and pattern on the walls. Everything here should please the eye - sparkling cleanliness, the design of the walls in the kitchen, the color scheme of textiles and dishes.

Bright wall color and interior additions

In combination with fashionable and sophisticated accessories, bright colors on the walls create a good, cheerful mood, increase appetite, and improve digestion. Additions to the stylish design in the form of paintings, photos, wall clocks, hand-made wicker trinkets, panels can not only take up empty space, but also merge into a single harmonious composition.

For example, in the dim light of two night lights on the sides, a landscape or still life with flowers looks very attractive and impressive. In general, decorative lighting built into kitchen cabinets or above the desktop apron effectively highlights individual elements decor, wall decoration plays in a new way.

Kitchen walls are often decorated with decorative ceramics. Usually these are bright saucers and plates. It looks impressive on a wall covered with wallpaper or painted with matte paint. Such accessories will suit any style. It is important what will be depicted on them:

  • TO classic style you can pick up white saucers with images of delicate flowers or city landscapes.
  • Decorative painting in country style on wall plates it can contain bright fruits, vegetables, and images of animals.
  • Art Nouveau style requires special themes for drawings. For example, idyllic pictures from antique sets.
  • Modern wall-mounted saucers can be either square or triangular, decorated with clean lines on a bright, solid background.. Such items can become a photo frame.

Next to the plates decorated with your own hands, you can hang painted metal trays on the walls.

Pragmatic style

The decoration of kitchen walls depends on how the owners intend to use this space. If you only plan to cook food here, wash clothes, wash dishes, grow seedlings, then there is no need to strive for sophisticated solutions. You need simple and functional wallpaper in practical colors or panels that can be washed and cleaned. The walls can be painted a practical gray, beige color. The finishing with stenciled patterns in tone looks good.

Furniture and curtains are selected in harmony with the main color. To make such a kitchen look stylish, you need to add a decorative element to the furniture design, contrasting finish. The design of the curtains should echo it, soft upholstery or chair covers. Large pieces of furniture should be lighter in color so as not to create a gloomy design impression. This is clearly visible in the photo.

Kitchen zoning in color

The kitchen, most often, also serves as a dining room. It has both a cutting table and a dining area. These functional areas can be designated by the design of the walls in the kitchen. Moreover, finishing in contrasting tones is often used. For example, there will be an apron above the table and a wall in the work area. The dining area can be emphasized with wallpaper in bright light green or lemon colors. Such a kitchen will immediately become a “two-room” kitchen. White goes well with any bright color.

If the meters do not allow you to distinguish two zones in the kitchen, you can limit yourself to one light tone on the walls, adding any other color to accessories and decorations. But there must be one additional tone. Options for its presence are in window decoration, towels, dishes and decor, as shown in the photo.


Wallpapering is the fastest, most affordable and popular method for decorating the walls of any room. The variety of colors, textures, and coverings of wallpaper allows them to be used for front rooms, hallways, and kitchens. It's easy to wallpaper a room with your own hands.

Light-colored wallpaper with a floral pattern or ornament is suitable for the kitchen.“Thematic” wallpaper for this room depicts kitchen items, fruits, and dishes. If the furnishings in the kitchen are light gray, then the original ones will contrast with it. dark wallpaper. For example, on a dark gray background there are silver flowers. They will go well with furniture.

Advice! The texture of kitchen wallpaper suggests the possibility of wet cleaning. Therefore, it is better to use washable coatings.

Decorative brick

Naturalness and naturalness are very appropriate in the kitchen. A reminder of brickwork provides a contrasting background for a stylish refrigerator, bar table and high chairs, or window opening design. beautiful curtains. Suitable brown or terracotta color walls

Decorative brick is a rather cumbersome solution. The options for its use are as follows - they should decorate a separate area in the kitchen or one wall - for example, an apron and a wall above the work area. In the dining area, you can attach a small TV or decorative deer antlers to the brick wall. This decoration will create the flavor of a hunting or country house. The decoration can be a painting, ceramics on a shelf or Wall Clock in the old style.

Faux bricks can be used to decorate window and door frames. You can lay them out yourself with a little experience. The brick-lined corner near the tea table will echo them. Photos of design sites include different variants brick designs.

If you decorate all the walls with bricks small room kitchen, it will look rough and oppressive. The gloomy color of the entire room will not contribute to the creation of comfort and warmth.

Chalk and photo wallpaper

The same wallpaper on all walls is a trivial solution. They are appropriate if the kitchen is decorated in Provencal style. It is considered fashionable to decorate one wall with bright or contrasting wallpaper to the main neutral color. A wall accentuated in this way carries decorative decorations and highlights some special zone in the kitchen.

On one wall you can place a photo depicting nature paintings or street landscapes. You can stick stripes with bright large flowers. Photo wallpapers visually expand the space, decorate the room, attract attention, and demonstrate the taste of the owners. This type of wall art can be made to order. Photos of nature paintings or photos of pets in nature will delight the eyes of household members. You can come up with many stories.

Chalk wallpaper looks absolutely exclusive. It's kind of blackboard for writing with chalk. You can write down recipes and memorable notes. Or you can let children get creative.

Designer wall decoration

A small kitchen area is not a reason to refuse to decorate the walls. Decorative finishes and additions to them refresh the space and unify it stylistically. Examples of design are presented in the photo.

Using a mirror

The mirror surface on the wall expands the space, including reflected meters. Light is reflected in the mirror. This expands the space. Housewives often order a mirrored apron over the table. As with bricks, mirrors should be used to decorate one wall(so as not to lose a sense of reality). Decorative finishing from mirrors can replace a natural picture.

Decoration with wooden accessories

The most common wooden items in the kitchen are cutting boards. This can be a whole collection of specimens of different sizes and colors. Old boards go well with new ones on the wall. It is better to place painted boards on one wall in a group and not interfere with other exhibits. Wood in the interior always brings warmth and comfort. Old boards that my grandmother used to cook on are like old family photos.

In order for an old board or rolling pin to become a decorative decoration, it must be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper and stains removed. You don't have to cover it with varnish. Solid wood countertops harmoniously combine with the boards on the walls, wooden chairs, wicker baskets and lampshades on chandeliers and sconces. For curtains in this style, you should use linen or colorful chintz.

Exhibitions on the walls

You can show your imagination and taste by creating an exhibition for the kitchen in the form of a combination of paintings, posters, maps, recipes, frames with a herbarium or butterflies on the walls. The main thing is not to overdo it with objects. To prevent the kitchen from turning into an antique shop, you need to limit yourself to 3-4 items. It’s good if they are combined in color, in the theme of the image, in texture. You can, for example, decorate your kitchen with embroidered cats in frames. Or hang a picture on the wall - a clock with a picture of a coffee cup or flowers.

Vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers - ready-to-use images. In a matter of minutes they can be used to decorate walls and furniture facades. You can change the design of, for example, a kitchen unit several times. It will always be new. There are matte and mirror stickers. They are easy to stick to any surface. You can then easily remove it and wash it. Wall or furniture stickers make them bright. Sometimes they imitate classical paintings.

In design own kitchen You can show off your artistic talents. If there are none, the store sells ready-made stencils. They are fixed to the wall with tape along the edge, paint is applied with a roller or brush, allowed to dry and varnished.

Colored rosettes

Building materials stores sell ceiling sockets. different forms and sizes. They can be painted in different colors and stick on white wall. Or stick on colored wall and paint it with white paint. The result will be a very impressive wall.

Decorative shelf

Shelves have a dual function - they serve as wall decoration and storage space for small items and books. They can be metal, plastic, wood. Souvenirs, candlesticks, and beautiful dishes are placed on them. Finishing wooden shelves with his own hands he carries an exclusive and unique flavor.

Clock on the wall

Kitchen clocks are decorated with handmade drawings on the themes of dishes and fruits. They are placed in dining area. Sometimes they are made in the form of specified items.

How to decorate the walls in the kitchen (2 videos)

When decorating the kitchen interior, you should take into account the specifics of this room and select appropriate materials. Kitchen walls are constantly exposed to steam, quickly become dirty, fade and lose their attractiveness, so the finish must be waterproof and resistant to mechanical stress. When decorating the walls in the kitchen with their own hands, many choose paint as the most convenient and practical finishing material. But there are other design options that are no less practical, but much more attractive.

Simple paper wallpapers are not suitable for the kitchen, but vinyl, fiberglass, liquid or pressed paper wallpapers are widely used in such rooms. Thanks to the variety of textures and colors, these wallpapers can decorate the most unprepossessing room, filling it with color and a cozy atmosphere.

In the process of finishing the walls you will need:

  • starting and finishing putty;
  • putty knife;
  • paint brush and roller;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • wallpaper;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • clean rags;
  • scissors and a sharp knife.

Step 1: Clean the base

In order for the wallpaper to hold as firmly as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the walls: remove old wallpaper, peel off peeling paint and plaster, and wash off the whitewash. If the walls are too uneven, the old finish is removed down to the very base.

The cracks in the corners need to be expanded in order to seal them properly. After this the walls are wiped down damp cloth, removing dust.

Step 2. Alignment

The clean surface is treated primer mixture deep penetration, which will avoid the development of mold and other microorganisms under the finishing layer. Mix the starting putty and first seal noticeable recesses and small gaps. Deep cracks are filled cement mortar, after drying, leveling is carried out with putty. When the recesses are leveled, you can cover the entire surface of the kitchen wall with putty mortar.

The thickness of the putty layer should be within 1-2 cm; thicker layers may crack when dry and become detached from the base. When leveling, you should check the plane of the wall with a rule or a long wooden strip. When the putty is completely dry, the surface is sanded with sandpaper and then checked again with the rule. If necessary, apply another layer of mortar to make the wall as smooth as possible.

Step 3. Wallpapering

There is no need to paste over the area near the stove and cutting table - it is better to lay out a tiled apron here.

Begin gluing from the corner: cut the wallpaper to length, coat it well with glue and leave for 5 minutes to soak. In the corner, the strips are glued with a vertical overlap so as not to leave gaps. Heavy waterproof wallpaper is glued end to end, otherwise the seams will stand out too much. Each strip is carefully straightened, pressed against the wall and smoothed with a clean cloth or rubber spatula. Excess glue protruding around the edges must be wiped off immediately.

Liquid wallpaper is ideal for the kitchen; it looks elegant and original. They are prepared very simply: the dry mixture is diluted warm water, stir thoroughly and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes.

Next, the mixture is applied to the walls with a wide spatula and leveled, creating a certain texture. After drying, liquid wallpaper forms a seamless, durable surface that is resistant to washing and mechanical stress. If any area is accidentally damaged, it can be easily restored by applying a small amount of the working mixture.

Using plaster to decorate walls

Decorative plaster is also great for the kitchen. It easily tolerates temperature fluctuations, high humidity, and repeated cleaning to remove dirt. This material is very plastic, and therefore can be given any shape and texture. Imitation of brick or stone masonry looks attractive on kitchen walls, which is not difficult to do. Surface preparation is carried out as standard, except that leveling does not have to be done very carefully.

Step 1. Mixing the solution

Water is poured into a small container room temperature and pour dry plaster. Using a construction mixer, mix the composition well and add coloring pigment if necessary. Leave the solution for 10 minutes and then stir again until smooth.

Step 2. Applying plaster

You can apply the solution with a regular or notched trowel, a textured roller, a paint brush, or even with your hands. The relief of the wall depends on the method of application, so you should think about the desired pattern in advance. You can apply the plaster composition in an even layer, and then squeeze out patterns with your fingers, a thin stick, or something else.

To create brickwork, you will need a ruler and a pencil: on a wall covered with an even layer of mortar, draw horizontal solid lines under the ruler. There should be at least 8 cm between the lines. Next, vertical sections between the lines are pressed in a checkerboard pattern, resulting in neat brickwork. For masonry, lines are drawn arbitrarily, by hand, drawing stones of various sizes and shapes.

Patterns made with a notched trowel look original and unusual: to do this, take the solution onto the spatula and distribute it over the surface with uniform circular movements. The depth of the grooves and their number depend on the pressing force and the angle of inclination, which allows you to create a unique pattern.

Step 3. Finishing

The decorative coating should be treated with a protective compound; it can be varnish, special wax or paint. Most often, it is paint that is used, which is always waterproof and environmentally friendly. The most practical are acrylic paints based on silicone and latex: they are easy to apply, dry quickly, allow walls to breathe and do not wear off with repeated washing.

Ceramic tiles are widely used for finishing kitchen walls and floors. Modern tiles are highly durable and come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and textures. Properly selected ceramics will make the kitchen irresistible. Without the appropriate experience, it is not so easy to veneer walls, but if you practice a little, everything will definitely work out.

For finishing work you will need:

The walls are prepared using the technology described above - cleaned, cracks sealed, leveled and primed. If the surface is not perfectly flat, it’s okay, the main thing is that the differences in height do not exceed 2 cm per square meter. Minor defects will be hidden by a layer of glue, so they do not affect the location of the tiles.

When the preparatory process is completed, you can begin cladding:

The outer fragments are cut with a grinder into pieces of the required width. All subsequent rows are laid with offset joints, pressing tightly against the wall surface. Be sure to follow the pattern by turning the tile under the right angle. Changing fragments after the glue has dried will be problematic, so it is better to avoid such mistakes when cladding.

After completing the installation, the walls should not be touched for 5-7 days until the glue is completely dry. After the specified period has passed, you can begin grouting the joints. This process is necessary to protect the seams from excess moisture and destruction, and grouting also gives the cladding a finished and neat appearance. The joints are thoroughly cleaned of glue and dust residues and wiped with a clean damp sponge.

Mix the grout and apply it to the seams with a rubber spatula. Lightly pressing, spread the mixture along the seam, and then apply it with a spatula and remove the excess. So fill all the joints and leave for 20 minutes.

After this, take a bucket of water, a thick sponge and begin to wash the seams. The sponge must be wrung out very well, otherwise the joints will differ in color. The seams are formed with the same sponge, making small, uniform indentations.

Often, to give the seams the correct shape, a piece of durable rubber cable or a special tool - a jointer - is used.

Video - DIY kitchen walls: painting with water-based emulsion

Video - Do-it-yourself wall tiling

Video - DIY kitchen apron

Decorating the walls of the kitchen is an exciting activity, but to implement your plan well, you will need to put in a lot of effort. As a rule, the kitchen cannot boast of large dimensions, and most of the room is covered with furniture. But even the remaining small space more than enough to realize even the brightest ideas. The main thing is to maintain balance and make every effort.

Unlike other rooms, the walls of the kitchen go through “fire and water” every day in the literal sense of these words. That is why when choosing, you should pay attention not only to the aesthetic side, but also to the technical characteristics of finishing materials. The most popular of them include:

    • ceramic tiles;
    • decorative plaster;
    • glossy paints;
    • wallpaper;
    • fake diamond;
    • panels;

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in order to understand this issue we will consider each of them in detail.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are rightfully considered one of the best and most popular materials. There are a lot of types of tiles (glossy, smooth, textured, matte), and there are even more different colors, shades, and patterns depicted on them. The main advantages include the following:

  • attractive appearance;
  • pleasant texture;
  • affordable price;
  • relatively easy care;
  • a huge number of different shades and patterns.

Also, ceramic tiles have one, nevertheless important, drawback. The walls above the table (apron) become dirty extremely quickly with regular cooking, and the tile apron has many seams, which are subsequently extremely difficult to clean. This factor should definitely be taken into account when finishing this area. However, contamination can be easily avoided by installing a glass panel over the tile or mosaic.

This finishing material is more difficult to install, but gives you more opportunities to realize your fantasies. Ceramic tile finishes are suitable for large kitchens, adding special shine and charm. After all, it is the combination of bright color shades is characteristic feature such material.

An extremely bright and surprising solution would be to use multi-colored mosaics above the table, in the area of ​​the so-called apron. It will also be absolutely easy for you to lay out your mosaic on the wall using tiles of different colors and sizes. Such bright element It will easily become your “calling card”, and it will be nice to make it stand out from the rest.

Painting the walls

Decorating kitchen walls with paints has become extremely popular in last years. This is largely due to the fact that the paint is extremely inexpensive material and subsequently it is extremely easy to replace or update. Also, the advantages of such a finish include a huge number of shades and extremely easy care (especially important for glossy paints). But it’s worth noting that if you have uneven spots on the wall, paint will only unnecessarily emphasize this flaw. Therefore, before carrying out any work, you should carefully level the entire surface using putty.

If you are still undecided and don’t know how to decorate an empty wall in the kitchen, then painting it will be the easiest option.

Many designers recommend turning your attention to painting walls in an abstract style. This design style is especially relevant for young, modern people who want to emphasize their individuality and creative nature.

Also, if you want to add a bright and unusual atmosphere to this room, we recommend that you pay attention to wall paintings made in the art deco style. They are carried out according to a sketch, followed by transferring the drawing to the walls.


Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are best suited for decorating walls in the kitchen. They are extremely popular and have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • pleasant texture;
  • many shades;
  • resistant to high moisture and temperature;
  • unpretentious to care;
  • hide wall imperfections;
  • allow air to pass through and allow the walls to “breathe”.

The only drawback of wallpaper is the relatively high price, but it is fully compensated by a lot of advantages.

Wallpapering is the most common option for decorating a kitchen. This is largely due to the ease of installation. But to achieve an interesting and unique interior, simply hanging wallpaper is not enough.

For example, to obtain a more impressive appearance, you can use combinations of wallpaper of several colors. But in this case, you need to glue as carefully as possible, without sagging or bevels. A simpler solution would be to use photo wallpaper. Such a canvas will undoubtedly add zest to the interior and add unique comfort and truly homely warmth. It is on this finishing material that all your dreams and fantasies can be expressed.

How to decorate an empty wall in the kitchen? Photo wallpaper is best suited for this purpose. The canvases look especially impressive on large, unoccupied walls; this coating can be covered with transparent glass or plastic on top, thus protecting them from all kinds of damage and emphasizing this element decor.

Decorative (curly) plaster

Decorating a wall in the kitchen with decorative plaster looks not only beautiful, but also expensive. Features of the material include low maintenance and pleasant appearance. The main disadvantage of the coating is poor resistance to moisture, therefore upper layer Plasters must be additionally coated with varnish.

This material is perfect for finishing small and bright rooms. Figured plaster goes well with modern furniture with aluminum inserts. This design style is perfect for discreet and sophisticated people.

A bright element can help add a zest to this style, regardless of whether it is a painting or just bright furniture.

Also, do not forget about color combinations; light, blue, and green shades are considered the most practical in the interior. But this does not mean at all that you should give up more appealing or dark colors. But working with more ambiguous color palette much more difficult, and so that the final result brings you only pleasant impressions, carefully consider which color will suit you best.

In order to complement the interior of your kitchen and add special uniqueness to it, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, you just need to show a little imagination.

For example, if you travel regularly and have collected a lot of trinkets from different cities and countries, they can be used as decorative decorations. Small painted plates, figurines and figurines perfectly complement even the most austere design. But you shouldn’t exaggerate, because too many small elements can ruin the entire interior.

Decorative rock

A relatively new material for decoration is artificial (decorative) stone. The material appeared not so long ago, but has already been recognized by many designers from all over the world. It has a lot of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • goes well with everyone modern materials and furniture;
  • requires virtually no maintenance. To keep the artificial stone clean, you only need to wipe it with a brush from time to time;
  • resistant to moisture.

The only drawback of the material is that before installing it you need to carefully consider the design of the room, otherwise the final version will not please you at all.

Although decorative rock looks rough, combined with varnished wooden furniture, you will get a truly cozy and warm room. Also, to achieve best result Do not use too bright lighting. Small lamps located in different corners of the room are best suited for these purposes.

Plastic panels

This finishing material appeared quite recently, but has already gained wide popularity and love not only among designers, but also ordinary people. A characteristic feature of plastic panels is the combination of practicality and unique style. The material is extremely durable, it is not afraid of moisture, it does not absorb unpleasant odors, and its installation is extremely simple. It is also worth noting that plastic panels can be found in different sizes, colors and textures. Thanks to this, it will not be difficult for you to make your kitchen beautiful and unique.

Having studied the most popular materials for kitchen decoration, you probably wondered how to decorate the walls in the kitchen? Everything is extremely simple for this we have collected best ideas for arranging a room.

As already mentioned, plastic or glass panels are a combination of high quality, unpretentiousness and beauty.

This material works most effectively in combination with artificial stone or textured plaster. The main thing you should know before installing them is that this material should not be used as the main one. For a more effective decoration, they should decorate only some places, for example, the walls above the dining table or the “apron”. This way you can emphasize the exclusivity of the finish.

For achievement maximum effect You can use transparent panels inside which you can install photographs or paintings. The undoubted advantage of such panels is that you can replace the painting with a new one at any time, thereby updating the interior of the room.

Finishing with this material harmonizes best with kitchens small sizes, adding to them a special, unique style.

Ideas for decorating a small kitchen

If you are the owner of an extremely compact kitchen space, do not despair. There are many ways to decorate small spaces. Eg:

  • hang a mirror over kitchen table. Probably many people know that with the help of a mirror you can visually increase the space of a compact, adding space and freshness to it;
  • install several small photo frames. This decoration will not take up much space in the room and will perfectly complement any interior. Also, if you place family photos in frames, they will always remind you of bright and colorful moments;
  • decorate one of the walls with bricks. Dummy brickwork is one of the best options for decorating a small room. Making such a dummy is extremely simple and inexpensive, and the result will delight you for many years.

The above improvements will help you quickly, inexpensively and easily improve your kitchen.

To make the kitchen attractive, cozy and lively, you can’t do without wall decor. Using different design methods, you can also zone a room, emphasize its most advantageous aspects and mask existing shortcomings.

To decorate the walls in the kitchen correctly and create a favorable atmosphere in it, you should use some tips from designers.

What wall decoration to choose for your own kitchen

Wallpaper for wall decoration- do not be afraid to use this material, because special washable wallpaper is made especially for the kitchen, which is not afraid of steam and splashes of water, and which, if necessary, can be washed.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you should pay attention to its packaging, which indicates all the characteristics of this product.

Durable vinyl wallpaper is ideal for decorating kitchen walls, but you can also use traditional paper wallpaper with a special water-repellent impregnation.

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen is currently huge - there are products with geometric prints, floral patterns, exotic ornaments, as well as images of fruits, vegetables, dishes, and so on.

Finding the ones that are right for your kitchen will not be difficult. Using wallpaper you can create a fashionable and current kitchen interior, without even resorting to the help of specialists - you can stick them on the wall yourself, having first read the instructions.

However, this method of decoration also has disadvantages: any, even the most original, ornament can get boring very quickly. In addition, under the influence of hot steam, wallpaper can peel off from the wall over time.

Photo wallpaper for wall decoration- this method of decoration has not lost its popularity for many years. With the help of photo wallpaper of a certain style, you can make your kitchen original and unique, give it a zest and create the right atmosphere.

It is very important that this type of finishing is in harmony with all other elements of the interior and matches the chosen kitchen design. For example, in a kitchen designed in or style, photo wallpapers with images of megacities, large bridges and other industrial structures would look very appropriate.

For a room whose interior is decorated in shabby chic or style, you should choose romantic photo wallpapers - with images of flowers, butterflies, climbing grapes, and so on.

This type of kitchen space design looks very stylish, and in addition, it can be used to reliably disguise a flaw on the wall. However, such a wall should remain completely free so that nothing interferes with admiring the image on it, and this is not always appropriate.

Exactly work zone requires maximum protection in a room such as an apron, and tiles will cope with this task perfectly.

Use of decorative stone- this material looks very noble and expensive, it can decorate any kitchen, make it more stylish and respectable. However, decorative stone is not cheap, so not all homeowners can afford to use it in finishing kitchen walls.

The undeniable advantages of this material are its durability, attractive appearance, resistance to numerous adverse external influences (elevated temperatures, dirt, grease splashes, etc.).

The only drawback is the high cost. To decorate walls with such material, you should contact professional craftsmen, since stone installation work requires special skills.

Decorative plaster for wall decoration- this is a great way to create a unique and unique design kitchens. To perform such work it is used special type plaster, which is applied to the base layer. The type of patterns obtained will depend on the choice of tools and methods of applying the solution.

Decorating kitchen walls with plaster is enough difficult process, requiring care and precision. Advantage of using this method is that before performing it there is no need to level the walls - on the contrary, the presence of some unevenness is only welcome.

Decorative plaster perfectly disguises small defects in the walls; with its help you can even make original drawing, which will become a real decoration of the interior. One of the advantages of plaster is that it is quite difficult to scratch or damage it, since a highly durable coating is formed on the surface of the wall.

Two types of this material can be used in wall decoration: acrylic composition and dry mixture. The first of them costs much more, but dries quite quickly - only 1 week.

Brick wall decoration- very often the choice falls on this decorative material when you want to decorate your kitchen in an original and stylish way. With the help of brick walls you can create a special atmosphere in a room and give it charm.

You just need to choose the right shade of this material, and then the kitchen will look respectable and harmonious, and at the same time cozy and soulful. Looks very noble white brick, this finish is ideal for refined and romantic natures. Brick in gray shades will also look elegant in the kitchen interior.

To give the room some playfulness and brightness, designers advise choosing orange or terracotta brick. Such rich colors in the interior are ideal for households with children.

The main advantages of this type of finishing: durability, strength, reliable protection of walls. If you get tired of the brickwork over time, you can simply apply a layer of plaster to it, then wallpaper or paint it.

Cork is a natural material made from Mediterranean oak bark. Thanks to its highly porous structure, which resembles a honeycomb, and also due to the presence of cell sap insoluble in alcohol and water, cork has high performance qualities.

It provides excellent sound and heat insulation, does not attract dust, and prevents the formation of mold, condensation and corrosion. Cork does not emit toxic substances; it is an excellent insulator against electric current. This material also has water-repellent properties.

Cork covering are available in modular tiles, rolls, paper-based cork wallpaper, and even in liquid form. This decorative coating does not require special care - to maintain cork walls to keep them clean, it is enough to wipe them periodically with a damp cloth using traditional detergents that do not contain abrasives and solvents.

However, cork, like many other natural materials, is susceptible to sun rays. Such a coating can change its natural color and fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation; in addition, it can dry out, which will cause a change in the standard sizes of the slabs.

To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain the same humidity level in the kitchen, and also install curtains or blinds on the windows.

Wooden lining for wall decoration - interesting solution, however, it can not be used in every interior. This material is perfect for creating rustic, Mediterranean and Scandinavian styles, as well as shabby chic, Provence and country styles.

There are several types of wooden lining: spire, standard, American, euro, etc.

You can also find decorative lining in the form of corrugation or waves in specialized stores. Make such material more expensive and exclusive view You can use colors and paints - the main thing is to choose the right shade that harmonizes with the interior. Looks like wooden lining very attractive, but not cheap.

Painting- probably this is the simplest and affordable way tidy up the walls in the kitchen. Experts advise using water-based paint for this purpose.

This type of coating is odorless, does not cause allergies, dries quickly and looks attractive. The main thing is that it is highly resistant to the adverse effects of a humid environment.

To ensure that the walls in the kitchen can be washed periodically, you can use glossy paints for finishing. Matte coatings also have their own advantages - they mask well and hide small unevenness on the walls.

Choosing wall color for the kitchen

As for the color of the walls, its choice should depend on several factors: the size of the room, the chosen interior style, the location of the windows (south or north side), and the preferences of the home owners.

Currently, there are no strict restrictions on color; any shades can be used in wall decoration - the main thing is to take into account all available factors. For example, if the kitchen is small, then it is better to make the walls as light as possible, then the room will look more spacious.

In the kitchen, whose windows face the cold server side, you can paint the walls in warm, soft colors - beige, light yellow, pale pink.

In addition, the color of the walls should be in harmony with the style of the interior - for example, white tones are perfect for creating a kitchen in the Provence, Mediterranean, Scandinavian, or shabby chic styles. Bright shades combine with modern styles, and soft and muted ones with classic ones.

What interior styles are combined with different methods of wall decoration?

When choosing this or that material for finishing the walls in the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the style in which its interior is made. Designers advise using stone, decorative plaster, wallpaper and painting when creating classic interiors.

Brick will look great in a kitchen whose interior is designed in a loft style. While creating rustic style, as well as country, shabby chic and Provence styles, you can choose wooden lining.

When arranging a kitchen in modern styles minimalism or hi-tech, preference should be given to plastic panels, photo wallpaper or ceramic tiles. Cork will perfectly decorate a room furnished in a Scandinavian or Mediterranean style.
