How to destroy a wasp's nest. Simple and effective ways to get rid of a wasp nest. What harm do wasps cause?

How to get rid of a wasp's nest

Hi all! I’m not allergic to wasp or bee stings, I don’t have any fear of these insects, but recently one thing really confused me.

General cleaning of the house smoothly moved to the attic, where I discovered a huge vespiary.

This neighborhood did not make me happy, so I had to take measures to “evict” my flying comrades along with their “home.” The operation was successful and now I am happy. Want to know how to get rid of a wasp nest? How to do this safely? I'll tell you everything in the article below.

How to destroy a wasp nest

Today, adults and children are increasingly allergic to wasp stings. If you have a wasp nest in your country house or apartment, find out how to get rid of it.

In addition to the fear of getting bitten, you will constantly hear the buzzing of these insects, because they will fly from the house to the garden.

Insect control can be done in several ways, which are popular among experienced summer residents.

What to do if a wasp's nest appears

It is better to fight insects in the evening, as they fly away in the morning and your actions will be ineffective. Before getting rid of a wasp nest in your dacha, you need to check whether you are allergic to insect bites.

To do this, it is advisable to consult an allergist. Remember that bites can even be fatal.

When fighting wasps, it is important to wear clothing that completely covers visible parts of the body. It is advisable that things be made of dense material. Take a ladder, then it will be easy to reach the nest. Prepare a spray bottle with wasp repellent or a solution of petroleum products in advance. You can also get rid of the nest with boiling water.

After you have treated the nest, it must be torn off, put in a bag, taken away from the house and burned. Some gardeners use dichlorvos to treat wasp habitats. Your goal is to destroy most of the wasp family, then the rest of its members will fly away forever.

If you prefer more humane methods of getting rid of wasps in the country, then try hanging a red one next to the nest. hot peppers. After some time, the wasps should fly away.

How to get rid of wasps 100%

Today on the market you can find special poisons against wasps, which are placed as bait until the wasps fly away from the nest completely.

Cypermethrin and Actellik solutions are popular. They must be diluted with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer, and then simply sprayed onto the nest. After 20-30 minutes, the nest can be removed and burned.

Keep in mind that drugs may act differently on wasps. For example, if you get rid of a wasp nest using Ghetto, then you should not rush to pull out the nest. Wait next day, otherwise the chance of getting stung by wasps will increase.

If the wasp's nest is hanging down, try drowning it in water. To do this, take a container of water and immerse the wasp house in it. Wait about 5 minutes and then remove the socket.

Sometimes bees appear at the dacha. Keep in mind that these insects do not attack humans for no apparent reason, however, their proximity can be unpleasant. You can get rid of bees by exterminating them or try to move them to another place.

One of the effective methods of relocating bees is fumigation with smoke. Once the insects become lethargic, they can be placed in a bag and transported.

If you decide to get rid of a wasp nest in your dacha, choose the most the best way. Don't forget to take an allergy test and wear thick clothing and other personal protective equipment.

With your own hands, you can, even without the involvement of specialists, relocate bees and get rid of any insects in your dacha.


How to get rid of wasps

Wasps are quite annoying predatory insects that can nest in the most unexpected places. The pain from a single insect bite is comparable to a burn, but the fact is that a wasp is not a bee, which dies after the first bite. If the wasp feels aggression, it will sting again and again, and this is not only painful, but also dangerous.

In addition, let’s not forget that wasps fly everywhere, including in garbage dumps, and therefore are active carriers intestinal infection. The sting of a wasp is not at all sterile, and when bitten, a wound remains on the skin, albeit small, but still, which can subsequently fester and cause a lot of trouble.


For the time being, wasps are invisible, but as fruits and berries begin to ripen, they begin to be irresistibly drawn to human habitation, and by mid-summer the wasp population increases significantly, as does aggression.

A seemingly small wasp nest that appears begins to grow literally before our eyes, and at first the proximity to a person seems to be “quiet and peaceful,” so some compassionate summer residents or apartment dwellers prefer what is called “not stirring up the wasp’s nest.”

But by mid-summer, insects will definitely begin to show aggression, stinging not only people and pets, but also damaging crops. personal plot. Agree, it’s not very pleasant when a dozen wasps are constantly circling around you, even if they are not aggressive.

The behavior of wasps cannot be predicted - they can attack in a swarm, deciding that a person is encroaching on their home. The bite of several insects, not to mention a whole swarm, requires immediate seeking qualified medical help.

So, as soon as a tiny wasp nest is discovered in a dacha, on a plot or cottage, you must immediately begin to act - the larger the nest, the more difficult it will be to destroy it.

And you don’t need to listen to the nonsense of some “professionals” that you need to wait until winter, when the wasps go into hibernation, and only then can they be safely destroyed. I wonder how these advisors imagine life together with wasps? Especially if there are children in the house.

How to find a nest?

To get rid of wasps for sure and for a long time, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. If there are no grapes, fallen or rotting fruits on the site, but there are still a lot of wasps, it means that they did not just fly by by chance, but there is a nest somewhere.

Wasps prefer to build their nests in places that are difficult to access and hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, all country houses, attics and roofs, as well as balconies in multi-storey buildings- simply ideal places for wasp nests.

They can comfortably fit under the siding of a house or balcony, in a niche under slate, in a pile of unused rubbish, and even in bushes or hedges. Recently, wasp nests have been increasingly found behind air conditioners and in drainpipes.

There is also a species of wasps that prefer to nest in the ground - these are the so-called ground wasps.

Finding a nest directly in the house or on the balcony is usually not difficult. It is enough to carefully observe where wasps fly most often.

It is much more difficult to detect nests on a large plot of land. But alone the right way Still, there is: a small piece of meat or fish is laid out on the veranda or right on the street as bait. A person will need to be attentive and observant - the wasps will begin to run between the bait and the nest. So in a simple way The wasp's nest is easy to find.

Security measures

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the operation to destroy a wasp nest. To do this, you need to dress in tight and thick clothes that the bees cannot bite through, and it is also advisable to protect your face as much as possible - wasp sting in person is especially dangerous and unpleasant.

It is advisable to carry out the operation in the dark, since it is at night that the wasps are inactive and are all in the nest. If the operation is carried out during the day, then the wasps returning and not finding their nest will cause a lot of trouble.

In no case should individual insects be destroyed - wasps are capable of secreting a special substance that will be a signal to attack for the entire swarm.

If the wasp nest is nevertheless greatly disturbed and the entire swarm flies out, the operation should be interrupted and wait until the next night.

If insects have settled in an apartment, on a balcony or in a country house

First of all, you must remember to notify all neighbors and family members - all windows and doors must be carefully closed.

The most universal method of getting rid of wasps are special chemical preparations suitable for controlling insects both in the apartment and in the country. The market is filled with many effective drugs that will help you get rid of wasps without difficulty. To prepare the drug, you must carefully read the instructions and follow them exactly.

The prepared solution with the chemical is poured into a large plastic bag, and then the bag is put on the wasp nest and slammed shut so that the flight of the wasps is blocked.

If the wasps have set up a nest under the roof of the house, then the neck of the bag is sealed tightly with tape. If the nest is made on a tree, then the bag is simply pulled tightly over the nest.

The package with the chemical and the nest inside can be removed after 3-4 days - this time should be enough for all the wasps to die.

The advantages of this method include the fact that many chemicals provide long-term protection against reappearance os.

If they settled on a personal plot

There are several ways to destroy wasp nests on a site. The most effective way is described above - using chemicals. If the wasps have settled in the ground, a hollow tree, or behind the siding of a house, then try to pour the drug directly into the nest. The exit from the nest is blocked using dense fabric soaked in the same drug.

If the nest is located on the ground, then it can be filled with water - sometimes this method also works. It is best to use a hose with strong water pressure. Another effective way is to flood the wasp's nest. big amount boiling water

If the nest is located in a well-accessible place, then the water method will be as follows: the hanging nest is completely immersed in a bucket of water, and the bucket itself is supported from below with a stepladder or boards. There should be no gaps between the edges of the bucket and the ceiling, otherwise the wasps will fly out. The bucket should hang above the ceiling for several days.

Dichlorvos, Domestos, bleach... The essence of using these drugs comes down to the following - the insects are stupefied, the nest is removed and burned. The method may be effective, but it is quite dangerous, since, most likely, the bite of a half-drunk wasp cannot be avoided.

Well, the last way is if you can’t get rid of wasps on your own, there are special services for this. The visiting specialists, as a rule, give a guarantee for the work performed, so in the near future you can forget about wasps.

Folk remedies

It is easy to set a wasp nest on fire, however, this is unacceptable if the nest is made on a tree or on wooden building- a fire is inevitable. A wasp's nest burns completely in a matter of seconds, but it can only be set on fire if the danger of fire is completely excluded.

The use of bait gives good results, in addition, this method is considered the safest for humans. The result will not be noticeable as quickly as we would like, but it will certainly be there.

You can use beer with sugar, jam, juice or just sweet water as bait. Any drug to combat wasps, purchased in the store, is added to the odorous bait. If the drug is not available, you can add ordinary boric acid, but the effectiveness will of course be lower.

The bait is thoroughly mixed with the preparation and placed in an accessible place where arriving wasps will enjoy it with pleasure. But there is one important point- do not forget that pets can also try the bait, which, of course, should not be allowed under any circumstances.

And one more thing - you can’t use honey, bees will definitely flock to it, and they are not our enemies at all.

The bait needs to be renewed every few days until the insects disappear completely.

Wasps are not a mistake of nature at all, but our closest agricultural assistants. Wasps do their job perfectly - they destroy small pests and their larvae. Therefore, if there are a lot of wasps on the site, but they are not very annoying and the neighborhood is quite peaceful, you should not blindly exterminate them.

If wasps only occasionally fly into a summer cottage and do not build nests there, then they are extremely beneficial. In this case, peaceful coexistence - the best option for both sides. Well, if a swarm of wasps still bothers you, then you can get rid of the nest quite quickly.


How to get rid of a wasp nest in your country house

The appearance of a wasp's nest in the country is a very unpleasant moment. The situation is further aggravated if one of the family members has a severe allergy to insect bites. In addition to the constant fear of getting stung by a wasp, you are haunted by annoying buzzing from all sides and striped creatures scurrying back and forth.

At the beginning of summer, you may not even realize that winged pests have built a nest under the roof of a house or in a barn. The main activity of wasps begins in early August.

At this time, their immense appetite attracts insects to the sweet smells of compotes and jam. While on the site, you forget about pleasant things summer vacation. All thoughts are directed only at how to remove a wasp’s nest in the countryside forever and as soon as possible.

Safety precautions

Living on the same property with an aspen family is not the most pleasant neighborhood. But if you decide to actively fight aggressive insects, you need to be doubly careful. Before you destroy a wasp's nest, you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Protective clothing. A very important point. Before fighting wasps in your dacha, put on thick trousers, a jacket or hoodie, boots or shoes that you can tuck your pants into tightly, and gloves.

On top of the hood you can wear a hat with a mosquito net. If you plan to use chemicals, be aware that the products may leave stains that are difficult to remove.

Using stairs can be very dangerous. Very often, wasps make their nest at a high altitude, for example, under the eaves of the second floor or on a tree branch. Be extremely careful when trying to reach the nest from a ladder. At the most unexpected moment, a swarm of wasps can fly out of the nest. The danger of falling in this case is very high.

Harm from chemicals. If, to combat wasps, you have chosen special chemicals, make sure there are no children or animals in the vicinity. No one should be on the site for at least 24 hours. In addition, after the procedure, you need to put all dead insects in a bag and take them away.

Otherwise, poisoned wasps can cause serious poisoning to a cat or dog if they decide to feast on easy prey.

How to find a wasp's nest

Before we talk about how to get rid of wasps in the country, you need to know how to find the main source of the problem. If the wasp shelter is not located in plain sight, then you will first have to start looking for it. This process is also unsafe.


You may accidentally, without expecting it, step on a nest or touch it with your hand. In this case, attacks by aggressive insects cannot be avoided. Therefore, searches must also be carried out in protective equipment and be prepared for a quick escape. Where can you look for wasps first?

A wasp's nest is often located in the most secluded and unexpected places. The first thing you need to do is watch the wasps. Stand aside and watch in which direction the insects fly after a hard day's work. This way you will already determine in which part of the house or garden you should search.

After this, carefully inspect all construction beams, eaves, roof canopies, attic, shed for storing things and work equipment. It is possible that you will find a nest there. But often wasps climb into even more inaccessible places. If you see a small gap in the wall, floor or pipe joint, you can safely assume that wasps live there.

In this case, the only sure way to get rid of annoying wasps is to treat them with aerosol chemicals, and then tightly seal the cracks.

How to choose the right time

It is best to get rid of wasps at the beginning of the season, since fighting wasps in wooden house closer to September it is much more difficult. Firstly, the insect population is not yet very large. Secondly, wasps are not as active during this period as in late summer. But, as mentioned above, it is not always possible to find a wasp shelter in time. Active wasps must be controlled at night.

In the dark, their reaction is slowed down, so the operation poses less danger. In addition, in the evening all the wasps return to the nest and the colony can be completely destroyed at one time. Wasps are very vindictive insects.

If you try to destroy a half-empty nest during the day, then the wasps that return after a few hours can greatly harm the offenders of their fellows.

Make an escape plan. Do not neglect this, at first glance, ridiculous point. After spraying poison towards the nest or unsuccessful attempt remove the insect shelter, the wasps will begin to fly out and attack.

Willy-nilly you will have to run very quickly to hide from the bites. It is better if the route is thought out in advance, and there are no unexpected obstacles on the way in the form of a log or scattered children's toys.

Weapon Selection

Before proceeding directly to the destruction of the wasp’s home, you need to thoroughly prepare and study various ways, evaluate your own capabilities. But at this time the wasps do not stop attacking. Their bites continue to be a serious threat to dacha dwellers. What should I do? Try setting traps that will temporarily distract the wasps' attention.

The simplest option is a container with a sweet liquid. Wasps flock to the bait. A bottle with a narrow neck is best suited for this purpose. Insects crawl inside the trap, but getting out of there is quite problematic.

Instead of regular sugar syrup, use jam or compote. The fruity aroma attracts wasps much more strongly. Some summer residents advise adding to the “delicacy” an ampoule of any insecticide that is designed for gastrointestinal poisoning of pests. They say that in this way the number of insects can be significantly reduced.

Water. One of the most common methods offered by summer residents. If you act strictly according to plan, then it is quite possible to exterminate annoying insects without the use of chemicals. So:

  • put on a prepared protective suit;
  • pour hot water into the bucket. The higher the temperature, the better;
  • take a thick plastic bag or bag;
  • if the nest is on a tree branch, throw a bag over it and tighten it tightly with a cord on top. If the wasps decide to make a home in the corner of the house or under the roof, holding the bag directly under the nest, with a sharp movement with a stick, knock the nest into the bag and tie it too;
  • immerse the bag in a bucket, press it on top with a stone and leave it overnight;
  • in the morning all the wasps will be destroyed.


Before destroying a wasp's nest under the roof wooden house, you can buy a special pesticide in the form of a spray. Aerosol bottles are easy to use and have a fairly effective effect on wasps.

But just as in other cases, safety precautions should not be neglected. Having prepared a can of poison, proceed as follows:

  • put on the correct closed clothing, point the bottle at the nest;
  • direct a stream of pesticide to the wasps’ habitat and spray for 10-15 seconds;
  • leave the area as quickly as possible.

The best means for baiting these insects are considered to be those that say “from wasps”, and not complex-action aerosols “from all species flying...”. From those pesticides that are presented in stores household chemicals, “Moskitol against wasps”, “Raid” and “Dichlorvos” (regular, not newfangled “odorless”) have proven themselves well.

It is usually not possible to deal with the entire wasp family the first time. The procedure will need to be repeated in another day or two.

This method is often used as preparatory stage before destroying the nest. After exposure to the chemicals, the wasps become stupefied, and their reaction slows down significantly. Therefore, further manipulations become less dangerous.

Burning out the nest

There is one more effective way, how to remove a wasp nest in the country. The process is carried out using smoke from a fire lit directly under the nest. It is better to burn not ordinary wood, but pine needles. It is believed that this smell quickly intoxicates insects and forces them to leave their homes.

This option is suitable for cases where wasps have settled on a tree branch. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to light a fire right on the porch own dacha. Although some resourceful owners came up with the idea of ​​using a barbecue for this purpose.

The lit fire must be left for some time. The smoke will rise up and suffocate the wasps, causing them to fly out. In an hour or two, all insects will leave their shelter. The nest can be easily removed and destroyed.

There is another variation of the method of getting rid of wasps using fire. Without waiting for the wasps to leave the home, you need to get to the nest. And also, as stated in the method with water, “pack” it in a bag. The package is quickly doused with gasoline or other flammable liquid, and thrown into a fire.

Kerosene or diesel fuel. Any of these liquids should be poured into a garden spray bottle and generously sprayed onto the wasp's nest. After some time, the insects will die from the poisonous smell and you will not have problems cleaning the nest. But there are pitfalls here.

Few people decide to voluntarily pour kerosene on their home. After all, the slightest carelessness and fire can lead to instant ignition of the building.

Recently, those who have decided to use this method often complain that kerosene does not help. Experts suggest that the insects have mutated, and their bodies have become more resistant to the effects of such liquids. So, instead of killing insects, you can only anger them.

Insecticidal dust. Insecticidal dust is effective in cases where wasps have built a nest directly on the ground. This insect behavior is typical of large hornets. If you are affected by this incident, proceed as follows:

  1. take a quarter cup of insecticidal dust (you can ask for Sevin 5 Garden Dust at the store);
  2. In the dark or early morning, sprinkle the hole in the nest with this powder. Do not forget about protective clothing and gloves;
  3. no need to cover the nest. Let the wasps come and go freely. Poisonous dust clings to the paws and is carried inside the nest, infecting all other inhabitants.

Usually one or two days is enough to destroy the entire swarm. If you still notice live wasps on the third day, repeat the process.


Vacuum cleaner. Reviews about this method are quite contradictory. Some summer residents consider it the only true salvation. For some reason, others don’t even want to try.

The process is quite long, but if everything is done correctly, the wasp's nest will be completely destroyed.

  • Pour about 5 cm of soap solution into the vacuum cleaner container. The liquid will kill insects already during suction;
  • place the end of the hose directly at the inlet of the socket;
  • turn on the vacuum cleaner and hold it until everything is inside. The procedure is long (it may take more than one hour) and noisy. But at the end of the process, you can forget about the wasp’s nest on the site;
  • As soon as the nest is completely inside, the vacuum cleaner must be turned off and the hose hole must be plugged tightly with a rag. An angry buzzing sound will be heard from inside for several hours. Once the sounds have subsided, you can open the vacuum cleaner and dispose of whatever is left of the nest.

How to get rid of a wasp nest on the balcony

Very often the question of how to destroy a wasp nest arises among residents apartment buildings. Wasps love to build their homes on balconies or under eaves. In this case, it is important to first find the nest.

If you notice that wasps have begun to fly into the room or, when going out onto the balcony, you constantly hear a characteristic hum, start searching. A wasp's nest is not always located in plain sight.

Insects love to climb into secluded places. Therefore, first of all, carefully examine:

  • ceiling;
  • cornices outside the window;
  • places under the windowsill;
  • drainpipes;
  • gaps between the wall and the sheathing;
  • mountains of things, cabinets and hanging shelves.

Any of these places may be occupied by new claimants to your territory.

If you cannot find the nest at first glance, watch the wasps. Within 10-15 minutes you will understand where the insects are rushing to.

Before removing a wasp nest, just as in the case of country pests, prepare thoroughly. You cannot immediately begin to clear out the rubble or tear off the sheathing from the wall. Wasps can attack unexpectedly and very aggressively.

Methods of combating “urban” wasps are exactly the same as described above. Compliance with safety measures and speed of action is the key to success in this process.

If a wasp nest appears inside or near your home, this is an unpleasant situation, especially if you have children or any family members are allergic to wasp stings. Besides the fear of being stung, you are constantly haunted by the buzzing and buzzing of striped winged creatures that constantly fly back and forth around your garden. Don't worry - there are several effective methods that you can use to kill wasps, get rid of the wasp nest and prevent wasps from arriving in next year. Just start with 1 method to learn more.


Part 1

Planning and safety

    Make sure you are not allergic to wasp stings. If you are not sure whether you have an allergy or not, get tested by an allergist before getting rid of the nest.

    • If the test confirms that you are not allergic to the stings, then you can proceed to destroy the nest yourself.
    • However, if you discover an allergy, ask someone to help you or consult a specialist, as the bite can be very dangerous to your health.
  1. Contact your local health department. The SES is responsible for controlling the population of insects and rodents that are carriers of diseases or pose other dangers. Perhaps they will advise you what to do, or even come to destroy the wasp's nest.

    • Enter in an Internet search engine “SES [name settlement] for more information.
  2. Call an exterminator. In most cases, it is best to leave the wasp nest removal to the professionals. If the SES answers that they do not deal with wasps, find private company engaged in pest control.

    • If the wasp's nest is located in hard to reach place, for example in a wall cavity or under concrete floor, you will definitely need the help of a professional.
    • If you are allergic to wasp stings, it is also recommended to call an exterminator, as destroying the nest yourself can pose a danger to your life. However, even if you don't suffer from allergies, dealing with a wasp's nest is very dangerous, and if you do something wrong, the result can be fatal.
  3. Consider whether you can leave the nest as is. If the wasp nest is located far enough from your home, it does not pose a significant threat. Then your best bet is to leave it alone, especially if the wasps are a less aggressive species, such as paper wasps. Wasps are important part ecosystems, as they pollinate plants and flowers and also eat garden pests such as caterpillars.

    Find out what type of wasps you have. Before you get rid of a nest, it's best to know what type of wasps you're dealing with, as this will help you determine which disposal method is best for you. Here are the three main types of wasps you may encounter:

    Wear protective clothing. It is very important to wear outerwear before you get rid of a wasp nest to prevent stings. Even if you don't have allergies, a wasp sting can be painful!

    • Wear long jeans, socks and boots, a hooded sweater over your head, and gloves.
    • You can also wrap a scarf around the lower half of your face and wear goggles or ski goggles.
    • If you use a pesticide spray, make sure your clothing is old, as residue from the spray may be absorbed into the fabric. You should also wash or throw away your clothes immediately after finishing the procedure.
    • If it so happens that you were stung by wasps while removing a nest, then see the treatment instructions here.
  4. Never stand on a ladder to reach a wasp nest that is at a high altitude. If the wasp's nest is located high up, such as on a cornice two-story house or on the top branch of a tree, do not use a ladder to climb up to it.

    • While you are standing on a ladder and destroying a wasp's nest, a swarm of wasps may swoop down on you, causing you to fall and be seriously injured.
    • In this situation, it is best to call a professional or use something like the smoke method (see below) to destroy the nest.
    • You should only attempt to destroy a wasp nest if it is within easy reach.
  5. If you use pesticides, make sure there are no children or pets around. If you decide to use a pesticide spray or powder to kill wasps, it is very important to isolate the area and make sure that no one - especially children and pets - will be in the area for at least 24 hours. The pesticides used to kill wasps are very strong and poisonous.

    • In addition, it is very important that you destroy any dead wasps that you find on the ground near the nest. Otherwise, your dog or cat, or local wildlife, may ingest a dead wasp and ultimately become poisoned.
  6. Get rid of wasp nests as early in the year as possible. The time of year you choose to destroy wasp nests will determine whether you will be successful or not. To understand this, it is advisable to know how all three types of wasps (paper wasps and hornets) exist.

    Destroy wasp nests at night. If you plan to get rid of a wasp nest yourself, it is best to do it at night. At this time, wasps are less active, less aggressive, and their reaction is slower.

    • However, they react quickly to any form of light (which they mistake for daylight), so it's best not to use a flashlight if possible.
    • Or you can try removing the nest in the early morning, when the wasps are less active and you have the benefit of morning light.
  7. Plan your escape route. Before setting your plan of attack, it is good to also plan your escape plan. After you spray the poison on the nest, the wasps will quickly fly out and attack you, so you need to quickly escape before this happens.

    • Determine where you can quickly take refuge after destroying the wasp's nest.
    • Also make sure there are no obstacles in your path, such as children's toys or garden equipment, that could cause you to trip.

    Part 2

    Destroying a nest
    1. Use a pesticide spray. Buy an aerosol pesticide formulated specifically for killing bees at your local supermarket or hardware store. A pesticide designed for small insects, such as ants, may not be strong enough for wasps.

      Use insecticidal dust. If wasp nests are in the ground, such as American hornets, use an insecticidal dust, which is more effective than an aerosol spray and can penetrate into the heart of the nest.

      • Get some insecticidal dust, such as Sevin 5 Garden Dust, and measure about ¼ cup into a disposable plastic cup.
      • At night or early in the morning, spray the contents of the cup onto the hole in the nest, wearing special protective equipment.
      • Do not block or cover nests, but allow wasps to enter and exit freely. As they pass through the hole, their legs and wings become coated with insecticidal dust, which they carry with them into the heart of the nest, contaminating other wasps.
      • After applying insecticidal dust, the wasps die within one or two days. If not, you can repeat the process.
    2. Use dishwashing detergent. If you don't like using pesticides, a simple solution of dish soap and water can effectively kill wasps by first applying the mixture to the wasps' wings, thereby impeding their movement, and then drowning them.

      • Prepare a soap solution by mixing dish soap High Quality(about ¼ cup) per liter hot water until the solution is well mixed and becomes soapy.
      • If you want to destroy a nest that is in an airspace, pour a soapy solution into a spray bottle, direct a strong stream of water from the hose into the opening of the nest and spray it for 10-15 seconds.
      • If the nest is in the ground, then simply pour the solution directly into the hole of the nest and then quickly clear the area.
      • Although a soapy water solution is very effective, you will need to repeat this process several times as the soapy water must reach each wasp before it is killed.
    3. Use smoke. Another way to get rid of an aerial wasp nest without using pesticides is to use smoke.

      • Build a small fire or light a fire in your grill directly below the nest. Smoke will rise and enter the nest, suffocating the wasps and causing them to abandon the nest.
      • Leave the smoke for an hour or two and, once you are sure the nest is empty, knock it down with a stick before discarding it. However, it is also a good idea to have a water spray bottle on hand in case there are still live wasps in the nest.
      • Keep in mind that this method is only suitable for aerial nests that are located on tree branches or other open areas. This is unacceptable for nests in doorway, on the eaves or in places close to your home, as flames may accidentally enter the house.
    4. Use water. You can drown a free-hanging wasp nest using a fabric bag and a bucket of water.

    Part 3

    Prevent wasps from coming back

      Seal all inlets. Over the winter, do a thorough inspection of the outside of your home, looking for potential wasp openings in emergency exits, unclosed valves, cracks in walls and doorway. These are all ideal locations for wasp nests, so seal them to prevent the wasps from returning in the spring.

    1. Mint is very effective in getting rid of wasps and is less toxic to you and your animals.
    2. If a wasp's nest is on your house, then another natural and very effective method put a bucket of boiling water (or as much as possible hot water) under the nest. Use a long stick to knock the nest into the bucket. Then stir it in the bucket using a short stick and make sure all the adults and larvae are drowned. This is best done while wearing protective gear to prevent the adults from stinging you. If you don't mind chemicals, you can use a second person to spray them on the remaining wasps. Once the queen wasp dies inside the nest, all remaining individuals will die off because they will not be able to find their nest.
    3. If you are allergic to wasp or hornet venom, consult a professional and avoid wasp nests entirely.
    4. Warnings

    • Do not try to spray on an already irritated socket. Not all hornets or wasps may be inside the nest when the poison is sprayed. Wait a few hours for the nest to calm down.
    • Wasps can be very dangerous, so be extremely careful.
    • Destroy a wasp nest only if it is small, in plain sight, and within reach of a spray can. Otherwise, do not try to get rid of the nest yourself - it is very dangerous. Call pest control to remove the wasps.
    • Be careful not to stay near the nest for long to prevent the wasps from finding and stinging you.

There is no person in the world who has not seen wasps at least once in his life. Everyone knows that you can’t touch them; they can bite you pretty hard.

This is an insect whose body is painted with yellow and black stripes. Depending on the species, its length ranges from 2 to 3.5 cm. There are two pairs of wings on the back, and the rear ones are closely connected to the front ones and there is a feeling that there are only two of them.

The eyes consist of a large number of facets, this gives them the ability to look in different directions at the same time. In addition to compound eyes, she has three more eyes, which are located at the top of her head.

The insect is also interesting because it has multifunctional antennae. They play the role of organs of smell and touch, in addition to taste buds.

Features of the life activity of wasps, their role

Insects live in nests, which are built from a material similar to cardboard. They cannot secrete wax. They build spherical nests, which they try to place under a rocky surface, on branches, under the roofs of residential buildings.

The nests contain hexagonal cells, which are arranged in several tiers.

The colony exists for one summer period, subsequently the males and worker wasps die. Only fertilized females remain overwintering.

When spring comes, she independently begins to build a new home for herself. To search for a new place, they quite often fly into a person’s home, attic space and other buildings.

They mainly feed their offspring with small insects, including arachnids. Adults consume flower nectars as food, as well as blood, which they suck from their victims.

Basically, most individuals are accustomed to living alone. Only the female is capable of caring for future offspring.

The most dangerous are vespins and hornets. They are capable of painfully stinging their prey several times with their sting.

In addition to harm, insects of this species also bring enormous benefits. They effectively destroy pests and prevent them from multiplying quickly. They, like bees, perfectly pollinate plants, therefore, they take part in the reproduction of useful plants.

For example, in some countries, to attract gardens, special plants are planted for them, in the form of bait.

Wasps can bite a person, but, as noted, they only pursue the one who offended them.

Ways to get rid of a wasp nest

There are many options for destruction. They can be destroyed using chemicals, all kinds folk ways, destroy manually, i.e. physically.


Chemical products are currently sold in retail outlets in huge quantities. It is noteworthy that they can be destroyed with drugs that are used to control household pests.

For example, you can use the following tools:

  • Karbofos. A proven and inexpensive product that will effectively kill insects. It has one drawback - it smells quite sharp and unpleasant.
  • Get. Modern and powerful tool, which destroys wasps and other insects, without negatively affecting people and pets.
  • Cucaracha. Very effective drug, however, it can sometimes be quite difficult to find it in retail outlets.
  • Executioner.
  • Raptor.
  • Pesticide aerosol.
  • Minap 22 and others.

Standard garden preparations used to kill pests have an excellent effect.

Important! You should pay attention to the fact that drugs that are made in the form of a spray or aerosol work best. Extermination powders will not help; it is impossible to sprinkle the nest with them, but they can be used to prepare baits.

Gels for killing cockroaches will be a great help. They can treat the surface near the nest in several places. In this case, the adults will eat the gel themselves and also bring it to the nest to feed the larvae and the queen.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used quite often. These include various methods, which people came up with and use them effectively.

One of the most effective ways is to poison insects. This will take a lot of time (from several days to 1-2 weeks). This option will work great if people rarely appear in the areas where wasp nests are located.

The following option works great:

  • Take a bowl or a used tin can.
  • Place bait inside the container. To do this, you can take honey and a little beer (you can do without it, the main thing in this case is a sweet bait.)
  • Add 0.5 - 1 tsp. boric acid or borax (this will be a poisonous substance).
  • Mix all the listed ingredients thoroughly.
  • At night, when the insects are in a sleepy state, place the bait near the nest.
  • If, after the “treat” is eaten, the wasps are still alive, place another part of the prepared mixture.
  • Boric acid has a poisonous effect not only on cockroaches in the apartment, but also on wasps. For this reason, poisonous baits are prepared on its basis.

As practice shows, after a few weeks, all flying representatives die. It should be noted that this poisonous agent is fed to the larvae and the queen, so they also die.

This option can be used by placing containers with the mixture on attic spaces and other residential buildings.

Physical methods are also used quite often.

For example, you could apply the following:

  • Burn the hated nest. It’s worth noting right away that this option is not only effective, but also a fire hazard. The nest will burn with a huge flame. Such actions must be performed very carefully and under constant supervision. You cannot use this method when there are objects made of paper, wallpaper, wood or plastic nearby.
  • You can drown a wasp's nest. This option is very effective, but requires maximum skill. To use this method, you need to fill the container with water to the very brim, and at night raise it so that the nest is completely in the water.

The container with the liquid should stand for several hours. To make sure that the insects are completely dead, you need to knock on the nest with some object. If the buzzing is not heard, then all the inhabitants are dead. In any case, this option is very dangerous.

  • Another sure way. At night, using polyurethane foam, process the nest. As it expands, it will cover the entire settlement; the insects will have nowhere to go and will die inside their home. In the morning all that remains is to tear the nest off and throw it away.

Stories from our readers!
"Wonderful device! We used it at home against cockroaches and mosquitoes. We bought it on the advice of a friend and did not regret it. It does its job perfectly.

We also ordered it for the dacha to repel mice. We have been living peacefully for six months now, no chewed wires, no traces of rodents. Very satisfied, we recommend."

Fighting ground wasps and their nests

They received their name exclusively among the people; scientists do not have such a name. The only difference is that the wasps made their nest in the ground.

There may be several reasons: lack of space on roofs, attics, or they decided to take a convenient nest for them of some small animal. They are called paper wasps; their life activity is no different from other insects.

You can get rid of them using the same traditional methods:

  • You can burn the nest. To do this, you need to pour gasoline or kerosene into it and carefully set it on fire. The wasp's home will completely burn out along with its inhabitants.
  • Pour boiling water over the nest. It should be noted that this option may not bring the desired result the first time, so the procedure must be repeated. After each treatment, you should close the entrance to the nest with something heavy and sealed so that angry individuals cannot get out and bite a person.
  • Insecticides can be used. Need to do strong solution funds and fill the nest with it. For this purpose, take Cucaracha, Dichlorvos, Aktara. Plug the entrance to the nest with a rag treated with the same preparation. The option is quite effective, but expensive.
  • Baits placed near the nest are also widely used. Boric acid or other odorless poison dissolves in syrup or honey. Insects die when they eat it. The mixture must be constantly added and within 2 weeks it will completely die.

Whatever options people use to get rid of dangerous insects, you should not forget about safety precautions so that the results do not turn out to be disastrous.

Precautions and mistakes when destroying nests

The fight always requires special attention to avoid being bitten by these insects. It often happens that wasps, defending their home, can attack a person in a swarm, which will lead to disastrous results.

When performing disposal procedures, you should follow simple rules:

  • All work must be done at night, when the wasps fall asleep and become inactive.
  • You need to wear a protective robe, beekeeper mask, gloves and goggles.
  • You need to move smoothly, carefully, without sudden unnecessary movements or screams.

If something goes wrong, you need to leave, but smoothly and calmly.

Wasps can pounce and bite you hard. Under no circumstances should you shout or wave your arms; this will make the insects more aggressive. You need to return to your intended goal after a few hours, when they calm down. It is best to postpone the destruction procedure for a day.

What to do after destroying a nest?

  • After the destruction actions have been carried out, it is necessary to quickly leave the “battlefield”.
  • If the fight was against earth wasps, after treatment it is necessary to seal or bury the place where the nest was located.
  • During the entire winter period, it is necessary to knock down and destroy all nests found.
  • You can hang several fake nests on trees. The fact is that wasps are territorial insects and will not settle close to other colonies. This can perfectly deceive insects.
  • No need to plant near the house fruit trees and shrubs. Fallen fruits attract insects, and they can build a nest nearby.
  • Keep trash cans and trash cans hermetically sealed; the smell of food will attract insects, and they can settle in the trash can.
  • Behind winter period seal all cracks and holes. This is necessary so that the wasps cannot return back at the beginning of spring.

What to do if bitten by a wasp?

Vinegars can lead to various irreversible consequences.


  • A sharp pain occurs at the site of injury.
  • Swelling near the bite appears very quickly.
  • Unbearable itching appears.
  • The body begins to turn red, and the temperature at the site of injury rises.

The first thing to do after getting injured is:

  • Don't panic and calm down as much as possible.
  • Try to suck the poison out of the wound.
  • Apply an acidic product (a piece of apple, orange or lemon) to the damaged area. This will help neutralize the toxic substance in a wound that has not healed.
  • After this, apply a cold object: a product from freezer, cold metal, a piece of ice.
  • To prevent an allergic reaction, take a Suprastin tablet.
  • If a wasp has bitten a child, treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or vodka.
  • Apply a compress to the bite site. This will slow down the movement of blood flow, along with it the spread of poison throughout the body.
  • The compress should be kept for at least half an hour, then lubricate with a drug that helps relieve inflammation, itching and swelling. These include Fenistil, Insectline, Menovazin.
  • With absence medicines , you can add parsley root, a clove of garlic, a slice of lemon. Will help great essential oil, moisten a cloth with it and apply vinegar to the area.
  • If allergic reactions occur, immediately visit a medical facility.

Wasps are aggressive insects that can sting a person for no apparent reason. Their venom can cause a serious allergic reaction. In addition, they love to feast on sweet fruits and berries growing on summer cottage. Therefore, if you find a wasp nest in your dacha, then it must be destroyed.

Why is a wasp's nest dangerous?

One medium-sized nest (20–30 cm in diameter) can house approximately two or three thousand individuals. The initiator of its construction is the queen, and the construction is carried out by worker wasps. Insects perceive the space around the nest as their territory, protecting it from the encroachments of strangers.

Wasps are known for their unreasonable aggression, and their stings are painful and can cause anaphylactic shock, in addition, these insects are spreaders of intestinal infections

The main danger of being in the area of ​​a wasp's nest is that at the moment of attack, the wasp releases an enzyme that calls its fellows to its aid. A person attacked by one wasp may face an attack by an entire swarm, increasing the risk of health damage.

Wasps love sweet berries and fruits; residents of one medium-sized nest can cause significant damage to the crop

Locations of wasp nests

Most often, wasps build nests:

  • in attics;
  • under the roofs of outbuildings;
  • under the balconies of the second floors;
  • under roof canopies;
  • in large cracks in building cladding;
  • in bushes;
  • in the ground;
  • in tree hollows;
  • in piles of garbage.

Most of all, wasps like to make their nests on wooden surface, since wood serves as material for the construction of their homes

Ways to destroy a wasp nest yourself

Before destroying a wasp nest, you need to protect yourself from the consequences of a possible insect attack. Clothes made of thick fabric, closed shoes and gloves are suitable for this. The face must be protected with a mosquito net.

Such a mosquito net hat will reliably protect your head from an attack by a wasp swarm, it is inexpensive (about 150–200 rubles) and is sold in stores offering goods for fishermen and hunters

The most the right time- twilight. Immediately after sunset, insects are least active and prepare for sleep.

With the help of smoke

If the wasp nest is located on a tree branch, then in this case you can smoke out the insects using smoke. This method is safe for humans, as it does not require direct interaction with wasps.

Wasps really don’t like smoke and will try to leave the smoke zone as quickly as possible.

Under the tree you need to build a fire from damp wood and branches so that the smoke falls directly on the wasp's nest. Soon the insects will leave their home and it can be separated from the branch and burned along with the remaining larvae and pupae. However, this method will not get rid of striped predators forever; the wasps will return and begin building a new nest.

Some craftsmen practice burning wasp nests blowtorch. It must be admitted that the method is effective, but it requires knowledge and compliance with the rules for handling this tool and open fire.

One of traditional methods killing wasps is boiling water. They fill a nest located vertically with it, and then wait until all the insects in the nest die.

To destroy the inhabitants of one nest you will need at least three or four liters of boiling water

This method is effective, but quite dangerous. If not all insects die, the remaining wasps can launch a massive attack on everyone nearby. So be sure to remove all household members and animals from the affected area before the procedure. This method, despite its simplicity, is difficult to implement, because the nests are often located in such a way that pouring boiling water from above will not work.

Using a washing vacuum cleaner

This method of getting rid of wasps is original, but its effectiveness is questionable. You will need a washing vacuum cleaner with high suction power (from 350 W).

The advantage of the method of killing wasps using a washing vacuum cleaner is that it does not require insecticides

You need to pour a soap solution into the water tank and place the pipe without a brush in the middle of the socket. After turning on the vacuum cleaner, you need to capture all the insects flying out of your home. At the end of the event, you must tightly close the outlet of the pipe and wait two or three hours. Then all that remains is to throw out the water with the dead insects.

The following problem may arise: during the procedure, part of the nest itself may clog the pipe, in which case the angry wasps will fly away.

Boric acid

Killing wasps using boric acid is a cheap and safe method for humans. But this will take at least 7–10 days.

Boric acid powder is odorless; being medicine, it is safe for humans

Two bags of boric acid (each 10 g) should be diluted in sweet water (0.5 l). Pour the bait into a flat bowl with wide edges and place it near the nest.

Poisoned Bait

An even more effective way to kill insects is to treat them to melon, slices of which have been soaked in an insecticide solution.

Wasps love ripe melon pulp; they will definitely bring such a delicacy to their queen

Inta-Vir, Sherpa, Get are good poisons. They need to be dissolved in liquid (the proportions are indicated in the instructions), and then the melon slices should be kept in the resulting solution for 24 hours. Then the treat should be left in close proximity to the nest. The process of destroying its inhabitants will take 2–3 days. The empty nest must be burned.

When working with insecticide solution, be sure to wear protective gloves.

Photo gallery: insecticides against wasps

As part of the Get product against wasps, chlorpyrifos is enclosed in polymer microcapsules located in an aqueous environment, which makes it easier to work with the insecticide Insecticide "Intavir" destroys insects, having a detrimental effect on them nervous system The drug "Sherpa" contains a naturally occurring insecticide, cypermethrin, which is isolated from the flowers of perennial plants belonging to the Asteraceae family

Aerosols for killing wasps

The bag for placing a wasp nest in it must be tight and without holes

The insecticidal aerosol should be sprayed onto the wasp nest from a distance of 20–30 cm. Then put it on the insects’ home plastic bag and tie it tightly. After a day, separate the nest from the base and burn it without removing it from the bag.

If you choose this method of destroying a wasp nest, be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory tract with an anti-aerosol respirator.

The 3M respirator is used to protect the respiratory system from various types aerosols in the air

Photo gallery: effective insecticidal aerosols

An important advantage of the “Dichlorvos against wasps” product is its availability: aerosols are sold in every hardware store for about 100 rubles Remedy Dr. Klaus contains poisons cypermethrin and tetramethrin, which penetrate the chitinous shell of the wasp and disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses Mosquitall aerosol against wasp nests acts within a few minutes, since the active components penetrate into the body of insects by contact, through the respiratory system

On the eaves of your house or on a tree in your garden - an unpleasant situation. This is especially true for those who are allergic to wasp stings or small curious children. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of a wasp nest without harming yourself. Before you start destroying it, make sure that you are not allergic to insect bites, otherwise it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Studying the enemy

The first thing you need to do when trying to get rid of uninvited guests, - find out who you are dealing with. This way you can choose the most effective way to get rid of them. Wasps are divided into three main types: paper wasps, and American and European hornets.

  • Paper wasps. They are easy to distinguish by their body structure. Paper wasps have thin, long legs and an elongated body. Their nests are shaped like an inverted umbrella; wasps build their “homes” in protected places, such as on a ledge or at the end of a open pipe. The honeycombs are clearly visible in their nests. Such wasps can attack only when they sense danger. Their bites are not fatal, but quite painful.
  • American Hornets. This species is significantly different from paper wasps. They have thick black antennae and short legs. Prefers this type closed space and can build a wasp's nest in the ground or in an empty wall. American hornets - pretty dangerous look. They are very aggressive, can sting several times and often attack in swarms.
  • European hornets They are brown in color with orange dots. IN North America The hornets are slightly different, having noticeable white markings on the head and thorax. They usually build their "homes" in trees or empty walls. If you find a wasp's nest on the balcony, most likely its owners are hornets.

Preparing for destruction

So, the species has been determined, all that remains is to defeat the enemy. Before getting rid of a wasp nest, it is necessary to carry out a certain preparation procedure. Protect yourself with clothing. Wear thick pants, preferably jeans, tuck them into your socks to prevent wasps from getting under your pant leg, and of course, you'll need boots. It is advisable to wear a thick jacket with a hood and gloves on the upper part, wrap a scarf around your head like a balaclava and put a hood on top. Protect your eyes with ski or other safety goggles.

Remember: if the nest is high up, do not use a ladder to reach it. If a nest is destroyed, a swarm of wasps may fly at you, causing you to lose your balance and fall down the stairs. And here it may not be possible without serious consequences. Before you get rid of a wasp nest in an inaccessible place, think twice. Perhaps it is better to use the services of specialists?

What time of year is it better to “attack the enemy”?

It is recommended to get rid of a wasp nest at the beginning of the year. In early spring the uterus decides on a place for its future home and lays the so-called “foundation”. She makes a small nest where she places her first brood. After the first worker wasps begin to come to life, they try to expand their nest, thereby protecting the queen, which, in turn, gives birth to new workers. If, when getting rid of a wasp nest, you manage to destroy the queen, then you don’t have to worry about the appearance of a new nest.

If you find a nest only at the end of summer, it is better to call a specialist, since during this period the wasps are especially aggressive due to the presence of queens in the last brood. But if you were unable to find the nest before the end of autumn, then there is no need to destroy it. Wasps cannot tolerate frosty days and nights and will die on their own, and all you have to do is destroy the nest so that new residents do not appear in it.

Become invisible to the enemy

Before removing a wasp nest, you must wait until dusk. Like any living creature, wasps need rest, so at night their reactions are slower and they are less aggressive. And these factors only play into your hands. When “hunting” wasps at night, do not use a flashlight or other light source, as they react to it very quickly, perceiving it as daylight. If the night option does not suit you, you can get rid of uninvited neighbors in the early morning. At this time they are still inactive, and the morning light allows you to work without guesswork.

We are looking for escape routes

Before destroying a nest, do not forget to think about your escape route. This way you won’t have to run from a swarm of angry wasps in an unknown direction. After spraying pesticides, insects will try to defend their home and will certainly attack you. Therefore, after the poison is sprayed, you should quickly run to your shelter. Don't expect any mercy from them, so make sure there are no scattered garden supplies or any twigs on your way that you could trip on.

Or maybe have mercy?

Before you destroy a wasp's nest, think about whether you need it? If it is located far enough from your home, then it does not pose any threat. And attempts to get rid of it can only harm you by “relocating” the wasps closer to your home. Maybe it's better to leave them alone? Don't forget that wasps were not created by nature to harm you. They play an important role in nature - they pollinate plants, spread some seeds, and by eating caterpillars they only benefit the garden.

If you find a bee nest, there is no need to destroy it. Due to constant spraying of fields with pesticides, the bee population is on the verge of extinction. Therefore, it would be best if you invite a beekeeper you know to pick up your honey bees. He will be incredibly happy about this.

Operation Alpha

If you have determined that you have a wasp nest, and the wasps are poisoning your life with their presence, it is better to get rid of them.

The best remedy for wasp nests is a pesticide spray. A pesticide aerosol spray designed to get rid of bees will work. It can be purchased at your local hardware store. When purchasing, keep in mind that ant killing spray will not work for you, as it contains a low concentration of pesticides that is not capable of controlling wasps. Wear protective clothing before handling the nest. After spraying, quickly leave the area and do not disturb the nest during the day. After 24 hours, watch the nest from afar. If you notice the presence of wasps near the nest, repeat the procedure. When the activity stops, it means the wasps are dead, and you can get rid of the remains of the nest using a long stick. Once the nest is on the ground, treat all parts of it with pesticides.

To get rid of wasps, according to user reviews on forums, we recommend paying attention to the following chemicals:

  • "Troapsil"- This universal remedy from all of us household insects. Its only drawback is that due to its versatility, it has a lower concentration of pesticides, and several bottles will be needed to kill wasps.
  • "Moskitol". Protection against wasps is provided to you - the spray effectively fights these insects and their nests. It is recommended to use this product in an open space or in a well-ventilated area.
  • "Ghettom"- this product is used to treat the entrance to a nest or a place where there is a large concentration of insects. The wasps will carry this substance inside the nest, infecting other individuals. The advantage of this drug is that the insects die after two days.

Dust comes to the rescue

If pesticide control is not an option for you (allergies or curious pets), the question of how to get rid of a wasp nest is best solved with the help of insecticidal dust. It is classified as a pesticide, but is much more effective than an aerosol. She can penetrate into the very center of the nest. The principle of operation of such dust is that at the entrance to the nest, wasps contaminate their paws with this dust and spread it, contaminating other wasps. After contamination, the wasp dies within 1-2 days. But if you notice that there are still wasps in the nest, the procedure must be repeated.

Dust doesn't help? Fairy will help!

Another way to get rid of wasps is with regular dishwashing detergent. When a solution of water and detergent gets on the wasps' wings, they cannot fly. Mix water and Fairy to create soapy water and use a powerful sprayer to water the nest for a few seconds. This procedure will have to be repeated several times so that all individuals die.

Smoke in the fight against wasps

According to user reviews, the most humane way, which does not help kill wasps, is smoking them with smoke. This procedure allows you to get rid of pests without the use of pesticides and other hazardous substances. Before you smoke out a wasp's nest, create a fire, the smoke from which will go directly to the insects' habitat. Leave the fire smoking for a couple of hours until you are sure the wasps have left the nest. After this, knock it down with a stick, having previously armed yourself with a spray bottle of water in case there are living individuals left inside. This method of control is only suitable for nests located on open area, for example, on tree branches. Otherwise, the flames may enter your home or area.

Before getting rid of a wasp's nest, think again: perhaps it would be better to seek help from specialists?

Otherwise, you need to make sure that the wasps have nowhere to return. To do this, seal all cracks and seal other openings in your home from the outside, as this perfect place to create a new wasp nest. In late fall and winter, destroy any empty nests you find, leaving no room for the queen to create a new “army.” Garbage bins should be well sealed and disinfected so as not to attract wasps. In addition, wasps pay attention to fallen fruits, even those that have already begun to rot. They act like a magnet on insects. And finally, hang up the fake nest. If the wasps notice this “stuffed animal”, they will not risk invading someone else’s territory and will not begin to develop the territory near another colony.

Mint is great way scare away wasps, as they cannot stand its smell. Plant this plant around the perimeter of the site - and wasps will not bother you.


  • Do not spray aerosol pesticide on a nest containing irritated wasps. Wait for them to calm down and repeat the procedure.
  • Several wasp stings at the same time can be fatal to humans, so do not let your guard down.
  • Try to destroy only a small nest located on open area. Otherwise, seek the services of specialists.
  • Do not stay long near a disturbed nest.

To safely destroy a wasp nest you will need special remedy, old thick clothes, safety glasses and a flashlight.
