How to make a vertical flower bed for petunia. How to make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands Vertical flowerbeds from improvised materials with your own hands

Decorative balls made of cement for the garden. Ideas and master class

Would you like to decorate your flowerbed, garden or summer cottage with a garden sculpture - a decorative ball made of cement? I really like this idea, I’ll definitely do it. Moreover, the work is not at all difficult; a woman can easily cope with it without help male hands) The main thing is that someone brings a bag of cement, and drags it where necessary) Having made a decorative ball, you can decorate it to your taste, for example, level it with putty, paint it facade paint in the desired color, decorate with mosaics from tiles, broken glass or mirror, mosaic from broken dishes, decorate with moss, decorative glass balls, decorate with bottoms plastic bottles and so on, there are a lot of ideas and methods.

And these balls are covered mirror paint, look how beautiful)

To prevent the decorative ball from crumbling and cracking due to bad weather, it is best to make it from concrete. The usual proportion for concrete: 1-2-3, one shovel of cement, two shovels of sand, three shovels of crushed stone, water by eye. The entire work of creating a decorative round sculpture will take only two days, but the decoration will delight you long years. Just imagine how nice it will be to sit in the garden next to the ball and admire your creation) It’s warm now, and I can’t sit at home anymore, I want everything free time spend on fresh air, handicrafts, reading, playing... By the way, I have useful information for everyone who likes to spend time with game consoles. You can repair any electrical equipment by contacting the services of XboxFlash.Ru repair professionals. One of the company's most popular services is modification and firmware of game consoles and flashing of Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim. You can find out about the advantages of such firmware and whether you can do it yourself on the company’s website.

So, we need:

Cement, sand, water, rubber ball and spatula.

Mix the solution: cement + sand + water, 1 to 3. We cut a hole in the ball that allows passage for a small spatula. Filling the ball with solution

We wait 24-48 hours for hardening

Removing the skin of the ball

If necessary, we trim the roughness

You can leave the ball as is. Can be beautifully painted with acrylic

And one more way if you want to make large balls. To work you will need a construction mesh

Balloons look a little like hanging baskets,

Flowers at the dacha are practically one of the most important elements landscape design on personal plot. These beautiful plants are used to decorate flower beds, alpine slides, gardens and other various landscape elements in the country.

But besides, the main decorations using flowers are "airy flower beds". This decorative decoration is a ball of flowers planted in it, using a special container in which the plants are placed.

How to make an air flower bed

Balloons of flowers they look a little like hanging baskets, where mostly planted hanging plants . But for flower balls they are used special metal mesh hemispheres, which have fairly large cells. As for the basis for this original flower garden, then they can buy at any flower shop or do it yourself.

To create an air flower bed you need to put on the walls hemispherical meshes post sphagnum moss, but it can be replaced with coconut fiber. Then you need to lay it on top plastic film, this is done so that during watering the water does not flow out immediately. When this is done, the next layer should be drainage, but so that such a flower ball is not heavy, instead of stones it is necessary to use perlite, vermiculite or expanded clay. The drainage layer should be approximately 1.5-2 centimeters. After this, you need to pour a little soil, about 15 centimeters, and plant the first row of previously prepared plants. To do this, small holes are made in the moss or coconut liner into which flower roots are inserted. This should be done along the first circle of the metal base. When the plants are planted in this way, you can sprinkle their roots with soil and begin planting the second tier of flowers. This needs to be done all the way to the top.

During growth, flowers in such airy flower garden will begin to unravel, forming incredible “caps” of greenery, covered with multi-colored flowers. In order for such a flower garden to have a rounded shape, it must be lightly trimmed throughout the entire period and, of course, monitor the soil moisture. In addition, pruning is carried out not only to give shape to the flower ball, but it also promotes branching of the shoots. This way they become more magnificent and will bloom more profusely. Therefore, when choosing a plant for an air flower bed, you need to pay attention to the appropriate characteristics.

Monday, November 23, 2015 02:58 + to quote book

A vertically oriented flower bed is an excellent solution not only for decoration summer cottage , but also to save its usable space. Creating vertical flower beds with your own hands is not at all difficult, and they look very original and beautiful, while they can cover some unsightly walls, structures and dried trees.

Features of creating vertical flower beds

Depending on the type of structure and the method of their fastening, vertical flower beds are distinguished:





Their form and execution can be very diverse and depend only on the imagination of the creator.

Any vertical flower beds are made according to approximately the same pattern:

the base is prepared;

an irrigation system is being installed;

the soil is laid and, if necessary, secured with a mesh;

plants are planted.

To prevent soil from spilling out, it is better to use hydroponics, special anti-erosion geomats, as well as ordinary plastic mesh or bars. They provide reliable fixation of soil, seeds and plant root systems.

You should also take care of watering if vertical flower beds are arranged in closed space, for example, in a barrel or plastic bag. To do this, you need to insert a hose or tube with pre-pierced holes inside the container, bring one edge to the top of the structure and insert a funnel into it.

Options for ground vertical flower beds

These are the simplest and most common DIY vertical flower beds, photos of which are the most common.
You can purchase a special base for such a flower bed, create a watering system, fill it with soil and plant the plant. The result will be a flower garden like this:

A similar flower bed can be made from a plastic barrel by cutting triangular holes in it. For more comfortable plant growth, the lower end is not cut off, but bent down.

Another option is old car tires. They can be used in several ways:

  • cut in half and stack several pieces of tires different diameters. If you plant climbing plants, you will get an excellent cascading flower garden that will completely cover the base;
  • cut in half and stack several pieces of tires of the same diameter, laying bars, bricks, tiles between them to create space for plant growth, access to air and light;
  • fold the tires into a mound, fill the inside with soil and make slits on the sides.

If there are no tires, you can build a flowerbed from leftover stone or building materials.
It’s easy to build vertical flower decorations for your dacha according to the principle of an alpine slide.

To do this, beautiful stones are laid out against a wall or fence and sprinkled with soil, into which bright annual plants of low-growing varieties are planted.

Pots can be used for flower beds different shapes or size: insert a reinforcing bar into the ground, place the largest pot on it, fill it with soil, top it with a smaller one, etc. - depending on how many pots there are and what height is required. The rod must first be coated with paint to prevent corrosion.

A similar design, but with a slightly different base and tilted different sides pots.

Beautiful vertical flower beds are made from a regular hose. To create them, you need to install a pole or any other support of any shape (you can use a partially cut trunk of a dried tree). Take a large diameter hose and pass a thin tube with holes for irrigation inside. Then fill the hose with soil and wrap it around a support or base. Make holes in its upper part where you can plant the plants.

Methods for creating wall flower beds

Another way to decorate your dacha with flowers without taking over usable area- create wall flower beds. Options for such arrangement can be very different. The simplest one is to plant climbing plants and send them along supports stretched or installed against the wall.

You can create a special structure with shelves and place containers with flowers on it.

You can also not arrange shelves, but attach the drawers directly to the support. The best containers for this purpose are those whose back side forms a right angle with the base, which will allow them to be securely fastened to the grid.

You can take old pallet, tighten it with inside polyethylene, secure, install and make slots for flowers.

Arrangement of wall flower beds

Wall-mounted vertical flower beds are one of the most attractive types of such flower beds. They can become not just an element of landscaping, but a real work of floristic art.
Phytowalls and phytopictures are the most original way, how to decorate a summer cottage, a photo of which can be seen below:

Such elements can cover up some unsightly structure, and are also often used not only as a vertical flower bed, but also as decoration for the interior of rooms.

They can be mounted almost anywhere - in a gazebo, on a terrace, on a tree.

Phytowalls can also be used as portable screens if you attach a reliable stand to them.

Plants are planted in small solid boxes, covered with mesh on top and attached to the base. To water them, they must be removed from the wall or simply sprayed generously.
You can also make a modular vertical flower bed. To do this, individual elements are constructed, which can have very different configurations, and when assembled they will create a real panel.

The procedure is quite simple. First, frames are prepared from wooden planks(or buy ready-made photo frames), a mesh is attached to them on the reverse side, then soil is poured in, covered with polyethylene on top and secured with plywood.
To plant plants, depressions are made in the soil on the front side of the structure. It should be left in a horizontal position for 15-20 days. Then we assemble the panels, fixing the future “pictures” in the appropriate order, and decorate the dacha with our own hands, creating a real work of art.

Caring for such a masterpiece is not at all difficult - you need to trim it sometimes and regularly water it by spraying.

Creating hanging vertical flower beds

For hanging flower beds, in most cases, a very reliable support is required that will be able to withstand the weight of the structure itself, the soil and growing plants. If there is no such support, you can create something like a cone-shaped column in a flowerpot, having planted several climbing plants. The lower the pot is lowered, the higher the “flower bed” will turn out».

Recently, entire “hanging” vegetable gardens have become widespread. Using their principle, you can create a flower garden. For this purpose, special containers are now sold, ready for planting. But since we are decorating the garden plot with our own hands, we will build them ourselves.

The easiest way is to take a plastic barrel and prepare it in the same way as for the above-ground option described above. The main thing is to securely and correctly fasten it to the support, since the entire structure will have considerable weight.
Instead of a barrel, you can make a frame from metal mesh, roll it into a cylinder or cone, secure it with wire, tuck a large thick garbage bag into it, make holes in it and plant plants in them. This flowerbed can be hung or placed on the ground in a large flowerpot.

If we talk about universal options that are suitable for all types of vertical flower beds, we should not forget about plastic bottles. This is where their practicality will be most in demand. Firstly, they are very light and small, so they can be attached to almost any support. Secondly, you can create a container of any configuration from them by cutting a hole or cutting off an unnecessary part. If you leave only the lower half, you can insert such pots into a specially prepared trellis.

If you make a side hole, you can simply hang them on the fence in any quantity, vertically or horizontally, creating a wide variety of compositions.

Plastic bottles with the bottom cut off can be connected to each other, fastened with wire or glue and forming various shapes. Then fill them with soil and plant flowers. You can get very unusual flower beds of absolutely any shape.

Choosing flowers for a vertical flower bed

Due to the structural features of vertical flower beds, not all flowers are suitable for their arrangement. The most suitable are considered to be low-growing and climbing varieties that do not have a very developed root system and do not need a lot of soil. In addition, it is these plants that will allow you to create original and harmonious composition.

Choosing beautiful annuals for a flower bed growing vertically, you should pay attention to marigolds, petunias and lipsticks. They are ideal for such plantings because they create a very bright carpet that does not obscure the rest of the structure.

The best option for climbing plants are considered climbing roses, ivy, Manchurian grapes, clematis. They will allow you to create original vertical flower beds without requiring large areas and careful care.

Also looks good in vertical plantings lawn grass. In addition, it is securely fixed in the soil and can hold on well even without improvised materials. For the same reason, it is recommended to plant moss. Along with the lawn, it can be an excellent backdrop for brightly flowering annuals.

Vertical flower beds and flower beds in the country are a real miracle that you can create with your own hands. This does not require large expenses or the purchase of any special materials. Everything can be found among improvised means and seemingly unnecessary trash, combined harmoniously and decorated with the simplest but most colorful flowers. Best helper- your imagination and our recommendations!

Every garden plot should have a flower bed. Even a small bright spot will dilute the color monotony of garden greenery and become a source positive emotions. Flower beds play an important role in landscape design. In one case, they can be a link between the house and green spaces. In another - to become the central element around which the remaining components of landscape design will be grouped garden plot.

Often the choice falls on round flower beds; their design can be very diverse and depends both on the decision of the landscape style of the garden and on the space allocated to them.

Round flowerbed - classic garden design. Along with flower beds of other forms, it has been present in garden design for more than one century. Over such a long period of existence, it has undergone some changes, and new plants introduced into garden culture, their various varieties and shapes make it possible to make the color content of a round flower bed unique.

The choice of location for a flower garden depends on existing buildings and plantings. It should not destroy the existing composition, but serve as its continuation, perhaps the finishing touch, giving the entire appearance of the garden a finished look.

The traditional purpose of a round flower bed is for ceremonial purposes. Often it serves as a decoration for the recreation area in front of the house. Such a flower garden especially benefits from its proximity to a lawn. Against a green background, a contrasting color spot attracts the eye.

The photo shows how much more attractive the front area near the house has become due to the presence of a bright flower garden.

If free space It’s not enough, but I really want to make round flower beds with my own hands; you can make several small ones, arranging them in a row or in any other order.

Scheme for creating several small round flower beds

Unusual and interesting option- enclose a round flowerbed inside a square flower bed, separating it with a gravel backfill path. Feng Shui uses this form to increase energy. And the circle in this eastern practice is a symbol of perfection. This flower garden looks very good at the intersection of paths.

Options for different layouts of round flower beds enclosed in a square

An important point is the size of the future garden design element. It must be correlated with the area of ​​the site on which it will be located. In a large space small flower garden it will get lost, and on a small one a huge flowerbed will look ridiculous. The ease of caring for plants must also be taken into account. Regular weeding and fertilizing have not been canceled, but reaching the center of a large flower bed will be problematic.

When choosing a location for round flower beds, you should be guided by time-tested recommendations.

Without flowers, the area looks boring and uninteresting. Properly decorated flower beds lift your spirits, because…

Patterns of landscape design

In order to successfully make a round flowerbed in the garden of a private house or in a country house with your own hands, you need to take into account the following rules of landscape design.

  • Integrity of the composition.

The decorative design of any garden plot should be carried out according to a clearly thought-out plan. It is best to draw it on paper, noting on a scale all existing plantings and buildings, not forgetting about the uniform design style of the site and the color harmony of both existing plants and those that are going to be planted. Only in this case the created flower garden round shape will organically fit into the surrounding landscape.

  • Plants should be placed taking into account their growth.

The tallest ones are placed in the background. Medium-sized ones in front of them - they attract the most attention, so their selection must be taken responsibly. Borders highlight the beauty of the flower garden and give it a finished look. low growing plants, which border it along the edge. The placement of flowers in a round flower bed is determined by its shape. The most tall plant planted in the center, and each next tier will be lower than the previous one.

  • Consider the architecture of the flower garden.

It can be either flat or domed, have a decorative fence or do without it. Inside the flower garden there is its own geometry. It is related to the location of plants. The simplest option is concentric circles, for which flowers are selected according to height and color. At correct selection such a flower bed looks quite impressive. A more complex geometric solution is also possible, for example, a Viennese flower or a repeating geometric pattern. You can divide the flowerbed into sectors. The color scheme of this layout option can be either contrasting or consistent in the same color, but in different shades. An asymmetrical arrangement of colors is possible. How to make such a flower bed beautiful? Color spots from several flowers of the same species should be adjacent to decorative greenery, while none of the plants should shade the others.

Viennese flower bed diagram

An approximate version of a set of annual flowers for its contrasting design

  1. Marigolds erect orange color, “Beach Season” variety. Height 80 cm.
  2. Ageratum high grade"Blue Bouquet" Height 60 cm.
  3. Snapdragon variety "Eldorado" with yellow flowers. Height 45 cm.
  4. Drummond phlox is white. Height 25 cm.
  5. Marigold thin-leaved 'Ursula' with yellow-brown flowers. Height 25 cm. It is enough to plant one bush at a time, which has the shape of a ball, completely covered with small flowers.
  6. Alyssum violet variety "Purple Queen". Height 15 cm.
  7. Ageratum variety " Blue mink" Height 25 cm.
  8. Alyssum is white. Height 15 cm.

All of these annuals love similar growing conditions: they are not afraid of the sun, do not require daily watering and grow well in medium-fertile soils, taking root well after transplanting. Their seeds are easy to find on sale, but the seedlings will have to be grown first, otherwise they will bloom only in the second half of summer.

With the help of planted flowers, you can “draw” various pictures or ornaments - whatever the gardener’s imagination suggests.

When creating round flower beds in a country house or in the garden of a private house, you should not skip the planning stage, so as not to replant the plants later. Most of them do not like transplants, and some may simply not take root.

Flower garden planning

First, the plan is drawn on paper. The scale must be preserved. Therefore, it is necessary to know the exact dimensions of the future masterpiece. When creating a plan, it is good to use colored pencils. This way you can achieve optimal color scheme. Each plant must be marked on the plan. You should not plant too rarely - the effect of a carpet of plants will not work. When planting perennials, you must remember that the bushes grow over time.

Plant selection

It is important to immediately decide on the range of future plantings. There can be many options. In order not to get confused, they decide whether the set of plants will be perennial or will have to be updated annually. What flowers to plant, each owner of a summer cottage decides independently based on his preferences and capabilities. But it can be difficult for a novice gardener to make a choice, since the name of the flowers may not mean anything to them. In this case, it is better to opt for annuals, since most of them are unpretentious and easy to grow. They have another undeniable advantage: grown from seedlings, they begin flowering early, which usually continues throughout the season. With perennials continuous flowering much more difficult to achieve.

How to do it right? It is necessary to draw up a flowering schedule for the future inhabitants of the flower garden.

  • Early bloomers: Bulbs and other primroses are the first to greet the season. They will be replaced by subulate phlox, daisies, pansies, dicentra.
  • In late spring - early summer, lactiferous peonies, bearded irises, Matrona's noctule, oriental poppy, doronicum, brunnera, aquilegia, astilbe, and swimsuit will bloom.
  • Most of the summer is pleasing to the eye different kinds bells, lilies, daisies, daylilies, delphiniums, aconites, perennial carnations, centranthus, yarrows.
  • In the second half of summer, phloxes, dahlias, gladioli, catnips, monarda, some types of anemones, and eustoma join the floral ensemble; you can learn more about growing them.
  • At the end of summer and autumn, sedums, perennial asters, rudbeckias, and chrysanthemums will delight you with their flowering.

It is good if the flower garden contains various decorative cereals throughout the season.

A huge selection of plants will allow you to make a round flower bed always blooming. Main criterion when selecting plants, there are similar requirements for light, water regime, acidity and soil fertility. And the place where the plants will be planted must meet these requirements.

Work on creating a round flower garden

When the plants have been selected and the plan is ready, they begin to implement it on the ground. To make a round flowerbed, you need to place a peg in its center and tie a rope to it, the length of which is equal to the radius of the future flower bed. A full turn of the rope around the axis will mark its perimeter.

Before planting plants, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil.

Soil preparation

After removing the debris, the layer of turf is removed, the ground is dug up, completely removing all, even the smallest, roots of weeds. This operation is especially important if the flower garden is planned to be planted with perennials. Even a small wheatgrass root can very quickly sprout and choke cultivated plants. It is very difficult to clear it from an already planted flower garden without damaging the roots of the flowers. If the level groundwater high, a drainage layer of small pebbles is required.

It is necessary to determine the acidity of the soil. Majority garden dwellers They like neutral or slightly acidic soil. Exceptions, loving soil more acidic are conifers, hydrangeas, azaleas and rhododendrons, but they are infrequent guests in flower beds.

The easiest way is to analyze it in an agrochemical laboratory. But this is not available to everyone. There is an easier way: you need to take a closer look at the composition of the weed. If most of it is wheatgrass, then the soil is neutral; the predominance of woodlice, horsetail, small sorrel, plantain, and field violet indicates its increased acidity. When digging up the earth, you will have to add ash, which not only serves as a deoxidizer, but also good fertilizer, containing potassium and many trace elements.

It will also require complete mineral fertilizer. But it is better not to bring in fresh manure - most of the inhabitants of the flower garden cannot tolerate it. The best organic matter is humus and garden compost. Sometimes it is necessary to improve the soil structure. Sand is added to clayey, and clay to sandy. By adding soil, the flowerbed is given a convex shape.

Filling the flower bed

Plants can be planted when the ground settles, after about two weeks. It's better to do this starting from the center. There are standards for boarding one square meter for plants of different heights, which are convenient to guide.

  • Tall plants - 4 pcs.
  • Medium height - 6 pcs.
  • Low - 8 pcs.
  • Ground cover - 9 pcs.

Plants of the same species are planted in groups of at least five (for large ones, at least three) to create a spot of color and eliminate excessive variegation.

A special case is conifers and small shrubs: most often, one specimen is enough. But there is an exception. It is very interesting to use begonias, combining them with or without conifers. In the first case, you can choose, for example, bright begonias of the same color, but in different shades, as in the photo. If conifers not provided, roses or begonias are more appropriate calm flowers, better than pastel shades.

The final touch is the fencing

It will give the flower beds a finished look and allow the beauty of the planted plants to shine through even more. The fence has another important function - it will not allow weeds penetrate from the lawn into the flower garden. There are many different plastic fences on sale. But a stone border looks much more organic and beautiful. He might be from natural stone, and consist of bricks, stone blocks small size or paving slabs. This type of fencing is also the most durable.

Creating a border from stones with your own hands is quite a labor-intensive, but completely doable task. Stones and bricks can be laid either with or without cement mortar. In the latter case, the support will be supported by its own gravity. The main disadvantage of such a fence is the possibility of overgrowing with weeds due to the earth getting into the cracks between the stones. But you can easily change the geometry of the curb.

How to make a border from stones with your own hands

  1. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the flowerbed with a width equal to the size of the largest stone and a depth of 20 cm.
  2. Geotextiles are laid and sand is poured in a layer of 5 cm. The sand is wetted and compacted.
  3. If the curb is made of concrete, then you will need formwork into which the solution is poured. The stones are simply laid out beautifully. If necessary, they are fastened cement mortar. A fence is also made from bricks or small concrete blocks.

In order to create a round flowerbed with your own hands, you need to put in a lot of effort. But the resulting result will warm the author’s heart for a long time with its beauty and uniqueness.

Do you want to decorate your property with original garden beds, but don’t know where to get ideas from? Here you will find best examples flower arrangements, thanks to which your garden will be transformed in a matter of moments! We'll tell you how to do it beautiful flower bed with our own hands, we will give examples and several master classes with photos.

A flowerbed made with your own hands is one of the best ways decorate the area, add originality and expressiveness to it. A beautiful flower bed will become the most attractive corner of your yard and, perhaps, even a kind of connecting link that unites the house, garden, plants and outbuildings into a single harmonious composition. You can use absolutely any materials, even the most unusual ones, to make flower beds.

Regardless of the attractiveness of the flowers, a flowerbed that does not have a fence will look unfinished. The fenced flowerbed will immediately be transformed and become more neat. Such fences, by the way, are necessary not only to mark boundaries, but also for many other purposes - for example, they prevent the spread of plants (especially ground cover) throughout the area. In addition, the sides protect fragile shoots from pets walking around the site.

Of course, today ready-made forms and fences for flower beds are sold, made of wood, stone, plastic and even metal, but after construction/repair work there are always excess building materials, pipe cuttings, wood, pieces of bricks - in a word, everything that you want Can be used to make lovely flower beds. For example, the remains of linoleum or metal tiles can serve as fencing.

Polyethylene containers are a real problem for a responsible summer resident. The solution may be to use plastic bottles to create flower beds. This solution is recommended for areas where there are a lot of moles - the bottles from which the flower fence is made will become a serious obstacle for pests. You can even alternate bottles different colors to make the composition look more colorful.

Note! Before digging, it is advisable to fill the bottles with sand or soil - this way they will not be deformed and will become more stable.

New life for old things - we use improvised means!

People often transport unnecessary things to their dacha. Various chests, boxes, chairs, shoes and clothes - all this lives here last days to completely dry out or burn in a fire. But you can also make beautiful and original flower beds from old things!

Some flowers spend the winter in the apartment, and are transported to the site only in the summer. But they don't have to be planted in the ground - you can leave them directly in the box, and then, when autumn comes, move them back into the house.

Boxes can also be used to create vertical flower beds. These conditions are ideal for hanging crops and succulents. You can hang such structures on a wall, fence or other vertical surface.

If you have drawers from old chests of drawers or bedside tables lying around, don’t rush to send them to the landfill - instead, use them to organize a compact flower bed. The color and shape of the boxes may vary, as well as the overall style. But they will all be harmoniously combined with colors.

Sometimes even such seemingly useless things as old shoes, can find new life. You can plant flowers there, and then hang your shoes somewhere (even by the laces). Moreover, the older the shoes, the better - there will certainly be no stagnation of water in shoes with holes.

Another option for creating an original flower bed is to use an old iron cage. Plant climbing crops in it and hang it on a tree or inside a gazebo.

Very unusual flower beds They are also made from glass wine bottles. This is guaranteed to surprise your guests! But be careful when removing the bottom, otherwise you may cut yourself.

A small but very functional flower bed can be made from a piece of burlap. Make a bag from the material and hang it, for example, on a pole. What is typical, it is suitable for both flowering crops and fragrant herbs (you can add the latter to tea directly from the “bed”).

To create a flower bed, you can also use things that are simply lying on the street. Bright to that an example is a dilapidated log. Take it, cut out a longitudinal depression and plant flowers there (this option will be described in more detail below).

A stump that you couldn’t get rid of can also turn into a flower bed. Tie pots to it with wire and plant spectacular flowing flowers there.

But another option is a milk river, as if pouring out of a can. But in in this case It is very important that the green background is monochromatic.

Is your old bicycle no longer a means of transportation? But you can turn it into the highlight of your garden! Paint it, and instead of the trunk, install this container with flowers.

The next example is a full-fledged composition. Combine with old colors garden tools, experiment.

A massive stone vase will also look good as a flower bed. As an option, you can use a large clay pot for this purpose (one that can stand under open air over several seasons).

Today, mailboxes are hardly ever used, but you shouldn’t throw yours away! Make a compact flowerbed out of it and hang it on the gate.

Video - Making flower beds from old things

Master Class. Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed

Vertical flower beds gain in last years increasingly popular. Let's look at a short step-by-step instructions for making such a flower bed using multi-colored flowers. The best option for composition it is, of course, .

For work you will need the following consumables:

  • wire mesh;
  • plastic ties;
  • soil mixture for flowering crops;
  • large flower pot;
  • strong cellophane.

After preparing everything you need, get to work. For the convenience of visitors, the information is presented in table form.

Table No1. Instructions for creating a vertical flower bed for the garden.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Take the wire mesh and make a cylinder out of it to serve as a vertical base. Use plastic ties to secure the edges of the mesh. Place the resulting cylinder in the flower pot.

Take some strong cellophane and wrap it around the chicken wire.

Using the same plastic ties, attach the edges of the film to the vertical base.

Fill the resulting form with pre-prepared soil mixture for flowering crops.

Also fill the flower pot with soil (this will make the wire mesh more stable).

Cut holes in the film for planting flowers. Be sure to do this in a checkerboard pattern.

Plant flowers in the holes, then water carefully.

Also plant a few plants on top (also water them afterwards) to make the composition look complete.

Water the finished vertical flower bed regularly and apply fertilizer in a timely manner. In this case, it will look the same as in the photo (or even better!).

Wire mesh prices

wire mesh

Master Class. DIY flowerbed "Palette"

We are all artists at heart, and therefore to create something beautiful (including ordinary garden flower bed) you definitely need to be creative.

To make such a flowerbed yourself, first decide on the flowers that will decorate it.

In addition, you will need pots in which the seedlings will be transplanted and where they will bloom throughout the summer.

Also prepare a rake and shovel - they will also be needed.

As a base, you can use a sheet of plywood, polystyrene foam (not recommended, since the material is light and can be blown away by the wind) or furniture board.

To secure the base, prepare clamps in advance.

You will also need paint or stain, varnish.

So, first, take the base and draw a palette on it with a marker.

After this, cut out the shape using a jigsaw.

This is what the finished base should look like.

After this, make the fastenings. The sample drawing below shows what they should look like.

To make flower bed fastenings, use bars.

Using clamps, attach the fasteners to the base of the future flower bed.

Using pipe scraps, you can make stands for rakes and shovels.

After that, decorate gardening Tools– for example, paint them with polka dots or paint them one color.

Then take the base of the flowerbed and, if furniture board or plywood was used in production, cover it with stain, and then with varnish.

Wait for the coating to dry and install the flower pots. That’s it, the beautiful “Palette” flowerbed with your own hands is ready!

Video - Making a flower bed from a wheel

Master Class. DIY flowerbed “Turtle” made from car tires

We offer another interesting option for creating a beautiful garden flower bed. Step-by-step instruction is given below.

Table No. 2. Instructions for making a flowerbed “Turtle”.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

The finished flowerbed of tires will look something like this.

To begin, prepare:
- tires with studs (2 pcs.), always one without steel cord;
- screwdriver;
- paint for external works, brush;
- self-tapping screws 3.5x55 mm (15 pcs.);
- a large knife.

In a tire that does not have a steel cord, cut out the bead on both sides and cut it into four identical fragments.

As a result, you should have the following elements from which the paws will be made.

Cut a couple of rectangular sections on each of the blanks.

As a result, the workpiece should look like this.

The second tire, from which the body will be made, may be slightly larger. Mark it into six equal parts, make slits at the border of the sidewall and tread - one narrow (for the tail), one round (for the head) and four wide (for the paws).

Insert the pre-made paws into the corresponding slots, fix each with two self-tapping screws.

Here is another photo, from a different angle.

Connect the edges of each paw as shown in the image: on one side with a self-tapping screw, and on the other with a wire staple (similar to a stapler). As a result, the paw will be narrow near the body, and voluminous on the other side.

Take a piece of tire, make a tail out of it and attach it with the same screws.

You can use a spray bottle to make the head.

The hole for the head that you made earlier should be such that it itself is located at an angle of 45 degrees. Secure the bottle with a self-tapping screw (it should go right through, as in the image).

When assembled, the flowerbed should look like this.

Paint the flowerbed (you can use two colors, as in the example). Tread elements can be used to emphasize the texture of the turtle. If the tires are “bald”, come up with your own design.

Color your head too. The turtle, as you can see, is smiling contentedly. All, flower bed ready (just wait until the paint dries)!

Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

Flowers for flower beds are selected according to color, variety and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in, on your own, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly before starting work and become familiar with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

Master Class. Do-it-yourself log flowerbed

To make such a composition you will need the following consumables:

  • log (diameter – 40-50 cm, length – about 200 cm);
  • flower seedlings;
  • gravel;
  • primer;
  • film.

In addition, the work will need:

  • simple scissors;
  • chainsaw (can be electric);
  • wooden hammer;
  • bit.

So, everything is ready, you can start working directly.

Table No. 3. Instructions for creating a flower bed from an old log.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

First, clear one side of the log of bark (this is where the chisel comes in handy).

Make cross cuts on one side of the log in increments of 50 cm and a depth of about ¼ of its diameter.

Cut off part of the log from the side where the cuts were made, so that the result is a longitudinal surface.

Make cuts on this surface as shown in the image.

Use a chisel to remove sawn-off pieces of wood and create a sort of “trough.”

Use scissors to cut the film to the shape of the resulting “trough”, and then lay it down.

Place gravel on top of the film and thin layer fertile soil.

Plant flower seedlings and enjoy the resulting beauty!

Prices for wood primer

wood primer

Master Class. DIY floating flowerbed

A floating flowerbed is a kind of plant island moving across a body of water. It looks amazing, and making such a flower bed at home is quite simple. Essentially it is plastic or wooden base with a sealing mesh and soil for planting flowers laid on top. Instead of soil, you can even use pebbles or hydrogel, but it is important that there are already aquatic inhabitants and other plants in the reservoir (they indicate the presence of nutrients).

What plants are suitable for this? In principle, any, but be sure to take into account the floating ability of the structure, because it is too large plants can easily flood the island. We also note that it is better to give preference to crops that love moisture (sedge, lilies, papyrus, variegated potted flowers or ornamental grass).

First, decide what material you will use to make the island. Determine the dimensions yourself, as well as the immersion depth (preferably about 7 cm from the bottom). Please note that the soil should not be washed away by water. Use gravel to adjust the diving depth.

  1. A ready-made tray (or, alternatively, a mesh pot) can be purchased at the store.
  2. The container can also be made from boards (you will get a small box with holes), treated with impregnation to protect it from moisture. Such a box must be covered with spunbond or geotextile, and then covered with a drainage layer and soil.
  3. The third option is to use plastic bottles. They need to be cut, holes made in the base, and then covered with the same geotextile.

It is quite obvious that a container filled with soil will not float on its own - for this you need:

  • cut from packing foam (this is what remains after purchase household appliances) rectangular frames that will hold the island on the surface (they are attached to the top of the flower bed, and not to the base);
  • foam the perimeter of the flowerbed and its upper part with foam;
  • make a pontoon from plastic bottles along the edges of the island;
  • use an inflated car inner tube.

What about floating flower pots?

They can also be launched into the water, but the reservoir must be small and necessarily without aquatic inhabitants. For example, you can cut a base from foam plastic flower pots, as in the image below, necessary for stability on the water. However, such floating pots will need to be watered regularly.

How to decorate a floating structure?

  1. You can disguise the unattractive edges of the island with earth, moss or branches.
  2. You can also install LEDs on such a flower bed, the operation of which is controlled using a remote control.
  3. Finally, you can put animal or bird figures there (for example, a ceramic stork).

Note! Before launching a floating flower bed, it must be tested! If it is unstable, then it should be modified. Also keep in mind that the flowers will grow, which will change the balance of the island.

Master Class. DIY flowerbed made from old chairs

To make such an original flower bed, prepare:

  • old chairs;
  • spray paint;
  • sandpaper.

All other materials depend solely on your imagination. You can, for example, use wooden box instead of a pot. In any case, first remove old paint from the chairs and sand them thoroughly.

Clean the chairs from dirt and dust, and then paint. It is quite obvious that it is better to do this outside, because there is no doubt about the toxicity of the paint.

If necessary, you can also paint the flower pot.

When the paint is dry, you can paint the chairs. We recommend using for this acrylic paints included in the paint-by-numbers kit. These do not wash off and do not require varnish.

Thanks to such original flower beds, it is quite possible to create entire compositions.

This one, for example, is made from old shoes and children's sneakers that no one has worn for a long time.

Flowerbed from an old bicycle

As you can see, you can make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, and there are really many options. We hope the master classes offered here will help you with this!

Video - DIY stone flower beds
