How to make a move. Moving in heels. General work plan

There is a popular saying: two crossings equal one fire. In general, it’s difficult to argue. Broken dishes, a broken chair leg, tattered furniture, or worse, a damaged refrigerator, TV, computer, etc. To avoid this, appropriate knowledge is required. This is where you will need advice on moving to another apartment.

First, thoroughly clean your apartment. Put all things in their places. Make a list of the items you are transporting. This is necessary in order to determine required amount packaging material, as well as the volume of the car body for moving.

Stock up on all necessary packing materials. You will need cardboard boxes various sizes, stretch and bubble film for packaging dishes and furniture, tape, plastic bags and shopping bags.

Start packing things, dishes and clothes. When putting things into boxes, you should consider the following rule. Place heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top. Fragile or breakable items must first be wrapped in wrapping paper. Regular newspaper will also work; to do this, wrap the item in several layers.

It is better to place plates in a box on edge, and each plate should be lined with a layer of paper.

fragile glass and china, must be packaged in a special way. Each item is carefully wrapped in bubble wrap secured with tape. The dishes should be placed in the box so that the spouts of teapots and the handles of coffee and tea cups are directed to the side, and not up or down. Wrong position will cause damage. Secure the dishes firmly inside the box using cardboard, wrapping paper, or bubble wrap.

The next stage will be packaging furniture and large household appliances.

Refrigerators, gas stoves, dishwashers and washing machines It is better to transport it in the original container. But if you don’t have it, then carefully wrap it household appliances air bubble wrap, secure its edges with tape. The same should be done with the rest of the furniture.

Large pieces of furniture that do not fit through the doorway will have to be disassembled. It's pretty difficult process requiring specific knowledge and skills. In addition, disassembling and assembling furniture may require a large number of special tools. To preserve the fittings you have dismantled, small boxes that need to be labeled are suitable.

One of the main stages of moving is the selection of loading and unloading performers and transport for transportation. Most cheap way ask for help in loading your friends, colleagues or relatives, and probably someone you know will have a driver with a personal Gazelle. This method transportation is the most economical, but at the same time the most problematic, associated with many risks.

Firstly. It is quite difficult to agree on the time and all stages of loading and transportation with all the intended participants in the move. Even after overcoming all the organizational problems, someone will probably have a good reason not to come to your aid: you were called to work, it’s your grandmother’s birthday, your back hurts. Or maybe it’s just that someone doesn’t want to take a day off or sacrifice it for the sake of your savings. And here an incident may arise when the car arrives on time, but there is no one to load it. It’s more expensive to look for movers at the nearest pub. You will have to order a team of loaders and pay for the Gazelle’s downtime, or reschedule the transportation date.

Or the opposite situation when everyone got together, took the furniture out to the entrance, but the car didn’t arrive: they drained the gas and the battery died. And besides, it started to rain. You will have to spend a lot of effort, money and nerves on urgently searching for and calling a car from a transport company.

Secondly. Your relatives and friends are not bound by any agreements with you. And it’s unlikely that you will raise your hand to demand money for an accidentally dented refrigerator. Therefore, you immediately need to be prepared for such situations and take into account possible losses.

Of course, there are ways to avoid all the difficulties associated with moving. And our main advice for moving to a new apartment is to entrust all the hassles of moving to a specialized transport company that provides a full range of moving services.

The most important advantage of this method, of course, is the guarantee of the safety of all cargo, from the moment you start packing things until the moment you hand over the cargo to the customer. As they say, receive it and sign. "GRUZO TAXI INFO" bears financial responsibility for the safety of the cargo. Of course, this costs money, but compared to the benefits received, this is a trifle.

By ordering a comprehensive move, the client receives:

1) Packing the cargo with special materials, these include:

  • cardboard boxes of various sizes;
  • packaging bubble film for wrapping;
  • stretch packaging film;
  • tape - packaging adhesive tape for fixing and packaging;
  • plastic bags to protect from dirt and dust;
  • wrapping paper;
  • shopping bags.

2) High-quality loading, with securing large items and subsequent unloading. Unpacking and arranging things and furniture in accordance with the customer's wishes. Of course, minor troubles can always happen, but by ordering packaging and loading from our company, we guarantee full financial responsibility.

3) A reliable car with the appropriate volume and carrying capacity for your belongings. For moving, we use Gazelle vehicles with a body volume of 10 to 17 cubic meters and a loading platform length of 3 to 4.2 meters.

You can get advice or find out any information about moving, the availability of free cars and movers, as well as the necessary packaging materials, from our manager-consultants by calling the numbers listed in the contacts.

Vanity, haste and lack of structured sequence will unbalance even the most balanced person. Therefore, it is important to know exactly where to start moving to another city and try to build a detailed algorithm of actions. The correct trajectory of the planned fees will help you maintain strength for the start of a new stage in life.

The first and most important stage is emotional preparation.

Regardless of the reasons for moving (change of job, family circumstances, desire to radically change your life), the decision has already been made and the point of the new place of residence.

When thinking about the volume of upcoming activity, a slight jitters and emotional panic begin. Therefore, it is important to take time to regulate your condition and create a positive attitude.

Of course, everyone, even the most confident people, is frightened by the unknown of a new life (social and climatic conditions of the city, lack of acquaintances). Especially if all family members (children, parents, pets) are moving with us, it is important to take care of everyone’s emotional comfort.

So remember:

  • You should not expect an instant solution to all problems from moving;
  • There will definitely be some difficulties during the first adaptation period.

Set yourself up for all upcoming changes with a positive perception of events. Set goals for yourself and your loved ones for a positive turn in life, for the opening prospects of new acquaintances, events, positive changes in fate. After all, all difficulties have the wonderful property of ending.

In this video Marina Fedorova will tell step by step steps preparations for this process:

What do you need to move to another city?

This point in preparation for moving is worth paying special attention to. Things, this is of course important, but there are a lot of documentary issues and formalities that must be resolved before the final departure to a new address.

  1. Passport: if the deadline for changing the document is coming to an end, then it is better to immediately make the exchange in the “old” city, otherwise it will be impossible to do this at the new place of residence before obtaining permanent registration;
  2. Debts, loans, arrears, fines, communal payments must be repaid before changing registration and actual residence in order to avoid further documentary and judicial troubles;
  3. Collection important documents : all passports (and foreign ones, including), certificates (marriage, birth of children), diplomas, attestations, certificates, certificates and references from the place of work and education of children, medical records, vaccination certificates, poles, SNILS, driver's and pension certificates, military ID cards (ideally, also make copies of documents);
  4. Upon arrival, try to register as soon as possible at a new address at the FMS office, re-register the car, register with the military registration and enlistment office, contact Pension Fund for renewal of documents, contact the nearest clinic.

By preparing a folder with documents as much as possible and resolving formal issues before the move begins, we ensure that potential difficulties in the new city are reduced.

Here's a list of what definitely not worth doing before leaving for a new place of residence:

  1. Postpone packing until last days until departure;
  2. Buy large equipment, new furniture;
  3. Make large supplies of food (to avoid spoilage, it is better to make purchases at the place of arrival);
  4. Spend large amounts(it is advisable to have money in reserve for the first 2 months of living, especially when the work situation is not clear).

Additionally, try to study future city(the Internet will always help) in terms of the availability and territorial location of social services, transport system, medical care, emergency services. Important phone numbers can now be written down on a piece of paper or stored in the phone’s memory.

Algorithm for correct actions

To avoid turmoil, unnecessary fuss and fear of losing or forgetting something, let’s approach the process of moving to business style- let’s create an algorithm of actions:

  • A month before the move: prepare purchase and sale agreements for new and current housing (or lease), document the agreement with the cargo carrier, throw out old things or put them up for sale (for example, pieces of furniture that definitely will not go with you to your new life);
  • During the week: we pack all the things that will not be needed for the first time (don’t waste too much, it’s better to throw it away or give it to someone), buy disposable dishes, wash curtains, bedspreads, wash carpets;
  • Per day: we pack the remaining small things, put away the first aid kit, hygiene items.

What to pack for moving?

First you need to carefully stock up on packaging material and prepare tools (screwdrivers, screwdriver, scissors, stationery knife, markers, tape, ropes).

What packaging will you need:

  • There are a lot of boxes left in stores - don’t hesitate to ask for them, it’s better than buying new ones or collecting them (30 pieces should be enough);
  • Stock up on stretch film, bubble wrap, thick fabric, greenhouse film, newspapers, paper, bags;
  • Prepare bags and suitcases, sacks.

Notepad is an indispensable assistant

Make an inexpensive investment in your upcoming moving process - buy a notepad (or notebook). This homemade organizer will save not only time, but also nerves.

Record in it:

  1. algorithm of actions;
  2. list of important things to do;
  3. list of documents that need to be prepared;
  4. information about the new point of stay;
  5. amount of spending;
  6. list of packed items;
  7. important addresses in the new city and phone numbers of people you can turn to for help at first.

What should you transport things in when moving?

Securely and correctly packaged items have a much better chance of arriving unharmed.

Let's sort in size and fragility:

  • Furniture: It is advisable to take it apart and wrap it in thick cloth or bubble wrap, carefully collecting everything small parts in a box or bag. Be sure to mark it with numbers or sign it. We remove the mirrors and pack them separately. If the furniture cannot be disassembled, then we secure the opening elements: doors, drawers. Wrap large upholstered furniture in thick material, cover it with film and securely wrap it with tape;
  • Books: in small piles and wrapped with tape, put in boxes;
  • Clothes and shoes: in bags and suitcases (vacuum packaging is good for spaciousness);
  • Dishes and breakables: wrap each item in cardboard, newspaper, paper, place it in a box and avoid voids (block items with cardboard or film with bubbles);
  • Bed sheets and other things made of fabric in large bags or bags;
  • Technique: wrap in air film and in boxes (ideally place instructions and neatly wound wires together);
  • Household chemicals should be packaged separately;
  • Oily, coloring substances also need to be transported separately.

And most importantly, all things should be numbered and the full contents should be written down in a notebook in accordance with each box number.

When thinking about the safety of things, do not forget the most important thing - finally, arrange a meeting for friends. Their good wishes and sincere belief in your new bright future is the first item on the list of “where to start moving to another city.”

Video: proper organization and planning of your move

In this video, Olga Denisova will tell you how to plan correctly and where to start the whole process:

Once again I’m moving... Since this “process” in my life is not the first and not last time, I know how to move correctly. I want to tell you my and acquired secrets of moving. Some nuances save nerves and hours of work, and a stressful situation will not turn into a disaster with lost or damaged things.

Sorting things for moving

Preparing things for moving

  1. Get busy cleaning carpets and curtains before moving. I speak by personal experience- you will have a lot of other problems after moving. I was always glad that I was not too lazy to do this in advance.
  2. I don’t allow stale laundry to be left behind before moving. Trying freshen things up, which are stale.
  3. Collect emergency box- with a bag of coffee, toothbrushes, a couple of sandwiches, napkins and toilet paper, first aid kit, kit disposable tableware, comb, change of linen. I throw a clean T-shirt each for myself and my husband.
  4. Tape the bottom of each box.
  5. Try not to make large grocery purchases 1.5-2 weeks before moving. Empty the freezer compartment.

Packing things

Moving with animals

It will be easier for your dog to survive the move if they are part of the process - don't scold him for being curious and interested in the boxes. Speak in an encouraging voice, pay attention to the dog as often as possible, because he does not understand what is happening. Take a break to play and walk during training, and do not forget about feeding at the usual time for your pet. This is a member of your family that should not be neglected.

Don't touch your dog's things until the very last moment. A week or two before the move, go to the vet for a routine inspection, because after the move you will be very busy. The dog should travel with you; under no circumstances should you leave it alone in an empty house.

Let the animal be the first visitor to the new place of residence. His things should be the first to enter the room. During the first weeks we walk on a leash, saying “home” at the door of the house, so that the dog gets used to the new place and accepts it as his refuge as quickly as possible. If your dog has a microchip, be sure to update your address and phone numbers. I have no experience moving with a cat.

Preparing the premises for moving

Dig out your new home BEFORE moving. What I write next is not mandatory, and to some it may even seem like a diagnosis, but my experience forces me to do each of the points - so I can be calm about the health of my family. This especially applies to moving to rented housing without clean renovation. So:

  • Bathroom, bath, kitchen sink I treat it with chlorine-containing products. I use gloves and a respirator. I also wash kitchen cabinets with bleach in areas in contact with dishes. This directly affects your health; do not neglect cleaning with chlorine before moving in.
  • I wash the refrigerator with soda and it remains open until check-in.
  • I vacuum dressers, cabinets, and shelves in the cracks and grooves, and wash them with vinegar (it will air out very quickly and will kill other people’s dust mites). I wipe sofas and armchairs with vinegar, having previously vacuumed them several times.
  • Bitter experience taught me to treat the floors around the perimeter of the baseboard with dichlorvos (or analogues). I clean other people's carpets on the street and also spray them with dichlorvos.
  • If something is leaking somewhere, I seal it, tighten wobbly sockets.
  • I bring the kitchen stove to the highest possible perfection. means, the oven is cleaned with ammonia. I soak other people's cutlery, including plates and cups, in a bucket of bleach solution (liquid bleach).
    7. I ventilate the room. It is important for me to surround myself with a pleasant and familiar smell in a new home, so I take care of this in advance - a few drops essential oil orange in dresser drawers and cabinets.

My moves are becoming more familiar and less troublesome hour by hour, and the above recommendations should make moving easier for you too.

You will need

  • Cardboard boxes, tape, marker, notepad, packing ropes, polystyrene balls, wrapping paper, packing rags, screwdriver or screwdriver, stationery knife.


Decide whether you will use the services of a moving company and, if so, to what extent. Usually, it is reasonable to resort to the services of professionals if, in the presence of free Money There is a catastrophic lack of time to carefully consider all the details. Managers of the moving company will control all stages: the process of preparing for the move, the transportation itself, and even final stage relocation, which consists of installing furniture and large cargo in a new place.

Get rid of those whose transportation to a new location makes no sense. Having decided on the date of transportation, order the transport with which it is more convenient for you to move. You can load all your property at once, down to the smallest detail, or you can move things in small parts. It all depends on the volume and dimensions of the belongings being transported, as well as on the remoteness of the moving location. Naturally, intercity transportation is considered the largest.

Pack the items you are transporting. It is more convenient to transport all of them, excluding household appliances and furniture, to cardboard boxes. To make it easier to navigate a huge number of boxes in a new location, it is necessary to think over a system for marking them. There are several ways to solve this issue. You can complete the boxes and label them in accordance with the purpose of the items they contain, for example, “books”, “papers”, “dishes”, “winter clothes”. Or you can label the boxes according to the principle of the room for which these things are intended, for example, “bathroom”, “kitchen”, etc. It is better to fold and label essential items separately, so that these boxes are immediately noticeable.

Prepare your furniture for moving. The smartest thing to do is to take apart everything that can be taken apart. In this case, the furniture takes up less volume and, in addition, does not deform. This applies to most cabinet furniture, and if desired, built-in furniture can also be dismantled. All fittings are carefully removed, assembled, packaged and attached to the parts of the disassembled furniture or also marked. If cabinets, shelves and chests of drawers are transported assembled, then remove protruding and removable parts from them - handles, shelves, etc. The boxes are usually removed or sealed tightly with tape, and the same is done with the doors. Special attention it is worth paying attention to glass furniture parts.

How to quickly organize a move

A popular saying aptly says that a crossing is like two fires. If we continue the analogy, then every person faced with this task also wants to put out two “fireplaces” - to move both inexpensively and as quickly as possible. Today we’ll talk about the second part - how to make moving easier and reduce the time spent on it.

This short article will share numerous secrets and life hacks that the “Lucky Everyone” team has accumulated over three years and which our users shared.

Some simple steps will help you save not only time on moving, but also your precious nerves:

  1. Make sure you have the necessary packaging in advance: moving boxes, large thick bags, garbage bags. If you are unable to obtain them yourself, be sure to tell the carrier that you need them. Boxes can easily be obtained at any grocery store near your home by asking the seller about it - most often they are simply thrown out onto the street, otherwise they will serve the cause.

  2. Calculate in advance exactly how many boxes and packaging material you need. Order twice as much!

  3. Place your order for your move at least a few days before your planned date. Then the “Lucky Everyone” team will be able to find the maximum number of offers for you, and you will have time to discuss with the carriers all the nuances of transportation and achieve maximum savings.

  4. Pack wisely! You should not take boxes that are too large - then they will become absolutely unliftable and risk not being able to bear the load. Also, combine things wisely - wrap fragile items in a blanket, small items in shoes, etc.

  5. Make a detailed list of things and find the strength to get rid of those that are no longer needed or have served their purpose. Before moving, sort your clothes by season and put items that are no longer needed in separate boxes. The same applies to other items (it is unlikely that you will need a sled anytime soon if you are planning your move in July).

  6. Mark the rooms in advance with colored sticky notes. new apartment. For example, hang on front door kitchen piece of paper Pink colour. Then attach papers of the same colors to the boxes with kitchen utensils. Now movers will easily understand which boxes need to be taken to which rooms. We do this with all rooms: bedroom - green, living room - blue, toilet - red and then according to your taste.

  7. Label, label and label again. It seems simple, but rarely does anyone follow this advice. When preparing for a move, time becomes catastrophically short, everything falls out of your hands and out of your head, so it is not surprising that in a week the contents of many boxes will be comparable to Pandora’s Box for you. Do your future self a big favor and write in advance on each box what we will be transporting: personal utensils, things, furniture parts, souvenirs, clothes.

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