How to choose the right middle name. A brief description of character traits in connection with the name and patronymic. How to choose the right name for a child: character

The most difficult thing in any business is the beginning. And it is very important that it be good. " A good start - half the battle has been pumped out" - says folk wisdom. For us, such a beginning will be a conversation about the name. After all, it also gives rise to life.

The most important

There is such a children's riddle: “ What can’t a person live without?” Whatever you offer in response, all your logical and completely demonstrable assumptions will be overturned by the answer - no name.

From this children's wisdom we will draw an important conclusion for parents: giving a child a name is more than choosing a word you like. Therefore, we will talk about proper handling of the name. If you were surprised or didn’t even believe that the choice of name and attitude towards it could be illiterate, it’s in vain. After all, literacy is not only the ability to read and write. It's about about other literacy - about having sufficient knowledge in the proposed field of activity. Any work must be done with skill, and such as choosing a name - even more so.

A name is not just a word, it is something more - a person’s personal name. It accompanies him all his life. A person always builds a very personal relationship with his name. This is his second self, after all. And the most paradoxical thing is that it is not the person who chooses the Self, but the parents.

A person has three main emotions (with various variations) about his name: like, dislike, indifferent. This means that the parent's choice of name was either successful or not. Let's see how the choice of name is made, or, scientifically speaking, naming, and what difficulties parents face here. How to avoid making mistakes with your linguistic ignorance.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than giving a name to your child - take the one you like - and no problems. This is what the vast majority of parents do, according to surveys. However, the catch is hidden in this very “liked” thing. It is not at all obvious that your tastes will coincide with the taste of your child, of course, when he grows up and can say so.

The secret of popularity

What do people usually like about a given name?

Firstly, its popularity, that is, the fashion for a certain circle of names. It seems to parents that, say, Anastasia, Daria, Nikita, Danila sound beautiful and the parent does not want to think about anything else. For example, that the frequency of the name is already off the charts, that it has outgrown reasonable limits.

Secondly, another fashion no less often influences the choice of name - the rarity of the name. Then the parents, on the contrary, do not follow the lead of “public taste”, but begin to look for something more ancient from various sources. This is where parents can seriously overdo it. And along with the Matveys, Arsenys, Rostislavs, Svyatoslavs, Valeriys, Kiras, Vasilisas, Foka, Thomas, Makar, Samson, Mechislav, Ratibor, Agafya, Euphrosyne, Melania appear. In the latter case, parents should understand that living with a rare name that falls outside the modern linguistic situation is an additional burden on the psyche and emotions of your child. Have you prepared him for this?

Exotic names that have experienced “Western” or literary influence also seem “beautiful” to parents. There are, of course, very extreme cases when a Russian child is called Julia, Anna Maria, Richard, Askold, Ken. But most often, parents are limited to choosing foreign-sounding names that fit into the Russian language: Eduard, Arthur, Angelina, Alina, Aelita.

Sometimes the “birth” of a new name occurs when parents insist on one form or another. For example, Lina (although this is a shortened form of the names Capitolina or the Western names Magdalena, Carolina), or Alina (taken from a poem by Pushkin, it is also an incomplete name from Adeline or Angelina, then popular names), or Arina (the home name of Pushkin’s nanny, full name which Irina). As a rule, registry office employees register such names: parents have the right to insist on their choice of name, even if this form of the name is not entirely complete from a linguistic point of view.

All the reasons mentioned above explain the choice of a “beautiful” name without any additional parental explanations. It would be unfair if we did not say that there are reasons for conscious parental choice.

When asked about choosing a name for a child, the answer in second place is “in honor of someone.” These can be relatives (the closest and very distant), beloved friends and girlfriends, celebrities (most often singers and film actors), literary, cartoon and film characters and... guardian angels. In recent decades, parents are increasingly checking their choice with whether this name is in the church tradition in order to give the child the protection of a heavenly patron.

And, finally, the so-called “exceptional situations” of choosing a name: the girl was born in May (Maya), in July (Yulia); mom looked at the picture where there were funny bear cubs (Mikhail); the girl is as beautiful as a flower (Rose, Lily); they waited a long time for the child (Bogdan) and many more different individual stories, which sometimes surprise with their whimsical logic in choosing a name.

Here are three main paths, one of which parents choose when their unique child is born. The child is, of course, unique, but his name will be chosen from the existing ones. How to guess what you need? How to decorate and not ruin a child’s life with parental choices?

I'll give you three pieces of advice. They do not concern the rules for choosing a name. This was mentioned above in a veiled form. Tips will relate to teaching parents how to handle the chosen name so that the child is pleased with the parental choice, so that the child feels comfortable with the name, so that he likes it.

Advice one. It is imperative to tell the “story of naming.” With such a high syllable I called your obligatory story about why you chose this name.

A girl I knew, Alice, once asked her parents reproachfully: “Do they call people by my name?” The girl often saw her name in the names of various institutions: veterinary clinic, shops ( wedding dresses and toys), a bank, etc. But she didn’t meet any other Alices at that time. If the girl had been told earlier why this name was chosen for her, then the reproach would not have arisen. As, by the way, they did it in another family, where daughter Alice and her mother are captivated by Lewis Carroll’s fairy-tale duology about the English girl Alice Liddell.

Another friend already adult woman, still does not understand the reasons that prompted her parents to give her the name Lada. The name does not seem beautiful to her (“Only cars are called that,” she believes), and her parents cannot clarify and give reasons for their choice. Maybe it would help to explain that Lada is the name of an ancient Russian goddess hearth and home and love, from the word lad - agreement.

Tip two. You should know that a name usually means something. If it is of non-Russian origin, it has a translation from Greek, Latin, Hebrew (we borrowed most of the names from these languages ​​of Christian culture), Scandinavian, German, English and other languages.

The meaning of a name is nothing more than a meaning; you should not insist on the influence of a name on fate - this is undignified and unprovable. However, know What the name means, knowing its cultural (historical) meaning is quite useful. Therefore, get to know the origin of the name yourself, and be sure to tell your child.

The sound of a name can be very attractive, but its meaning can be overwhelming: Vadim - “troublemaker, debater”, from the ancient Russian verb “vaditi” - “to sow confusion, disputes”; Barbara - Greek “savage”, Yakov - Hebrew. “heel”, i.e. “the second born, coming on the heels of the first.” But even in this case, you can play with the name you love so that the child accepts your interpretation.

The origin of the name can also help in another case: if the child actively does not like the name. It happens that after learning the meaning of a name, a child begins to relate to it differently. For example, Zinaida is Greek. “from the family of Zeus”, Ivan - Jewish. “mercy of God”, Kuzma - Greek. "decoration".

Tip three. Be sure to form on behalf of various options- practice word formation at home. Can you see more than two forms in your child's name? Usually children at home are called either by their full name (Dmitry, Anastasia) or by their incomplete name (Dima, Nastya). From incomplete names, affectionate names are easily formed. Or unusual options For home use: Marina Tsvetaeva was called Musya at home, Tatami was called Natash and Tatyan.

We have the right to pet names: to call Asya and Alexandra, and Anastasia, and Natalya. Or Lyusya - Lyudmila and Larisa. Alya is the pet name of Alla, Albina and Alevtina. There are no strict restrictions here.

The ability to diversify a name shapes linguistic taste and tolerance. And this result will also be included in the treasury of your parental achievements.

Alevtina Nikolaevna Speranskaya, linguist, candidate of philological sciences, teacher of the Russian language department of Siberian Federal University

The meaning of a name for a person is difficult to overestimate. Good choice largely predetermines in life.

In ancient Slavic culture, it was customary to give a person not one, but several names. At the same time, the present was carefully hidden until a certain age. It was believed that this would help protect the baby from unwanted influences.

Nowadays, the tradition of changing one’s name has been preserved, for example, upon initiation into a new faith, clergy, etc. New name means new life stage. An adult is able to make his choice consciously.Choosing a name for a childlies entirely with parental responsibility. The baby will simply accept what you give it.

That's why it's so importantchoose the right name for your baby.

The child's name must matchits psychophysical characteristics, fit into the sociocultural context, and be in tune with family values ​​and traditions.

What are they usually guided by when choosing a name for a child:

  • Church calendar;
  • Names of relatives;
  • Names of close friends, favorite heroes, musicians, politicians;
  • Astrological and other techniques.
  • Fire: Alexander, Andrey, Arkady, Marina, Maria, Arina, Regina (voiced vowels, open consonants);
  • Earth: Sophia, Stepan, Mikhail, Timofey (voiceless consonants, outdated names);
  • Air: Semyon, Dmitry, Alexey, Lydia, Elena (voiced consonants, double vowels);
  • Water: Ilya, Olga, Yulia, Tatyana (softness of sound).

However, the most interesting and exciting way to choose a name is asteroids.It is them that will be discussed further. Asteroids receive undeservedly little attention. Although many of them have an obvious influence on our characters and destinies.

What are asteroids?

These are small bodies of the Solar System that formed in its inner region. Translated from Greek, asteroid means “star-like.”

Asteroids are extremely numerous. In our solar system there are more than a million of them. Moreover, more than 17,000 have official names.

The main asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This arrangement gave rise to the hypothesis that the planet Phaeton died in this place. The period of revolution around the Sun for most asteroids is from 3.5 to 6 years.

Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Hygiea are the largest objects. They are well studied and used by some astrologers. The rest of the asteroids elude our immediate attention.

How to choose a name for a child?

Many asteroids are named after people. Since there are quite a lot of such objects in the sky, the possible choice of names is large. We will be primarily interested in asteroids:

  • In connection with natal Sun or the Moon.
  • In conjunction with the Ascendant, the planets of the 1st house, the ruler of the 1st house;
  • Having other major aspects with the indicated points.

Selection example

Let's say you need to choose a name for a child born on August 20, 2016 at 17:36, St. Petersburg.

The Natal Sun is located at the 28th degree of Leo, the Moon at the 28th degree of Pisces, the Ascendant at the 22nd Sagittarius, and the ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter at the 26th degree of Virgo.

We need to look at which asteroids were located at the indicated degrees at the time of birth. Many astrological programs provide this opportunity. As a rule, to do this you need to go to a special catalog and select the necessary objects.

Display on natal chart all asteroids are impossible, because for each selected degree of the Zodiac there will be several of them. Indeed, let's see what we got. We will try to choose only those names that are obviously associated with people's names.

We see that already by the Sun we can make a preliminary choice: Inna, Ada. According to the almuten of the first house, Nadya is read, and according to the Ascendant, Sophia.

It is interesting to select names based on associative connections. In the “Ascendant” column there is the name of the asteroid – Simonov. Let's ask who this is.

We ask Yandex and find out that this is the same writer and poet Konstantin Simonov. Remember “Wait for me and I’ll come back...”? Therefore, we consider the name Konstantin.

You can also start from the parents' map. For example, look at which asteroids the cusp and ruler of the fifth house of the child’s mother interact with.

The orbs should be small, up to one and a half degrees. Consider only major aspects, giving preference to the connection.

Playing asteroids can be extremely educational and fun. Try looking for matches between your first house elements and asteroids. Coincidences are sometimes simply amazing.

For example, in my natal chart, the asteroid with my child's name makes an exact trine to the cusp of my fifth house. It would be too bold to talk about rectification using asteroids. However, it is possible to use asteroids as evidence of the map's accuracy.


I wish you new discoveries in your own natal chart and the charts of your loved ones!

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!

Your Majesty

Good afternoon On Sunday, February 24, the 91st Academy Awards took place at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. This year it turned out to be special - for the first time in 30 years the event did not have a host. Kevin Hart was supposed to manage the ceremony, but due to the homophobic scandal surrounding his name, it was decided to abandon this candidacy. A replacement was never found, so the gaps between awards were filled with celebrity appearances, with winners traditionally announced by celebrities.

In addition to photos from the red carpet of the ceremony, there will also be photos from two post-Oscar parties.



Teach me how many times I beat myself in the chest and proved here on the forum that I would be an ideal mother-in-law.
I always said that my daughter will be happy and I don’t need anything.
But in reality everything is not so, I climb, climb and climb again ((
The daughter lives with a young man. He has been working for 25 years, she has been studying and working part-time for 23 years.
They have known each other for three years and have already decided to live together for six months. There are two people living on our territory.
Sometimes I stop myself, I tell myself to climb it... I climb.
I have a husband, a child, a job, a girlfriend.
Moms with experience, please give me some advice.


To live well!

Good evening everyone!
I really want to share with you the joy of the coming of spring Photos from today’s walk around the lake-reserve that protects birds. There are few birds visible yet, but you can hear them. In the meantime, the first signs of spring!
Your photos are welcome


Elena Shmeleva

I propose to discuss the real situation. You have a child who tells you everything that happens in the group/class. And then you find out that there is a child who is really being bullied by his classmates. At the same time, the teachers/class teacher do not stop the bullying, and from indirect signs you understand that they are also fueling this bullying.

Yours is not friends with this child. Mom was seen a couple of times, no phone. Will you intervene in the situation? How?



We have 1 child. The child is often ill, and there are no grandparents nearby. We live in a one-room apartment and have a mortgage. I have health problems in gynecology and kidneys. The gynecologist forbade me from getting pregnant for now; they discovered a submycotic nodule and a dermoid cyst. The husband stubbornly demands a second child. But I don’t want... He believes that this is not a diagnosis or a death sentence and is determined to give birth to two more. I was very upset when she said that there might not be any more children. He doesn't believe it and continues to dream. Relatives and his friends pester him with questions about when we will give birth to a second one. From time to time the daughter asks for her sister, namely her sister. I do not know what to do. My mother-in-law screams that I think only about myself and don’t think about the fact that the child will be left completely alone after our death. I have an older sister, but she didn’t even listen to me when I wanted to talk out so much. He often doesn’t even pick up the phone if I call. I only communicate if there is a problem and I can solve it. Is it so critical to have one child?


Part 1

Brainstorm options

    Decide whether you want a traditional, popular, or unique name. Carefully consider whether you want your baby's name to stand out or be casual and classy; stood the test of time or was catchy and solid.

    Consider personal history and traditions. Your family may have special naming traditions. Some families name a son after his father, others have special "schemes" such as all children's names starting with the same letter. Whatever tradition you choose, make sure each child feels unique and has a unique name. For example, by naming your twins Ira and Kira, you may encounter great difficulties in the future.

    Write a list of names you love, people you respect, names that have special meanings, etc. You should do this together with your partner. Compare lists - are there any names you both like? Maybe your partner likes a name that you can't stand. Cross out the names you don't like and add names you like to the list. These lists may change over time.

    Think about your heroes. Role-playing characters, whether real or fictional, can be a source of inspiration. The name "Hermione" suddenly became popular with the advent of the Harry Potter books. If you admire Mother Teresa, maybe Teresa is one of the options. Of course, keep in mind that some heroes are considered controversial, and some do not fit the local culture.

    Be careful with "ethnic names". Unfortunately, a name that represents an individual, or is somehow associated with discrimination, can complicate a child's life and make it difficult, for example, to find a job. But it might instill pride in the child's heritage. So choose carefully.

    Be wary of names inspired by your personal beliefs. In many ways, this is a great way to reaffirm your religious beliefs or your hopes for the child (joy, faith, grace, etc.). But sometimes a child grows up and is not happy with it. He or she may or may not convert his or her name. For example, Bogdana - this name may seem very awkward to her!

    Ignore the rules! A safe, traditional, good-sounding name is good and correct, and perhaps the most desired by most parents. But there are many unusual, unique and original names, so the choice is yours.

    Part 2

    Choosing a name
    1. Remember that your child will carry this name throughout his life. This is your first gift to your baby, so it's something special.

      Make sure it's a name you both like. Try saying your baby's name over and over again to see if you get tired of hearing it. As a parent, you will have to say it very often.

      Consider gender identity. IN modern world names are often both masculine and feminine.

      • Don't call your child by a name that is usually of the opposite gender. Your son named Katya, Dasha or Anya cannot be happy if he is called a girl on the first day of school.
      • Historically, male names, as a rule, are more acceptable for girls (such as Sasha). But just by name alone, it may not be clear whether your child is male or female, and this can lead to confusion.
      • Some names are gender neutral (such as Chris, Dakota, River) or sound like masculine names but can be spelled in a feminine manner (Alex, Alexandra). Such names have both their own problems and advantages.
    2. Please note that the child will become an adult. Will his name sound good as he gets older? Very important factor- will the name age gracefully? What is suitable for the baby or small child may not fit an older person. Can you imagine an adult named Coco? Or a pensioner?

      Make sure your first name goes well with your last name. You probably don't want the first name to end with the same letter as the last name (eg Eve Anderson, Phillip Piper, Roger Rhyne).

      Think about how short it might sound. Many people shorten their names, and you should choose one that you like and that at the same time will sound good with your last name, for example, Richard Vikes sounds good, but what if they call him Rick?

      Don't ignore spelling. Sometimes there are several variations of the name and different options writing one name. Writing a unique name will help your child stand out, but can cause headaches when it comes to correcting people and paperwork! Plus, your child may never be able to buy something because of their name.

      Consider whether you really want your children's names, especially if they are the same gender, to have the same initials. When they get older and a letter arrives for J. Smith, how will you know if it's for Josh, Jack, James or Jordan? Although many families do this and are satisfied...

      Try a greeting test. Finally, once you've narrowed down your name, introduce yourself as your child using only your first and last name. Will this name be able to grow with the child? How will it sound to a future employer? Lyusya may sound cute as a baby's name, but what would it sound like for general director?

      Decide in advance what time you want to choose the name. Some couples wait until the baby is born, while others announce to family, friends, and anyone who asks right away when everyone already knows about the pregnancy.

    • Test your name through the "bully" test. Think of a rhyme with something that comes to mind, look for hidden words in the name, etc. Ask an older child to help you if you can't think of anything. Children very quickly come up with strange associations for names and use them.
    • Do a Google search on the name to make sure it's not associated with any big names of co-opted strippers and porn stars.
    • How do first, patronymic and last names sound together? While a name may sound good on its own, things can change when you add a middle name to it.
    • if you have family tree, try looking through a list of names or try talking to relatives for new ideas. Even your grandmother can come up with a great idea.
    • It is also not recommended to name your children names like: Emerald, Ruby, Opal, Forest, Ocean, River. (Although some families do this.)
    • It is desirable that the name is well written and sounded.
    • Look at the initials to see if there is anything offensive in them. Ponomarenko Ustin Konstantinovich can turn into an abbreviation that is unpleasant for a child.
    • Remember, your child can always have a short name on their birth certificate. For example, Alison could be Alice, Nikita could be Nick, Anna could be Ani, Emily could be Em, Samantha could be Sam, and so on.
    • If you're choosing names for twins, make sure they sound good together because you'll be saying them together a lot. But at the same time, aren't they too similar? This will prevent them from developing as individuals. Twins Alexander and Alexandra will never forgive you! Just like Josie and Jodie, Charlotte and Charlie, John and Johnny.
    • Probably, best advice– have several name options ready. When a baby arrives, your backup option may become your main one. Sometimes a name just suits a child!
    • If your surname has become the target of many jokes (Dubina, Fool, etc.), do not give your children names that emphasize this surname. For example, Emelya is simply cruel.
    • Choose short names for long last names and vice versa. A long name will look and sound strange with a long last name
    • Try inserting "aunt" or "uncle" before the name. If your child has siblings, he or she will likely face this question.
    • If you have already matched your first name to your last name, it’s time to check how it sounds with your middle name. You may be very surprised at how it sounds when combined with your middle name and last name.
    • Go to special sites to check the popularity of the name you choose.
    • Do not come up with several “short names” for your child at once, as this can lead to confusion. For example, do not call Lena Alena while she is little, and so on.
    • If you've chosen an ethnic name from your country of origin but aren't sure how it will fit with another culture, ask your husband, a cafe waitress, a grocery store clerk, or a neighbor to say the full name. Aifi, Pádraig or Sadhb may be common names in Ireland, but could also be dangerous for your baby abroad. Come up with short version, for example, Anya (Aifi) or Sanya (Sadhb.). You can settle on a name that is related to your home country, like Kerry, Patrick or Erin. Be aware that in some places such names may mark your child out as a foreigner or a "fake" when the child returns to their home country. Also, choose a name that translates easily to your native language. Mary can live her life as Mary and become Mary only upon returning “to her homeland.”


    • You do NOT need to give your child just the initials of their name. He will constantly have to explain that "A.I." don't really mean anything.
    • Don't give your child a name with negative connotations. Your name Hitler can create problems later in life.
    • If you want to name your child after a physical feature that he or she is likely to exhibit in the future, such as beautiful green eyes like Mom and Dad, make sure that the child will not be ridiculed for it. For example, if you name your red-haired daughter Ginger, she will probably be ridiculed in the future as a South Park character.
    • Check the initials and make sure they don't create any awkward/inappropriate word. For example, although Egor Stepanovich Pastukhov may sound like P.E.S.
    • Be careful when naming your child after celebrities or movie/show characters. For example, Maxim, if your last name is Galkin.
    • Be careful not to place expectations on your child based on their name. If you name your child after your grandparent, keep in mind that he or she will not end up being just like either of them.
    • Be careful about choosing a name for your baby that is too old-fashioned, like Frances or Hildegard.

Surely every parent has thought about whether there are rules for choosing a name for a child and what determines the choice of a name? Our ancestors resolved this issue simply - they turned to the calendar. Nowadays, most often, mothers and fathers choose the name of a newborn based on the “like it or don’t like it” principle. But in some families, heated debates arise if relatives' tastes do not coincide. In this case, a variety of arguments are used, from the church calendar to horoscopes, from family traditions to numerology.


For those who do not attach much importance to subtle matters, it is enough for the name to sound beautiful and evoke pleasant associations. But it is worth considering that it must be combined with the patronymic and surname. An extravagant foreign name and an ordinary Russian patronymic (Cleopatra Ivanovna, Apollo Petrovich) can be dissonant with each other, and the combination of an exotic name and a simple surname (Malvina Sergeeva, Mercury Ivanov) usually causes a smile. The choice of patronymic name is also important. So, if the name ends with a consonant, and the patronymic begins with it (for example, Mark Konstantinovich, Vladimir Rodionovich), then pronunciation will be difficult. Before choosing a name for your baby, check the initials. They should not form a funny or absurd word. When choosing a name for boys, you should take into account that in the future they will become fathers and give a middle name to their children. Therefore, it is important that not only the name, but also the patronymic derived from it sounds beautiful.


U Orthodox choice The name according to the calendar is still popular today. Saints, or Orthodox monthly calendar, is church calendar, on each day of which there is a day of remembrance of one or more saints. According to church tradition, the baby’s name can be chosen from the list of those saints who are glorified on the child’s birthday, on the eighth day, when the rite of naming is performed, or during the 40-day period when the sacrament of Holy Baptism is usually performed. But this is not a hard and fast rule. Therefore, if there is a desire to name the baby in honor of another saint, then there are no obstacles to this. It is believed that the name chosen according to the calendar is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person throughout his life.


There is a theory that children born at certain times of the year have their own character traits, and their name should be chosen based on these characteristics. How to choose the right name based on month of birth or time of year? It is believed that “winter” children most often have a strong character, so it is better to give them melodious names so as not to aggravate some character traits inherent in nature (Ulyana, Anastasia, Maxim, Timofey, etc.). “Spring” - vulnerable, indecisive, soft. For them it is worth choosing names that give the will to win and firmness in convictions (Elizabeth, Margarita, Victor, Alexander, etc.). “Summer” people are impulsive and emotional. Solid names are suitable for them, which will become a kind of protection for them (Olga, Anna, Yuri, Egor, etc.). “Autumn” children have an easy character; they do not need additional character adjustments with a name.

Meaning of the name

Some parents are confident that the chosen name guarantees the child certain character traits, temperament and even destiny. Numerous collections of names offer ready-made “recipes” in case parents want their son to grow up as a strong-willed and strong leader, and for their daughter to be obedient and affectionate. Whether or not to believe in the meaning of the name is up to moms and dads themselves to decide. But sometimes it is useful to get information about the history, origin (etymology), cultural tradition of each specific name for a boy or a name for a girl.


When choosing a name for a child, many parents rely on family traditions, believing that this gives a person a sense of belonging to the clan, an understanding of his roots, and perhaps some predictability of the future. For example, in some families, children are named exclusively after grandparents, great-grandparents, or great-grandparents. Others have special "schemes", for example, all children's names must be double or start with the same letter. Some parents only consider choosing an Orthodox (or Muslim) name, while others strive to give their children international names.


There are many tests on the Internet that will help you choose a name for your baby. Whether it is worth taking such questionnaires seriously, everyone decides for himself, but, as you know, there is some truth in every joke. And some parents are ready to rely even on a random choice of name. For such mothers and fathers, there are programs for choosing a name for a child online.

Moms share their experiences

In parenting forums, the topic of choosing a name for a child is one of the most popular. Moms talk about their know-how:

  • "Wiggles." “Choosing a name for the boy was difficult for us. Just before giving birth, I lay and said the names I liked. Five male names had already been named, and on the sixth option, “Demyan,” the baby confidently pushed his foot in my stomach. That's what we named our son. The choice of the name Demyan turned out to be successful - our son makes us happy every day!”
  • "Signs". “Even before pregnancy, I heard the superstition: “The more letters in the names of parents and children match, the stronger the family.” I am Natalia, my husband is Anatoly, and we decided to name our son Vitaly. I think the choice of name for my son was correct! We have a very friendly family, complete mutual understanding.”
  • "Notes". “Choosing a name for our daughter was difficult for us. And then it turned out that the random choice of name was the most successful. We wrote the most beautiful women's names on pieces of paper and put them in a canvas bag. Then they shook it and took out a note with “Anya” written on it. This piece of paper is still kept in our Anyuta’s dowry, along with a tag from the maternity hospital and a baptismal shirt.”
  • "Older child to help." “We did not take into account any rules for choosing a name for a boy. When we arrived from the maternity hospital, our eldest daughter, 3-year-old Maria, saw her brother and said: “This is Misha. Masha and Misha will be friends." My husband and I agreed and decided to name our son Mikhail, although we had other options.”
  • "Prophetic dream". “Choosing a name for a child in a dream is about me! A month before giving birth, I had a dream that I was rocking a little girl in my arms and calling her Katya, although my husband and I had not even considered this name. That's what we named our baby. As it turned out later, I also pleased my mother-in-law: she always wanted a daughter, Ekaterina, but she only had one son.”
  • "Collective mind". "Choice female name was for my husband and I not an easy task. From the first month of pregnancy until childbirth, I actively communicated with expectant mothers on one of the forums on the Internet. They literally became like family to me: they always supported me in difficult situations and helped with advice. I turned to them for help. My husband and I liked the names Anastasia and Veronica, but we couldn’t choose one. I asked the girls to vote. The Veronica option was chosen by the majority of votes. Now we have a beautiful daughter, Nika, growing up.”

Tatiana Petulko
