How to write an apostrophe on the keyboard. Inserting an apostrophe in Microsoft Word. How to put an apostrophe without changing the layout

The apostrophe, or leading comma, is often used in French, English, Belarusian or Ukrainian. But there are times when it needs to be written in a Russian word. This can be done using a button on the keyboard or a specialized menu in a text editor.

What is an apostrophe

An apostrophe is a non-literal character in spelling that is represented by a superscript comma. used in Russian in the following cases:

  1. Foreign names with a comma at the top. As a rule, it is preceded by the letters D or O.
  2. Foreign geographical names.
  3. Words that were written in Latin using a suffix.

How to print

In what ways can you print the top comma:

  1. You can apply the keyboard layout in English and click on the button with the letter “E”.
  2. With the Ukrainian keyboard layout, the top character is placed on a separate button. It is located where the Russian letter “e” is located. By clicking on this button, you can get a comma.
  3. You can insert a comma using ascll codes: press the “Alt” key and simultaneously type “039”.
  4. You can enter the sign on the numeric keypad. If you use numbers above letters on a laptop, it won't work. This manipulation is difficult for laptop users. But if you press the NumLock key, the numeric block will switch to an alphabetic one and you can safely carry out the required manipulation.
  5. The desired symbol can be entered in the text editor Microsoft Word. This article will provide an example in the 2007 editor's work. You must click on the “Symbol” sub-item in the “Insert” menu. In the pop-up window you need to click on the “other symbols” entry. Then you need to go to the “font” tab, put “plain text” there and select the one you need from among the characters presented. You need to double-click on the desired symbol, then press the “insert” key. After this, the window must be closed. Thus, the desired icon will appear in the document.
  6. The function of inserting this character is available in the free Open Office Writer editor. To insert the required symbol, you need to go to the “insert” menu and select the “special character” sub-item. In the expanded window, the choice of symbol must be noted in the “set” field. You will need to select the desired icon and double-click on it. Alternatively, you can select it and press OK.
  7. To insert into Windows, you need to use the symbol program that is built into the operating system. To do this, you need to go to the “start” menu and select “all programs” there, then you need to select the “standard” sub-item, then select the “utility” item. The “symbol table” will open. In it you need to select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe sign or select it. Then you need to press the “select” key. It will appear in the copy field. Then you need to select the required character, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into the required place in a text editor. This can be done by successively pressing the key combination “Ctrl+C” or “Ctrl+V”.
  8. To make your work easier, there is a very simple method of how to put a sign in a text editor. To do this, you need to type the top comma only once, and then simply copy it and paste it into the required place.

How to put a character on a Latin keyboard that does not provide Cyrillic

In this case, you need to add two languages: Russian and Ukrainian. In this case, the apostrophe can be placed in three ways:

  1. In the Ukrainian layout, the apostrophe must be found in the upper left button, in the Latin layout it is the “~” icon. And in the Ukrainian layout it turns out to be an upper comma.
  2. In the English layout, you need to find a key that corresponds to the letter “E” on the Russian layout.
  3. The Russian keyboard layout does not need to be switched; the required character can be typed using the key combination “Alt+39” on the numeric keypad.

Some advise pressing the NumLock button, but the required character is obtained both with and without this button.

Unconventional input method

This input method is not so popular; only advanced users use it. But there is no difficulty in this method, you just need to remember the hotkey combination “Alt+0146”. Please note that in this case you need to use the numbers from the right numeric block. The upper number rows are not suitable for this. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to unfold another keyboard. The disadvantage of this method is the complex combination of shortcut keys.

You can use the character table built into Windows to write characters. This table can be opened in several ways. For example, you can press the "Start" key, then press the "Windows+R" key, then launch the "Run" interpreter and press the "charmap" key. When the table appears, you need to select the apostrophe sign. To do this, click the “select” button and then click on “copy”. This way the upper comma character will be copied to the clipboard. Now all that remains is to put it in Right place. This method has a minus - it is a low input speed and mandatory presence mice.

You need to decide for yourself which method of entering the desired character is best to use. The article presented many ways to set the necessary punctuation mark. The user must decide which method to use.


We suggest you study the keyboard in order to achieve high speed typing and changing text.

An apostrophe is a superscript comma (') used in writing different languages peace. In Russian, this symbol is used in most cases to display proper names foreign origin and is placed after the initial elements d’, O’ and l’ (for example, Joan of Arc, O'Hara, d'Artagnan etc.). An apostrophe is also used in extensions foreign words and names not transcribed into Russian: "Intel processor", “send by e-mail”. But it is impossible to imagine Ukrainian, English, French, Serbian languages without this symbol: somewhere it replaces vowels and consonants, somewhere it conveys the sound features of the next letter, or is considered a full letter. But how to put an apostrophe on the keyboard? Let's find out!

For Windows

Method number 1. English layout

If you are typing text on an English layout, then adding an apostrophe will be very easy for you. This symbol is located on the key with the letter "e"(next to “Enter”). Interestingly, Unicode recommends using the English single quotation mark or the Marr quotation mark. Such quotation marks are highly specialized signs and are used mainly in philology.

If you are typing text in Russian, then it is convenient to carry out such an operation only when the apostrophe is not required so often. What to do in this case:

  1. Switch the layout from Russian to English ( Alt+Shift or Ctrl + Shift);
  2. Press the letter "e" key. An apostrophe will appear in the required place;
  3. Switch the layout from English to Russian in the same way as indicated in step 1.

Remember that the display of the symbol depends on the selected font!

Method number 2. Number pad

An apostrophe can be placed in Russian text without switching keyboards. To do this, use the numeric keypad:

Method No. 3. Single quotes

You can type an apostrophe on the Russian layout without switching languages ​​using the same single quotes. In this case, you will also need to activate the number pad. To enter a character, use the combination Alt+0146. Don't forget to deactivate the numeric keypad for further work.

Method number 4. Insert-Symbol

If you are typing text in Word, you can find the apostrophe in special characters. To do this you need:

The apostrophe symbol will automatically appear in the list of previously used icons, so if you need the apostrophe again soon, it won’t be difficult to find it.

Method No. 5. Gravis

Gravis is a small stroke above the symbol (ò, è ) , appearing as a back accent mark. This icon is used in French, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Lithuanian, Macedonian and other languages. In Russian, gravis is rarely used - mainly for translations of ancient books (in particular, the Bible). The gravis matches the typographic keyboard symbol for the back apostrophe (`), which occupies important place in Information Science and Computing. There are two ways to print this character:

In fact, gravis has nothing to do with apostrophes, and therefore its use as a regular apostrophe (for example, O'Hara, D'Arc) is only allowed in informal writing.

For OS Mac

To type an apostrophe on Mac keyboards, use a keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt+P(typesetting language is Russian). An apostrophe should not be confused with a single quotation mark. Alt + ], which is typed in the English layout.

That's all. All you have to do is remember the most suitable and easiest option for you!

Today we will talk about how to put an apostrophe on the keyboard. For those who work in the Word text editor included in the package Microsoft Office, it is often necessary to use all the keyboard functions, among which symbols play an important role. Some authors use apostrophe quite often in their texts. But what should you do if you need to type using the Cyrillic keyboard layout? In such a situation, an additional difficulty arises. The fact is that the apostrophe on the keyboard can only be found in the Latin layout. Of course, constantly switching between input options takes a lot of time, which is not always enough for the document writer.

Creating a document

To set an apostrophe on the keyboard, first of all, launch a text editor. To do this, go to the Start menu. We use the “All programs” section. Open the Microsoft Office tab. Let's launch Word. At the next stage we create new document. Go to the "File" menu. We use the “Create” function. You can also open a previously saved file. To do this, you should also go to the “File” menu. Next, you need to click on “Open”. Enter the required text. You can also make changes to an existing one.

Double tap

Let's go to the training and type a sentence or a few words. Checking the keyboard layout. We choose the Cyrillic option. Hold down the Ctrl key and at the same time double-click the button with the letter “E”. As a result, the “’” symbol we need will appear in front of the cursor.

"Digital" input

There is another method that is very useful if you urgently need an apostrophe on the keyboard. However, it is not as versatile as the one described above. To use this solution, you need a keyboard that has a separate digital component. Most often, such an element is still provided on the usual input device and is located slightly below the Num Lock key.

So, hold down Alt and type the special code 039 using the numeric keypad. As a result, the “’” symbol we need will appear in front of the cursor again. Note that if you type combination 039 using the top row of the keyboard, which is located under the F1-F12 keys, the desired effect will not be achieved. For this reason, for a significant part of laptop keyboards, only the first of two options for solving the problem is suitable. In some cases, the combination 0146 can also be effective, which should also be entered while holding down the ALT key and using the numeric keypad.

Other options

You already know where the apostrophe is on the keyboard and how to set it, but there are a few more additional characters, which are also often used when writing text. This also includes emphasis. The use of this symbol is possible only in those text editors that support “special characters”. For example, Word provides such a function, while the standard Notepad of the operating system does not have it.

If you are using a simple text editor, you will have to use accent substitutions. For example, you can just put an apostrophe before the required letter. However, let's get started working with accents in the Word text editor. First of all, move the cursor to the position next to the letter that the symbol will point to. Next, go to the editor menu and use the “Insert” tab. Open the drop-down list called “Symbol” - it is placed in the last group of commands in this section. We look for accents in the list of recently used characters. So we figured out how to find an apostrophe on the keyboard, and also learned how to work with special characters.

An apostrophe is an orthographic non-literal sign that looks like a superscript comma. It is used in various functions as well as in the alphabetic writing of various languages, including English and Ukrainian. You can also add an apostrophe in Microsoft Word, and today we will tell you exactly how to do this.

Most of the problems that users of the Microsoft text editor face can be solved in several ways. Writing the apostrophe that interests us is no exception. To do this, you can use either the keyboard (a separate key and/or combinations thereof) or the character set built into the program. Let's start with the first one.

Method 1: Keyboard Input

You can find the apostrophe sign on the keyboard - it is located on the same key as the Russian letter "E", but you need to enter it in the English keyboard. You can switch to the latter using the keys "CTRL+SHIFT" or "ALT+SHIFT"(this depends on the settings installed in the system).

Important Note: Depending on the font used for writing, the symbol may have different type— it can be as shown in the logo and in the screenshots in this part of the article, or made in the form of a vertical or slash. This is worth considering when writing.

Method 2: Inserting a symbol

If for some reason the method described above does not suit you or, which is also possible, the key with the letter "E" simply doesn’t work, you can add an apostrophe without using it - through the insert menu "Symbol". It is worth noting that in in this case you will immediately add exactly the character you need, and you will not need to delete anything, as sometimes happens with a key "E", as well as there is no need to change the input language.

Method 3: Code input and conversion

If you have read the article presented at the link above, or at least paid attention to what else, in addition to the symbols themselves, is presented in the window for inserting them in Word, you may have probably noticed that each of them has its own unique code. It can consist of numbers only or numbers with with Latin letters, which can be converted into the required character using one of two simple key combinations. Knowing this information, you can put an apostrophe without any problems.


This concludes our short article. Now you know how to place an apostrophe in Microsoft Word using the keyboard or a separate text editor menu containing a large set of characters.

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard?

    In order to put an apostrophe on the keyboard, for example, Zhanna DARK.

    What I do for this is:

    • I switch to English mode and press the letter e.
    • you can also put an apostrophe by also going to English language I press the letter, although the apostrophe is at some angle.
  • Putting an apostrophe on the keyboard is quite simple, although I have never seen such words in Russian. But in French There are plenty of words with an apostrophe. Take, for example, the hero Dumas D'Artagnan or the name of the African country Cote d'Ivoire.

    To put such a sign just click Alt + 39 or in the English layout just press the letter E.

    Just press the appropriate key. The apostrophe is the same as E, only on the English layout. Moreover, in lower case, you don’t even need to press shift.

    I wanted to write an answer about the main character of the novel by Alexandre Dumas about the Three Musketeers and ran into a problem: there is no apostrophe and I can’t find it. With the help of hints I found an apostrophe on a Russian keyboard.

    To do this, you don’t need to switch anywhere, just press the Alt key and without releasing this key on the numeric keyboard layout, which is located on the right side of the keyboard in the form of calculator buttons, I press two numbers 3 and 9. Now I will demonstrate what I did .

    The role of D'Artagnan glorified Mikhail Boyarsky. As you can see, I no longer have problems with the apostrophe, but I can’t get the apostrophe through E.

    When I need an apostrophe sign, I switch to the Latin keyboard layout: in it this sign is located next to the letter E. In other ways, you can get an apostrophe from text copied from the Internet or paste it from the Word character table.

    My keyboard is generally Latin, and does not include Cyrillic. I just added both languages ​​(Russian and Ukrainian), I type blindly, and I find all the squiggles at random. I can find an apostrophe in three ways:

    • In the Ukrainian layout, the apostrophe was found in the very top left button, where it is on the Latin layout, but with the Ukrainian it turns out. In the attached photo this button is marked with a red circle.
    • In the English layout, a key that corresponds to the letter in Russian uh. It is highlighted in the picture with a green circle.

      In the Russian layout, without switching anywhere, we get an apostrophe with the key combination Alt + number 39 on the numeric keypad. Moreover, experienced people advise first pressing the NumLock button, but I succeeded both with the button pressed and without. This combination is shown in the illustration with blue circles, and the NumLock button is highlighted in pink, and on my keyboard it is located in a different place, to the right of the Backspace button, and I’ll emphasize once again - I don’t need it at all.

    Let's look at the picture (photo of the keyboard was found on the Internet, this is not my keyboard):

  • An apostrophe is a comma at the top; this spelling sign is used in place of a missing letter, for example in the word: dArc, DArtagnan

    You can put an apostrophe using the keyboard; you need to translate e into English and press the button where the Russian letter is -E-

    An apostrophe, or a comma on top, can be placed in a simple way:

    • Switch to the English layout and press the key on which the Russian letter E is located.

    Usually you need to put a comma on top to indicate soft consonant sounds or when writing, for example, French names or surnames. And so it turned out like this: D'Artagnan.

    How to put a comma at the top on the keyboard?

    A comma at the top, or an apostrophe, is an icon at the top of a letter, for example it looks like this.

    Serves to indicate softness, instead of the letter ъ, etc.

    In order to write this icon, press the ALT key on the keyboard and on the side panel of the keyboard with numbers, type the combination of numbers 039, we get.

    I usually select the letter button, it's in the top right corner. To get an apostrophe - an icon similar to a comma, only at the top -, just move the keyboard to Latin language. By the way, I sometimes use it instead solid sign, out of habit.

    To type on the keyboard, place the cursor on it, then hold down the Alt button and type the numbers 039 on the right side of the keyboard (calculator). However, this method is not suitable for laptops that do not have an additional department for working with numbers.
