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Varnish coating is a fairly durable, wear-resistant material. However, if you do not care for it correctly, the shoes can quickly lose their presentable appearance. How can you make your shoes, shoes or boots look neat and retain their original glossy shine? Let's figure it out.

Operating rules you need to know

If you have acquired patent leather shoes, pay attention to the following important points:

Heat and frost are the enemies of your shoes

The varnish coating is very sensitive to temperature conditions. It does not tolerate heat, so stop wearing shoes if the thermometer rises above +24°C. In this case, the film begins to melt, stretch, and becomes dull.

Doesn't like varnish surfaces or frost. Already at -10 °C it can crack and become covered with a network of wrinkles. It is recommended to put on patent leather boots 10 minutes before going outside. cold period. This way, the skin will warm up, become warmer, and fit on the leg, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of cracking.

Humidity is bad

Patent leather products do not react well to dampness. When in contact with water, the material deforms and stretches, so in rain or snow, give preference to a different type of shoe.

Wear daily? Forget it

Glossy boots and shoes are considered festive shoes. They are not suitable for everyday use - with frequent wear they become dull, become covered with wrinkles and cracks, and lose their charm and luster.

Cleaning patent leather shoes correctly

Before you start cleaning your patent leather product, remember that:

  • For varnished surfaces, the use of ordinary brushes for cleaning shoes is unacceptable. They leave scratches, which then develop into deeper and wider cracks.
  • Creams for normal leather are not suitable for caring for material made from varnish film. Under their influence, the varnish is destroyed, becomes dull, and unsightly stains appear on the surface of the shoes.
  • Cleaning glossy shoes by special means, which contain lanolin or glycerin. Sometimes you can use them instead castor oil, glycerin from the pharmacy.

A little advice: dust on a glossy surface is immediately noticeable and spoils the whole look. Therefore, when leaving the house, take with you a piece of soft fabric, such as flannel. It is very easy for them to wipe patent leather shoes and add shine.

You should clean your shoes as soon as you return home. To do this you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Use a soft sponge, cotton swab or piece of cloth to remove any adhered dirt and dust, not forgetting the heels.
  2. If the dirt has hardened and dried out, you can use a slightly damp cloth. At the same time, try not to press too hard or rub the surface, as even the smallest solid particles can scratch it.
  3. Wipe your shoes dry with a clean, soft cloth.
  4. Treat already clean shoes and boots with a cream for caring for patent leather items. You can use it to polish the surface and restore shine.
  5. After 10–15 minutes, remove any remaining product with a paper napkin.

Note: remove bad smell processing will help inner surface shoes, as well as insoles with hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cotton swab in this liquid and simply wipe the inside of the shoes.

Patent leather items should be dried in natural conditions, away from heating appliances. You should not leave your shoes in a place where the sun's rays will fall on them.

Restoring appearance

You can restore the shine of patent leather shoes by folk ways, simple tools will help with this:


Wipe patent leather shoes with a cotton swab dipped in fat milk. Use a piece of flannel to polish the surface.


Cut the onion into 2 parts and apply the cut to glossy shoes.
There is another option using onions. Squeeze the juice from half the onion and rub it into the patent leather. Leave the substance to dry, and during this time prepare a 3% vinegar solution. They will need to polish their boots.


You will need fresh egg white, which you need to beat until foamy. Using a sponge, apply it to the surface of the shoes, then polish with velvet cloth.

How to make it invisible to the eye small scratches, cracks on patent leather products will prompt the following tips. You will need the usual things:

Eye makeup pencil

Fill in minor creases and cracks with a pencil and blend it. This, of course, will not eliminate the defect, but it will disguise it well.

Nail polish

Varnish will help remove snags and scratches. Choose a shade that matches the color of your shoes. And it’s important - the varnish should be glossy. Apply it to the wrong side of the hook, press gently, achieving a gluing effect.

Removing stains

It is prohibited to use any solvents or alcohol to clean the varnish surface. They cause the stain to spread wider and become even more firmly embedded in the material.

A method that will not only clean the surface, but also prevent patent leather shoes from getting wet and dirty is as follows:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. lie sugar and grind into powder.
  2. Add 1 egg white to the powdered sugar.
  3. Mix the ingredients well.
  4. Apply the resulting mixture to clean shoes and polish using a piece of wool.

Thanks to this treatment, the protein will fill the slightest cracks and create a protective film.

If patent leather shoes are heavily soiled, you can wash them. To do this, prepare a soap solution, soak a rag in it, wring it out and gently wipe the shoes. Collect soap residue clean damp cloth. Repeat this procedure several times to prevent unsightly stains from appearing later. Dry your boots well.

Rules for storing patent leather shoes

  1. Store in cardboard box. Paper creates an ideal microclimate for patent leather.
  2. Ensure constant access fresh air. To do this, make holes in the walls of the box.
  3. For storage patent leather shoes choose a cool place, exclude proximity to heating devices. Monitor humidity; excessive dampness has a bad effect on the varnish.
  4. Try to store each pair of shoes in a separate box. Do not allow the products to touch, as the varnish will immediately fade in these places.
  5. Wrap your shoes in paper. It’s better not to take newspaper - the picture may be imprinted on the shoes. Canvas bags are good for storage. Nylon tights also cope well with this function. But polyethylene bags are prohibited; they create an environment unfavorable for the varnish material.
  6. Pack heels, heels, and all metal decorative elements in cotton wool.
  7. To maintain the shape of the shoes, place wooden blocks inside. Instead, you can use crumpled paper, crumpled into a tight, dense cylinder. In this way, you need to store shoes not only in the off-season, but also leave them overnight during everyday wear.


Scratches on shoes are a common occurrence, and even wearing them carefully does not eliminate this scourge.

Where do scratches come from and what to do before removing them?

They usually appear at the most inopportune moment. The causes are varied:

  • A manufacturing defect caused by the manufacturer;
  • Contact with various sharp objects when riding in vehicles or walking;
  • Impact natural phenomena such as snow, rain, hail, etc.
  • Poor quality of roads.

Once you see a scratch, you first need to assess the extent of its damage. This is very easy to do: you need to run your hand along it first in one direction and then in the other. If the roughness is felt only in one direction, this means that the leather of the shoe is damaged and the scratch is deeper. If roughness is felt in two directions at once, then in this case only the paint is scratched, which means the damage is not so significant.

Before you begin to remove scratches, you need to remove large protruding pieces of fabric using nail scissors or tweezers and carefully trim the surface. There is no need to throw them away.

On leather shoes

Many people prefer shoes made of high-quality real leather. This is easily explained, since leather shoes are suitable both for everyday wear and as an evening option for going out to a fashionable restaurant, corporate party etc.

How can you remove scratches?

There are different methods.

"Emergency" methods.

Use only if the damage is minor and needs to be repaired quickly. For this purpose you can use:

  • Marker. You just need to match it to the color of your shoes and paint over the scratch.
  • Shoe polish. You need to carefully apply it with a special brush to the damaged area. It is ideal for minor, small scratches, covering them up and making them invisible.
  • Superglue "Moment". To apply it, you need to use the following scheme: take a toothpick, apply a little varnish to it on the torn piece of the product and on the base underneath it. Wrap a piece of fabric around your finger and press the torn piece into its rightful place and the skin should stick well.
  • Women's nail polish. Both colorless and black varnish are suitable. The principle of application is the same as in the case of glue.

Important! Instead of varnish or superglue, you can use collodion - Chemical substance, consisting of a solution of colloxylin.

"Liquid skin".

Paint used for urgent repairs leather items at home. An irreplaceable item for shoes that can disguise such damage.

Mode of application:

  • Choose the color closest to the color of the shoes.
  • Apply liquid leather to the damaged surface and smooth evenly.
  • Leave for ten minutes so that it has time to dry completely. After which it needs to be polished.
  • Apply balm or cream to the surface.

Important! If the surface of the leather is severely damaged, then you need to apply several layers of liquid leather and let them dry one at a time. Preferably for at least a day.

Once the leather surface is completely dry, no scratches will be visible.


For more serious damage, ordinary wax can help. You can buy special shoe wax or use beeswax. If there is neither one nor the other, then an ordinary home candle can replace it.

Mode of application:

  • Place the wax in a separate container and heat it slightly.
  • Gently spread it over problem area and then dry.
  • Polish the surface with a soft cloth or a special brush.

Important! If the shoes are colored, then after this procedure you should paint over the damaged area with a marker or cream to match the color of the shoes.

On patent leather shoes

Scratches on glossy shoes are somewhat more difficult to remove. And there are several proven methods that have been successfully used by people for a long time.

Nail polish.

If the surface of the shoe is colored, then you need to take colorless nail polish. If the surface is black, then you need to take a black varnish.

Mode of application:

  • Carefully apply the varnish with a brush to the torn surface and to the scratch itself;
  • Apply the torn piece to the damaged area;
  • Place a clean bandage or cloth on top and press for two to three minutes.

Thanks to this method, the scratch is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. But there is a significant drawback: the protective layer of varnish will not last more than two weeks. It will need to be constantly updated.

Nail polish remover.

To mask minor scratches, you can use not only nail polish, but also nail polish remover. The method is simple: you need to moisten a cotton swab in it, squeeze it out a little and gently rub it over the scratch. After a while she will not be visible.

Important! Before doing this, you should conduct a test on a not too noticeable area of ​​patent leather. In some cases, the color from nail polish remover may rub off.


Minor damage can also be masked with special erasers.

Mode of application:

  • Clean your shoes, take an eraser.
  • Gently, with smooth movements, direct it towards the abrasion.
  • Wipe off the remaining eraser with a regular cotton pad, after moistening it in alcohol.
  • Wipe the surface with a soft cloth until it is dry.
  • Apply a small amount of oil onto a cloth and massage the affected area with it. You can use any oil: vegetable, mineral or vaseline.
  • After this procedure, you should wipe the shoes with a clean cloth.
  • For the best effect, you need to treat it with special products designed for patent leather.

It should be remembered that defects are more noticeable on a varnish surface. Therefore, you need to do everything necessary to prevent them.

On shoes made of artificial leather

Shoes made of leatherette, like genuine leather, require careful care.

The best method for faux leather shoes is using decoupage glue - Mod Podge. It combines the properties of glue, sealant and varnish.


  • special paint for shoes of a suitable color;
  • Mod Podge glue;
  • the smallest brush for painting;

Mode of application:

  • Having previously cleaned the shoes from dirt and removed all excess material, you need to carefully distribute the shoe paint in the right place.
  • Let it dry thoroughly and apply another coat if necessary.
  • Using a brush, apply a thin layer of glue to the entire painted area and smooth it gently.

This method does not eliminate scratches, but it does help disguise them.

On suede leather shoes

Suede shoes are not intended for daily walking and are very difficult to care for.

It must be worn very carefully and avoid the appearance of defects. But if scratches suddenly appear, then only special specialists can deal with them. aerosol paints, intended for the care of suede products.

Therefore, when buying suede shoes, you should not skimp on specialized products.

Bottom line

No one is immune from scratches and other damage to shoes. And if the methods listed above do not help, you need to seek help from specialists from a shoe workshop.

Owners of even the highest quality shoes are faced with the problem of how to remove scratches from patent leather shoes? Even the most careful and scrupulous people are unlikely to be able to preserve the original appearance such a specific material. Whether it is possible to somehow correct the situation when scratches appear or whether you will have to put up with them for the entire next period of wearing the shoes, you will find out from this article.

Scratches - a disaster or a minor nuisance?

It is very rare to meet a person who does not pay due attention to his appearance, and many of us try to dress and put on shoes in accordance with the latest fashion trends. Today, more and more people prefer expensive, high-quality and comfortable shoes than cheap leatherette, which very quickly loses its beauty.

But unfortunately, few follow the rules for caring for shoes made from such delicate materials. In addition, given the quality of the roads we walk on, scratches appear on shoes quite quickly.

Don't panic right away. There is a large number professional means And traditional methods, which you can use at home to restore the material or disguise an unsightly scratch on your favorite pair. Verified and effective methods We will describe in detail how to remove scratches on shoes and other footwear in our article.

How to determine the degree of damage to shoes?

Before you use one of the scratch repair products, you need to determine the extent of the damage to your shoe. To do this, run your hand over the surface and draw conclusions based on tactile sensations:

  • Roughness in only one direction is a sign of damage to the leather base of the shoe.
  • Roughness that is noticeable in both directions indicates damage to the paint only.

The results of this mini-test will determine which method to choose to eliminate defects on boots.

How to remove scratches on leather?

For subsequent steps that will help remove an unsightly defect on leather shoes, you can use several means.

Liquid skin

While cleaning your sandals or boots, did you notice an unsightly scratch? Have you tried all the available means, but the result is zero? We will tell you a simple and proven method on how to remove a scratch on leather shoes. To do this, you will need a product called “liquid skin”. It can quickly solve the problem of minor flaws in the product.

Mode of application:

  1. Using small scissors, you need to cut off all the protruding hairs of the skin on the damaged area of ​​​​the shoe.
  2. With gentle movements of the small sandpaper or use a manicure buff to clean the previously prepared surface.
  3. The next step is to degrease the surface of the boot. Use alcohol or another degreaser for this.
  4. Apply thin layer liquid skin onto the prepared area.
  5. Leave the shoes for 10-15 minutes to dry thoroughly.
  6. Finally, polish the repaired boots.

Important! If the scratch on the skin is quite deep, you need to apply the product 2-3 times. Allow the boots to dry before each subsequent application.

Super glue or nail polish

While wearing shoes, a situation may occur when a small piece of your leather shoe becomes torn. In this case, super glue or nail polish will help get rid of such an unattractive defect on your favorite pair:

  1. Apply a small amount of glue or nail polish to a match or toothpick.
  2. Treat the damaged area on both sides.
  3. Take a clean piece of fabric (preferably to match the shoe) and press the glued area.
  4. After 3-5 minutes, remove your finger. If the scratch leaves a noticeable mark, fill it with glue again.
  5. Paint the glued area of ​​the shoe with a paint that matches the tone, using a thin brush.

Important! If your shoes are made of thin leather, the tear in the shoe can be glued using Moment or BF-2 glue. Can i .


Unfortunately, deep scratches on leather shoes cannot be masked using the methods described above. To remove scratches from the skin, use special products or wax.

Important! You can use both industrial and beeswax. In the absence of both, a regular paraffin candle will do.

Mode of application:

  1. Warm up the wax.
  2. Apply a thin layer to the scratch and spread evenly over the surface.
  3. Leave for a few minutes for the wax to harden.
  4. Polish the treated shoes with a soft cloth.

Important! Tint colored shoes with a matching color.

How to remove scratches on patent leather shoes?

It is always easier to protect patent leather shoes from scratches and cracks than to eliminate flaws later. Unlike shoes made of regular leather, defects on varnish coating more noticeable, and it is quite difficult to hide them. As it wears, patent leather becomes less elastic, the surface becomes stiffer, causing cracks to appear faster.

Preventing scratches

To maintain the presentable appearance of your shoes and not face the problem of how to remove scuffs on patent leather shoes, you should do it in a timely manner. To do this, you need to properly care for products made from this material:

  • Do not use hard brushes during cleaning.
  • Do not treat shoes with products that contain petroleum products and solvents, acids and household chemicals.
  • Do not wear boots at temperatures lower than -5 degrees, and shoes higher than +25 degrees.
  • If your shoes are exposed to moisture for a long time, be sure to wipe the product with a dry soft cloth and let the shoes dry completely.

Special care products for patent leather shoes

There are also special tools that will help prevent this problem from occurring. A huge range of similar products and the help of specialists will help you purchase the necessary drugs, using which you will get excellent results:

  • Gloss wax is a product that will give your shoes a dazzling shine and effect. new shoes. When applied to the surface, it does not require additional polishing.
  • Polishing agent. Used for artificial and natural patent leather.
  • Special liquid. Gives the product a mirror-like cleanliness.
  • Spray. The protective emulsion serves as protection against dirt and dust.
  • Shoe milk. A product for treating products from dirt and dust.
  • Water-repellent balm. Recommended for use in autumn shoes or in rainy weather.

If defects still appear on patent leather shoes, then you should not expect a miracle. Without your actions, they will not go anywhere on their own. Start rescuing your beloved couple using a pencil.


Don't know how to remove scratches from patent leather shoes? During wear, minor cracks may form in the flex areas of patent leather. You can hide them by using eyeliner or a regular colored pencil:

  1. Apply eyeliner to the scratch using gentle pressure.
  2. Using a soft cloth or lint-free wipe, rub the pencil over the product.

Important! If the defect is deep and the skin is damaged, the integrity of the skin should first be restored, and then the varnish coating.

Deep tears in the material should not be repaired yourself. In this case, contact a specialist workshop. Having experience in dealing with such damage, the technicians will carry out repairs more efficiently and efficiently.

Proper care of patent leather shoes

To ensure that your favorite pair of shoes, boots or sandals retains their beautiful appearance and shine longer, and in the future you do not have to look for the answer to the question of how to remove scratches on patent leather shoes, follow simple rules care for products made from this material.

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! Many people have patent leather shoes in their wardrobe. Unlike leather, it requires more attention and careful care. This is the only way to preserve its original appearance. If dirt or dust constantly remains on the shoes, they will gradually corrode the surface, so that the leather will become dull and will not shine as much. In addition, it becomes wrinkled. This is especially true for patent leather shoes. Such shoes appeared in the second half of the 20th century and fashionistas still prefer them. From today's article you will learn how to remove scratches from patent leather shoes, as well as bags and other similar products, and how to care for them.

How to care for patent leather shoes

Patent leather shoes require careful care. You can't just wipe the dust with a rag or sponge, but it will always be beautiful. Such a shoe industry product must be stored in a place that is away from batteries and any electrical appliances, especially heating ones. That's why experts advise putting a couple in a box and putting it in a cool place. dark place. There must be holes in the box to maintain air circulation. It is best to wrap each shoe individually in a separate piece of fabric before putting your shoes in a box. It must be soft. This will help preserve the fragile product.

You can wipe the pair only with a piece of felt or flannel fabric. First, you need to remove dirt from the surface of the shoe with a wet sponge. It is allowed to wet the cotton wool in water. Also, some people use milk for these purposes. Never use any hard sponges or brushes. Because of them appear small scratches and cracks.

Patent leather shoes are very popular. And now many cosmetic products have been developed for her to ensure proper care. This will help keep the pair looking good and wearing it for as long as possible.

Patent shoe care products can be in the following form:

  • Polishing agent. They are used for both natural and artificial leather.
  • Polish. This is another product that will help polish the surface and restore its lost shine.
  • Milk. This is a special balm that helps clean the surface of patent leather shoes from dust and dirt. The product is actively used to care for shoes.
  • Spray. There are many products that come in spray form. It is intended for ordinary daily care. Helps clear away dust.
  • Wax. This is a special thick substance that restores the product’s shine without the need for additional processing or polishing.
  • Balm. Balms with water-repellent properties are often used, which will also help maintain the appearance of the product. By the way, the cream is not used for shoes made of such leather, so this point must be taken into account.

How to remove scratches on patent leather shoes

It is very easy to get abrasions on patent leather shoes, but restoring the leather to its original appearance is much more difficult. So it is best to prevent such damage from occurring. Before removing scratches, you need to understand that the methods described below will not be able to completely restore the original appearance of the shoes, but scuffs and scratches will not be so noticeable.

If it was not possible to prevent scratches from appearing on varnish surfaces, then you can try to restore the material. But first you need to thoroughly clean your shoes from all dust and dirt. Needs to be dissolved a little liquid soap in water. It should be warm. Then you need to soak a piece of cotton wool in this solution, and then start wiping the patent leather. When dust and dirt have been removed, you need to additionally wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth. This is required in order to completely remove any remaining dirt and prevent the appearance of soap stains.

Wipe your shoes dry with a rag. It is better to choose a cotton flap. Next you need to wait until the shoes dry. But the air temperature should be room temperature.

If the matter is not limited to a scratch, then the torn piece of skin can be glued back. To do this, you need to use regular nail polish. But you need to choose only without color. In addition, regular glue will also work. In this case, you need to apply glue in place and attach the torn piece. Next, apply a regular clean cloth to this area and press with your finger for 2-5 minutes. If patent leather shoes are black, then the best way to mask scratches and abrasions is with nail polish. In this case, you just need to choose a black liquid.

Next, use a regular brush to apply a layer of varnish to the affected areas. Now you just need to wait until it dries. However, this method has some disadvantages. Typically, a protective layer of nail polish will not last more than a couple of weeks. So you need to be prepared to update the layer every couple of weeks.

But all these methods will only help if the scratch is minor. If it is very large, you will have to use special wax, which is intended for finishing. If you don’t have such a product at hand, you can use regular beeswax. A regular paraffin candle will also work. Both the wax and the candle will have to be melted before use. Next, you need to moisten a small piece of cloth in this thick liquid. It is best to choose flannel fabric. When all abrasions and defects have been eliminated, you need to use additional means.

There is another option. To do this, you need to prepare an eraser in advance. You will also need alcohol, mineral oil, cotton wool and a lint-free cloth. First, you need to remove all dirt so that the surface of the shoe is clean. Next you need to use a special eraser. The movements should be in the direction of the abrasion. No need to rub too hard. This may cause an even larger defect.

If after this treatment there are loose materials left on the surface, then they need to be wiped off so that the boot is clean and smooth. Next, use a regular cotton swab dipped in alcohol to wipe the surface of the shoe. This will help remove any residue from the eraser. Now wipe the surface to keep it dry. After this procedure, you need to apply a little mineral oil to the fabric. With such an oiled flap you need to massage the affected areas of the product. After this, you need to wipe and polish the boots with a clean cloth.

By the way, you need to check in advance on an inconspicuous place with patent leather how alcohol and mineral oil will react. Sometimes they call by-effect, so the color may fade. If you don’t have mineral oil on hand, you can always use any vegetable oil or Vaseline.

After everything minor defects will be completely eliminated, then it is necessary to additionally treat the shoes with special products that are intended for patent leather. Special active ingredients will help restore the shine of your shoes. After this, polish the surface further. For this purpose it is used soft fabric or special velvet.

In conclusion, I would like to say that scratches on patent leather shoes are a problem for many people. Any defects on such a surface will be very noticeable, and it will be very difficult to hide them. But you can use several options listed above. Of course, they will not be able to completely eliminate scratches, but the defects will not be so noticeable, so the service life of the shoes increases significantly, and their appearance remains beautiful.

If you found the article useful and interesting, be sure to share it with your friends, leave comments and your opinion on this matter! See you again!
