How to quickly remove smoke. How to remove the smell of burning from an apartment. Salt, soda, activated carbon

Sometimes you just need to be distracted for a minute, and the food has already started to burn. As a result, you can hear the smell of burning throughout the house. But I know how to get rid of the burning smell in an apartment in a matter of time, I will share the secrets with you.

Universal method

Let's say something burned out. Regardless of what exactly it was, the room will instantly fill with smoke and it will become difficult to breathe. For this case there is useful tips that will prevent the situation from worsening:

Image Procedure

Step 1

The first step is to quickly ventilate the room from smoke by opening the windows and doors.

Step 2

Do wet cleaning. Wipe the floor and upholstered furniture, remove curtains if necessary and put them in the wash.

Step 3

You can kill the burning smell with an air freshener or aromatherapy candles. Spray the air freshener around the room and after a couple of minutes the unpleasant smell will disappear.

These are the first steps that need to be taken and will only remove the smell after a small fire. Ventilating the apartment and using air fresheners is not enough to get rid of the consequences of a prolonged fire.

Thoroughly getting rid of the burning smell

Getting rid of the burning smell in a room is not so easy. In a short time, the smoke manages to seep into all rooms and saturate all objects with its pungent aroma. Before you figure out how to eliminate the smell of burning in an apartment, you need to analyze the scale of the problem - at least approximately:

  • If the consequences are small– we can cope with the help of ventilation, high-quality wet cleaning and available adsorbents.
  • If a lot of things have been damaged by the smell of a fire– We will use technical devices.

Method 1. Ventilation

How to remove the smell of burning from an apartment? As soon as you feel something is burning, the first thing to do is put out the fire and open all the windows as quickly as possible.

If a pan burns in the kitchen or a cake burns, just turn on the hood at full power.

If after the fire a lot of smoke has accumulated, ventilate the room thoroughly. Instructions:

  1. Open all windows and doors so that a draft appears;
  2. Collect all burnt items into bags and take them outside;
  3. If possible, turn on the air conditioner or fan to speed up air circulation.

Method 2. Wet cleaning

Wet fabric absorbs odor well. Wet several large towels and hang them in the room where the fire occurred. You can enhance the effect if you place containers of water in the room and put pre-moistened towels on top.

spring-cleaningusing a washing vacuum cleaner and mop will significantly speed up the disappearance of the burning smell in the apartment. Wipe down all surfaces damp cloth and wash the floor. All textiles that are saturated with smoke must be washed.

Make it weak solution of ammonia and vinegar(tbsp. ammonia+ st. l. 9% vinegar + a glass of water) and use for wet cleaning.

Method 3. Adsorbents

Very often the smell manages to eat into not only interior items, but also Decoration Materials– wallpaper and linoleum. To make it possible to comfortably use the room where the fire occurred, use air fresheners or adsorbents.

Adsorbents– these are substances that absorb all odors well. We have many of them at our fingertips. The most popular are presented in the table:

Image Adsorbent

Activated carbon

Grind the activated carbon to a powder. Then put it in paper or plastic bags and, without tying them, place them in the corners of the room.

Baking soda

Pour baking soda into several containers and place it on the floor during wet cleaning. The soda will gradually become moisturized and absorb the smell.


Dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water and leave the solution overnight. In the morning it will be noticeable that the water will darken due to the absorbed odor.

Aroma oils and candles

Soak cloth napkins or towels aromatic oils and place them around the room. You can light aromatic candles.

Coniferous and citrus oils absorb the smell of burning best.

You can make a great DIY freshener: spread cinnamon and citrus peels on a baking sheet and turn on the oven at 150°C. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat and open the door - a pleasant aroma will spread throughout the kitchen.

Method 4. Technical devices

Swiftly emerging technologies make us happy useful inventions. You can find many devices on sale that can clean, disinfect and enrich indoor air.

Of the most effective devices, I would highlight:

  1. Air purifier. Purifies and humidifies the air. The price of the device depends on the size of the area covered.
  2. Filter vacuum cleaner. Some modern models Vacuum cleaners are equipped with a filter for air purification.
  3. Ionizers and humidifiers. Compact devices that, through the evaporation of moisture, disinfect and enrich the oxygen of the room.
  4. Air conditioner. Due to constant air circulation, all unpleasant odors escape outside the apartment into fresh air.

In conclusion

We figured out how to remove the smell of burning from a room. I personally tested some of the methods, and as a result, the unpleasant odor quickly disappeared. The video in this article will show several more options on how to freshen the air. If you have questions, I’m waiting for them in the comments.

It would seem that it could be simpler. I opened the window, created a draft, and all the smoke disappeared instantly. But if we're talking about Oh, then this method is not enough. It settles very quickly on any surface - furniture, textiles, wallpaper, floors. And even several days after the “accident,” objects and decorative elements retain a pungent odor.

How to get rid of the burning smell at home: first steps

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of burning in the house, whether it was burnt food, or an iron forgotten on the laundry, it is important to take the right measures. After all, the pungent odor absorbed into textiles and furniture will poison not only the air for a long time, but also undermine the health of household members. So, if the room is filled with acrid smoke and smells such as wiring, plastics, the taste of burnt meat or other food, then the following step-by-step algorithm will help you understand how to remove the burning smell in the apartment and save interior items.


If your sense of smell tells you that something is burning in the apartment and smells bad, then first find the reason. The food may have been burnt. Further actions depend on the scale of the accident. Of course, if there is a fire, call the fire department immediately. And if a burnt pan emits a pungent smell, then turn on the hood to maximum power. If unpleasant clouds of smoke accumulate in a room, a single hood is not enough to remove the smell. You need to thoroughly ventilate the apartment to remove the smell of burning and smoke, so do the following.

  • Create a draft. It is necessary to open the windows and open the doors wide. There should be a draft in the room. It is the air circulation that will ensure the removal of burning and smoke from the room. If the apartment is built in such a way that it is impossible to create a draft in it, then you can resort to using a fan.
  • Eliminate the source of the burning. Burnt objects continue to saturate the air with fumes. Therefore, they need to be collected and stored in plastic bag. Items that cannot be resuscitated should be immediately thrown into the trash outside.
  • Increase circulation. To quickly remove the burning smell from the apartment, it is necessary to increase circulation air masses. A fan, air conditioner, and extractor hood will help with this.

If you have an air purifier or air conditioner and the scale of the accident is small, then you need to completely close all windows and doors and turn on the device at full power.


To quickly and effectively eliminate the smell of burning in a living room, you can use a little trick. Moisture effectively absorbs foul odor. Therefore, in the rooms most affected by the “accident”, it is necessary to increase the humidity. There are several ways to achieve this.

  • Turn on the water. The simplest method of providing high humidity- this is to open the faucet in the kitchen so that the water gradually runs into the sink. By the way, it is necessary to include hot water. In case of heavy smoke, it is recommended to turn off the tap not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. Condensation will periodically accumulate on surfaces. Be sure to wipe it off.
  • Hang it up wet towels. If there is slight smoke, it is enough to hang wet towels in the kitchen. A damp cloth will absorb the unpleasant odor very quickly. If smoke has “occupied” the entire apartment, then hang large wet towels or sheets in all rooms. In case of heavy smoke, it is better to moisten with a vinegar solution (take two tablespoons of vinegar per five liters of water).
  • Place bowls of water. This is another method for simply humidifying a room. It is necessary to fill basins with water and place them in rooms affected by burning.
  • Place a pot of herbs on the fire. Boiling spices or herbs will effectively absorb and even neutralize the burning smell if possible. It is necessary to place a container of water on low heat. The following herbs are added to the pan: lavender, cumin, lemon balm, cloves, mint. It is these fragrant components that will ensure the initial neutralization of burning. And in case of slight smoke, they will completely eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Removing the stench

If your food is burnt, and the measures taken were not enough, and the smell of burning is clearly felt in the room, you need to resort to more effective methods struggle. Initially, it should be noted that conventional air fresheners in this case turn out to be ineffective. They temporarily replace the unpleasant odor. But this disguise quickly wears off, and through the aroma of the freshener the same fumes that have not gone away appear.

Exist special means, intended to eliminate burning, for example,. This product quickly and safely interacts with the stench and neutralizes it, rather than masking it. In the case of burnt food, without visible contamination on surfaces, furniture and other fittings, just spray it into the air.


Peculiarities. Vinegar is one of those products that does not mask the smell, but breaks down and neutralizes it. While the air purification procedure is taking place, it is best to take a walk outside so as not to inhale harmful fumes. The vinegar solution will almost completely “eat up” all the stench.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Three liters of water are poured into a large saucepan.
  2. Add a liter of vinegar to the cold liquid.
  3. The container is placed on fire. When the water boils, turn on the fire.
  4. This “brew” should boil for about two hours.

Natural coffe

Peculiarities. To eliminate the odor, you can use unpeeled coffee beans. This product is considered a natural and very effective deodorant. But there is one thing important rule. Only natural products absorb odor. Instant coffee will not bring the desired result.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Add whole grains or ground coffee into saucers and placed around the apartment.
  2. If the grains are whole, then the smell goes away for 10-12 hours.
  3. If the coffee is ground, it takes two to three hours to neutralize the “aroma.”


Peculiarities. If you have orange or lemon zest on hand, you can use this supply. Both dry peels and fresh citrus fruits will do. The dry crust is placed on a saucer and set on fire. In the case of whole fruits, things are done differently.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Lemon or orange is cut into thin slices and placed in a boiling pan of water.
  2. The citrus decoction should boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

Cloves or cinnamon

Peculiarities. To neutralize the smell of burning in your apartment, you can make your own “freshener” that will not mask, but absorb the unpleasant “aroma.”

Algorithm of actions

  1. Place 20 clove sticks in a pan of water (about one and a half liters). If desired, they can be replaced with cinnamon.
  2. The spices are allowed to boil and boil for about half an hour.


Peculiarities. Snow-white crystals can serve not only as a spice for dishes. They are able to save the house from unpleasant burning. Salt is considered a natural adsorbent that easily absorbs any odors. It can completely absorb the unpleasant bitter aroma of escaped milk and clean the oven from the effects of burnt food. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, simply pour a little salt into a plate and leave it overnight. But there is another way.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Make a highly concentrated saline solution: about 10 tablespoons of salt per liter of water.
  2. Leave the container with the solution overnight in the room where the emergency occurred.
  3. In the morning the liquid should be cloudy and dirty.


Peculiarities . To eliminate the burning smell, you can use your favorite herbs at home. You need to go cut some fragrant plants. Wormwood, mint, and sage are suitable. If the accident occurred in winter, then the grass can be replaced with pine needles.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Place fresh herbs or pine needles on paper sheets.
  2. Distribute them throughout the house.
  3. Plants should gradually dry out, emitting a fragrant odor.

How to clean up your house after a fire

If the accident was quite significant in scale, then it will not be possible to get rid of the burnt smell from the room only with the help of the measures described above. To eliminate the bad smell you will need thorough cleaning. After all, an unpleasant odor settles on all interior items.

If there is high smoke content in the room after a fire, it is necessary to evacuate children, elderly and sick people, and pets from the apartment during cleaning.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals

To carry out high-quality general cleaning, it is recommended to resort to the help of a special household chemicals. These substances, in most cases, are very aggressive, and therefore require strict adherence to safety rules. To independently clean up traces of a fire, it will not be enough to buy one product, since you need to remove soot, carbon deposits, odor, etc.

There is a place that includes everything necessary funds, as well as special means personal protection and necessary tools.

To remove soot, soot and carbon deposits, an alkaline product is used, which can be applied ready-made or diluted (depending on the material and degree of contamination).

The smell of burning is removed using the SmellOff odor neutralizer after a fire or smoke.

To achieve the effect, using this tool you must:

  1. Clean all treated surfaces from soot, soot and carbon deposits using an alkaline cleaner.
  2. Apply SmellOff to all surfaces to be treated by spraying. It is important to use the product on everyone hard to reach places, and also spill it on the most damaged surfaces.
  3. Leave the neutralizer until completely dry and ventilate.

The most popular are two types of remedies for burning smells.

  1. Liquid substances. These are detergents that will eliminate persistent “odors” emanating from the ceiling and walls. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the product. Some substances can discolor surfaces, others can leave burns on your hands. One of the means that effectively eliminates the consequences of a fire is MAZBIT+ remover.
  2. Aerosols. Such fresheners, like the adsorbents described above, do not mask the odor, but act on the fumes at the molecular level. But these components can be quite harmful to humans. Therefore, the use of such substances is only permissible if you are going to leave the apartment for several days.

General cleaning rules

Wet cleaning of the apartment should begin as quickly as possible. And, if the apartment is not very smoky, then it is necessary to combine it with the third step. Remember, the longer you delay general cleaning, the more the fumes “eat” into all coatings and surfaces. So what needs to be done.

  • "Evacuation" of things. After a severe fire or in the event of significant smoke, it is necessary to remove all things from the apartment. This applies to pillows, bedspreads, carpets, curtains. This way you will protect the products from additional absorption of unpleasant odors. In addition, in the fresh air things will be ventilated faster and more efficiently.
  • Elimination of burnt elements. Carefully assess the scope of disasters. All burnt elements must be mercilessly said goodbye. Furniture can be restored if the frame is not damaged. Otherwise, it's better to get rid of it. Using a spatula, you can remove all the soot from the walls. Don't leave it burnt flooring. After all, it will constantly emit an unpleasant aroma.
  • Wet cleaning. Thoroughly rinse all surfaces (furniture, walls). Wipe the floor several times. To improve cleaning performance, it is recommended to use folk remedies. Add a little vinegar to the water for washing surfaces. This solution will effectively eliminate unpleasant odors. Don't lose sight of cornices, lamps, chandeliers. They also need to be washed thoroughly.
  • Repair work. Having carefully removed all burnt elements and washed the room, you can begin restoring the room. It is advisable to repaint the ceiling, re-glue the wallpaper and re-lay the flooring. Such measures will almost completely eliminate traces of the former fire.

Products for tiles, furniture, curtains

Not every fire ends in a full-blown fire that requires complete repairs. Sometimes it's just a little smoke. But even this is enough to saturate the curtains, carpet or microwave with a pungent odor. And every time this aroma reminds you of your “incident”. To clear various surfaces in an apartment from burning after a fire, use these tips.

  • Cleaning tiles. To remove odors from such surfaces, you need to use bleach. But this substance can damage some types of tiles. Therefore, initially try on an inconspicuous area. Instead of bleach, you can use regular baking soda.
  • Cleaning windows. It is recommended to wash them with special glass cleaners. Such substances can also be used for plastic frames. It is recommended to remove the blinds from the windows and wash them in the bathroom under the shower using the same glass cleaner.
  • Washing curtains. Curtains, curtains, curtains must be removed and washed thoroughly. Sometimes it is not possible to eliminate the smell the first time. Reviews indicate that it may require repeated washing to remove the smoke. By the way, it is necessary to dry curtains only in the fresh air, with a good wind blowing them.
  • Carpets and upholstered furniture. Such coatings retain an unpleasant burning odor for the longest time. To revive floor coverings and upholstered furniture, it is recommended to pour onto the surface thin layer baking soda. This product, like a sponge, will absorb all unpleasant odors and will not damage the product. The soda is left overnight. In the morning you just need to vacuum the coverings. If such measures were not enough, then the problem is much more serious. In this case, you need to contact a cleaning company or dry cleaner.
  • Oven or microwave. They are the easiest to bring back to normal. To eliminate burning in the microwave, you need to place a glass of baking soda (one or two tablespoons) inside the unit. The door is tightly closed and left (turned off) for one day. Then the glass is removed and the surface is wiped with a damp sponge. If the oven is damaged, ammonia will help to revive it in a short time. The stove is heated to 90°C. Then the gas is turned off. Place a container with ammonia inside. Two to three hours is enough, but if time permits, leave it overnight. In the morning, wipe with a damp cloth and you can use the oven again.

To remove the burning smell from your home, you can use regular aromatic candles or sticks. Such measures are quite sufficient if we are talking about a small burnt food. And a pleasant bonus to eliminating burning will be saturating the air with your favorite aromas.

Ventilation, air humidification, and general wet cleaning will help quickly get rid of the recently emerging burning smell in the apartment. You can eliminate the smell of smoke, tobacco, fire using lemon zest, vinegar, aromatic herbs, seasonings, bay leaf, salt, soda, coffee beans, boiled for several hours in water. A cleaning company will help you put your apartment in order after a fire, general cleaning, redecorating. Vanish will help remove odors from furniture, clean tiles - “Whiteness”, Comet Gel, Cillit Bang, linoleum - Clean Home, Mr. Proper, windows and glass – Mr. Muscle, Frosch, Clin.

The burning smell that arises from burnt food, local fire, or melted wires of electrical appliances quickly eats into the drapery of furniture, drapes, and carpeting. Instant ventilation through open windows doesn't always help. The solution to the question of how to get rid of the burning smell in the kitchen includes a set of measures to remove soot and soot from furniture, as well as spraying ready-made freshener sprays and preparing homemade aroma products.

How to eliminate a burning smell: first aid

The safety of household items and home textiles depends on the speed and correctness of actions taken immediately after the source is discovered. Delay will lead to damage to things, soot settling on them, and the appearance of a persistent, difficult-to-remove aroma.

Ventilate the apartment from the burnt smell

If a small source of unpleasant odor is located in kitchen area, must be closed immediately interior doors so that the stench does not spread throughout the house. Then turn on the hood and open kitchen window. We create an additional barrier to the unpleasant odor: hang a damp cloth or large towel on the closed door.

The smell that has spread throughout the house is more difficult to remove:

  1. We create a strong draft. We open all window and door openings wide, there should be strong air circulation in the apartment. It's good if the weather outside is cool, humid or frosty.
  2. Eliminate the source of the burning. If the burnt item is small, we pack it in a plastic bag. Bulk items that cannot be restored are taken to a street trash container.
  3. We increase the air flow. An air conditioner, fan, and extractor hood will help with this.

Important! If we detect a strong open fire that cannot be extinguished on our own, we call the fire department, leave the windows and doors closed (but not locked!), and urgently leave the premises.

Increasing air humidity

Increased humidity in the room will help quickly get rid of the foul odor.

For best results, use a steam generator

Several methods can be used:

  1. We place containers with cold water in all rooms damaged by fire.
  2. Additionally, we hang damp towels. IN winter time year we post them on heating devices. This will allow the moisture to evaporate faster.
  3. If the source of the stench is in the bathroom or kitchen, open the cold water tap.
  4. A large container of water placed on the fire will help save the kitchen. Additionally, you can throw a handful of aromatic herbs and spices into it. Boiling helps saturate the atmosphere with steam and fragrant aroma.
  5. Owners of steam generators can resort to the help of the device.

We carry out wet express cleaning

Emergency measures to eliminate the burning smell include wet cleaning with a strong-smelling product. We use a special liquid for crumpling the floor or regular “Whiteness”. Use a wet cloth to quickly go over all surfaces, furniture, and don’t forget about the ceiling.

Additional express measures to prevent the spread of burning smell

The unpleasant aroma is strongest in textiles. As soon as the stench appears, we place all things, towels, pillows located near sources of smoke in bags and tie them tightly. These items should not be placed next to clean linen.

When ventilating, we move the curtains into a corner, collect them into a knot, and tie them with a plastic bag. Smoothing out a crumpled item is easier than washing it off from burning.

We put a damp large sheet over the upholstered furniture, having first removed the bedspreads. It will absorb the stench and prevent it from seeping into the upholstery of the product.

We roll up carpets and rugs. It is better to take them outside, thereby isolating them from smoke.

Important! We carry out all measures to prevent the spread of a burning smell throughout the house and eliminate it only after the source of ignition has been eliminated.

Folk methods and improvised means of removing burning odor

Heavy smoke leaves a lingering spirit that soaks into furniture upholstery, carpets, paper wallpaper. Makes cleaning more difficult fabric blinds And roller blinds, heavy curtains.

Before undertaking cosmetic repairs, it is worth trying to neutralize the smell of burning in the apartment with the help of coffee, lemon, aromatic herbs, vinegar, and citrus fruits.


The essence belongs to the category of drugs that do not mask, but completely neutralize the unpleasant aroma. When treating a room with vinegar, you should not stay in it, it can be harmful to health.

Prepare a solution of 3 liters of water and 1 liter of essence, put it on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer for at least 2-3 hours.

Salt, soda, activated carbon

The substances will get rid of the unpleasant aroma of burnt food in a pot, pan or stove surface. As an express remedy, sprinkle salt or soda on the damaged area and leave overnight.

The products can help remove the stench from the air. To do this, we make a concentrated mixture of a liter of water and 10–15 tbsp. l. powder. Pour the solution into a wide container and leave for 12–14 hours. The liquid will absorb odor molecules from the atmosphere.

Activated carbon works the same way, but it needs to be crushed first.

Coffee beans

Natural coffee is a natural deodorant that can eliminate almost any stench.

We place containers with whole or ground coffee beans around the apartment; the disgusting smell will go away in 12–15 hours.

More quick way: in 3 l. Boil a handful of coffee beans with water for 2-3 hours over very low heat. Under influence high temperature The coffee aroma will spread throughout all rooms.

Fragrant seasonings, bay leaf

Cloves and cinnamon sticks have a persistent, tart and pleasant aroma that opens when heated. 20 clove inflorescences, several cinnamon sticks or 10–15 bay leaves will help completely remove the smell of smoke. Boil them in 1.5 liters of water for 1–2 hours.

Needles, fragrant herbs

Mint, rosemary, wormwood, lavender, sage, placed or hung around the house, can remove a faint burning smell. When drying, the herbs fill the space with a light, pleasant aroma.

If there is no fresh greenery, you can replace it with spruce and pine branches, placing them around the house in vases or jars. We fill the container with water or wet sand; living pine needles spread the aroma more strongly.

Citrus water

You can make an improvised incense stick from dried orange and lemon peels. We set fire to the dry zest on an old saucer and wait for it to rot.

To prepare a fragrant decoction, we use fresh citrus slices. Place them in boiling water and boil for half an hour.


From ammonia (a glass), vinegar, salt (½ glass each) and water (3 liters) we make a cleaning solution to clean the burning from the walls, floor, and ceiling. We carefully treat all surfaces with the resulting composition.

Essential oil

Citrus or pine essential oils help quickly neutralize stench. You can use special aroma lamps. If they are not available, apply the oil using a cotton pad to a regular light bulb and screw it into the lampshade. As the oil heats up, it will release its aroma.

The means at hand will help you cope with soot from burnt food, tobacco, melted iron or microwave wires.

How to clean up your apartment after a fire

If the source of the unpleasant stench is a large fire with significant smoke, you can eliminate the burning smell in the house using:

  • a cleaning company using special potent agents;
  • independent spring cleaning;
  • general renovation of the apartment.

Depending on the number of damaged items, the presence of soot, and the severity of the fire, methods can be combined:

  • we dry-clean pillows, blankets, fur;
  • For , upholstered furniture, oversized mattresses, we call cleaning professionals;
  • suspended ceiling, melted linoleum, burnt areas of wallpaper;
  • underwear, light clothing, Stuffed Toys wash thoroughly, ventilate;
  • tiles, undamaged plastic windows, .

Self-cleaning algorithm

The rules for cleaning an apartment after a fire are identical to the algorithm for regular general cleaning, although they have some nuances:

  1. We take out into the fresh air everything that can be taken out: pillows, bedspreads, rugs, curtains, chairs with soft upholstery. We knock out and air things out.
  2. We mercilessly send everything that is burned and cannot be restored to the trash container: damaged clothes, household appliances, furniture, dishes, toys, books.
  3. We assess the damage: we remove burnt areas of wallpaper, flooring, ceiling covering, we remove interior doors. After a major fire, major repairs cannot be avoided. If you try to save money, the burnt elements left behind will continue to emit a disgusting stench.
  4. We select aromatic, potent products that will help cope with soot. Additionally, we purchase air fresheners, aroma sachets, and scented fabric softeners.
  5. We wet clean all surfaces.
  6. We carry out renovation work, furniture restoration.

Household chemicals

Effective elimination of burning smell depends on the quality of household chemicals, the choice of the most suitable product for a particular surface and the type of contamination.

Upholstered furniture, mattresses, outerwear, we clean the rugs using Vanish in the form of a spray, active foam, dry powder.

For tiles we use “Whiteness”, Comet Gel, Cillit Bang. For linoleum – Clean Home, Mr. Proper. For cleaning glass – Mr. Muscle, Frosch, Clin.

Curtains and bedspreads may need several washes with the addition of baking soda, fabric softener and prolonged airing.

The most important thing after eliminating the cause of the smoke is to release the remaining smoke and fill the room with fresh air. To do this, it is better to make a draft. Open as soon as possible if weather conditions permit more windows, including adjoining rooms or front door. If you have a fan, place it in the center of the smoky room. And wait for the situation to improve.

If you have an air conditioner, an air purifier, or both in your home, do not rush to use them right away. They will need to be turned on at the second stage of work, after the main ventilation, that is, when closed windows and the front door.

If you had a fire, you need to get rid of irretrievably damaged things as quickly as possible, since most of the objects around us absorb odors very well. Especially textiles, paper (wallpaper primarily), wood. The remaining items need to be washed or washed with conditioner and taken out into the air. Carpets and outerwear will have to be dry cleaned.

To neutralize unpleasant odors You can use air fresheners in the form of sprays. But be careful not to harm the health of your loved ones by overspraying. Follow package instructions

Very effective way To remove the burning smell, hang a wet cloth in your apartment. Wet in cold water thick towels or sheets and hang them on doors, furniture, or pull ropes for this. When the fabrics are dry, repeat the procedure several times until the smell is completely eliminated. In a few hours you will be able to restore freshness to your rooms. If your household has an air ionizer, turn it on at night. He will be for you good help with significant smoke.

Tools at hand in your kitchen

It is very useful to do wet cleaning in the fight against burning smell. Add nine percent water to a bucket table vinegar, in the ratio of one hundred grams of vinegar per liter of water. And wash the floor, ceiling, walls, furniture and other items. Instead of vinegar, you can use ammonia.

Coffee is also a good helper in the fight against odors. You will need roasted coffee beans. Place fifteen or twenty grains on plates and place them in your rooms.

You can also get rid of an unpleasant odor using aromatic herbs such as thyme, lavender, lemon balm, and oregano. Place a larger pan on the stove and add herbs to the water. Boil, uncovered, for about thirty minutes, until the steam is fragrant. Add the next portion if necessary.

You will read about how to remove fuel oil stains on jeans in the next article.

06/08/2017 7 4,693 views

They didn’t take care of the stove and now the whole room smelled of burnt food. Not everyone knows how to quickly get rid of a burning smell in an apartment, so the tips listed below will come in handy more than ever.

How to deal with the smell of burning in an apartment?

Even after one small burnt pan, an unpleasant odor can persist in the apartment for a long time if you do not start to deal with it. Therefore, immediately after the incident you need to start acting, otherwise this smell will become embedded in the walls, towels and curtains, and then the cleaning process will become longer.

Depending on the chosen method, the degree of purification of the room and the surrounding air will be different:

To get the most best result, it is recommended to combine the methods.

Ventilate the room

The first thing you need to do is open access to fresh air. It is very important that there is a draft, then the smell of smoke will go away faster. You need to open not only the windows, but also the doors. If the incident occurred in the summer, then you can open the window wide, so more fresh air will enter the room.

If the kitchen has a hood, turn on the fan. If you have an air conditioner, you should use it, then the windows and doors should, on the contrary, be closed.

Humidify the room

The smell of smoke will linger longer in a room with completely dry air, so it is very important to humidify it. There are several ways to do this.

If your apartment has a humidifier, then temporarily place it in the kitchen.

Another way is to use a pan and water. Place the container with the liquid on low heat and leave to simmer for several hours. To change the smell of smoke to a more pleasant aroma, you can add fragrant herbs or essential oil to the water. Melissa, lavender, and cumin are good for this. Condensation formed on surfaces must be removed regularly.

Can be used to humidify the room wet towels. To do this, they need to be hung in different points rooms. You can also soak them in a fragrant composition. After complete drying, they are washed and hung again, and so on until the smell of burning and smoke disappears from the room.

When the above methods are not effective enough, you can use the following method:

  1. Fill a large saucepan one-fourth full.
  2. Add 500 ml of vinegar to the liquid and place on the stove.
  3. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat.
  4. The evaporating vapors will literally absorb the stench.
  5. During this air purification, it is advisable to go for a walk, because the smell may not be very pleasant.
  6. After a few hours, remove the pan from the stove, and you will notice that the air has become much cleaner, and the unpleasant stench from burnt food has practically disappeared.

Carry out general cleaning

When a large-scale incident occurs in the house, it is impossible to do without general cleaning.

The process can take a long time, so there is no time to hesitate.

  • First you need to remove the curtains. They definitely need to be washed;
  • all surfaces in the apartment must be wiped with a vinegar solution to remove odors and eliminate dust;
  • if you have washable wallpaper, they also need to be carefully wiped with a fragrant composition;
  • things that were in plain sight must be sent to the wash;
  • the carpet can be sent to dry cleaning, because it is not always possible to rid it of foreign odors on your own;
  • floors are wiped with special substances or folk remedies.

What means can you neutralize the smell of burning?

If there is a fire or something burns in the kitchen, then to neutralize possible consequences will fit various means, including those that are in everyone’s home. You can remove the smell using the following means.


You can use vinegar, which needs to be mixed with water and brought to a boil, or used to clean hard surfaces.


Ammonia acts as an adsorbent. To do this, a few drops of ammonia are applied to the starch, which are placed in various parts rooms.


Instead of starch, you can use soda, apply a few drops of ammonia to it and place the resulting slurry on a newspaper or small plate in different corners. This method is effective when the smoke was insignificant. After a fire, soda will have little effect.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is also used to absorb unpleasant odors. Several tablets are crushed to fine crumbs. Pour onto newspaper or any other convenient surface and leave for several days. After which the coal is replaced with fresh one. This way you can eliminate the smell of smoke from a burnt pot or pan.


You can add a pleasant aroma to the room using a candle with a few drops of pine on it. essential oil. As the wax burns, it will give off a pleasant smell and it will become easier to breathe in the room.

Video: how to quickly get rid of the burning smell in an apartment?

How to remove the smell after a fire?

The situation is quite serious if there is a fire in the room. Conventional means will no longer be effective and drastic action will have to be taken.

  • You should not try to save burnt furniture or clothes; they will emit an unpleasant odor for a long time;
  • most likely you will have to replace the wallpaper, ceiling and flooring in the room;
  • the windows will need to be painted;
  • if only the upholstery of the furniture is damaged, but the frame itself is intact, then it must be replaced with a new one;
  • After completing all the work, place bags of aromatic herbs around the entire perimeter of the room. It removes extraneous odors from coffee, namely its beans. They are placed in bags in different corners of the room;
  • You can purchase an air freshener that needs to be used to periodically spray the air.