Good paint for painting cars. Which wall paint to choose to avoid allergies and asthma? Decorative textured paints

Any high-quality interior door loses its original appearance over time. As a result, it may need to be replaced or restored. The first option will require large expenses, so it is best to think about a new design of the structure. So, how to update an interior door with your own hands?

Preparatory work

Buying doors every few years is very expensive, so many people decide to do everything themselves. But before you start decorating a wooden door, you should carry out careful preparation.

We carry out the work in the following order:

  1. We remove the door to be renewed from its hinges. To do this, you will need to open it slightly, place a crowbar on the bottom edge and press down.
  2. We lay the structure on a flat surface or lean it on something.
  3. Carefully remove the wooden glazing beads and remove the decorative glass.
  4. We remove all components (applies to the door with the lock, hinges, handles).
  5. We heat the surface with a hair dryer and remove the old coating using a spatula. If this is not done, new finish won't last long. Old paint can be removed using sandpaper and solvent.
  6. We find all the chips, cracks, various defects and fill them with putty (or special putty).
  7. We level the coating with a grinding machine or sandpaper so that it becomes even and smooth.
  8. Wipe the surface to remove dust from it. Don't wet it too much.
  9. We cover the structure with stain or drying oil.
  10. Paint with varnish (2 layers). If the restoration of the doors will be carried out using other materials, then we cover them with a primer (2 layers).
  11. We insert glass with glazing beads, fittings and return the structure to its place.

Painting or varnishing

The fastest and easiest finishing options are painting and varnishing. There are different paints, but for treating doors it is better to choose acrylic, oil, alkyd and perchlorovinyl. You should not use water-based compositions, since they are wiped off over time and hand marks remain on the surface. As for the color scheme, the finish can match the shade of the walls or create a contrast with them.

Varnish compositions create a transparent coating on the surface, under which the grain of the wood is visible. This fact should be taken into account, because all defects will be visible. The polyurethane composition is considered the best for doors, because it is durable and resistant to mechanical damage.

How to paint or varnish a door? We carry out the work as follows:

  • remove the old layer of paint (varnish) using blowtorch or an industrial hair dryer;
  • clean and degrease the surface;
  • we find all chips, cracks, dents and putty them;
  • cover protective composition;
  • take a brush and paint (varnish) in several layers;
  • waiting for it to dry completely.

Veneer coating

Veneer is made from wood and consists of thin plates different color and textures. For its production, oak, walnut, linden or mahogany are used.

How to update an interior door with veneer? The process looks like this:

  1. We remove the old door from its hinges and place it on supports (you can use ordinary stools).
  2. We dismantle handles, hinges, locks, glass (if any).
  3. We inspect the door for defects. They will have to be puttied.
  4. Let it dry and sand it with sandpaper.
  5. We dilute protein or flesh with water). Its readiness is determined with a stick: immerse it in the composition and pull it out (it should flow in a thin stream).
  6. Heat the glue and apply it to the surface to be finished.
  7. We wait about 5 minutes and apply the veneer.
  8. We perform grinding in damp cloth and then with a hot iron. Movements can only be made along the fibers, and from the center to the edges.
  9. We lay the remaining plates with an overlap, since the material narrows when cooling.
  10. After cooling, trim off the excess veneer and heat the surface with an iron.
  11. We treat the joints with adhesive film so that the seams do not separate.
  12. We wait for the material to dry and remove the film.
  13. We use varnish based on rosin and shellac. It should be applied in 3 layers, each of which should dry completely.
  14. We return locks, handles, and hinges to their place.

Wallpapers and photo wallpapers

Great way update the room - wallpaper the door. Even inexpensive material will make the design stylish and beautiful. The selection process takes into account not only your own taste, but also compatibility with the interior. This design option is very popular abroad (in the USA, Sweden and Canada). Wallpaper on doors separated by compartments looks very beautiful and unusual. If there is glass in the structure, then it is removed and plywood is inserted. Wallpaper is glued on top of it.

If there is a geometric pattern, then it is aligned vertically. On double doors the pattern should be symmetrical. It is better to paint the places where there will be no wallpaper in the color of the material. Installation is carried out in the following order: the surface is cleaned, degreased and primed. If necessary, grinding is done. PVA glue is used for gluing wallpaper.

Doors with photo wallpaper look very beautiful and unusual. Of course, they are not cheap, but the variety of patterns will allow you to get a unique finish. Landscapes, animals, views of the city at night, etc. will decorate any room well. The material is glued in exactly the same way as regular wallpaper. But you will have to think about the completeness of the drawing in advance.

Self-adhesive film

This door finishing option is considered one of the most expensive, since the material is quite expensive. Its main characteristics are density, beautiful appearance and durability. In order for the film to stick well and remain smooth, you will have to properly level the surface.

Let's figure out how to update an interior door with self-adhesive film:

  • we remove and prepare the structure for finishing;
  • spray it with a spray bottle (this makes it easier to place the material in correct position);
  • turn the film to the wrong side and peel off a small area;
  • apply the material to the surface;
  • carefully place it using a spatula or roller;
  • pierce the bubbles with a needle and smooth the coating.

The dimensions of the self-adhesive film allow you to completely cover the canvas. But if you wish, you can use small stickers on the door. This option is perfect for a children's room.

Fabric finishing

Door finishing with fabric is similar to wallpapering. IN in this case It is important to choose the right glue - it should not leave stains on the material. If the choice fell on loose fabric, you will have to tuck its edges. Working with it is a little more difficult than with wallpaper, but the result exceeds all expectations. This is due to the fact that the variety of colors of the material is wider than that of wallpaper.

How to update an old interior door with fabric? There are several finishing options:

  1. We paste over small pieces of fabric collected into one canvas (patchwork).
  2. We make the bottom of the structure (about 2/3) from fabric, and paint the top. Moldings and special overlays can be placed on the border).
  3. Instead of glass, we insert a drapery made of fabric, collected on a thread or fishing line. It can also be closed completely.
  4. We make several square or rectangular inserts located vertically.

Polyurethane linings (moldings)

Looks very stylish and beautiful on doors polyurethane moldings. If desired, you can purchase wooden overlays. In stores you can see them in different colors and designs. They represent various panels, borders, arches (and their halves), and platbands. As for the surface of the products, they can be: smooth, embossed, with ornaments, etc. Entire compositions are assembled from such an arsenal.

How to update an interior door with moldings? We take liquid nails or any construction adhesive and fix them on the structure. On sale you can see self-adhesive products, the installation of which is greatly simplified. To assemble complex compositions, you will have to draw a sketch on the door in advance.

Vinyl stickers

A great way to get an updated interior is to use door stickers. They can be in the form of landscapes, animals, plants, cities, children's drawings, unusual patterns, etc. As for sizes, stickers can completely or partially cover the canvas, and also consist of small elements. Their main advantage is that when they are removed, no traces remain.

There are stickers similar to slate board. They are well suited for children's rooms, because you can draw on them with chalk. There is nothing complicated about using stickers. Small products can be glued on your own, and large ones can be glued with someone’s help. As you work, you need to carefully smooth the sticker so that its surface is even.

Updating doors with glass inserts

If you need to update doors with a mirror or glass, you can use several finishing options. Stained glass windows painted with special paints will look unusual. For work you will also need: stencils, a sketch, contours on glass (silver, white or black).

The process of decorating doors with stained glass (using the example of a glass structure) is done as follows:

  • lay out the sketch on a flat surface;
  • lay the canvas on top;
  • we outline all the lines of the stained glass window with an artistic outline;
  • wait for it to dry and fill the space between the contours with paints (colors to your liking);
  • let it dry and put the canvas in place.

To prevent the decorated door from looking too pretentious, you can paint any other piece of furniture (chandelier, chest of drawers, etc.) in the same way.


You can also decorate the door using mosaics. It is even suitable for the bathroom, as it is moisture resistant. Ceramic or glass compositions are assembled from these small elements. Additional decorations in the form of sea or river pebbles will add uniqueness to the design.

When choosing a material, you should take into account the fact that the mosaic increases the weight of the door. It is very important that the door frame is ready for such a load. Wood veneer or acrylic glass (instead of stones and ceramics) will help reduce the load.

Let's try to figure out how to update an interior door with your own hands. First, draw a sketch on it using a simple pencil. Then we take “liquid nails” and begin gluing large fragments. Once they are in place, you can start working on small details.


Door restoration can be done using decoupage. The work involves applying ready-made designs (from fabric, wallpaper, napkins, newspapers or ready-made decoupage cards) to the structure. The decoration process goes like this:

  • preparing the canvas for work;
  • cut out the designs you like and soak them in water;
  • lightly dry them, place them on the structure and cover them with PVA glue (both the design and the doors);
  • smooth the product well so that there are no bubbles or folds on it;
  • apply a little putty to its edges (must be matched by color);
  • sand this layer with sandpaper;
  • If necessary, coat with varnish (1-2 layers).

Decoupage can be done in several ways:

  • trim some areas (suitable for structures with bulges and shaped divisions);
  • decorate a small part of the canvas or cover it completely;
  • chaotically fill the free space or assemble a thematic panel from individual motifs (for example, a world map).

Artistic painting

Among the variety, it is worth highlighting artistic painting. If you have skills in this matter, you can get to work right away. An excellent effect can be achieved if you use the floor, walls and ceiling in painting. A great option is to draw letters, names, philosophical phrases or any wishes.

But what if artistic experience No, but do you want to get a masterpiece? Special stencils, which are sold in construction and stationery stores, will help here. If necessary, they can be cut out of cardboard or self-adhesive film.

Let's figure out how to decorate a door with your own hands:

  • We carry out the preparation in the same way as before staining;
  • apply or glue the stencil (make sure it fits snugly);
  • Apply paint with a roller or spray.

It is better to complement the restored structure with a new handle, hinges and lock. Metal fittings wear out over time, so they should be replaced.

Decor with improvised materials

How to update an interior door if you don’t have any at hand finishing materials? Any unnecessary items will be used: shells, lids, mesh bags, egg trays, etc.

Let's try to decorate the doors using egg trays (we save them in advance):

  • tear or cut the paper cells into small pieces;
  • moisten them with water;
  • We arrange the elements in a chaotic order (or lay out them in a simple pattern) and fix them with glue. A glue gun will help speed up the work;
  • we place the remaining decorative elements;
  • cover the surface with spray paint.

Another way to update doors is the sandblasting technique, which is used to decorate glass inserts. This finishing option will require the involvement of specialists, because it will be difficult to do it yourself.

Decoration of doors in various ways decorative elements represents a real creative process that will bring pleasure. Also, the owner of the house will be pleased with the result of the work and the opportunity to save money. Thanks to the above finishing options, you can get a truly unique interior door (with a mirror, glass or solid).

If you look with horror at your interior doors with peeling paint that no longer hides imperfections with adhesive film, chips and cracks, but your budget is down to the last penny, it’s time to start restoration. It is this measure that will allow you to quickly and efficiently restore the canvas without resorting to purchasing new doors.

Typically made from plastic, glass, wood and its derivatives. And there is a mass various methods restoration, but the most important stage is cleaning and preparing the canvas. It is important to carefully remove all traces of paint, grease, old seals, and level the door so that the door looks like new in the future.

We are preparing a wooden door for restoration. Removing fittings and paint

The first thing to do is to carefully remove the door from its hinges and place it on the floor or four stools.

Hinges can be invisible, mortise, screw-in, card removable or non-removable. Since the entire door leaf will be restored, the hinges must be temporarily completely dismantled. To do this, unscrew all the bolts and caps, pry the door from below with a crowbar, lift it, remove it and set it aside.

In addition to the hinges, you should remove all other fittings that will interfere with further work.

Video - How to quickly remove a door from its hinges

How to remove paint. Method one - grinding

If the door is flat and there are a lot of layers of paint, you should take the canvas outside and try to clean it with a sanding machine. The work is quite dusty, the grinding wheels quickly become clogged, but the result will not be long in coming.

The second method is the use of chemistry

You can find various solvents and destroyers on sale. old paint. One of them is B52. Operating principle: wetting the surface, waiting, cleaning the peeled coatings with a spatula.

In addition to the fact that this work is very hard and harmful (solvent vapors are unsafe for health), it is worth noting that chemistry cannot cope with big amount layers of old coating. Therefore, this method is only suitable for cleaning small areas of the door with a thin layer of old paint.

You can make your own paint remover mixture by mixing caustic soda, water and oatmeal to a thick consistency. This slurry should be distributed over the canvas, and after 30-50 minutes, cleaned off with a metal spatula along with the swollen paint layer.

It is important to use gloves and a respirator!

Method three - using a gas burner

For fire safety reasons, work should only be carried out outdoors. Paint heated by a torch comes off easily, but at the same time it can smoke and emit pungent odors.

This method is applicable only if you know how to handle a burner, have prepared a sufficient supply of cylinders and are ready to warn your neighbors about the upcoming work.

Method four - using a hair dryer

This method is the most productive and safe. Even if there are layers of paint on the door that were applied several decades ago, they will peel off easily, and there will be no burning or chemical smells during operation.

Heat the paint and scrape it off with a sharp spatula. Be careful not to damage the wood. Do not lean over the door as the temperature air jet about 600 degrees.

Method five - soft blasting

The method involves gentle, careful removal of complex contaminants and old paint and varnish coatings from metal, glass, and wood. In this case, the door leaf will not be damaged. When working with a jet compressed air Armex biodegradable cleaner will be applied to the door surface.

The main disadvantage of this seemingly ideal method is the inability to perform work at home, the need to deliver the door to a workshop and the associated costs.

Method six - Using a drill and attachment

Stores sell special abrasive brush attachments that fit onto the drill. Metal fibers will remove old paint, but may damage the wood of the canvas. To process the entire door, you may need not one, but several replacement nozzles, the cost of which is 120-170 rubles per piece.

Video – Soft blasting

Plastering a wooden door

After all layers of old paint have been removed, you should take sandpaper, secure it to the holder and carefully sand the door, making movements along the grain line. This measure will remove paint from hard-to-reach areas, smooth out scratches and chips.

After sanding, vacuum the door and wipe it with white spirit, degreasing it.

Open the can of primer, mix and apply a thin layer of the mixture to the door. will extend the life of wood and serve as the basis for new paint coating. Average primer consumption – 100 grams per 1 square meter canvases. The average price of a package weighing 2.5 kg is 280-350 rubles.

Using a narrow spatula, apply the mixed wood putty. Distribute it and leave to dry. After this, you will have to sand the entire door again with fine-grained sandpaper to eliminate all the smallest defects.

If there is a large, deep crack on the door, it can be eliminated by selecting a piece of wood that is suitable in size and color. We coat the sliver with wood glue and firmly drive it into the crack. After about a day, the glue will dry and the door will be ready for priming, puttying and painting.

Prices for popular types of putty


Strengthening the door

If your door has dried out from age and is no longer strong enough, it is recommended to strengthen the door leaf and frame. And this must be done immediately after the preparation, but before the staining process.

If the blade is deformed, a plane will help correct the geometry. We remove excess wood with a tool, simultaneously checking the accuracy of the corners with a carpenter's metal square.

If the door had dried out and closed very loosely, it was visible big gap between the canvas and the frame, you need to cut a thin strip from plywood or board and nail it to the end of the door being restored. Then we process the rail with a file or plane, precisely adjusting the dimensions.

You can strengthen the door leaf metal corners. But so that the door does not lose its attractiveness, you should pay attention to the decorative carved corners and install them (nail them with thin nails or fix them with self-tapping screws) after painting the canvas. Don't forget to buy a new one door handle, stylistically matching the curly corners.

Replacing cracked glass

Cracked or simply outdated cloudy glass is not difficult to replace with your own hands. In its place, you can install a new one, for example, matte or transparent, tinted or with a sandblasted pattern, embossed or smooth, colored or plain.

Note! If the glass has a thickness of 10 mm (triplex), then replacing it is impractical. Firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, it is almost impossible for an inexperienced person to cope with such a task on their own.

Case 1. Glass fixed with glazing beads

The easiest way is to replace glass secured with glazing beads. It is enough to dismantle them and then remove the glass by hand. We arm ourselves with pliers and a metal spatula. We pry up the glazing bead with a spatula, and use pliers to carefully pull out the nails.

Use a chisel or knife to clean the glass bed. We take measurements. If the opening is non-standard, we make a figured pattern from cardboard. At the same time, we take into account that the size of the glass should be slightly smaller than the opening. We wipe the glass with a soapy sponge, dry it with a clean rag, transfer the design from the pattern and cut it.

Attention! Wear gloves to avoid cutting your hands. Carry out work on a flat surface with a working glass cutter.

We treat the perimeter of the glass opening with sealant, after which we insert the cut piece, saw new glazing beads with a jigsaw and fasten them with thin nails.

Case 2. The glass has a hidden fixation

If the glass has a hidden fixation, you will have to disassemble the door, unscrewing the bolts, removing the old glass and inserting the new one. Silicone cannot be used in this case, since it will be impossible to replace it later. A significant disadvantage of replacing glass in such doors is that after assembly, the panel may lose its geometry and will require editing with a plane.

By the way, instead of glass, you can use an acrylic unbreakable mirror. It is quite light, durable, highly decorative and easy to cut.

Find out about the 10 best options for how to do it in our new article.

Painting the door

A door prepared in accordance with all the rules can be painted. We carry out the work in two stages - applying a base layer of white paint and tinting.

We choose matte paint for wood, apply it with a spray gun or brush, moving the brush along the grain. Apply one layer, making sure that no smudges appear.

Important! If there is a glass insert, be sure to seal it masking tape so as not to stain the surface with paint.

For tinting, choose glossy or matte paint any color, for example dark brown. We paint the canvas in the same way. If necessary, apply another layer, but only after the previous one has dried. The more layers of paint, the more saturated the shade will be. But don’t get carried away and create too thick a coating.

Important! Be sure to carry out preparation and restoration door frame. Otherwise, the updated door will contrast unfavorably with the adjacent wooden surfaces.

When the paint has dried, you can apply a layer of glossy varnish or begin installing door handles.

Prices for construction paint

Construction paint

Video – Do-it-yourself door restoration

Video - Master class on restoration of an interior door with a glass insert. Glass replacement

You can restore not only wooden ones, but also. Before work, it is advisable to remove the canvas and lay it horizontally. This will make the job easier.

Step 1. We dismantle or cover the door handle, peephole, and other fittings with masking tape.

Step 2. Use a wire brush or drill with an attachment to remove all traces of corrosion. Sand the surface with sandpaper (grit 80-150). We vacuum the canvas and treat it with a solvent.

Step 3. Treat the door with car polish. It is not recommended to use wood fillers as they do not adhere well to metal. Car polish will hide all dents and micro-scratches formed after cleaning the rust. Smooth out the applied polish with a spatula. The drying time of the composition is about 30-40 minutes.

Step 4. Polish the entire surface of the door with 400-grit sandpaper. Wipe the door with a clean damp cloth, and then degrease using a grease remover.

Step 5. Apply an anti-corrosion primer for metal to the door. It is convenient to use a roller and a narrow brush. After the primer layer has completely dried, we sand the canvas again with fine-grained sandpaper.

Step 6. Paint the door with metal paint. There can be several layers, but each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous ones have dried. To apply paint we use a roller and brushes or a spray gun. Don't forget about gloves and a respirator.

Similarly, we clean and paint the door frame, then remove the masking tape, install the fittings and hang the door in its rightful place.

In this way, you can not restore the entire surface of the door, but only a small area, but it is important to choose tone-on-tone paint.

How to laminate an interior door with film

It is better not to use cheap ones for pasting doors. PVC film, but give preference to the durable “self-adhesive” D-C-FIX. This film is guaranteed to last more than 10 years, will not fade in the sun and will not wear out.

The film is sold in rolls with a width of 45, 90 and 67.5 cm. The length of the roll is 15 m. The average retail price of this German film is 1,700 rubles. From a huge assortment, it’s not difficult to choose an option with imitation wood, stone, abstract or other patterns that suit a specific interior.

The film should be glued carefully, with someone's help. It is advisable to cut according to patterns, and immediately remove small bubbles with a wide plastic spatula. If the bubble does not go away, you can puncture it with a thin needle. For better plasticity, the film can be heated with a hairdryer.

Note! can be restored using adhesive-based veneer. We press the material to the canvas and heat it with an iron. We cut off the excess. We leave the restored door leaf for a while, pressing the glued veneer with sandbags.

Prices for self-adhesive film

Self-adhesive film

Video - Pasting MDF with veneer

Video - How to glue D-C-FIX film

Video - The principle of gluing film

How to replace door hinges. Photo instructions

We apply a loop, use an awl to mark the pins for the drill, and use a blade to carefully cut through the veneer

Video - Installing hinges on an interior door

Even taking into account the fact that you have installed high-quality interior doors, after a certain period their appearance becomes less attractive and there is a need to update the old ones wooden doors.

Most economical option To update a door is to cover it with film.

To update an old wooden door, you can simply replace it, but this is expensive, it is much easier and cheaper to resurface the door. Very often, interior doors are in good condition, but their appearance does not match new interior rooms. In this case, there is no point in replacing wooden doors with new ones; simply updating them is enough, especially since all the work can be done with your own hands.

Preparing the door for restoration

At the first stage of work, it is necessary to carefully examine the interior doors to see if there are any cracks and crevices on them. This is necessary to determine the volume and sequence of work to carry out their restoration.

It is best to remove the wooden door from its hinges, this will make it much more convenient for you to work and remove the old coating.

In order to complete all the work, you must have the necessary set of tools and basic skills in working with wooden products.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • construction hair dryer;
  • narrow and wide spatula;
  • putty or putty for woodworking;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver.

Work order:

  1. Interior doors are removed from their hinges.
  2. All fittings are removed from the door leaf, including locks, handles, latches, its condition is assessed, if it is bad, then new fittings must be purchased.
  3. If there is glass, it must be carefully removed, after which you can remove the old paintwork. For these purposes, the paint is heated with a construction hairdryer and then removed with a spatula.
  4. Using putty, all cracks and cracks on the surface of the door are properly sealed.
  5. After the putty has completely dried, the interior doors are treated with sandpaper and sanded well.
  6. In order for interior doors to have an attractive appearance, their surface is covered with stain (gives the shade of the required tone) or drying oil (protects wooden doors from moisture).
  7. We insert the glass into place; for this it is better to purchase new glazing beads.

Now the interior doors are prepared for further decoration.

The choice of material for finishing the door and the method of its application

To update a wooden door you can use different variants, but, regardless of the choice of material for finishing, it is necessary to carry out quality training surfaces.

  • painting the door;

The simplest and most common option is to paint the door. If the interior door is made entirely of wood or covered with wood veneer, then it can simply be coated with varnish or paint. To ensure that paint and varnish adhere well

The brush should be moved along the grain of the wood.

  • use of drawings and moldings;

In order to give the surface original look, you can use paint different colors or drawings. The door will look very original and beautiful if it is painted in one color, and all the protruding parts, which are also called moldings, in a contrasting color.

If there are no moldings, then you can paint them or glue wooden or polyurethane carved slats.

If you have artistic talent, then you can depict on the door leaf beautiful drawing or have it painted.

  • use of wallpaper or fabric;

The door can be painted to match the walls or covered with wallpaper.

There are other ways to update, such as using photo wallpaper. There are special photo wallpapers on the door; they already have the required dimensions.

It will be beautiful if the room and the door leaf are decorated in the same style. You can use various coloring pages for your children's room. If the door is in the kitchen or living room, then you can select the appropriate images.

When sticking photo wallpaper, you need to be very careful so that air bubbles do not form, because then they can no longer be removed. If you use your own drawings, they are glued using PVA glue, and after it has completely dried, the drawings must be opened with varnish. In the same way, fabrics can be used to update the door leaf.

  • door decoupage technique;

This method is quite simple, but the door turns out to be spectacular and unique. To renew a door leaf in this way, it must first be cleaned of dirt and degreased. After this, the surface is primed and coated with paint to match the background of the application itself.

Decoupage cards wet in cold water and stick on the door, any bubbles and folds that arise must be smoothed out. After the drawing has dried, putty is applied along its edge to match the background, and then it is sanded. For additional protection everything can be varnished.

  • stained glass and sandblasting;

If there are glass inserts, then one of the design options could be stained glass. To do this, you need to use special water-based paints. First, you need to make a sketch of the future stained glass window on the glass, then apply dark paint along its contour. After the applied contours have dried, they can be filled in with paints of other colors.

You can remove the glass and take it to a special workshop, where the image will be applied using a sandblaster.

Now there are many different vinyl stickers, and with their help you can decorate and transform your doors in an original way. This method is convenient when the door is in good condition, then there is no need to remove it from its hinges and remove the old coating, but you can simply stick on vinyl stickers of the chosen theme.

Before applying stickers, the surface of the door leaf must be thoroughly cleaned, the base of the sticker must be removed and carefully glued to the door. If in some places the film does not stick well, you can heat it up with a hairdryer, after which it sticks well.

Original ways

One of these original ways door upgrade is use bulk materials. This could be, for example, rice or buckwheat. To glue them, use wallpaper glue or PVA glue.

After you have glued the specified materials and the surface has completely dried, it must be opened with several layers of varnish. The varnish will serve as protection against moisture, and dry cereals will not deteriorate over a long period.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options for updating old wooden doors, and you can always choose the one that suits your case, taking into account the interior of the room and your financial capabilities.

Whether to repair old doors or install new ones is a question that every home owner faces. Sometimes it makes more sense to buy a new design. But this is not always possible. In this case, all structural elements should be restored. , if the need arises? Let's consider various options such repairs.

Restoration finishing is often much more profitable than replacing the door structure for a number of reasons:

  1. Repair costs are usually much less than purchasing new doors. Especially if the design is high quality and expensive.
  2. Antique products with a unique appearance are made to match the appropriate decorative style of the room. Therefore, it is more profitable to restore them than to exchange them for others.
  3. Restoration of an interior door is not accompanied by major work to dismantle and install the frame.

Restoration is also rational if structures have non-standard shape or size. It is unprofitable to repair doors made of cheap materials: fiberboard, chipboard, plywood.

Tools and materials for door restoration

The necessary tools and materials for restoration are selected depending on the type of door and the degree of wear. What you may need:

  • construction hair dryer;
  • sander;
  • sandpaper or circles with different sizes grains;
  • spray bottle, brush or paint roller;
  • remover for paints or varnishes;
  • solvent;
  • antiseptic impregnation;
  • putty or putty;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • chisel;
  • carpenter's knife;
  • paint, stain or varnish.

An electric drill, a hammer and nails, screwdrivers, and pliers are also sometimes used. If the design contains glass inserts, then it is worth preparing a new glazing bead.

Restoration of a metal door

Old metal doors are often strong and reliable design, but unpresentable appearance. Replacement involves a significant amount of work. If the canvas and box are in working condition, and the fittings are not worn out, then it is worth making a restoration. This implies a complex of works, including replacement of finishing, improvement of heat and sound insulation properties, as well as repair of mechanisms.

The new finish is made from:

  1. MDF panels;
  2. Vinyl leather - often used for internal and outer covering entrance structures. Fabric with PVC coated tear-resistant, wear-resistant, quite frost-resistant. Available wide choose colors and textures that imitate natural leather.
  3. Laminated fiberboard is an inexpensive alternative to MDF elements.

View possible finishing selected depending on the gap between the box and the canvas. Sometimes the structure can only be repainted.

Problems with metal options can also be associated with sagging of the canvas or violation of the geometric parameters of the structure. In this case, welding work is necessary.

Restoration of a painted wooden door

The method depends on their old finish and the degree of damage to the parts. Often get by with simple cosmetic repairs. But in case of serious wear of the elements, major work is required. In any case, at the initial stage it is necessary to first prepare the entire structure for restoration.

Preparation for restoration: removal of old paint, putty, strengthening

Proper repair interior doors made of wood begins with dismantling the canvas and disassembling the structure into individual elements. In this case, all parts can be processed with high quality. Instructions:

  1. You can remove the old coating - paint or varnish - by hand. But it will be faster and more reliable to use a grinder. Careful surface treatment with coarse sandpaper will remove the protective and decorative layer and level out minor mechanical damage to the wood. You can also remove the paint coating using chemicals.
  2. Next you need to polish the surface using fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. You can putty deep dents and scratches using special means, or using sawdust, mixed with glue.
  4. After complete drying, the repaired area is sanded.
  5. If necessary, the box is strengthened.

The door structure is reassembled using glue. Additionally, the canvas can be reinforced with furniture hardware.

Painting the restored structure

The final stage of restoration will be the application of a new protective and decorative coating. The appearance of the restored door depends on how well it is made. The coating can be made with various stains or colored paint.

It is best to apply paint in several layers. This will prevent the formation of smudges. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. For getting good result The paintwork can be polished. This eliminates any uneven application. Before secondary coating, dust is removed from the surface and degreased.

How to restore varnished doors?

At home, preparing for the restoration of lacquered models is similar to preparing painted doors. But there are some peculiarities.

  1. Removing old varnish by sanding must be very thorough.

Tip: sanding is done strictly along the grain. Otherwise, the structure of the tree may be damaged. It will not be possible to hide scratches with varnish later.

  1. If structural elements have complex shape, there is a thread, then the best way to get rid of varnish is to use chemical removers. It is advisable to use products for a specific type of varnish.
  2. After removing the varnish layer, the surfaces are treated with a solvent.
  3. You can use the method of bleaching wood using special compounds.
  4. To give the details a tint, use a variety of stains.
  5. The final stage will be a new finish. The varnish must be applied in several layers.
  6. After the first layer has completely dried, it is thoroughly polished and then dust is removed from the surface.

If you plan to apply more than two layers of varnish, then polish each subsequent layer.

Varnishing is performed using several types of means:

  • matte or semi-matte varnish;
  • glossy;
  • wear-resistant.

The structure can be finished with simple varnish - it’s cheaper, but wear-resistant products will last much longer. Sometimes, instead of varnishing, further painting of parts is used.

Restoring a laminated door

Laminated interior doors are quite common. Their advantages:

  • low weight of the structure;
  • the coating looks beautiful;
  • has good resistance to mechanical stress;
  • ease of care.

But it makes sense to repair only minor damage to the coating. At home, you can restore items that have minor scratches, cracks, dents or chips.

To repair laminated structures, special colored wax intended for furniture is used. It comes in soft or hard type. It is matched to the tone of the doors. Instructions:

  • the softened material is rubbed into chips, scratches or dents;
  • the surface must be carefully smoothed before the wax hardens;
  • After drying, the treated areas are rubbed with felt and polish.

Hard wax is more resistant to mechanical stress. It must be warmed up before use. After application to the surface, the remaining wax is removed and the area is sanded.

Tip: rapid cooling of the applied material will ensure good adhesion to the surface of the part.

Restoration of veneer doors

The method of restoring the appearance of a veneered surface depends on the degree of damage to the elements:

  1. Shallow scratches that affected only the top layer of the finish can be removed using a retouching polish or repair varnish.
  2. Serious damage up to 2mm deep can be repaired using wax. The work is carried out similarly to the repair of laminated surfaces.
  3. Large chips or holes require the use of veneer patches. Cut out a piece of the required size. Then it is glued to the damaged area with glue. The gaps are treated with wax and rubbed.
  4. After eliminating damage to the veneer, the surface is varnished.
  5. Blisters on the veneer surface are corrected using a heated iron or by introducing glue into a bubble.

Restoration with MDF panels

MDF panels are often used for restoration metal doors. This is done from a simple material, or a moisture-resistant finish is used. Carved parts are covered with PVC film or eco-veneer.

Step-by-step instructions for installing MDF overlays:

  1. The canvas is cleaned of dust and dirt, then degreased.
  2. For a tighter fit of the panels, the structure can be painted or covered with vinyl film.
  3. Holes are drilled along the perimeter of the panel in 10 cm increments.
  4. The overlay is attached to the canvas using self-tapping screws.
  5. The hardware caps are hidden using special plugs that match the color of the panel.

How and what else can you update the doors with?

There are many ways to restore worn or damaged doors:

  • a simple option would be to wallpaper the parts;
  • Doors are given individuality using artistic painting, for example, using a stencil;
  • disguise minor damage, and at the same time update the structure with vinyl stickers - cheap and original;
  • overhead facades from various materials will be a good option overhaul canvases;
  • Replacing fittings or its decor will also help update interior doors.

The technology of work depends on the type of reconstruction chosen.


Wallpapering door parts is economical way restoration. But it is very effective. Photo compositions or thematic canvases look great. Instructions:

  • after cleaning the door elements from the old decorative finishing it is treated with a primer;
  • wallpaper is cut to fit the details of the canvas and casings;
  • glue is applied to the surface with a roller or brush;
  • The wallpaper is glued to the canvas and smoothed with a roller to remove air bubbles and glue residues.

This design will not last long, but this method is suitable for restoring inexpensive models.

Drawing from a stencil

A good option for updating the interior would be to decorate the doors with stencil painting. They make it themselves or buy it ready-made. A stencil with a pattern is applied to the previously prepared base. Finishing is done with colored paints.

Vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers will be an interesting way to decorate canvases and boxes made of wood or metal. They are convenient because they are self-adhesive. Drawings are pasted onto any design details; they are selected to match the specific style of the room.

Overlay facades

Often this finish is made from MDF panels. They are fixed to the door leaf or frame using glue or self-tapping screws. But restoration is also made from other materials.

Decor accessories

Hinges, locks or handles on doors are decorated using a variety of paints. Antique details are given more old look, applying special means For specific material. Before finishing, the fittings are removed from the structure. Old-style parts are often replaced with new elements.

Glass replacement

Damaged glass inserts in the structure can be easily replaced by any craftsman. But you can do this yourself. The glass is removed from the door, the perimeter of the insert is cleaned. Then a new canvas is cut to size. The insert is mounted in the opening and secured with a bead.

Replacing old hinges

How to update an old wooden interior door? Sometimes only old hinges that are worn out require replacement. Repair is not difficult:

  • unscrew fasteners and remove old fittings;
  • new hinges are fixed on the door leaf;
  • the structure is placed against the box so that the mounting points match;
  • First screw on the top loop, then the bottom.

How can you restore an interior door? There is a lot for this ready-made solutions. Using imagination, it is not difficult to decorate structures in an individual style.

Do-it-yourself door restoration allows you to update your interior without investment. Doors made from solid wood are especially easy to restore. In fact, there are many ways to update a door, returning it to its attractive appearance. Restoration of doors can be carried out efficiently with your own hands, but for this you need to properly carry out the preparatory work.

DIY restoration of old interior doors

With prolonged use, many defects appear on interior doors. The most common breakdowns include:

  • damage and falling off of platbands;
  • cracks;
  • fractures;
  • detachment;
  • mashing;
  • breakdown of fittings;
  • peeling off the panel;
  • broken glass;
  • creak.

The most difficult to correct is the curvature of the multilayer fabric. Such a defect often appears due to the material being saturated with water. In addition, a similar problem may arise as a result of technical irregularities during production. Doors made of fiberboard and MDF often suffer from such a defect. It is not always possible to restore a door made of these materials in the presence of severe deformation and delamination.

In some cases, it is much easier to make an effort and update interior doors than to change them. Restoration should be carried out if:

  • non-standard sizes;
  • there is a risk of damage to the wall cladding and the integrity of the opening;
  • there is an ornament and texture of the canvas;
  • there are no fatal defects.

You should not try to refresh the appearance of interior doors if their leaf or frame is severely cracked, dry, or the integrity of the structure has been compromised. If there are severe deformations and distortions of the elements, restoration is impossible. Doors made from such cheap materials as MFD, chipboard, etc. are difficult to restore. If delamination or swelling of the canvas occurs due to the influence of moisture, it will not be possible to eliminate such defects. Restoring veneer doors is especially problematic.

Preparing for recovery

Before proceeding directly to the restoration, you should prepare the tools and materials that may be required during the work. These include:

  • set of spatulas;
  • screwdrivers;
  • electric drill;
  • pliers;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • gas-burner;
  • chemical solvents;
  • electric grinder;
  • carpenter's knife;
  • chisel;
  • varnish or stain;
  • hammer and nails;
  • flute brush;
  • roller;
  • glazing beads;
  • primer;
  • wood paint;
  • putty;
  • antiseptic impregnation.

Kit necessary tools depends on the nature of the existing defects. To renew a wooden door, it is often necessary to carry out more work than planned because many defects cannot be hidden with paint. For improvement decorative characteristics You can use vinyl stickers, photo wallpapers, stencils, overhead facades and other materials.

We remove the canvas from the hinges, free it from the handle and awnings

To facilitate restoration work, it is advisable to remove the canvas from its hinges and place it on a flat horizontal surface. Removing the canvas is not difficult, but it is advisable to use the help of another person who can support the canvas if necessary. If the hinges are not painted, you can remove the retaining pins from them.

However, if the hinges have been painted many times or are designed in such a way that the retaining pins cannot be removed, another method may be used. First, the paint is removed from the loops where they are attached to the luda. After this, to remove the canvas, you should open and unscrew all the screws securing the hinges.

The removed canvas must be placed on a flat surface and the places where the handles are attached with self-tapping screws must be freed from paint. They need to be unscrewed. If the hinges and handles that have already been unscrewed are not removed after removing the screws, the problem may be due to adhered paint. In this case, you can use a chisel and a hammer.

Disassembling a paneled door leaf

Most types of doors have a paneled structure, that is, their leaf includes frames, crossbars, inserts of shaped elements or glass. Such inserts complicate the repair process. To improve old interior doors of this type, you often have to completely disassemble them.

First you need to inspect the canvas and identify the location of the tongues connecting the individual elements. In most cases, they are located at the corners of the jumpers. After this, the tongues should be drilled out with a drill. To separate structural elements, it is better to use a wooden mallet. After this, restoration work is carried out individual elements. In some cases, you can do without parsing.

Restoring the geometry of the canvas and strengthening it

When the question arises of how to restore an old door, you need to pay attention to the preservation of its correct geometric parameters, since wood can swell during operation due to exposure to moisture. Poor closure may indicate such a problem. It is almost impossible to repair an MDF door that has been subjected to similar impacts. However, if the canvas is made of solid wood, it must be carefully planed from the ends.

Ways to remove old paint

To update wooden interior doors coated with varnish or paint, the decorative coating must be removed. Solvents are often used to remove old paint. A product such as B52 gives a good effect. Work must be carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, since the vapors of such chemicals are extremely toxic and can cause poisoning.

The process of removing old paint using solvents takes some time. To remove the coating Chemical substance applied to a small area. After the paint has softened, scrape it off with a metal spatula.

Before updating old doors with your own hands, you can use thermal treatment to remove the paintwork. Most often, a gas burner or a hair dryer is used for this purpose. Under the influence high temperatures the paint comes away from the wood and can later be easily removed with a spatula or scraper.

This method of removing layers of paint has its drawbacks. Often the decorative material peels off unevenly, so additional thorough cleaning of the surface with sandpaper of varying degrees of abrasiveness is required.

In the presence of grinder it's best to use it. To carry out work on removing the old coating, it is best to take the canvas outside, since during this work there will be a lot of dust. Be sure to wear a protective mask and goggles.

If there are many layers of paint on the door, you should stock up on spare ones in advance. grinding wheels, because they quickly become cramped and clogged with dust. Bend areas and corners must be cleaned with a chisel and sanded. Using this method of cleaning wood, you can quickly achieve the desired result. After removing the protective paint layer, you need to sand the surface.

Glass replacement

Glass is replaced not only if it is damaged, but also when you want to update old interior doors. This stage of restoration has its own characteristics. It is easier to replace glass if they are fixed with glazing beads. They can be picked up with a spatula.

After this, you need to remove the nails with pliers. After removing the glass, you need to clean the bed with a knife and spatula. After this, measurements are taken. The glass should be 0.3 mm smaller than the frame. If desired, you can use an acrylic unbreakable mirror. You can insert both frosted and transparent glass. The opening must be treated with sealant. After this, the glass is inserted. It is fixed with glazing beads. Thin nails are used for fastening.

Door putty

The final stage of preparing the door for decoration is its putty. It allows you to eliminate existing irregularities and defects. To eliminate chips and cracks that often plague old wooden doors, you need to apply it to a spatula. a small amount of diluted wood putty, apply to the surface and leave to dry. If there are deep defects, you can repair them with a mixture of sawdust and wood glue.

It is advisable to fill large cracks with wood chips selected to size and treated with wood glue. This method of eliminating chips and cracks is difficult to perform, so it should not be used if you lack the skills. You need to let the putty and wood glue dry. The finished surface is carefully sanded with sandpaper. After this, you need to apply a primer and let it dry.

Designer decoration of old doors

There are many ways to update doors without changing them, allowing you to make its surface original. When decorating doors you can use different materials and improvised means. Door design is especially important for people who want to personalize the interior of their home.

Decorating a door with fabrics

Updating doors with fabric allows you to completely change its appearance. When decorating, you can use both plain pieces of fabric and small flaps that vary color scheme. It is better to glue the fabric using Bustilat mastic. The composition should be applied to a piece of fabric and then glued to the surface. After this, it must be carefully leveled with a spatula. Additionally, you can glue sparkles, cords or baguette frames.

Decorating doors using decoupage technique

The decoupage technique can also be used to decorate doors. During the work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • acrylic lacquer;
  • napkins with a pattern;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush with natural bristles.

The canvas must first be coated with a primer and painted desired color. The napkins should be layered, separating the top layer with the pattern. After this, you need to tear it lengthwise into 3 parts. After this, they need to be glued to the surface of the PVA door. Gradually, the entire surface to be decorated is filled with napkins. After about a day, the drawing is opened with acrylic varnish.

Decorating a door with self-adhesive film

TO simple methods door renovation is the use of self-adhesive film. During the work you will need following materials and tools:

  • sharp knife;
  • film;
  • spray bottle with soapy water;
  • soft cloth.

Fix self-adhesive film Only on a clean, flat surface. After this, you need to spray the surface with water using a spray bottle. The protective layer should be removed from one corner of the film and glued. After this, gradually removing the protective part, you need to glue it across the entire width. In this case it is necessary to carry out soft cloth on the surface to expel air from under the film. When the top is glued, you need to gradually remove the protective shell and move down. Thus, you need to slowly tape the door with film to the very bottom.

Children's drawings, art painting

You can effectively decorate the door with children's drawings. If there are children in the house, you can ask them to draw pictures of any theme on the door leaf acrylic paints. After this, the surface is opened with a water-based varnish. In addition, you can independently paint the surface with drawings of any complexity.


There is a special laminate plastic available for lamination. It is glued to the base using a cold method. The only drawback This method is due to the high cost of the laminate.

Wallpaper with moldings, photo wallpaper

Often, to update interior doors, wallpaper with moldings and photo wallpapers are used, which, thanks to available technologies, special paper Three-dimensional images can be applied. It is not difficult to cover a simple canvas with photo wallpaper. First you need to apply glue to the canvas. After this, the photo wallpaper begins to stick from top to bottom. Bubbles must be removed with a rubber roller. The edges are trimmed with a wallpaper knife. You need to wait for the wallpaper to dry.

Painting, varnishing and staining

Often, when a door is being restored, preference is given to varnishes and paints. Before starting painting, it is necessary to seal the existing glass inserts with masking tape. It is better to use paint specifically designed for wood. It can be applied either with a spray gun or with a brush, making movements along the wood fibers. The painting process is carried out in 2 stages. First, a basic white coat of paint is applied. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no leaks. The second layer is a tinting layer, so it can be any color.

If during the preparation process it was not necessary to seal large cracks, which entails the appearance of visible defects, you can use transparent varnishes, which will highlight the color and structure of the wood pattern. Before painting, the wood should be treated with stain. To renew old wooden doors with your own hands, the varnish can be applied either with a brush or with a spray gun. There should be no leaks. Often it is necessary to apply several layers of varnish. The stain is applied in a similar way.

Stencil painting

Using stencils, you can achieve good decorative effect. First you need to paint the canvas in the desired color. After the base layer has dried, pre-prepared stencils of designs are attached to the surface. After this, the empty areas in the stencils are painted over. You need to make sure that the paint does not spread. Stencils can be removed after the paint has dried.

Veneering, door stickers

If desired, you can carry out veneering yourself with a special film. It is best to work together. First, the film should be fixed on the surface and then ironed with a hot iron. Water will adhere tightly to the surface under the influence of heat. When attaching the film, you need to make sure that there are no bubbles under it. There are special door stickers on sale that can be fixed using both hot and cold methods.
