Ready-made environmental projects. Environmental and social projects

Ecological project

Children age 6 years

Number of children – 10

Compiled by:

Lopaeva Tatyana Yurievna

Teacher 1 to k.

Lobva village


Ecological project «

Lopaeva T.Yu.teacher, 1KK


1. Relevance of the project

2.Goals and objectives

3.Implementation stages

4.Expected results

5. Application


Project type:

By content: child and nature conservation

Project participants: children - teachers - parents

By number of participants: collective




1.Relevance of the problem

Every day, during a walk, preschoolers take part in cleaning the territory of their site and every time they have questions: where does so much garbage come from? Where is the garbage taken? etc. To answer these childish questions and try to solve the “garbage problem”, we have developedproject “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

2. Project goal:

Project objectives:

3. Project implementation stages

Stage 1 – preparatory

2. Drawing up a long-term plan for the project“We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”on the formation of environmental education;

Stage 2 - organizational

5. 6.

educational reading;

publication of an environmental newspaper;

Stage 4 – final

4. Expected results


Annex 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

Appendix 2.

« We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage



Excursions along the streets of the village. Familiarization with the properties of paper. Experimental activity “Making new paper»

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Parents, children, parents

Teacher, children

Teacher, children, parents

Teacher, children

Teacher, children

Teacher, children


Teacher, children


« New life unnecessary things"

Teacher, children, parents


Teacher, children


Teacher, children, parents

Appendix 3.




Balloon experience


Subject: « »


9. Games.

1. "What did I see?"

2. "Tell me about the subject"

3. “What’s extra?”

4. "Guess the material"

5. "Good bad"

6. "Find Friends"

7 . "Vice versa"

8. "What from what"

Equipment. Ball.

‹ ›

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Municipal budget preschool educational institution Novolyalinsky urban district "Kindergarten No. 15 "Beryozka"

Ecological project

Topic: “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

Children age 6 years

Number of children – 10

Compiled by:

Lopaeva Tatyana Yurievna

Teacher 1 to k.

Lobva village


Environmental project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

Lopaeva T.Yu.teacher, 1KK


1. Relevance of the project

2.Goals and objectives

3.Implementation stages

4.Expected results

5. Application


Project type: information and research

Project participants:children - teachers - parents

By number of participants: collective

By duration of the project: short

Problem: nature conservation, an attempt to solve the “garbage problem”

Hypothesis: If household waste is sorted into groups, then each of them can be recycled for reuse without harm to the environment. Or maybe garbage can be given a “second life”?

1.Relevance of the problem

Preschool age is an important stage in the development of an individual’s ecological culture. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and environmental positions of the individual are formed.

The ecological and social situation of today confronts specialists with preschool education search problem universal remedies environmental education in modern conditions. One of these means, in our opinion, may be an environmental project, one of the few technologies that takes the teacher beyond the walls kindergarten V the world and social reality.

Every day, during a walk, preschoolers take part in cleaning the territory of their site and every time they have questions: where does so much garbage come from? Where is the garbage taken? etc. To answer these childish questions and try to solve the “garbage problem,” we developed the project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

2. Project goal:

to develop children's knowledge about various different types nature protection activities. (In the process of deepening and expanding children’s knowledge about household waste and their properties, to form an environmental culture and respect for nature)

Project objectives:

Give children an idea of ​​the types of household waste and their properties.

To give children an idea of ​​the dangers of household waste in human life and living organisms.

To clarify children’s ideas about the main sources of land, water, air pollution, its consequences, and measures to prevent pollution.

Find ways to use recycled waste material resources.

Develop an environmental culture.

The motto of the “Young Nature Defenders” team:

“The village is our home, don’t litter in it!”

3. Project implementation stages

Stage 1 – preparatory

Objective of the stage: analysis of the situation; determination of its main goals: the formation of environmental consciousness, ecological culture, kindness and mercy as the basic qualities of a person.

1. Collection of literary sources, studying the experience of other educational institutions, drawing up a theoretical concept;

2. Drawing up a long-term activity plan for the project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!” on the formation of environmental education;

3. Systematization and design didactic materials in accordance with the project plan;

Stage 2 - organizational

Stage task: creation ecological environment in a group, involving parents in the upcoming creative work in an innovative mode;

1. Conduct a block of environmentally oriented children’s activities to study the properties and qualities of materials: glass, plastic, metal, paper, rubber.

2. Introduce children to the problem of environmental pollution from household waste;

3. Develop skills in environmentally literate behavior of the younger generation. 4.Create a presentation: “The Complaint Book of Nature”; 5. Develop a consultation and newspaper for parents “Touch nature with your heart”; 6. Preparing parents for work;

Stage 3 – practical activities

Objectives of the stage: the formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas of children and parents, as well as the beginning of the foundations of environmental education through the following forms of activity:

parent survey (Appendix 1)

observations and ecological excursions along the streets of the village, near the kindergarten;

presentation, slide show;

educational reading;

children's activity “New life for unnecessary things”

laboratory (experiments and experiments);

publication of an environmental newspaper;

theme day “Magical Ecology of the Soul”;

Ecological, mobile, didactic games; holding the exhibition “Miracles for people from unnecessary things”

Stage 4 – final

Objectives of the stage: generalization of experience and determination of the result of practical activities of teachers - round table"Our results."

4. Expected results

Direct participation of parents and children in organizing various environmental events

Increasing the level of knowledge among parents and children about the ecology of their hometown, region, and nature conservation

Landscaping and decoration of a kindergarten site using “household waste”

Creation of wall newspapers, leaflets and photo albums during the project

Creation of the “Native Nature” card index

Involving parents to participate as much as possible in the environmental education of children

Awareness by children and adults of the importance of nature conservation, environmentally appropriate behavior in the environment, and not littering it.


Annex 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

1. What waste accumulates the most in your family per week?

2. Do you sort waste for recycling?

3. How do you dispose of waste (incineration, trash cans, etc.)

4. do you use waste material for crafts with children and designing your yard?

5. Do you know why household waste is dangerous?

6. Do you talk to children about the dangers of household waste?

7. How do you deal with waste from various nature walks?

8. Do you use environmental literature in your family?

9. Do you involve your children in cleaning the area around your home?

10. Do you teach your children to pick up trash after themselves?

11. What information would you like to know about household waste?

12. Are you satisfied with the organization of household waste disposal in our village?

Your suggestions for waste disposal in our village.

Appendix 2.

Long-term project implementation plan« We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbageExcursions along the streets of the village. 1. Familiarization with the properties of paper. Experimental activity “Making new paper” 2. Conversation "Help nature." Familiarize children with the properties of plastic.Teacher, children 3. Green patrol "Clean area of ​​the kindergarten." Familiarize children with the properties of metal objects.Teacher, children 4. Screening of the presentation “Nature’s Complaint Book”. Introducing children to the properties of rubber.Teacher, children 5. Thematic day “Magical Ecology of the Soul”. Eenvironmental campaign “My Clean Yard”. Photo newspaper “This shouldn’t happen!”Parents, children, parents 6. Introducing children to the properties of glass. Didactic games.Teacher, children 7. Experimental activity “Let's sort the garbage”, “Garbage in the ground”, “How the wind carries garbage”.Teacher, children, parents 8. GCD “Garbage – is it good or bad?”Teacher, children 9. Publication of an environmental newspaper for parents “Touch Nature with Your Heart”Teacher, children 10 NOD “It’s better to litter now, get out of the habit, kids!” Making environmental signs by children.Teacher, children 11. Rules of behavior in nature. Release of the poster “Take care of nature!”Teacher, children 12. "New life for unnecessary things"- work in a creative workshop, making crafts from waste materialsTeacher, children, parents 13. Nature excursion to the Shkolnik springTeacher, children 14. Opening of the exhibition “Miracles for people from unnecessary things.” Ecological quiz “Nature around us” based on the knowledge gained from children and parents.Teacher, children, parents

Appendix 3.

1. Thematic games and observations.

Observation. For several days, point out to your children that we throw out trash every day. Where does he go? Do children throw anything out of apartment buildings? What do their parents do with the garbage? How do you deal with waste in kindergarten? Is it possible to see trash in the vicinity of the kindergarten? Where does it come from? Are there trash cans and trash cans near the garden?

While walking along an ecological trail or excursion, check if there is any garbage there. In what places is it most abundant and why? Draw the children's attention to how beautiful uncluttered areas are and how unpleasant it is to visit places where people have not cleaned up after themselves.

2. Familiarization with the properties of paper.

Goal: to experimentally establish the properties and quality of paper. Introduce children to types of paper.

Consideration of different types of paper and its purpose (cardboard, tracing paper, corrugated, writing, wrapping, newspaper, for drawing);

Study of the properties and qualities of paper (thin, thick, smooth, rough, opaque, translucent (tracing paper); wrinkles, tears, gets wet, bends, burns);

D/i “Getting into character” (I am paper – a child’s description of the type of paper and its purpose).Experience. "Making new paper."

1. Children tear the paper into small pieces and put it in a bowl of water.Cover the basin with oilcloth. Let the paper soak.

2. On the second day, beat the paper pulp with a mixer, add white or colored paint to it, a little wallpaper glue and strain the resulting mixture through metal mesh with small cells.

3. The water will drain and spread the remaining paper mass evenly on a cloth napkin. Cover it with another napkin and place something heavy on top.

4. After two or three days the paper will dry. Iron it with an iron and we will draw on it.

3. “Introduction to the properties of plastics”

Target: Introduce children to plastics. Teach children to draw conclusions.

D/i “How are these objects similar” (all objects are made of plastic);

Examination of objects different shapes, color, size made of plastic (conclusion - plastic is light, various objects can be cast from it);

Experimental and practical activity: plastic is light, does not sink in water, bends. Not transparent, smooth and rough, thin and thick, has thermal conductivity - in the cold it cools, in the heat it heats up and melts;

D/i “Tell about the object” (description of a plastic object).

4. “Introduction to the properties of metal objects”

Target: Introduce objects from different metals and the properties of metal objects of different types of metals (ferrous metal, aluminum, copper, non-ferrous metal - foil).

Examination of metal objects;

An adult's story about different types of metal;

Experimental and practical activities:

metal - durable, heavy, shiny, smooth, sinks (regardless of size), attracted by a magnet;

5. “Introduction to the properties of rubber”

Target: Introduce the properties of rubber.

D/i “What is the object made of” (classification by material);

Inspection of objects made of rubber (elastic, smooth, cold, cut, thin and thick (tires);

Balloon experience

Does not allow air and water to pass through, does not sink in water, and is pierced.

D/i “Find rubber toys.”

6. “Introduction to the properties of glass”

Target: introduce children to the properties of glass:

transparent, smooth, cold, fragile, ringing, thick, thin, waterproof.

Experimentally and practically study the properties of glass:

Introduce the history of glass creation.

Consider glass products;

Find glass objects in Group;

Experimentally study the properties of glass.

Tactile examinations (cold, smooth, rough, thin, thick, ridged).

Experimental activity (waterproof, glass makes sound, fragile.)

Children's discussion on the topic: “What can be made from waste glass products”

7. Conducting a long experiment: “Garbage in the ground.”

Bury objects made of glass, plastic, rubber, paper, metal, as well as food waste(potato peeling, orange peeling), leaves and small branches. Mark the burial site.

After a certain period of time, check the condition of the materials. Note the result of exposure to sun, rain, soil.

Record your observations with your children. At the end of the experiment, draw a conclusion about what material and waste has decomposed in the soil and what people need to do with solid waste to protect the environment.

8. Direct educational activities

Subject: " It's better to litter now, get out of the habit, kids!»

Target: To develop skills in environmental education of children.

The teacher's story about the rules of behavior in nature. Familiarization with environmental protection signs (you cannot throw garbage into the river, in the forest; pollute the soil; throw garbage in undesignated places). Summarize the experiment and observations of food waste.

Making environmental signs by children. In the future, if possible, place them near a river, pond, kindergarten (on an excursion);

Establishing a rule: sort group waste (two trash bins: one to collect scrap toys, the other to collect paper scraps that need to be disposed of in compost pits).

9. Games.

1. “What did I see?”

Purpose: to train children in recognizing objects made from different materials; develop memory, attention, observation.

Move. The teacher offers to play a game and asks the question: “What metal (fabric, plastic, glass) did you see on the way to kindergarten?” The one who names the most items wins.

2."Tell me about the subject"

Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​the materials from which objects are made.

Equipment: a cube with images of types of materials on the sides.

Move. Each child throws a cube and catches it; what material falls out, he talks about it. The remaining players control the correct determination of the properties and quality of the material.

3. “What’s extra?”

Goal: teach to isolate general signs items; consolidate knowledge about types of materials; develop mindfulness.

Equipment: cards with images of four objects, three of which are made from one material, and one from another.

Move. The teacher distributes several cards. Children take turns identifying the extra object, the material of which does not correspond to the material of the other three, and explaining why.

Complication. After the child has identified the extra object, ask the question: “What will happen if the vase is made of fabric?” and so on.

4."Guess the material"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials and their names.

Move. Dunno comes to visit, he forgot the name of the materials, but only knows their properties. He asks for help. For example, this material is easily wrinkled, torn, and soaked in water. What is it called?

5. “Good and bad”

Goal: to activate the ability to determine the properties and quality of materials, to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the characteristics of the material and its purpose.

Move. The teacher names the material, the children identify its positive and negative features.

6. "Find Friends"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select objects from a given material.

Move. The teacher names the object, and the children draw objects made from the same material.

7. "Vice versa"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials, expand the child’s vocabulary.

Move. Children stand in a circle. The teacher names the material and one property or quality. The child responds by naming another material and its opposite property (plastic is opaque, glass is transparent).

8. “What from what”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the materials from which objects are made.

Equipment. Ball.

Move. Children stand in a circle, the teacher stands in a circle, throws the ball to the child and says: “glass,” the child catches the ball and answers, “glass.”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution

"Elabuga Polytechnic College"

"Ecological culture"

Elabuga, 2015

Table of contents:

Introduction ……………………………………………………………2

Main part ………………………………………………..…..3

Constitution of the Russian Federation on environmental protection……..……….….4

Environmental education……………………………….….…….4

Theoretical knowledge on ecological culture…………...….5

Main components of ecological culture………….…….6

Practical aspects of environmental culture…………….…..7

Ways to form an environmental culture in an educational institution:

A) Questionnaire …………………………………………….……9

B) Campaign “Feed the birds” ………………………………….…10

B) Action “Protection of Spruce” …………………………………………....11

D) Promotion “ Let's clean up the city "………………………………………eleven

D) Essay competition …………………………………………….11

E) Drawing competition ……………………………………………...12

G) Competition of own poems ………...13

H) Booklet competition ……………………………………………..13

I) Excursion ……………………………………………………..19

Fragments of the research work:

A) State definition atmospheric air ………......14

B) Determining water hardness at home ……..17

Conclusion ……………………………………………………….......20

Conclusion ………………………………………………….....20

Practical significance of the work carried out………….……20




Recently, humans have begun to have a significant impact on the environment. Industrial development, an increase in the number of cars and deforestation lead to increased consumption of non-renewable or slowly renewable resources, pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and the development of the greenhouse effect. If people do not now begin to take care of nature, they will destroy not only it, but also themselves. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cultivate a person’s ecological culture from an early age.


    Expanding and enriching knowledge that contributes to the development of students’ environmental culture;

    Development of various forms of organizing environmental education, education and enlightenment of the younger generation;

    Creating conditions for the formation of an ecological culture, the main feature of which is a responsible attitude towards nature.


    To cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, curiosity, kindness, observation of living nature;

    Promote students' desire to help and protect nature;

    To provide systematic knowledge about the world around us, to teach how to apply knowledge in practice.

Methods and techniques:


    collection of information;

    work with literature;

    processing of collected information;


    elements of research work.


Our task is to raise a caring, decent, emotional person who loves the place (regardless of his location) where he was born, not forgetting to love all living things; to treat the world around us tenderly and carefully, to develop the ecological culture of our students.

Forms of work:

Conversation with both students and their parents at parent-teacher meetings on the formation of environmental culture and environmental education;

Conducting a survey of students on the subject of their environmental culture;

Making booklets and feeders;

Opening of a canteen on the Maidan "Bird's Paradise"

Conducting competitions;

Carrying out promotions

Main part.

Human well-being depends on his properly constructed relationships with nature. And caring for nature should become the norm of human behavior. Therefore, the goal of my work on environmental education, environmental culture: the use of effective forms and methods of teaching to develop in students knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to active actions on environmental protection, formation of environmental culture.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 42) stipulates:

everyone has the right to:

    favorable environment;

    reliable information about her condition;

    for compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental violation.

The state must bear full responsibility for the condition and safety of the country's natural resources and habitat.


The state has not yet fulfilled this task.

The state of the environment in Russia is characterized as an ecological crisis!

The main directions of work on the formation of environmental culture:

Theoretical knowledge;

Practical knowledge;

An experiment as a fragment of research work.

Environmental education.

Solution of environmental and social problems society is possible under the condition of a new type of ecological culture. “It is in our days that the entire system of education and upbringing needs to be greened. The goal of this transformation is the penetration of modern environmental ideas and values ​​into all spheres of society. Only through greening the entire public life it is possible to save humanity from an environmental catastrophe (N.M. Mamedov)"

In progress research activities Students' character is strengthened and formed, and a sense of mutual assistance and collectivism develops. Research activities based on computer technology help to diversify educational activities and increase the motivation of students to independently study the subject.

Theoretical knowledge of ecological culture.

Ecological culture is a system of knowledge, skills, values, human orientation in the field of science, art, as well as active activities to preserve and improve the environment.

This is the result pedagogical process, the purpose of which is to develop in students a conscious attitude towards interaction with nature, a set of environmental values ​​​​about the essence of interaction with nature, skills and practical skills for reasonable environmental management.

A thorough study of environmental problems shows that people should not only protect nature, but use it wisely. Man protects and preserves nature for himself, but also protects it from himself.

Hence it is clear that the cause of environmental crises lies not in nature itself, but in consciousness, behavior, and human activity.

Therefore, at present, when forming an environmental culture, it is important to include the following aspects:

environmental ethics is the doctrine of the moral relations between nature and man, which is based on the acceptance of nature as a partner, the equality of all living things and the limitation of human needs and rights.

The task of environmental ethics: the destruction of consumer attitudes towards nature, based on the position that man is the master of nature. The rights of nature are a form of a fair relationship between humans and nature. Man must protect and recognize the rights of nature. Basic principles of environmental ethics that must be observed:

Do no harm;

Respect for the rights of nature;

Compensation for damage;

Not interference.

Moral philosophy is a field of thought whose subject is not only morality, and its theory - ethics as a very distant subject, but also normative and descriptive ethics or morality.

Ecological imperative (“the limit of permissible human activity, which he has no right to cross under any circumstances”).

Ecological culture is a set of requirements and norms that apply to environmental activities and a person’s readiness to follow these requirements and norms.

The structure of culture consists of the unity of culture, attitude towards nature, culture, attitude towards society and other people. Only if these three components are observed, it is possible to talk about an ecological culture, which indicates the interaction of a person with the environment.

Ecological culture is a system of knowledge, skills, values, human orientations in the field of science, art, as well as active activities to preserve and improve the environment.

This is the result of a pedagogical process aimed at developing in the student a conscious attitude towards interaction with nature, the totality of interaction with nature, the ability and practical skills of rational use of natural resources.

The main components of an individual’s ecological culture are:

Human knowledge about nature, its interrelations, ways of preserving and assisting the natural environment; - interest in nature, in living and non-living components, in the problem of its protection;

Moral and aesthetic feelings;

Positive, varied activities aimed at preserving and enhancing nature, decent behavior in the human environment;

Motives that determine the actions of children in nature (cognitive, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, etc.)

Humanity is inextricably linked with nature. Now the issues of its interaction with humans have grown into a global environmental crisis, which includes:

Biosphere pollution;

Changes in the physical, chemical, biological qualities of our planet;

Changing ecosystems and deteriorating human health.

If people do not now begin to take care of nature, they will destroy not only it, but also themselves. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cultivate a person’s ecological culture from an early age, starting in kindergarten, school, and later in other educational institutions.

Practical aspects of ecological culture.

The interaction between culture and nature is carried out by humans. The way a person was raised will be his attitude towards nature.

If from an early age a feeling of kindness and tenderness is instilled in a child; love reigns in the house, according to the principle “Love your neighbor as yourself,” warmth of relationships, mutual understanding, the ability to understand each other even in the most difficult and contradictory situations, then in such families children grow up who are sensitive and attentive not only towards each other, but also in relation to the nature around us.

And the teacher’s task is to develop these positive character traits and direct them in the right direction. Such a student, with the support of a teacher, will not be indifferent, indifferent, careless, will not be able to pass by someone else’s pain, past a person who needs protection and support; which will always stop a person breaking a branch of a recently planted tree, although it may be much weaker in strength.

It is easier to work with such students and it is easier to teach them decency and nobility in relation to nature.

But we must call things by their proper names; such situations happen much less frequently. Most often, families are dominated by dissatisfaction with each other, anger, snobbery, mistrust, lies, envy, and sometimes even hatred. And the baby, being brought up in such a family, absorbs these same qualities and vices. When he comes to our educational institution, years later, he will fall into the category of “difficult teenagers” and we, teachers, are very happy painstaking work, in order to “pick up the key” to such a student, to give him confidence in himself, involving him in various activities, including environmental ones.

The reality around us - nature - is alive. She immediately responds to our introduction. How we treat her is how she responds to us.

Therefore, I want to say loudly: “People stop! Change your attitude towards each other! Stop being acquisitive and greedy, and it’s better to try to help someone completely disinterestedly, just like that, from the bottom of your heart. Go out into nature regularly, take care of the clearing where you are relaxing, don’t forget to pick up trash after yourself, put out the fire, listen to the birds singing, and not turn on the music at the highest volume; because in the forest, on the lawn, there is a life of its own, and taking into account our smaller brothers is our duty, our direct responsibility!”

And her “Majesty Nature,” seeing our caring attitude towards her, will stop presenting us with various environmental disasters. How I want to believe in it! Hope always dies last!

At Elabuga Polytechnic College, the attitude towards environmental education is serious: students try to take part in all environmental activities, showing interest in ecology

The dissemination of theoretical environmental knowledge in college is associated primarily with the study of the subject “Ecological Fundamentals of Environmental Management”, both in class and outside class time, with the compilation and solving of puzzles and crosswords.

The dissemination of practical environmental knowledge is confirmed by the regular holding of subject weeks, which include promotions and competitions.

In order to find out the attitude towards ecology and cleanliness of the city, check the presence of environmental culture among students. Our college students were divided into groups: some made up questions on a questionnaire, resulting in 20 questions; and others - there were 240 of them - were asked to take part in the survey, only on one condition: that they answer honestly.

A) Questionnaire. (Annex 1)

Answer options: “yes”, “no”.

1. Do you throw trash in the trash?

2. Do you participate in garbage collection voluntarily?

3. Do you consider Yelabuga a clean city?

4. Will you throw a bottle that is lying in the middle of the road/sidewalk into the trash bin?

5. Do you think that throwing trash from windows is uncivilized?

6. Do you think that plastic bottles harm the environment?

7. Have you ever left the territory? educational institution for garbage collection?

8. Do you rarely use your car?

9. Would you give up cars and switch to a bicycle?

10. Do you think it is necessary to have sorting bins?
(glass, flammable substances, plastic)?

11. Do you check exhaust gases during inspection?

12. Do you think that car exhaust gases harm people and the environment?

13. Do you think that factories should be located away from cities?

14. Do you plant trees?

15. Do you grow plants at home?

16. Do you walk in the park?

17. Should we increase the number of parks and trees?

18. Are you involved in environmental movements?

19. Do you litter on public transport?

20. Do the reagents work well?

Based on the results of the survey, it is clear that the issue of environmental culture is not at the proper level for everyone and work needs to be done on its development.

“God gave us birds so that we could see every day what beauty is. But we rarely look at the sky and forget about beauty and freedom" (Confucius)

B) “Feed the Birds” campaign.(Appendix 2)

Caring for “our little brothers” leaves no one indifferent

Making feeders with your own hands and hanging them (competition)

Constant feeding of birds, bird canteen - “Bird Paradise”.

Distribution of leaflets in microdistricts 4 and 12

Conversation with children from kindergarten

Making drawings (competition)

Book exhibition

B) Action “Protection of Spruce”

In it, students make models of badges that they want to live. Kornilova Natalya 021 “Product technology Catering"shows his personal attitude:

« Have pity on the Christmas trees, let them grow,

After all, they are beauties, they give us air!

The ax rose above her to cut her down,

Think about the fact that she also wants to live! "(Appendix 3)

D) Action “Let’s clean up the city”

It is very difficult to get people to do anything. If they sometimes cannot clean up their yard, what can we say about others. But it is important to convince, try, look for solutions: on your own by example constantly take part in community cleanups under the motto: “It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter!” (Appendix 4)

D) Essay competition.

In an essay competition on the topic “Take care of nature,” students express their position in relation to nature and their native land.

Excerpts from the essay (Iplace) Balobanova Olga. 481, specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”

“...One day, in despair, wandering along the street of my native village, I, tired of the sun, decided to go into a small forest, which is located three hundred meters from me. There, in addition to birches, other trees, and various shrubs, herbs and flowers grow. I felt like I was in this small forest happy man. She lay down on the grass, hugged her, pressed herself to the ground and did not feel how she fell asleep.

I was awakened by the chirping of restless sparrows, who also hid from the heat in this amazing corner of nature. I turned my face up and there, high behind the treetops, a small piece of the sky was looking at me. I lay there for a long time, wonderful thoughts about my recent acquaintance with interesting person. I didn’t want to leave so much; light clouds were looking at me from the sky, and it seemed to me that they were smiling and calling me to follow them. And I thought how much charm the forest has, how gentle and welcoming it is!”

Excerpts from the essay (IIplace).

Fatykhova Guzel491, specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology”

« … Forest is one of the most important ecosystems that makes our lives better, because forests are the lungs of the planet.

Nowadays, little attention is paid to forests, although parks and protected areas are being created. A very large part of the forest is being cut down, a large number of trees are being destroyed due to fires. All this happens due to the negligence of people. People don't value what they have, only after losing it will they begin to value it; appreciate nature as it is..."

E) Our students take part in a drawing competition, where they show their attitude to nature.

Drawing competitions - Alexander Volkov, 291, specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” - ( I place) (Appendix 5)

G) Making booklets reminds us of behavior in nature.

Booklet competition.

Booklet competition - Mikhail Kreshchenov. 481 “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” ( I place) (Appendix 6)

H) Self-composed poetry competition

The competition of poems of one's own composition leaves no one indifferent and makes one think about the meaning of existence. The winner of this competition was Anastasia Ilyasova - she writes sensually and soulfully.

Author: Ermakov Pavel Alexandrovich. –051a, specialty “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles” (Iplace)

Take care of nature guys,

Take care of forests and fields,

Take care of spring water

After all, this is sacred land.

Let's save all the lakes, trees,

So that they may be eternal

To make it like last time

The trees did not stand alone.

Blue and clear sky

To always be above them, -

Take care of nature guys

After all, there is only one nature.

People trample and spoil nature,

They set fire to and cut down forests,

Let's create a protected area

Our land will be preserved.

To develop skills in research activities, develop logical literacy, and cognitive abilities of students, certain work is carried out.

Research plan:

    Preliminary stage: Determining what needs to be known about the environmental problem being studied. Identifying local environmental issues.

    Determining the purpose of the research and ways to solve it.

    Research stage: studying the state of the environment or a proposed problem in practice, conducting field research, surveys, working with additional literature. Then planning an experiment based on theoretical knowledge and practical skills and conducting an experiment.

    Analysis of work and dissemination of experience results.

Studying the state of atmospheric air in the area of ​​the college, Lenin Square, and the Elaza clinic.

Purpose of the study:

Improving the research activities of the younger generation aimed at studying nature native land and assessment of its environmental condition;

Study of an area with more favorable environmental indicators.

Research objectives:

Study articles and literature on the topic under study;

Study the state of atmospheric air in various areas and the adverse effects on human health;

Analyze where the air is cleaner and why.

Research methods:


Study of literature;


Subject of study


Completing of the work

    We chose 3 places in the city to carry out measurements (college area; Lenin Square; clinic area)

    We counted the number of vehicles, dividing them into 4 main types (“cars”, “gazelles”, “buses”, “trucks”), on a section 60 meters long, in 20 minutes. (N)

    We calculated the number of vehicles of each type in 1 hour. (N 1 =N*(60/ t))

    We calculated the distance traveled in 1 hour by each type.(L=S*N 1 )

    We calculated the volume of fuel burned on this selected section of the route.(Q=L*V)

V –specific consumption fuel:

Cars: 0.12 l/km

Gazelle: 0.17 l/km

Bus: 0.42 l/km

Freight: 0.33 l/km

    The volume of exhaust gases was calculated. (per 1 liter of fuel produces approximately 16 liters of exhaust)

    We calculated the amount of harmful substances emitted by vehicles based on the data obtained on the volume of exhaust and based on Table 1.

    We entered all the calculation results into tables, separately for each region.

Calculation example .

College area.

Cars:N = 76

Time:t= 20 min.

Section length:S= 60 m.

Transport per hour:N 1 = N*(60/ t)

N 1 = 76*(60/20)= 228

Distance covered in 1 hour:L= S* N 1

L= 60*228=13680 m = 13.68 km.

Volume of fuel burned:Q= L* V ( Vfor cars = 0.12 l/km)

Q=13.68*0.12= 1.6416 l

Exhaust volume: for 1 liter of burned fuel there are approximately 16 liters of exhaust.

1.6416*16= 26.2656 l

The minimum and maximum amount of harmful substances, based on the percentage data from the table. #1:

CO 2 min. = 26.2656*0= 0 l

CO 2 max.=26.2656*0.16= 4.202496 l

Soot max.=0.04*(26.2656*0.001)= 0.001050624 gr.

similarly for other substances.

Let's fill out the table. We build graphs of the state of atmospheric air in microdistricts. (Appendix 7)


As can be seen from the graph, the college area was the cleanest.

And the most polluted area is the Lenin Square area.

Do not pollute the environment and preserve the few parks and green spaces in your area of ​​residence, plant new young trees.

Spend as much time as possible on fresh air, and use the Internet moderately (20 minutes a day), only when preparing homework.

Participate in planting more trees to improve the health and cleanliness of the area.

A person cannot live without water; the water in our region is quite hard and we can show you how to determine the hardness at home.

Determining water hardness at home

This method was described in his book by I. Sheremetyev. This method is based on the fact that laundry soap, like any other, is difficult to wash out in hard water. And only when the soap binds excess calcium and magnesium salts does soap foam appear.

To determine water hardness you need to weigh one gram laundry soap, grind it and carefully, so as not to form foam, dissolve it in a small amount of hot distilled water. Distilled water can be purchased at auto stores. It is used to add to the battery when the electrolyte concentration increases.

Next, pour the soap solution into a cylindrical glass and add distilled water to a level of 6 centimeters if the soap is 60% or to a level of 7 centimeters if the soap is 72%. The percentage of soap content is indicated on the bar. Now, each centimeter of the level of the soap solution contains an amount of soap capable of binding hardness salts, the amount of which corresponds to 1 mg/l in 1 liter of water. Next, pour half a liter of the water to be tested into a liter jar. And stirring continuously, we gradually add our soap solution from the glass to the jar with the water being tested. At first there will only be gray flakes on the surface. Then colorful ones will appear bubble. The appearance of stable white soap foam indicates that all hardness salts in the water being tested are bound. Now we look at our glass and determine how many centimeters of solution we had to pour from the glass into the water being tested. Each centimeter binds in half a liter of water an amount of salts corresponding to 2 mg/l. Thus, if you had to pour 4 centimeters of soap solution into the water before foam appeared, then the hardness of the water being tested is 8 mg/l.

If you poured the entire soap solution into the water, but no foam appeared, this means that the hardness of the water being tested is more than 12 mg/l. In this case, dilute the test water twice with distilled water. And we analyze again. Now the resulting stiffness result will need to be multiplied by two. The resulting value will correspond to the hardness of the water being tested.

With certain experience, the error of the method is about 1 - 2 mg/l. Which is quite acceptable for our purposes. Considering the simplicity and accessibility of the method, it certainly deserves attention.

The experiment was carried out by me, having examined the water at home, I found that the hardness of the water in my house is 12 ml/l, with a norm of 6-7 mg/l - the water is quite hard.

1 . I took a piece of laundry soap weighing 1 gram.

2 .Heated distilled water, crumbled a piece of soap into hot water

3 .Poured hot distilled water into a cylindrical glass.

4 .Added distilled water to a level of 6 cm

5 .Took a liter jar and poured half a liter of the test water into it

6 .Slowly stirring the water in a liter jar, slowly poured in the soap solution.

7. Having poured all the soap solution into a liter jar, I found that the water hardness was 12 mg/l.

Conclusion: the water of this sample is hard, at a rate of 7 mg/l, we got 12 mg/l, the water can be softened by boiling (Appendix 8)

Excursions have important, which contributes to a visual perception of what is seen, including an excursion to the water utility. (Appendix 9)



The environmental problem is getting worse every year. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil are becoming more and more polluted every day.

Our research shows that transport pollutes the air, the number of springs and wells becomes smaller every year, and the number of landfills, on the contrary, increases.

To do this, we need to hold cleanup days more often, clear everything around of garbage, reduce the number of landfills and plant trees for landscaping.

Ways to solve environmental problems.

Engine translation internal combustion for gaseous fuel;

The existing long-term experience of operating a car using propane-butane mixtures shows a huge environmental effect. The amount of carbon monoxide, heavy metals and hydrocarbons in automobile emissions is sharply reduced;

To reduce the emissions of an entire vehicle fleet, the emissions of each vehicle must be reduced. Engine design needs to be improved.

Replace gasoline and diesel fuel with biofuel, which is more environmentally friendly and safe.

Practical significance of the environmental project:

The developed booklets can be used as propaganda material for the population and in social institutions, when working in children's educational institutions

The materials of this work can be used in classes in NGOs and secondary vocational education institutions in the subject “Ecological foundations of environmental management”, in particular, when studying the topic “Industrial enterprises and waste disposal”, in the subject “Fundamentals of Law” when studying the section “Environmental Law”, can be used as information material when conducting extracurricular activities on environmental education.

And also in the subject “Chemistry” when studying the topics “ The most important classes inorganic compounds", "Water", "Production of sulfuric acid", "Production nitric acid", "Ammonia production", "Industrial oil refining".

this work has applied significance, where elements of the promising research work were carried out independently and will help teachers in the formation of an environmental culture.

Thus, by forming an ecological culture among students, a general personal culture is formed, aimed at developing norms of moral, humane behavior of people and caring for the environment - a condition for the formation of an environmental culture - the effective implementation of professional activities.


    Aksenov I. We and our land. M.: Young Guard, 1986.

    Alekseeva A. The Earth is our home. Publisher: Young Guard, 1999.

    Akhatov A. Ecology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Kazan, Tatarskoe book publishing house, 1995

    Great Medical Encyclopedia, M, 2001. Editor-in-Chief – Academician V.V. Petrovsky; Volume No. 4, Edition 3; publishing house: “Soviet Encyclopedia” Moscow, 1976. Publisher: Media Service Company CJSC; editor Matte Black.

    Mamedov N.M. " Theoretical basis"Environmental education - M.-1995.

    Ursul A.D. “The path to the noosphere. The concept of survival and sustainable development" - M. - 1993.

Annex 1.


The survey results are presented in the graph:

Appendix 2.

Bird dining room – “Bird Paradise”.

Appendix 3.

Spruce protection

Neretin Ilya. 631 “Welding production”

Take care of the Christmas trees!

We take great care of our Christmas trees,

And as an insult, we don’t give them to anyone.

You, not knowing how much benefit they bring to us,

Chop them without sparing, with your axe.

Do you understand these loud words,

And after thinking about it, cut down this Christmas tree or No !!!

Appendix 4.

Let's clean up the city!

Appendix 5.

Drawing competition.

Volkov Alexander 291 “Mechanical Engineering Technology” -Iplace

Nigemov Niyaz 231 “Welding production”

Shaydullova Alsou 221 “Technology of public catering products”

Kharisova Rezeda 481 “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”

Safiulin Rail 951a "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles"

Appendix 6.

Booklet competition.

Kreshchenov Mikhail. 481 “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”

Let's save the forests!


Forget the disease, open the window, breathe in

pine pre-dawn humidity,

meaningfully remain silent about important things,

and don’t notice anything else at all.

Perhaps these pines are tall

not because nature's plan,

but because the sailing fleet

laid down, contrary to nature.

And in each there is a silent dream,

say “dream” and you will hear “mast”

everything else doesn’t mean more,

than empty squirrel vanity.

Everything else is wet slice,

and the prospect of living with phantom pain,

and see how it crosses the field

road leaving the forest.

Andrey Medinsky

Forest is the main wealth of man. It is called the lungs of the planet, it provides people with wood, mushrooms and berries, and serves as a home for animals. Will disappear with globe the forest, animals and birds will disappear, and man himself will disappear. And these are not loud words, it really is so. Preserving the forest is an important task for each of us.

Appendix 7.

Table No. 1

Content of harmful substances in exhaust gases.


Gasoline engines


Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) , about.%



Carbon monoxide (CO) , about.%



Nitrogen oxides (NO), about.%



Hydrocarbons(CH), about.%



Aldehydes, vol.%



Soot, g/m 3



Benzpyrene g/m 3

10-20·10 −6

10×10 −6

College area.

amount of transport

section length


number of vehicles per hour

specific fuel consumption

burnt fuel

passenger cars:




































CO2 ( k)

CO( k)

NO ( k)

exhaust volume







passenger cars:




































Content of harmful substances.

Lenin Square

Number of vehicles on the roads.

amount of transport

section length


number of vehicles per hour

total distance traveled in 1 hour

specific fuel consumption

burnt fuel

passenger cars:








































CO2 ( k)

CO( k)

NO ( k)

exhaust volume







passenger cars:




































Content of harmful substances.

ELAZ Polyclinic.

Number of vehicles on the roads

amount of transport

section length


number of vehicles per hour

total distance traveled in 1 hour

specific fuel consumption

burnt fuel

passenger cars:








































CO2 ( k)

CO( k)

NO ( k)

exhaust volume







passenger cars:




































Content of harmful substances.

Based on the results obtained, a graph was constructed that clearly shows the pollution of individual microdistricts.

Comparison of air pollution in city neighborhoods.

Appendix 8.

How to determine water hardness at home:





Appendix 9.

Excursion to the water utility

At the water utility, to purify and disinfect water, they addAl2 (SO4)3


Filtration of water from large particles

Filters where water is purified using quartz sand

Relevance of the topic: Planet Earth is ours common Home, every person living in it must treat it with care and respect, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.
Description of material: I bring to your attention a final lesson that completes the cycle of environmental conversations. In this lesson, children were given a choice: testing or an environmental project. It was proposed to work on an environmental project in groups, and the project topics were chosen by the children independently from the proposed options. Tests can be performed both on paper and in online version. The material was developed for students in grades 5-7, and can also be useful for teachers, parents and educators.
Recommendations: The conversation is accompanied by a presentation (multimedia support), which allows you to more fully understand the degree of danger from the pollution of our Home-Earth and the pollution of water bodies. Environmental projects are defended in class and assessed by the children according to the proposed assessment table.
Target: To consolidate and test children's knowledge about the types of environmental problems and ways to solve them.
To arouse the desire of schoolchildren to protect nature, to give instructions to carry out some activities to protect nature.
- develop and protect an environmental project
- answer test questions. Description: children are asked to answer 4 tests on paper or online.

Test No. 1. Topic: “Ecology. First global problem»

1.Ecology is:
A) The science of human influence on the environment;
B) Science that studies the structure, functions and development of living organisms in an ecosystem;
C) The science of the influence of the environment on humans;
D) The science of rational use natural resources;
D) The science that studies living organisms in nature.
Give one correct answer.
2.The word “ecology” comes from:
A) Greek words b) german words
C) English words d) Portuguese words
Write down your answer options ov.
3. What does the word “ecology” mean?
4. What is the difference between modern packaging and what was used 10-15 years ago?
5. Name the causes of garbage.
6. What does the word “inert” mean?
7. What is the amount of garbage per inhabitant of the planet per year.(average)
8. How is garbage classified according to the degree of danger to the environment? Which class is the most dangerous?
9. Name the main conventional categories into which garbage is divided.
10. What are the ways of waste disposal?
11. What are the pros and cons of one disposal method?(any of your choice).
12. Which way is the most rational? Why?
13. What is special waste? How are they destroyed?
14. What are the periods of natural decomposition of garbage?
15. Recycling options.

Test No. 2. Topic: “Ecology. The second global problem"

Give several correct answers.
1.What about the main environmental problems:
A) Atmospheric pollution;
B) Pollution of the World Ocean;
B) Soil pollution;
D) Extermination of flora and fauna;
D) Melting of ice.
E) Creation of the “red book”
Give one correct answer.
2.River pollution leads to:
A) Death of eggs
B) Death of frogs, crayfish
B) Death of algae
D) Death of all living things
Write down your answer.
3. What classes of water quality are river pollution divided into?
4. Water pollution is caused by (what)?
5. Where do pesticides in water come from?
6. Give an example of “heavy metals”
7. Where are the 10 dirtiest rivers?
8. What does thermal water pollution lead to?
9. Causes of electromagnetic water pollution.
10.What do you know about radioactive radiation?
11. Write what we can do to conserve the Earth’s water resources.
12. Give an example of the consequences of water pollution with oil and petroleum products.

Test No. 3. Topic: “Ecology. The third global problem"

Give several correct answers.
1.Air pollution is:
a. this is the introduction into the atmospheric air of substances foreign to its composition
b. change in the ratio of gases in the air
c.physical, chemical, biological substances
g.dirty air
2. Diseases caused by high levels of harmful substances in the air we breathe:
b.nausea irritation
e. joint sprain
Give your answer.
3.What types of air pollution do you know?
4.Name the sources of natural air pollution.

Give one correct answer.
5.Causes of dust storms:
A. drought
b. deforestation
river flood
d. gravity of the moon
Give your answer.
6. Name artificial sources of air pollution.
Give one correct answer.
7. What gas is released into the atmosphere during fuel combustion?
a. carbon monoxide (CO2)
b.oxygen (O2)
c.nitrogen (N2)
g.nitric acid (HNO3)
Give your answer.
8. What is Smog. What is its harm for the residents of the metropolis?
9. What causes the depletion of the ozone layer?
10. What does radioactive contamination lead to?
11. Why is the greenhouse effect dangerous?
Give one correct answer.
12. How many days can a person live without water?

13.Ways to preserve the atmosphere.(At least 5)

Test No. 4. Topic: “Ecology. Result"

Final test.
Give one correct answer.
1. Environmental pollution means:
a.introducing into the environment new, uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological components
b. introducing into the environment new, uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological components, as well as exceeding the natural level of these components
c.exceeding the natural level of natural and anthropogenic components of the environment
d.increasing anthropogenic influence on natural ecosystems
2. Air pollution in Russia is primarily caused by:
a.chemical industry
b.thermal power engineering
oil production and petrochemistry
3. The most dangerous soil pollution is caused by:
a.household waste
b.agricultural waste
c. heavy metals
4. The greatest pollution of land waters is caused by:
a.washing fertilizers and pesticides from fields
b.domestic and industrial wastewater
c.pollution from solid household waste
5. The greatest pollution of the waters of the World Ocean is caused by:
b.acid rain
c.agricultural waste
oil and petroleum products
6. Pollution found around industrial plants is called:
g.sanitary protective
7. Chemical pollution does not include:
a.heavy metal pollution
b. entry of pesticides into water bodies
c. soil pollution with solid household waste
d.increase in the concentration of freons in the atmosphere
8. Environmental pollution from solid household waste can be attributed to:
a. physical pollution
b.biological pollution
c.mechanical pollution
d.physical and chemical pollution
9. Deforestation leads to:
A. increasing bird species diversity;
b. increasing the species diversity of mammals;
V. reduced evaporation;
d. violation of the oxygen regime
10.Disadvantage drinking water caused primarily by:
A. greenhouse effect;
b. decrease in groundwater volume;
V. pollution of water bodies;
d. soil salinization.
11.The greenhouse effect occurs as a result of accumulation in the atmosphere:
A. carbon monoxide;
b. carbon dioxide;
V. nitrogen dioxide;
g. sulfur oxides.
12. Living organisms are protected from harsh ultraviolet radiation by:
A. water vapor;
b. clouds;
V. ozone layer;
g. nitrogen.
13.The most common diseases that arise as a result of environmental degradation are:
A. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
b. infectious diseases;
V. cardiovascular and oncological diseases;
g. diseases of the digestive tract.
14.What is the source of the emergence of new alleles called when the genetic structure of a population changes?
A. mutation;
b. migration;
V. genetic drift;
d. non-random crossing.
15. How many minutes can a person live without air?
A. thirty
V. 5
b. 1
16. Main product of consumption?
A. water
b. food
g. air
V. bread

Ecological project.

You can start a conversation by showing a video. It is possible to launch the video to the song of the group Earthlings "Forgive the Earth!"

The epigraph for the lesson can be taken from the words
"Living in this green world
good in winter and summer.
Life flies like a moth
a motley animal runs around
Whirl like a bird in the clouds,
runs quickly like a marten.
Life is everywhere, life is all around.
Man is nature's friend!"

IN modern world environmental problems come to the fore. We have only managed to examine a small fraction of environmental problems. At the end of our environmental conversations, I would like to invite you to develop an environmental product (let's call it a project), in which you will talk about one of the environmental problems and its solution.
First, let's remember the problems with which we are already familiar.
Children call.
As an environmental product, you can publish a wall newspaper, draw a comic book, or come up with ecological fairy tale, crossword, calendar.. The choice is yours, what your group finds interesting, that project is carried out by your group.
Work on the project is underway according to plan:
1. Identify the problem.
2. Identify the cause.
3. Put forward a solution to this problem.
The plan can be supplemented with your own proposals.
Projects will be assessed by a jury selected by you from among the class students based on the following: criteria:
2.Compliance with the task
3.Product protection
4.Answers to the questions asked
5.Work of all group members
I wish you creative success.

Options for project assignments:

Project assignment 1
Study the material about waste paper. Complete the task: create a poster for residents of Vakhtan about the dangers of burning paper and encouraging them to collect waste paper for recycling
Waste paper
Material: paper, sometimes impregnated with wax and coated with various colors.
Damage to nature: The paper itself does not cause damage. Cellulose, which is part of paper, is natural natural material. However, the ink that coats the paper can release toxic substances.
Harm to humans: paint may release toxic substances when decomposed.
Decomposition Routes: Used as food by some microorganisms.
End product of decomposition: humus, bodies of various organisms, carbon dioxide and water.
Decomposition time: 2-3 years.

Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, ash.
It is strictly forbidden to burn paper in the presence of food, as dioxins may be formed.

Project assignment 2
Read up on food waste. Complete the task: create a memo for residents of the village of Frequently about methods of neutralizing food waste.
Food waste
Damage to nature: practically no damage. Used to feed various organisms.
Harm to humans: rotting food waste is a breeding ground for microbes. When rotting, they release foul-smelling and poisonous substances in high concentrations.
Decomposition routes: used as food by various microorganisms.
The final product of decomposition: the bodies of organisms, carbon dioxide and water.
Decomposition time: 1-2 weeks.
Recycling method (on any scale): composting.
The least dangerous method of disposal (on a small scale): composting.
Products forming during neutralization: humus.
It is strictly forbidden to throw it into fire, as dioxins may be formed.

Project assignment 3
Study material about fabrics. Complete the task: design a poster for residents of the village. Frequent, calling to find new uses for unnecessary things.
Fabric products
Fabrics can be synthetic (they melt when heated) and natural (they become charred when heated). Everything written below applies to natural fabrics.
Damage to nature: do not cause. Cellulose, which is part of paper, is a natural material.
Decomposition Routes: Used as food by some organisms.
The final product of decomposition: humus, bodies of organisms, carbon dioxide, water.
Decomposition time: 2-3 years.
Recycling method (on a large scale): recycling into wrapping paper.
Recycling method (small scale): composting.
The least dangerous method of neutralization (on a small scale): burning under conditions that ensure complete combustion.
Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, ash

Project assignment 4
Learn about plastics. Complete the task: create a memo for residents of the village of Frequently about the dangers of burning plastic products.
Plastic products of unknown composition
Damage to nature: interfere with gas exchange in soils and water bodies. Can be swallowed by animals, resulting in death. They can release substances that are toxic to many organisms.
Damage to humans: may release toxic substances during decomposition.

Decomposition time: depends on the plastic, usually about 100 years, maybe more.
Recycling methods: depends on the plastic (usually remelting). For many plastics, there are no recycling options (due to the difficulty of identifying specific plastics).

Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, ammonia, hydrogen chloride, sulfuric acid, poisonous organochlorine compounds.
It is strictly forbidden to burn these materials, as this can produce huge amounts of dioxins.

Project assignment 5
Learn about packaging materials. Complete the task: design a poster for residents of the village. Frequent warnings not to throw away packaging material.
Food packaging
Material: paper and various types of plastics, including chlorine-containing ones. Sometimes - aluminum foil.
Damage to nature: can be swallowed by large animals, which causes the death of the latter.
Decomposition paths: slowly oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. Degrades very slowly when exposed to sun rays. Sometimes used as food by some microorganisms.
Decomposition time: depends on the product. Usually – tens of years, maybe more.
Method of recycling (on a large scale): generally non-existent (due to difficulties in separating components)
The least dangerous method of neutralization (on any scale): burial.
Products formed during disposal: depend on the plastic. Usually carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen chloride, toxic organochlorine substances.
It is strictly forbidden to burn these materials, as this may produce dioxins.

Project assignment 6
Study the material about tin cans. Complete the task: create a memo for residents of the village of Chastye about the correct disposal of cans.
Material: galvanized or tin plated iron.
Damage to nature: compounds of zinc, tin and iron are poisonous to many organisms. The sharp edges of the cans injure animals.
Harm to humans: they release toxic substances during decomposition.
Decomposition routes: very slowly oxidized by oxygen. They degrade very slowly when exposed to sunlight.
Final decomposition products: carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen chloride.
Decomposition time: on land and in fresh water - several hundred years, in salt water - several decades.
Recycling methods (in large quantities): does not exist (due to technological difficulties).
The least dangerous method of neutralization (on any scale): disposal to a landfill.
Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen chloride, toxic organochlorine compounds.
It is strictly forbidden to burn these materials, as this produces huge amounts of dioxins.
Children's projects.

Municipal educational institution

"Kuvshinovskaya secondary school No. 2"

Educational and research environmental project

Ecology of school space

Project type: creative, exploratory

Project hypothesis : conducting environmental monitoring, analyzing their results, environmental educationof all participants in the educational process will help maintain their health and improve learning conditions.

Objective of the project: maintaining the health of students, creating favorable learning conditions.



expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the role of nature in human life;

introduce students to diversity, living conditions indoor plants, their importance for human health.


develop the ability to analyze, reason, prove your opinion;


ensure the relationship between educational and educational processes;

cultivate a caring attitude towards indoor plants, a sense of belonging, and personal responsibility for what is happening around.

develop research skills, the ability to work with various types information sources;

develop the ability to analyze, select, and classify the information received;

develop the ability to creatively apply acquired knowledge

Predicted results:

The student will know:

names of indoor plants and living conditions of these plants in their homeland;

rules for caring for indoor plants;

the effects of natural factors (light, heat, moisture, soil composition) on the life of indoor plants;

The student will be able to:

work with additional literature;

observe and care for indoor plants;

work in a group;

document the results of your activities according to the plan.

The student will cultivate in himself:





Formulation of the problem :

insufficient or improper landscaping in school classrooms contributes to the creation unfavorable conditions for training.

Design :

formation of groups, distribution of tasks, definition of tasks.

Search for information:

studying reference, popular science literature, conducting


Intermediate product: consultations, preparation of presentations, preparation of speeches.

Project presentation.

School ecology - this is an activity in the space of school life, consistent with human nature.

School is the place where children spend most of their time, and therefore it must meet certain requirements. If we talk about the ecology of the school, the main requirement here is maintaining health.

What benefits do indoor plants bring, and are they just benefits, or do they bloom within the walls of our school solely for beauty?

Taking into account the trend of a sharp decline in population, the problem of creating and maintaining a healthy society is being raised. This increases the responsibility of the education system not only for the spiritual, but also for physical development new generation, strengthening the health of students, introducing them to the value healthy image life. The state of health of children, adolescents and young people causes reasonable concern for the entire society as a whole. In this regard, such an area of ​​work as health protection and the introduction of health-saving teaching technologies becomes the most important for the school and all participants in the educational process.

Houseplants came to us from distant countries. By decorating our interior, they invite us to break out of the routine whirlwind. The most amazing of them take us on journeys, making us forget about banal everyday life.

When choosing “green friends,” we focus on our own aesthetic taste and listen to the advice of family and friends. As a rule, everything is limited to this, but in vain, because plants have a number of wonderful properties, the existence of which we do not even suspect! Having settled in our house, “green tenants” contribute tosound absorption, humidify the air, saturate it with oxygen and cleanse it of harmful impurities. Special nutrients released by plants increase performance, normalize sleep, and increase a person’s adaptive abilities

“Green friends” bring harmony and tranquility into our lives; next to them we feel a surge of energy and at the same time relax. When choosing plants, many of us do not think about the effect they will have on our health, both physical and psychological. Plants affect us with their aroma, the color of leaves and flowers, and the shape of the crown.

Indoor plants are an essential component of a school classroom. They decorate the room and create comfort. Plants perform various functions, have an aesthetic and psychological effect, and improve the air environment. Behind last years Another important function of plants is emerging more and more clearly - cleaning the environment from various pollutants. Like a filter, they clean the air from dust and harmful gases.

Plants with phytoncidal properties: increase the amount of oxygen, increase the content of negative light ions. They have a positive effect on respiratory processes, reduce blood pressure, increase muscle strength and endurance: tachycardia and arrhythmia decrease; serve as a means of prevention for dystonia and hypertension. - Reduces the number of microorganisms in the air by 70-80%.

Conifers - cryptomeria, cypress, Olsander cypress, laurel, fortuneella, prickly pear cactus. Citrus cactus - prickly pear - reduces the number of mold fungi by 6-7 times, has healing properties(heals wounds). Euphorbia, citruses. Microbes (staphylococcus) are dealt with by Cissus Hibiscus, Cissus, Ficus, Akalifa, Aglaonema. For a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to place one plant specimen per 1 m3 of room.

Plants that can relieve stress. If possible, it would be a good idea to set up a relaxation room at school. It is best to plant in it: pelargonium, oregano, myrtle, lemon balm, fragrant geranium (take into account the tendency to an allergic reaction). Plants purify the air not only from bacteria, but also from dust. More than 300 species have these properties. In addition, another 160 species are intended for open ground. These are mainly coniferous plant species. In addition to dust retention, some of them are also capable of absorbing sound; it is useful to plant them in schoolyards located near roads, and this is important due to the increasing number of vehicles. The air environment contains toxins emanating from synthetic materials used in finishing work.

Within the framework of the program of continuous environmental education and training, it is possible to implement independent project to study the species composition of school indoor plants. This work is accessible and interesting to students.

The goal of the project is to determine the name of each plant, its family, and homeland from reference books; study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants; landscaping of school classrooms.

The project is intended for students in grades 5-9. Depending on the age of the students, the “Indoor Plants at School” project can be divided into several stages, each of which includes both theoretical and practical parts.

5-6 grades

- Studying the species composition of indoor plants in school classrooms.

- School gardening club.

- Messages in biology lessons.

7th grade

- Creating a map “Map of the world on the windowsills of a school (classroom).”

-"Travelling with Houseplants."

8-9 grades

- Study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants.

- Landscaping of school classrooms taking into account air and thermal conditions.

- Speech at the environmental scientific and practical conferences.

The work to determine the species composition of plants was divided into two stages.

At the first stage ( 5th grade ) students identify and describe plants in the basic classroom. For these purposes, special reference literature is used. The most successful in this regard is Hessayon’s reference book “Everything about indoor plants” (M.: Kladez, 1996).

At the second stage ( 6th grade ), working in groups, students identify and describe the species composition of indoor plants in school classrooms. It should be noted that working in groups, where students complete tasks together, helps improve communication skills, better assimilation of knowledge and intellectual development children.

Data on the species composition of plants is placed in the classroom corner or on a separate stand. In addition, a plate is placed in the container with plants, indicating the name, species, and homeland of the plant. You can also hold a meeting of school gardeners, at which you can give recommendations on working with reference books, indicate which plants, depending on window exposures, are advisable to grow in a particular office. Also important is the connection between students’ experimental activities and the educational process, which is established through subjects natural cycle. For example, in a 6th grade biology course, students study the morphology of plants, and the knowledge about plants acquired in the process of working on a project not only serves as a good addition, but can also be applied in a geography course, in particular, when studying continents. Based on knowledge about the species composition of indoor plants, the school creates a map of the world's vegetation, which indicates the homeland of each plant.

IN in this case carried outanticipatory education. To prepare such a lesson, the children study a fairly large amount of literature, both reference and scientific, suggested by the teacher or found on their own. Such lessons are undoubtedly more interesting both for the children preparing the material and for the entire class as a whole.

While working on a vegetation map, students learn that most of the school's houseplants are native to the rainforests of America and Africa, as humidity and temperature regime in the school classrooms are fully consistent with the natural conditions of this natural area (the environmental condition of the school classrooms is monitored under the guidance of a chemistry teacher). It becomes obvious to students that in central Russia at the latitude of Moscow, these plants require certain maintenance conditions. This applies to moderate watering in winter and abundant watering in summer, shading of plants in the hot season and lighting in the cold, “wintering” for cacti, etc. The results of the work can be presented in the form of mini abstracts or shown on a stand in the classroom.

The final stage second stage The project is a presentation of the results of research and practical work. For students in grades 5-7, it is better to do this in the form of a “Travel with Houseplants” holiday. Student presenters, using a map of the world's vegetation, talk about the living conditions of plants found at school.

For students in grades 8-9, the study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants is of particular interest. From reference and popular science literature we learned that at school there are plants that determine the sanitary state of the air in the classrooms, i.e. acting as bioindicators. These include tradescantia, begonia, asparagus, and violet. In addition, the rooms have detoxifying plants that can neutralize toxic substances contained in the air. These are chlorophytum fasciculata, common myrtle, fern, geranium, Chinese hibiscus, coleus, royal begonia, dracaena, ivy, dieffenbachia, succulent cacti.

As part of the school's gardening program, students selected plants for each classroom based on environmental factors.

In addition, we carried out work to identify plants with medicinal properties. At school, such plants include: agave, aloe, aspidistra, aucuba, hibiscus, zephyranthes, kalanchoe, saxifrage, passionflower, pelargonium, ivy, sanseviera, thuja, fatsia, ficus. We presented the results in the form of a catalog “ Medicinal plants at school”, indicating the species composition, the use of plants in their homeland, and pharmacological properties. For each plant of the doctor, an annotation of the medicinal effect and methods of use have been compiled.

results students presented their project work at a school scientific and practical conference, which was attended by representatives of all classes of secondary and high school. Thus, the achievements of individual groups of schoolchildren become known to almost the entire school and can be in demand by everyone.

The most interesting works were presented at the environmental scientific and practical conference.

I have an idea creating a cabinet of indoor plants. The idea to create it came about because the school collected a large number of indoor plants.

Houseplants are used in lessons and in extracurricular activities as demonstration and handout material, when making observations and performing simple experiments. Living objects must be unpretentious in maintenance and care. Sanitary and hygienic requirements, lighting standards, and safety regulations must be observed. Plants that do not cause allergic reactions are selected.

When selecting plants in the office, it is possible to take into account their use in lessons and extracurricular activities, taking into account their role in the design of the office. Plants are placed on racks, mounted in walls or on stands. Two or three large plants create a unique interior.

Operation in mode project activities becomes the source of creating the necessary equipment for the office. It is necessary to highlight those tasks in which schoolchildren can take part. Creative in its essence, including research, search, problem situations, project activities fill the life of each office with interesting things.

Analyzing the available resources and capabilities of children, we gave preference to the following types of project activities:




Research The project requires a certain algorithm of work:

Identification and formulation of the problem;
- formulation of a hypothesis;
- setting goals and objectives;
- action planning;
- data collection, analysis and synthesis, comparison with known information;
- preparation and writing of the project, its effectiveness;
- defense, presentation of the project.

Applied From the very beginning, the project clearly indicates the result of the activities of its participants.

Informational The project is aimed at analyzing and summarizing any information for a wide audience.

“Ecology and phytodesign of the school classroom”

Target: get acquainted with the laws of arranging indoor plants, with the profession of florist and decorator.


1.Study the species composition of indoor plants in the office

2. Establish which indoor plants are most popular in landscaping school premises

3.What requirements are taken into account when growing plants at school?




Practical work

Expected results: acquisition of knowledge, flowers in the school office

We decided to equip our school office and do phytodesign of the office:

Landscape it so that it is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for work; and the conditions for maintaining the plants were met.

Using literature on indoor floriculture, we have established that plants belonging to 5 groups are used in indoor landscaping:

1 group - decorative deciduous(palm trees, fern, dracaena)

Group 2 - beautifully flowering (begonias, cacti, roses)

Group 3 - hanging (chlorophytum, tradescantia)

Group 4 - climbing or clinging (ivy, monstera, asparagus)

Group 5 - bulbous or tuberous (cyclomen, gloxinia)

In schools, it is best to grow simple, undemanding plants (tradescantia, chlorophytum), which bloom easily and abundantly, and which can be cared for by children. Plants that cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes or have brightly colored fruits are completely excluded.

To make people's lives more beautiful and cleaner, we use plants. But you also need to take care of the flowers. Before breeding plants, you need to know the basic requirements of each of them for




Plants need light for normal development. According to light requirements, all plants can be divided into three groups:

Group 1 - light-loving

Group 2 - shade-loving

Group 3 - shade-tolerant

The air temperature in the room is of no small importance for the development of plants, especially in winter.

Sufficient moisture is necessary for normal plant development.

In addition, in offices it is necessary to increase the number of medicinal indoor plants, such as aloe and Kalanchoe. These plants enhance immunity and have bactericidal properties. The most popular plant in school is chlorophytum. It is said about him: the worse the air is for us, the better for him. For landscaping, we recommend light-loving and shade-tolerant plants.

When composing compositions, it is necessary to take into account the following rules and methods of plant placement. There are several basic techniques for placing indoor plants indoors.

1.A free-standing plant can be evergreen or flowering.

A successfully composed composition of several plants pleases the eye and turns the room into an oasis, where beauty and comfort reign, where the harmony of nature and man reigns.

2.Very effective in the interior climbing plants, suspended in a specially made flowerpot.

3. Small gardens on rocks are very beautiful

4. Groups of plants planted together are very effective.

Flowers ennoble our lives, caress the eye, give people joy, soften morals, bring peace and relaxation. Giving flowers means expressing feelings of love, respect, affection, respect. (See presentation).

Additional Information on career guidance.

Creation green interiors a special area of ​​architecture that requires versatile knowledge and great artistic taste. Therefore, to create the most complex modern projects florist and decorator works.

The florist-decorator is an indispensable consultant who will give advice on indoor floriculture in various rooms, in a large and small apartment, in a classroom, in a large hall, in recreation. At the same time, he will take into account the influence of plants on human health. In addition, he can make a bouquet or flower arrangement. People of this profession know how to make bouquets not only of fresh flowers, but also of dried or artificial ones. Flower growers work in greenhouses, greenhouses, nurseries and open ground, in experimental areas, in parks, squares. Flower growers and decorators reveal the beauty of nature to people. Florists implement landscaping projects. They participate in the planning of green spaces, make ridges, loosen the soil, and apply fertilizers. To maintain a clear pattern of flower beds and lawns, they are trimmed, thinned, faded inflorescences are cut off, and fragile plants are tied to stakes. Choose this profession better for people who love nature and have good aesthetic taste. Aesthetically designed parks, squares, sidewalks are pleasing to the eye and create a festive mood in people. In addition, green spaces play a hygienic and protective role, delay the spread of dust, soften noise, and help restore the normal composition of the surrounding air.

Nature is rich in amazing colors. We will definitely meet them at our school.
