Ermolaev Alexander Grigorievich. Sursky district of Ulyanovsk region

    Ermolaev Vladimir Grigorievich Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Ermolaev Vladimir Grigorievich- V. G. Ermolaev Ermolaev Vladimir Grigorievich (19091944) Soviet aircraft designer, major general of engineering aviation service(1944). Graduated from Moscow State University(1931). Worked as a leading construction engineer... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    ERMOLAEV Vladimir Grigorievich- (1908 1944) Soviet aircraft designer, major general of the aviation engineering service. Graduated from Moscow State University in 1931. Ermolaev worked as a leading engineer for the construction of the Steel 7 aircraft. Since 1939, after the arrest of R.L. Bartini, the main... ... Military encyclopedia

    ERMOLAEV Vladimir Grigorievich- (1909 44), aircraft designer. Under his leadership, the Er 2 long-range bomber was created, used during the Great Patriotic War ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ERMOLAEV Vladimir Grigorievich- (1909 44) aircraft designer. Under his leadership, the Er 2 long-range bomber was created, used during the Great Patriotic War ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ermolaev Vladimir Grigorievich- (1909 1944) Soviet aircraft designer, major general of the aviation engineering service (1944). Graduated from Moscow State University (1931). He worked as a leading engineer for the construction of the Steel 7 aircraft. Since 1939 chief designer. On the base… … Encyclopedia of technology

    Ermolaev, Vladimir Grigorievich- (1908 12/31/1944) Soviet aircraft designer, major general of the aviation engineering service. He was the leading engineer for the construction of the Steel 7 passenger aircraft. After the arrest of R.L. Bartini in 1938, he headed his design bureau. Led... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Ermolaev, Vladimir- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Ermolaev. Vladimir Ermolaev: Ermolaev, Vladimir Alekseevich (1923 2003) Hero Soviet Union. Ermolaev, Vladimir Arkadyevich (born 1961) Soviet and Russian football player, master of sports ... ... Wikipedia

Ermolaev Alexander Grigorievich. 26.11.1899, p. Vypolzovo, Alatyr district, Simbirsk province - 08/01/1971, Moscow.

Russian. From peasants. Major General (12/27/1941). In the Red Army since 1918. Member of the Communist Party since 1919. Graduated from the Higher Primary School in Simbirsk (1911-1914), 9th Saratov Infantry Command Course (October 1918 - December 1919), repeated separation at the 3rd Infantry Course (May - September 1921 ), the Higher Tactical Rifle School in Moscow (September 1921 - August 1923), KUKS for intelligence (1927-1928) and Evening academic courses for senior and senior command personnel (1930-1932) at the RU headquarters of the Red Army, Military Academy. M. V. Frunze (1932-1933).

Participant Civil War on the Ural and Southern fronts (1919-1921). Platoon instructor of the 1st reserve rifle battalion (December 1919 - March 1920), platoon commander, instructor for assignments of the 1st reserve rifle regiment (March - November 1920), company commander of the 277th rifle regiment (November 1920 - May 1921), participated in the suppression of the uprising in Georgia (1921).

Assistant company and battalion commander, head of the regimental school, battalion commander of the 95th Volga Rifle Regiment of the 32nd Saratov Rifle Division (September 1923 - December 1925), senior assistant chief of staff of the 94th Peasant Rifle Regiment of the same division (December 1925 - August 1927), battalion commander of the 91st, 92nd rifle regiments (August 1927 - June 1928).

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Kharkov Military District. Repressed, released. Fought during the period Soviet-Finnish War. He was a senior teacher at the Military Academy named after. M. V. Frunze.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War. Chief of Staff of the 55th Rifle Corps (1941), 12th, 47th, 18th Armies (1941-1942), Black Sea Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front, 58th Army (1942-1943), Deputy Head of the Main Artillery Directorate management of the Red Army (1944-1945).

Served in the central apparatus of the USSR Ministry of Defense (1945-1958).

Retired since 1958.

Awarded the order om Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov II class, Order of the Patriotic War I class, medals, foreign orders.

Alekseev M.A., Kolpakidi A.I., Kochik V.Ya. Encyclopedia of Military Intelligence. 1918-1945 M., 2012, p. 312-313.

Read further:

"Persons in Plain Clothes" (a biographical reference book about employees of the Soviet special services).

World War II 1939-1945. (chronological table).

Born in 1901 from the village. Chebotaevka.

He dedicated his entire life to serving in the Red Army. During the war he was the first member of the military council of the 8th and then the 43rd army and marched with it from Moscow to East Prussia.

Born in 1917 in the village. Zimnitsy Sursky district.

During the war years, deputy commander of an artillery regiment of one of the RGK divisions. Participated in battles on the 1st Ukrainian Front and in the Berlin operation (Forst, Cottbus, etc.)

Born in 1919 in the village. Red Yakla, Sursky district.

During the war, he participated in the defeat of the Nazi troops (Bryansk and 2 Baltic fronts) before Victory Day.

The department puts a lot of effort and energy into strengthening the defense of our country, for which it deservedly received 15 government awards and was awarded the title of State Prize Laureate.

Born in 1910 in the village. Arkaevo, Sursky district.

Member of the CPSU/V Soviet army since 1932. During the war he was near Leningrad in the 54th Army, then in the 59th Army on the Volkhov Front in the communications department of the front headquarters. He served as a member of the Soviet Military Commission in Great Britain to coordinate the military actions of Anglo-American troops in Western Europe, and with the opening of a “second front” in France and Belgium.

After the war Stemasov S.I. worked at the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

The last academic title is associate professor of military sciences. Has 40 scientific works, 15 government awards.

Born in 1920 in the village of Gulyaevka, Sursky district.

Drafted into the Red Army in 1940. Throughout the war, he was at the front as a Red Army signalman, commander of a reconnaissance squad, then as a political worker for Komsomol work on the North-Western Front, and from March 1944 on the 1st Belorussian Front.

In 1953 he graduated from the Lenin Military-Political Academy.

Born in 1910 in the village. Chebotaevka, Sursky district.

From the first day of the Great Patriotic War until the Victory, he served as chief of staff of a tank brigade.

The chief of staff of the 31st Tank Corps, who distinguished himself in battles during the formation of the Vistula River and holding the Sandomirov bridgehead, was awarded the honorary title "Wislensky".

After the war, he commanded the 11th Guards Tank Division, was an adviser to the PRC, and chief of staff of a number of military districts.

Awards: 5 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov II degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star, 2 Orders of the Patriotic War.

Medals: “for courage”, “For military merit”, 2 Orders of the Red Banner of Czechoslovakia, etc.

Born in 1931 in the r.p. Surskoe.

Graduated from the Ulyanovsk Tank School.

Since 1981 - Chief of Staff of the Order of Lenin of the Leningrad Military District.

Graduated military academy armored forces and the military academy of the general staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

Awarded: Order of the Red Star, for service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR, III degree and many medals.

Born in 1937. Kezmino.

Graduated from the Ulyanovsk Guards Heavy Tank School.

Since 1992, he served in the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

Awarded for impeccable service in the Armed Forces with the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" and other awards...

During the war years she worked as a tractor driver for MTS named after. Kuibyshev on the collective farm "Memory of Ilyich", then in animal husbandry, on the collective farm "Beacon of Revolution".

Awarded medals: "For valiant work in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" and others...

During the war, she worked as a groom at stud farm No. 82 (Kirzyat village), then in the livestock department of the Sursky state farm.

Awarded: 2 Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner of Labor, as well as other medals...

Born in 1911 in the r.p. Surskoe.

During the war years, he worked as a mechanic grinding crankshafts for tractor engines in the Surskaya MTS.

Awarded the medal: "For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

Panichkin Nikolay Stepanovich (Hero of the Soviet Union)

Lieutenant Colonel, long-range aviation pilot.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on May 15, 1946 for skillfully driving a group of aircraft and carrying out bombing attacks on enemy military targets in the cities of Königsberg, Demzig, and Berlin.

Region: Biysk, Altai Territory

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Registration : Initial registration date: February 11, 2004. Registrar – Internal Revenue Service of Russia for the city of BIYSK ALTAI TERRITORY.

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Individual entrepreneur Ermolaev Alexander Grigorievich is registered and operates in the region of Biysk, Altai Territory. The main activity of IP Ermolaev Alexander Grigorievich is the provision of other types of services. IP Ermolaev Alexander Grigorievich is registered with the Federal Tax Service under OGRNIP number: 304220404200061, INN: 220400777752. Using these details, you can make a complete extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Initial registration date: February 11, 2004. Registrar – Internal Revenue Service of Russia for the city of BIYSK, ALTAI krai. There are no information about open vacancies
