Ethiopia. Ancient history of Ethiopia

Basic moments

The territory of modern Ethiopia is included in the most ancient region of the formation of human ancestors: the age of stone tools discovered here is estimated at approximately 3 million years. In almost all eras of antiquity, the country was relatively densely populated, developed economically, and from the first centuries of our era powerful states existed on its territory. In the 4th–6th centuries, Ethiopia conducted brisk trade with the Roman-Byzantine Empire, India, and the countries of the Middle East. At the same time, Christianity penetrated here. Only for short periods did Ethiopia find itself under the rule of one or another European state (for example, at the end of the 19th century, Italy formed the colony of Eritrea, which lasted only a few years).

The western and central part of the country is occupied by the Ethiopian Highlands with an average height of 1800 m above sea level, although some mountain ranges and peaks reach 3000 and even 4000 m. The highest peak in Ethiopia is Mount Ras Dashan (4623 m) in the Simen mountains. In general, the plateau is characterized by flat-topped mountains that look like giant tables. Cones of volcanoes, mostly extinct, rise above the plateau. Their dilapidated craters often form lakes surrounded by a border of tropical greenery. From the Red Sea to the south, Ethiopia is crossed by a fault zone (northern part of the Great African Rift system). In the deep Afar depression, separated from the Red Sea by the low Danakil ridge, at 116 m below sea level lies the salt lake Assale. Awash River Valley and a chain of rift lakes (the largest is Lake Abaya), stretching towards Lake Rudolph in neighboring Kenya, separate the Ethiopian Highlands from the Ethiopian-Somali Plateau occupying the south-east of the country with prevailing heights up to 1500 m and individual peaks up to 4310 m (Mount Batu). Due to active faults, Ethiopia is characterized by increased seismicity: earthquakes up to magnitude 5 occur annually, and even stronger ones every five years. There are also many hot springs in the rift zone.

The largest river in the country is Abbay (Blue Nile). Flowing from Lake Tana, Abbay forms the large and picturesque Tis-Ysat waterfall, and then flows for 500 km in a canyon 1200–1500 m deep. Other large rivers flowing into the Indian Ocean are Webi Shebeli and Juba, as well as another tributary Nila - Atbara.

The climate of Ethiopia is subequatorial hot, seasonally humid, in the northeast it is tropical desert and semi-desert. The Afar Depression is one of the hottest places on Earth (average minimum temperature 25 °C, maximum 35 °C), but in most of the highlands, due to the height, which softens the heat, average monthly temperatures range from 15 to 26 °C. Night frosts occur in the mountains. Moreover, on the coasts the hottest month is May, the coldest is January, and in the mountains it’s the other way around: the coolest month is July, the hottest are December and January. Rain falls mainly from July to September, although there is also a “small wet season” in March–April. The dry season lasts from September to February. Average annual precipitation - from 200–500 mm on the plains to 1000–1500 mm (even up to 2000 mm) in the mountains of the central and southwestern regions. The plains often suffer from severe droughts, with no rain almost all year round.

A third of the country's territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, the rocky deserts of the Afar depression and the Danakil desert are especially lifeless. In the east of Ethiopia there are grass savannas and forest savannas with umbrella-shaped acacias, and in the southwestern part of the country, rainforests grow in river valleys and in the mountains at altitudes of 1700–1800 m. rainforests with palm trees growing wild coffee trees, tree spurges, sycamores (giant ficus). At altitudes above 3000 m, tropical analogues of alpine forests are developed. Animal world is still rich, despite the extermination of animals over the centuries: in the savannas there are elephants, zebras, antelopes, lions, servals, leopards, hyenas, and in the Danakil semi-desert - ostriches. The world of birds is especially diverse, and in the coastal waters of the Red Sea the fauna of coral reefs is of great interest. To protect the fauna, reserves have been created and National parks: on the Awash River, Lake Abiyata, Mannagesha Forest Park, etc.

Most of the Ethiopian population (total - about 103 million people) refers to the Ethiopian race - as if intermediate between Caucasoid and Negroid. Fine features, wavy hair, tall stature and chocolate-colored skin make most Ethiopians extraordinarily beautiful. The peoples of the country speak Semitic (these include the state language - Amharic) and Cushitic languages. Part of the population belongs to the Negroid race. The Amhara and Oromo people make up 3/4 of the population. The two main religions are Islam and Christianity, but approximately 10% of residents adhere to local traditional beliefs. The main occupations are agriculture, cattle breeding, and crafts. Most residents build round huts with a cone-shaped thatch roof. Traditional clothing is preserved - Long Dresses and capes, often decorated with ornaments and rich embroidery.

The capital of the country, Addis Ababa, located at an altitude of 2400 m, is called the “city of eternal spring” due to its temperate climate all year round. The city was founded in 1885, but now it is dominated by modern buildings. Addis Ababa is famous for its huge bazaar. The second largest city, Asmara, is located in the north of the country. It is also considered the most comfortable and beautiful city in Ethiopia. Gondar (north of Lake Tana) Until the mid-19th century, it was the capital of the empire, as evidenced by the castles of the 16th–18th centuries; it houses a historical museum.

Cities of Ethiopia

All cities in Ethiopia

Sights of Ethiopia

All sights of Ethiopia


The modern territory of Ethiopia belongs to the most ancient, East African, area of ​​the formation of humans as a biological species. The age of archaeological finds of the remains of Australopithecus and Homo habilis in Ethiopia is estimated at 2.5-2.1 million years. During the formation of the first state entities in Egypt and Mesopotamia, the settlement of Ethiopia began by representatives of the Semitic-Hamitic, Nilotic-Cushitic and other linguistic groups. Formation of the oldest associations in the south Arabian Peninsula- Hadhramaut, Qataban and Sabaean kingdoms - approx. 1000 BC e. accelerated the process of resettlement of part of the population from South Arabia (modern Yemen) to modern Eritrea and Northeastern Ethiopia. As a result, by the 7th century BC. e. these territories were included in the Sava kingdom. It was this circumstance that allowed early medieval Ethiopian propaganda to proclaim the Ethiopian royal family of the Solomonids as descendants of the Israelite-Jewish king Solomon and the biblical Queen of Sheba, known in the Ethiopian tradition as Makeda or Bilqis.

The ancient Greeks called all blacks in Africa, especially the Nubians, Ethiopians, but now this name is reserved for the territory also known as Abyssinia. It was here that at the beginning of our era, as a result of the unification of a number of small tribal formations known from the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. A large kingdom of Aksum was formed, which reached its greatest prosperity in the 3rd-6th centuries. n. e. Aksum conducted active trade with Egypt, Arabia, Syria, Parthia (later - Persia), India, exporting ivory, incense and gold in large quantities. During its period of political dominance in the region, Aksum extended its influence to Nubia, South Arabia, the Ethiopian Highlands and northern Somalia. Since the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (IV century) The increased penetration of Christianity from Egypt, Rome and Asia Minor into Aksum begins, associated with the preaching of the teachings of Christ by Edessius and the first bishop of Abyssinia, Frumentius. The year 329 is considered to be the founding date of the Monophysite Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which remained dependent on the Egyptian Coptic Church until 1948. By the 6th century, Christianity established itself as the dominant religion in Ethiopia, which became the first Christian country in Tropical Africa. In 451, during the schism of the Christian Church, at the Council of Chalcedon, the Copts spoke out in support of the Monophysite trend, and representatives of the Ethiopian Church took the same position.

At the beginning of the 6th century, in order to take revenge for the oppression of the local Christian population by their rulers, the army of King Kaleb of Aksum invaded southern Arabia. Around the same time, Judaism began to penetrate into Ethiopia, which had a noticeable influence on the rituals of the Ethiopian Church; In addition, some Aksumites became followers of Judaism. (The descendants of these Falasha converts in the north of the country have now almost entirely emigrated to Israel. Their emigration began in the mid-1980s and ended in 1991.) Although the Aksumite ruler Armah provided refuge to the early followers of the Prophet Muhammad during the persecution of them in Arabia in the 7th century, the spread of Islam led to the isolation of the Aksumite kingdom. The Ethiopians hid behind their rugged mountains and, as Gibbon wrote, “slept for almost a thousand years, forgetting about the world around them, which also forgot about them.” However, many of the country's rulers tried to maintain ties with Western European Christian countries.

According to Ethiopian tradition, genealogy imperial family goes back to the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. It is believed that the hereditary right to the imperial throne of the Solomonic dynasty was interrupted for about two centuries by representatives of the Zague dynasty. At the end of the 13th century. The ruler of Shoa ascended the throne, proving his belonging to the Solomonids. This was followed by a period of religious and cultural revival, when royal chronicles and numerous works of a spiritual nature were created, the most significant of which was the Cabre Nagest (Glory of kings), containing the narrative of the Queen of Sheba's journey to Jerusalem.

At the end of the 15th century. a small group of Portuguese and other Europeans who set out in search of the legendary kingdom of the High Priest John medieval Europe, arrived in Ethiopia. The Portuguese hoped to make this Christian country an ally in the fight against Muslims and the growing Ottoman Empire. After 1531, Ethiopia began to suffer one defeat after another from the army of Imam Adal Ahmed ibn Ibrahim, known as the Edge (Left-handed), and lost most of its territory, the emperor turned to Portugal for help. In 1541, a Portuguese detachment of 400 people, led by Christopher da Gama, the son of the famous navigator Vasco da Gama, landed in Massawa. Most of the detachment, including its leader, died in the battle with the Muslims. With the assistance of the surviving Portuguese, a new Ethiopian army was created, which was armed with muskets (until that time, only the warriors of the Edge had firearms). In 1543, this army defeated the enemy, and Ahmed Gran himself died in the battle.

Attempts by the Portuguese, and later by the Jesuits, to impose Catholicism on the population of the country led to numerous conflicts. Eventually in 1633 the Jesuits were expelled from Ethiopia. Over the next 150 years, the country was almost completely isolated from Europe. The foundation of the capital in Gondar dates back to this period, where several stone castles were built. In the middle of the 18th century. The emperor's power fell into decline, and the country was engulfed in feudal strife. In 1769, the English traveler James Bruce visited Ethiopia, trying to find the sources of the Nile. In 1805, the English mission acquired a trading port on the Red Sea coast. At the beginning of the 19th century. Other Europeans also visited the country. In 1855 Tewodros, one of the most capable military leaders of the time, seized the imperial throne, restored the power and authority of the supreme power and attempted to unify and reform the country.

After Queen Victoria did not respond to a letter sent to her by Tewodros for two years, several British officials were thrown into prison at Mekdel by order of the Emperor. All attempts to achieve their release through diplomatic methods led to nothing. In 1867, a military expeditionary force under the command of General Robert Napier was sent to Ethiopia to free the prisoners. Having disembarked from ships on January 7, 1868 in the town of Mulkutto on the shores of Zula Bay, Napier’s detachment, numbering more than 10 thousand people, moved through difficult mountainous terrain on a 650-kilometer journey to Mekdela. The British received aid and food from local residents dissatisfied with Emperor Tewodros, primarily the Tigrayans. Tewodros, whose power by this time had been shaken, and the ranks of the imperial army had thinned, was also advancing towards Mekdela from the other side. On April 13, 1868, this mountain fortress fell under the pressure of British troops. During the assault, not wanting to fall into the hands of enemies, Tewodros shot himself. Soon British troops left Ethiopia.

After the death of Tewodros, Yohannis IV, the ruler of Tigray, an ally of the British in their war with Tewodros, became emperor. His turbulent twenty-year reign began with the suppression of attempts by other claimants to seize the throne. Subsequently, Yohannis had many battles with external enemies: Italians, Mahdists and Egyptians. The Italians, who acquired the port of Assab back in 1869, in 1885, with the consent of the British, captured Massawa, which had previously belonged to Egypt. In 1884, Great Britain and Egypt promised the emperor that Ethiopia would receive the right to use Massawa, but the Italians soon closed access there and began to systematically move deeper into Ethiopia. In January 1887, the emperor's soldiers defeated the Italians at the town of Dogali and forced them to retreat. Then Yohannis entered into hostilities with the Mahdists, who continually invaded Ethiopia from the territory of Sudan. In March 1889 he was mortally wounded in one of the battles. Negus Shoa Menelik became the Emperor of Ethiopia, who for several years enjoyed the support of Italy. Shoah Menelik carried out successful military campaigns against the rebellious provinces and achieved significant consolidation of the Ethiopian state. During his reign, reforms aimed at modernizing the country began.

On May 2, 1889, shortly before the official act of coronation, Menelik concluded the Treaty of Uchchal with Italy, according to which the Italians received the right to occupy Asmara. Outwardly, very friendly relations were established between the two countries. However, the mentioned agreement became the source of many problems. The Amharic copy of the treaty provided that Ethiopia, if it deemed it necessary, could resort to the “good offices” of Italy in relations with other powers. The Italian text of the treaty stated that Ethiopia was obliged to do just that. In practice this meant complete Italian control over foreign policy Ethiopia. Using its text of the treaty, Italy declared that, based on the provisions of the General Act of the Berlin Conference of 1885, it has the right to establish its own protectorate over Ethiopia. The persistence of Italian diplomacy in defending a favorable interpretation of the Uchchala Treaty led to its denunciation by the Ethiopian side on May 11, 1893.

In 1895-1896, Italian expansion in the region continued with an attempt to increase colonial possessions at the expense of Ethiopia, but the military campaign of the Italian expeditionary force, supported by Eritrean auxiliaries, ended in a catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Adua. The Negus of Ethiopia was in a position where he could have tried to win back part of Eritrea, but chose a peace agreement.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a dynastic conflict took place in the country, the result of which was the installation of Emperor Haile Selassie on the throne, who carried out limited reforms in the country aimed at modernizing Ethiopian society.

In 1935-1936, Fascist Italy again invaded Ethiopia. The invaders had full advantage militarily, but still used chemical weapons several times. The League of Nations condemned the aggression sluggishly and was inconsistent in introducing sanctions, which Soviet historiography saw as an important stage in the dismantling of the collective security system in Europe. The Italian occupation of the country lasted until 1941, when the British army, supported by auxiliary forces recruited from the African colonies, retook Ethiopia and Eritrea.

After the war, Selassie continued to rule as an absolute monarch. By the beginning of the 70s, his position was criticized from all sides of the political space, and the large-scale famine of the early 70s, which led to large casualties, contributed greatly to further events.

In 1974, measures to improve the economy resulted in sharp price increases and led to mass protest demonstrations; The situation was exploited by a group of military men with Marxist political views, which organized themselves into a committee called “Derg” in the summer of that year. He led the process of dismantling the monarchy, also known as the “creeping coup.” By mid-autumn, “Derg” had almost completely subjugated all administrative structures and proclaimed a course towards building a socialist society. From 1975 to 1991, the USSR and countries of Eastern Europe provided comprehensive assistance to Ethiopia.

On August 25, 1975, deposed Emperor Haile Selassie I died under suspicious circumstances. In 1976-1977, the Derg strengthened its position by reprisals against opponents, both royalists and separatists, and the “leftists”; this campaign is also known as the "Red Terror". Mengistu Haile Mariam became the leader of the Derg at this stage.

Taking advantage of the country's difficult situation during this period, the Somali army intensively supported the separatist movement of ethnic Somalis in the country's southeastern Ogaden region, and in 1977-1978 attempted to annex the Ogaden by force. These events are known as the Ogaden War. Cuba, the USSR and South Yemen provided great assistance in the fight against the enemy of Ethiopia.

He was never able to accomplish the task of bringing Ethiopia out of a feudal society into a communist regime. Attempts at collectivization Agriculture only led to its further degradation. In 1984, a famine broke out in the country, far surpassing in scope and number of victims the pandemic of the early 70s. Mengistu's government also failed to resolve the Eritrean issue; Despite large-scale military operations against the separatists, a decisive victory was never achieved.

In the late 80s, amid the growing crisis in the USSR, Mengistu's government found itself in a critical situation, and was eventually overthrown in May 1991 as a result of the activities of an alliance of rebel movements, in which Eritrean groups played the main role.

A group of rebel leaders came to power in the country, with the convictions of extreme left-wing Marxists, who began as supporters of Enver Hoxha, then changed their ideological orientation to a more liberal one. Since then, the country has been permanently led by a representative of this group, Meles Zenawi, first as president, then, after the introduction of a parliamentary republic, as prime minister.

In the field of foreign policy, the Zenawi government allowed Eritrea to secede in 1993, but then there came a period of cooling of relations with the former allies who came to power in the new state. The nadir in relations between neighbors was reached in 1998-2000, when the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict broke out in the border zone, ending with a slight advantage for Ethiopia. The issue of the border between the countries still remains unresolved. In 1997, 2000 and 2006, Ethiopia also took an active part in the fate of Somalia. In the latter case, the Ethiopian army defeated the formations of local Islamists and installed a transitional government loyal to Ethiopia, led by Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, in Mogadishu.


Ethiopia is the only traditionally Christian African country. One of its main religions is Eastern Christianity (Ethiopian Church), the position of Islam is also strong in all peripheral regions. The Ethiopian Church adheres to Monophysitism.

According to the 1994 census: Christians - 60.8% (Orthodox - 50.6%, Protestants - 10.2%), Muslims - 32.8%, African cults - 4.6%, others - 1.8%.

For a long time literature was created mainly in the Gyiz language and had mainly religious content. True, already at the end of the 13th century. The first royal chronicles appeared on parchment. In the 19th century The first works in the Amharic language were created, and shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, the first printing press appeared in the country. Not least in order to support the development of modern literature in the Amharic language, during his regency, Emperor Haile Selassie I founded the Byrkhan Enna Salam publishing house. ("Light and Peace"). For most literary works was characterized by a moralizing orientation. Many dramatic works were created after the country's liberation from Italian occupation, and they were staged either on the stage of the National Theater or by university students. In the early 1990s, Addis Ababa published three daily newspapers in Amharic and one in English.

In traditional fine arts Ethiopia was dominated predominantly by the Byzantine style. After 1930, commercial art, focused on the needs of tourists, received significant development. Works of this kind often featured the plot of the Queen of Sheba’s visit to King Solomon, and they were a series of popular prints, each of which complemented the other. Around the same time, artists began to paint the walls of taverns and bars with images national heroes and saints.

The cuisine of Ethiopia is in many ways similar to the cuisine of its neighboring countries - Somalia and Eritrea. Main feature Ethiopian cuisine is lack of cutlery and plates: they are replaced by figs - a traditional teff flatbread. Another striking feature is the presence of a large number of spices.

Coffee is the pride of Ethiopia. Entire rituals have been developed here, similar to Chinese tea ceremonies, from roasting coffee beans to drinking coffee.

A lot in Ethiopian cuisine vegetarian dishes- There are many Muslims and Orthodox Christians here who observe strict religious fasts. In general, Ethiopian cuisine is distinguished by a wide variety of tastes and aromas, created through a unique combination of spices and vegetables.


The basis of the Ethiopian economy is low-income consumer agriculture. In the 70s, economic growth was no more than 5%. And revolutionary changes led to an even greater decline in GDP growth. The economic situation was also complicated by Ethiopia's loss of ports on the Red Sea. Severe droughts and crop failures led to a humanitarian catastrophe at the end of the 20th century. By the end of the 20th century, Ethiopia's economic situation began to improve. GDP growth was about 8% per year. Thanks to the easing of customs regimes, the level of investment in the country's economy has increased. The main investors are China, India and Saudi Arabia. basis economic development in recent years there have been foreign loans and humanitarian aid.

Agriculture is the main sector of the Ethiopian economy, providing 85% of jobs. It provides about 45% of GDP and 62% of the country's exports. Coffee accounted for 39.4% of exports in 2001-2002. Coffee is Ethiopia's gift to the world. This country is the main producer of Arabica coffee in Africa. Tea is another important crop. Endowed with vast agro-climatic zones and diverse resources, Ethiopia processes all types of grains, fibers, peanuts, coffee, tea, flowers as well as fruits and vegetables. More than 140 varieties are currently processed in Ethiopia. Potential rainfed land is estimated at 10 million hectares. Livestock farming in Ethiopia is one of the most developed and numerous in Africa. Fishing and forestry are also significant industries. There is great potential for investment in these industries.

Ethiopia's varied agro-climatic conditions support the cultivation of a wide range of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Vegetable growing and flowers are the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy. In 2002, more than 29,000 tons of fruit products and 10 tons of flowers were exported. It is no exaggeration to say that the floriculture sector is the most attractive for investment in the entire Ethiopian economy.

Ethiopia is the largest country in Africa in terms of livestock population and is also among the ten largest in the world in terms of this indicator. There are 35 million cattle, 16 million sheep and 10 million goats in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia has 3.3 million beehives and is Africa's leading producer and exporter of honey and beeswax. This industry provides excellent investment prospects.

Industry accounts for approximately 15% of GDP. The food, textile, leather, woodworking, chemical and metallurgical industries are mainly developed. During the first quarter of 2001, Ethiopia exported approximately 54.8 million birr worth of food products.

The financial sector is very underdeveloped, which slows down the country's development. There is no stock exchange in Ethiopia. Banking is underdeveloped.


Ethiopia is a federal parliamentary republic with a prime minister as the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the government. Federal legislative power is concentrated in the hands of two chambers of parliament. The head of state is the president.

According to Article 78 of the Ethiopian Constitution, the judiciary is completely independent from the executive and legislative branches. However, according to foreign research reports, Ethiopia ranks 106th out of 167 countries in the ranking of democratic government. It is ahead of Cambodia, which is in 105th place; Burundi follows Ethiopia in 107th place.

In June 1994, elections were held to the constituent assembly, of which 547 deputies became members. In December of the same year, the assembly adopted the modern Constitution of Ethiopia. In May and June 1995, Ethiopia held its first popular elections for a national parliament and regional elections. However, most opposition parties decided to boycott these elections. As a result, the Ethiopian People's Democratic Revolutionary Front won. International and non-governmental observers concluded that the elections were conducted without irregularities, and opposition parties were able to participate in the elections if they so wished.

Ancient history The state of Abyssinia, as Ethiopia was formerly called, is distinguished primarily by the fact that this territory was never colonized by European conquerors, like the rest of the countries of the African continent.

The question of the emergence of civilization here is still open. We can probably say that people have always lived here, since it was in these territories that archaeologists found the first traces of human life.

High in the mountains of the Greater Horn of Africa, the state of Aksum is hidden from the rest of the world.

Initially, it was an empire of sun worshipers, as evidenced by the remaining stone structures of the ancient Aksumite architectural complex.

There is a legend recorded in ancient biblical scriptures that are kept in the temples of Axum. According to it, about 3000 years ago the country was ruled by Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, originally from Yemen.

Having learned about the wisdom of King Solomon, she gathered a caravan of 800 camels and went to the land of Israel. Solomon invited the queen to stay with him, but she soon returned back to her empire, where she gave birth to her son Menelik. Having matured, Menelik decided to see his father and went to Israel.

He returned back accompanied by many young sons of the aristocrats of Israel, and they brought with them the Ark of the Covenant of Mercy, which had been on the land of Israel since the time of Moses.

Times have changed, and God was pleased to deliver the Ark to the lands of Abyssinia in order to preserve it until the end of time in high-mountain temples carved out of the rocks of Aksum. This ancient story is described in detail in the sacred Abyssinian scripture Kebra Nagast, which translated means the Wisdom of Kings. This book was originally written in Ge'ez.

This ancient language, still considered sacred, has much in common with the ancient languages ​​of South Arabia. All the ancient scriptures of Abyssinia were written on it, but at present it is used only in church services and in prayer chants. Now in Ethiopia, the official state language is Amharic, which is considered to be a derivative of Ge'ez.

According to historians, Christian teaching came to these lands around the 4th century, but there are legends that Jesus himself went to the mountains of Abyssinia and was received with joy by the local people.

Ancient history of Africa and Ethiopia. Christianity and Islam

Be that as it may, in the history of Ethiopia, Christian teaching spread quite quickly and everywhere. Monasticism and the asceticism of individual ascetics developed in the mountains. Countless temples, hermitages and monasteries were carved into the rocks.

To this day, no one knows exactly their number and location. The teaching here was not forcibly imposed from outside ruling circles, but came to people gradually, from ascetic devotees, people of knowledge, and gradually penetrated into the hearts ordinary people, who at that time were already brought up in the traditions of the wisdom of King Solomon.

Thus, Orthodox Church Abyssinia was significantly removed and separated from the rest of the Christian world.

And although formally it was associated with the Coptic Church, in fact it was very different from it. It has retained its authenticity to this day, even at first glance very different from the Greek-Byzantine style that is familiar to us.

Church art and education also developed.

Orphans, as a rule, all lived under the supervision of monasteries and received education on an equal basis with other children.

The Abyssinian Church is very rich in ancient scriptures.

Many of the books kept here are unique, such as the Book of Wonders of Heaven and Earth, which shows the practice of religious mysticism.

Or the well-known book “Physiologus” - a large work on the natural history of all living things.

History of the ancient development of art in Ethiopia

It must be said that Abyssinia (Ethiopia) is the only place in Africa that has its own written language, which has been preserved from ancient times to the present day in almost unchanged form. Icon painting and the jewelry art of making all kinds of crosses also actively developed.

Almost every province of the country has its own image of the Holy Cross, characteristic of the given area. The ancient history of Islam in Abyssinia supposedly dates back to the Middle Ages with the beginning of the penetration of this faith confession. Immigrants from Arabia populated the local mountains and subsequently entire areas were Islamized. Religious clashes and internecine wars occurred periodically.

By the 19th century, central statehood had noticeably weakened and the country was mired in internecine wars between different provinces. In 1853, the entire kingdom was again united by Emperor Theodore 1, who ascended the throne. His administration was distinguished by moderation and calm, but subsequently he got involved in a war with England and lost the battle.

The whole country was again mired in scattered civil strife, while the Italians tried to conquer more territories, claiming to colonize these lands.

At the same time, Islamic Arabs laid claim to the lands. But then a very strong and wise ruler from Shoa, Menelik, appeared in Abyssinia. Thanks to his military strategic wisdom, he was able to unite all the scattered lands of the country.

To win, he even used an alliance with the Italians at the beginning, who considered the alliance beneficial, since they did not take the figure of the emperor seriously and hoped to colonize all territories at once. But Menelik won the final victory in the last battle with the Italian troops, turning out to be much smarter and more educated than the Europeans assumed. He played a decisive role in the history of Ethiopia.

By forcing Europe to reckon with itself, he defined and unified an area of ​​the country, in fact almost the entire area of ​​modern Ethiopia, and removed European claims to colonize these lands. Also during his reign, Emperor Menelik carried out reforms aimed at improving the socio-economic situation of the country. Therefore, ancient Ethiopian history has its own positive sides, especially the abolition of slavery (we'll talk about that later).

After his death, a short time later, the young Ras Tafari, a direct descendant of the family of David and the Queen of Sheba, was crowned head of state.

Thus, the ancient dynasty of kings was restored in the country. He was soon crowned Emperor under the name Haile Selassie 1, which translates to the power of the Holy Trinity. He also had to fight all his life against attempts to conquer the country by the Italians.

At the beginning of his reign, the emperor began serious reforms. Ethiopia is celebrated as one of the first official countries where slavery was abolished. The first public schools and hospitals began to appear, and the first university opened in the capital. Industrial development begins.

The reforms were interrupted by the invasion of Italian troops. In 1936, the Italian army captured the capital and the emperor had to flee the country for help.

Three years later he returned with an English army that helped drive out the invaders. The restoration of the country after the occupation began. It was necessary to again raise the economy, medicine, education, and almost all sectors of production and agriculture from scratch. Ethiopia is a member of the UN and the League of Nations. At this time, Russian-Ethiopian relations are actively developing. By 1970, Addis Ababa became Africa's largest political and cultural center.

Three years later, a great misfortune occurs in the country - a famine in the province of Wollo, caused by an unprecedented drought and which claimed the lives of many thousands of people.

Unrest and discontent begin in the country. Communist Party pays for the military coup and in 1974 Mengistu Haile Mariam is at the head of the new government.

The emperor was taken into custody and soon killed. A civil war begins in the country.

Next is the Red Terror. After the collapse of the USSR, the socialist government of Ethiopia ceases to receive cash subsidies and is soon overthrown. The country officially takes the name Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

During the years of the socialist regime, the coastal region of the Red Sea, Eritrea, left the country. Thus, today modern Ethiopia does not have direct access to the sea.

However, today the country is experiencing a period of renaissance. Attention is paid to the education of the population, many new schools and higher education institutions are opened. educational institutions. Addis Ababa continues to be the center of African politics and culture.

International cooperation with countries of the East and Europe is developing. Despite some conflicts on the borders with Eritrea and Sudan, today is a time of peace in the history of Ethiopia.

The modern territory of Ethiopia belongs to the oldest East African area of ​​human settlement. The age of archaeological finds of the remains of Australopithecus and Homo habilis is estimated at 2.5-2.1 million years. During the formation of the first state formations in Egypt and Mesopotamia, the settlement of Ethiopia by representatives of the Semitic-Hamitic and Nilotic-Cushitic language groups began.

The territories of modern Eritrea and North-Eastern Ethiopia by the 7th century BC. e. were included in the kingdom of Sava. Thanks to this, the Ethiopian royal family of the Solomonids was proclaimed the descendants of the Israeli-Jewish king Solomon and the biblical Queen of Sheba.

At the beginning of our era, as a result of the unification of several tribes on the territory of Ethiopia, the large Aksumite kingdom was formed, which reached its greatest prosperity in the 3rd-6th centuries. Aksum traded with Egypt, Arabia, Syria, Parthia (later Persia) and India, exporting ivory, incense and gold. During the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (IV century), the spread of Christianity began. The Aksumite rulers accept the new religion, thereby strengthening trade relations with powerful powers. Arab conquests in the Middle East and Africa lead to the decline of the Aksumite economy and the collapse of the kingdom in the 11th century.

The founder of the Ethiopian Empire was the ninth king, Tegulethu Amde-Tsyyon I (1314-1344). He extends power over most of the Ethiopian Highlands and provides the country with access to the Red Sea. The cultural heritage of Aksum becomes the foundation for the founding of Christian culture in medieval Ethiopia.

At the end of the 15th century, Portugal entered into an alliance with Ethiopia in the fight against the growing power Ottoman Empire. The army, after long defeats, defeated the Muslims, but part of Ethiopia's territory was lost. Attempts by the Portuguese, and later by the Jesuits, to impose Catholicism on the population led to numerous conflicts. As a result, in 1633 the Jesuits were expelled from Ethiopia, and for the next 150 years the country was almost completely isolated from Europe.

In the mid-18th century, the emperor's power declined, and Ethiopia was engulfed in feudal strife. In 1855, Tewodros, one of the military leaders, seized the imperial throne and tried to unify the country. After the death of Tewodros, Yohannis IV returned to power. During his subsequent reign, Ethiopia fought numerous wars against the expansion of the Italians, British and Egyptians.

In 1889, an agreement was concluded with Italy, according to which Ethiopia completely came under its influence. On March 1, 1896, at the Battle of Adua, Emperor Menelik II, with the support of Russian and French troops, stopped the Italian aggression. In 1897, Ethiopia signed an economic cooperation agreement with France and Great Britain.

First World War saved the territory of Ethiopia from division between Italy, Great Britain and France. The country's entry into the League of Nations in 1923 secured its independence from European powers. In 1930, the last emperor, Haile Selassie I, ascended the throne.

On October 3, 1935, Italian troops invaded Ethiopia without declaring war. Haile Selassie I received political asylum in England. in spring next year the lands of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Italian Somalia were united into a single colony of Italian East Africa. Only five years later, with the outbreak of World War II, the state managed to restore independence. To maintain internal political stability, the British side assumed obligations to create and train a regular Ethiopian army.

In 1945, Ethiopia initiated the creation of the United Nations. In 1960, Italian and British Somalia formed the independent Republic of Somalia. In 1952, by decision of the UN, Eritrea became an autonomous unit under the Ethiopian crown.

In 1972–1974 About 200 thousand people die from famine in the provinces of Tigray and Wollo. There is a wave of mass uprisings across the country, the emperor is removed from power. Governance of the country passes into the hands of the Provisional Government, which launches repressions and executions of former imperial officials. In the early 1980s, the Ethiopian economy, undermined by war, suffered from severe drought. In 1983, a terrible famine began, which by the beginning of 1985 claimed more than a million human lives.

To liberate Ethiopia from the lawlessness perpetrated by the Provisional Government, in 1988 rebel groups created the Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian Peoples (EPRDF). Fighting takes place throughout Ethiopia and Eritrea. By 1991, the last government military units were destroyed. May 24, 1993 Eritrea is officially declared an independent state. In June 1994, national elections to the government of Ethiopia are held, and a new constitution is adopted.

The name "Ethiopia" comes from two Greek words: "Ethio", which translates as "deified", and "Pia", which translates as "face". All together it is translated as “burnt face”, because the local people are very dark-skinned. Aeschylus described Ethiopia as “the distant land of black people.”

Homer described the people of Ethiopia as very pious people who were favored by the gods. However, this literary and historical information about Ethiopia was very vague.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Emperor Menelik II expanded the country's borders to the very limits as we know them today. In March 1896, Italian troops attempted to enter Ethiopia by force and were defeated by Emperor Menelik's army.

The Battle of Adwa was the only victory of an African army over a European army during the division of African territories that remained regardless of the country's borders. Ethiopia is the only African country that has never been colonized, although the Italian occupation lasted from 1936 to 1941.

In addition to a very strong monarchy whose imperial lineage can be traced back to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was a major force in the country. It went very well with political system, it contributed to the development of nationalism and the formation of a geographical center in the mountainous area.

The combination of church and state has been an inextricable union that has been formed since the adoption of Christianity in 333. This continued until 1974, when the socialist government (Derge), known for its brutality, began to regulate the nation until 1991.

The Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front defeated the Derge and established democratic government, which is the current system of government in Ethiopia.

The last twenty-five years of the twentieth century were a time of rebellion and political unrest, but these years represent only a small portion of the time during which Ethiopia was politically active. Unfortunately, the country's international standing has declined since the reign of Emperor Selassie, when Ethiopia became the only African member of the League of Nations, and its capital was home to the international community.

Military conflicts, drought and health problems have made the people of Ethiopia one of the poorest African nations in economic sense, but the people’s fierce craving for independence and historical pride in the people makes the country’s population special.

Emergence of a nation

Ethiopia was home to some early hominid populations and may have been where Homo erectus first appeared, where he developed and expanded into Africa to eventually populate Eurasia 1.8 million years ago.

The most notable paleoanthropological discovery in the country was "Lucy", a female Australopithecus, or rather her bones were found in 1974 and are called "Dinqnesh", which means "you are amazing" in Ethiopian. The writing system among a significant portion of the population dates back to at least 800 BC.

Proto-Ethiopian writing was engraved and inlaid on stone tablets that were found in the highlands, particularly in the city of Yeha. The origin of this civilization is a matter of dispute.

The traditional theory holds that immigrants from the Arabian Peninsula settled northern Ethiopia, bringing with them their language and their script, the Proto-Ethiopian (or Sabaean) script, which has also been discovered on the eastern side of the Red Sea.

This theory about the origin of Ethiopian civilization has been questioned. New theory states that both coasts of the Red Sea were a single cultural bloc, and that the growth of civilization in the highlands of Ethiopia was not the product of diffusion and colonization from southern Arabia, but represented a cultural exchange in which the people of Ethiopia played a vital and active role.

During this period of time, waterways such as the Red Sea served as roads, resulting in cultural and economic exchanges. The Red Sea connected people on both coasts, and a single cultural bloc emerged that included Ethiopia and Yemen, which had been diverging into different cultures for a long time.

In the first century AD ancient city Aksum became the political, economic and cultural center of the region. The Aksumites dominated trade relations in the Red Sea in the third century. By the fourth century they were one of the four countries in the world, along with Rome, Persia and the Kushan kingdom in northern India, in the minting and circulation of gold coins.

In 333, Emperor Ezana and his courtiers converted to Christianity. In the same year, the Roman Emperor Constantine also converted to Christianity. The Aksumites and Romans become economic partners who controlled trade to the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.

The Aksum Empire flourished until the sixth century, especially during the period when Emperor Kaleb conquered much of the Arabian Peninsula. However, the Aksumite empire eventually began to splinter religiously as Islam began to penetrate the country. As a result of this historical moment, there was a loss of control over trade in the Red Sea, as well as the depletion of natural resources in the country, which maintained the state of the environment and the lives of the population. The political center moved to the south of the country to the Lalibela mountains. Around 1150 a new dynasty came to rule. This dynasty went by the name Tsagwe and controlled most of northern Ethiopia from 1150 to 1270. The monarchs of the Tsagwe dynasty claimed that they were descended from Moses, because in Ethiopian politics it was very important that the rulers were descendants of any famous historical figures.

The Tsagwe dynasty was unable to maintain national unity, so squabbles in the sphere of political governance led to a decline in the authority of the dynasty. The small Christian kingdom of Shoa in the north of the country followed the reign of the Tsagwe dynasty, as well as economic developments in the thirteenth century.

Soon there was a conspiracy against the Tsagwe dynasty and the king who ruled at that time. The ruler of the country was Yeunno Amlak, who killed the king of the Tsagwe dynasty. The new ruler began to place great emphasis on the unity of the nation, and this worked well for him.

National unity of Ethiopia

Most historians consider Yekunno Amlak to be the founder of the Solomonic dynasty. In the process of legitimizing his power, the emperor created literary direction, which praised the rule of the kings, it was called Kebra Negast ("Glory of the Kings"). Subsequently, this literary movement began to be considered as a national epic.

The Glory of Kings is a mixture of local and oral traditions, Old and New Testaments, apocryphal texts, and both Jewish and Muslim commentaries. The epic was written by six scribes who wrote the work in Arabic.

At the center of the story are the figures of King Salamon and the Queen of Sheba, these images are described here as historical figures, a lot is taken from the Biblical Book of Kings. In the Ethiopian version, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba give birth to a child named Menelik (whose name comes from the Hebrew ben-melech, meaning "son of the king"), who organizes a Jewish empire in Ethiopia.

With the advent of this empire, Menelik I brings with him covenants, which, together with him, are supported by the eldest sons of the Israeli nobles. Menelik the First ascends the throne and becomes the first emperor of Ethiopia, the founder of the Solomonic dynasty.

From this literary epic, the national unity of Ethiopia became generally recognized, and the Ethiopian people began to be considered God's chosen people. The monarchs of Ethiopia are believed to be descended from King Solomon, and the Ethiopian people are the descendants of the sons of Israelite nobles.

Both the Orthodox Church and the monarchy contributed to the development of nationalism in the country. In the epilogue of Glory of Kings, Christianity came to Ethiopia and was accepted as a legitimate religion. Thus, the empire was genealogically connected with the great Jewish kings, but in addition, the teachings of Jesus Christ were recognized in Ethiopia.

The Solomon monarchy had varying degrees of political control over Ethiopia from the rise of Yekunno Amlak to power in 1270 until the overthrow of Haile Selassie in 1974.

The monarchy in Ethiopia was strong centralized system reign, but in other periods regional kings strengthened its power more and more. Menelik II played an important role in maintaining a sense of pride among the Ethiopian people, he presented the country to the world as an independent state. On March 1, 1896, Menelik II and his army defeated the Italians at Adwa. The independence that emerged from this battle contributed greatly to Ethiopian nationalist pride in self-government, and many perceive the battle as a victory for all of Africa and the African diaspora.

Ethnic relations

Traditionally, the Amhara have been the dominant ethnic group, the Tigrayans have always acted as a secondary people. Other ethnic groups responded to this situation differently. Amhara's resilience to dominance has been driven by various separatist movements, especially in Eritrea and among the Oromo people.

Eritrea was culturally and politically part of highland Ethiopia even before the time of Aksum. However, in 1889, Emperor Menelik II signed a treaty in which it was stated that Ethiopia would exchange Eritrea for Italian weapons, and Eritrea, in turn, would fall under Italian rule. Eritrea became an Italian colony and remained so until the end of World War II.

In 1947, she signed a Treaty in which she renounced all her colonial claims in favor of France. The United Nations passed a resolution in 1950 recognizing Eritrea as a federation under the Ethiopian monarchy. By 1961, Eritrean rebels began fighting for independence through guerrilla warfare.

In November 1962, Haile Selassie abolished the federation and sent his army to crush the resistance, forcefully subjugate Eritrea against the will of its people.

African leaders passed the Cairo Ordinance in 1964, which established the old colonial borders as the basic boundaries of the nation-state. Under this treaty, Eritrea was supposed to gain independence, but due to the international political power and military forces of Haile Selassie, Ethiopia retained control.

Eritrean rebels fought against the emperor until 1974. The Eritrean People's Liberation Front fought alongside the EPRDF and ousted the Dergue in 1991, at which time Eritrea became an independent nation-state. Political confrontation continues, with Ethiopia and Eritrea fighting from June 1998 to June 2000 along the border between the two countries, with each country accusing the other of violating its sovereignty.

Ethiopia also has the problem of the Oromo ethnic group. Although the Oromo are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, they have never had the opportunity to have political power in their history. During the period of European colonialism in Africa, Ethiopian highlanders undertook an intra-African colonial enterprise.

Many ethnic groups in the current state of Ethiopia, such as the Oromo, were subjected to this colonization. Conquered ethnic groups accepted the conditions of the dominant ethnic groups (their national culture). Such activities against other ethnic groups were illegal until the early 1970s, which marked the end of Haile Selassie's reign.

Even today, after an ethnic federal government has been established over all ethnic groups in Ethiopia, the Oromo people are still not too happy with the political situation.

Form of government parliamentary republic Area, km 2 1 104 300 Population, people 93 877 025 Population growth, per year 1,01 average life expectancy 55 Population density, people/km2 77 Official language Amharic Currency Ethiopian Birr International dialing code +251 Internet zone .et Time Zones +3

brief information

Ethiopia is home to approximately 80 different nationalities, as well as many religious and linguistic groups of people, which speaks volumes about the very colorful nature of the country. Ethiopia is a combination of poverty and wealth, urbanization and nature. In this country you can see rock temples, the largest African market, unique nature and no less unique wildlife.


Ethiopia is located in East Africa. It borders on Eritrea to the north, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. There is no access to the sea. The total area of ​​this state is 1,104,300 square meters. km., and the total length of the state border is 5,328 km.

Most of Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa, which is the easternmost part of the African continent. The territory of this African country is very diverse - there are not only lowlands, steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, but also mountains and tropical forests. In general, about 70% of the country's territory is occupied by the Ethiopian Highlands. The highest local peak is Mount Ras Dashen, whose height reaches 4,620 meters.

Capital of Ethiopia

Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia. The population of this city is now more than 3 million people. Addis Ababa was founded in 1886 by Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II.

Official language of Ethiopia

The official language is Amharic, which belongs to the Ethiopian group of the South Semitic branch of the Semitic language family.


About 62 inhabitants are Christians (Ethiopian Eastern Christian church and Protestants), about 32% are Muslim, and about 2.6% consider themselves adherents of traditional African religious cults.

State structure

According to the 1995 Constitution, Ethiopia is a federal democratic republic led by a President elected for a 6-year term.

The bicameral Ethiopian parliament is called the Federal Parliamentary Assembly, it consists of the Federation Council (110 people) and the People's Representative Council (547 deputies).

The main political parties are the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front, the Somali Democratic Party and the Benishangul-Gumuz Peoples' Democratic Party.

Administratively, the country is divided into 9 states and two self-governing cities (Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa).

Climate and weather

Ethiopia has three climate zones, depending on altitude. The highlands are cooler, and the lowlands are hot. Kolla (tropical zone) - average annual air temperature is +27C, and average annual precipitation is 510 mm. Woina dega (subtropical zone) - average annual air temperature is +22C, and average annual precipitation is from 510 to 1,530 mm. Dega (cold zone) – average annual air temperature is +16C, and average annual precipitation is 1,270 mm.

The rainy season begins in June and ends in September. The dry season is from October to May (this is best time to visit Ethiopia).

Rivers and lakes

The deepest Ethiopian rivers flow in the west of the country. This is, first of all, the Blue Nile River, whose length reaches 1,600 kilometers. To the north is Lake Tana, which is the source of the Blue Nile.


Ethiopia is home to more than 80 ethnic groups of people, each with their own language, culture and traditions. In this country, men and women have clearly defined roles in society. Traditionally, men are responsible for representing the family outside the home, while women are responsible for all housework and children.

Ethiopian parents are often stricter with their daughters than with their sons. In general, men have more freedom than women. However, over time, the roles of men and women, even in such a traditional society as Ethiopian, are gradually changing.

In Ethiopia you can still find tribes that do not wear any clothes at all. People in these tribes simply decorate their bodies with tattoos.


Ethiopian cuisine is unique even in Africa; it developed in isolation from the culinary traditions of other African countries. It should be noted that Ethiopians do not eat pork for religious reasons.

A traditional Ethiopian dish is wat, which is a hot, spicy stew topped with a large thin pancake called injera. There are many varieties of wat (with chicken, lamb, beef, vegetables, lentils, peas). This dish is often served with hot spices called "berbere".

Berbere is made from dried hot red peppers, herbs, spices, dried onions, garlic and salt. Usually "wat" is placed on "berbere". This dish, however, like many others, is eaten by Ethiopians with their hands.

We also recommend trying “Asa wat” (fish stew), “Doro wat” ( stewed chicken), "Enkulal" (omelet with peppers and tomatoes), "Kai wat" (very spicy beef, or goat or lamb), "Messer" (lentil curry), "Shiro" (chickpea puree), "Tere sega" (raw meat, considered a delicacy), "Tibs" (fried lamb with garlic and vegetables).

The traditional soft drink is “bunna” (coffee). The preparation of “bunna” in Ethiopia is very unique and therefore the process is called “coffee ceremony”.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are tella (Ethiopian barley beer), tej (an alcoholic drink based on honey fermentation) and kaitaka (a strong alcoholic grain drink).

Sights of Ethiopia

Ethiopia has many interesting attractions. You can even say that a journey to a particular attraction is even more interesting than it itself.

In Addis Ababa, we definitely recommend visiting the National Museum, which displays a huge collection of objects telling about the centuries-old history of Ethiopia. Also, do not forget to see in the Ethiopian capital the largest African market “Merkato”, the palace of Emperor Menelik II, the Archaeological Museum and the Coptic Temple of St. George, built in 1896 in honor of the victory over the Italian colonialists.

Of great interest to tourists medieval city Lalibela, in which 11 rock temples have survived to this day.

In the north of the country there is a huge granite Aksum obelisk, built in the 3rd century AD. Its weight is 160 tons. At the end of the 1930s, the Italians took this historical monument from Ethiopia, and returned it only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are Addis Ababa (more than 3 million people), Dire Dawa (more than 355 thousand people), Nazaret (more than 300 thousand people), Gondar (250 thousand people) and Mekele (220 thousand people) .

Most tourists come to Ethiopia to see the sights of this country, look at its cities, get acquainted with the customs of the local people and the unique local nature.


Handicrafts and embroidered items are brought as souvenirs from Ethiopia. Stuffed Toys(most often rhinoceroses and camels), traditional Ethiopian knives with leather sheaths, jewelry, Ethiopian coffee beans.

Office hours

Mon-Thu: 08:00-15:00
Fri: 08:00-11:00 and 13:30-15:00
Sat: 08:30-11:00

The shops:
Mon-Fri: 08:00-13:00 and 14:00-20:00
Sat: 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

