Spiritual marriage rat-ox. Structural horoscope. Who are our soul mates?

Marriage involves unity on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. An ideal marriage is a communication of two souls. If partners are not spiritually inclined, they cannot be absolutely happy.

What is spiritual union

Spiritual marriage comes from the original spiritual law. This is a union between people who are attracted to each other by divine magnetism. Sometimes in such a marriage, spouses live without engaging in sexual activity. It is known in many cultures as the connection between a man and a woman based on spiritual and emotional intimacy and is built on the desire to achieve higher fulfillment in the family. The relationship between husband and wife is about each partner helping the other to develop love and spirituality.

Physical marriage as practiced in the modern world is intended to:

  • reproduction and assistance in the study of love;
  • fidelity;
  • talents;
  • communication.

Spouses learn lessons from their marital partnership and learn to unite their feelings and minds.

Spiritual connection presupposes harmony of spirit and body. Two people linking their lives to help each other in divine awareness creates a marriage on the right basis: unconditional friendship and equality. If each demands fulfillment from the other, and the demand is not fulfilled, the spouses become enemies. A long and happy partnership in most cases is impossible without spirituality, but for such a union you need to mature.

The purpose of family life is to expand one's consciousness through the cultivation of purifying divine love and friendship that is not driven by sexual or selfish motivations. Friendship is very important in a marriage relationship. Unions built only on sex are destroyed very quickly. If sex becomes the most important part of a marriage, the couple loses interest and the initial glow of satisfaction fades. Those who do not differentiate between true love and sensual attraction are disappointed again and again.


Celibacy is a state of voluntary refusal to marry, mainly for religious reasons. In its narrow sense, the term applies to those for whom celibacy is the result of a sacred vow, act of renunciation, or religious conviction. In a broader sense, it refers only to abstinence from sexual activity.

Celibation has existed in one form or another throughout history in the world's major religions, and views on it have changed.

Protestantism saw a reversal of this trend in the West, and the Eastern Orthodox Church never accepted it. Islam has also always had a bad attitude towards celibacy.

Classical Hindu culture encouraged asceticism and celibacy in the later stages of life, after one had fulfilled one's social obligations.

Celibacy in the concept of the Catholic clergy presupposes the observance of chastity. Priests are prohibited from marrying or having relationships. Violation of these laws is tantamount to sacrilege.

Positive and negative sides of an emotional union

Benefits of spiritual marriage:

  • long-term relationship. Both spouses accept each other’s shortcomings and strengths, do not compete and value family;
  • comfortable cohabitation. Home comfort and understanding create a favorable atmosphere. In such a union, a man and a woman receive positive energy;
  • loyalty. Devotion and spiritual closeness contribute to the fact that neither spouse even thinks about betrayal.


  • misunderstanding due to everyday problems. Sometimes one of the spouses takes on all the responsibilities and duties, which causes conflicts;
  • one of the partners ceases to like life in an emotional union, he prefers to distance himself.

Physical attraction, external beauty of a partner, financial reasons for marriage lead to the wrong path. The sin is to throw in one's lot with the wrong person, based on social custom or physical instinct. People should marry only when they feel oneness of soul. If they are united by sacred vows, they must remain together, be devoted to each other.

The right union fosters true love at the highest level. Husband and wife should be mutually loyal and try to become happy in all respects. A spiritual wife should not leave a spiritless husband, and a husband should not leave a spiritless wife; they should try to influence each other.

Before marriage, people must learn to control their emotions. Loyalty and understanding between husband and wife gradually frees the mind from the limitations of sexual desire and raises it to the level of divine love. It sublimates the desire for sex into beautiful human relationships. Without true love, the heart will remain empty.

Why does cheating happen?

Cheating, both physical and spiritual, occurs when trust disappears between two people and moral conflict arises, romantic relationships become dull, and interest in the partner disappears.

Emotional betrayal is one of the most painful experiences, emotional trauma. Infidelity leaves deep emotional scars, activating the same areas of the brain as physical pain.

Betrayal often comes unexpectedly and leaves a person powerless. First people experience:

  • negation;
  • mistrust.

During this time, there is a rapid emotional transition from intense anger and rage to deep despair and sadness. The person tries to understand what happened, but at the same time experiences a feeling of loss.

Physical infidelity involves sexual, physical contact with another partner. Men and women perceive this type of betrayal differently. For a woman, emotional and spiritual fidelity is more important as an integral part of relationships and marriage. For a man, it is necessary to be sure that he is raising his children, so the physical fidelity of his wife from a male point of view is most important.

Spiritual betrayal consists of emotional betrayal, when one of the partners strives with all his soul and thoughts for another person, while physically remaining faithful to his wife or husband

The reasons for infidelity can be:

  • lack of spiritual support and understanding in the family and the need to find this energy on the side;
  • lack of sex or dissatisfaction;
  • differences in character.

Recovering from betrayal takes a long time. Often a person who has experienced the pain of betrayal withdraws from communication and isolates himself in order to protect himself from a possible repetition of the situation.

In order not to suffer from betrayal, be sure to find a soul mate, next to whom you will develop and grow spiritually.

Why, according to astrological compatibility, do people have perfect compatibility and spiritual marriage, which happens very rarely, but people disagree, what could be the reason?

It’s surprising that people break up if they accurately identify ideal compatibility and spiritual marriage in the synastry horoscope (compatibility horoscope).

In this case, the specialist conducting the analysis and the couple who came to analyze the relationship need to understand what these concepts mean.

Perfect compatibility implies the compatibility of partners at all levels:

  • sexual life (satisfaction with caresses, intimacy, physical contact);
  • compatibility of temperaments (melancholic, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic), emotional-volitional sphere;
  • the attitude of the spouses to everyday life;
  • leisure activities;
  • spiritual compatibility.

What is spiritual compatibility?

In short, these are similar, agreed upon answers to eternal questions about the meaning of life, about the purpose of man, a commonality of interests and tastes, needs, values, outlook on life.

It includes one important pattern - similarity.

If this is exactly what happens in people's lives, then they will never part because they have identical views on deep ideological principles.

If they do break up, it means that one of the spouses is subject to certain stereotypes, patterns, and the influence of external factors - it is necessary to take into account the level of education and methods of upbringing.

Spiritual Compatibility or spiritual marriage- this is the highest human development and a manifestation of harmony in the family.

For spiritual marriage the person himself must strive for spirituality, that is, for close, sincere relationships.

Therefore, I am convinced that if people have a spiritual marriage and ideal compatibility, then these people will together, they are like two halves.

And such a person simply cannot be far from his other half. He will suffocate and will not be able to find himself, no matter how hard he searches!

When people break up from the question asked above, it means that one of the partners is not satisfied with something in some of the above areas, therefore, there can be no talk of an ideal and spiritual marriage.

CHAPTER 28. Spiritual Union

So, before us is the most complex, most confusing version of the relationship between a woman and a man. In practice, there are people who are completely alien to each other; they have no similarities in anything, no equality in anything. In order to find a field of interaction, they must literally break through the palisade of habits, customs, and common truths, break through to their deepest essence, excite the main elements and enable these elements to enter into the long-awaited (for the elements, of course) mutual pacification. Fire will embrace water, earth will mix with air, and there will be no firmament, no sky, no heat, no moisture. Everything will become everything and there will be universal bliss.

This is the main paradox of spiritual union. Everything in it foreshadows a brutal struggle and everything in the end turns into the most peaceful and toothless mess. Any passion in a spiritual union dies, any view softens, principles melt, banners hang. This is the union of old age, decay and death... and spiritual takeoff. Therefore, young people, do not rush into this abode of pensioners, do not rush into this den of men full of strength and still slender and springy ladies. You will still have time to grow old, you will have time to ascend spiritually.

I recall the iconic composition of a spiritual union. Let's dance from the Rat. Rat - (Bull, Snake, Rooster), Bull - (Dragon, Monkey), Tiger - (Cat, Boar), Cat - (Horse, Dog), Dragon - (Snake, Rooster), Horse - Goat, Goat - Dog, Monkey – Rooster, Dog – Boar. A total of 15 pairs, instead of 18. Three unions Tiger-Goat, Snake-Monkey, Horse-Boar are given to the vector ring to be devoured.


The main impression of childhood is the marriage of a paternal uncle (Dragon) and a step-aunt (Rooster). I have always, willingly and unwillingly, compared this union to the marriage of my parents. My aunt and uncle were poorly educated, and in comparison with their parents’ house, it was filled with books; their house was a refuge for bourgeois porcelain figurines, kitschy paintings, about ten books—detectives, melodramas. And even those were not particularly used. So what is the spirituality of their union?

Firstly, and this is absolutely certain, their union was much sexier. Compared to the parents’ family, where the sexual sphere was driven into the dark night, in the uncle’s family it crawled out of all the cracks, it literally permeated every gesture, every word, every look.

Secondly, and this is no less accurate, the spirit of old age literally hovered over their family. Despite the fact that my uncle was a brave boxer and could easily knock down some hooligan who had wandered into our yard with a deft blow to the jaw, he always seemed like an old man. It's not about early baldness. He always complained about a diseased liver, kidneys, diabetes, something else... He didn’t look healthy, with deep shadows under his eyes, he constantly went to resorts, treated there for something, unlike his father, who usually took a vacation once every five to six years. Likewise, my aunt always complained about her health, moved somehow not cheerfully, sighed, groaned and aahed all the time, unlike my mother, who was always cheerful.

Finally, and this is the most important thing, in their contact they really reached some transcendental level. I didn’t understand this until I was twelve, but my parents remained very close, but completely separate people. Father was and remains a very separate person, always was and is on his own. The mother would not have minded becoming closer to her father, but she could not overcome his barriers. But the uncle and aunt, it’s hard to explain right away, really became one, a kind of strange two-headed organism.

A textbook example that I have worn out and worn out in my numerous lectures on marriage is the case of my Kyiv friend (Horse) and his wife (Cat). They were doing something like jewelry making at home. Burners, some kind of mechanics, a wild number of tools, silver, stones and the like. He made metal, she made stones. They were nearby 24 hours a day. We even went out to eat together. At the same time, they constantly talked, of course, not only about jewelry, but about a wide range of issues. But this was not enough for them. They wrote letters to each other, placing these letters on the walls of their apartment. I had to read these letters. No youth stuff (and he was 30 at the time, she was 21), some philosophical problems, discussions on the meaning of existence, etc.

Everywhere where I had to collaborate with some abstruse-esoteric, quasi-mystical or afterlife-cosmic newspaper, everywhere at the helm there was a married couple in a spiritual union. The only club of abstruse conversations that I have been attending for fifteen years is headed by a certain Oleg Sergeevich, born in the year of the Cat, his wife was born in the year of the Tiger and helps him in every possible way. It's the same with other clubs I've been to.

The only astrologer close to me, by the way, the creator and editor-in-chief of a famous astrological magazine, was born in the year of the Rat, and his wife is an Ox. I don’t know their relationship well, I can only say that he seems absolutely calm and peaceful. I never saw him screaming or nervous.

My doctor, a man without whose advice I do nothing regarding the health of myself and my loved ones, was born in the year of the Horse (12 years younger than me). A person with such an energy reserve that there is no need for treatment saw it and is already healthy. His wife was born in the year of the Goat. A very strange woman, mysterious, attractive and at the same time unearthly, calm, somehow otherworldly. In appearance, they are opposite to each other in everything. He is rude, she is gentle, he is primitive, she is mysterious and multi-layered, he is active and even fussy, she is pointedly slow. Nevertheless, they live, they live for a long time. He uses all types of healing: homeopathy, acupuncture, all types of massage, something with music and so on, he knows well the abstruse provisions of Chinese medicine.. What I mean is that spiritual marriage inclined him to abstruse matters, despite that he is initially a gruff cardiologist and anesthesiologist at a creepy regional hospital.

And one more strange thing. At some point, she kicked him out of the house and said that she needed to live alone. And he, a wushu player, a rude and strong, hot-tempered man, silently left. And then, when she called, he calmly returned. And all this without noise, dust, quietly and peacefully. Looking at these, you begin to believe that the wars between the sexes will soon end.

One of the co-authors, a man who, along with me, stood at the origins of the structural horoscope, was born again in the year of the Horse, and his Czech-born wife was born in the year of the Goat. And again he is hot, she is calm, he is fussy, she is leisurely. But something connects them. Mystery. Spiritual marriage, even after 12 years of observation, remains completely opaque to me. As for his career, he does not take root in business; he is drawn to literature. Now he is trying to become a translator from Czech to Russian.

But a real businessman, my bathhouse friend, was born in the year of the Goat, his wife in the year of the Dog. Both graduated from the physics department of Moscow State University, both went into business, but in different ways (the law on two careers). They make a lot of money. Two daughters. He seems to love her very much, and I think she loves him too. However, the marital bed is not shared. He has enough money, temperament and time for a wild number of strangers, although, I emphasize once again, he is more and more devoted to his wife. Paradoxical? Yes! But not for a spiritual union.

Neighbors in the village, peasants, he is the Bull, she is the Dragon. They were constantly arguing, but somehow without expression. They also made peace without unnecessary emotional outbursts. He, of course, drank heavily, and who didn’t drink in this village, and in a thousand others. After drinking, he complained that she had money hidden somewhere. “I’ll find it,” he said, “I’ll drink it and hang myself right there.” She also constantly came to complain about life, about her health, about her always drunk husband. She complained, groaned, gasped and moved on, barely hobbling. With all this, their farm was clearly the best in the village, everything was neat, tidy, everything was growing, green, heading, and so on. They were absolutely good-natured, not envious and friendly, which was a rarity in our village. We did not participate in any squabbles. He died as usual in our area. I drank in one village, went home, and froze on the way. This happened a few months after her death.


There is no such thing. For a long time, the goat was simply a sign that was inaccessible to me. The cat is unusually attractive, but also unattainable. Attempts were made, but there was no real interaction. This is the kind of soulless person I am.


Participants in a spiritual union are not frequent guests of the consultant. Indeed, this marriage is one of the most durable, one of those where you can always reach an agreement. Indeed, in a spiritual marriage, you can agree on money, sex, impotence, and frigidity. The main thing, as the theory states, is not to be bored; boredom is unthinkable in a spiritual union; in it, each of the parties is always a secret, a crossword, a rebus. Moreover, the more you solve, the more questions there are. This is the beauty of a spiritual union; it is based on eternal intrigue, an eternal mystery. Just some kind of detective. And all this is more important than sex, fresh skin and a smooth hip line.

Do you need to fight for mystery, or will it come on its own? That's the question. In any case, you definitely need to intrigue and you shouldn’t lay out the whole truth about yourself right away, just as you shouldn’t become unnecessarily withdrawn and say nothing about yourself. Difficult? Well, before us is truly a complex union. You can't get away with pickles and fresh shirts here.

Therefore, when consulting, it is important to paint the world as very complex and confusing. Do not try to simplify anything, constantly hint at certain magical forces that certainly awaken in a spiritual union, which can well be called magical.

It is necessary to ask about oddities, about signs, about incredible coincidences.

Since marriage is intellectual, the consultant must behave intelligently, but without hypocrisy, without unnecessary concealments, painting the world as complex, deep, full of bright discoveries of the spirit and dark realities of the flesh.

The main recommendations look somewhat primitive (communicate more, get into your soul, be together more often, stop communicating with friends) and therefore you should not use them thoughtlessly and automatically. But the advice to have two careers, not one, is always welcome. In a spiritual marriage, independent affairs are of great value, but these affairs must be closely intertwined and interact.

And of course, a long list of topics that you shouldn’t dwell too much on - food, housekeeping, children (this is from the patriarchal), beauty, sublime style, travel, guests (this is from the romantic), career, business, crazy sex (this is from equal) However, sex and career do not interfere with spiritual marriage. This is known from experience! I wonder from whom, if I don’t have my own experience in a spiritual union?

The basis spiritual marriage according to the structural horoscope - indivisibility of interests, mutual respect and personal growth of both spouses.

Such marriages are usually entered into by mature people who have established careers, have a comfortable life and an unshakable outlook on life. Although there are exceptions, when spiritual marriage is created by young people. However, it is quite difficult for them to build good relationships: the spouses are internally immature and emotions predominate in them, rather than reason, which is necessary for a happy spiritual marriage.

Partners in such an alliance are like magnets with different poles, attracting each other, creating enormous power. This is a harmonious marriage of two completely different people, where one complements the other. Very often in a spiritual marriage, one spouse is a realist and the other is a dreamer, the first solves problems using logic, and the second through diplomacy and the art of communication.

IN spiritual marriage There is no place for pragmatism, what matters here are feelings, and sincere ones at that. Thanks to the power of love, such a union will last for many years. Therefore, partners need to forget that there are other options - the husband has only one wife, and the wife has only one husband.

Your soulmate in such a marriage needs to be studied, felt and comprehended every day by its inner essence. We must try to be above the events happening in life - only then can we know the essence of our spouse in order to build a highly spiritual unity.

After all, the main incentive for a spiritual marriage is to find your soul mate and maintain a perfect relationship with her. Whoever can do this will live a happy life, full of love and mutual understanding, which will have a positive impact on children born in a spiritual marriage. They will be pure in soul and have a big heart.

In a spiritual marriage, it is not customary to confess love; spouses give it to each other every day through sincere conversations and showing interest in the affairs of their other half. Moreover, all this is done sincerely, because unlike other marriages, in a spiritual marriage, partners always hear their loved one, and do not pretend to be interested, going about their own business.

In marital relations spiritual marriage there is no falsehood, partners are always honest with each other and spiritually united. Although in such a marriage there may be quarrels, breakups and even hatred. But all this looks so noble that others will not be able to understand this complex relationship.

As they say, spiritual marriage is not for ordinary people, but for those who value communication and the happiness of having a person with whom and in whom you discover something new every day.

Quite often, spouses of a spiritual marriage complement each other not only in life, but also at work; their professions are often intertwined, for example, doctors of different specializations or a lawyer and an investigator, but their careers grow in parallel. They never compete because they do everything for the sake of their partner. This marriage can be called the marriage of the future - there is no aggression, struggle or political confrontation.

Cons of spiritual marriage

The disadvantages of a spiritual marriage appear when you have to resolve everyday issues, since both spouses believe that they can somehow magically resolve themselves.

Or one is overly active, while the other chooses the position of a passive observer. Because of this, the first one begins to get nervous, that he has put everything on his shoulders and is carrying the burden of problems, and the second one does not understand the reason for the nervousness, as a result, he is offended that he is not understood.

Pros of spiritual marriage

The advantages of spiritual marriage are that such a union is practically indestructible. After all, spouses recognize and accept each other’s shortcomings, not paying attention to the mistakes of their other half. Such relationships are a huge skill that very few married couples are capable of.

The commandments are: yearn to find an eternal friend, forget about the rest, love complexity, stop loving simplicity, communicate limitlessly, intrigue each other, have two separate careers, shake them up, but don’t mix them, be liberated, think less about public institutions, communicate with God directly, build a life spiral and rise above the circumstances. Now a little more detail.

a) The ideal situation for entering into a spiritual marriage is a feeling of unbearable loneliness. Only the one who carries within himself the fear of the end of his youth, the fear of the loss of friends and loved ones, the fear that children will grow up and run away, the fear of darkness and the abyss into which one cannot step without at least holding hands with someone, only he was finally ripe for spiritual marriage.

b) Protecting against loneliness and anticipating the betrayal of friends, colleagues and other citizens, confessors must strike a preemptive strike and be the first to turn away from the world of people. You can greet, talk, tell jokes, but at the same time realize that people are just a piece of decoration, and there are only two real characters in the play of life - spiritually interacting spouses. That’s why it’s so easy to communicate with other people, because they are just spectators and listeners, or maybe readers, but they cannot influence the real action, only two people decide everything.

c) Be wise, deep, do not look for simple paths and easy truths. Complicate where it is simple, muddy where it is transparent, pile up where it was spacious. This is your destiny. You are called to difficult routes, leave simple paths to other people, your path is not banal. Hence the very style of your communication, go from the opposite, you want to say “Yes!” - say “No!”, look for the black in the white, look for the good in the villain, look for the mean in the hero. This is what Stanislavsky taught us.

d) Communicate limitlessly. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of turning any topic into a subject of great wisdom and philosophical research. Learn to listen to an opinion that is unpleasant and incomprehensible to you, find a symmetrical answer to it, and engage in long-term contact of tangential blows. But head-on collisions must be avoided. Spiritual marriage is not in a hurry, does not run anywhere, and therefore quick decisions, truths born in heated debates are not needed here. Take your time, don’t butt heads, it’s not the truth that is needed in a spiritual marriage, but only the search for it, a joint path to this truth. And hence the favorite style of communication - one talks about one thing, the other about another. Questions remain unanswered, effects change with causes, up becomes down, right becomes left, and so on. The main thing is that this style does not anger your interlocutors, but amuses them.

e) Hence the main criterion for the vitality of a spiritual union - the spouses must be extremely interesting to each other. They are like strange little animals, like aliens. Unprecedented, incomprehensible, fascinating. Hence the conclusion - disguise yourself, do not help reveal you to the end, keep secrets, muddy the waters, cover your tracks. A transparent and clear person in a spiritual marriage will not last long. The ideal option for mutual alienation is great mastery in exactly what the spouse is most mediocre at. Mastery of something that is beyond your partner’s understanding is the path to maximum delight. And the state of creative enthusiasm in a spiritual marriage is a good thing, a necessary thing.

f) The unique skills of the spouses inevitably give rise to a system of two careers. But the trick is that each of the two careers is not accomplished on its own, but for the sake of an eternal friend. This is the uniqueness of a spiritual career; it is selfless, because its achievement is the delight and satisfaction of that only person for whose sake it is worth living and creating. So from one tandem four are born. It’s not so much two people interacting with each other, and not even so much two careers, as each spouse with someone else’s career. They kind of pull each other, in modern terms, they become producers for each other. This option would be ideal.

g) Fear of spiritual marriage as a kind of mental hospital, an asylum for the insane, a forge of all types of deviations and pathologies is completely unjustified. This is a marriage of the highest spiritual takeoff, an experiment of pure and selfless penetration beyond the horizon, beyond the line separating the temporary world from the eternal world. Well, if someone has not yet matured to understand the depths of the universe, then this is his problem. No one has yet proven that humanity must stop in its development, therefore, we must move forward, and there is only him ahead, a selfless, quiet and deep spiritual union, no matter how abnormal it may seem now, when viewed from the world of greed, aggression and cult individual achievements.

h) Those who have already decided for themselves that a spiritual marriage is a meeting of angels with wings, that everyone in it walks in soft slippers and speaks only in a whisper, the author is forced to disappoint. The participants in the spiritual union are too wise and too deep to skim the surface of sanctimonious stereotypes and to abide by the rules of morality imposed on the plebeians. Confessors can do everything that their personal conscience allows them, not borrowed from the copybooks of lawyers and dogmatists, but suffered in the endless struggles of spirit and flesh. By the way, there has always been enough flesh in a spiritual marriage; this is not some kind of ethereal romantic union. This is the paradox of compensation. While the flesh is strong, it strives for romantic heights, but the almost disembodied spirit clings to the flesh with both hands.

i) Spiritual marriage, in its ideal version, should perform a miracle - reveal a line of truly useful interaction between the sexes. Flying through the romance of the superficial layer of external differences, making its way through the palisade of the patriarchal economic expediency of the division of labor, and finally slipping through the period of the war of the sexes, the spiritual sign demonstrates the main difference between the sexes. A man is a brilliant creator, a woman is an equally brilliant perceiver. Male creativity is always too independent, too unreasonable, too arbitrary. A woman follows a longer, more ornate path, compares and assimilates other people’s things better and more objectively. In this sense, they are an ideal couple.

j) Marriage is strong in its achievements. In a spiritual marriage, these achievements lie in the unique path of coexistence of two careers. No one will ever come up with such perfect co-authorship as in spiritual marriage. If there is at least something in the world that exists at the junction of two sciences, two arts, two sides of existence, then the highest success should be achieved there by a man and a woman, intertwined either with their bodies, or their minds, or their souls. The dark and dense soul is male, the light and loose soul is female.

k) By strengthening their individualities in spiritual marriage, spouses receive complete emancipation in relation to society. Thus, this marriage is inherently antisocial. A romantic marriage must give its beauty to society, a patriarchal marriage must give its children to society, an equal marriage must give its energy and its aggression to society. Spiritual marriage owes nothing to society - it is the basis of a future anarchist-individualist society. Well, until the bright future has arrived, do not hesitate to pay less attention to politicians, officials, governments, presidents, states of all types, all kinds of parties, scientific meetings, societies, communities, academies, and so on and so forth.

l) Remember the fairy tale about the “white bull”. This is what spiritual marriage is about. There is movement in marriage, but this movement goes in a spiral, with endless turns in the same circles. Such a movement is in harmony with the essence of marriage, in which nothing is ever agreed upon to the end, where everything is confused, it is not clear where not a single dot is placed, and commas are almost invisible. Therefore, forward - to what is behind or back - to what is in front. Therefore, never give up, there are no reasons that prohibit, in case of inconsistency, going to one more round, then another, another and another... So: a romantic marriage is always unchanged, an equal one is always changing, a patriarchal one is in gradual deterioration, well the spiritual, through its spiral ascent, must always improve. This is exactly what the spiral is for. Each topic of marriage should be revised, improved and strengthened from time to time. Just take your time, don’t rush anywhere.

m) Spiritual marriage is the only one of the balanced ones (vector marriage does not count), in which a person “sails away” from his sign. Anyone who possessed a strong-willed type of thinking gradually shifts towards a mystical worldview. The mystic, thanks to whom this advancement took place, in turn moves forward into the element of will. The interaction between the logical and realistic elements is similar. Thus, a person, through unstoppable work and powerful marital interaction, not only changes his destiny, but also transforms what was given to him from birth - his sign.

o) At some stage, spiritual marriage apparently requires constant communication. However, if the “capture” of souls has occurred, then is it really important whether the spouses are nearby or not? In this, as in many others, spiritual marriage is the arithmetic mean of romantic and equal unions. The romantic demanded constant separation, the equal demanded constant contact, therefore, the spiritual demanded something in between. For example, constant contact in conditions of separation, or contactless stay nearby. Most likely, we are talking about a continuous alternation of separations and meetings, approaches and distances. A spiritual marriage should sway.

n) Spiritual marriage is called spiritual because, despite its antisocial and antisocial nature, it is as close as possible to the religious understanding of marriage. There is no chatter about eternal love, no ascetic service, no battle for the cause of the Lord. But there is a real presence of divine forces, which, in fact, are released at the moment the signs descend from their places. The sign is like a cork closing a bottle. The less the cork is ground in, the faster the gin/spirit living in the bottle begins to evaporate. In a vector marriage, the bottle opens like champagne, with a crash and foam. In a spiritual marriage, the plug is slowly removed.

p) Spiritual marriage experiences antagonism to other marriages less than others. From his height he looks favorably on all other marriages. For him, these are all games, but quite funny ones. It’s fun to play at romance, it’s fun to play at patriarchal relationships, but you can, however, arrange a fight and social competition in the manner of an equal union. Well, when you get tired of all this, you can return to a spiritual union. In this sense, spiritual marriage is the only synthetic one.

To summarize: spiritual marriage, although the most difficult to implement, is not strict in its implementation. Therefore, the very concept of commandments is not entirely appropriate here. Rather, it is about wishes.
