Differentiation of consonants s-z. Sounds -, -. Letters S-Z There is a large casket on the floor

Practical speech material on automation and differentiation of speech sounds for deaf high school students. (Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar region, GBS(K)OU I-II type, auditory work teacher M.V. Utisheva, 2013)

p (margin-bottom: 0.21cm;) Methodological note as practical speech material on automation and differentiation of speech sounds for deaf high school students. (Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar...

Practical speech material on automation and differentiation of speech sounds for deaf high school students. (Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar region, GBS(K)OU I-II type, auditory work teacher N.V. Ekhlakova, 2013)

p (margin-bottom: 0.21cm;) Methodological note as practical speech material on automation and differentiation of speech sounds for deaf high school students. (Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar...

Practical speech material on automation and differentiation of speech sounds for deaf high school students. (Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar region, GBS(K)OU I-II type, auditory work teachers M.V. Utisheva and N.V. Ekhlakova)

p (margin-bottom: 0.21cm;) Methodological note as practical speech material on automation and differentiation of speech sounds for deaf high school students. (Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar...


The material is intended for children with pronunciation defects. Speaking and reading this material helps to quickly differentiate speech sounds....

Fill in the missing words with the correct meaning into the sentences.

tooth - soup Zoya has a molar pain... .

Grandma cooked a delicious...

goat - braid Zina has a beautiful, lush... .

Wandered into the garden...

rash - rash The patient developed a red... rash.

It's scary in the swamp...

salt - pour cucumbers with... brine.

We need... cucumbers for the winter.

sev - pharynx The patient has red….

Spring has begun...

anger - drain Don't... the dog.

The remaining water can be...

2. Complete the phrase with one word containing the sound s or z.

Sample: Knit a sock.

Carry... . Bring... . Bring... . Deliver... . To knit... . Tie... .

Words for reference: bag, newspaper, sled, knot, socks.

3. Make up phrases using the words in points a and b.

a) frosty, cheerful, interesting, ringing, striped. Kremlin, tall, sultry, unsteady

b) fairy tale, air, song, sang, desert, fence, stars, zebra, bog

4. Make up phrases, matching the words in the first line with those that are appropriate in meaning from the second. Then create sentences using these phrases.

a) samovar, lake, bus, bell, nightingale, grasshopper, snake

b) froze, boiled, crawled away, whistled, braked, chirped, rang

5. Make up and write down sentences with each phrase.

Ripe watermelon. Severe frost. Hibernation.

Tanned back. Angry dog. Healthy teeth.

Old umbrella. Frosty air. Ripe ear.

Caring sister. A brave deed. Starry sky.

6. Write out words with letters z, s from the texts. Underline the letter z with a green pencil, the letter With - blue.

Wait for us.

Smile, moon, laugh.

Soft light, spread around.

Let two rays stand before us

They will lie like rails.

We'll get off the ground.

So let's take off that only the stars

They'll rush past!

Don't be afraid - we will be back

Alive and unharmed.


In order

Line up!

To charge


We grow up brave

In the sun


Our feet

Our shots.

The days began to noticeably decrease. Dusk is coming quickly. The night sky is overcast. Not a single star is visible on it. Dawn comes late.

The bell rang and the children quickly took their places. The snow quickly covered the hare's tracks. Ripe watermelons were brought to the collective farm market. The collective farmers mowed the ripe oats on time.

Golden meadow.

We lived in the village. In front of our window there was a meadow. Dandelions grew in the meadow, and the meadow was all golden. It was very beautiful.

One day I got up to fish. I looked out the window and saw that the meadow was not golden, but green. When I walked home in the afternoon, the meadow was again all golden. I began to observe. By evening the meadow turned green again. Then I picked a dandelion and examined it. It turned out that he had closed himself and hid his golden petals in a green cup.

As the sun rose, I could see the dandelions opening and the meadow turning golden again.

What interesting flowers, dandelions: they go to bed in the evening and get up in the morning.

(By M. Prishvin.)

7. Insert suitable words into the sentences.

It rang... and the students entered.... It started to rain, people opened.... The plane took off... and.... After... spring comes. Grandfather came to the children's Christmas tree... . The sun... is not enough. Here they come... and winter... .

8. Make sentences from these words.

Behind the fence, the dog barked. My teeth hurt a lot, Sonya. The dog was chasing the hare. Took a hare, a dog, a trail. The song stopped, suddenly, ringing. In, haystack, snake, hay, crawled away. The nightingale sang loudly in the garden. Petals, Sonya, and Zoya collected roses. There was dew on the bushes sparkling.

9. Make up sentences based on the pictures.

An approximate list of plot pictures: Sonya has a toothache, a goat is eating cabbage, a shepherd is tending a herd of goats.

10. Make sentences based on the subject pictures.

An approximate list of pictures: roses and a vase, a dragonfly and a grasshopper, a basin and a pan, an elephant and a zebra, a snake and a mongoose.

Differentiation s - With in connected texts

1. Instead of dots, insert the missing letter z or s.


Na...stupila...ima. There were...silent frosts. ...ina...yala...anki and went up the hill. She rode...ankas down the slide. Tre...or was running after her. Not afraid...I...ina Moro...ah.


In...hell be...ka. Bere...ka was...whooping. On the birch...bench...up to...an apple. ...the apple was so...calculated in anger...until...tiki.


Look, look, everyone is taking ... mirrors

What kind of red light? From...green...flowed.

This is wild shit

A new day is dawning. The baby squirrel sings

Yes, he eats nuts,

...on this morning from the frost...and the nuts are not rotten

On...ar...venyat bere...s. The...e...shells...are hollow.

2. Copy the text, replacing the picture with a word (the pictures are selected by a speech therapist).

Zoya was walking in (the garden). In (garden) (birch trees). There were (wasps) on the (birch) trees. Zoya sat down near (birch). (The wasp) bit Zoya. (The girl) cried. Mom took (the girl) out of (the garden).

Squirrel reserves.

A (pine) tree grew in (the forest). In the hollow (pine tree) there was a (nest) squirrel. The squirrel stored food for the winter. The squirrel was well fed all winter.


Zina has a beautiful (basket). Zina went into (the forest) to get (strawberries). Under (the bush) she found a ripe (strawberry). (The girl) picked up a full (basket) of (strawberries).

3. Listen to the stories. Answer the questions in writing. Methodical instructions. The words are written on the board: monkey, told, grimaced, which cause children difficulty in writing them.

In zoo.

Lisa and Rose were at the zoo. There they saw many different animals: bison, striped zebra, funny monkeys. The bison stood at the fence. The monkeys climbed the tree and grimaced. Lisa and Rosa told their friends about everything they saw at the zoo.

Questions: Where were Rose and Lisa?

Who did they see at the zoo?

What did the bison do?

What were the monkeys doing?

In winter.

It's cold outside. Snow covered the ground. Frost painted the glass with intricate patterns. Sparrows jump along snow-covered paths. They are hungry in winter.

(The words are written on the board: intricate, snow-covered.)

Questions: How did the frost paint the glass?

What are the paths like in winter?

On what paths do sparrows jump?

When are birds hungry?


Snow. It's quiet in the forest. The bears lay down in a den and sleep. Squirrels sit in a hollow and gnaw nuts. The bunnies climbed under the bushes. Angry wolves are running through the forest.

Question: How do bears, squirrels, bunnies and angry wolves behave in winter?

4. Writing from memory.

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist reads the text. Finds out from students which words are difficult for them and analyzes these words. Then the text is read again. Students write as they remember.


Zakhar's dad is a hunter. He brought it to his stuttering son. Zakhar had the bunny all winter. He fed the bunny cabbage and carrots. In the spring, Zakhar released the bunny into the wild.

In zoo.

On Sunday there was an excursion to the zoo. At the zoo, the children saw a lot of different animals. A huge, strong elephant grabbed food with its trunk. Striped tigers calmly basked in the sun. Funny monkeys got caught on the branches and swung on them. Striped zebras chewed hay. The polar bear walked on its hind legs.

The guys spent a long time remembering their interesting excursion to the zoo.

The blizzard cleared up for the funny monkey,

They forgot to give me bananas. The fir trees bent over

They forgot to give bananas to the ground. Out of fright

Funny monkey. The shutters creaked.

5. Dictations.

Visual dictations

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist writes suggestions on the board. Gives time to read these sentences. Then the offers are closed. Children write the text from memory.


Zakhar and Slava were in the forest. Here are the bunny's tracks. A bunny was sitting under a bush. Zakhar screamed. The bunny got scared and ran away.


Sanya and Seryozha were fishing on the lake. They cast nets and pulled them along the lake. They pulled out the nets. And there was a huge carp. The carp was brought home. Mom cooked a delicious fish soup from carp. Carp is a delicious fish.

Auditory dictation


Sonya cut a rose in the garden. The rose has thorns. Sonya's hand hurt. It was a thorn. Mom pulled out the splinter and smeared the wound with iodine.

Creative stories

1. Write stories using these phrases.

Sultry day. Serebryanka River. Hot sand. Loud voices. Tanned backs. Came back home. Caring sister.

Frosty air. The lake is frozen. Frost-covered trees and bushes. Animals in the forest. Hibernation.

2. Make up a story based on Oprah’s words.

dawn, woke up, sparkled, began to chirp, sing, dragonflies, it’s time to sleep, little sister, doesn’t fall asleep, asks to tell you, Seryozha, an interesting fairy tale, listens, calmly falls asleep

Differentiation b - P

1. Select the initial sounds from words can, stick.

2. From this series of sounds, name those that are similar in articulation: b, a, p, t. Name the similarities and differences between these sounds. Describe these sounds.

3. Highlight the initial sounds in words Borya - Fields, bull - dust, bathhouse - memory.

Differentiation b - p in syllables

1. Form syllables. Read the resulting syllables together.

2. Form sound combinations. Read them together.

o a a u a e u u

3. Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me what sounds these pairs of syllables differ in.

ba - pa pa - ba bya - five five - bya bi - pi

bo - po po - bo be - pe pe - be pya - bya

bu - pu pu - bu byu - pyu pyu - byu be - pe

would - py py - would be bi - pi pi - bi pyu - byu

4. Listen to the syllables. Write down the initial letter of each syllable.

pa, ba, bo, po, py, pu, bya, five, bu, would, ne, be; blo, plo, pla, pro, ply, bro, bli, blue, plu, ple, plya.

5. Listen to sound combinations. Write down only the consonants.

apa, aba, both, opa, upa, uba, yba, ipa, epa, ypa, ubo, upu, ubu

6. Listen to rows of syllables, remember, repeat in the same sequence.

pa - ba - pa pu - bu - pu pa - ba - pa - ba

ba - pa - ba bu - bu - pu ba - pa - ba - pa

poo - boo - boo - poo

boo - poo - poo - boo

7. Read, memorize and repeat the syllables.

Methodical instructions. Rows of syllables are written on the board. Students read these syllables, then gradually row by row they are closed. Children reproduce syllabic sequences from memory. The speech therapist draws the children's attention to the clear pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants.

by - bo - by by - bo - by - bo bo - by - bo - by

beep - pi - beep pi - bee - bi - pi pa - ba - pa - ba

pya - pya - pya bu - pu - pu - bu would - py - would - py

be - pe - be be - pe - pe - be bi - pi - beep - pi

8. Write down syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter b, in the second - with a letter P.

ba, pa, pu, be, ne, pyu, byu, py, would, be, ne; apa, aba, abe, ape, both, opa, upu, upi, ubu, kill, both, ope

9. Highlight the syllables with b And P from words, write down these syllables.

bullet, bots, fish, watermelons, paper, bubble, parrots, April, pharmacy, scarf, spring, splashes, brooch, plate, jump, rogue, brother, swims

Differentiation b - p c words

1. Listen to the words, determine the presence and place of the sound b or p in them.

Sample: a) in a word stick - sound P, it is at the beginning of the word;

b) in a word fence - sound b, it is in the middle of a word.

a) floor, bull, was, dust, park, beam, bullet, bank, boots, blouse, cry, cap, wander

b) fence, work, boots, mushrooms, paw, shovel, fishermen

2. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning.

stick - beam, tower - arable land, white - sang

3. Look at the pictures and name them. Determine the presence and place of sounds b in the word, P.

An approximate list of pictures: dress, brooch, mushrooms, boots, stove, bottle, patch, fence.

4. Select the letters b from these words, P. Write the letters b, P above the word chart.

bud, package, jump, run, wander, crawl, log, bug, shovel, drum, boots

5. Add a prefix to these words By. Write down the resulting word.

Sample: whiten - whiten.

whiten-..., cry-..., fight-..., swim-..., wander-..., talk-..., run-..., sing-..., would- start-... , thank-... , wake-... , run-... , disturb - ...

6. Fill in the missing syllables in the words.

A) By or more
...you...ka ...heat...lotto ...bear...extinguished sa...gi ra...ta
...le...var ...years...walked ...lel...ber for...that for...ry
b) pa or ba ry... la... ar... ...ket...nan...ran ...deep...mountain...crumpled ...barrel lo...ta r...ki
whether... ...rum ...ranny ...dawns
lam... ...years ...mint ...glad
V) pu or boo
...sy...ly...rya ...chok...ton...maga ...porridge...eye...renka ar...zy po...guy re...sy
...ket ... sledgehammer ...zina glo...s
...ding ...wound ...govica use...
...dilnik ...smear ...ditch once...dit
G) ne or be
...ro...ly...reg ...kar...che...lives ...yes...sang...juice by...yes for...gal for...val
...cash ...ret ...edit reap...
d) pi or bi…lot...ton...nocle...la ...ta...pour...sat...don ...dots...ryuz...on...oner shit... for... shit for... shit for... shit

7. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

a) ...ok, ...ol, su..., zu...y, ...liny, for...or, ...tree, that...glasses, ...big, ...rod, ka ...li, cotton...ok, ...patch, ...louse, ...alto, ...antique, then...or, o...oi

b) ...a...glasses, ...o...shops, ...o...Christmas tree, ...o...longer, ...o...duck, ...o...food, ...o...oishche, ...ro...olka, ...o...ity, ...o...scream, ...oku...ka

8. Change the words so that after the consonants b, P a vowel appeared. Emphasize the last syllable.

Sample: mushroom - gris would.

(Pay attention to how the voiced consonant at the end of a word is pronounced and written. Remember the rule.)

tooth-... mushroom-... bread-... crab-... carp-... pillar-... sheepskin coat-...

cube-... club-... oak-... dove-... steppe-... hawk-... soup-...


9. Change the words according to the example: carp - carp, teeth - tooth.

pillars - ... clubs - ... pigeons - ...

sheepskin coats - ... soups - ... ice hole - ...

bread - ... mushrooms - ... beans - ...

crabs - ... cubes - ... foreheads - ...

10. Fill in the missing letters. Write the test words in brackets.

kra..., table..., zo..., zu..., su..., du..., poto..., cl..., lo..., shta..., kar..., ra..., sno...

Words for explanation: flood, goiter, slave.

11. Pick up the letter card b or P, when you hear these sounds in a word. Write these words down.

poster, scarf, alarm clock, care, boots, help, dishes, paper, pioneer, work, pilot, fighter, pie, elderberry, brooch, bottle, bracelet

12. Come up with and write down 10 words with the letter b, 10 words with the letter P. Underline the letters b, P different pencils.

13. Draw 7 pictures each, the names of which contain the sounds b or P. Write captions for the pictures.

14. Write the words in three columns: in the first - words with the letter b, in the second - with the letter p, v the third - with letters b, p. Divide the highlighted words into syllables.

will worry conversation, request, ask, thank, thank you wake up wake up cry, patch, run, run, victory, trouble, deck, package, blouse, coat, scarf, bug, balalaika, alarm

15. Answer the questions in one word. Determine the presence of sounds b, P in these words. Write down the words.

Questions: Who do fishermen catch?

Which tree has white bark?

Which tree's leaves smell strong after rain?

What animal has tassels on its ears?

Who eats pests in the garden?

Where do cranberries and lingonberries grow?

Where do rye and wheat grow?

What day comes after Thursday, after Friday?

What is the name of the first day of the week?

16. Which professions have the sounds b or p in their names?

Words for reference: dressmaker, accountant, cook, cleaner, singer, carpenter, fisherman, shoemaker.

17. What educational supplies have the sounds b or p in their names?

Words for reference: briefcase, album, pencil case, paper, pen, folder.

18. Listen to the riddles. Guess them. Tell me which words contain the sounds b, P. Write these words down.

The cups are white on the bushes,

And they contain threads and shirts.

wooden river,

wooden boat,

And it flows over the boat

Wooden smoke.

Two brothers

They look into the water

They won't get along.

street boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs.

There is a ladder in the field.

The house is running down the stairs.

How the godfather got down to business,

She sawed it and sang.

She ate, ate oak, oak.

Broke a tooth, tooth.

Kuzlovat Kuzma,

It cannot be untied.

You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs.

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat in the summer.

Guess: cotton, train, banks, plane, sparrow, saw, squirrel, chain.

19. Dictations.

Auditory dictations

1. Methodological instructions. The speech therapist pronounces the word, the students draw a graphic diagram of it, write the letter b or p above the corresponding syllable, then write the word under this diagram.

eyebrows, paper, path, confused, fences, bug, constipation, grandma, parrot, bagels, whitewash, scare, lingonberry, coat

2. Methodological instructions. The speech therapist pronounces the word, the students write it down syllable by syllable, pronouncing each syllable.

swamp, canvas, patch, fable, bud, package, bottle, scarf, drum, boots, parrot, care, victory, whitewash

3. Methodological instructions. The speech therapist shows pictures without naming them. Students pronounce words syllable by syllable and write them down in notebooks.

An approximate list of pictures: mushrooms, birch, pies, scarf, beads, drum, coat, fish, monument, clouds, poplar.

4. Listen and write words with the letter b in one column, with the letter P - to another.

linden, paper, teeth, bouquet, shelves, brother, worker, jumped, ran, hurried, slept, white, dense, twig, alarm clock, weather, apple

Differentiation b - p in proposals

1. Listen to the sentences. Name words with sounds b, P. Write them down.

Watermelon and cabbage are vegetables. There were a lot of linden trees in the park. The buds on the birch tree are swollen. A barrel floats on the sea. May there always be sunshine! May there always be heaven!

2. Write down the riddle and the story. Underline the letters b, p.

A yellow side appeared, Roll away - I won’t move.

Only I’m not a bun, I’m rooted to the ground tightly.

I am not made of soft dough, call me. I....


Grandmother bought Boris a drum. Boris beat the drum: boom-boom! Slava and Misha were in the garden. They heard the beating of a drum and came to Boris. They also beat the drum.

Grandma, we're going to the parade!

3. Write out words with letters b from the text, P.


Boris and Klava went out into the yard.

Klava, let's choose words starting with b.

Klava said: “Bots.”

Boris shouted: “Drum!”

Klava came up with: “Pin.”

Little Masha said: “The shop.”

You're wrong, Masha

We need to come up with words starting with the sound b, and you came up with the sound l.

Masha thought and said quietly: “Beads.”

Lake Senezh.

Moscow pioneers love to visit Lake Senezh in the summer. There are dense forests near the lake. In them you can pick a full basket of mushrooms or lingonberries in an hour. On the way you can come across a marshy swamp. You can cross it using a self-made crossing. Between the forests there are meadows and fields with flowering wheat. Hardworking bees fly to the buckwheat for honey.

Wonderful places in our Moscow region.

4. Complete the sentences by inserting the necessary words according to their meaning.

stick - beam The old woman leans on... .

The roof rests on... .

barrel - kidney Cabbage was pulled out of... .

The leaves came from... .

fence - constipation A new one was made around the house... .

The gate has a good... .

forget - wash it down. A quarrel must be... .

We need medicine...

stars sparkle and splash in the blue sky...

There are waves in the blue sea... .

5. Write out a phrase from each sentence that contains the letter b or P.

Sample: empty bottle.

There was an empty milk bottle on the table. Ripe watermelons were delivered to the store. Misha made a paper steamer. There were ripe apples on the apple tree. On a pine tree, a fluffy squirrel is gnawing nuts. In the fall we looked for porcini mushrooms. Barefoot children are walking down the street. I sat down under a large poplar tree. Footprints are visible on the sandy shore.

6. Make up and write down sentences. Instead of a picture, write a word. (The speech therapist selects the pictures.)

Borya will draw (cockerel), (mushrooms), (peacock).

Polina has (drum), (stick).

Grandma bakes (pies), (buns), (bagels).

Pasha sculpted (squirrel), (mushrooms).

Dad buys (coat), (pants).

7. Make up sentences with these phrases. Write them down.

Empty bottle. Sloping shores. Field bouquet. Toothpaste.

Test run. Variegated blouse. Full package. Paper bag.

Funny song. Gathering of pioneers. Bean soup. Bad whitewash.

Striped trousers. Ripe apples. Replenish supplies.

8. Read the sentences. Answer the questions. Write down your answers.

Polina was weeding beans on Saturday. Borya watered the tomatoes on Friday.

Questions: What did Borya do?

What was Polina doing?

9. Look at the picture. Answer the questions. Write down your answers.

Methodical instructions. For this task, illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok” are used. Students' answers must be complete.

Questions: Where did the bun go?

What did the fox say to the bun?

10. Copy the sentences by inserting the missing letters.

It’s painful...to walk...on your ass. ...Auntie and...yell...o...were walking through the dew. We found...spruce mushrooms under...the cut. My... rat... caught... a big fish... Klu...ok lay, lay and went into the forest...oh...hedge.

11. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Check the consonants b, p at the end of the word. Divide the highlighted words into syllables.

Mother I cooked it delicious su... .U...ori...olit zu... . He won't be able to eat hot soup... . ...hurray...knocked over the telegraph desk... . There was a snowdrift near the house...a big snowdrift... . Kar... lives in the lake. Kra... lives in the sea. Grew up on o...ushka spreading du.... In ...street...revezli fresh bread... . On the roof...a fawn dove is cooing.

12. Look at the pictures. Make up and write down sentences based on these pictures. Methodical instructions. The speech therapist gets students to spread the proposal with the help of leading questions.

Sample proposals: Grandma bakes bagels. The fisherman caught a big fish. Petya threw the stick to the dog.

13. Read the words. Make sentences with these words. Write them down.

Butterfly, clearing, above, fluttering, white. Polina, white, blouse, and blue, buy, handkerchief. From, paper, Borya, snakes, make. Path, walked, traveler, quickly, along. Grandma, give me new trousers, Pasha. Pasha, thank, grandmother, gift, for.

14. Read the sentences. Are they compiled correctly? Correct them. Write it down correctly.

The web weaves a spider. The bud sits on a bug. The ceiling is crumbling with whitewash. The boots put Petya under the table. The guys raked the hay and put it under the shed.

Differentiation b-p in connected texts

1. Insert the missing letters and underline them.

In autumn.

Autumn has come. It's a stormy year. Yesterday...a sharp wind blew,...colorful leaves flew around. I love...I love to...to see leaves...hell. Here, light yellow leaves,... brown leaves of poplar... and alder are flying through the cuttings. The night is long now. The last...flying...birds are flying away.

2. Compose and write down a story answering the questions.

Questions: Where were the pioneers?

What was Petya doing?

What fish did Borya catch?

What butterfly did Polya catch?

What was Pavlik doing?

3. Compose a story using supporting words. Write it down.

Grandma's bagels.

Grandma baked some bagels, Petya, dad, mom thanked me.


Pasha, Borya, jumped, fence, path, close, ran, got lost, dog, stroked, snuggled, wandered, brought, stove, warmed up, stray.

4. Compose and write down stories using reference words. Come up with titles for the stories.

Fields, grandma, call, TV, show, penguins, get more comfortable, transmission.

Woke up, woke up, quickly, ran, had breakfast, dug up, ran away, settled in, went fishing.

5. Read the poems, memorize them. Write them down from memory.

White snow, Here comes the squirrel

White chalk, Not white,

White hare White even

Also white. Was not.

An excerpt from the poem “Days of the Week.”

On Monday I built

Bridge and fortress made of sand.

And they walked in an even formation

Troops passing by the fortress.

6. Listen to stories. Write them down as you remember them.


Collective farmers were harvesting hay. A large cloud appeared in the sky. The pioneers went for a walk. They rushed to help the collective farmers. Everyone managed to remove all the hay together.

Our house.

Our house is big and beautiful. There is a shop on the ground floor of the house. The store sells clothes and shoes. Poplars and birches grow at the entrance of the house. The pioneers planted many flowers around the house. A large area is visible from the windows of the house. We love our home very much.

School garden.

Spring came. It's good in spring in our school garden. White and pink flowers bloomed on the cherry and apple trees. Green leaves appeared on the birch tree. Lots of work in the garden in spring.

Differentiation d - t

1. Select the first sounds from words melon, pumpkin. Describe the sounds d, t.

2. From this series, name sounds similar in articulation: o, t, i, d, p, u.

3. Name the first sound in words Dasha, Tonya, poplar, house, car, rain, mud, slippers. Dina, money, shadows, pulls, warm, day, dunes.

4. Form syllables. Write down the resulting syllables and sound combinations in your notebook.

o a a u a e u u

Differentiation d–t in syllables

da-ta ta-da da-ta ta-da


duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

you-you you-you di-ti ti-di

2. Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.

ta, dia, do, then, you, dy, do, cha, te, de, de, tu, tu, du, tla, for, tlo, dlo, aphid, dli, tly, dra, tra, tru, other

3. Listen to sound combinations, write down only the consonant.

ada, ata, ode, ota, utu, udu, go, iti, udu, udi, uti

4. Listen, remember the rows of syllables, repeat them in the same sequence.

ta - yes - yes tu - doo - tu ta - yes - ta - yes tu - doo - tu - doo

yes - ta - yes doo - tu - doo yes - ta - yes - ta doo - tu - tu - doo

5. Read, memorize and repeat the syllable sequences.

then - to - then that – to – to - then that – to – then – to

di - ti - di ti - di - di - ti di - ti - di - ti

cha - dia - cha doo - tu - doo - tu you - dy - you - dy

de - te - de de - te - te - de de - te - de - te

6. Write down syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with a letter T.

a) yes, ta, tu, de, te, tu, du, du, dy, you, then, do, di, ti

b) ada, ata, atu, adu, odu, otu, uda, uta, ute, ude, udi, uti

7. Write down syllables and sound combinations from dictation.

yes, then, before, ta, you, dy, ti, de, those, du, tu, adu, atu, ote, ode, go, iti, yuta, food, these

Differentiation d - t in words

1. Listen to the words, name what sound d, t a) stands at the beginning of a word; b) stands in the middle.

Sample answer: a) in a word house - sound d;

b) in a word rooster - sound T.

a) house, smoke, there, Tom, dark, share, roofing felt, think, quietly, shoes, friend, aphid, for, friendship, difficult, labor

b) rooster, branch, buckets, wind, weather, victory, dishes

2. Listen to the words, write down the syllables with letters d or T., write down these syllables.

melons, body, business, breathe, quieter, sofa, perfume, you, fog, gardens, honeycombs, cats, going, go, traces, rainbow, victory, quiet, trumpet, grass, dragon, wall, broom, other, difficult

3. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. What sounds do these words differ in? Orally make a sentence with each word.

house - tom daughter - point fishing rod - duck

dacha - wheelbarrow shower - carcass fruits - rafts

Dima - Tim's business - body day - shadow

4. Look at the pictures. Determine the presence and location of sounds d, t in the titles of these pictures.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: house, grass, garden, honeycomb, chair, arrow, bucket, gate.

5. Determine the presence and location of letters d.t in words. Make diagrams of these words. Select the letters d, t from the words. Write the letters d, t over word patterns.

plate, can, girlfriend, work, coat, hard, difficult, touched, traveler, reached, radio, stooped, factories, commander

6. Detect sounds d, t in the names of the pictures. Make diagrams of words. Write the letter d or T above the word diagram. Write the corresponding word under the diagram.

An approximate list of pictures: shovel, melon, pumpkin, rainbow, slippers, napkin, bucket, plate, apron.

7. Write down the words in three columns: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with a letter T, in the third - with letters d And T. Divide three or more complex words into syllables.

there, difficult, notebook, date, touched, reached, wind, cloud,. blew, knock, smart, moved away, country, hit, fog, dragged, dozed off, doors, whistle, trumpet, girlfriend, grass, found, dragging, blossom.

8. Change words by adding a prefix before. Write down the resulting words.

Sample: drag - drag.

drown-.... melt-..., pull-..., hold-..., carry-..., drink - ..., run - ..., eat - ..., move - ..., knock - ..., endure - ..., pound - ...

9. Change words by adding a prefix from. Write down the resulting word syllable by syllable.

Sample: melted - melted.

gave - ..., dragged - ..., divided - ..., pressed - ..., sharpened - .,., pulled - ..., melted - ..., pushed - ..., gave - ...

10. Complete the words by adding a syllable Yes or ta.

city... boro... goose... ...ta

be... ...boon nature... coffee...

ra... pig... vo... ...coy

freedom... va... ...ry good...

ducklings are hatching... full...

11. Complete the words by adding syllables du or that.

Man for... little forgot...

May has...sewed...

Ha pros...yes at...


12. Complete the words by adding a syllable di or you.

de... ...ho lu... banks...ki

howl... ...tetra... howl...those

wow... ...hey lu...ki vo...those

13. Change words by adding a syllable those. Write down the resulting words syllable by syllable.

Sample: come in - howl-di-te.

go-..., leave-..., come-.... move away-..., find-..., come in - .... move away - ..., put on - ..., think - ..., erase - ...

14. Fill in the missing letter in the words d or T.

truck...or, boro...a, s...rela, vor...a, gr...usnik, zavo...noy, ve...ka, ver...ro, logo. ..a, jelly...and, milk...ok, o...blanket, fan, cap...a, steam...a, y...point, ...e ...ra...b, ...ozh...ik, s...a...o, ...ru...but

15. Copy the words by inserting the missing letter d or T. Explain why you used this particular letter.

a) duck - y...ochka, berry - yago...ka, weather - weather...ka, herring - sele...ka, boat - lo...ka, joke - shu...ka, notebook - tetra...ka, twig - ve...ka, baby - de...ka, lining - lining...ka

b) sweet-sweet..., sharp-sweet..., smooth-smooth..., rare - rare, short - short

c) ridge - ridge...ka, scarf - pla...ki, patch - patch...ka, strands - straight...ka

16. Select test words for these words so that after the consonants d, t a vowel appeared. Write these words down.

Sample: bush - bushes, notebook - notebooks.

17. Insert the missing letter into the words d or T. Write the test word in brackets.

Sample: city(s).

sle..., golo..., knu..., pr..., gra..., salyu..., zavo..., saw..., ogoro..., sa..., vinogra..., lard..., plaka..., como..., next..., next..., chocolate..., marmela..., droz..., kles...

18. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answer words Underline the letters in them d, T.

Questions: What is the weather like in winter?

What is the weather like in summer?

What days are there in summer?

What days are there in winter?

What is the name of the tool used to make holes in the wall?

Words for reference: warm, cold, short, long, drill.

19. Name and write down:

last month of the year

first month of spring;

last month of summer

first day of the week;

third day of the week;

fifth day of the week.

20. Guess the riddles. Write down the answers. Underline the letter d or from.

Round, not a month. I'm a fluffy ball

Yellow, not oil. I turn white in a clean field,

Sweet, not sugar. And the wind blew -

With a tail, not a mouse. A stalk remains.

She walks between villages and fields, I am at any time of the year

And people keep walking along it. And in any bad weather

Colored rocker, very fast at any hour

It hung in the sky. I'll take you underground.

Guess: melon, dandelion, road, rainbow, subway.

21. Solve the crossword puzzle.

Methodical instructions. Students are given cards with a crossword puzzle. On the board there is a description of the items that are included in the crossword puzzle. Mandatory condition: select words for the crossword only those whose names contain the sound d or t.

Vertical: 1. Educational accessory for classroom and homework.

Horizontal: 2. A punctuation mark that is placed at the end of a sentence.

3. A tool used by a blacksmith.

4. Substance found in a thermometer.

5. A piece of classroom equipment on which students write.

6. Forest bird.

7. A place where children have fun in winter.

8. Sudden attack of troops.

Words for reference: vertically: 1. Notebook. Horizontal: 2. Point. 3. Hammer. 4. Mercury. 5. Board. 6. Woodpecker. 7. Ice skating rink. 8. Attack.

Differentiation d - t in sentences

1. Complete the sentences by choosing a word that makes sense.

dacha - car In the summer we lived on a small... .

Tolya carried bricks to... .

daughter - period At the end of the sentence you need to put... .

Mom led the little one by the hand... .

shower - mascara For drawings you need... .

Cold... useful to everyone.

fishing rod - duck A gray duck was swimming on the lake... .

The fisherman needs a good... .

fruits - rafts. Delicious fruits have ripened in the garden... .

They floated along the river...

day - shadow Under the tree... .

Today is good...

board - longing in my sister Alyonushka's heart...

Rotted in the fence... .

the chair was blown away by the wind... the last leaves.

Bring the guest... . Move... closer.

passed - Kolya became... a pioneer.

Brother... final exam.

2. For the words from point a, select the words from point b that are suitable in meaning.

a) cold, thick, heavy, copper, younger, ancient

b) melody, bucket, grass, sister, trumpet, wind

a) commercial, summer, copper, swan, icy, berry

b) rain, trains, places, pipe, flock, water

d, t. Underline the letters d, t.

Sample: A cold wind blows all day. Cold wind.

The sun shines dimly. Cold wind is blowing. Cold rains often occur. The last leaves are falling from the trees. The birds flew to warm countries. The days have become short. Dima always has clean notebooks. The students wrote a difficult dictation. Alyosha fell ill and was given a thermometer. Cold showers are beneficial. There was an old dacha by the pond. The girl collected cold water from a wooden well.

4. Come up with and write down sentences with each phrase. Underline the letters d, t.

It's a difficult matter. Blank notebook. Sweet cake.

Homemade chair. Difficult task. Heavy bucket.

Last leaves. Fragrant lily of the valley. Shady garden.

Oak pillars. Smooth ice. Old refrigerator.

5. Complete the sentences using pictures. (Pictures are selected by a speech therapist)

Dasha draws with colored... (pencils). The nails are driven in... (hammer) They carry water... (bucket). Firewood is being chopped... (axe). They dig the earth... (shovel), catch fish... (fishing rod). The children are sitting at... (desk). Tolya ran behind... (at home). The boy runs after... (girl). Grandfather paid for... (slippers). Dima hid behind... (curtain). Lush... (grass) grows in the meadow. The hay was stacked in... (stack). Various ... (berries) grow in the forest. At the edge of the forest grow... (oaks).

6. Fill in the missing words with a letter d or T.

Tolya... to the dandelion, and it flew around. Lena stood on her tiptoes and... reached the crossbar. Dasha quickly... to the station. The children helped their grandmother... carry a heavy bag home. ... the wind, and it poured strong.... The sun hid behind... . The children solved a difficult...

Words for reference: touched, reached, reached, convey, blew, rain, cloud, task.

7. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. Choose test words for them.

Sample: There is strong ice on the river (ice).

On the river strong... . For the winter... he climbs into a den. Moscow is very big.... In the spring it begins on the river.... A metallurgical plant is being built in the city... . The fisherman was catching... fish. It broke... and the fish swam away. A passenger passenger floats down the river... .

8. Fill in the sentences with the missing preposition. from or before.

The boat sailed... shore. The raft floated unnoticed... to the shore. ... the station... the village was not far away. ...Monday...Tuesday is one day. Dima helped his mother carry her bag... home. The train has left... the station. ...Moscow...Petropavlovsk is better to fly by plane. The kid reached... the top step.

9. Copy the sentences by inserting the missing letter d or T.

E...and state...or u...e...and in...the village. ...I...I treated...il...e...her with me...om. Guys...puss...or a lick...on the...e. Soon le...o...e...will come and go...to the forest for the berries. ...at... ...lows. Boo...u...and jelly...and. ...she vi...el on...the tree...I...la. ...I...ate...hit...a tree. ...f...ya Na...asha - ...vornik. Every...y...she...me...e... ...ro...uar. An... she... has long... points. ...the girl was feeding her...glass. Na...I and Va...ik bu...u...cut...the moat.

10. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Match the highlighted words with test ones.

The dog took next... . Our city... stand... on the river bank. I wished...and dropped...ate our sa.... Lena bought ticket... to the cinema. Our pr... frozen We will sing...at the ball... . Sail along the river... ...too bad... . Tourists went to looks like... . Gra... beat ours pose...ki. Who love... labor..., that love...and I honor... . Pioneers are coming... to pair... . This pr... rich in fish. Tolya broke the wire... . We're on the path saw...saw barely... . In the spring, the pioneers dug up a vegetable garden... . Tima has a sconce... . Go...to the station train... . Grandma cooked delicious both... .

11. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Write down these sentences. Underline the letters in the words d, t. Write polysyllabic words syllable by syllable.

What do you use to fry potatoes? Where do fruits grow?

What do acorns grow on? Who is beaking the bark?

Who do they ride? How many days are there in a week?

Where do vegetables grow? Where do you write down your homework?

12. Read the words. Make sentences out of them. Write it down.

Go, Tanya, to, and, Dasha, theater. Blow, in, cold, October, winds. Fall, leaves, from, the last, trees. The ducks are ready for long flights. You, red one, must comply with the line. In winter, the days become shorter and the nights become longer. Herd, calves, two, herd, shepherd. The fruits are ripe in the garden. Live, moles, earth, under. Squirrels, love, acorns, nuts, etc.

Differentiation d - t in connected texts

The axes are sharp for the time being.

The axes are still sharp.

A woodpecker is sitting on a branch.

A woodpecker is hammering a tree.

One day beats, two beats

Your nose will hit the sky.

The axes were knocking for the time being.

For the time being, the axes were knocking.

There is grass in the yard.

There is firewood on the grass.

Don't chop wood

In the middle of the yard.

2. Dictations.

Visual dictations.

Check with syllable underlining.

Volodya was going to his grandfather’s apiary. It was getting dark. Volodya sees something under the tree. He thought it was a bear, but it was a bush. Volodya felt funny.

The dreary autumn lasts for a long time in the middle zone. Rain, wind, cold. Everything is covered with a gray haze of fog. All living things are waiting for Mother Winter to come.

Auditory dictations.

Write syllable by syllable and pronounce the syllables.

Difficult day.

Tolya and Dasha helped grandfather in the garden. They pulled the grass, loosened the beds, planted parsley and lettuce. The children worked in the garden all day. It was a difficult day. The children are happy - they worked hard.


Dima's brother works at a factory. He is a worker. Cars are made at the factory. Brother loves his plant. He's a drummer. Dima also wants to work at the factory.

Test dictations.

Winter came. It's cold outside, freezing. Trees, roofs of houses, roads - everything is covered with snow. The rivers were covered with ice. Happy kids. They are having fun running with their skates onto the ice.


The day was warm. Dima and Volodya were walking near the dacha. The boys approached a tall tree. They saw a spring near the tree. Dima and Volodya approached the spring. They bent down and drank water with their palms. The water was cold as ice.

In the village.

Grandfather has a house in the village. There is a pond near the village. In the summer Tema visited his grandfather. Grandfather gave Tema a fishing rod. Tema went to the pond and fished. He threw the fish into a bucket. Is it hard work to catch fish?

Creative dictation.

Compose and write a story using key words.

dacha, resting, Dima, carried, heavy, buckets, water, watered, beds, grew, radishes, currants, worked hard.

Differentiation v - f

1. Listen to the words mittens, apron. Name the first sound in these words. Describe these sounds.

2. From this series of sounds, name sounds that are similar in articulation: v, a, f. u.

3. Match the first sound in these words, pick up the card with the corresponding letter.

Vanya, Faina, cotton wool, candy wrapper, beans, felt boots, flag

4. Form syllables and sound combinations.

o a a a u a e u e

Differentiation v - f in syllables

1. Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me what sounds these pairs of syllables differ in.

va – fa fa – wa fya – vya ve – fe fe - ve

vo - pho pho - vo fe - ve vu - fyu fi - vi

woo - fu fu - woo fe - ve vi - fi ve - fe

you - fy fy - you fyu - vu vyo - fyo fya - vya

2. Listen to syllables and sound combinations, write down the first letter of each syllable.

va, you, fa, vo, fo, fu, you, ve, fe, fi, vi, vya, fya, vyu, fyu, fla, vla, flu, flo, vlu, vlo, fly, vly, vra, fra, fru, lie, vry, fle, vle, vlya, flya, free, fre, flu, vlu

3. Listen to sound combinations. Write down only the consonants.

afa, ava, ova, ofa, yva, ufa, ifa, eva, efa, ufo, uvo

4. Listen, remember the rows of syllables, repeat in the same sequence.

fa - va - fa fa - va - va - fa

va - fa - va wa - fa - fa - va

fu - woo - fu woo - fu - woo - fu

woo - fu - woo fu - woo - fu - woo

5. Read, memorize and write down the rows of syllables in the same sequence.

wo - fo - pho pho - wo - pho - wo wo – pho – pho – wo

fi - vi - fi woo - fu - woo - fu fi - vi - vi - fi

fya - vya - fya fyo - vyo - fyo - vyo you – fy – you – fy

ve - fe - ve vu - vue - vue - vue fe - ve - ve - fe

6. Write down syllables and sound combinations in two lines: one with the letter v, the other with the letter f.

va, fa, fu, ve, fe, you, fy, fyu, vyu, wu, vi, fi, fe, ve, afa, ava, ufa, uva, ofe, ove, eve, ife, ova, uvya, uvi, Ufi

7. Write down syllables and sound combinations under dictation (material from the previous task is used).

Differentiation v - f in words

1. Listen to the words. Determine the presence of sounds v, f.

ABOUT sample: a) In a word cotton wool - sound V.

b) In a word torch - sound f.

a) focus, gate, factory, collar, apron, flag, goalkeeper, rotate, flute, time, phlox

b) envelopes, candy, jacket, forge, bed, coffee, napkin

2. Listen to the words, write down the syllables V or f.

a) cotton wool, Faya, photo, lantern, pitchfork, Vanya, vase, carts, eagle owl, wind, torch, fan, focus, broom, Fanya

b) owls, willow, cabinets, willows, scarves, sofa, sofas, owl

c) candy, advice, sweatshirt, owl, snorted, howled, scattered, gun carriages, sundress, mitten, scarves, coffee

3. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. Tell me what sounds these words differ in. Orally make a sentence with each word.

Fenya - Venya, owl - sofa, vase - phase, moisture - flask

4. Listen to the words. Make diagrams of these words, write the letter V or f above the corresponding syllable.

fruit, bed, ravine, box, stick, pour in, wick, snort, caftan, Africa, potatoes, purple, cheerful, waffle, flannel

5. Look at and name the pictures. Arrange them in three columns: in the first - with the sound in, in the second - with the sound f, in the third - with sounds V And f.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: transom, nightingale, shoes, phlox, violets, waffles, cherries, apron, coffee pot, owl, vase, traffic light.

6. Write on the left in three columns: in the first - with the letter V, in the second - with a letter f, in the third - with the letters in and f. Underline the letters in, f Using different pencils, explain the highlighted words.

nightingale, cheesecake, cap, elevator operator, sign, waffle iron, coffee pot, owl, mothballs, festival, paddle, cart, wrapped, soufflé, farm, fruit, keeps up, raven, date, scarf, manufactory, tumbling, candy bowl.

7. Complete the words by adding syllables with letters v, f.

Sample: cabinets.

bro - ... key - ... shka - ... black - ...

with - ... sli - ... with - ... ball - ...

8. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

a) ...lakon, ...agon, ...orota, ...toroi, ...lyus, ...orona, ...orobey, ...orma, ...rukty, ... ortochka, ...igura, ...ratar, ...ilm, ...lot, ...yarket, ...oto, ...orel, ...ether, ...ichr, ... ichor

b) ci...ra, pro...od, s...ertok, ke...ir, s...ekla, sara...an, ko...er, liter...ter, sli...a, slick...solo, solo...ey, per...th, sal...et

c) ...if...y, ...hand...y, ...or...al, ...yellow...yy, ...lanel...yy, th.. .orly...y, ...ar...or, ...e...ral, ...is...al, ...otog...ia, ...a... ...... pulls... out

9. Listen to the words. Repeat them syllable by syllable. Determine in which syllable the sound is heard in or f. Write the words syllable by syllable, underline the letters v, f different pencils. (The speech therapist dictates the words as they are written.)

traffic light, camel, manufactory, grinds, grinder, coffee pot, coffee maker, surname, alphabet, dislocation, flannel, fruit, purple

10. Change the words so that after the consonants in, f a vowel appeared.

Sample: scarf - scarves, lion - lions.

wardrobe - ... eyebrow - ... bodice - ... sleeve - ...

blood - ... lion - ... scarf - ... branch - ...

drain - ... sowing - ... ditch - ... skif - ...

11. Complete the missing letter. Write the test word in brackets.

ro..., shka..., le..., ball..., sow..., kro...b, vet...b, bro...b, carrot...b, bread ...

12. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answer words. Determine the presence of letters in, f in words.

Apples, pears, lemons are...?

Cabbage, cucumbers, beets, carrots are...?

The second month of winter is ....

The last month of winter is... .

The vessel in which coffee is brewed is... .

The good sorceress is... .

Words for reference: fairy, coffee pot, fruits, vegetables, February, January.

13. Solve the crossword puzzle. (See guidelines for sounds d - t.)

Vertically: 1. Youth Festival.

Horizontally: 2. Light fixture on the front of the machine. 3. Drink. 4. Fruit. 5. A vehicle located in the house. 6. Male name. 7. Room for sheep. 8. A fruit that grows in the Caucasus. 9. Geometric shape.

Words for reference: festival, headlights, coffee, plum, elevator, Ivan, barn, quince, oval.

Differentiation in - f in sentences

1. Complete the sentences by choosing words that suit their meaning.

owl - sofa We saw in the forest... .

Mom bought a new one... .

moisture - flask In spring there is a lot of... in the fields.

There were no tourists...

2. Make up phrases by matching the words in point a with the words from point b that are suitable in meaning. Underline the letters in, f different pencils.

a) fresh, purple, flannel, beautiful, porcelain, fruit, high

b) figure, sundress, kefir, vase, jacket, porcelain, candy

3. Write out letter combinations from the sentence v, f.

We went to the dacha in the first carriage. At the dacha we ate fresh fruit. A tall figure of an unfamiliar man appeared on the road. The magician showed funny tricks. Vova did not see the date tree. Fresh vegetables and fruits are good for everyone. The air is humid today. We drank tea with fruit sweets. The north wind is blowing. The children hung multi-colored flags on the Christmas tree.

4. Come up with and write down sentences with these phrases.

waffle cake holey kaftan wooden gate

beautiful flag porcelain vase spring water

delicious trout beautiful bottle tin flask

new shoes purple sweater date tree

5. Complete the sentences using pictures. (The speech therapist selects the pictures.)

The (elevator) does not work in our building. Faya made compote from (plum). Fedya lit the road (a lantern). Vera put on a flannel jacket. The car was missing one (headlight). The guests drank tea with fruit (sweets). Red (flags) were flying on all the houses. Vera decided to ventilate the room and opened the window. Our telephone (wire) broke.

6. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. Check the consonants in, f at the end of a word.

The woodpecker has a long... . It has... a long neck. The carpenter built it... for the sheep. Vera often has a sore throat. Grandma knitted her a new one... . In the morning Fedya drinks tea or... . Fedin's dad grinds parts at the factory, he works... . You have to cross the road on time, you have to look at... . Night-bird-... . ... they see poorly during the day, but they see well at night. Plums, apples, pears are... . Potatoes, beets, turnips are... . At night our street is illuminated... . There is a man on duty near the elevator...

7. Copy the sentences by inserting the missing letters into the words.

In the class they showed...a training...ilm. In winter you need to open...the window. ...Arya put on a ball...and...arezhki. Anyusha has a fur coat. On a hike you need...onari and...thighs. U...ichi no...th...hurry.

8. Copy the text. Insert the missing letters. Emphasize them.

A park.

There is a beautiful park near our house. The ontans are beating in the park. Near...Ontans there are flowering...trees and...a tra...a growing like a high wall. On...the trees...the sparrows...are chirping cheerfully.

9. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Write them down. Underline the letters in, f different pencils. Write polysyllabic words syllable by syllable.

Questions: Where are candies made?

Where do tourists pour water?

What do they hang on houses on holiday?

What are the roads in the city covered with?

What is opened in winter to ventilate the room?

10. Make up sentences based on supporting words.

Window, Vera, close. Vova, tie up an apron. At night, eagle owl, it’s good to see. U, gate, goalkeeper, stand. Faina, give, Vera Fedorovna, violets. Vera Fedorovna, put, in, violets, porcelain vase. Sheep, live, in, barn. Varya, purple, find, cornflowers.

Differentiation in - f in connected texts

1. Read the tongue twisters and write them down from memory.

Fimka is visiting Fomka. Our Filat is never to blame.

Fimka visiting Fomka. Our Filat is never to blame.

2. Dictations.

Visual dictation

Check with syllable underlining and pronouncing syllables.

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist writes a proposal on the board. Children read this sentence, then it is erased. Students write it from memory. The rest of the proposals are dealt with in the same way.

Our garden.

Beets, carrots and beans grow in our garden. Weeds prevent vegetables from growing. We pull out the weeds. We grow good vegetables. All fall we will be eating vegetables grown in our garden.

On the farm.

Varya Filippova works on a farm. There are cows and beautiful funny calves on the farm. Varya feeds the cows and calves. From the farm, milk is sent to stores. In the summer, schoolchildren work on the farm. They dig up grass. Boys and girls work happily and friendly on the farm.

A word to explain: they dig.

Auditory dictations

Write syllable by syllable, pronounce the syllables.

The school cafeteria sold waffles. Put a pencil case, primer and notebooks in your briefcase. The room has a table, a bed, a sofa and a sofa. Potatoes, carrots, beans - vegetables. Vera drew a lion and a giraffe. February is a winter month. There are thirty-three letters in the alphabet. Flags flutter at the gates.

Mom bought two meters of flannel. She made a jacket for Valya from flannel. Valya liked the flannel jacket. She was hanging the jacket in the closet. The grandmother knitted a sweatshirt for her granddaughter. Valya wears a new sweatshirt to the skating rink.

Test dictations

There are beautiful fountains near the school. Levkoy and phlox bloomed near the fountains. There is an orchard behind the school. In autumn we will pick ripe fruits. Our dining room always has fresh fruits that we grow ourselves.


Vanya and Faya heard a knock. It was a bird knocking on the window with its beak. Vanya opened the window and let the bird into the room. The bird flew in. All winter the children looked after the bird. Spring has come. Vanya opened the window and released the bird into the wild.

Compose and write down stories based on key words.

Fedya is a football player.

Fedya, football, will, football player, volleyball, scores, sweater, goal, puts on.

Vera, physical education, dislocated, volleyball, left shoulder joint, doctor, visited, Fedya, Varya, dates, fruits, waffles, recovered.


Listen to the story. Divide it into parts. Give each part a title. Make an outline for the story.

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist writes down the plan on the board, writes out difficult words and phrases: Great Patriotic War, Pskov region, fascist patrol, liberation day, hidden, village council, children's first and last names. After the students write the presentation, invite them to check it with each other, highlighting errors with a simple pencil.

Four brave ones.

The Great Patriotic War was going on. The Nazis captured the Pskov region. They mocked everything that was dear to the Soviet people.

Pioneers Fedya Ivanov, Vanya Pikalev, Vera Fedoseeva and Volodya Frolov decided to save the bust of V.I. Lenin from enemies. The bust stood in the collective farm club. The guys made their way into the club. They carefully wrapped the bust in their jackets. Under the nose of a fascist patrol, they jumped out the window and got out of the village. The bust was hidden in a safe place. When the Nazis were driven away, the brave pioneers pulled the bust out of its hiding place.

Now the bust of V.I. Lenin again stands in the premises of the village council.

Differentiation g - To

Lesson notes

Subject. Distinguishing between sounds and letters g - k.

Target. Teach students to distinguish sounds and letters g - k in syllables.

Equipment. Posters, diagrams, letters.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

Students are divided into two groups: “geese” and “chickens”. The speech therapist gives the signal: “Geese.” The “geese” students raise their voices and sit in the second row. At the signal: “Chickens” - the “chickens” students sit in the first row.

II. Introduction to the topic.

The speech therapist asks the students whether they have guessed what sounds we will be working with today.

Students. With sounds G And To.

III. Isolating sounds g, k from words.

The speech therapist reads S. Pogorelovsky’s poem “How Mishka made his grandfather angry.”

Mishka-Mikhail writes: Mishkin, give me a portrait in them!

“Grandfather Gerasim scored a goal.” I wrote a dictation at school,

Everyone reads and exclaims. I was thinking about football.

Hey old man, he scored a goal! That's why the count

Give it to all newspapers Turned into a goal

Grandfather's portraits! And for this goal

No,” said the grandfather angrily, “he received a stake.”

Questions: What was Mishka’s mistake?

What two meanings does the word stake have?

Speech therapist. Name the first sounds in words count, goal What do these sounds have in common? (Sounds g, k- consonants.) How are these sounds different? (Sound G- sonorous, To- deaf.)

IV. Isolating sounds g, k from syllables.

a a a a a a

o o o o o o

g u k u u k u u g u

y y y y y

and and and and

Exercise 1. Listen to the syllables, write down the initial letter of each syllable. (The speech therapist dictates the syllables, students write the letters in their notebooks.)

ka, gu, gy, ki, gi, ko, go, kyo, ge, kya; kra, cro, gra, kra, gru, gra, gro, gree, cree, cro, gryo

Task 2. Listen to sound combinations, write down only consonants. (The work is performed in the same way as the previous one.)

oko, ogo, uka, oki, ogi, aka, aha, ogo, uko, oki, ogi

Task 3. Listen and remember the rows of syllables, repeat them in the same sequence.

ga - ka - ga ka - ga - ka go - ko - go ko - go - ko ku - gu - ku

Task 4. Write down the syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter g, in the second - with the letter To.

gy, ky, ka, ga, gu, ku, ke, ge, aka, aha, oka, oga, uka, igo, him, ogo, yoki, egi

Tell me how many syllables have a voiced consonant and how many have a voiceless consonant. How many sound combinations are with a voiced consonant and how many with a voiceless consonant?

V. Summary of the lesson. Speech therapist. What sounds did we learn to distinguish in syllables today?

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 1. Pronounce (read) syllables.

for - zy zy - zy zy - zi

zya - for zo - ze zyu - zu

for – zya – for zyo – zo zu – zyu

zy - zi - zy zo - ze - zo zu - zy - zu

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 2. Pronounce (read) words.

hall - took the evil - goat carts - carry

bunny - housewife vigilantly - grains bottoms - lowlands

back – patterns threaten – basin lakes – basins

goat - booger Trezor - prize-winner loads - load

hare - finch cart - lucky frosts - freeze

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 3.

Golden grain. Green watermelons. Hare and goat. Winter patterns. The smell of gasoline. Hall of Mirrors. Elegant vase. Forgotten museum. Abandoned lake. The store is locked. Closed basket. Green eyes. Truck with tires. Funny animal. Winter and frost. Rubber Zoya. Caring owner. Roses in a vase. Basket of strawberries. Evil beast.

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 4. Say (read) sentences.

Tuzik is at the fence. Zoya and Zina are friends. Trezor and Tuzik are in the yard. Zoya said that she did not take the basket. This basket contains green grapes, and that basket contains pink grapes. The owner abandoned the bunny. The truck body was loaded with grain. Pack the carts and take them to the village. Tears tremble in the hostess's eyes.

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 5. Listen to the story and answer the questions.

There is a vase on our table. Forget-me-nots in a vase. “Zina, don’t forget to change the water in the vase,” said mom.

- What's on the table?

- What's in the vase?

- What does Zina’s mother ask for?

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]


- Zina, give me that vase over there.

- Please, Zoya.

- But this vase is empty?!

- No, it is not empty. She's with air.

-Where are the sweets?

- They disappeared somewhere.

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 7. Answer the questions.

Zina fell asleep. - What did Zina do? Who fell asleep?

Lisa knows a lot of fairy tales. – Who knows a lot of fairy tales? How much does Lisa know?

Zoya and Zakhar made a flying kite. -Who made the snake? What did Zoya and Zakhar do?

Once Zoya and Zina went to the zoo. There they saw many animals. But all the animals had the sound [z] or [z] in their names. Name them.(zebra, goat, hare, bison).

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 8. Correct the word order in the sentence.

Here the earth crawls along a snake.

The flying kite made dad and Zina.

Kuzma's tooth hurts.

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 9. Learn the riddle.

Because he withered

Green in the closet

In winter he whipped

The owner is in the bathhouse.

(Birch broom)

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 15. Learn a poem.


The bunny is not used to working, where is the bunny? Where is the bunny?

Badger is too lazy to work. You go find out.

Only the squirrel is the mistress. Apparently, the bunny has become arrogant,

At work all day. Since I forgot you, mistress.

(A. Starodubova)

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 14. Learn a poem.

The birds are chilly, the animals are chilly.

Animals freeze in their holes,

They climb into hollows and nests.

In the blue sky the stars are frozen,

They fade at dawn -

Wow, it's freezing in January.

(V. Suslov)

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 10. Learn a poem.

Frosty winter morning

At dawn the birches ring.

All lakes are mirrors

Made of green glass.

(In Suslov)

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 11. Learn a poem.

Why does the little mistress

Did the bunnies take the green umbrella?

Then, to hide from the wolf

Under this silk umbrella.

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 13. Learn a poem.

I won't forget forget-me-not

Those blue eyes.

The name will remind you

That she cannot be forgotten.

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[Z] – [Z’]

Exercise No. 16. Learn the counting rhyme.

One two three four five. Teeth, goat and basins,

Bunny, umbrella, snake, basket, Count, don’t be lazy,

Vase, air and rubber, Look, don’t be mistaken.

Make sure that the sounds [з] and [з’] do not mix in pronunciation. Pronounce the sounds [з] and [з’] for a long time.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Do you want to receive games by mail?
Fill out the form!





Winter came and decided to freeze everyone. It blew cold and covered it with drifting snow. The birds flew to where there is no winter. Winter decided to freeze the animals and swept the earth. The frosts are coming, one more severe than the other. The animals hid for the winter. The bitter winter has frozen the rivers and lakes, but it cannot freeze the fish - they are not cold under the ice. Winter attacked people and froze the windows. And people lit the stoves. Even children are not afraid of winter. Winter is angry, but it’s all in vain. Winter began to cry, winter tears began to fall. This means winter is over.

Learn the poem:

Zina’s greens overwinter in a basket,

Greens in a basket in the ground.

Green greenery makes Zina happy,

Zina's greens are warm.


Ground, ground, gape, import, load, green, winter, infect, freeze.


The vase is gilded. They make green with green, and they gild with gold. The umbrella was covered with greenery. The angry goat was visibly angry. The bell rings loudly. The onlooker yawns, and the arrogant one becomes arrogant.


Winter frosts in the yard, green spruce trees are turning green

They forged the earth in December, And do not freeze in the frosty winter:

The lake froze at dawn, snowstorms covered and leveled

Children flashed on the mountain. And they hid the earthen floor.

Where does the bunny spend the winter in winter?

Where do evil wolves spend the winter?

Where are the animals from the evil blizzard

Are you planning to make minks?

sa - for - sa sya - zya - sya asa - aza - asa

so - zo - so se - ze - se oso - ozo - oso

su - zu - su syu - zyu - syu usu - uzu - usu

sy - zy - sy si - zi - sy ysy - yzy - ysy

Bolt, salting, stock, drift, request, launch, said, smeared, tear, peel off, tie, lick, say, cut, bring, through, convene, drought, curtain, outpost, screensaver, force, pickle, convocation, ripen, creation, creation, clog, condemn, catch a cold, intercede, intercessor, carp.

Soup - tooth cod - bunny bend - bend

Court - the itch of dew - tear off the roses - lift up

Rash - swell drain - anger collect - pick up

Garden - sow sow back - nitrogen close - close

Layer - evil advice - covenant to go down - come in

Soybeans - Zoya salt - pour

Vasya is sick. The dog barked. A volley of fireworks. Strong smell. Gold autumn. Golden leaves. Blue umbrella. Empty hut. The smell of lilac. Green gardens. Bad drought. Fun link. Dangerous disease. Constant care. Curtain rose. Ordered letter. Everything was quiet. Green salad. Special task. Dangerous area. Dry land. Green pine trees. The aspen has dried up.

Constellation of stars. The stars are shining in the blue skies. The blue is blue and the green is green. Blue cornflowers turn blue, and green foliage turns green. Vase with forget-me-nots. The flap is used to cover it. You can't break a tooth on soup. The bunny doesn't eat the cod. The grass is sow thistle, and the gas is nitrogen. Add salt and add water. Make the dog angry and drain the water. Close your eyes and lock the lock. To be covered with snow, and to be splintered with a splinter.

Golden autumn has arrived. A gray goat wandered into a green garden. Zoya planted an elderberry. Green pine trees rose near the house. Strawberries are ripe in the forest. Sonya put raisins and marshmallows on the table. After the soup, everyone ate zrazy with rice. Lisa hid under an umbrella. Zoya kneaded the dough. Sima hung a green curtain. There were pink peonies in a blue vase. Vasya cut a ripe watermelon. Sonya, Zoya, Vasya and Styopa went to the museum together. There are ripe plums in the store. A golden star shone in the dark sky. At the store, Sonya weighed butter, sour cream, raisins and marshmallows. Styopa supplies the goat with hay for the whole winter. Take on every task with confidence. One for all and all for one.


1. The ability to distinguish consonants C. 3 in oral and written speech.



4. Development of coherent speech.

5. Development, thinking, memory, attention.

Equipment: signal cards, tape recording, pictures: curtain, zebra, elephant, glass, plum, watermelons, cabbage, nest; card with the text of the fairy tale “A Pig Away”; crossword table.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.


What letters and sounds did you work with in the last lesson?

Characteristics of sounds.

What are the articulations of these sounds, what are their similarities and differences?

What do the letters C and 3 look like?

Think of words with these sounds.

III. Fixing the material.

1. Differentiation of consonants C, 3 in syllables.

a) Form syllables. Read them.

b) Read, memorize and write down the syllable series in the same sequence.

(Time is given to read the syllables of one chain, then the syllable row is closed).

sa-za-za-sa-sa sa-za-sa-za zyu-syu-zyu-syu

xya-zya-zya-xya si-zi-si-zi zu-su-zu-su

2. Differentiation of consonants S, Z in words.

Words: glass, law, teeth, hearing, laughter, ringing, cold, winter, tray, sour cream, goat, ointment, geese, basket, shop, stars

b) Solving a crossword puzzle. Guess the word by the first letters of the names.

Hare Vase Christmas tree Castle Woodpecker Glasses Clock

Cube Aquarium. (Star).

c) Working with pictures.

Look at the pictures. Name them.

Make a diagram of these words. Write the letters Z, S.

Write down the words, divide them into syllables (curtain, zebra, elephant, glass, plum, watermelons, cabbage, nest).

d) Guessing riddles, writing riddle words in two columns with different pastes,

The oblique one has no den, there is a patch in front

He doesn't need a hole, there's a hook behind him,

The leg in the middle saves you from enemies,

And from hunger the hole (HARE) And it has bristles on it. (PIG)

I walk in the rain and in the heat. Balls hang on branches

This is my character. (UMBRELLA) Turned blue from the heat. (PRUMS)

The white stone melts in your mouth. (SUGAR) What is visible only at night? ( STARS)

Shines, sparkles, Even though she herself is snow and ice,

Warms everyone up. (SUN) And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (WINTER)

Read the words of the first column and the second.

3. Differentiation of consonants S, Z in sentences.

Make sentences from these words.

Behind the fence, the dog barked.

My teeth hurt a lot, Sonya.

The dog was chasing the hare.

Took a hare, a dog, a trail.

In, haystack, snake, hay, crawled away.

The nightingale sang loudly in the garden.

On, sparkled, bushes, grew.

Sentence analysis: find the main members of the sentence.

4. Differentiation S-W in texts.

Listen to G. Yudin’s fairy tale “A Visiting Pig.”

Determine which of the sounds from the sounds S-Z is more common in the text.

“Once a dog invited his neighbor, a pig, for dinner. She set a table in the garden, laid out a beautiful tablecloth, laid out napkins, salt in a salt shaker, lilacs in a glass and even candles in candlesticks. I prepared all sorts of food: cheese, beets in sugar, currants in sour cream, plum juice, and fried sausages with lard for myself. The pig came, didn’t even say “hello”, climbed onto the table in her boots, ate everything, left nothing for the dog, even salted the candle and ate it along with the lilacs.

Then she lay down on the tablecloth and said: “You’re boring, dog! You should read some poetry or a fairy tale.” “You have no conscience,” the dog got angry - you are a pig! Get out of here now!” And since then the dog has been angry with the pig.”


What sound is in the text?

Who did the dog invite to visit?

How did the dog prepare for the arrival of the guest?

How did the pig behave at a party?

Why was the dog angry?

Retell the content of this fairy tale.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

What did you learn in class?

Speech therapy session plan No. 33



1. To develop in students the ability to distinguish the consonants B, P in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonemic awareness.

3. Development and improvement of grammatical structure.

4. Development of coherent speech.


Equipment: a table for mnemonic devices, a syllable table, bags with deformed text, Buratino and Malvina figures made of foam plastic or cardboard.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time.


What sounds and letters did you work with in the last lesson?

Let's play the game “Who is bigger?” The one who comes up with the most words wins

III. Introducing a new topic.

1. Guess the riddle. Isolating the first sounds from guessing words.

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away (BUTTERFLY)

Gets up at dawn.

Post in the yard.

There is a comb on the head

Who is this? (COCKER).

So what are these sounds?

2. Clarifying the articulation of sounds, establishing their similarities and differences,

3. Comparison of sounds with their graphic images. Mnemonic device.

Letter B with a big belly Letter P in a sports hall

In a cap with a long visor! They called it a crossbar.

Come on, honey, don't be lazy.

Come and pull yourself up.

4. B-P differentiation.

a) in syllables

1) Working with the syllabic table.

Read the syllables in pairs, say what sounds these pairs of syllables are made of:




2) Listen to rows of syllables, remember, repeat in the same sequence:



3) Form syllables:

O e
U Yu
s And

4) Recording syllables in a notebook:

pya, bo, ab, al, ub, pyu, byu, bab, pub

Read the written syllables.

b) Differentiation of sounds in words.

1) Clapping the number of syllables in words:


2) Listen to the words, determine the presence and place of the sound B or P in them.

Example: a) in the word PALKA - the sound P is at the beginning of the word.

b) in the word FENCE - the sound B, it is in the middle of the word.



3) “Funny sounds.”

“B” said: Cut the forest

Listen to “A”, Let the pitchforks go,

Let's run to look for words! Those who contacted PILY,

They look - a barrel,

Letters barrel Enter the house.

We rolled along the sand. The ox is afraid:

The barrel has become light, Beneath me

Flew away under the clouds (BUTTERFLY) The FLOOR will bend.

Clubs, couples at the entrance

Laikas are leaving the ball

And behind them are a couple of hounds,

In the paws of BALALAYKA,

4) Frame the words like this. so that after the consonants B, P a vowel appears. Emphasize the last syllable.


(Pay attention to how the voiced consonant at the end of a word is pronounced and written. Remember the rule.)




c) B-P differentiation in sentences.

1) Complete the sentences by inserting the words that make sense:

stick - beam The old lady leans on...

vocabulary work The roof rests on...

barrel - bud Leaves appeared from...

Cabbage was pulled from...

Forget - wash down the quarrel...

I need medicine...

Stars sparkle and splash in the blue sky...

Waves in the blue sky...

Read the sentences.

Analysis of sentences 1, 2: find the main members in the sentences.

Speech therapy physical minute.

d) B-P differentiation in connected speech.

Today we have guests. (The speech therapist shows the figures of Malvina and Pinocchio).

What did Malvina teach Buratino?

So today Malvina gave Pinocchio a task, but he cannot cope with it and turns to you for help.

Open the bags. You will see stripes with text. You must arrange these strips correctly to create a story. And then title this story, Start the task. Read the story.

Our house is big and beautiful.

There is a shop on the ground floor of the house.

The store sells clothes and shoes.

Poplars grow at the entrance of the house.

The children planted many flowers around the house.

We love our home very much.

How would you title the story?

So, did you help Pinocchio?

IV. Summary of the lesson. What did you learn in class?

Speech therapy session plan No. 34



1. To consolidate in students the ability to distinguish consonants V-Pv in oral and written speech;



4. Development of coherent speech;


Equipment: signal cards, tape recording, sound clock, punch cards.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of covered material.

What consonants did you work with in the last lesson? What are the similarities and differences in the articulation of these sounds? Name the voiced consonant. Name the voiceless consonant.


1. Differentiation of sounds in syllables: syllable rows.

a) Read, memorize and repeat the syllable series. (Students read the syllables, then gradually row by row of syllables are closed. Children reproduce the syllable row from memory. The speech therapist draws the children’s attention to the clear pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants).





b) Write the syllables in two lines: in the first - with the letter B; in the second - with the letter P.


Read the syllables written in the first line, in the second,

2. Differentiation of P-B sounds in words.

a) Working with signal cards using tape recording.


b) Working with the “sound clock”.

Find the shortest words and put arrows on them.

Find two-syllable words: BARREL, STICK.

Find the longest words: BUTTERFLY, BOOTS.

Now name the words that contain the consonant P, and then B.

c) Graphic analysis of guess words.

He will tell you, he will tell you, - the housewife

Sits and waits for prey (SPIDER). Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower

Without caring about the weather, He will share the honey. (BEE).

He walks around in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days He willingly inhales dust,

May gives her earrings. (BEREZKA). Not sick, but sneezing, (VACUUM CLEANER). Thirty-three siblings

Pissed beauties

They live on one page.

And they are famous everywhere. (LETTERS).

3. P-B differentiation in sentences.

a) Fill in the missing letters in the words. Divide the highlighted words into syllables.

Mom cooked a delicious soup...

U...ori...olite zu...

He won't be able to eat hot soup...

Hooray... gone away telegraph table....

There was snow...a big snowdrift near the house...

Kra... lives in the sea.

Grew at the edge of the forest spreading duh...

Read the sentences, explain the spelling of B, P at the end of the words.

b) Read the words.

Make sentences with these words. Write them down.





Read the sentences. Count the number of letters P, B, determine which letters are larger.

Speech therapy physical minute.

4. Differentiation of P, B in connected speech.

Working with punched cards. Insert the missing letters.

If there was a desire - ...the work would go well.

To live idle is just not to…cat.

No matter how hard you hide Ravda, it will come out.

When I was young I didn’t study - I lost my life.

Pour from... mouth to empty.

They write not ... with their words, but with their minds.

IV. Summary of the lesson. What did you learn in class?

Speech therapy session plan No. 35



1. The ability to distinguish consonants D - T in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonemic awareness;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical structure;

4. Development of coherent speech;

5. Development of memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: tables for mnemonic devices, syllabic table, cards with the text of the fairy tale “The Good Word”, table with inverted words, table with rebuses, pictures: pipe, firewood.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of covered material.

What sounds and letters did you learn to distinguish in the last lesson? Name the voiced consonant. Think of words with this sound. Name the voiceless consonant. Make up words using this sound.


1. Isolating sounds from words using subject pictures. (In the starting position).

Pictures: pipe, firewood.

2. Clarifying the articulation of sounds, establishing similarities and differences(pay attention to kinesthetic sensations.)

3. Characteristics of sounds(consonants, voiceless, voiced).

4. Comparison of sounds with their graphic representation.

There stands there, blowing smoke. Answer who knows:

Letter D - stove pipe. What kind of hammer is this?

5. D-T differentiation in syllables.

a) Read the syllables on the table, written in pairs. Tell me, what sounds differ between these pairs of words?





b) Listen to the syllables, write them down in two lines: in the first line syllables with a voiceless consonant, in the second - with a voiced consonant:


Read the syllables written in the first line, the syllables written in the second line.



6. D-T differentiation in words.

a) Listen to the words, name what sound D, T:

1) It comes at the beginning of a word.

2) Stands in the middle.

Sample answer:

1) in the word SMOKE - the sound D.

2) in the word COCK - the sound T.



b) Working with inverted words.

Read the words written on the table:


Now read these words from right to left. What happened?

c) Solving puzzles. Solve the puzzles shown on the table.

d) Write the words in two columns with different pastes.


Read the words you wrote in the first column in the second.

d) Finish the word:

I have tons of friends. I am the antonym of noise, knocking,

I can't count them myself. Without me you will suffer at night.

Because who will pass, I am for rest, for sleep,

He will shake my hand. I call myself... (SILENCE).

I'm glad to see people, believe me,

I am friendly... (DOOR).

Should always be in order

The hedgehog has grown ten times, Your school... (Notebooks).

It turned out... (Porcupine).

In the forest to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling

The forest telegraph operator knocks:

"Great, buddy blackbird!"

And signs... (WOODPECKER).

7. D-T differentiation in sentences.

a) Write out phrases with the letters D, T from the sentences. Underline the letters. D - one line, T - two.

Example: A cold wind has been blowing all day. COLD WIND.








Read the written word combinations.

b) Insert the missing preposition FROM or TO into the sentences. How will you write prepositions?

The boat sailed... shore.

The village was not far away.

Dima helped his mother...carry the bag...at home.

The train has left... the station.

The kid reached... the top step. –

Read the sentences.

8. D-T differentiation in connected speech.

Listen to the fairy tale “A Good Deed”, and then tell me what sounds were more common in the fairy tale?

Good deed.

The bear has nothing to do, so he wanders around the forest all day long, gets bored and yawns so much that the trees shake. E-Eh! I would like something to do. I would like something useful. do. A few days ago he made holes in the ground with a huge club. “Maybe someone will make a nest for themselves in these holes,” the bear thought. But no one intended to live there. Then the bear gathered some grass and stuffed it into the hollow where the woodpecker lived. “Now it will be soft for the woodpecker in the hollow.” But the woodpecker only scolded him, because it was impossible to get into the hollow. A bear sits under an oak tree, bored, and the village Dimka stomps past him. “Why are you so sad, grandpa bear?” - Yes, I have nothing to do, that’s why I’m sad. - the bear mutters. “Can you make a pipe?” “A pipe? Why should she do it?” - the bear perked up and one-two! - made Dimka a pipe. "Wow!" - Dima was delighted. Will you do it for my sister Dasha?” “Yes, I’ll do something for all the village children now,” the bear hurried. “Finally, a good deed has been found for me.”

Which sounds were more common in the text D or T?

Why was the bear bored?

What useful thing did the bear decide to do?

Did the animals need the holes made by the bear?

How did the bear decide to please the woodpecker?

Why did the woodpecker get angry at the bear?

What good deed did the bear do?

IV. Summary of the lesson. What did you like most about the lesson?

Speech therapy session plan No. 36



1. To consolidate in students the ability to distinguish consonants D - T in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonemic awareness;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical structure;

4. Development of coherent speech;

Equipment: signal cards, maglophone recording, punched cards, pictures: pencil, hammer, bucket, axe, shovel, fishing rod, desk, berries, oak trees.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of covered material.

What consonants did you learn to distinguish in the last lesson? What are the similarities and differences in the articulation of these sounds?

Game "The letter is lost."

Words with a missing letter are written on the board.




Today we will continue to work on distinguishing between these consonants D-T.

III. Reinforcing the material covered.

1. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

a) Read the sound combinations, write down only the consonant.


How many letters T and D were written down? Which letters are more, by how many?

2. Differentiation of sounds in words.

a) Working with signal cards using tape recording.


b) Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. What sounds do these words differ in? Orally make a sentence with each word:


c) Guessing riddles, writing the words of the riddles in different columns with different pastes.

Many arms, but one leg. (TREE) The rain is warm and thick

This rain is simple.

He came and filled the tubs. He is without clouds, without clouds;

I diligently watered the beds. Ready to go all day (SHOWER)

With the noise of the window, it was washed.

I danced on the porch.

Wandered around the roof to my heart's content

And he walked through the puddles into the field. (RAIN) Not alive - but walking,

Motionless - but leading. (ROAD)

Now I've grown to the skies - I'm rushing

And disappeared (SMOKE). I'm holding on to the wires

I won't go astray

Through a field and a forest Never. (TROLLEYBUS)

He runs along the wires and climbs the mountain. (DOUGH)

If you say it here, it will be heard there. (TELEPHONE)

Above you, above me

A bag of water flew by.

Ran into a distant forest

He lost weight and disappeared. (CLOUD)

They don't feed me oats,

They don't drive with a whip,

How does it plow?

Seven plows are pulling. (TRACTOR)

Read the words written in the first column in the second.

3. T-D differentiation in sentences.

a) Complete the sentences using the pictures.

Dasha draws with colored...(pencils).

They hammer nails... (hammer).

They carry a veda...(bucket).

Wood is being chopped...(axe).

They dig the ground... (shovel).

They catch fish... (fishing rod).

The children are sitting at... (desk).

Various... (berries) grow in the forest.

At the edge of the forest grow.... (oaks).

Read the sentences.

b) Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

On the river strong...

Moscow is big....

Spring begins on the river....

A passenger ship floats down the river....

Read the sentences, remember the spelling rule for consonants at the end of the inserted words.

4. Differentiation of T-D in connected speech.

Working with punched cards. Fill in the missing letters in the syllables of the proverbs.

Rus is afraid of his own...

Labor feeds... and laziness spoils...it.

Patience and... ore will overcome... everything.

Friends are known in the wild.

A tree is expensive in fruits, but a man is expensive in deeds.

Read the proverbs and explain their meaning.

IV. Summary of the lesson. What did you learn in class?

Speech therapy session plan No. 37



1. To develop in students the ability to distinguish consonants V-F in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonemic awareness;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical structure;

4. Development of coherent speech;

5. Development of memory, thinking, attention.

Equipment: syllabic table, table for mnemonic devices, pictures: nightingale, shoes, phlox, violets, waffles, cherries, apron, coffee pot, owl. vase, candle, mittens, cards with the text “Bird”.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of covered material.

What sounds and letters did you work with in the last lesson? What sounds are these? (Characteristic). Name a voiced consonant. Make up words with this sound. Name the voiceless consonant. Come up with words with him.

III. Getting to know new material.

1. Isolating sounds from the beginning of layers based on subject pictures.

What is shown in the picture? Select the 1st sound from the word. What sound is this? Similar work is carried out on the second sound.

2. Clarifying the articulation of sounds, establishing similarities and differences. Draw students' attention to kinesthetic sounds and sensations when pronouncing.

3. Comparison of sounds with their graphic representation. Mnemonic device.

The owl's wand flew into a book.

Nearby there are two even arches Pretending to be like the letter F.

Here you go

Glasses... for a frog.

4. V-F differentiation.

1) V-F differentiation in syllables.

a) Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me, what sounds differ between these pairs of syllables?


b) Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.


Count which letters there are more.

c) Listen, remember the rows of syllables, repeat in the same sequence:

FA - WA - FA FA - WA - WA - WA

VA - FA - VA VA - FA - FA - VA

FU - VU - FU VU - FU - VU - FU

VU - FU - VU FU - VU - FU - VU

2) V-F differentiation in words.

a) Listen to the words. Determine the presence of sounds V, F:


1) In the word VATA - the sound V.

2) In the word TORCH there is an F sound.



c) Examine and name the pictures, arrange them in three columns, the first with the sound V, the second with the sound F, the third with the sounds V, F.


Name the pictures located in columns 1, 2, 3.

d) “Say a word.”

What is my name, tell me the dishes from me

A modest wildflower, soft white and

Blue-eyed... (Cornflower) Ringing

Burnt since ancient times

I'm always dirty. I call myself... (PORCELAIN).

Helps out...(WATER).

My birthday is a holiday, a holiday at the gate.

They gave me a horse, Who will go to meet him?

What a wonderful one! Me and my faithful friend

Blue-blue. Little red... (FLAG).

You need to drive carefully

You can hold it by the horns

It's just a pity - there is no mane...

What kind of horse? (BIKE).

3) V-F differentiation in sentences.

a) Write out phrases with the letters F V from the sentence.

We went to the dacha in the first carriage. At the Dacha we ate fresh fruit. A magician shows funny tricks. The air is humid today. We drank tea with fruit sweets. The north wind is blowing. The children hung multi-colored flags on the Christmas tree.

Count the written word combinations.

b) Answer the questions in complete sentences. Write them down, underline the letters B, F with different pencils.


Where are the candies made?

Where do tourists pour water?

What do they hang on houses on holiday?

What are the roads in the city covered with?

What is open for in winter? ventilation rooms. Syllable analysis of a word.

Read the sentences.

Speech therapy physical minute

4) V-F differentiation in connected speech.

Read the text of the story "Bird". Count the number of letters B, F. Determine which letters are larger.

Answer the questions:

1) Who knocked on the children's window?

2) Where did the bird live all winter?

3) When did Vanya release the bird into the wild?

Retell the content of the story.

IV. Lesson summary . What did you learn in class?

Speech therapy session plan No. 38
