Didactic game about sports for senior group. Card index of games for preschoolers

Junior preschool age

“Roll the ball into the goal!”


Rules: Take turns rolling the ball so it goes into the goal

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs. A gate is made in the middle of the playground (the teacher places two chairs). Opposite the gate on each side at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m, draw a line. The teacher calls one of the children to one of these lines, stands opposite the child on the second line and rolls the ball through the goal. The child catches the ball, rolls it back to the teacher and sits down. Then the next child comes out. The game ends when all children have rolled the ball over the goal.

Benefits: Gates

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: Children must roll the ball with one hand


Junior preschool age

“Bring the ball!”

Target: Teach children to throw with one hand from behind the head

Rules: Catch up with the ball and throw it as far as possible

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs placed on one side of the playground; a line is drawn at a distance of 2-3 steps. The teacher calls 5 - 7 children who stand on a line at a certain distance from one another. The teacher stands next to them with balls in the basket according to the number of children called.
To the words of the teacher: “One, two, three, run!” and throws all the balls from the basket forward. Children run after the balls, each catches up with a certain ball, catches it, approaches the teacher and puts the ball in the basket. Then the children sit down in their places. The next group of children comes on line. The game ends when all the children bring the balls to the teacher.

Benefits: Chairs according to the number of players, balls of small diameter

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: Children should throw alternately with their right and left hands.

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Junior preschool age

"Pass the ball"

Target: Prepare children's muscles for such a basic movement as throwing from behind the head

Rules: Pass the ball in the indicated direction

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle with their teacher. The teacher has a large colored ball in his hands, he raises it up and says: “Yana” (his name), turns his body to the right or left (by agreement) and, handing the ball to the child, says her name (for example, Andrey). The child who receives the ball raises it up, says his name - “Andrey”, and, passing the ball to his neighbor, says his name - “Seryozha”, etc. The game ends when the ball reaches the teacher again.

Benefits: Big colored ball

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, the ball is passed in a different direction.


Junior preschool age

"Ball Chicken"

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) with two hands Rules: Catch up with the ball and throw it as far as possible

Progress of the game:

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle. The teacher stands at a distance of 1 - 2 m from the children and rolls the ball to each player in turn. Children catch the ball with both hands and roll the ball back to the teacher.

Benefits: Ball

Location: In a group, preschool gym

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Junior preschool age

"The small ball catches up with the big one"

Target: Prepare the muscles of children for such a basic movement as throwing with two hands from below

Rules: Pass the balls in the indicated direction with both hands between your legs

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands next to them and gives big ball the child who is standing on the right side. Children pass the ball around in a circle. When approximately the fifth child has the ball, the teacher gives the children a ball, but a small one. The children also pass it around. The game ends only when the teacher has both balls. The teacher marks the children who passed the ball correctly and quickly. When repeating the game, the teacher gives balls from the left side.

Benefits: One big ball and one small ball

Location: In the gym, preschool group

Complication: When the game is repeated, the balls are passed in a different direction

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Hit the object"

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with their right and left hands from behind their heads

Rules: Hit the target

Progress of the game:

Children sit along the room. A circle is drawn in the center of the room (1.5 - 2 m in diameter). Place a box (40 cm high) in the middle of the circle. Place two balls or two bags (filled with squeaks) in the box for each child. The teacher takes 4 - 5 children who approach the box, take two balls each and stand on the line of the circle at a distance of 1 m from the box and at a certain distance from one another.
At the “one” signal, the children all throw the balls together. right hand in the box (target). At the signal “two” they throw the balls with their left hand. The game ends when the children throw two balls each.


Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution Complication:

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with their right and left hands from behind their heads

Rules: Catch up with the ball and throw it as far as possible

Progress of the game:

Children sit on chairs at a distance of 1-2 m from this line. The teacher places two bags of the same color on the line in advance for each child (the weight of the bags is 100 - 200 g). Children who are called by the teacher (you can call 5-4 people), taking a bag in their hands, stand on a line at arm's length from one another. At the teacher’s signal, the children throw the bag forward with their right hand and the second with their left.
The teacher marks the children who threw further. Children pick up the bags and put them in their places. Other children throw bags behind them. The game ends after all children have taken part in the game. Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution Complication: Children should not just throw, but hit a large target

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

“Hit the hoop!”

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with their right and left hands from behind the head, developing accuracy

Rules: Hit a vertical target - a hoop

Progress of the game: Divide the children into columns and seat them at opposite ends along the room. Place two targets (vertical) in the middle of the room. Before each target, place two bags (weighing 150 g) on ​​the line. The distance from the target to the line is 1.5 - 2 m. Children from two columns come to the line, take the bags in their right hand and, at a certain signal from the teacher, “one”, throw the bags at the target. Then they take the bags into left hand and when the “one” signal is repeated, the bags are thrown at the target with the left hand. Then the bags are collected and placed on the line, sitting in their places. The teacher notes which of the children hit the hoop. Then the rest of the children from both columns go to throw, etc. The game ends when all the children throw the balls at the target.

Benefits: Two bags of the same color, for each child, weighing 100 - 200 g

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: Children must throw the bags with their eyes closed

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

“Who should I roll the ball to?”

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) with two hands

Rules: Knock down rolled cubes with a ball

Progress of the game: Children are divided into four groups. Each group is given a specific color: red, green, blue, yellow. There is a line drawn in the middle of the court on which there are two balls for each child. At a distance of one meter from this line, a second, parallel line is drawn, on which the cubes stand (at a distance of 10 - 20 cm from one another). When a flag is raised by the teacher, for example, red, the children, for whom the teacher has assigned the color red, take the balls in their right hand and stand in front of their cubes. At the teacher's signal "one" the children roll the balls in the direction of the cubes, at the signal "two" they roll with their left hand. The teacher marks the children who hit the cube. Children collect the balls and place them on the line, then sit down in their seats. When a flag of a different color, for example green, is raised, children come out with green color, and the game continues. The game ends when all groups of children have rolled the balls to the cubes. The teacher marks the group of children who had more hits and knocked down cubes.

Benefits: Ball, cubes

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: A competitive moment between teams will be introduced for a while

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Two Balls"

Target: Prepare the muscles of children for such a basic movement as throwing with both hands from behind the head

Rules: Pass the balls in the indicated direction with both hands above your head

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle at arm's length from one another. The teacher gives two balls to the children standing next to each other. On the “one” command, children begin to pass the balls over the top, one on their right side, and the other on their left. When the balls meet the children who are standing next to each other, these children go to the middle of the circle, throw the ball at the target, catch up with it, with the ball they approach the children who are standing nearby in the circle and give them the ball, and they themselves stand in their places. Game continues. The teacher marks the children whose ball never fell when passed to another.

Benefits: Two balls of the same size

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, the balls are passed in a different direction.

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

"Disc Throwing"

Target: Teach children the technique of throwing into the distance with a turn, developing accuracy

Progress of the game: Place the children in a line in front of the line. Place several cardboard disks on the line in front of each child. At the signal "one!" Children throw discs with their right hand as far and as quickly as possible. At the signal "two!" children throw discs with their left hand. The teacher marks the children who completed the task better.

Benefits: Several cardboard disks

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When repeating, children must throw the disc to knock down the toy

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

“Roll the hoop to the flag”

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) alternately with their right and left hands

Rules: Roll the hoop to the flags without ever dropping it.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into 3 - 4 columns. There is a hoop on the line opposite each column. The first of the columns go out onto the line, take the hoops and stand in the starting position: the hoop and left foot are placed on the line, the fingers of the left hand lightly support the hoop, the stick is a pusher in the right hand. At the teacher’s signal “one!” children roll hoops towards flags that are installed on the opposite line (at a distance of 15 - 20 steps). The one whose hoop never falls on the way to the flag wins. The game ends when all the children roll the hoops to the flags.

Benefits: Hoops, orientation flags

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, a competitive moment is introduced between the teams for a while, hands are changed

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

“Get into the hole!”


Rules: Get into a hole with a chestnut

Progress of the game: The children are divided into 2 groups. A child comes out of each column and stands on a line. There are 5 holes made in front of the child (15 cm in diameter, the distance between them is 0.5 m). The pits are arranged in one row and numbered in in a certain order. The child stands at a distance of 0.5 m from the first hole. The teacher says the number of the hole, for example 2, and two children throw a chestnut into the named hole - first with their right hand, and then with their left. Then the next pair comes out and throws chestnuts into another hole, for example 4, etc.
The game ends when one of the columns scores a certain number of points, for example 10. At the end of the game, mark the column in which the children scored the most points.

Benefits: Chestnut fruit, shoulder blade

Location: At the preschool site


Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

“Hit the ball!”

Target: Development of the eye, marksmanship, accuracy with the throwing and right hand

Rules: Get into a hole with a chestnut

Progress of the game:

Children sit on one side of the playground. In the middle of the court there is a table, along the edges of which there are large balls. Children in pairs go out to the line (at a distance of 1 m from the table), where small balls lie opposite large ones that lie on the table. At the teacher’s signal: “Get ready!” children raise the balls to the signal “one!” throw them at large balls, trying to knock them off the table. The child who hits the ball with his right and left hand wins.

Benefits: Large and small balls according to the number of children playing

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, a competitive moment is introduced for a while between the participants

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Changing positions

Target: memory development.

Number of players: 6—25

Rules and main content: A driver and coordinator are selected from among the participants. The rest of the players disperse around the room and take some poses. The driver tries to remember the location and poses of all the players for several minutes. After this, the driver turns his back to the other players, and they make several changes in their positions. The coordinator's job is to keep track of how many changes have been made (the total number of changes must be agreed upon before the start of the game) and remember these changes. After the players' movements are completed, the driver turns around to face the players and tries to name all the changes.

To change positions, you can use the movement of players around the hall and changes in their poses.

Complication options: The difficulty of the game can be varied by changing the number of players from 5 to 20 and the number of changes from 3 to 10.

New purpose of the item

Target: memory development

Number of players: any

Required benefits: any items

Main content: The guys are sitting in a circle. The presenter launches some object (an old iron, an umbrella, a pot, a bag, a newspaper). Everyone comes up with a new purpose for this item. For example, an iron can be used as a weight or a tool for cracking coconuts. The winner is the one who comes up with the most incredible uses for this item.

An object can “walk” in a circle while new purposes are invented for it.

Complication options: in accordance with the new purpose, come up with a new name.

Simulation of actions

Target: memory development

Main content: Cooking soup. Show: You wash and dry your hands before preparing food. Pour water into the pan. Light the gas stove burner and place the pan on the burner. Peel and cut the vegetables, pour them into the pan, add salt, stir the soup with a spoon, and scoop the soup with a ladle.

Show how to carefully carry a cup filled with hot water. Imagine and show: you lift a hot frying pan and pass a hot potato around.

Complication options: make mistakes in sequence; come up with more complex topics to imitate.

Let's invent

Target:memory development

Number of players: any

Required benefits: set of items different shapes(sticks, ball, ring, boxes, cylinder) and cards depicting various objects of a certain shape - mirror, pencil, egg, apple.

IMPORTANT! the images in the pictures should be similar to the objects. For example: a pencil, a fishing rod, a needle, a knife - similar in shape to a stick; vase, glass, thimble - a hollow cylinder.

Main content: children (or a child) sit in front of the table, each with a set of objects. An adult sits opposite him, he has cards with pictures. An adult shows cards one at a time and asks:

Who has an object similar to this pencil?

The child with the stick answers:

And receives a card with a picture of a pencil.

Complication options: Children have cards with pictures, and adults have different objects.

Children from 5 years old can play this game independently and without pictures, imagining what this or that object might look like.


Target: memory development

Number of players: two

Main content: Two players draw a zigzag line for themselves on the floor or ground. One player draws a line for two meters, the other continues this line for another two meters. They can study it for a few minutes to remember it better. And after that they must walk along it from end to end backwards. One moves along the line, and the other counts how many times he goes beyond the line. Then they change roles.

Rules of the game: don't go over the line.

Complication options: walk the same distance against time.

Chain of actions

Target: development memory, an exercise in sequence of actions.

Main content: The child is offered a chain of actions that must be performed sequentially. For example: “Go to the closet, take a book to read, put it in the middle of the table.” If he gets confused, he puts down a forfeit.

Rules of the game: maintain consistency.

Complication options: performing actions with eyes closed.

Who where

Target: memory development

Number of players: ten or more people

Main content: The players stand or sit in a circle, the driver is in the center. He carefully examines the circle, trying to remember who is standing where. Then he closes his eyes and turns around his axis three times. During this time, two of the players standing next to one change places.

The driver’s task is to point out those who are out of place. If he is wrong, he remains the driver; if he guesses correctly, the specified player takes his place.

Rules of the game: do not prompt the driver.

Complication options: more than two players change.


Target: memory development

Number of players: any

Main content: Children stand in one line. By lot or counting, I choose the first participant. He faces everyone and performs some movement, for example: clapping his hands, jumping on one leg, turning his head, raising his arms, etc. Then he stands in his place, and the next player takes his place. He repeats the movement of the first participant and adds his own.

The third player repeats the two previous gestures and adds his own, and so do the rest of the game participants in turn.

A player who fails to repeat any gesture is eliminated from the game. The winner is the last child standing.

Rules of the game: do not repeat yourself when showing your action.

Complication options: When the whole team has finished showing, the game can go on for the second round.


Target: memory development, exercise in sequence of actions.

Number of players: seven or more people

Required benefits: ball

Main content: Players memorize a simple, funny poem. Mastery is checked: the driver reads the first half of each phrase, the players pronounce the second. Then the children say the first half of the phrase, and the driver says the second.

When the poem is mastered, the players stand in a circle. One of them receives the ball, says part of the phrase and throws the ball to anyone else. He continues and passes the move to someone else.

If a player cannot continue or pronounces a phrase with an error, he puts a forfeit in the circle, and after the game he “buys it back” by reciting any poem.

Complication options: increasing the tempo, adding new lines.

Junior preschool age

“Jump to the flag!”

Target: teaching children to jump on two legs.

With the end of the words, the kids raise the flags up, wave them, put them down and go back. The next 5-6 children come out.

Rules : move towards the flag by jumping on two legs, you cannot run; when jumping, follow the direction, take your flag; The first one to raise the flag wins.

Benefits: 5-6 flags.

Complication: play the game in pairs, threes, teams.


Junior preschool age


Target: teaching children to bounce

“Tsok! Clack! Clack! Clack!

I am a horse with a gray side.

I'm knocking my hooves.

If you want, I’ll give you a ride.”

I. Mikhailova

With the end of the words, the children walk around the playground and sit down on benches, stumps, and trees. After a short rest, the game is repeated.

Rules : while galloping, try to bring one leg closer to the other; coordinate the gallop steps with the rhythm of the song.

Benefits: horses on a stick.

Complication: “horse” jumps, can be performed in groups of 3-4 children

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Junior preschool age

"Will not give it back!"

Target: teaching children to jump.

Rules : jump to connect your legs together in front of the object and jump again to place your legs apart; Only the one the teacher approaches jumps.

Benefits: stick, cone, snowball, leaf.

Complication: carrying objects with two legs (jumping)

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Junior preschool age

"Not get your feet wet"

Target: teaching children to bounce

content: On the site they lay out a stream of sticks, pebbles, and cones. In a forest or meadow, you can use a narrow path (20-30 cm wide). Children stand up to the stream and, at the signal “jump”, jump over it, pushing off with both feet, disperse around the playground; at the signal “home” they jump over again. If all the children have completed the task at once, the teacher makes the stream wider (up to 30-40 cm), saying:

“There is a lot of water in the stream, it has become wide.” Reminds you to push off energetically.

Rules: push off with both feet at the same time, and land softly on both feet; whoever stumbles remains in the stream for 1-2 repetitions.

Benefits: sticks, pebbles, cones.

Complication: make another wide stream (40-50 cm) for those who completed the previous task.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Junior preschool age

"Birds in Nests"

Target: learning to jump over an object (on two legs).

Rules: when given a signal, jump out on two legs; the hoop that touches remains in it until the next repetition of the game; After running, you can do any hoop.

Benefits: hoops

Complication: having run to the hoop, you need to stop and jump into it with a push of both legs; make bigger hoops, each with two chicks.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age


Target: teach children standing long jump.

Content : A small square is drawn on the ground - a house. Around it are four cardboard (plywood) plates - leaves interspersed with four hummocks - a pond. 4-6 guys play. One is a frog, the rest are baby frogs. A frog teaches baby frogs to jump. She stands to the right of the pond, the frogs are to the left. Each frog stands in the house and, listening carefully to the commands, jumps, pushing off with both feet and landing on both feet. The frog clearly gives the command: “Bump, leaf, leaf, house, leaf, bump, bump!” One frog jumps, the rest watch to see if he does it correctly.

Rules: If the frog jumped high and did not mix up a single command, he learned to jump and stands next to the frog, and if he made a mistake, he returns to the frogs.

Complication: several “frogs” can participate simultaneously

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

“Who will collect the most ribbons?”

Target: teaching children to jump high from a standing position.

Rules : jump up on two legs; remove only one ribbon during a jump.

Benefits: rope, small ribbons.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

« Kick the ball"

Target: teaching children to jump high from a standing position.

Rules: jump with a push of two legs; hit the ball with both hands at the same time.

Benefits: rope, ball in the net.

Complication: raise the ball higher, hang two balls, divide the children into teams.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

"Jump - turn around!"

Target: teaching children to bounce

content: Children, freely positioned on the playground, jump in place to the count of “one, two, three”, and to the count of “four” they turn 45° to the right. Again they make three jumps in place, and on the fourth they turn to the right. Returning to the starting position, children perform jumps to the left side. Between repetitions, you need to take a short break - walk around the site.

Complication: try to turn 90°.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

"Not I'm afraid!"

Target: teaching children to jump.

Rules: As soon as the trap moves away from the player, he must spread his arms to the sides.

Complication: jump with your legs to the sides, you can hit someone who is standing with their legs apart.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Senior preschool age


Target: teaching children to bounce

content: There are “horses” standing in the “stable”, and grooms with reins are sitting on benches not far from them. The senior groom-teacher approaches a board suspended on a tree and strikes approximately 15-18 blows. During this time, the grooms quickly bring out the horses, harness them and line them up one after another. At the signal “let’s go” they gallop. At the signal “the horses got scared” they scatter in different directions. The grooms catch and take the horses to the stable. Children change roles, the game is repeated.

Senior preschool age

“Jump - sit down!”

Target: teach children to jump over a rope

content: The players stand in a column at a distance of one step from each other. Two drivers with a rope in their hands (length 1.5 m) are located to the right and left of the column. At a signal, children carry a rope in front of the column (at a height of 25-30 cm from the ground). The players in the column take turns jumping over the rope. Then, having passed the column, the drivers turn back, carrying the rope at a height of 50-60 cm. Children quickly squat down, taking a tuck position (clasp their knees with their hands, bring their heads closer to their knees) so that the rope does not touch them. When the game is repeated, the drivers change. The winners are those who managed to perform jumps and squats without touching the rope.

Target: strengthen children's ability to jump on two legs

content: Children stand in 4-5 lines. Opposite each link (at a distance of 4-5 m) there is a landmark - a tall cube, a stick. The first in the lines receive balls (rubber, volleyball, soft fabric). Holding them between their knees, they jump to the object, take the ball and, having run around the landmark, each return to their own link and pass the ball to the next one. When everyone comes running, the other 4-5 children jump.

Rules: jump without losing the ball; the loser must again grasp the ball with his feet and begin jumping from the place where the ball was lost.

Benefit: tall cube, stick, balls (rubber, volleyball, soft fabric).

Complication: jump with the ball to a landmark and back; play as a team - the one whose players managed to complete the distance faster wins.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Senior preschool age

"Be Nimble"

Target: teach children to long jump from a standing position, followed by rolling onto their entire foot.

Content: Children stand facing in a circle, with a bag of sand at each feet. The driver is in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal, children jump into the circle and back through the bags, pushing off with both feet. The driver tries to make fun of the children before they jump out of the circle. After 30-40 seconds, the teacher stops the game and counts the losers. They choose a new driver from those who were never touched by the previous driver.

: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation, interaction in pairs.

Required benefits: items that players will hide and find.

Game content: The participants of the game gather in a clearing and are divided into pairs. The leader hands the players, for example, objects with the first numbers: a flag, a pin, a ball, etc. After that, they, together with the judge, go into the forest at a distance of 200-300 meters. Everyone hides their item and returns to the leader, remembering the path using the landmarks. The judge ensures that the objects are hidden at approximately the same distance from the clearing and are visible no further than 2-3 meters away. The player who hid the item tells the player of his pair the location and route to it. On command, all second numbers go in search of objects. Whoever does it first and faster wins.

Then the first and second numbers change roles and the search for objects is carried out again. The winner is determined by the results of the game.

Rules: Taking notes is not permitted.

Complication: The first player tells his partner only half of the way.

Find the item

preparatory group

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation, ability to work with a map, dexterity.

Required benefits: map of the area, some object.

Game content: The leader of the game tells the children that an object (a flag or a pin) is hidden nearby in the forest and to find it, they need to study the map indicating the way to the object. It is hidden nearby in the bushes. The leader explains to the guys how to get to this place. You can study the map, but do not take it with you. Next, the player goes on a search. The one who brings the found item first wins. The leader must be in the area of ​​the hidden card and resolve all conflicts that arise during the game.

Complication: The card can be guarded by two guards who are two or three steps away from it. The player who manages to quietly creep closer to the guards within ten steps without being called out gets the right to look at the map. This is given 40 seconds, after which the guard hides the card again. If the guard notices someone approaching and calls out to him, the player is eliminated from the game.

Color route

For children 5 years old

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation skills, ability to work with a map.

Required benefits: objects or toys of four colors familiar to children, diagram cards, blank sheets, and felt-tip pens are placed.

Game content: The site is conventionally divided into 4 routes: for example, red, blue, yellow, green. Objects or toys familiar to children in the indicated four colors are placed along the routes as landmarks. On the schematic map, the routes are depicted with color signs corresponding to the placed landmarks, which at the same time serve as turn signals along the route.
Each team member (a team of about four children) is given a map with the upcoming route marked on it. Children must follow their route, remember the landmarks, and then draw them with felt-tip pens on general map. You can also cycle along the route.

Complication: Independent games like “Cossacks-Robbers”: one of the teams runs away, marking its direction with arrows, the other looks for it.

Animal hunting

For children 6 years old

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation skills, ability to work with route sheets.

Required benefits: pictures depicting various predatory animals, route sheets.

Game content: Pictures depicting various predatory animals are attached to small cardboards. The pictures are placed on the territory of the kindergarten, serving as route markers. The list of animals on a particular route is sketched by the teacher on a control card. As they progress along the route, children collect pictures of animals and give them to an adult to evaluate the completion of the task.

Complication:enter cards with pets, for example, animals. For confusion.

Night orienteering

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation skills

Number of players: even

Required benefits: stool, 2 blindfolds

A stool is placed at a distance of 10 meters from the start, and the first participants are blindfolded. At the signal, they must walk or run to the stool, walk around it and, returning to the team, pass the baton to the next participants, who are already standing blindfolded! And so does the whole team. While moving, the team can help its participants by shouting: “to the right,” “to the left,” “forward,” “backward.” And since all commands are shouting at the same time, the player must make out which calls apply specifically to him.

Didactic game

"Sports Domino"

(development of a didactic game on moral patriotic education preschoolers")

Compiled by: Natalya Viktorovna Suslova

instructor physical culture



Didactic game “Sports Dominoes”

(game for children over 5 years old)

Task: formation of ideas about the work of people associated with sports. Instilling an interest in sports and a desire to engage in them. Be interested in sports achievements.

Didactic task: clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about types of sports equipment. Cultivate a caring attitude towards sports equipment, develop fine arm muscles, intelligence, and resourcefulness.

Game rule: The winner is the one who is the first to correctly attach a picture of a clothespin with a picture of sports equipment.

Game action: searching for the necessary pictures - clothespins, attaching them, competition.

Didactic material: round cards (d-20cm) with images of athletes, clothespin cards with images of various sports equipment.

Progress of the game.

The game is played like dominoes, but only it is a circle and in the middle there is a picture with an athlete. You need to select and attach to him everything he needs for training.

For example: For an athlete to strengthen his leg muscles, appropriate sports equipment is selected (picture) picture of a clothespin with a trampoline, jump rope, etc.


The correct execution can be monitored by the teacher and children. You can play in subgroups, in pairs (competing), or individually.

The game is not only a source positive emotions, this is also an opportunity to develop the qualities necessary for later life. While playing, a child, without even knowing it, can acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, and develop abilities. Any game is, first of all, communication with peers or adults. And it is at this moment that the child learns to respect other people’s victories and endure his failures with dignity. From the wide variety of games, I would like to highlight didactic games, which in the hands of a teacher become an interesting, exciting, emotional and creative means of educating a child’s harmoniously developed personality.

The educational games presented below physical education contribute to the consolidation in children of the knowledge acquired in thematic classes in physical education. Their main goal is to develop children’s sustainable interest in physical education and sports. All games are multifunctional. They not only develop interest in sports, but also contribute to the formation and development of mental processes:

  • development of perception of color, shape, size, space, time;
  • development of visual and auditory attention;
  • formation and development of mental operations (comparisons, juxtapositions, generalizations, exclusions, classifications), analysis and synthesis operations; formation logical thinking children;
  • formation of general and fine motor skills of the hands.

I made all the games with my own hands. To make the games, photographs and symbols of sports, as well as pictures from board games and coloring books, were used.

Didactic games should be played during independent or joint activities children and teacher.

To play Board games You should choose a table at which all participants in the game can sit comfortably.

Participation in games by a teacher increases children’s interest in games and contributes to the development of friendships.

To develop activity and independence, it is advisable to assign the role of leader to one of the children.

The new game should be clearly and concisely explained, and individual points can be shown.

The course of the game and its rules are explained before the start. If necessary, the teacher can show and use questions to find out how the children understood the game.

All instructions during the game should be given in a calm tone, note correct execution assignments, compliance with rules.

Children's activities in the game are assessed by all participants; At the same time, it is important to note compliance with the rules, quality of answers, independence in organizing and conducting games.

After the game, it is necessary to give an objective analysis of the behavior of all the players, their compliance with all the rules, which contributes to the formation of friendly relations and the conscious attitude of each child to his behavior.

Description of educational games

"Sport equipment"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports equipment; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, determine its purpose; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.

Age: 3 – 4 years.

Rules: The set includes cards with black and white images of sports equipment and color parts of these pictures. (from 3 to 12 parts). The child selects a black and white picture and superimposes the colored parts of the picture onto it. After the child collects the picture, he must name the sports equipment that is depicted on it.

Complication: Collect a picture without relying on a black and white image. Explain how this equipment can be used.

"Fold the picture"

Pictures depicting sports and equipment are cut into various geometric shapes.

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop imagination, thinking, logic.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: the player assembles a picture from parts. Having collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture.

"Find a Pair"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment and equipment, determine what sport it belongs to; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination.

Age: 3 - 5 years


  1. option: played by 2 to 4 people. The presenter sorts the cards into pairs and divides them equally between the players. On command, players must pick up paired cards and fold them. The winner is the one who first completed the task and correctly named the sports equipment.
  2. option: played by 2 to 4 people and a leader. The presenter sorts the cards: puts one card from a pair into one pile, and the second card into another. He distributes one pile to the players, and places the second on the table with the pictures facing down. The presenter takes one card and shows it to the players. The player who has a pair from this card names what is shown in the picture and what sport it is used in. If the answer is correct. Then the player takes the card for himself, if not, then the presenter keeps the card for himself. The one with the most collected pairs wins.

"Two halves"

Pictures depicting sports equipment and the main types of equipment movements are cut into two halves.

Goals and objectives: teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, basic types of movement; develop thinking and memory; develop interest in physical education.

Age: 2 – 3 years.


  1. option. The child puts the two halves together to make a picture.
  2. option. The child looks for the desired half in a stack of pictures. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is depicted on it.
  3. option. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is depicted on it. If this is a movement, then the child must show it. If this is equipment, then the child must find it in the group and show what exercises can be performed with it.

"Good and bad"

Goals and objectives: to teach children to a healthy lifestyle; teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; instill in children a desire to lead healthy image life; develop thinking, logic, memory.

Age: 3 – 6 years.

Rules: children are given cards that depict situations harmful to health. Players must determine why it is harmful and find a pair of cards that depict a situation that is healthy.

"Relax actively" (cubes)

Goals and objectives: to develop interest in motor activity; teach children to recognize and name species active rest; develop memory, thinking, logic.

Age: 3 – 6 years.

Rules: assemble the cubes so that you get a whole image, based on the finished picture.

Complication 1: after collecting the image, the child must name what is shown in the picture.

Complication 2: assemble an image from memory without relying on a finished image.

"Sports Domino"

Goals and objectives: teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, logic, thinking.

Age: 4 – 6 years.

Rules: The dice feature symbols of sports. 2 – 4 people play. Before the start of the game, the dice are laid face down on the table and mixed. Each player chooses any seven dice. The rest of the dice remain on the table - this is "bazaar" . The player who has the double picture tile goes first. If several players have a tile with a double picture, then the first player is chosen by counting. Next, the players take turns placing dice to the right and left of the first, placing the same picture of the other to the picture of one dice. If the player (whose move) there is no dice with the required picture, then he takes the dice to "bazaar" . The one who has no dice left wins. (or there will be fewer of them).


Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop attention and memory.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: I play with 2-6 people.

Each player takes 2-3 game cards, on which symbols of sports are depicted instead of numbers. The driver takes out a chip with a symbol from the bag, names the sport and shows it to the players. The one who has such a symbol on the game card covers it with a token. The player who covers all the symbols with tokens the fastest wins.


Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: 2 – 6 people play. Paired cards with sports symbols are laid out face down on the table in random order. Players alternately turn over two cards. If the symbols on the cards are the same, then the player takes them for himself and makes the next move. If the symbols are different, then the cards are turned over and the next player makes a move. The game ends when the players have all the cards. The one who collects the most pairs wins.

"Sports in winter and summer"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop logic, memory, thinking, ability to classify and sort sports.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: The player is asked to choose symbols (Images) only winter or only summer sports. Then he names these sports; explains why they are summer or winter; tells how the winner is determined.

"Sports Guessing Game"

Goals and objectives: to replenish and consolidate children’s knowledge about sports; develop thinking and memory.

Age: 4 – 7 years.

Rules: presenter (educator) shuffles the playing fields (each depicts 6 different sports) and distributes them among the children. Then the presenter shows a card with a picture of a sport and names it. The player whose field contains the same sport takes it and places it on top of his field and repeats the name. The player who covers their playing fields with cards the fastest wins.

Complication: play the same way, but the name of the sport is called by the player on whose field there is the same sport. In case of an incorrect answer, the presenter names the correct answer, gives the card to the player, and the player places a penalty token on top of the card that he placed on the playing field. The one with the fewest penalty tokens wins.

"The Fourth Wheel"

Goals and objectives: to develop interest in physical education and sports; consolidate children's knowledge about sports, physical education, hygiene and health; develop logic, thinking, memory.

Age: 4 – 7 years.

Rules: The player takes one card with four pictures on it. The player names what is shown on the card, then covers the extra picture, explaining why it is extra.

“Get ready to exercise”

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to compose exercises for morning exercises; develop memory, thinking, logic.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: The player chooses a picture card for the starting position. Then he selects the movements for the exercise itself (count 1-2 or 1-4) so that the intermediate positions of the body and limbs are combined. After composing the exercise, the child must complete it. There can be several people playing. They take turns creating an exercise, and the rest must complete the task.

"What is what"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; learn to identify and name the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for a given sport; develop thinking, memory, logic.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: The player selects a card with a sport. Next, he selects the symbol of this sport, inventory and equipment for it.

Several people can play at the same time: whoever collects the row faster.

"Collect a symbol"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to the symbols of sports; teach children to recognize and name the sport; develop thinking, attention, memory.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: From the cut pieces the player assembles a symbol of the sport. Then he calls this type sports and talks about it.

"Sports Four"

The game uses cards depicting the sport and its symbol. They are divided into groups of four cards, united by one symbol (standing in the upper corner), but having different images of this sport.

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to distinguish between sports (by season, by equipment, by venue); develop memory, thinking, logic.

Age: 4 – 7 years.

Rules: 4 – 6 people play. Players are dealt 4 cards. The task of each player is to collect a group of cards with one sport. To do this, players pass each other the unwanted card face down in a clockwise direction. The winner is the one who collects 4 cards with one sport faster.

"Me and my Shadow"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize starting points; develop attention and memory.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: I play with 2-6 people.

Each player takes 2-3 game cards, which depict silhouettes of the starting positions and movements. The driver takes out a chip with a colored image from the bag and shows it to the players. The one who has the silhouette of this image on the game card takes a chip and covers the silhouette with it. The player who covers all the silhouettes with images the fastest wins.

"Make a guess - guess"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize sports by signs and definitions; teach children to guess a sport based on its characteristics and definitions; develop memory, thinking, logic.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: 2 or more people can play.

Driver (adult or child), using cards - "definitions and characteristics" , guesses a sport.

Players try to guess the sport. The one who guessed correctly becomes the driver.

"Find differences"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, attention, logic.

Age: 4 – 7 years.

Rules: The player is asked to look at the pictures; name the sport; find differences between images.

"My mode"

Goals and objectives: to form in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; teach children to compose correct mode day; develop memory, attention, logic.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: The child is asked to look at the daily routine in pictures and determine which moments are missing. On initial stage learning only one picture is missing. Upon subsequent mastery of the topic "Daily regime" , the number of missing pictures increases. At the final stage, the child independently sets out the routine.

“What do I know about sports – 1”

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; consolidate knowledge about winter sports, the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for these sports; develop thinking, memory, logic.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: 2-6 people play.

Yellow – name of the sport

“What do I know about sports – 2”

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; consolidate knowledge about summer sports, the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for these sports; develop thinking, memory, logic.

Age: 5 – 7 years.

Rules: 2-6 people play.

The game uses a playing field, chips, and a cube with numbers 1-3. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving chips to answer questions. If the player answers correctly, he receives a token. When one of the players reaches the finish line, the game ends and the number of tokens is counted. The one with the most wins.

The question determines the color of the symbol frame on which the chip lands:

Yellow – name of the sport

Red – equipment and inventory for this sport

Blue – clothing and shoes for this sport

Gray – in which country did this sport originate?

Green – how the winner is determined

Brown – single or team sport

Didactic games "Sports Kaleidoscope"

Khokhlova Natalya Evgenievna
Place of work: MKDOU No. 22, Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Job title: teacher-speech pathologist
Resource name: board-printed didactic games "Sports Kaleidoscope"
Relevance and significance of the resource: The game is intended for children of senior preschool and junior school age 5-10 years. The game can be used by teachers working with children preschool age, teachers primary classes and loving parents in joint and independent activities with children, as well as in correctional work with kids.
Brief description of the resource: games to develop ideas about various sports.
Purpose and objectives of the resource: developing interest in sports events, getting acquainted with various types sports, sports equipment and equipment, expanding children's horizons, developing attention, memory, and thinking.
Relevance and significance of the resource: the game can be used by teachers working with preschool children, primary school teachers and parents.
Equipment: games made using a PC ( personal computer), consist of cut cards. You need to print the cards on a color printer, cut them and use them. For practicality and durability, the cards can be laminated before cutting.
Practical use: individual games, joint games.

Didactic game "Name a winter sport"

Methodology for working with the resource:
Option I: The child takes a card with the text, reads the name of the sport and selects the corresponding pictogram; if the child cannot read, then the name of the sport is read by an adult, and the child looks for the picture.
Option II: Children are given cards with pictograms, the presenter (adult or child) reads the name of the sport, and the children look for the corresponding pictogram among their cards.

Didactic game "Couples"

Option I: The cards are laid out face down in front of the child. Each card has a pair. The child turns over any two cards. If the images on the opened cards are identical, then the cards remain open; if not, then they are turned face down again and the child opens the next pair of cards. The game continues until all the cards are revealed. You can play alternately. The number of cards laid out is regulated by the adult depending on the level of development of the children.

Option II: Some cards without a pair are laid out in front of the child, face up, and one or two cards with a pair. The child is asked to find identical cards. The number of paired cards and the total number of cards laid out depends on the individual abilities of the child.

Didactic game "Sports mosaic"

Option I and Option II This game is similar to the game "Name the winter sport"
Option III
Individual game: invite the child from all the pictures to choose only those that depict sport games, or gymnastics, or rhythmic gymnastics, or Athletics. Or divide all the pictures into four groups at once, depending on the level of development of the children.
Group game: the game involves four players who are given the task of collecting pictures of a certain type.

Didactic game "Who owns this?"

Before using, cut this sheet of pictures into cards.
Game option: The child is asked to make pairs of pictures, find a suitable athlete for each piece of sports equipment and name the sports equipment and the athlete or sport.
In this game you can use poems and riddles:

He plays on skates
He holds the stick in his hands.
He hits the puck with that stick.
Who will name the athlete? (Hockey player)

There is deep snow all around,
And he easily runs on top.
You just can’t get off the track,
Who races to the finish line, sliding? (Skier)

Winter morning, fine -
the sun pours onto the skating rink.
I'm no longer a passerby here -
I'm an ice expert! (Figure skater)

What kind of game is this?
I'm playing the ball merrily,
And I throw it into the ring,
Soaring up on the move.
Yes. I'm a good player!
My growth helped me! (Basketball player)

Not a rocket, but a racket
I hold with my hand.
Once - and the ball flies over the net
One more time! – and the set follows me. (Tennis player)

Green meadow, a hundred benches around
From gate to gate
People are running briskly. (Footballers)

Didactic games

Topic: "Sport"

"Who needs these things"


Strengthen children's knowledge about different types sports, athletes, sports attributes. Develop visual attention and logical thinking.

Material. Subject pictures from the “Sports” series.

Progress of the game

Children determine which athlete needs these items.

Skis are needed... (skier).

Skates are needed (for figure skaters, hockey players).

A ball is needed (for a football player, volleyball player, basketball player).

A hockey player needs a stick and a puck.

A tennis player needs a racket.

“Who can say more words about the ball?”


Expand and activate your vocabulary.

Material. Ball.

Progress of the game

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks a question. The child, returning the ball, names a sign word or an action word.

(What kind of ball? (Round, rubber, elastic, beautiful, big, light, children's, sports, football))

(What can the ball do? (It can jump, jump, roll, swim, fly))

"Fold the picture"


To develop children's interest in sports; introduce children to sports, teach them to recognize and name sports; develop imagination, thinking, logic.

Material: sport picture

Progress of the game

The teacher asks the child to assemble a picture from parts, and when he has assembled it, he must tell what is shown in the picture.

"Memo, sport"


To develop children’s interest in sports and physical education, to introduce children to sports, to teach them to recognize and name sports equipment and equipment, to determine which sport they belong to, to develop the ability to analyze and generalize, to develop attention and memory.

Material: two sports cards for each type (identical)

Progress of the game

The cards are laid out in front of the children with the pictures facing down; the children open one card at a time and must find a pair for each picture. If the child guesses correctly, he has the right to one more turn.

"What is what"


to develop children’s interest in sports, teach them to name and recognize the sport; learn to identify and name the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for a given sport; develop thinking, memory, logic

Progress of the game

Players choose a card with a sport. And everyone who is faster must pick up everything that is needed for this sport (symbol, inventory, equipment, uniform)



to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop attention and memory.

Progress of the game

Each player takes 2-3 game cards, on which symbols of sports are depicted instead of numbers. The driver takes out a chip with a symbol from the bag, names the sport and shows it to the players. The one who has such a symbol on the game card covers it with a token. The player who covers all the symbols with tokens the fastest wins.

"Try to guess"


to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop logic, memory, thinking, ability to classify and sort sports.

Progress of the game

There are different sports pictures on the table, the driver selects a picture and, without showing it to anyone, must use a diagram to tell about this sport, and guess the rest.
