Design of wardrobes for the living room. Full-wall sliding wardrobes in the living room: an excellent solution for a cozy home

A wardrobe in the living room is a somewhat unusual solution, because this room is not at all intended for storing things. But for one-room apartments and studio apartments, this is quite relevant. And such a cabinet has quite a lot of advantages. They fully justify its placement in the living rooms of even multi-room apartments. And we will find out what these advantages are today in this article.

Sliding wardrobe in the living room photo

Sliding wardrobe in the living room: what are the advantages of such placement?

At first glance, it may seem that a large closet in the living room is an absolute necessity, but in reality this is far from the case. After all, a properly placed wardrobe in the living room can save a lot of space in other rooms of the apartment, without compromising the main room.

Why is that? And it’s all about the internal content, because everyone knows that such cabinets are quite large in size and can accommodate a bunch of all kinds of things. This is not only linen, pastels, but also outerwear, shoes, hats, umbrellas, bags, vacuum cleaner, skis, snowboards and much more. That is, this is a full-fledged pantry and dressing room in one, which will fit everything that was previously stored in different places in the apartment. This solution will allow you to maintain order in your apartment and quickly find what you need. In addition, for greater convenience, today there are many mechanisms for storing things to fill cabinets: trousers, pull-out rods, baskets, slots for storing accessories, etc. They, in turn, will help maintain order inside the closet itself.

Filling the wardrobe photo

But the large closet in the living room covers the entire wall, capable of accommodating not only a bunch of things, but even whole functional areas, which will be very useful for modern style minimalism. After all, he does not like an abundance of interior accessories, as well as several separate functional zones within one room.

So, for this reason, the designers came up with the idea of ​​hiding everything in such a wardrobe. For example, if in a spacious living room you place it opposite the sofa, then in one of its sections a TV and all other equipment can easily fit. This solution is also convenient because it allows you to harmonize the space by hiding TV and other irradiators behind sliding doors when they are not needed. In addition, this technique can get rid of the habit of often watching TV, which today mainly shows only negative things.

Sliding wardrobe with TV in the living room photo

The same can be done with a home computer built into a closet. computer desk will be a great alternative to a home office. Such a workplace in an apartment is relevant for the same reason as a TV. This technique is also very suitable for one-room apartments and studio apartments, where everything is in one space, so a wardrobe in the living room covering an entire wall will be a real salvation. It will protect the apartment from clutter, the interior will be more harmonious, and the design will be more holistic.

Sliding wardrobe with built-in computer desk photo

Another trick is a bed with a lifting mechanism built into the closet, this is an ergonomic, mobile way to provide additional sleeping place in the apartment.

Living room design with wardrobe photo

Where to place a built-in wardrobe in the living room and how to make it invisible?

There are not many accommodation options! Before deciding where to put it, you need to evaluate the available space and decide on its functionality. If the living room is not wide, it is more advisable to place a wardrobe in end wall- opposite from the window. This option is ideal for rooms where the doorways are not located near the wall itself, but 70-80 cm further away. This will allow you to place a built-in wardrobe from wall to wall, which looks much more harmonious than a closet with an open corner.

Built-in wardrobe in the living room photo

If the living room is spacious, then a very fashionable option today is to place a wardrobe in the long wall- from wall to wall. We have already talked to you about the advantages of this option above, so we will not repeat it. Let's just say that in order to compensate for the lost space, the sliding doors for the wardrobe can be made mirrored. This way the room will visually double in size.

Mirrored wardrobe in the living room photo

If you can’t install a cabinet from wall to wall in any case, and you want to avoid protruding corners, you can order a corner wardrobe for the living room from a furniture workshop, in the form of a triangle or a radius. It will completely steal away the space of one of the corners, but the harmonious atmosphere will not be disturbed. In addition, such a technique with a cabinet will bring originality to the interior.

Built-in corner wardrobe in the living room photo

How to make a wardrobe in the living room not noticeable?

You can completely hide the closet, but only if major renovation apartments, this is done very simply. To begin with, its dimensions need to be designed in such a way that it covers the entire width and height of the wall - that is, it will be a model built into a niche. As mentioned above, this will not affect the configuration of the room, therefore it will not stand out against the background of the wall.

The second point worth focusing on is the facades. They should be the same as the wall decoration. None decorative overlays, there should be no cornices on the front of the cabinet. This is the only way to create a hidden wardrobe in the living room. Most often, the same panels are used for wall decoration as for filling sliding doors. But any other material can be an alternative, but the color must be the same in both cases.

Sliding wardrobe in the living room interior photo

A sliding wardrobe in the living room interior, as you can see, can be built in such a way that it does not interfere with the interior of the room or its space. And even vice versa, it will make the space more ergonomic and comfortable.

Well, according to the tradition of our site, we offer you a small photo selection of ready-made design ideas on placing a wardrobe in the living room.

Nothing else like your apartment reflects your soul and taste in style. Today at modern world filled with different design solutions, create unique design very easy. Of course you can add it stylish furniture in our case it is a closet.

The wardrobe in the living room plays the role of functionality, and will complement the whole picture of the room. But how to choose exactly the right cabinet?

Some useful tips, this article will offer you.

Wardrobe - compartment in the living room

This type of cabinet performs two functions - decorative and practical. As you know, it is in the closet that we hide various kinds of things that clutter our space.

Therefore, make sure there are various shelves, small compartments, and other types of extensions. There are options for embedding a cabinet into the wall, thus creating workplace.

Today the furniture market provides us with a large variety various types and forms of wardrobes - compartments. Made from different materials, in combination with mirrors and stained glass windows.

Here are some examples:

  • To avoid routine, you can purchase a cabinet of two shades from materials such as chipboard and MDF. An inexpensive wardrobe option that will add zest to your interior.
  • Wardrobe made of natural materials. It always looks advantageous, entering the living room you will feel nature. Examples can be seen in the photo of the living room cabinet. And be convinced of its beauty.

Wall cabinet

This is a modern vision. Economical option for small rooms. Unusual option will definitely surprise your guests.

It is as practical as a regular wardrobe, convenient with shelves and niches where you can place books or other decorative elements.


It can be an excellent replacement for a standard cabinet. Can perform the function of space zoning. This way it will divide the living room into two zones, which will visually increase the space.

A display cabinet for the living room, perfect for book lovers or collectors. A large number of shelves makes it possible to place various interior items.

The rack is divided into several types:

  • Cantilevered;
  • Multi-tiered;
  • Universally ceiling-mounted.

Appearance modern cabinets into the living room, it can be the same with the rest of the furniture, or, on the contrary, be a bright spot. As far as durability is concerned, there is no need to worry.

The racks may seem fragile at first glance, but in fact they are made of durable materials.

As a rule, a shelving unit is more suitable for a large room; it is placed along the entire wall, creating a visual closet wall in the living room.

Corner cabinet

An excellent option for rooms with a small area. This type of cabinet can occupy any free corner, while freeing up movement throughout the room. There will be more space, which means more guests can be invited.

This type of cabinet may be different forms and flowers. Frequently used materials are natural wood and chipboard. Glass is often present as a door on the shelf.

Corner wardrobe for the living room, a win-win option. In some cases, it’s even better than a regular cabinet that takes up the entire wall. A good option for a non-standard room.

Choose the material based on the style of the living room. For the classic one, wood would be better, but in modern design Chipboard furniture will look perfect. Moreover, there are so many species, it’s dizzying.

These are such practical and functional cabinets. Before buying, first study all the characteristics, select the style of the room and other furniture.

Can be made to order to avoid unpleasant situations during operation. Here the choice is yours and your taste.

Photo of a wardrobe in the living room interior

Original, beautiful wardrobes will help hide clothes, books, dishes, equipment, etc. from view. A wardrobe that is properly placed and equipped from the inside includes almost everything, so it is clear why more and more people prefer this model of furniture. Sliding wardrobes are equally suitable for both Khrushchev and apartments in a new building.

Beauty and spaciousness: wardrobe in the living room

Large stylish wardrobes have beautiful facade, which is the main visible part of the furniture and is often the most attractive area. Translucent hinged or mirrored facades with designer ornaments truly become a decoration in the room.

Wardrobe doors can have the most unusual design:

  • Frosted glass;
  • Gloss with patterns;
  • Fluted glass;
  • With photo printing;
  • Mirrored with stained glass, etc.

Furniture arranged in small room, whose interior is designed in a minimalist style, is perfect solution, which allows you to correctly place things, while avoiding cluttering the space. Important feature The wardrobe, which is installed in the living room along the entire wall, is its internal content.

Inside there can be a bar area, a photo gallery, a compartment for modern equipment, bookshelves, all kinds of boxes for accessories, jewelry, metal baskets.

All this content will be hidden from prying eyes and, importantly, from dust. To achieve a unified picture in the interior, you can decorate the doors with an element of the wallpaper used in the decoration of the walls. A TV placed in a special niche would be appropriate in such an interior. It's functional and practical. With the help of a wardrobe, you can create a harmonious space in which everything will be in its place.

Living room with wardrobe: advantages and disadvantages

The interior needs to be designed correctly. Wardrobe in is unusual solution, since the living room is usually not intended for storing things. But for studio apartments and for Khrushchev-era apartments, this is a completely relevant solution. After all, convenience and comfort in the future depends on how we create the interior. According to the rules, a placed wardrobe will help save precious centimeters without damaging the room. It's all about the inner filling.

Models for a small room can accommodate a bunch of things:

  • Cloth;
  • Shoes;
  • Vacuum cleaner;
  • Skis;
  • Snowboard;
  • Bags;
  • Hats, etc.

That is, the wardrobe is a full-fledged pantry and wardrobe in one. Thanks to this solution, there will be order in the apartment.

In addition, today there are furniture options that include many storage systems:

  1. Trousers;
  2. Retractable rods;
  3. Baskets;
  4. Shelves;
  5. Slots for accessories.

Thanks to these systems, order is created inside a spacious closet. You can build a home theater into the closet, you can install a computer. A computer desk built into the closet will be an excellent alternative to an office. Another option is a built-in bed. A bed with a special mechanism for lifting the structure is an ergonomic, mobile way to provide additional sleeping space.

A sliding wardrobe placed along the wall in the main room of the house will be a real salvation for small room. Furniture design has many advantages, but there are also several disadvantages. For example, sliding system because of permanent job wears out very quickly. But you can replace it quickly enough by contacting a furniture maker.

Durability will be ensured by installing the cabinet on a completely flat floor and following technology when assembling the wardrobe. Another relative disadvantage is the additional costs for lighting. A complex lighting system must be installed in the wardrobe. Assessing the number of pros and cons, it becomes obvious that the wardrobe - perfect solution For modern family. If you take good care of your furniture, it will last for decades.

Functional wardrobe in the living room interior: photo placement

There are not many accommodation options. Before choosing where to install the cabinet, you need to decide on the functionality. If the hall room is not wide, then it is better to arrange a wardrobe in the end wall opposite the window. This option is ideal for rooms where the doorways are not located near the wall itself, but further away by 0.7 - 0.8 meters.

This will make it possible to place a modular wardrobe from wall to wall, which will create:

  • Comfort;
  • Harmony.

Options may vary. Another great placement is along the entire long wall. In this case, for compensation lost space correctly make the doors mirrored.

This will visually expand the walls. The placement can be triangular or radial. Corner wardrobe It will “steal” the space of one of the corners, but will fit harmoniously into the interior.

Large wardrobes in the living room: how to make furniture invisible

You can hide the wardrobe during the renovation stage. It can be tripled into a niche, along the entire length of one wall. This will not affect the configuration of the room, therefore, the model will not stand out against the background of the wall. The second point is the facades of furniture.

A sliding wardrobe will be a secret one if additional elements are not used in the decoration of the facades:

  • Decorative elements;
  • Overlays;
  • Karnizov.

The finish should be like the walls. It is very important to hold single color in the decoration and design of the facade. A sliding wardrobe in can be arranged in such a way that it does not in any way interfere with the interior of the room or its space. And even on the contrary, it will make the room more ergonomic and comfortable.

Stylish wardrobe in the living room: photos and design options

The hall is the main room of the house. Elite or inexpensive wardrobes from the manufacturer will help in creating a unique, trendy style in the interior of the room. Not every living room looks stylish, cozy and harmonious. To achieve an ideal result, designers recommend using sliding wardrobes when decorating a room.

An excellent solution as a decor is:

  1. Laser engraving;
  2. Decoracrylic;
  3. Exotic rattan;
  4. Bamboo;
  5. Frescoes;
  6. Sandblasted or classic stained glass.

The right decor will demonstrate good taste and at the same time decorate the living room. It is important not to overdo it; in the race to display all the most expensive things, one must maintain harmony, everything must be in moderation. When there is too much decor, it is an indicator of bad taste, and it has never been in trend. To create a unique, fashionable, ergonomic and, very importantly, organic interior, you need to have knowledge, so it will be good if the family uses the services professional designer. The specialist will definitely not make mistakes, will help with advice and plan the design in accordance with the wishes of the consumer.

Branded, stylish wardrobes for the living room: styles

Choosing a wardrobe for the living room is not so easy. Designers give several practical advice, which will help you choose a small or opposite spacious wardrobe.

  1. Minimalism. A sliding wardrobe for this style direction is perfect option, since minimalism does not tolerate anything superfluous. IN in this case experts recommend ordering a wall-length cabinet that will hide TV and other equipment, as well as things, shelves, etc.
  2. A hall in an ethno style can be equipped with sliding doors made of bamboo or rattan. This decor will highlight the color designer style and will successfully fit the wardrobe into the interior composition of the main room of the house.
  3. Japanese style. Sliding wardrobe thanks to its sliding doors, very similar to Japanese sliding partitions. Oriental flavor will be added by sakura flowers applied to the façade.
  4. Provence and country. It seems that what a modern wardrobe and a rustic style trend can have in common. No, many people prefer this style modern people. It is enough to deliberately age the façade and the cabinet will fit perfectly into the interior.

Spacious wardrobe in the living room covering the entire wall (video)

A sliding wardrobe can be advantageously placed in a room designed in absolutely any style direction. The main thing is to follow the rules and not overdo it. A sliding wardrobe is a furniture design that has many more advantages than disadvantages, which is why loyal consumers love it. And given the trends in furniture fashion, the popularity of this type of furniture will only increase. Sliding wardrobes are an excellent option for studio apartments purchased by young families, as well as for old Khrushchev-era apartment buildings with a shortage of square meters.
