We make an attic ladder with a hatch with our own hands. Do-it-yourself folding staircase to the attic - how to make it Make your own retractable staircase to the attic

In most private houses there is an attic or other room under the roof, so a staircase to the attic is necessary. The structure for going upstairs must not only be safe, but also aesthetically pleasing, matching the design and type of frame with other staircases. The exception is a hidden or folding design, which is used periodically so as not to clutter the living space. How to do this yourself - we suggest using examples and tips from the article.

What type of stairs should I choose?

Thrifty owners try to use every meter of their personal space rationally. With a small living space in the building, a massive wooden staircase to the attic with your own hands is inappropriate; it is better to give preference lightweight design, regardless of the material. Climbing attic floor everyone arranges it to their own taste. Even light is possible rope-ladder, folded into a net or on a shelf next to the hatch. But this option is only suitable as a temporary one, and even then for a single adult. For children and the elderly, something more reliable is needed, for example, a ladder to the attic - photo:

Also on sale are ready-made telescopic and folding ladders and high stepladders, but not all of them are suitable for permanent use. And it is important to properly secure the finished staircase or make a device for it so that it can be removed when not needed, for example, in winter. And when large area in houses where there are several stairs, it is advisable to make all the flights in the same style. All parts of the structure must be reliable so that you can walk on the floors without risk.

The construction of a private house involves stairs of different functionality:

  • internal and external (inside the house);
  • attached and fixed;
  • auxiliary (working) and design (aesthetic part of the interior).

When choosing the type of staircase, it is important to be guided not only by your own preferences, but also by considerations of expediency. Operational requirements are higher for stationary ladders, and the folding structure must be compact and reliable so as not to be injured during the next descent or ascent.

Tip: Make the attic ladder as lightweight as possible to save materials and space. It should support no more than 1 person with a small load, since furniture and heavy household appliances are not lifted into the attic. Before you make a ladder to the attic, think about how it will be attached at the top and what it will rest against below.

Hanging and folding stairs are more suitable for a small country house, and massive stationary stairs are more suitable for a large country house. The type of ladder depends on the location of the attic hatch. If the entrance to the room under the roof is located in a narrow space, then install a spiral staircase. It's not very comfortable, and you can't lift bulky things on it. But that's the only thing that happens Possible Solution where there is nowhere to put a classic flight of stairs. For example, spiral staircase in the attic, photo:

The most common types of construction are:

  • screw;
  • marching;
  • on pain.

The optimal choice of stairs for attic spaces

Recently, attic and attic stairs are highlighted in a separate row, and they are classified into subspecies:

  • sliding telescopic;
  • folding scissor ladders;
  • sliding “accordion”;
  • suspended (rope, rope);
  • folding (attached at the top).

There are no difficulties in using or installing each type. The simplest metal staircase for the attic in several folds you can make from 2-3 stepladders. The cost of each design depends on the materials and type of the staircase itself.

Folding models are made from pipes and angles of light alloys, mainly aluminum and stainless steel. But for this you need a tool (metal cutting) and reliable fittings. It is much easier to work with wood in domestic conditions, so most stairs are made of wood, in the classic design:

  • supports;
  • steps (tread);
  • stringers;
  • risers;
  • railings;
  • handrails
  • fillies, etc.

Attic staircase- an auxiliary device for lifting under the roof, so there is no point in making it wide. Optimal width- no more than 60-70 cm, depending on the build of the people using it. But the step between the steps should be classic, about 20 cm, so as not to experience difficulties when going up or down the stairs.

But the most important thing is the angle of inclination if it is a flight of stairs. Any staircase to the attic, folding or spiral, must be inclined so that it is convenient to use - within 75°. A very steep descent is impossible without handrails, otherwise it will be difficult to return from the attic, especially if the steps are narrow. Yes, you can make a vertical ladder (an extension, the old fashioned way), but this is not very convenient, and taking things out of the attic will be problematic.

Attention: Some narrow metal steps are very slippery, especially when condensation forms on them in cold weather. This is counteracted by special rubber pads that minimize the risk of falling and injury.

The maximum weight that a do-it-yourself attic ladder should withstand is in the range of 120-150 kg, unless larger people use it. In the finished product, which only remains to be fixed to the attic hatch, all parameters must be indicated in technical description. There are models where folding ladder is attached directly to the hatch, which is equipped with a compact transformation method.

Types of attic stairs and their properties

Stairs to the attic or attic are provided both from the outside of the house and from the inside. A street staircase, not an attic, is most often made of a permanent staircase - metal with handrails. The internal product should take up little space, be light and compact. They prefer screw-type, stationary structures that are removed from the room after use:

  • portable;
  • retractable;
  • folding

1. A stationary attic ladder of one-piece construction is the most convenient and safe, but requires a lot of space. The most compact are screw models, which are much more difficult to make due to the calculations of wedge-shaped degrees fixed at equal intervals on a pole support. In addition, they must be equipped with spiral handrails or made in the form of a glass capsule. Direct or marching staircase should also be equipped with some kind of supports - railings or handrails. The width of the rectangular steps is made, if not to suit the full width of the foot, then at least 3/4, so that it is convenient to step on, especially when descending.

2. Mobile or portable ladders and stepladders, despite their compactness, create more opportunities for falling. Due to the increased danger and instability, they are not so in demand. And it is important to do everything to increase the stability and reliability of the stairs (non-slip, level floor, support stops). Their main advantage is the ability to bring and easily unfold, and then put away. It is not recommended to use such devices for lifting under the roof:

  • sick people with frequent dizziness and high blood pressure;
  • disabled people without any limb;
  • the elderly and infirm;
  • children.

3. Folding. The most compact one is a folding staircase to the attic, which is attached at the top and folds under the ceiling. The main requirement is that it should not literally fall on one’s head, that is, gradual and slow transformation is important when using a structure made of several blocks. If all joints between segments folding design reliable, then it is as reliable as a solid one. If it is made of metal from a hollow steel tube or aluminum profile, then it is very light and comfortable. Among other modern devices for climbing into the attic or attic, they are the most in demand. The best option is if the folding staircase is transformed along the wall, on which there is something like handrails. Many craftsmen make this variety with their own hands.

4. A retractable ladder is a type of folding ladder, only it structural elements They do not recline, but extend along a guide to the stops on both sides. The conversion mechanism is somewhat reminiscent of a telescope. This design is made on hinges, and not only from a profile, but also from wood, but the guides are also made from a metal corner.

5. The external staircase to the attic leads from the street, and the safety of the owners of the house who climb it depends on its design features. Non-slip steps and frost-free handrails are required. Usually they are made of metal from several flights running along the walls of the house.

How to make a folding staircase to the attic on your own?

Making a folding staircase to the attic with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. For example, the easiest way is to construct it from fragments of a finished ladder or stepladder. It is important to make the correct articulation on the bends by choosing suitable fittings. It is advisable to secure it directly to the hatch or under it in a special mount. Rigid fixation at the entrance to the attic is the main requirement.

All fragments of the folding attic ladder fold like an accordion. The remaining parts of the transformation should be attached to the longest segment; there should not be too many of them. Ideally, there should be no more than 3-5 folding modules, depending on the height of the ceiling or the distance to the hatch.

Attention: Watch how the structural elements are fastened so as not to break the “accordion”. But even if an error occurs, do not be upset, just remove the incorrect joint. The modules are assembled on the floor, periodically checking the work.

To minimize the work of assembling the stairs to the attic, the dimensions of each element should be indicated in the drawings, taking into account the inclination - for ease of lifting. When everything is calculated and sketched, there are all the necessary accessories, then the assembly process will not take much time and effort. The most difficult thing is choosing accessories for transformation, which will ensure ease of use of the stairs.

Tip: It is best if the structure is mounted at the top at the entrance, and the first fragment is equal to the length of the hatch. The remaining parts can be equal in size, shorter or longer, but all proportions must be harmoniously combined.

Assembly algorithm:

  • the finished stepladder or long ladder is sawed with an appropriate tool (wood or metal);
  • the first segment is connected to the next one using a hinge mechanism with clamps;
  • a hinge mechanism is attached to the second and subsequent sections, but this is done each time from the opposite side to create an “accordion” layout;
  • a non-slip support on the floor is attached to the lower segment (with rubber or thick leather so as not to scratch the coating);
  • with the help of a partner or assistant, we attach the structure to the hatch or entrance to the attic, once again checking how it should look in working condition;
  • we attach the latch, which should fix the layout at the ceiling;
  • If the folding ladder does not have latches that prevent a sudden fall when the latch is opened, it is advisable to cover the floors with material that softens the sudden fall of the structure.

An improved version - a “folding bed” with remote control control, but not every master can install an electric drive on his own. Typically, such a “smart” function is only available in finished products.

The ease of use of the ladder also depends on the hinge mechanism on springs and stops, which ensures smooth opening of the modules. And it’s better to spend money on a more advanced layout mechanism than to experience inconvenience every time.

Attention: In any variant of the articulation of parts of the staircase, when bringing it into working condition, it is important to stand to the side of the path of possible transformation! And periodically check that it is firmly attached to the hatch or ceiling at the exit to the attic, so that the ladder does not accidentally collapse on someone’s head!

The simplest options for attic stairs

For a beginner who is unsure of his abilities, it is better to limit himself to a simple design - fasten an ordinary one-flight staircase made of light metal along the wall.

A great option for the young and energetic is to make a folding rope ladder with wooden steps and holes on the sides at each tread. They should be strung between knots of rope or thick twine. For convenience, the steps are made not rectangular, but triangular with rounded edges.

The wide sides of the triangles are attached to the sides, the narrow ones - alternately towards each other. Then you will get a “duck step” ladder, that is, steps under the right and left legs. The rise involves a wide waddling position of the legs, hence the name. The only inconvenience is going down and going up facing the rope (wall) holding on to its sides.

If there is no room for a full-fledged staircase, then a ready-made spiral staircase is used, which should match the height of the ceiling with the height of the support. Parts (wedge-shaped steps, support and handrails) can be ordered from a carpentry shop. All that remains is to assemble the structure and securely fasten it below and at the entrance to the attic.

When constructing any staircase structure, it is important to provide:

  • free approach to use;
  • the place where it will be removed if the ladder is mobile;
  • handrails or other supports for hands during descent and ascent (they may not be present if the design is reliable);
  • reliable fastening at the top and non-slip bottom stop;
  • stylistic execution or decor.

It is impossible to make an external metal staircase without the help of a professional welder. However, you can do some of the work yourself:

  • choose a design based on ready-made illustrations or drawings;
  • calculate the height and width of the stairs, tread dimensions, number of flights and landings;
  • make a sketch and drawing;
  • do the slicing metal parts.

Entrust the assembly and fastening of the external metal staircase to specialists.

Tip: If the gentle flight of a stationary staircase leading to the attic or attic takes up a lot of space, think about how to use this part of the room. In the niche they make racks and shelves for books, souvenirs and collections. Or a “living corner” with an aquarium, cages for rodents and parrots, they will have to provide additional lighting under the stairs.

Folding ladder for cottages, country houses, and cottages with attic rooms, becomes a vital necessity. It should not take up much space, because country house everyone is important square meter. In addition, a big advantage of the ladder will be its mobility. Folding designs save space and are easy to install. To complete all the related tasks of constructing such a staircase, you can do it yourself.

Folding stairs to the attic can be located both indoors and in the attic itself. The second option is more profitable in terms of saving living space. According to the design of the staircase, there are the following types:

  • monolithic (flight or screw);
  • folding (lever, telescopic, scissor or folding);
  • portable (additional or stepladders).

Portable structures are used very rarely, mainly when performing construction work. Most convenient option- monolithic products that have wide flights and are equipped with railings. However, they are not suitable for access to the attic due to their large dimensions.

It is better to use retractable structures that are safe to use and easy to install. In addition, when folded, they do not take up space in the room. Thanks to the diversity possible designs you can choose the staircase that best suits your home.

Transformable stairs

Wood and metal (most often aluminum) are used to make folding attic stairs. This combination allows you to get the best results. Wood is needed to create flights of stairs(the weight of the structure is reduced), and metal parts are most often corners, fasteners and mechanisms that ensure the rigidity of the structure.

For stairs, choose hard wood (birch, ash, larch, beech, maple). The timber must be at least 2 cm thick. If the staircase will be used quite often, it is worth thinking about a metal structure. The hatch cover should be filled with foam for greater thermal insulation. Dimensions of stairs to the attic:

  • the optimal march width is 65 cm;
  • average number of steps – 15;
  • the optimal step width is considered to be 19.3 cm;
  • the thickness of the steps is not less than 18 mm;
  • The optimal angle of inclination of the structure is 60-70 degrees.

To prevent the ladder from sliding on the floor, it is worth putting special pads on each string.


These stairs are made entirely of metal. Their other name is accordion stairs. They are light, compact, and easily attached to the hatch. However, scissor ladders have one drawback - over time, squeaking appears during their use. They need to be lubricated periodically.


In this case, a folding ladder has several sections that fold into one another. They are usually made of aluminum. Domestic summer residents are wary of such stairs and prefer transformers to them.

Sectional hinged products are more in demand. They are more bulky and difficult to install, but are highly durable and durable. How a retractable staircase to the attic is made is described below.

Location of the stairs

There is one main requirement for the location of the stairs - it should not interfere with residents when moving around the house. That is why it is not installed in the bedroom or hallway. Sometimes you can install a staircase as a piece of furniture - if the size of the room allows. In this case, there is no need to hide it.

Manufacturing a two-section ladder

A folding ladder should have a simple and practical design, it’s worth taking a closer look at the option with two sections. To make such a staircase you will need a small amount of tools and materials:

  • hacksaw;
  • ladder;
  • roulette;
  • timber 2-3 cm thick.
  • loops along the width of the stringer;
  • hook, screws, anchors and loops.

First you need to carry out the preparatory work, then make the ladder, and then install it correctly.

Preparatory work

First they dismantle old design, consisting of a staircase and a decorative frame equipped inside the passage. Then you need to select bars for the flights of stairs. Each string must have a cross-section of at least 30*50 mm. Optimal inclination attic stairs in a small room is 60-70 degrees. It must be taken into account when calculating the length of the stairs and the angle of inclination of the steps relative to the staircase posts.

It is worth installing two-section stairs when the attic passage is located in close proximity to one of the walls. The folding structure will hang directly on the wall. The presence of only 2 sections does not allow it to be hidden in the attic directly above the passage.

Making stairs

First, assemble the lower and upper parts of the stairs. To do this you will need 4 strings and steps. The bottom should be 1/3 of the total length. Then it is necessary to strengthen the upper part with diagonal slats to give it greater rigidity. The structure is then connected together using hinges. A block is attached to the top of the stairs, which will later be screwed to the wall.

The ladder is attached to the wall using a pre-screwed block. It should be installed directly under the hatch. The advantages of this design are obvious - a minimum of parts and effort in manufacturing, ease of installation, lightness of construction. The disadvantage of a two-section ladder is that it remains visible.

To avoid such a situation, it is worth building more complex design. The best option is a ladder with 3 sections. It can be easily hidden in the attic, used only when necessary.


The most compact version of the stairs to the attic is a hatch with a folding structure of 3 sections attached to it. Such products are sold in stores. They are made of steel, are small in size and are made of steel. You can also build them yourself. The material most often used is wooden blocks. To build a staircase to the attic with your own hands, you will need to follow a certain sequence of actions.

How to make a hatch

Before constructing a hatch, it is worth calculating its dimensions. If the hatch to the attic is 125*70 cm in size, then the passage should be cut 7-8 mm larger on each side. This will make it easier to open and close the hatch. The level of thermal insulation due to such a gap will not decrease.

The materials you will need:

  • Bars 50*50 mm – 2 long and 2 short.
  • Plywood 10 mm thick.

Now you need to build a hatch. To do this, 4 bars are fastened together, and then a sheet of plywood is nailed to them. Before attaching plywood, check the diagonal. To prevent the structure made from bars from “driving,” you need to nail gussets to the corners. After the hatch is completed, it needs to be fitted into the opening.

To ensure that there are no locks on the outside and the hatch closes well, you should embed a door latch into the lid. It will hold the hatch perfectly and open comfortably.

Opening mechanisms

Now it’s time to tackle the most difficult part – creating opening mechanisms. In order not to complicate or delay the process, you can buy them at hardware store. However, if you want to do everything yourself, you should adhere to certain rules.

To begin with, drawings of the future design are made, taking into account the opening angle of the hatch. To make a hinge on which the hatch will open, you will need:

  • pieces of sheet metal;
  • one corner;
  • two metal strips of different lengths.

Holes are made on the hinges according to pre-made drawings. Then they connect everything together without tightening the bolts too much. The opening angle can be determined experimentally. To do this, open the hatch until desired angle and make marks on the metal. Then the area that interferes with the movement of the corners is cut out with a jigsaw.

Now each corner locks in the desired position. To make the mechanisms identical, first one is completely manufactured, and then all the parts of the second are made according to the finished sample.

For greater strength, the hatch is connected to the opening with a supporting structure made of corners and metal strips. Pieces of metal are welded to the end of the upper strips, into which the lower strips will rest. The corner becomes a supporting platform. The result is a hinge mechanism that becomes half-bent when the hatch is opened.


The staircase itself is made of wooden planks. For the bowstring and steps, a 100 mm inch board is suitable. The first section is made according to the size of the hatch. The length of the second section can be equal to the first section, provided that it does not touch the ceiling during folding.

For the third section, select the length that remains to the floor. The angle of inclination is measured with the hatch open. Then it must be transferred to the board, marking the steps. Then the length of the sections is marked. All markings that were made on the first board should be transferred to the second. All lines must be a mirror image.

It is worth drilling holes where the hinge hinges will be located. The top one is drilled directly at the junction of the fastened boards, the bottom one is drilled at their external sides. To make the holes look more aesthetically pleasing, you should additionally go over them with a router.

Then the boards are sawn at the junction of the segments. Afterwards, the steps are cut and all elements are polished. Small recesses are made on the bowstrings into which the steps will be inserted. Once all structural elements are ready, you can begin assembly.

Loops for marches

The next stage in the manufacture of stairs is making loops to connect the flights of stairs. To do this you will need to find 8 metal strips 25 mm wide. On 4 of them you need to weld a small piece of the same strips. 3 holes are drilled in each. One will serve as a connection point to the hinge, the other will be used for screwing to the ladder.

To connect the stair segments, they must be placed on a flat surface. The hinge must be screwed so that the bolt fits into a groove specially cut for it - in the center of the connection of the sections. After screwing the hinges, it is necessary to check the section for flexion and extension. Only after the check has been completed can section 3 be screwed on. After all the procedures have been completed, you can remove the hatch and screw the ladder to it.

Every staircase, regardless of type, should be comfortable. In addition, when implementing an attic structure, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  • attic folding stairs should not be more than 3 meters;
  • metal steps should be equipped with anti-slip pads;
  • wooden models are not installed in very dry or damp rooms;
  • mechanisms and fastenings must be strong and reliable;
  • From time to time, the rubbing parts of the product should be lubricated.

Such rules will be useful in the manufacture of attic stairs.

As you can see, making an attic ladder with your own hands is easy. During its manufacture, certain recommendations should be followed, and before starting work, make detailed drawing. During the work you should be careful, especially when working in the attic near the opening.

There is an attic in any country house. Very often this is an unused room, but in some cases some unnecessary things are stored here or even a room is being furnished. In any case, there must be access to it, and for this purpose stairs are made to the attic. They can be made from wood and metal - in this case, you can make them yourself. Or they can be beautiful forged - such designs are usually created to order.

Primary requirements

Before building an attic staircase, you need to consider several of its features. Firstly, it must be convenient and safe to use. Moreover, these two indicators depend on the design principle of the stairs and the attic itself. An important role is played by taking into account the type of staircase, the width of its steps, and the height of the rise. The height of the stairs is calculated depending on what its design will be. If it is a folding type, then you need to carefully consider its dimensions when folded.

The steps must be of such a size that it is comfortable and safe for anyone to climb them. The correctness of the design also depends on the location of the steps: the distance between them should not be too small or large. Failure to comply with these requirements will violate safety regulations.

The width of the flight of stairs to the attic must be at least 0.8 m. It is important that the angle of inclination is maintained: this needs to be thought through at the stage of designing the structure.

Types of stairs: folding or stationary?

The choice between these two types of structures depends on how big square at the attic. Of course, a stationary staircase is more reliable and safe, but it is also solid, that is, it requires a lot of space. This is why many people prefer folding attic ladders: they are convenient, take up little space, due to the fact that they can be folded. Most often, such structures consist of several sections that overlap each other, thereby saving space. Moreover, they can always be adjusted depending on the required size.

Or retractable?

These designs are becoming increasingly popular, due to their advantages:

  • are cheap;
  • easy to install;
  • take up little space thanks to the accordion-shaped design;
  • reliable;
  • mask the structure with an attic hatch.

All these advantages make retractable stairs so popular. How to make it yourself?

Self-installation of a retractable ladder: main steps

The very first step should be a thorough analysis and check of the dimensions of the hatch opening. This is necessary to ensure that the parameters you choose coincide with the dimensions of the stairs. Then the location of the bars is thought out - first at the bottom, then at the top. Special spacers are located between the opening and the staircase - they will help better fix the structure. When it is laid, the spacers can be removed.

Or outside?

If space does not allow you to install retractable stairs, you can replace them external structure. It will provide a connection between the outside world and the interior of your home. The main thing is to remember the safety rules, since the operation of such a structure has its own characteristics. When installing an external staircase, it is important to choose the right material: it must be resistant to sun rays, have increased abrasive wear, reliable and wear-resistant.

Wooden staircase

Wooden stairs to the attic are the simplest option, which you can create with your own hands. There are several ways to do this. Let's look at the simplest and most practical ones.

Method 1

To make an attic staircase, you first need to take measurements: we need parameters for the height of the room, the expected angle of inclination, which most often reaches 30 degrees, while the height is about 2.5 m. In order for the staircase to be reliable and correct from a design point of view, you need to think through and draw up the drawings correctly. The simplest wooden stairs are created on the basis of bars for stringers, bars corresponding to the width of the stairs for fastening, overhead hinges and boards from which we will make the steps. Yes, and don’t forget about the folding hangers - the hatch cover will be fixed on them. The installation process itself is as follows:

  1. Steps are installed and securely fastened between the stringers. This is done either using a tongue-and-groove type of fastening, or with self-tapping screws, or with glue. It is better to treat the steps with anti-slip pads - they will increase the safety of the structure.
  2. The staircase is first secured under the ceiling opening using two bars that are equal to the width of the staircase. Their connection is made with loops.
  3. We check how efficient the hinges are, and then finally tighten the fasteners.

This is the easiest way to create a staircase to the attic.

Method two

This is a more labor-intensive method of making a staircase, which can easily be installed even in a country house. It looks more aesthetically pleasing and has more reliable design, which is important in conditions of heavy load on it. The structure itself will be movable on one side, and the other half will be attached to the wall. To create such a staircase to the attic we will need:

  • two boards of length corresponding to the height of the ceiling and the angle of inclination;
  • boards for creating steps at least 0.5 m wide and about 3 cm thick;
  • bolts, self-tapping screws as fasteners;
  • card loops that will attach the steps.

It is important to arm yourself with a drawing - it will allow you to complete all the work efficiently and accurately. After determining the angle of inclination, you need to saw off the bars at the top and bottom so that they rest firmly on the floor. The boards along their entire length are divided into equal sections - here the steps will be located at the distance you need. The steps are fastened with card loops, and after the structure is completed, you can make it elegant by varnishing or painting it.

Metal stairs

Attic stairs made of aluminum look very beautiful, especially if your country house is decorated in the style of “minimalism” or “high-tech”. What's good about metal? Firstly, it is more reliable. Secondly, such structures are processed special compounds, which protect the surface from mechanical stress or corrosion. Thirdly, metal structures can withstand heavy loads.

The most popular among buyers are retractable metal stairs, which take up little space. They are relevant for premises that have small sizes, that is, where required rational use space.

How to do it yourself?

Despite all the difficulty technological process, you can make a metal staircase yourself. Moreover, it can be made of either metal or a combination of materials. To make the simplest metal staircase we will need to prepare:

  • welding machine;
  • mechanical saw;
  • an emery wheel, which we will use to remove burrs on the metal;
  • a circular saw and a clamp for joining parts if the staircase has wooden parts;
  • pipes;
  • steel sheets.

Please note that the quantity of materials is calculated based on the drawing. Welding machine we will make strong seams, so the staircase will be a monolithic and durable structure.

Such an aluminum or steel staircase will be constructed on the basis of a channel (size 8-10). The steps are made of sheet steel; if they are without additional finishing, you will need a grating on the steps that will protect against falling. The fences are made of angle steel, and the supports for the treads are made of reinforcement. First, support devices are installed and welded onto the beam, then brackets for fastening are welded.

Metal attic stairs can have wooden treads, but first you need to think about where the additional fasteners will be located. On metal steps The holes for the screws should be located at a distance of 15 cm from each other. A plywood backing is mounted to the metal treads - it is attached to assembly adhesive, which after hardening retains its shape.

Finished aluminum staircase

Very often, many people prefer to buy ready-made structures rather than install them themselves. But even in this case you will have to work hard, since they are delivered disassembled. How to assemble? General scheme the work is approximately as follows:

  1. First, a sketch of the future staircase is created.
  2. 4 identical sections are cut from a metal profile or pipe.
  3. The pipe is secured in a vice and thoroughly cleaned of rust.
  4. From metal sheet steps are cut out - they must be the same length.
  5. The steps are tried on a flat surface and adjusted to size.
  6. The steps are attached to the supports by welding - this is more reliable option than angles and bolts.
  7. The bottom of the staircase is finished with rubber heels.

Forged structures: beautiful and modern

Very often in country houses The rooms are connected with the attic or attic by wrought-iron stairs. Moreover, they can be simple screw ones, or they can have ornate designs, which allows them to fit into any room stylistically. All spiral staircases can be divided into several types:

  • in the first version, the staircase is supported by a central pillar and walls;
  • in the second, the spiral staircase is removed from the walls and attached to a support pillar with steps;
  • in the third case, the staircase with a turn does not have a central pillar, but rests on spirally curved strings;
  • the fourth option is a reliable metal staircase, which rests on a monolith pillar based on a steel pipe.

The most convenient are stairs, the span width of which is up to 900 mm with a diameter of the entire staircase structure of up to 2200 mm.

What if you buy it?

If you don't feel like studying manual installation, you can always buy the same forged stairs, which are quite difficult to install yourself, much less to invent and make. Big choice Attic stairs are offered by many brands, not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. Let's look at the most popular:

  1. STANDART ISO PLUS (MINKA, Austria). This folding wooden ladder is made of quality MDF and is designed for a maximum load of 150 kg. There are special protective attachments on the legs, and the metal handrail ensures maximum safety. This compact staircase, the price of which is on average 8,200 rubles.
  2. The Danish company VELTA offers economy-class structures that can be installed in the attic or attic. For 6000 rubles you get simple stairs, which is compact: it consists of three sections that are conveniently assembled and retracted into the ceiling.
  3. FAKRO stairs are made from winter-harvested pine, therefore they are reliable and durable in use. This company offers a wide range of products that are compact and have a wide price range. The insulated hatch cover is the most important advantage that this ladder has. The price of models starts from 8,000 rubles. It is also important that all connections of the structure are reliable and durable, the steps are supplemented with anti-slip grooves, making operation safe and comfortable.


Now you know how to make a staircase to the attic with your own hands. Having the most at hand simple materials, you will create a laconic but comfortable wooden or aluminum structure.

Many owners of private houses, in order to get into the attic, use an extension or stationary ladder installed on the street. Of course, for safety reasons, such a ladder is completely justified and will never become superfluous. However, for use in winter, and especially in cases where there is a utility or even full-fledged living space in the attic, it will be much more convenient to provide the possibility of entering directly from the house.

But it often happens that the stationary design of an internal staircase requires a very significant area, and therefore cannot be implemented in practice in conditions small house. And even if there is enough space, it hardly makes sense to “waste” it if the attic is not used constantly, but only from time to time. What to do? But there is a way out - this is a “transformer” structure, which is removed when not needed into the attic floor. So, the topic of this publication: do-it-yourself folding staircase to the attic - most optimal option for both large and small private houses.

General information about folding stairs to the attic

What do they say about the advantages and disadvantages of such structures?

Folding ladders, if their design is thought out, are safe and easy to use, are very convenient. However, they also have their own disadvantages, which you also need to know in advance when starting similar reconstruction of one of the rooms of the house.

So to advantages of folding staircase design include following points, which will greatly facilitate operation attic space:

  • Ability to safely enter the attic at any time, regardless of the season or current weather conditions.
  • Compact and easy to use quality construction allows all residents of the house to cope with unfolding and folding the stairs, since no great physical effort is expected.
  • The folded structure does not take up usable area both in the living room and in the attic. If there is no need, the ladder is most often retracted into the opening of the attic floor, saving free space.
  • The hatch in the ceiling, which is necessary to accommodate the staircase structure, with high-quality finishing from below does not spoil at all appearance ceiling surface.
  • When purchasing a ready-made structure, it is quite possible to choose a model with an electric drive. This is, of course, extremely convenient, since if necessary, you won’t have to make any effort to put the ladder into working condition or remove it. However, to install this staircase option, you will have to invite a specialist. And such kits cost quite a lot.

The disadvantages of installing this structure in the attic floor include the following:

  • Be that as it may, folding stairs, unlike, do not always meet the criteria for maximum convenience in terms of the steepness of the climb, the number and size of steps.
  • Based on the first point, the second suggests itself - ascending and descending such staircase structures still requires care and special precautions. This will be especially true for children, older people or those with some physical limitations.
  • No matter how tightly the hatch fits into the opening cut out for the stairs, it will still deprive the ceiling of its tightness. Therefore, in order to prevent getting into living rooms cold air from above (or, conversely, hot air during the summer heat), the attic room will have to be insulated. This, of course, leads to additional costs. True, we can look at this problem from a different angle. If it is planned to arrange a utility or residential space in the attic, then, one way or another, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation work on the roof slopes and install flooring with

Criteria that a folding ladder must meet

In order for a ladder to be used for a long time and be safe for its owners, it must meet certain criteria, regardless of its design and material of manufacture.

Prices for folding stairs

folding ladder

These product qualities include:

  • The strength of the manufacturing material, all fasteners and connecting nodes.
  • Lightweight design in terms of weight. This is important not only for the ease of use of the ladder, but also to ensure that when folded it does not put excessive additional load on the attic floor.
  • Ease of operation - any adult family member should be able to handle the process of putting the ladder into combat readiness and folding it.
  • Hinged or other components and devices that fold the ladder should function easily, without even minimal difficulties.
  • If the staircase will be used constantly, due to the fact that a frequently used room is supposed to be located in the attic, then it is better to make the product yourself or order it good master to be confident in its reliability, and therefore in your personal safety.

Why is it better to make the stairs yourself?

Today, the construction market offers a considerable number of models from different manufacturers. They are, as a rule, quite convenient to use, but if they are not used very intensively. If the ladder will be unfolded and folded several times a day, then a more durable mechanism will be required, since the offered products may not withstand such intensive use due to the fact that each of them is designed for a certain “motor resource”.

Finished stairs almost always have a slight slope relative to the vertical. That is, the manufacturer makes them too steep, so it’s inconvenient to climb up and down them, especially while holding a certain load in one hand and securing yourself with the other. The reasons, as you can see, are very significant, and that is why many home owners prefer not to buy ready-made kits, but to install them themselves according to their own drawings, calculating them for their own weight and equipping them with durable mechanisms.

Main types of folding stairs to the attic

Before purchasing or making a folding ladder, you need to decide on its design, since there are several of them. So, designed and manufactured in industrial scale and independently the following types of stairs: retractable, folding spring, telescopic, folding with a simplified design, simple folding compact stairs.

Retractable or sliding ladder

The retractable staircase structure can consist of two or three sections, depending on the height of the attic floor.

  • First option

The upper section of the structure is fixed using a metal flange to a transverse board that forms the box of the opening being installed in attic floor. Each section, when folding the ladder, slides into the part located above, as if on a rail. The assembled sections of the stairs are transferred to a horizontal position and laid on the floors of the attic. The hatch in this design can be attached to the highest and shortest section, and in this case, when the hatch is closed, the entire staircase will be hidden. The hatch can also be closed separately, that is, first a ladder is sent to the attic, and then the hatch is closed.

1 - Attic floor beam.

2 - Screw flange.

3 - Retractable ladder sections.

4 - Rotary mechanism.

This illustration shows how a retractable ladder works. However, it is quite obvious that it can only be suitable if the attic is not used as a living space and is visited quite rarely, and not constantly.

  • Second option

Another option is a sliding ladder, consisting of two sections - a short one, attached to the hatch cover, and a long one, which, after unfolding, will rest against the surface of the floor of the room. This option is also suitable for an attic used as a utility room. So, if you need to get into the attic, the hatch opens, and the ladder goes down with it. Then, its lower part is pulled out from the folded structure until it touches the floor.

When unfolding the ladder, space for access to the attic is freed up. In ready-made, factory-made versions of sliding or folding stairs, the hatch is equipped with its own thermal insulation. And along the contour of the opening, a seal is installed so that warm air from the room does not escape through the gaps around the ceiling hatch. One should not forget about similar methods of minimizing heat losses when making a staircase yourself.

Folding ladder

A folding staircase differs from a sliding staircase in that its sections do not slide into each other, but fold together. This is ensured by special hinge mechanisms installed in the span connection points. The structure is folded according to the accordion principle. Top section fixed on the hatch panel, onhim Folding handrails are also installed, which make it easier to climb to the top floor or attic.

The advantage of this design is that it does not take up more space than the opening in the ceiling, since it is completely hidden in a special box, which frames the opening hatch. Therefore, when going up to the attic, the ladder can be raised so that it is not in the way on the lower floor, and in order to avoid accidentally stepping on the hatch while at the top, you can provide an upper strong hatch or a fencing for the opening.

Prices for stairs


The diagram above shows a finished design, one of those offered in specialized stores. However, focusing on it, it is quite possible to make a ladder yourself. How to do this will be discussed in detail in the instruction table below.

The diagram shows a box framing the opening. It is equipped with an elastic rubber gasket, thanks to which the hatch will be pressed tightly, without gaps, to the inner walls of the box.

The hatch of the design shown is made of chipboard, but when making a similar ladder yourself, it is quite possible to replace it with boards and assemble a shield from them. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose light, porous wood, such as linden or pine.

Wooden steps are equipped anti-slip coating. When making your own stairs, you can use a router to cut out recesses on the steps, in the form of two or three grooves running along the entire length of their surface.

The steps are fixed in the side posts of the staircase sections using a dovetail joint, which is more reliable than straight tenons.

Metal scissor ladders

Another option for a folding structure is the so-called scissor ladder, which is made of metal. As a rule, aluminum is used for this purpose due to its light weight. The design has proven itself quite well, especially for those cases where the attic has to be visited quite often.

The advantages of this type of stairs include its versatility. This means that the modules that form the steps can be stretched “to their fullest” if the room high ceiling, or compressed to a certain level, of course. The main thing is that the bottom step rests on the floor. Thus, the staircase is designed for a certain, and quite considerable, range of ceiling heights.

When folded, such a staircase is quite compact and does not extend beyond the boundaries of the box intended for it, installed in the thickness of the attic floor.

The disadvantage of this scissor design is that it requires some effort to install and fold it. This may pose a problem for some home occupants who do not have the required physical capabilities.

It is quite difficult to make such a staircase yourself, since it requires precise adjustment of metal parts, and the structure itself is replete with hinged joints. Yes, this is not profitable, since the material for self-made It will probably cost no less than the cost of the finished product.

Or a cottage there is no need to explain what an attic is. Often the layout of the internal space does not allow the installation of a stationary staircase to climb into the said room. This circumstance is due to rare visits, theft of square footage and cluttering of the interior. Of course, many will say that they do a good job with a stepladder, but regular trips to get this device, as well as its unsteadiness, make many owners think about building a compact staircase structure. To solve this problem, you need to understand the variety of types of the named element and figure out how to make a staircase to the attic without resorting to the help of specialists and without spending a huge amount of money.

General rules for the construction of attic stairs

When arranging structures of this type, it is important to know a number of basic recommendations and advice from professionals, which will subsequently help to quickly and efficiently complete the assembly work, as well as ensure reliable operation over a significant period of operation. The main ones:

  • staircase width no more than 65 cm;
  • height no more than 3 m;
  • optimal number of steps – up to 15 pcs.;
  • the distance between steps is no more than 19 cm;
  • step thickness from 2 to 2.2 cm;
  • classic tilt angle from 60 to 75°;
  • the design is made with a margin for greater weight;
  • the position of the steps at the moment of opening must be strictly parallel to the floor;
  • standard hatch dimensions are 120×60 or 120×70 cm.

Compliance with all of the listed requirements for the arrangement of stairs to the attic will allow the work to be completed with proper quality and emphasis on durability, and will also eliminate excessive heat loss in winter periods time.

The optimal solution for arranging the structure under study, which allows taking into account all everyday aspects, is the manufacture of a folding staircase. This type can be built both externally and internally. The only fundamental difference is that the latter option is more comfortable to use, since the need to go outside, which is acutely noticeable during the cold season, is eliminated. In addition to this, in internal version it is protected from influences from external factors and is a kind of gasket between cold flows air masses attic and adjoining room.

The assortments of modern stores offer many staircase options, but it is more advisable to highlight the most common types:

  • scissor - is a ladder made of metal and, when folded, is a kind of accordion;
  • folding (retractable) - includes several retractable sections, which, when opened, fold into one-piece design thanks to hinge mechanisms and hinges;
  • telescopic - consists of several flights of stairs, which are stacked one on top of the other at the time of assembly (aluminum is usually used as the basis for such a design).

Making a folding staircase to the attic with your own hands is a simple undertaking and does not require deep knowledge in the field of construction, so you can cope with this task without much difficulty.

Before starting any activity, you should prepare tools and acquire materials. The set of tools does not require the presence of expensive equipment and includes a list of available tools familiar to every person:

  • saw or jigsaw;
  • drill or screwdriver with a set of bits;
  • roulette;
  • wood screws;
  • anchors, corners and hanging hooks;
  • one-piece staircase design with a reserve length of the side bases of 20–25 cm;
  • 4–6 card type loops;
  • timber with a thickness of 3–4 cm.

The diversity of this element allows the home owner not to become too attached to traditional ways and choose the optimal type for yourself depending on the available square footage, interior and other important characteristics. However, with little construction experience, you can make your own staircase structure for the attic it is more advisable to carry out simple accessible ways, which are represented by hinged and folding types.

Hinged view

This type of staircase can easily be made in 3–4 hours. To make it, it is enough to take two beams with a cross-section of 50×50 and a length of 70 to 100 cm. We attach one of the beams to the wall, directly under the equipped hatch using dowel-nails or self-tapping screws, and the second - on the lower points of the staircase supports. Next, measure 2/3 from the top edge of the prepared wooden staircase and make a cut. Then we fasten these components and the top with the upper support beam using hinges. The structure is ready, all that remains is to install a hook in the wall where the lower section is folded so that the ladder is securely fixed to the wall.

A useful measure would be to strengthen the upper supporting partition with steel corners or anchors, since most of the load will fall on this element.

When arranging a folding staircase, you can choose a classic one as a base. wooden stairs, sawn into several components. To do this, you will need to take 2 bars with a length that provides passage into the attic hatch, and secure them to the upper and lower edges of the prepared structure, respectively, using loops and nails. Next, you need to measure 1/3 of the total length from top to bottom and make cuts. The components are also held together using card loops.

In order to avoid spontaneous opening of the resulting staircase, you should equip the block located on the upper edge of the structure with a hook.

Before fixing the hinge devices, additionally check that all components are correctly opened. It would be useful to install with reverse side ladders, a sheet of plywood, so that when closing the ladder is completely folded into the gap between the hatch and the general surface of the ceiling.

Photo of a folding wooden structure

The photographs show the sequence of manufacturing a folding ladder for the attic:

In conclusion, I would like to note that independent arrangement from time immemorial, auxiliary structures have been the subject of attention of most owners of private houses. Sticking to general rules construction and following the simple recommendations presented, you can easily create an excellent staircase to the attic without spending a lot of money on it.


The provided video, consisting of two parts, describes in detail the manufacture of an attic ladder:


The photographs show various options attic stairs:


If you decide to make a staircase yourself, then below is a number of diagrams that you can use as the basis for your design:
