Flower white ball bush. Planting and caring for snowberries in open ground. Reproduction, planting, care

Snowberry has the English names Waxberry and Ghostberry. It is a small genus of 15 leafy shrubs in the Honeysuckle family.

All species are found in the wild in North and Central America. With the exception of only one species - Symphoricarpos sinensis: it is native to Western China.

The name of the genus comes from several Greek words - συμφορειν (to bear together) and καρπος (fruit) - this name comes from the fruit, which is tightly packed. It becomes noticeable in the fall when its white, waxy, slightly poisonous berries glow on the bush. They persist for a long time after its leaves have fallen.

You can see a photo of the plant, learn methods of propagation, planting and care on this page.

The snowberry bush is important part winter food for quails, pheasants and hazel grouse.

But for humans it is very poisonous: the berry contains various alkaloids that have a negative effect and cause a poisoning reaction. Swallowing the berry causes vomiting, dizziness and minor premedication in children.

The bush also attracts birds due to its tangled branches and leaves, which create excellent protected hiding places for small birds - they are able to maneuver through branches into areas that would be too small for larger predators.

Description of the snowberry and its photo

Wild snowberry is an understory shrub found in dark coniferous forests along the Pacific Coast or on the western side of the Rocky Mountains.

A very similar berry variety - Albus - is found on the east side in exactly the same range. The branches bend well, but do not break under the weight of snow. propagation is very simple, planting has a high survival rate of cuttings. Even the photos convey the beauty of the plant.

The flowers are small and may be greenish-white, red or pink. They grow in small groups of 5-15 flowers together for the most part. There are also species where they grow alone or in pairs.

Flowering occurs in July-August, starting from the coral- Pink colour. They form a bell shape. Flowers can only be seen if you look closely, otherwise they may well go unnoticed.

Look at the photo of the snowberry, showing leaves, general plans and berries:

The fruit immediately catches the eye upon first viewing - its diameter is one to two centimeters, soft and the color varies from white and pink to red, there is one black and purple variety.

If you break the white berries, inside you will find something resembling thin, sparkling, grainy snow. They remain on the branches even after leaf fall and will make your garden especially interesting and attractive in winter.

Planting snowberries and caring for shrubs

Snowberry can grow in full sun or partial shade in moist, dry, or even poor soil. Planting it on a slope will help prevent erosion and spread the dense underground rhizomes.

Snowberry planting can be done in spring and autumn. The main condition is sufficient soil moisture for rapid growth of a new root system.

It is necessary to plant the flower in a slightly shaded place so that some of the sun still falls on the bush. When planting, the neck of the root system should be at soil level, the distance between bushes should be at least 70 centimeters (in a hedge - at least forty centimeters).

If you want your bush to develop actively and fruitfully, you should take care in advance of the soil in which the still young bush will be located.

In the spring, when they dig up the soil around the bush, feed the snowberry with 6 kilograms of compost or humus (you can also add a little superphosphate and potassium salt).

When planting a snowberry, you need to water the bush immediately and then regularly for another three to four days after the procedure. At the same time, it easily tolerates dry soil, so if the weather is “pleasant” with rain, then the bush can easily not be watered all season.

If there is no rain, then you need to pour up to one bucket of water onto the bush. In dry times, the plant requires more thorough and abundant watering.

Let's consider caring for a snowberry, which allows you to grow a wonderful ornamental shrub.

When weeding bushes, you should immediately loosen the soil by about ten centimeters, but this only applies to young plantings.

In the spring they dig a circle near the trunk. You can also additionally protect the young bush with a layer of mulch (5 centimeters) of peat (this should be done immediately after planting).

Pruning is done in the spring - at this time all dry and frozen shoots are cut out, after which it produces strong growth. L

In summer, the shoots grow a little worse, so regular watering is necessary. If you grow snowberry as an element of a hedge, then pruning is completely acceptable, especially since it tolerates it quite well.

This is the main care for the snowberry bush, but other procedures may be required, such as pruning to form a decorative crown.

Reproduction of snowberry by shoots, cuttings and root shoots

Snowberry easily reproduces with the help of underground shoots, which you should not forget about when planting and replanting a flower. In addition to this, there are several more effective ways distribution of snowberry offspring.

For example, it produces abundant root shoots, which it would be a shame not to use for propagation. Also, due to it, large clumps are formed, thanks to which the bush expands and moves from place to place.

For everything to work out, you need to monitor your shoots and dig them up in time or use them in the future for propagation.

Dividing the root shoots in the fall or spring will save you from severe thickening of the snowberry bush, in addition, you can also start propagating it.

Most easy way propagation of snowberry is to divide a very overgrown bush into 2-3 parts along with the roots.

When hilling a bush, you can get several branches, or you can simply separate the shoots into a pre-prepared groove and pin them with soft wire. They will begin to quickly take root, and by spring you will have an independent bush with a well-developed root system ready.

The most common method of propagating snowberry is cuttings. They begin to be harvested at the end of autumn and are stored in sand in a cool room (a basement is quite suitable for this purpose). Their length is approximately 10 centimeters with 3-5 buds. Two cuts are made - one above the kidney, and the second obliquely.

The cuttings are planted in boxes in soil mixed with river sand to a depth of 30 millimeters. Then the container is placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but always with shaded glass.

While the cuttings are taking root, it is necessary to constantly water the young shoots and create high level humidity (there are many similar things on the market now, you just need to visit a specialized store).

By autumn, the snowberry will have formed a viable root system and can be transplanted to permanent place growth and development in the garden or vegetable garden.

Medicinal properties of snowberry

As we have already said, the snowberry fruit is very poisonous. But in medicine, everyone has found a use for it - in some countries, fresh berries are used to treat cracks and wounds on the hands.

Some sources claim that earlier the indigenous people of America mashed the leaves into a paste and used it to treat the same wounds, as well as to treat ulcers. They made a decoction from the bark of the plant to treat sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis.

The medicinal properties of snowberry have not yet been fully studied, so the use of this plant as a means for treating diseases is not recommended.

It is also worth understanding the danger of planting snowberries in areas where children may be. Accidental poisonings in this case are not uncommon.

Snowberry varieties

Currently, many varieties of snowberry have been bred for decorative purposes. Some of them belong to hybrid forms, others represent subsequent generations of their wild ancestors.

White snowberry and its photo

A species of flowering shrub of the Honeysuckle family. Its homeland is North America, where it is found throughout much of Canada and the northern United States.

White snowberry grows in shady and damp mountains and forests, as well as along river banks. It can grow in a variety of places. This erect, deciduous shrub produces a stiff, branched main stem and often produces several small shoots near the rhizome.

White snowberry can spread to neighboring territories and thus form dense thickets.

The maximum height of the bush reaches two meters. The leaves are located opposite each other on spreading branches. They can be of different shapes and different sizes.

The racemose inflorescence contains 16 flowers, each of which has a small five-toothed calyx with pink sepals. The fruit is white, fleshy, about a centimeter in length and width.

It reproduces by seeds very rarely and poorly; to be honest, the main method is vegetative: propagation using rhizomes. Look at the photo of the white snowberry and appreciate its visual appeal:

Pink snowberry

This is a shrub with falling leaves, the maximum height of which reaches one and a half meters. The leaves can be of different shapes - ovate, round, with solid or simple edges, but always with a dark green surface above and below.

Like other species, the inflorescence is collected in the shape of a brush, although here we have pink flowers, not white.

Pink snowberry blooms for a very long time and very abundantly. Not only flowers appear on the shoots, but also fruits - berries with a diameter of one centimeter. They decorate the flower for a long time, even after the leaves fall.

Snowberry "Dorenboza"

This hybrid variety, obtained by crossing Symphoricarpos albusvar and Symphoricarpos orbiculatusс.

Snowberry "Dorenboza" is one of the varieties of shrubs that can lead to the appearance of thickets up to three meters high and unlimited in width. The dark green foliage is ovoid and elliptical in shape. Bell shaped flowers have white shade with some pink shading and held on short brushes.

Snowberry "Doorenbosii Mother of Pearl"

One of the most colorful and picturesque shrubs, especially during fruiting. It does not grow higher than 1.5 meters. It has thin shoots that become arched during the fruiting period.

The snowberry variety "DoorenbosiiMotherofPearl" is distinguished by the most inconspicuous flowers - pinkish-pearl. At the ends of the shoots, fruits - berries - hang in large clusters. They begin to ripen at the end of summer and stay on the bush until winter, and even the entire winter season, as they are especially winter-hardy.

Snowberry "DoorenbosiiMotherofPearl" does not have any special contraindications regarding soil and humidity. But there is one caveat - if you want to preserve the decorative appearance of the snowberry, you need to periodically thin it out.

Snowberry is unique not only because of its unusual name, but also known for its medicinal properties.

A shrub with white berries is ideal for landscaping park areas, house plots and public gardens.

Every year the plant is gaining popularity due to original color and characteristics, and an amateur gardener can handle its cultivation quite well.

Description of the snowberry

The snowberry bush can reach a height of up to 2 meters. At the moment the berries ripen, its graceful branches bend under their own weight and create a bizarre spherical shape. During the flowering period, soft pink buds bloom along the entire perimeter of the tree and delight others for several months. The fruits are collected in large clusters and retain their appearance for a long time, even after falling to the ground. This property was noticed by gardeners and found application in landscape design.

Another feature worth noting is that it is a bush with white berries that snap. “Slamming balls on the asphalt” is the main fun for children. People often call this tree “wolf berry.”

Unfortunately, this uniquely beautiful product cannot be eaten.. But it is worth noting that it is highly valued for medicinal purposes. White fruits are used to treat tuberculosis, peptic ulcers stomach, it promotes rapid healing of wounds. In small quantities, the berries will not cause harm, but if you eat too much, you can be poisoned. Signs of poisoning:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness.

If symptoms are detected, you should consult a specialist.

Growing rules

In nature, there are many species of this shrub of various colors, but among the people, because of the unusual white tone, the name snowberry has taken root.

Snowberry Dorenboza is one of the most common species in Russia. This variety grows in southern regions, but is also suitable for average climates. In autumn, the bush must be insulated so that its delicate bark does not freeze. This variety is also called pink snowberry. Famous shrubs of Dorenboz:

  • Maser of Pearl;
  • Magic Berry;
  • white hedge;
  • magic candy;
  • dorenbose amethyst.

White snowberry (tassel) has green leaves that tint blue. The flowers are not particularly beautiful, but this is compensated by quantity. The buds are distributed throughout the branch and bloom from May to September.

Summer residents compare this variety to a snow-covered spruce: in autumn the bush is completely decorated with white balls and looks like a tree covered with snow.

Common snowberry or “Indian currant” is distinguished by pink fruits. It is not adapted to harsh climatic conditions and grows only in warm latitudes. The autumn flowering is of interest: the berries acquire a rich red hue along with the leaves.

Planting and care

The shrub is unpretentious in the growing process. In addition to being decorative, white berries are planted to avoid soil shedding. The root system of the tree prevents soil erosion. Boarding takes place before or after winter season into pre-prepared soil.

Preparation for planting occurs in the fall, regardless of the time of planting the seedling. If it is autumn, the hole is prepared a month before work, and the spring hole is also taken care of before winter frosts. Crushed stone and fertilized soil are placed in the prepared trench.

Depending on the variety of snowberry, the types of planting differ. If the plant serves as a hedge, dig a trench in a straight line 0.4 m wide and 0.6 m deep. 4-5 bushes are planted over one meter.

The snow berry develops and grows independently, but, like any plant, it needs a little help in order to please its owner with health and beauty.

The bushes are watered for a month during the first time after planting. If the summer is rainy, the procedure may not be carried out. Next to the young seedling, the soil is loosened and weeds and insects are removed. A little fertilizer feeding will also benefit the tree.

name of shrub with white balls that click, poisonous, edible or not pink, video

Snowberry is a unique shrub with healing properties. Snowberry is a unique shrub with healing properties. It stands out from other shrubs with its snow-white berries, which make it attractive for decorative gardening.

Also, the fruits of the bush are a favorite pastime of children, who click the berries on the asphalt with their shoes. The fruits clap interestingly, causing joy in the kids.

Name, description and medicinal properties of shrubs with white balls

The bush acquired its botanical name Symphoricarpus due to the dense arrangement of berries on the branch. WITH Latin language The literal translation is “fruits gathered together.” They began to call it the snowberry because of the unique color of its fruit.

This shrub species includes up to 15 types of bushes, the leaves of which fall depending on the season. They can be found near mountain rivers and in mountain forests, on slopes with rocky soil in North America. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, only some subspecies are not adapted to cool climatic conditions, because their bark does not have time to ripen to protect against cold weather.

The branches of the bush sometimes reach 3m in height, their smallest size can be 0.2m. The leaves are round and small (no more than 1.5 cm), the flowers have a regular shape, collected in dense inflorescences from 5 to 15 pieces. Their color can be greenish-white, pink and even red. Insects find a lot of nectar in them, which makes excellent honey. Flowering can be observed in mid or late summer. The fruits of the plant can be in the shape of a regular ball, or they can be slightly elongated. The bones are oval, compressed on the sides. The berries are not edible for humans, but are not harmful when consumed in small quantities.

Snowberry is poisonous, but is valued for its medicinal properties. It is used in folk medicine to treat stomach ulcers, pulmonary tuberculosis and rapid healing of wounds.

Snowberry is poisonous, but is valued for its medicinal properties.

Is white snowberry poisonous or not?

White snowberry (another name for the shrub) can cause poisoning to the body when its berries, which are called “wolfberries,” are eaten. Poisoning occurs due to the saponin and toxic substance contained in the fruits, which has not yet been studied by scientists. Symptoms accompanying poisoning:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness.

Upon contact with skin or mucous membranes, it causes local irritation and sometimes inflammation of the affected areas. First aid is not required, but you should consult a doctor to determine the need for gastric lavage.

You can observe the snowberry blooming in mid- or late summer.

Options for using decorative white and pink snowberries in landscape design

Due to its resistance to various diseases, the shrub is actively used in landscape design to form hedges. Its shape is maintained artificially by cutting off protruding shoots. Due to its bent branches under the weight of the berries, the plant looks very unusual.

It is very difficult to choose neighbors for this self-sufficient shrub, the fruits of which stand out against the background of dark greenery. But still, gardeners were able to identify several trees and flowers that could coexist next to the snowfield. This is a rowan with its red or orange fruits, which will set off the snow-white berries throughout the winter. Also, some coniferous trees and low-growing shrubs can harmoniously combine in the flowerbed with the bush in question. Flowers are great for the neighborhood annual plants and bright autumn asters.

Features of growing snowberry (video)

Variety of snowberry species

There is a wide variety of this plant, which has not only white fruits. But the name is so distinctive that people began to call all the bushes of the Honeysuckle family the same.

Western snowberry

This variety is native to eastern, western, and central North America. In those areas it forms dense thickets 1.5 m high. The leaves look different on both sides: on top they are smooth and soft green in color, and on the bottom they have felt pubescence. Flowering continues throughout the summer, the flowers are white or pale pink. Flowering is replaced by the appearance of berries of the same color as the flowers.

Western snowberry

Mountain-loving snowberry

This species of snowflake, native to the western part of North America, has an average height (up to 1.5 m). The leaves are round or oval, with slight pubescence. The flowers grow singly or in pairs, are bell-shaped and white or pink in color. The berries are white, ball-shaped, with 2 seeds inside. The variety has average resistance to frost.

Mountain-loving snowberry

This type of snowberry grows well in warm regions, but its cultivation is also possible in average temperature conditions. In autumn, it requires additional care in the form of wrapping, otherwise winter frosts will destroy it. The berries have a rich pink color, which is what attracts attention to the Dorenboza snowberry.

Snowberry of Doorenbos (Dorenbosa)

The shrub has thin shoots and small round leaves. The color of the leaves is dark green. A distinctive feature of this variety is the presence of pubescence along the entire length of the shoots and on the entire area of ​​the leaf below. Dense inflorescences are collected under the leaves. The berries have a purple-red color with a bluish bloom and are quite large in size (up to 0.6 cm). The rounded snowberry does not tolerate winter well, so it is not very common in the climatic conditions of Russia.

Snowberry round (common)

White snowberry has round or oblong leaves, which sometimes grow up to 5 cm. The color of the leaves is green with a bluish tint. The flowers do not stand out for their beauty, but their quantity compensates for this: the inflorescences are located along the entire length of the shoot, which makes the bush especially attractive. Flowering continues throughout the summer, and in August you can find both flowers and berries on the branches.

The brushy snowberry begins to bear fruit in the fall, when all attention in the garden is focused only on it. The number of snow-white fruits gives the impression of fallen snow on the branches.

Snowberry white (tassel)

Snowberry Shenot

This species appeared due to the crossing of round and small-leaved berry varieties. The bush has small size Thanks to this, it winters well in snowdrifts. The leaves have a pointed shape, their length reaches 2.5 cm. The fruits of the shrub are beautiful pink in color, and the shoots are long, able to take root in the ground.

Snowberry Shenot

Technology and timing of planting snowberries

The most important advantage of the shrub when growing is its unpretentiousness. The plant is not picky about the amount of shade or sunlight, dryness or humidity. In addition to landscape design, it can be used to prevent soil shedding. Dense roots can stop soil erosion. Planting can be done before or after winter. The soil must be prepared in advance.

Preparation occurs as follows: a hole or trench is dug in advance. In the fall, they dig up a month before planting, and for spring work you need to prepare in the fall. Place a layer of crushed stone and special soil saturated with useful components into the soil.

Depending on the requirements for the plant, planting is carried out using different technologies. Seedlings older than a year are perfect for hedges. Before planting, you need to draw a straight line for the fence; you can use twine for this. Along its entire length you need to dig a trench, the width of which is 0.4 m and the depth is no more than 0.6 m. 4-5 shrubs can be planted per 1 m length. To plant individual bushes in a flowerbed, you need to maintain a distance between them of 1.2m-1.5m. The size of the hole for the bush is approximately 0.65x0.65m.

How to plant snowberry (video)

Before planting, the roots of the bush need to be dipped in a clay solution. And calculate the immersion of the barrel so that after


Herbaceous perennials with a spherical bush shape, photo

Added 11/14/2014 perennials, review, form

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Continuing the topic of spherical woody and shrub plants The idea arose to make a brief overview of the representatives of the “grassy world”, which have a rounded habit.

Cushion-shaped herbaceous plants. This category includes mainly miniature plants that reach 10–25 cm in height and form compact oval or hemispherical cushions. Since the growth of shoots of cushion-shaped plants is very limited in length, they keep their shape well for several years, so they are successfully used for decoration borders, rock gardens, rocky areas, ornamental flower beds.

Plants reveal their greatest decorative potential during flowering. Most representatives of this category are well adapted to unstable climate conditions and are quite hardy in conditions of dry, poor soil, which is a prerequisite for the success of growing them in dry and sunny places, as well as in container culture.

Representatives of this group include:

Phlox Douglas - blooms at the end of May, snow-white flowers are crowned with the White Admiral variety, bright crimson flowers with the Cracker Jack variety, bright pink flowers with the Karkulka variety;

Phlox Douglas "Karkulka"

Saxifraga Arends - blooms in late May - early June, flowers - white, pink, purple;

Saxifraga Arends

Saxifrage is lush - blooms in early May, the flowers are bright yellow with an orange tint;

Saxifraga lush

Iberis evergreen - blooms in late May - early June for 25–30 days, the flowers are snow-white, the most decorative varieties are “Little Gem”, “Zwergschneeflocke”, “Dana”.

Iberis evergreen

Richer soils and moister conditions are favored by the blood-red geranium 'Max Frei', whose spherical shape is rare for geraniums.

Blood red geranium "Max Frei"

Low-growing plants with a spherical habit. This category includes plants that reach a height of 25-50 cm. Since the assortment here is much wider than in the previous category, plants are represented by various environmental groups in relation to growth conditions.

Rich soils are preferred by the Carpathian bellflower, whose dense bushes from June to September are crowned with blue, purple and white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.

Carpathian bell "DEEP BLUE CLIPS"

Bluebell Carpathian "Clips White"

Among the representatives of spherical herbaceous plants Euphorbia multiflora is tolerant of low nutrient content in the soil, and also grows well both in the sun and in the shade. Golden-yellow flowers located at the tops of the shoots pass the baton to the bracts, which gradually turn bright yellow.

Euphorbia multicolor

Among the biennials with a spherical bush, the forest forget-me-not varieties “Blue Ball” and “Pompadour” are known.

Forget-me-not in the company of pansies

Separately, I would like to note the varieties of shrub aster “Pink Lace” with amethyst-pink flowers and “Weiss” with white (height up to 50 cm), “Peter Pan” and “Diana” with soft pink flowers (height up to 30 cm). It is worth paying attention to the fact that this is not the annual aster that we are all accustomed to; the bush aster is a perennial wildly flowering plant that deserves a leading role in flower beds.

Shrub aster "Starlight"

I couldn’t pass by Volzhanka coryshefolia, although it cannot definitely be called spherical, since the dwarf hemispherical bush, like a crown, is crowned with creamy white panicle inflorescences.

Volzhanka kokoroshleistnaya

Hakonechloa is big - are you scared? You haven't seen her yet - incredibly scary... beauty. In this section we will be interested in the “Aureola” variety with light golden, slightly drooping foliage, which acquires a pinkish tint in the fall.

Hakonechloa major "Aureola"

Dry sandy areas located in the open sun will not be an obstacle to growing gray fescue; thanks to the narrow linear blue-green leaves that form a lush semicircular bush, the grass remains highly decorative from spring until frost, as well as alpine armeria.

Gray fescue

Armeria alpine

Medium height and tall plants with a spherical crown reaching a height of 50 cm or more, they are not common, since tall grassy shoots cannot keep their shape under the influence of their weight. Therefore, the taller the plant, the more spreading its shape.

Let's try to group varieties of potted chrysanthemums by color.

White: Axima White, Branspring, Elfie, Gigy White, Ottwa

Yellow: Branbeach Sunny, Brandune, Branfountain Yellow, Branroyal Lemon, Branroyal Yellow, Figary, Gigy Golden, Trumpf Yellow

Orange: Branbeach Orange, Branbrid Orange, Branhalo, Branindio Branindio, Branspice, Molfetta Orange, Cheryl Spicy

Salmonids: Branbeach, Brangala, Paularo Red

Pink: Tereshkova, Branbeach Lilac, Branbunny, Branfountain, Branglory, Brankiss, Branroyal Pink, Rosanna, Trumpf Violet, Ursula

Reds: Branfortune, Branhill Red, Branroyal Branroyal, Branroyal Red, Branstorm, Kamina Red

Such a variety of varieties will satisfy any picky eater.

Shrub asters

Natalia Vysotskaya, landscape design er, candidate s. -X. sciences

© 2014 - 2018, Planting a Garden. All rights reserved.


Decorative onions: photos, names, planting and care

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When going through ideas for a garden in order to implement the best ones on your site, of course, we settle on those that are not difficult to make or are so original that you don’t mind tinkering.

Sometimes these two factors - simplicity and originality - are combined. For example, the photo shows mesh ball flowers. They look interesting. What do they remind us of?

Well, of course, decorative onions, which are also called allium (alpine onions). Or its “relative” craspedia, which is even more decorative.

Both allium and craspedia are spectacular plants thanks to their spherical inflorescences adorning their slender, tall stems. The colors of dense flower balls are different: purple, lilac, burgundy, white, yellow, orange.

They bloom for a very long time. That is, practically, the flowering of craspedia does not stop - the inflorescences dry out on the stems and turn into dried flowers.

And now our task is to make crafts for the garden that will “play” the role of a decorative onion.

You will need:

Net. It is more convenient to use a mosquito net. You can buy it at any hardware store (as well as a gardening or construction store).

Household polyethylene mesh (packaging) is also suitable.

Stems. If you have several reinforcing bars, you can use them. Thick, stiff wire will also work.

Flower shops and craft shops sell special wire. It is called differently: floral wire, gerbera wire or simply wire.

You can also buy plastic stems for artificial flowers. Not the best the best option, as they are susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and weather conditions– fade over the season and crack. In addition, such stems often have leaves of an “unidentified shape”, which in this case does not suit us. Although, there is a plus - they are cheap and can be replaced at any time. And just cut off the leaves. Cut the mesh into rectangles. The sizes can be different, on average, a rectangle 20 cm long and 15 cm wide will be enough.

We first roll the rectangle into a bag, then fasten it with wire at the top and bottom. It turns out to be a ball.

The mosquito net holds its shape well, so there is no need to coat it with glue.

If we use soft packaging mesh to make crafts, we will have to find a suitable balloon (you can inflate a very small air balloon) and lubricate it vegetable oil, put a mesh ball on it and coat it with glue (construction glue, not office glue). After balloon“We pop it” and take it out of the “inflorescence.” Although, if the color of the ball is suitable, then you can leave it inside.

Mosquito nets usually have a neutral color (mostly gray), so garden crafts - ball inflorescences - need to be painted. The easiest way is with aerosol paint (in a can). The packaging mesh is colored, so you need to initially select the appropriate color, and you won’t have to paint anything.

Implementing this idea for a garden will not take too much time, but the effect is guaranteed.



Flowers Golden balls: photo, cultivation and care

The golden ball flower, or rudbeckia, is distinguished by its bright, attractive beauty. These plants can decorate any flower bed and look harmonious with many garden crops. The rich yellow inflorescences fully justify their name - “golden balls”. The flowers in the photo look like small balls of sunshine growing densely in the area.

Growing flowers golden balls

Propagation of rudbeckia by seeds is a long and very labor-intensive process. It is much easier and faster to do this by dividing the mother bush.

Source: Depositphotos

Photo of flower golden ball

Rudbeckia is suitable for a sunny, open place; it needs at least 6–7 hours of sun daily to grow and bloom.

The flower has a powerful, well-branched root system. You need to divide the bush in the fall, before the first ground frosts and stable cold weather.

  1. Trim the bush at a branch height of 5–7 cm.
  2. Using pruning shears or a garden knife, carefully divide the rhizome into several equal parts so that each has at least 2-3 stems.
  3. Plant the separated small bushes in shallow holes and cover them with garden soil with the addition of humus.
  4. Compact the soil and water each bush.

Having safely survived the winter, the next year the young bushes will quickly grow and delight you with abundant flowering.

Caring for a golden ball flower

Rudbeckia tolerates hot weather well and does not need abundant and frequent watering, being content with rain moisture. It should be watered only during prolonged dry weather. After rain, it is necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in the leaf blades, since the stems may break under their weight.

When the bush stretches, you need to tie it to a support, otherwise the stem will break.

Flowers must be covered for the winter with any suitable material: dry grass, sawdust, humus, spruce branches.

Without shelter, a heat-loving flower may die during frost.

For the full development of new buds and the formation of a beautiful, well-groomed bush, regularly prune faded inflorescences. In autumn, shorten excessively tall stems, leaving shoots no higher than 15–20 cm on the surface.

Once every 4-5 years, plantings need to be thinned out, old bushes rejuvenated by dividing them, otherwise they will grow too thick and look neglected.

Read also: planting a lily tree


Flowers with lilac flowers. Beautiful lilac flowers - names, photos and care recommendations

A lilac branch pleases us with its flowering only once a year. But she is not the only one who can bring delicate colors to the garden. There are other lilac-flowered flowers that will liven up your yard throughout the summer and even into fall. A variety of shapes and sizes will allow you to create interesting compositions for every taste. Beautiful lilac flowers– names, photos and care recommendations can be found later in the article.

Unusual handsome man

Many children don't like onions, but rest assured, they will love this variety. It's about about allium. It has giant ball flowers with tiny lilac flowers on a stem 80-150 cm high.

And with all this, allium (giant onion) is an easy-to-care plant, and even a perennial one. It is unpretentious to the soil, but does not tolerate stagnation of moisture and generally copes well with drought. It needs plenty of sunlight, but it is advisable to plant this flower in closed areas not blown by the wind.

The only condition that allium puts forward is that autumn planting. In this case, the bulb must be buried in the soil to a depth equal to four of its diameters and leave free space between them, at least 20 cm. If the soil is not rich, it must be fertilized.

Different varieties of allium bloom at different times, but after flowering its foliage dies off, so you should make sure that other plants cover it and the flowerbed is not empty.

Beautiful, fragrant and healthy

When listing flowers with lilac flowers, one cannot help but remember lavender. With it, not only will a piece of French Provence appear on your yard, but also an excellent source of raw materials for homemade pillows and bags that help relieve stress and fall asleep. If you put them in the closet, then things will not only acquire a subtle aroma, but you will also get rid of moths, which do not like this plant.

Lavender grows in the form of bushes with long stems on which small flowers are placed.

It is propagated by seeds, which is very labor-intensive, or by layering. It is also sold as mature plants in flowerpots.

It should be remembered that this is a heat-loving plant, so if you have a cool climate, it is better to keep it in pots and bring it indoors when the temperature drops sharply.

The main condition for successful growth Lavender grows in a sunny and ventilated area, with light sandy soils that drain moisture well. However, she loves watering, the main thing is that the water does not linger. Otherwise, the plant may become a victim of fungal diseases.


This plant has a lot of color options: white, crimson, blue, and pink-lilac flowers will show themselves in all their glory late spring and in summer. It grows well, has a pleasant aroma, is suitable for cutting and attracts butterflies.

Growing phlox can be difficult only in hot regions with high humidity– then it is susceptible to attacks by powdery mildew.

In all other cases, it is a rather unpretentious perennial plant.

Phlox loves sunny areas, but can tolerate light shading. It is easier to propagate the plant by cuttings or layering rather than growing it from seeds. The soil requirements for different varieties may vary somewhat, but it should definitely be loose and well-permeable to water.

Phloxes need to be watered at least once a week, fed with compost in the spring, covered with mulch, and dead inflorescences cut off. For the winter, you need to cut it to a height of 20 cm and cover it.

Once every 2-3 years the phloxes will need to be divided.

Luxurious aquilegia

If you plant this plant on your site, then be prepared in advance for the delight of guests, the envy of neighbors, and the questions: “What is the name of the lilac flower?” Because it is impossible to pass by the aquilegia and not admire it. The name comes from the Latin aquila - eagle, due to the resemblance of the slightly protruding petals to the outstretched wings of a bird.

Aquilegia can be propagated by seeds: they are sown in mid-spring. But in this case, the plant will bloom only next year. If this does not suit you, then you can buy aquilegia layerings or already mature plants.

Oddly enough, this exquisite-looking flower is a self-sowing flower, which is quite convenient, since its lifespan is short - 3-4 years, and by the time the old flowers begin to die, you will have a new replacement ready.

Aquilegia blooms in late spring, for about 4 weeks. To form more buds, the old ones should be cut off. With such care, re-blooming is sometimes observed.

Aquilegia loves sunlight, but in hotter regions it may suffer from too much sunlight in summer, so it is best to plant it in light shade from trees. The soil should be generously fertilized with compost when planting and then do not forget to feed the flower monthly with water-soluble plant fertilizer.

Unpretentious and beautiful

If you are looking for spectacular and easy to care for lilac flowered flowers, then irises are perfect for you. Their palette is very wide, it does not only include fiery red species. And there are many shades of lilac. They bloom in early summer; there are varieties that bloom again later. Some species have a delicate, subtle aroma, and some have almost lost it during the selection process, but have become larger and acquired an interesting color.

Irises need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day - the more the better. Their rhizomes should not be covered with soil, otherwise they may begin to rot, and this is detrimental to the plant. For the same reason, the soil should be light, with a mixture of sand, and mulching should not be used to prevent moisture from accumulating.

Irises are self-sufficient plants and feel best when planted with their relatives. However, do not forget to leave enough space between them, because they grow quite quickly, and you should be able to easily divide the bushes as needed (every 3-4 years).

Irises reproduce by rhizomes. Although they produce seeds, growing plants from them is not recommended, since this rarely preserves the varietal characteristics. Planting of planting material or dividing the bush is done in August.

For the winter, the foliage needs to be trimmed.

As you can see, not only the lilac branch can boast of a delicate color and aroma, it has many other equally worthy competitors. Although it’s better to say – companions, because you shouldn’t limit yourself in beauty.


Golden ball flowers: beauty in simplicity

Amazing yellow double flowers can be found in the front gardens of country houses, in flower beds in populated areas; some plants are of very ordinary height, 70 - 80 cm in height, and some are real giants, towering more than two meters above the ground.

The flowers got their name from the golden balls appearance inflorescences. In the scientific world they are called rudbeckia dissecta.

Botanical description

Bright seeds to Europe yellow flowers came straight from the forests and prairies of the Northern and South America. When botanical material came from the hands of the discoverers of America to the founder of plant taxonomy, Carl Linnaeus, he named a new genus of bright flowering plants in honor of two of his colleagues and teachers: W. Rudbeck Sr. and W. Rudbeck Jr., father and son.

The genus Rudbeckia is represented by several species of annual and perennial plants:

  • rudbeckia pilosa
  • rudbeckia brillianti
  • rudbeckia glossy
  • Rudbeckia dissecta

All these wild species were used in breeding work to create new varieties and hybrids. It is on the basis of dissected rudbeckia that one of the most famous and popular varieties, “Golden Ball,” was obtained.

Bright inflorescences - baskets consist of two types of flowers:

  • reed located on the edge
  • tubular, located in the middle

Reed flowers have a bright yellow color of various shades. The flowers are double, usually well filled, spherical; for their shape and color, the variety was called “Goldball” - golden ball.

The variety gained its popularity thanks to its long flowering, which begins in early July and continues almost until frost. In addition, golden balls are practically not damaged by pests and are not susceptible to diseases.

However, they have two significant drawbacks:

  • Tall shoots “fall apart” in different directions, giving the flowerbed an unkempt appearance.
  • The plant tends to grow aggressively, occupying the entire area of ​​the flower garden.

To eliminate the first drawback, a low-growing variety "Goldguelle" was bred - a golden source, the height of the shoots of which does not exceed 80 - 90 cm. The variety has golden double flowers, which delight the eye with abundant flowering almost all summer and autumn.

It is convenient to plant dissected rudbeckia where there is no need for annual renewal of the assortment of perennial flowers. In addition, the growing powerful rhizomes can quickly fill any area, leaving no chance for weeds.

Reproduction, planting, care


Rudbeckia golden balls reproduces both by seeds and vegetative parts.

To grow golden balls from seeds, you can sow them for seedlings at home at the end of March - beginning of April, and at the end of May, transplant the young plants to a permanent place in the garden.

For sowing, it is necessary to fill the seedling containers with a mixture of garden soil with sand and humus. Plant the seeds into the soil to a depth of 3 mm. After 10 - 12 days, shoots will appear.

Caring for seedlings consists of regular watering and observing the lighting regime; when the temperature outside is not lower than +15 + 18 degrees, the seedlings can be taken out into the open air for hardening. It is allowed to sow rudbeckia immediately in a permanent place, or propagate it by dividing the bush.


When choosing a place to plant golden ball flowers, you should opt for a well-lit place; rudbeckia grows well in light shade.

Special requirements there is no relation to the composition of the soil, but before planting it is necessary:

  • dig the ground to the depth of a spade bayonet
  • thoroughly remove any remaining weeds
  • add humus or compost at the rate of 5 - 6 kg per square meter
  • apply mineral complex fertilizers
In the prepared soil, at a distance of 30 cm - 50 cm, make holes where to place young seedlings obtained from seedlings or a part of a plant separated from the mother bush. Water the plantings well. Before the seedlings take root, water regularly.


During the season, it is advisable to fertilize golden balls twice, the first time in May, before flowering begins, the second time at the end of August, before the onset of autumn. Any complex fertilizer will do, such as Kemira or Agricola for flowers.

Once every 4 - 5 years it is necessary to thin out the plantings and, if possible, divide old bushes and remove excess growth. During flowering, tall golden balls need a garter to a vertical support, otherwise the bushes will not withstand the weight of many inflorescences.

Although rudbeckia is a drought-resistant plant and tolerates heat well, without additional watering in hot seasons it produces fewer flowers and loses its decorative appearance. Before the start of the cold season, ground stems of flowers should be completely cut off almost just above the ground, leaving no more than 10 cm.

Diseases and pests do not cause significant harm to golden balls. It is worth saying that no matter what new items the breeders give to flower growers, golden ball flowers will invariably grow in gardens and flower beds, prolonging the summer with their sunny inflorescences.

Flowers golden ball

With the arrival of autumn, nature rages with bright colors, only the snowberry reminds people of the approaching winter. Its white berries are so original that they can be mistaken for lumps of snow, and from a distance it seems that the bush is completely dusted with snow. The snowberry bush leaves with balls of berries before winter and this picture looks incomparable. That is why white is popularly called snow berry.

Snowberry according to classification belongs to a large family honeysuckle plants, genus of deciduous-berry plants. Its historical homeland is North and Central America, Canada, a rare black variety grows in China.

In nature, the plant is found in the forests of many countries.

In the wild, the snowberry inhabits the lower tiers of coniferous forests on the coast Pacific Ocean, he chose its western mountainous slopes and ocean shores.

Foliage and flowering

Snowberry foliage is round, small, pronounced green, 2-5 cm long, depending on the variety. The bush blooms in late July - early August. The flowers are small and have different colors: white, red, coral, pink.

The flowers are collected in group inflorescences of 5-15 pieces each. There are types of snowberry with paired or single flowering. The bloom of the “snow berry” is not particularly valuable and can often be overlooked. Flowering lasts a long time and alternates with berries.

The branches of the snowberry tree are particularly flexible; they do not break under the weight of berries and feel good under snow cover.


The snowberry bush got its unique name thanks to its fruits. The fruit-berry has a diameter of 1-2 cm, soft and waxy to the touch. The berries fit tightly together, forming peculiar clusters.

The red tint of the plant is rare

The color palette of the berries is mostly white, less often pink and red, sometimes white with pink barrels and a very rare ink-violet color.

Ripening berries occurs in late autumn, they do not fall off the bush when frost sets in. In winter they serve as food for many birds and decoration for garden plots, city parks and public gardens.

If you break a ripe berry, you will find a pulp similar to real loose snow, and inside it are two small drupes.

Caring for the “snow berry”

Snowberry is an unpretentious plant; it adapts to growth in poor, dry and wet soils. It is able to grow in sun or partial shade. It has strong underground rhizomes, so planting it on slopes helps with soil erosion.


Planting "snow berries" carried out in the spring, or early autumn. For young animals, you should choose areas that are slightly shaded.

Can survive in dry soil mature plant, the root system of which is able to obtain moisture from the ground independently. Young shrubs will need watering to form roots.

Step-by-step landing instructions

  1. For initial planting, you will need to create a high-quality substrate. A mixture of sand, humus and turf can be used as a suitable soil. Pour drainage (crushed stone or expanded clay 10 cm) into the bottom of the planting hole.
  2. planting root install as vertically as possible, slightly straightening its lateral branches. The neck of the bush should not be buried; it should be at soil level.
  3. Sprinkle with prepared soil, shaking the plant slightly, helping the soil to occupy all the cavities between the rhizomes.
  4. After planting, compact the soil and water it. Watering should be carried out for 3 weeks, in the absence of precipitation.
  5. It is better to tie a young bush to a support until it gets stronger.
  6. Taking into account the growth activity, the distance between plantings should be from 0.7 meters.

Spring-summer care

In the spring, when the soil thaws, it needs to be dug up around the bush. Use pruning shears to cut out all dead wood. Fertilizing snowberries is not a mandatory procedure, but desirable. Compost or humus is used as top dressing.

Digging up a flower bed in the spring is good for the plant

In the summer, when there is abundant growth of weeds, it is necessary to weed the snowberry.


If the “snowberry” shrub acts as a hedge, its crown is pruned in order to create a decorative and well-groomed shape. Pruning time is April-May, before the start of the active sap flow season.


For adult bushes no watering needed, and young animals can be pampered with some water during drought. Tap water can be used, but settled water or rainwater is best. Charcoal is used to soften water.

Autumn-winter care

The snowberry does not require any additional care in the fall. Watering and fertilizing should be stopped at this time. The shrub is frost-resistant and does not require additional shelter (the exception is the rarer pink varieties).

Diseases and pests

Snowberry is a healthy plant. He has strong immunity and is resistant to diseases.

Powdery mildew is a dangerous fungus that can lead to plant death

The greatest danger to him is: gray rot, powdery mildew. They belong to the category of fungal diseases and appear due to increased soil moisture. They can cause harm to the plant, even to the point of its death.

Treatment and prevention

For the purposes of prevention and treatment, you can use Bordeaux mixture, calcined salt, ordinary laundry soap. Spraying is carried out in early spring or as needed.

To prevent the snowberry from getting sick, do not plant the shrub in areas that are too wet or clayey areas. Check the plant regularly for health.


Snowberry has several breeding options, all of which are used for the purpose of increasing the number of plants.

Root growth

An adult “snow berry” bush forms root shoots, so it independently moves on the surface of the earth. By digging up such shoots, you can plant a large number of new plants in a few years.

Planting period: spring, autumn. The method is often used in practice.


The division method is more complex, it involves digging up the mother bush and its dissection into 2 or 3 independent plants. It is rarely used, because digging up an adult bush will require great physical effort.


This method involves pressing the lower shoots of the bush to the ground in the spring, covering it with soil and pinning it with wire. Thus, the branches will take root and small bushes with a good root system will form in the fall. The cuttings are cut off from the main bush in the fall and transplanted to a new location.


Cutting method used much less often. It consists in harvesting cuttings with 3-5 buds, each 15-20 cm long. The cuttings are cut after the plant has finished flowering.

Large, mature shoots that should be woody are suitable for cuttings. They are placed in water (or in a weak root solution). Then they are planted as juveniles in greenhouses, in special boxes.

Unlike other plants, snowberry is rarely propagated by cuttings

Cuttings require a lot of moisture to root. During the first winter, they need to be covered to avoid frostbite.

This method is more suitable for professional breeding and is capable of creating the largest number of seedlings.


The seed method for propagating snowberry is used extremely rarely. Its seeds are so small that this process is very labor-intensive and ineffective. The seeds are separated from the pulp, washed and dried.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in the fall; after overwintering under the snow, the seeds are hardened and germination can be expected in the spring.

It is best to sow them in boxes rather than in open ground, since there is a high probability that during snowmelt they will go deeper into the ground and won't germinate. Watering should be carried out carefully, and when the seeds germinate, the tiny plants are planted as undergrowth in open ground.

“Children” need to be protected from abundant sun and drafts with protective shields.

Popular varieties

In nature, there are 15 species of snowberry shrubs. Some of them have become very popular among gardeners.

Snowberry white

Most popular type for landscaping and landscaping. The species is not difficult to care for. Fits the basic description of the crop, the fruits are white and soft. Flowering occurs in mid-summer (white, slightly pinkish, greenish) and lasts until autumn.

The variety is tolerant to soil composition. Tolerates urban living conditions well. Frost-resistant. Grows up to 1 meter.

Pink snowberry

Very beautiful bush arnica, meter high. The branches are flexible, the leaves are small, dark green in color. Flowering occurs in August. The flowers have pink shades. By autumn, the berries ripen (coral or purple-red color).

Later leaves fall in autumn and its branches, decorated with elegant berries, continue to delight the eye. The variety is not frost-resistant. Suitable for growing in the southern regions.

Snowberry Dorenboza

The hybrid variety got its name from a breeder from Holland. Combined several different varieties and species of plants in this group.

Variety White Variety Pink Dorenbosa Mother of Pearl Dorenbosa Magic Berry Variety Chenault

Dorenboza differs in:

Variety Peculiarities
Magic Berry height 0.6 -1 meter, raspberry-colored berries. The leaves are miniature bright green. Not frost-resistant
Amethyst height 1.5 meters, dark green foliage, round, white fruits with pink barrels. Requires winter shelter
Mother of pearl height up to 1.8 meters. The leaves are dark green, oval, and bloom with pink flowers in July.

The fruits are large, white and pink. Easy to care for. Suitable for hedges. Conditionally frost-resistant

White Hedge height 1.5 meters. The fruits are decorative, shaped like white balls. Flowering is pink and racemose. The fruits are collected in clusters. Tolerates pruning well.

Not demanding in care. Considered a popular variety

Chenault a hybrid variety that is very popular due to its frost resistance. It grows low, less than 1 meter. The fruits are elegant, pink.

Cheneau is a hybrid of pink snowberry

Benefits and harms: medicinal properties of the bush

Snowberry is practically not used in medicine.

Berries help people get rid of cracks in the skin of their hands

There is a folk method of treating cracks on the hands with fresh berries. Historical information says that the aborigines used its leaves and roots in treatment.

Cooked medicinal drugs based on it, powders, decoctions for the treatment of ulcers, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

The main benefit of the snowberry is its decorativeness and the fact that it is an excellent honey plant. Its sweet flowers attract a large number of bees. It has no more healing properties.

Snowberry is poisonous

In decorative snowberry fruits contains a toxic substance. It can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. If ingested, it causes diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness.

Due to the fact that it is poisonous, eating the berries of this shrub is contraindicated. Berries pose the greatest danger to inquisitive children. If a danger is detected, gastric lavage and medical assistance are required.

There are many poisonous plants. Some of them grow in the homes of amateur gardeners. To know for sure whether your pet plant is dangerous or not, we have compiled a guide.

Remember that the plant is poisonous and should not be eaten!

The popular snowberry is an excellent garden pet for beginner gardeners. It looks best in group plantings. Thinking about what to plant near your house? Feel free to make a choice in favor of the life-loving snowberry - you won’t go wrong.

An amazingly beautiful bush with snow-white balls of flowers is impossible not to notice. Viburnum buldenezh is a direct relative of the common viburnum. It was bred artificially in France, thanks to the famous breeder Lemoire. The name, translated from French, sounds like “snow ball”. The shrub blooms in late spring - early summer, 18-21 days. Only when the balls-inflorescences are blooming are greenish in color, then they change shade to cream. They become snow-white after they have fully opened. The flowers are quite heavy, so the branches can fall low to the ground, which makes the buldenezh even more spectacular and attractive. It has no fruit. The ball with inflorescences reaches 20 cm in diameter, the height of the bush is up to 350 cm.

Since its appearance in our country, ornamental viburnum has been considered an aristocratic shrub. And she sat exclusively to decorate greenhouses, royal gardens and parks. There is a set of rules for growing this amazing plant; many gardeners consider buldenezh to be picky and capricious. But following all the recommendations and devoting enough time to the shrub, even an amateur gardener will be able to grow it on his own plot.

Types of viburnum buldenezh

There are quite a lot of species and varieties of shrubs, the most popular of which are:

  • Decorative viburnum buldenezh . It is a variety of ordinary viburnum that does not bear fruit. It is actively used by designers for its good tolerance to trimming and modeling.
  • Common viburnum buldenezh . It differs from the well-known viburnum only in size. Decorative - small.

  • Rose viburnum buldenezh . Due to its unusual shape, the species is called terry. The entire flowering stage, " snow globes"change their shade. At the beginning of flowering they are greenish, then turn pink. The traditional white color appears when the flowers are in full bloom.

Application in landscape design

Almost every designer has the idea of ​​using viburnum buldenezh in their work. It's a win-win. Snow-white flowers, like balls of snow, become the center of attention during flowering. Depending on the composition chosen by the designer, the shrub is grown as a single bush or as a tree. Even when they fall, the flowers look very beautiful, forming on the ground like a sheet of snow. Evoking moments of nostalgia about a blizzard winter during a sultry summer.

An amazing landscape of snowballs that do not melt can turn any area into an amazing magical garden. Landscape designers use the decorative bush both as an individual object and for an extraordinary combination in a composition, creating harmony and completeness of the ensemble. Viburnum bulldonezh is called the snow queen for its ability to mesmerize with its flowering.

The bush decorates the territory not only during the flowering period, but also after it. Large beautiful leaves brightly saturated color have distinct veins on the outside. By autumn, their hue changes to red-green, and creates an amazing contrast with the yellow foliage.

The branches of the bush are very flexible. Over time, they sag under the weight " snow globes", as if weeping willow. Taking advantage of this association, experts plant bushes near ponds and fountains. The reflection of flowers in the water creates a vibrant and colorful picture. Giving a garden or park a distinctive feature. After flowering, beautiful leaves are reflected in the lake or pond. Throughout the year, they change their color several times: from light green in the spring and gray-green in the summer, to wine shades in the autumn months. The leaves do not fall until almost frost.

Ornamental viburnum is a gas-resistant plant; it is often used to create hedges along roads, alleys, playgrounds, etc. Attractive and showy flowers and leaves decorate any area, turning it into a unique place. Flowering can outshine the most sought-after flower beds with its sophistication.

An evenly trimmed lawn, as a background for flowering shrubs, emphasizes the grace of the bulldog. Playing its role, the plant unusually decorates the landscape design. Snow-white flowers focus attention on the border of light and shadow. Playing with the rays of the sun decorative viburnum looks even more impressive.

If the goal is to decorate a high fence, then viburnum will do a great job. The shrub tolerates pruning and modeling well, taking the required form. Along the fence, buldenezh can be planted as a bush or a separate tree. the crown requires more attention; you need to start with a young bush. Then it will be painless and will not affect the decorative effect.

Combination with other plants

Garden mock orange, Persian and lilac common lilac, is an incomplete list of plants that go well with buldenezh. Flowering shrubs emphasize the lush image and beauty of viburnum leaves. Dark greenery, white birch trunks, rowan feathers, linden covers in a group planting create the image of a magical forest, with viburnum at the sunny edge. In such an improvised forest, the bulldonezh plays the role of a “borderline” plant.

Often designers plant viburnum, bulldonezh and. A unique garden of shrubs looks good next to gazebos and recreation areas, in the garden area. Such a neighborhood brings harmony and positive energy. The modern trend in design - eco, aimed at studying the energy of each plant, uses buldenezh as a source of inexhaustible energy.

Viburnum flowers are also in demand among florists. They can stand in a vase for a long time without losing their freshness and beauty. And you can combine them in a bouquet with absolutely any flowers. White balls will become an unusual backdrop and will help to play advantageously on the contrast of the color and shape of the plants.

Planting, care, diseases

It is best to plant a bulldog in early spring, but it is possible in late autumn. Depending on the type of reproduction. Taking into account the sterility of the inflorescences, plant propagation occurs vegetatively. Gardeners propagate viburnum from cuttings, by dividing the bush and layering. The young seedling must be tied up, protecting it from gusts of wind. During this period the bush is very fragile. If the gardener's goal is a multi-stemmed bush, the young seedling is pruned. If you remove the inflorescences before they fully bloom, next years flowering will be more abundant.

The soil is preferably moisture-resistant; the plant is considered coastal and loves moisture very much. In the summer heat it needs to be watered as often as possible. Dryness of the soil will adversely affect the plant, and its decorative properties. The growth, lushness and flowering of a shrub directly depends on the conditions in which it grows. From mid-November until the first frost, the plant is watered thoroughly so that it can prepare for winter.

The ideal planting location is where there is shade in the first half of the day and sun in the second. The golden mean is important, otherwise the sun will burn the tender leaves and flowers, and in the shade the plant may die. Sunny places without direct or gentle rays are a priority. In winter, the shrub does not require shelter or special care and can withstand low temperatures well. It is enough to sprinkle the root system with peat, humus or loose soil from the garden, a layer of at least 10 cm.

Fertilize viburnum 1-2 times a year with mineral complexes. And they are sprayed against pests as a preventive measure. The latter are very fond of viburnum. An attack on the bulldog can be expected from caterpillars, leaf beetles, aphids, leaf rollers, and several types of scale insects. Starting in winter, the plant is periodically inspected to identify pests. The clutch of leaf beetle larvae can be identified by dark tubercles on the branches; such places are cut off and burned. The same method of control is suitable against aphids. Other insects need to be resisted by treating the bush with chemicals. You should not rely on traditional methods and recipes for pest control. They are unlikely to help, and time will be lost and the plant may not be saved. Only decisive measures, in the form of such remedies as karbofos, decis or fitoverm, will help get rid of such a scourge.

To protect against ants and aphids, which they also grow on shrubs, viburnum is planted next to coniferous trees. With such a neighborhood, many pests and diseases will recede, and the inflorescences will become larger. The best gratitude for all your efforts is the blooming illusion of snowfall.

Video - Kalina buldenezh planting and care
