Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth. Icon of the Helper in Childbirth: meaning for pregnant women. Prayer and akathist to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Helper in Childbirth

In this article we want to talk about the icon for pregnant women “Assistant in Childbirth”. Women pray to this shrine to help them cope with the physical torment that they will have to go through during childbirth. However, not only pregnant women can turn to this icon for help. Girls who dream of motherhood, but suffer from infertility, can also pray to the “Helper in Childbirth.” We will present to you the text of the prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth”, we will tell you about its meaning and location.

The torment that every woman in labor goes through is so painful and strong that women, trying to find a way to ease their care and take into account the child, turn for help to the church, where they pray to the icon of the Mother of God, who has long served as the all-powerful intercessor of suffering women in labor.

There is a special icon that helps women during childbirth. She is called “Assistant in Childbirth”. Although it has other names, which are also often used today when we're talking about about the icon of the Virgin Mary and Child. But each of these icons has Orthodox history its meaning:

  1. "Blessed womb." The first mention of this icon was recorded in a collection of Orthodox manuscripts from the early 18th century. It says that a shrine arose made of beautiful tree, in Italy, and to be more specific, in the town of Bri (that’s why the shrine is also called Bargradskaya), and was brought to our land in the 14th century. By the way, the relics of St. Nicholas were brought along with it. After the icon arrived on Russian soil, it was immediately brought to Moscow. Here it was decorated with a precious frame (by the way, it is still kept in the Armory Chamber of the State Metallurgical Complex). In the 19th century, the icon was decorated with a new frame made of pure gold, but it was stolen by the French during the war with Napoleon. Because of this, a silver frame was made for the shrine, but it was also confiscated during the Soviet era during a political campaign to confiscate church valuables (this happened in 1924, after which the fate of the icon is not known). But the entire Orthodox world still celebrates the day of this icon on January 8th.

  1. “The word became flesh.” This icon is called Albazinskaya (Amurskaya), because it was found in a fortress called Albazia. Hieromonk Hermogenes brought it there in the 17th century. At the beginning of the 18th century, the shrine was transported to the city of Sretensk, because the Chinese began to attack the Amur. The shrine was saved by Bishop Benjamin of Kamchatka. At his request, a silver frame was made for the shrine in this city so that the icon could be worn procession. (Note that in those days this ritual procession took place only through the territory of the Far East).

According to historical facts, the icon “The Word became Flesh” helped the residents of Blagoveshchensk cope with the siege of the city by Chinese tribes at the beginning of the 20th century and the global plague epidemic that broke out almost at the same time.

The entire Orthodox world reveres this shrine and celebrates its day on March 22. Now the shrine is located in Blagoveshchensk.

Both of these canonical versions of the image of the Mother of God belong to the shrine “Helper in Childbirth”. You can bow to all of them, asking for help in birth pangs.

The meaning of the icon “Assistant in Childbirth”

The shrine “Helper in Childbirth” is an icon depicting the Mother of God:

  • She has an uncovered head, which is slightly tilted to one side, and loose hair down to her shoulders (this, by the way, is a Western tradition of icon painting, which confirms the Italian origin of the shrine).

  • The Virgin Mary's shoulders are covered with a red cape with gilding. On each shoulder and sleeve there are stars depicted in gold threads.
  • The Mother of God folded her hands on her chest (with the fingers of her left hand covering the fingers of her right).
  • Under the hands of the Virgin Mary, Christ is depicted in a mandola, which emphasizes the fact that he is supposedly in her womb. His right hand is raised up - with it he blesses everyone who turns to the shrine, and his left hand lies on his knee.
  • The Savior covered his shoulders with a yellow cape with gold inscriptions. Only on his shoulders and sleeves is a crescent moon.

This description already fully explains the meaning of the shrine. The clergy encourage women to pray to this icon so that it will help them in childbirth. They say that after attending a church service during the reading of the akathist to the “Helper in Childbirth” icon, a woman gains peace of mind and hope for a successful delivery.

“Helper in childbirth”: what does the holy face help you cope with?

Women who prayed to this icon claim that it helped them even in situations where they gave up, because none of the doctors could guarantee that they would one day be lucky enough to become a mother due to numerous miscarriages and threats of termination.

There are also cases when a woman’s pregnancy was going well, but only the baby took an incorrect position shortly before birth. After the expectant mother went to church and prayed to the shrine, the baby turned over and the woman did not need hospitalization. Well, what else can you call such a case, if not a miracle?

To summarize, we can confidently say that the icon “Helper in Childbirth” after the prayer service to her:

  • facilitates pregnancy (this is especially felt by women who constantly experience some kind of complications over the course of 9 months)
  • conquers infertility
  • saves the life of the child if doctors threaten termination of pregnancy
  • helps give birth healthy child
  • facilitates the process of childbirth
  • calms the expectant mother, helps her gather strength and get rid of fears

The miraculous icon “Helper in Childbirth”: where is it located?

As we have already mentioned, the shrine “Helper in Childbirth” has survived to this day in 2 lists.

If you want to bow to the shrines, then you must know where they are:

  • One of the versions of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon is located in Moscow - in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration and in the Church of All Saints
  • There is also a shrine in the Church of the Holy Princes Gleb and Boris in the city of Borovsk
  • You can pray to Our Lady in St. Petersburg Holy Trinity Cathedral
  • In Yekaterinburg - in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ
  • The icon “Helper in Childbirth” is also kept in Serpukhov in the Nikopol Church.

In each of the above-mentioned churches you can buy the “Helper in Childbirth” icon in different variations. Very often women buy small icons on back side which the prayer is written, it can be read during the process of childbirth. In addition, pendants depicting the Mother of God with Christ in her womb are especially popular.

In every maternity hospital or maternity ward, there must be an icon “Helper in Childbirth” hanging on the wall or on the bedside table, so that the woman in labor can pray to the Mother of God for help during physical pain.

Icon “Assistant in Childbirth”: where to hang it?

Like any other icon, the shrine “Helper in Childbirth” should be located on the east side in the house:

  • it can be hung on the wall, placed near the bed, but only from the side opposite the entrance to the room;
  • if your pregnancy is difficult, then hang the icon above the head of the bed on which you sleep and rest;
  • if you cannot get pregnant for a long time, then place the icon in the place where the iconostasis is located in your house and read prayers in front of it every day.

“Helper in childbirth”: how to pray to an icon?

Before reading a prayer in front of a shrine, a woman must be psychologically prepared for this process. If you sincerely do not believe in the power of the icon, then, of course, it will not help you. You can ask the Mother of God for help only when your soul and heart are open, pure and sincere. Read the prayer every day, maybe even several times. As soon as you feel that you are sad, bad, in despair again, immediately go to the icon - prayer will help you gather your strength.

Icon “Assistant in Childbirth”: photo

Faith is a very powerful force that can heal a person’s soul, health and psyche. Thanks to this power, hope, peace and tranquility return to us. We sincerely wish all women who are in the family planning stage, or who are expecting the birth of a baby, patience, strength, health and self-confidence. Let the shrine “Helper in Childbirth” help you with this - a miraculous icon that saved the fates of a huge number of women and mothers.

Video: “Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God Helper in Childbirth”

For any woman, the birth of a child is the most important gift of God. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” protects expectant mothers, helps maintain pregnancy and strengthen after childbirth.

Many women probably won’t even be able to describe the joy that the feeling of motherhood gives them. However, during pregnancy, expectant mothers experience great fear from thoughts of painful childbirth and the dangers that may threaten the baby. To protect themselves and their unborn child, women turn for help to the Mother of God, the Intercessor of children and mothers. The image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” can often be seen in maternity hospitals and where a new addition to the family is expected soon. The icon of the Mother of God is not just a talisman for the expectant mother - it helps women during childbirth, protecting both them and the child.

History of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon

There is currently no reliable information about the history of the appearance of the image of the Mother of God “Help in Childbirth”, as well as about the location of the original. According to one version, this icon once belonged to the Catholic Church. This is confirmed by the special image of the Virgin Mary, which is not characteristic of Orthodox iconography.

Another confirmation of this version is the day of celebration of the icon itself - January 8. Along with the celebration of the “Help in Childbirth” icon, on this day believers venerate another image of the Mother of God - the “Blessed Womb”, which came to us from Italy, from Bargrad, located in Rome.

Despite the fact that there is no confirmed information about the origin of the icon, the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” is especially revered by the Orthodox Church and expectant mothers. Copies of the icon can be seen in many churches in our country, and pregnant women can always turn to it for help, asking for an easy, painless birth and for the health of their child.

Description of the image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth”

There are several icons of the Virgin Mary “Helper in Childbirth”, but only one of them is the most common in modern world. Each of these images has its own iconographic features, but the meaning and power remain unchanged miraculous image. The image on the icon belongs to one of the types of Catholic iconography - immaculate, which means “immaculate”. The Virgin Mary herself is depicted in a red robe, on which gilding is visible. She stands with her head uncovered, and her hands are folded on her chest. At the level of her palms, the baby Jesus Christ is depicted without clothes, with crossed arms. Such an image means the Mother of God’s experience of something not yet born child. Her image gives love, hope and reassurance, which are so necessary for pregnant women.

How does a miraculous image help?

From the name itself you can understand that the icon is the main amulet for a woman who carries a child under her heart. Prayers before the icon and faith in the power of the Great Intercessor help women give birth quickly and painlessly, recover after childbirth, and also provide protection from troubles throughout pregnancy.

Married couples who dream of having a child, but for a long time they cannot do this, they also turn to the image of the Mother of God with requests to give them children as soon as possible. A wonderful story is connected with this, thanks to which the Serpukhov St. Nicholas Cathedral in 1993 acquired the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth.”

Thanks to the magical power of the “Help in Childbirth” icon, a real miracle happened to the Serpukhov priest Vladimir Andreev. Even at a time when he was not ordained, he and his wife dreamed of having a child, but the first attempt ended in the death of the baby, and after the second birth it was easy, but the mother was in serious condition in the hospital. The exhausted husband took care of the child alone for six months. During this time, he prayed to the Lord every day and asked for his protection and salvation of his loved ones. One day he realized that communication with God was a necessary need for him, and after that he decided to completely devote himself to faith and become a priest. During Great Lent, Vladimir Andreev went to the home of an elderly woman to celebrate the Eucharist. He told her that he was the priest of a newly opened church. At that moment, the woman called her granddaughter, asking her to bring her a package. When she unfolded it, there was an icon in it. This was the same image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth.” After this, the woman said that she would like to bring this icon as a gift to the new church. The entire image was stained with soot, and the priest had the impression that the icon had been forgotten and unnecessary for many years. Having cleansed it, he saw an image of the Mother of God and the baby Jesus Christ. When he brought the icon to the church, it began to work real miracles. The women who prayed before her to conceive a child soon became pregnant, but did not forget to pray to the icon of the Mother of God for a painless birth and the happiness of their future child. Everything improved in the priest’s family: the wife recovered, and the child grew up healthy. After all the miracles that this icon performed, Vladimir Andreev decided to give it to St. Nicholas Cathedral. Since then, within the walls of this sacred place Many women and expectant mothers gather to ask the miraculous image to give them a healthy child, protect them during pregnancy, and ease the pain during childbirth.

Not only pregnant women, but also their husbands turn to the icon of the Mother of God with prayer for the protection of the future mother and child. After all, the request is from the bottom of my heart loving husband and the future father cannot but be heard.

Where is the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth”

One of the most important images of the Virgin Mary is located in the St. Nicholas Cathedral in the city of Serpukhov in the Moscow region. For the Church of St. Nicholas the Bely, the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Help in Childbirth” is one of the most revered shrines. A separate chapel has been allocated for her, where many Orthodox women and their relatives come to pray.

For believers, the Mother of God has always been considered the patroness and intercessor of families and children. In many Orthodox churches and churches, you can pray before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Help in Childbirth”, asking her for the health of expectant mothers and their children:

  • Church of All Saints, Krasnoye Selo, Moscow;
  • Church of the Transfiguration on Bolvanka, Moscow;
  • Church of the Nativity, Yekaterinburg;
  • Boris and Gleb Church, city of Borovsk, Kaluga region;
  • Holy Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral, St. Petersburg.

In many little-known temples and churches you can also see the icon of the Mother of God “Help in Childbirth”. Women purchase such icons as a talisman and pray to the Great Intercessor every day.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God

Both the expectant mother and her relatives can say a prayer in front of the icon. Do not forget that the sincerity of your prayer and faith in its power is the most important thing in your request.

“Oh, Most Holy Theotokos, our Intercessor and Patroness. You never leave us who pray to you in trouble. I pray to you for the health and happiness of my child. The Lord God has blessed us by giving us a child for our joy. Let nothing harm him while still in his mother’s womb. May he be born a believer, honoring and respecting his parents. Hear, Holy Virgin Mary, my requests and grant all women an easy and painless birth. May the happiness of motherhood come with the advent of my child. Help and bless us, Great Mother of God. Amen".

You can turn to the image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” at any time. If you have such an icon at home, pray to it every day so that your requests bring positive results.

Date of celebration of the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary

The official date for the celebration of the icon is January 8. This event is connected with another Orthodox holiday- Cathedral Holy Mother of God. On this day, believers visit churches and cathedrals, thank the Mother of God for her help and for all her gifts, and praise her in prayers. Young mothers and pregnant women pray before the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth,” thanking her for the gift of a child, or asking for protection before childbirth and for the health of themselves and their unborn child.

In this article:

In the old days, the process of childbirth was mystical and unknown. Perhaps this is why many rituals and ceremonies arose and have been preserved to this day before the birth of a baby. Traditionally, the woman in labor and people close to her read the Great Akathist, asking the Most Pure Virgin Mary to ease her pain and send down the blessing of the Lord.

Help for women in labor, pregnant women and planning

In our age high technology and high-profile medical discoveries, scientists cannot fully explore all the intricacies of a person’s birth. Modern believing women, just like their grandmothers, ask the Lord for help in childbirth. In Orthodoxy, the Most Holy Theotokos is considered the patroness of motherhood.
In Rus', an icon was hung in a pregnant woman’s room, which later received the name “Helper in Childbirth.” Modern women also read prayers to the Blessed Virgin. There is an opinion that after praying to this icon, childbirth proceeds favorably even with a complicated pregnancy. Despite the name “Assistant in Childbirth,” not only expectant mothers, but also women planning a child are interested in the icon. They say that many manage to see the coveted stripes on the dough after praying in front of the icon.

The history of the image

Unfortunately, cultural and art historians cannot establish where the original icon is currently located. The history of its creation is also shrouded in darkness.

Variations of the icon

There are two canonical versions of the icon. In the first, the Virgin Mary is depicted in full height with hands raised to heaven in prayer, among which the image of the infant Christ can be seen.

The second is also called the Serpukhov Icon, due to the place where it was discovered and stored. On it, the Mother of God, contrary to the canons, is depicted with her head uncovered. This detail suggests that the icon was painted rather in the West. The Blessed Virgin in a red robe with a golden tint folded her hands in prayer, with her fingers right hand half cover the fingers of the left hand. The baby Jesus is depicted under the mother's palms. This image was discovered in the city of Serpukhov in 1993, and to this day pilgrims with akathists visit the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, which currently houses the “Helper in Childbirth.”

Miraculous image

The icon is considered miraculous. Every Saturday a prayer service is held in the cathedral, where a special akathist is heard.
Donated an icon to the cathedral elderly woman during Great Lent. And from that moment her miraculous story began.
In 1998, Archpriest Vladimir Andreev shared stories of people after visiting the cathedral and praying to the “Helper in Childbirth” icon:

The long-awaited miracle

The doctors shook their heads sadly and threw up their hands. Galina and her husband
Igor has already experienced six miscarriages. The seventh pregnancy had complications and a constant threat of miscarriage.

Throughout the entire period, the young people read prayers, the expectant mother drank holy water, and finally, the birth was successful, and a healthy girl was born.

Change in fetal position

The following case is considered unique not only by the clergy, but also by the workers of the Serpukhov maternity hospital. At the end of the term, the young woman’s fetus was positioned upside down and required hospitalization, which was already scheduled for Monday. On Saturday, the pregnant woman visited the temple and prayed to the icon, after which, at a doctor’s appointment, it turned out that the baby had changed position and location expectant mother in the hospital is no longer practical. Such a case cannot be called anything other than a miracle.

Prayers to the Mother of God

Before the icon of the Mother of God they read the prayer “Helper”, in which they call upon the Holy Virgin to ask the Lord for forgiveness of sins and the salvation of Souls:

« Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who weighed the birth and nature of mother and child, have mercy on Thy servant (name) and help at this hour so that her burden may be resolved safely. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, even though You did not require help in the birth of the Son of God, grant help to this Thy servant, who requires help, especially from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and grant her the birth of a child and bring her into the light of this world at the right time and the gift of intelligent light in holy baptism with water and spirit. We bow down to you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: be merciful to this mother, when the time has come for her to be a mother, and beg Christ our God, who has become incarnate from you, to strengthen you with His power from above. Amen.»

Prayer to the Mother of God “Helper in childbirth”

The celebration of the icon of the Helper in Childbirth takes place on January 8 (December 26, old style).
The history of the icon is hidden in the darkness of centuries. The location of the original is also unknown.

Childbirth, associated with physical torment, infertility, associated with spiritual torment, from time immemorial have encouraged women to resort to the holy image of the Mother of God asking for help and intercession before the Lord. Most likely, the appearance of icons with the image of the Mother of God carrying the Child Jesus is connected with this.
An icon of this kind is the icon of the Mother of God Childbirth assistant.

There are two canonical versions of the icon:

The first is the one in which the Virgin Mary is depicted standing at full height, with her hands raised up in prayer, and at the level of her chest is the baby Jesus.

In the second version of the image “Helper in Childbirth,” the Mother of God is depicted with her head uncovered and her hair flowing (although according to Orthodox canons of icon painting, the Mother of God should be depicted with her head covered, and this may indicate the Western origin of this icon). The outer robe is red, with a golden tint, with stars on the shoulders (not always). Underneath is a dark green robe, also gilded. The hands of the Virgin Mary are folded on her chest. The fingers of the left hand are half covered by the fingers of the right.
Baby Jesus is depicted under folded hands. The fingers of his right hand are folded for a name blessing (each finger represents a letter Greek alphabet, the extended index finger is like I, the bent middle finger is like C, thumb crossed with the ring finger is an X, and the raised, slightly bent little finger represents the letter C. The result is IC XC - the monogram of Jesus Christ.

Along with the canonical images of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon, there are many variations.

In Russia, lists of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon are rare. One of the lists was acquired relatively recently and is located in Serpukhov, in the St. Nicholas Cathedral (the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the White), in the chapel of Our Lady “Help to Childbirth”.

Address: Serpukhov, st. Kaluzhskaya, house 26/12
Coordinates: 54°54"50"N, 37°24"42"E

The Icon of the Helper in Childbirth was found in 1993 and is considered miraculous, helping with pregnancies with complications, as well as with infertility.

The story of the discovery of the miraculous icon of the Helper in Childbirth is remarkable. During Great Lent, it was given to Archpriest Vladimir Andreev by an old woman whom he gave communion at home when she learned about the revival of the parish. After the frame in the sooty robe, removed from the attic, was cleaned of many years of dust, the bright face of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus looked out from the icon. The image was called “Assistant in Childbirth.”
Since then, the icon has shown many miracles, which Vladimir Andreev witnessed and described. For example, a case is described when a woman with a pregnancy complicated by abnormal position of the fetus turned to the icon. After prayers were offered to the icon, the next morning the fetus turned over and took the correct position!
There were cases of help with infertility.

Here are a few more places where lists of the Helper in Childbirth icon are located:

Church of the Transfiguration on Bolvanovka (Moscow, 2nd Novokuznetsky lane, building 10);
- Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo (Moscow, 2nd Krasnoselsky lane, building 7);
- Holy Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral (St. Petersburg, Izmailovsky Ave., building 7a);
- Church in honor of the Nativity of Christ (Ekaterinburg, Mashinostroiteley str., building 4a);
- Temple of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb (Kaluga region, Borovsk, Kommunisticheskaya str., building 102).

Prayers to the icon of the Helper in Childbirth:

Option 1.

Oh, All-Merciful, Good and True Protector, our Lady Theotokos, who never leaves us in earthly life! To whom will I offer prayers, to whom will I bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Comfort to all the faithful! With fear, faith, love, Mother of the Belly, I pray: May the Lord enlighten Orthodox people to salvation, may He allow us to give birth to children for You and Your Son to please You, may He keep us in the purity of humility, in the hope of salvation in Christ, and grant us all, in the veils of Thy grace, earthly consolation. Keep us under the canopy of Your mercy, Helper in childbirth, Most Pure One, help those who pray for childbirth, turn away evil slander, freedom, grave troubles, misfortunes and deaths. Grant us grace-filled insight, a spirit of contrition for sins, grant us to see all the height and purity of Christ’s teaching given to us; protect us from disastrous alienation. May we all, who gratefully praise Thy greatness, be worthy of Heavenly tranquility and there with Thy beloved, with all the saints, let us glorify the One God in the Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Option 2.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, who knew the happiness of Motherhood, in which you received the excitement, hope, anxiety and sorrow of all earthly mothers, do not leave with Your prayers those who fall to Your holy and miraculous icon of these servants (names) and ask Your Son and all God for barrenness permission, help and happiness in childbirth, and their reliable protection and protection as a baby. Look, O Most Pure Mother, Helper in childbirth, on these Thy servants, united in a marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the sons of their sons to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven of Your Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.

Pregnancy is the happiest time in the life of any woman. The joyful anticipation of the baby, new feelings and sensations - all this causes excitement, which especially intensifies towards the end of the term. Every woman (especially those preparing to become a mother for the first time) feels anxiety and fear as the end of pregnancy approaches, and this is understandable.

Women turn to prayer, because much in this situation depends on the providence of God. Who else can we rely on if not our Intercessor, so pregnant women pray to Her in the hope that She will hear and beg Her Son for a successful resolution, the health of the mother and baby. Prayer reaches Her most quickly.

“Childbirth Assistant” is a special image written for such situations.

The icon “Helper in Childbirth” depicts the Most Pure One with an open head and unkempt hair. She is wearing a red chiton, with an asterisk on her shoulders.

In the center of her womb in a golden oval is the Baby Jesus, in some images He is without clothes, naked, and in some images He is wearing a yellow tunic with a green stripe in the middle.

The Mother of God supports Him with her palms, as if preserving Him. Her head is slightly tilted to the side.

On some faces, the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted with a veil on her head, flanked by various saints. The Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” is slightly similar in writing to the famous Mother of God “The Sign”: on it the Infant of God is also located in the middle.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” has very colorful writing, a warm glow emanates from it (this is noticeable even in the photo). The Mother of God seems to be alive on it, as if she listens carefully to all the requests of those praying and sees everyone.

History of appearance

The image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Helper in Childbirth” was painted many years ago. But the history of its origin, where and by whom it was written, is still unknown. There are different versions, according to one of them this image came to us from Catholicism.

Most common next story appearance of the “Assistant in Childbirth” icon.

One pious Christian named Vladimir and his wife dreamed of having healthy offspring, but their first pregnancy ended unsuccessfully. IN

The second time, the wife safely delivered the child to term, but after the birth of the child she received complications and did not get out of bed for a whole month. Vladimir cared for the newborn alone.

Then the man began to fervently pray to God, and he liked it so much that he decided to devote his whole life to Him.

Vladimir soon accepted the priesthood. Once upon a time Lent he came to the house of an old woman to give her Holy Communion. She decided to give him a face as a gift; it was an image of the Most Holy Theotokos, very ancient.

When Fr. Vladimir cleared it of a layer of centuries-old dust, then he saw that the image was called “Helper in Childbirth.” Then the priest realized that this was a sign, began to pray in front of her, and soon the wife recovered and gave her husband several more children.

The priest decided to bring it to the church, where the believers began to venerate it and turn their gaze to the Most Pure Mother of God.

Soon, parishioners began to tell the priest that after appeals to this face, someone felt the onset of a desired pregnancy, someone’s wife had a successful delivery, etc.

This means that the icon really helps pregnant women and during childbirth! The list of miracles was quite large, and then this image was called miraculous.

Location of the icon

There is a precise answer to the question of where the miraculous face of the “Helper in Childbirth” is located. IN given time You can venerate the “helper in childbirth” in Serpukhov near Moscow, where the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is there that you can find this image, pray, venerate it and read the akathist in front of the icon.

Important! An akathist is a song of praise to the Lord, the Mother of God, saints or a holiday. It consists of 12 kontakia and ikos, and the 13th kontakion is read 3 times at the end. After this, the 1st Ikos and Kontakion are read. At the end of the text there is a prayer appeal to the one to whom the akathist was read.

In the St. Nicholas Church in the city of Serpukhov, an akathist is read before this face every week, and anyone who prays receives what they need at a given time.

“The Helper” is a real miracle, revealed in this difficult time to strengthen the faith of Christians, and also so that through prayers to the Mother of God in front of the “Helper” icon, the number of believers in Russia would increase, i.e., to solve the demographic problem.

Also, lists from this wonderful face can be found in many churches in the country, for example:

  • in Yekaterinburg in the Church of the Nativity;
  • in the capital in the Church of All Saints (Krasnoe Selo);
  • in the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region, in the Boris and Gleb Church;
  • in the Transfiguration Church in the capital;
  • in St. Petersburg in the Holy Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral.

In addition, this image can be found in many churches and church shops; it is also available in departments for pregnant women. Thanks to this, expectant mothers can look at him and turn to the Intercessor in the most difficult hours of delivery.

What to pray for in front of this icon

The question of how this icon helps can be answered as follows.

A request addressed to the Mother of God is never ignored; the Warm Intercessor of the Christian race always hears any prayerful sighing.

And rarely does anyone leave Her unconsoled. She accepts everyone and intercedes for sinners before Her Divine Son.

There were cases when even those sentenced to death by doctors were healed through prayers to Her. The Mother of God especially responds to the requests of those who are pregnant, because She Herself was the Mother in this earthly life. And although She is unfamiliar with the pains of birth, She always sympathizes with those who suffer as a merciful Mother.

We are all children for the Most Pure One, She strives to help everyone, even when there is no Providence of God in this, She is able to beg Her Son. Then the person immediately feels relief and weakening of the illness.

Before the image of “Helper in Childbirth” they pray in the following situations:

Both the woman in labor and her loved ones, family members and friends can pray.

Prayer before this face of the Mother of God is capable of:

  • speed up the process of having a child;
  • grant long-awaited conception;
  • make pregnancy safe;
  • relieve suffering;
  • reduce pain;
  • relieve bleeding;
  • give health to mother and baby;
  • get rid of tragedies and medical errors during childbirth;
  • eliminate injuries and pathologies in the baby.

What else can this icon help with? Let the woman check for herself. The main thing is to have firm faith and hope in the help of the Most Pure Mother of God. Faith and hope can work real miracles. You can find the “Helper” icon in any church shop using the photo.

Prayer before the image of “Helper in Childbirth”

You can call on the Most Pure One in prayer at any convenient time, the main thing is that prayer must be coupled with firm faith. The text of the prayer before the image “Helper in childbirth” is located at the end of the akathist to this icon. And also sometimes the prayer is printed on the back of the icon. In church, under this image, you can sometimes read the text of this prayer.

It sounds like this:

The text of this prayer is very touching, in it the Mother of God is called Our Mother, Intercessor. And although she gave birth to the Child Christ without pain, she understands our sorrows, hears our sighs and petitions, and asks Her Son and Our God for us. She treats everyone like an affectionate and caring Mother, she wants to help everyone and save us from troubles and misfortunes.

She does not want the death of women in labor and babies, which is why numerous glances of women who are in difficult times of delivery, and their closest relatives, are directed to Her. The prayer asks for health for fertile women and children, a successful outcome of such difficult trials.

In the birth of a person, the course of events largely depends on providence from above, which is why we rely mainly on the Grace of God.

In the prayer stated above, the people on earth who are sentenced to give birth to their children in pain are asked for the least painful process and their successful outcome. It is also asked that the Lord would not repay those praying for their sins, but would show His great mercy and condescension and have mercy on His servants.

At the end of the petition, it is promised that those praying to the Most Pure One will glorify Her and the Almighty and give thanks like the children of the Gospel. The prayer must be offered with undoubted hope and tears, then the Mother of God will certainly fulfill what is asked.

There is also the following text of prayer before this image:

Important! Before contractions begin, a pregnant woman must confess and receive the Holy Mysteries. During the entire period of pregnancy, it is advisable to visit church as often as possible, pray at home, and read an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos.
And, if possible, try to refrain from passions and sins, because the baby in the womb feels and absorbs everything even before it is born.

The memorial day of this icon is January 8. On the same day the icon of the Blessed Womb is celebrated. This is a similar image of the Most Pure Mother of God, on it She is depicted nursing the baby Jesus. Before this image, they also ask for a successful outcome of the pregnancy, the health of the mother and baby.

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Let's sum it up

The Most Pure One is the Intercessor of all Orthodox Christians, so one should not be afraid to turn to Her in prayer more often and ask for a successful pregnancy, an easy birth and health for the baby and mother. She will certainly hear and help those who often and diligently pray to Her.
