What is liquid linoleum. Liquid linoleum - we analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the coating. Features of laying the mixture: possible difficulties

Thanks to modern solutions There are a huge number of variations in room design. Recently, the idea of ​​linoleum in liquid form has begun to spread from high speed, and if you decide to get acquainted with this qualitatively new look, you will certainly discover new boundaries in design skills. So, liquid linoleum is a recent innovation that makes it possible to create the style of a room in any direction, depending on the personal preferences of the owners.

Purpose of liquid linoleum

If we draw a parallel of comparative analogues between rolled linoleum and a liquid product, we can conclude that they have one thing in common - the integrity of the entire canvas. There is a vague similarity in external indicators, but if you touch the surface, you can understand that this is not so. This liquid material upon contact is incredibly similar to, if we consider other parameters, it is worth noting that there are differences in all directions. If there is a need to reflect in detail the essence of a given flooring material, you can express it.

The first manufactured linoleum was used strictly for industrial purposes. The developers set themselves the goal of creating a solid foundation for flooring, which would not be subject to abrasion and could easily be used in outbuildings– production and storage facilities. Then designers came up with the idea of ​​decorating simple, unattractive-looking floors with patterns, and the number of people who wanted to use improved materials to decorate their homes increased significantly. Moreover, the increase in the number of consumers of this product occurred within a geometric progression.

Types of liquid products

The modern market space and competing manufacturers offer several forms and types of self-leveling floors, which are classified by fillers and are:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • polyurethane;
  • Smolny

Liquid self-leveling linoleum is mainly used for industrial purposes, although polyurethane products are used for high-quality design of residential buildings. This is not surprising, because the material is durable and light, thanks to which it is possible to imitate natural coating without damaging your own wallet. The thickness of the product also varies, and this indicator fluctuates in a small range of 1-7 mm, but if you follow the recommendations of repair workers, for traditional loads it is recommended to choose a material with a layer of 1.5 mm. This value is enough for the unhindered operation of the coating over the next tens of years.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum material

Comparing this type of material with other elements, it is worth noting that there are enormous differences between it and other types of flooring. Let's look at its positive aspects.

  1. The strength is quite high, because the products are traditionally not subject to mechanical influences. This positive feature gives the material superiority over, ordinary linoleum, .
  2. An important advantage that liquid linoleum has is its price. It is quite optimal for all the conveniences and advantages that can be obtained by giving preference to this particular material.
  3. The first feature as a main advantage allows this group of products to have a virtually universal scope of use. These are personal housing, industrial facilities, warehouses, workshops, airports.
  4. Waterproof - this high-quality polymer floor is distinguished by the fact that its equipment includes a layer that helps repel water, so the product can withstand direct contact with liquid, and this property allows it to dominate.
  5. No seams in the coating. Regardless of the configuration and area of ​​the room, this type of product will provide a flat and smooth floor without joints, and this is a definite plus in terms of aesthetics.
  6. Abundance design solutions: compared to classic variations, there is a lot of room for guidance here creative works, because it is possible to design unique individual solutions within any solutions. You can choose and also select drawings of any subject.
  7. Resistance to fire - this is due to the fact that the coating is related to the group of non-combustible elements, therefore this type of finishing is boldly used in social and industrial facilities.
  8. Lack of toxicity is another undeniable plus. If you rationally follow the features and technologies of application, as well as preparation of the material, it will 100% comply with all safety standards for the health of not only adults, but also children.
  9. Ease of care procedures makes the raw material indispensable even for the laziest people. You can wash it with any household chemicals. Smooth surface material makes it easy and simple to deal with different types pollution.
  10. Long service life - this indicator is achieved due to high performance strength. Whether this is a plus or a minus is up to you to decide, because many people think that after such a long time the floor can become boring. On the other hand, you won’t have to spend time and money moving it for a long time.
  11. Definitely: if you decide to buy liquid linoleum, you will not regret it. But in order not to have to deal with various pitfalls, it is necessary to consider in advance and negative points in using the material. This is a relatively high price and difficulties that may arise during installation. Not enough is offered either wide choose products within the color range. Whether it is worth choosing linoleum, each person decides for himself, and many who have used and are using it give best reviews and recommendations.

    Features of preparation and operation

    Within the framework of modern construction stores You can choose from two types of flooring – with one component and with two.

    1. One-component products are used for preparatory work on the foundation for any type of material. In another way, these elements are characterized as self-leveling screeds. They are characterized by high strength, and with the help of these products you can create a perfectly smooth surface.
    2. Two-component compositions are used exclusively for finishing coatings. If we consider the composition, we can distinguish epoxy floors, cement-acrylic and products made on the basis of polyurethane.

    Such distinctive features indicate only that when making a choice it is necessary to have the most careful attention to the composition and type of material. Before creating the conditions for the formation quality basis, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.

In pursuit of modern materials and new ideas for interior decoration can be found. But the flooring should not only be modern, but also practical. Liquid linoleum- This is one of the most popular coatings now. In the article we will figure out what it is, what it costs, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this coating.

What is liquid linoleum

It consists of polymer, hardener and resins. Depending on what resin is used in production, the following types of bulk liquid linoleum are distinguished:

  • polyurethane;
  • epoxy;
  • methyl methacrylic;
  • cement-acrylic.

For household premises, in particular, for apartments, polyurethane liquid floors are the most suitable in terms of their properties. But the cost of liquid linoleum of this type is much higher due to its thermally efficient properties. The remaining types are used mainly in commercial and industrial premises.

Polyurethane liquid floor
Methyl methacrylic liquid floor

Epoxy self-leveling floor
Cement acrylic floor

Advantages of liquid (polyurethane) flooring

Compared to many other floor coverings, polyurethane liquid linoleum has a number of advantages. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of this material.

  • High strength. The optimal thickness of the self-leveling floor is 1.5 cm. This is several times thicker than ordinary linoleum. This determines the high strength of the liquid floor.
  • Durability. Subject to the right technology Once installed, self-leveling flooring can last up to 50 years.
  • The surface of this coating is perfectly flat and smooth, there are no joints or seams.
  • Good anti-slip properties.
  • Hygienic coating and antibacterial effect. The self-leveling floor is not susceptible to the development of fungi and mold (like, say, tiles, or more precisely, the seams between them).
  • Safe for health as it does not contain toxic substances.
  • Excellent impact resistance. Liquid self-leveling linoleum will survive in any conditions and will not deform. Heavy furniture, falling dishes, sharp heels - all this is not scary for self-leveling linoleum.
  • Not afraid of temperature changes. Well compatible with warm floors, can be laid on an unheated balcony.
  • Waterproof. Even a significant amount of water will not ruin this coating. This is ensured, first of all, by the composition of the self-leveling floor, as well as the solidity of its surface.
  • It has antistatic properties, so it does not attract dust.
  • Easy to care for. Polymer flooring of the “liquid linoleum” type does not require maintenance. There is no need to varnish it, rub it, or sand it - it just serves you and that’s all.
  • You can renew the coating and repaint it in other colors.

It is also necessary to take into account that it is possible to make an exclusive design of the self-leveling floor. For example, decorate the surface with some kind of drawing or photograph. True, here you will most likely need the help of professionals.

Cons of liquid linoleum

Anyone building material there are disadvantages. And if they are not there, then it is very expensive, which is automatically its disadvantage. Price per square meter liquid linoleum may not please everyone. But it is much cheaper than parquet and many other floor coverings. The disadvantages of liquid linoleum relate more to its installation.

  1. Installation of liquid linoleum requires strict adherence to process technology, accuracy and speed of action. In addition, before pouring the floor, it is necessary to level the surface (wooden, metal or concrete screed) as much as possible.
  2. It is very difficult to dismantle the self-leveling floor. Therefore, if you really want to get rid of it, it will be easier to put another floor covering on top of the self-leveling one.
  3. Polyurethane flooring can fade in the sun over the years. But this problem can be solved by updating the floor with paint. In addition, there are special varnishes on sale that protect against exposure to sunlight.

The disadvantages of liquid linoleum are not so significant and in general it has excellent characteristics. Of course, there is no particular point in making a self-leveling floor in a bedroom or children's room. For these rooms, you can choose something more comfortable and soft. But for the kitchen, bathroom and corridor this will be an excellent option, a good alternative to ceramic tiles.

Liquid floor installation
Liquid linoleum in the kitchen

In addition, the use of liquid linoleum is relevant if the room has complex shape(rounded, with columns, etc.). In this case, there is no need to adjust or trim anything. Consequently, there will be no unnecessary consumption of materials and effort.

Liquid linoleum is a floor covering in liquid form, which consists of a polymer and a hardener with the addition of resins. The peculiarity of this material is that there are no joints, fastenings or seams. It also does not require glue or thresholds when moving from one room to another; you can fill the floor in several rooms at once.

A polymer floor called liquid linoleum was originally designed as a base for industrial premises and warehouses. But at some point the developers decided to make the floor original and put a beautiful pattern underneath it. This has led to an increase in the areas of application of this material.

Wear resistance is the main advantage for technical premises

This is explained by the fact that it is not only original and beautiful, but also durable. The minimum service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is 30 years.

Liquid flooring consists of a polymer, a hardener and a resin. Depending on the type of resin, the composition is:

  • Epoxy;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Methyl methacrylic;
  • Cement-acrylic.

This material allows you to create beautiful patterns

Polyurethane floors are most often used in everyday life because of their aesthetics. Other types of coating are usually laid in public and industrial premises.

The main characteristics of this floor include:

  • More than 10 neutral colors;
  • Layer thickness 1-7 mm for industrial floors, 1.5-2 mm for apartments and houses;
  • The cost of linoleum depends on the thickness of the fill.

To lay such a coating it is necessary to carry out difficult process preparation of the subfloor. In this sense, regular linoleum is better for installation. It is best to lay a liquid floor on a concrete floor to ensure better adhesion to the base.

The base is first cleaned of dust and primed. After drying, you can proceed to the installation process.

The process of laying in the room

You can also install self-leveling floors on:

  • Tiles;
  • Metal;
  • Tree.

The only requirement is a flat, clean surface.

Using a wide spatula and roller, the material is applied to the floor surface like paint. After drying for 24 hours, you still need to give time (a couple of days) so that everything completely hardens and there are no traces left from the furniture that was placed ahead of time.

Interesting way fills


The self-leveling mixture is gaining more and more fans who prefer it instead regular linoleum. Even high level prices for dry mixtures do not stop me from buying. True, in the end such expenses are justified.

The price of pouring liquid linoleum is influenced by the area of ​​the room, as well as the condition of the base for installation. But in general, it ranges from 220-6000 rubles/m2.

Self-leveling floors on the market are represented by the following manufacturers: Osnovit, Starateli, Ivsil, Litokol, Bergauf. The products of each company have advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing, you need to take into account the parameters important for liquid linoleum. These include: drying speed, efficiency, scope of application, ease of use.

Dry mix Bergauf Boden Zement

Drying time – important parameter, since some rooms have high humidity. For Bergauf Boden Zement it is 6 hours, for Osnovit 2-2.5 hours, for Ivsil Tie Rod-III - 4-6 hours, Prospectors - 4 hours, Litocol - 3 hours.

The best option for the ratio of material consumption to cost is the Osnovit Skorline T-45 brand. Its consumption per 1 m2 is 13 kg with a layer thickness of 10 mm. At the same time, 17 kg will be needed to cover the Bergauf Boden Zement brand. Moreover, the cost of this manufacturer is 1.5 times higher.

Founds Skorline T-45

Ease of use is approximately the same for all manufacturers. It is important to understand on what surface a particular filling mixture can be applied. So, Osnovit is applied only to floors with a mineral base.

More adapted to our climate zone are the Osnovit and Prospector mixtures. This means that such mixtures have a longer service life than similar floors produced abroad.

Self-leveling polymer flooring has a number of advantages compared to other materials. These include:

  • No joints or seams;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Safety.

Self-leveling floor does not require thresholds

The polymer coating has no seams or joints, as it fills the entire room, forming a solid surface, which eliminates the use of liquid welding to join linoleum. At the same time, laying liquid flooring is quite simple; there is no need to adjust the pattern and lay out sheets if the room has ledges and niches.

The liquid floor can have a thickness of up to 1.5 mm, and itself represents a good protective layer, which makes it a durable coating.

Polyurethane flooring in a dental office

Self-leveling linoleum is safe: it does not support combustion and does not emit harmful substances, which makes it an excellent material for use in medical and children's institutions.

The uniqueness of the coating is that even formed dents and cracks can be eliminated. To do this, just fill the surface with a new layer of mixture and level it.


Liquid linoleum has only a few disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that it has a small range of colors for the home, garage, and domestic premises. Although 12 colors is not so little. To make up for the lack of colors, manufacturers make up for them with decorative effects.

The meager range of colors is one of the disadvantages

After pouring the mixture, place it on top different shapes colored parts from acrylic paint(chips). In a container with the mixture they look like confetti, and on the floor after pouring they give the surface a resemblance to natural stone or marble.

Another disadvantage is the lengthy surface preparation process.

How to make liquid linoleum yourself

  • Containers with the required composition;
  • Roller, brush;
  • Electric drill.

To obtain a solution for filling the floor, you need to place the contents of a smaller container in a larger jar. Then, using a drill with an attachment, mix everything well. The self-leveling floor is ready for installation.

It is important to carefully prepare the base of the floor, otherwise after pouring liquid linoleum, bubbles will appear on its surface that will be difficult to remove.

Main points in the work:

  • Preparation of the floor surface;
  • Preparation of bulk mixture;
  • Fill;
  • Alignment;
  • Drying.

When pouring, a special needle roller is used, which evenly distributes the mixture over the floor and prevents the formation of air bubbles. It should be remembered that you need to work with liquid linoleum at a temperature of +5 – +25 degrees.

In order to decorate linoleum you can add decorative elements, which are glued to liquid nails. They are glued before the liquid floor is poured.

The technological development of mankind does not stand still and is periodically updated with new discoveries and scientific research. This development affects all industries, including manufacturers of flooring materials. A striking example Liquid linoleum, which is better known to the average person as polymer-based self-leveling flooring, has become a new technology in the production of floor coverings.

What is liquid linoleum?

Liquid linoleum or self-leveling flooring is a synthetic multicomponent mixture that is produced in liquid form and is intended to cover any type of base. Depending on the components used, liquid self-leveling linoleum comes in three types:

  • Metal acrylate;
  • Epoxy;
  • Polyurethane.

In appearance, the finished coating is practically no different from ordinary linoleum, but it provides much more opportunities for designers. According to physical indicators, a self-leveling polymer floor can be compared with ceramic tiles.

For your information. In production and warehouses Methacrylate and epoxy coatings are commonly used. Self-leveling mixtures based on polyurethane are used in residential and public buildings.

Features of laying liquid linoleum

The standard procedure for laying the material is very simple and can be done independently without the involvement of third-party specialists. Installation can be done on any type of surface, wood, concrete or ceramic tiles, you just need to properly prepare the base and follow the installation technology.

Self-leveling linoleum makes it possible to make unique design by installing a printed image, which is placed on the surface of the base and filled with a transparent polymer composition. It is better to involve competent specialists in this type of decoration, which is why the price of the floor increases significantly.

For your information. The most popular types of transparent polymer coatings are EpoxyFlooring, GlassFloor, Cemezit UR 35 and Polymerstone.

Prices for liquid linoleum

Thin-layer epoxy coating will cost approximately 450-500 rubles/m2.

Thin layer polyurethane coating it will cost a little cheaper, about 300-400 rubles per meter/m2.

The cost of a full-fledged epoxy floor with a thickness of 2-3 mm will cost 1000-1200 rubles. per meter/m2.

The cost of installing a self-leveling polyurethane floor with a thickness of 2-3 mm will cost a little less - 800-900 rubles.

The most expensive option would be to install a self-leveling methyl methacrylate floor with a thickness of 3 mm or more, about 1,500 rubles.

Also, highly filled polymer floors will cost 1100-1500 rubles, depending on the components and layer thickness.

Prices are indicated at the rate of 1$ = 66 rubles.

Advantages of liquid linoleum coating

The liquid type of linoleum has a number of significant advantages before many other types of coatings, which include:

  • No seams. Polymer composition forms a perfectly smooth monolithic coating, which does not need joints, as it fills the entire room.
  • Easy to install. It is known that it is very difficult to lay ordinary linoleum in a non-standard room with irregular geometry. With liquid material, such problems do not arise and you do not need to spend a lot of time cutting the canvas and adjusting the pattern.
  • Color options. Polymer floors do not limit your choice of color in any way, since there are more than 200 shades of dyes that can be added to the composition before pouring. It is also possible to create unique images with a 3D effect. The coating can be glossy or matte, smooth or rough, depending on personal preferences and the style of the room.
  • Wear resistance. The thickness of the protective layer of ordinary linoleum is no more than 0.3 mm, and liquid linoleum itself is a protective layer and can reach up to 1.5 cm in thickness, which makes it an almost eternal coating.
  • Impact strength. Using a self-leveling floor - liquid linoleum in an apartment or private house, you can be sure that the coating will not have any damage throughout its entire service life. Even if you drop a hammer, a sharp object, or move heavy furniture on its surface, there will be no traces left on the floor surface.
  • Safety. The self-leveling coating does not burn and does not support combustion, and also does not emit toxic components under high temperature influence, which makes this coating environmentally friendly. The coating can be safely used in medical institutions and children's rooms.

Even if somehow damage appears on the coating in the form of a scratch or dent, it is very easy to repair. It is enough to fill the dent with a new layer and level it with common plane by polishing method. Scratches can also be removed by polishing with special machines. To secure the material, we recommend watching a video on laying a polymer floor.

Self-leveling floors

Did you know that floors can be poured rather than laid? This coating is called “self-leveling floors”, or, as they are also called, “liquid linoleum”. It turns out that the externally self-leveling floor is really very similar to linoleum, and to the touch it resembles smooth tiles: monolithic, smooth, without seams or gaps. It happens different colors, the shades are dominated by neutral, calm tones - light green, gray, beige, light brown. Thickness of self-leveling floors different types– from 1 to 7 mm, but recommended by experts optimal thickness coverings for residential premises - 1.5 mm. Why? Making the floor in a living room thinner is impractical, thicker is uneconomical, since it will require large quantity material. But more on that later.

So, from the point of view of chemists, self-leveling floors are special seamless polymer coatings. There are several types of floor coverings, which are called self-leveling or industrial:

Methyl methacrylate (from methyl methacrylic resins);

Epoxy (from epoxy resins);

Cement-acrylic (prepared from dry construction mixture and the so-called “liquid component”);

Polyurethane (polyurethane based).

The first three types of self-leveling floors are more suitable for industrial premises. And for residential use the fourth type is polyurethane flooring. Why? Of course, all types of floors are safe for health, but polyurethane, in addition to being the most durable and wear-resistant, is also the lightest - floors made from it are more elegant. And besides, this floor looks very good: due to its shine and variety of colors. Therefore, our conversation will focus specifically on polyurethane self-leveling floors.

So, self-leveling seamless floors are most often used where increased requirements are placed on the floor: chemical resistance and abrasion resistance (including in conditions high humidity), the need to provide antistatic protection or special hygienic requirements. First of all, this is, of course, industrial premises and high-traffic offices, television studios. But residential premises are also suitable: kitchens, bathrooms, cottages, glazed loggias. Or, for example, you can “lay” such floors in the garage and workshop. It is believed that the main disadvantage when using self-leveling flooring in a residential area is the limited choice of colors. But, firstly, there are at least 12 colors of self-leveling floors on sale, which, you see, is not so little. Secondly, manufacturers of self-leveling floors have come up with an additional and very original decorative special effect; so-called chips are applied to the fresh coating; – colored particles made from pieces of acrylic paint, of different shapes and sizes. Chips, when lying in a jar, look like large bright confetti, and when applied to the floor, they give the coating depth and resemblance to natural materials, for example, marble or granite.

Options for self-leveling coating: regular and with “chips”. But the most interesting thing about self-leveling floors, in addition to all the above-mentioned advantages and properties, is the process of their construction! And what’s interesting is that, if you wish, you can personally participate in this sacrament, which is somewhat similar to a shamanic ritual.

To become the proud owner of a self-leveling floor, you will need: two jars with components - small and large, an electric drill with an attachment and a rule. It is clear that the most important thing is the jars with components for the future self-leveling floor. In a large jar - component "A". The small one is filled with component "B". Accurate chemical composition Manufacturers of self-leveling floors keep these components secret. The coating technology is the same for all types of self-leveling floors, only the components and properties are different.

So let's get started. Take a small jar and pour its contents into a large one. But to achieve the desired result (that is, to harden the composition) this is not enough. All components must be thoroughly mixed with an electric drill with a special attachment. After a few minutes, the working mixture of components is ready for application to the surface. That's all? No. Before you start “making” a self-leveling floor, you need to carefully prepare the surface - level it, eliminate potholes, cracks, etc., putty them, prime the base... In general, a primed base (it can be concrete, stone, tile , metal and even wood) should have a uniform gloss on the surface and not absorb liquid. Only after this can you pour the polyurethane “cocktail” onto the coating and, using a rule and a needle roller, distribute it over the entire floor area.

Using a movable bar on the rule, you can adjust the thickness of the applied coating: the closer the bar is to the floor, the thinner the coating is, and vice versa. The needle roller helps remove bubbles that appear on the liquid surface. We have already said that the thickness of the self-leveling floor recommended by experts is 1.5 mm, but if desired, this figure can be increased to 5–7 mm. All this work must be carried out at a room temperature not lower than +5°C and not higher than +25°C and a relative air humidity of approximately 60%. Otherwise, the self-leveling floor will take longer to “set.” On a fresh floor (for beauty) you can apply the already known colored “chips”, and after 12 hours cover the top with a transparent protective varnish. Then wait another 24 hours - that’s it. The new self-leveling floor is ready for use.

By the way, the manufacturers warned me that the self-leveling floor, until it dries, is afraid of moisture: its components react with water. That is why it is important to ensure that the surface on which the self-leveling coating will be applied is dry (that is, the humidity of the surface itself should not be higher than 5%). In this case, specialists use a device to measure humidity. But if the surface preparation is initially carried out according to all the rules, then after 12–20 hours (after the coating has dried) and for the next four decades there will be no moisture self-leveling floor it won't be scary. Self-leveling floor with “chips” at first glance is no different from granite

The self-leveling floor is not afraid of impacts - no matter what you drop on it, there will be no dents or cracks. He doesn’t care about temperature changes either (that’s why you can “pour” it on the balcony or on country veranda). According to experts, this is a non-toxic and “low-flammability” coating. And all types self-leveling coatings, both in Europe and in Russia, undergo mandatory certification. And a conscientious manufacturing company will never refuse to demonstrate all the necessary certificates for its products. Imported flooring for a living space will cost at least $40 per sq.m. if the area of ​​the room is less than 500 sq.m. In general, the price range for self-leveling floors made from imported materials ranges from $8 to $100 per square meter. The cost of the work of the stackers is $8–10.

Comparative analysis

Each flooring has its pros and cons. Let's compare the self-leveling floor with other floor coverings that have the same purpose as a polyurethane floor: PVC linoleum, laminate and tiles are also placed in the kitchen, bathroom or on glassed balcony. So, household PVC linoleum and self-leveling flooring are very similar in appearance. In one Moscow store where self-leveling floors are made, I was told that visitors often ask: “What kind of unusual linoleum do you have?” But external similarity is perhaps the only thing that unites these two types of coatings. The first difference is service life. High-quality PVC linoleum will last 15–20 years. A properly made self-leveling floor will last 40 years. But, let me emphasize, done CORRECTLY. (Please remember this remark, we will return to it later.) In addition, linoleum has a richer design. And yet, if necessary, linoleum can be easily removed - rolled up and replaced with a new one. This trick will not work with self-leveling coating. Removing such a coating is a problem. But on the other hand, why, if we make a good, high-quality self-leveling floor?

Now laminate. Laminate, as we have already told you more than once, is a special multi-layer board based on fiberboard that can imitate natural materials - wood, stone, marble... Laminate is a beautiful modern floor covering, but, unfortunately, it serves less than self-leveling flooring – 12 years. In addition, laminate, unlike self-leveling flooring, is still not recommended to be installed in rooms with high humidity.

If we compare it with ceramic tiles, which are traditionally laid in the kitchen, bathroom and on balconies, self-leveling floors also have certain advantages: the absence of seams (which means there is nowhere for fungus and bacteria to grow) and higher strength.

So, what are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling floor coverings?

Nice appearance, shine, monolithic color;

Durability (minimum 40 years);

Moisture resistance and high chemical resistance (important when using a self-leveling floor, for example, in a garage);

Hygienic and easy to clean - can be washed with plain water without treating with special compounds;

High adhesion (adhesion) to any base, no seams or gaps;

Fire safety (low-flammability and low-flammability material), non-toxicity;

Simplicity of the device - you can make a self-leveling floor yourself in just half a day (12 hours).


Poor design compared to traditional types of coatings;

Obsolescence, that is, the self-leveling floor simply bothers its owner. But in this case, the coating can be updated - apply a new layer of a different color;

Some types of self-leveling coatings turn yellow when exposed to ultraviolet rays;

Labor-intensive preparation of the base for the coating - careful leveling and putty are required;

Difficult to remove from base if necessary;

Artificial material;

Strict control of the humidity of the coating on which the floor is “poured” is necessary
