Cheat codes for We Happy Few - immortality, increased inventory and more. Walkthrough of We Happy Few story and side quests (early access)

They were so generous that they allowed players to use cheats in an early version of the project. Now you'll learn how to make survival much easier in a game that, at the time of its announcement, seemed so similar to BioShock.

List of We Happy Few cheat codes

All cheats are entered into the console. To enable it, you need to set the “-console” parameter in the We Happy Few launch options on Steam, and then open the console in the game by pressing the “tilde” key.

After this, you are free to enter the following cheat codes:

  • AiignorePlayers - disables artificial intelligence of enemies;
  • God - activates god mode (immortality);
  • Travel - teleport;
  • Quicksave - make a quick save here and now;
  • UnlockInventory - unlocks previously inaccessible inventory cells, allowing you to use it to the maximum.

The teleport deserves a special comment. It's extremely easy to use. You just need to enter the Travel command, after which the screen will display a list of locations to which you can instantly be transported.

Synopsis of We Happy Few

Action We Happy Few develops in the retrofuturistic setting of England in the 60s of the 20th century. The vast majority of Wellington Wells residents are under the influence of a drug that keeps them in a state of euphoria. The main character turns out to be one of those who opposes the drug totalitarianism.

Before release We Happy Few has received many comparisons to the BioShock series due to its original setting. In fact, the game is dominated by survival elements, you need to monitor the hero’s vital signs, a lot of attention is paid to the creation of objects, but there is practically no plot as such. Read about all the details in our preview.

A few days ago, Compulsion Games released the long-awaited project We Happy Few, which in the end turned out to be a little different from the game that players expected to see. The fact is that we're talking about about a “survival” game with several storylines. As a result, many users encountered problems collecting resources, crafting items, and earning game currency.

However, if you do not want to waste your time collecting materials and completing secondary quests, but want to quickly run through the main plot, then we advise you to use cheats and codes for We Happy Few.

How to activate the console

Before you can use cheat codes, you will need to turn on your console. Unfortunately, in the release version you cannot simply click on “~” to open the desired window. Now to do this you need to edit the in-game files.

Open the C:\Users\YourAccount\AppData\Local\GlimpseGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and look for a file called input.ini. After that, run it using any text editor (regular Notepad will do). Then find or add the following lines to it:

  • bConsoleEnabled=True

If there are already lines, then simply replace the bConsoleEnabled value “False” with “True”. Now in the same file, find or add the lines:

  • ConsoleKey=F1
  • ConsoleKeys=F1

As you probably already guessed, these lines allow you to assign a key to open the console in the game. You can select any key, but we still recommend using “F1”.

If you play the Steam version, you can try another method to activate the console. Find We Happy Few in the Steam library, right-click on it, select “Properties” and click on the “Set launch options” tab. In the empty field, enter “-console” and save.

Basic We Happy Few cheats

To use these codes, you simply need to open the console, enter the selected command, and then press Enter.

Note: These codes worked in the alpha version of the game, but in the final version some of them may either not work or lead to errors.

  • God – gives complete immunity to physical damage.
  • Fly – allows you to fly, but you cannot fly through walls.
  • Walk – returns the character to the ground after using flight.
  • Ghost - allows you to fly, and you can fly through walls.
  • Quicksave - allows you to save the game without having to exit it or rest on your bed.
  • Unlock inventory – opens all slots, including additional weapons.
  • UnlockAllRecipes – unlocks all crafting recipes.
  • UnlockAllLore – opens all records associated with the game world.
  • Travel – after using it you will see all possible places for teleportation (the game may crash, so use at your own peril and risk).
  • AiignorePlayers – characters begin to completely ignore your hero. If you want to return everything back, then write the command AiignorePlayers 0 in the console.
  • NoAiSpawns – the game stops spawning characters.
  • Heal – cures the hero, reduces Joy, sets all needs to 100%.
  • NoSuspicion - characters notice the hero, but do not suspect him.
  • RevealMap – opens the map.
  • RevealMapAndQuest – opens the map and quests.

Codes for receiving items

If you need certain things to make it easier to complete or complete a certain task, then you can use two console commands. The first one looks like this:

  • give [item name]

That is, in the console you need, for example, to write: give apple - after that you will receive one apple. If you need several selected items, then you should use the second command:

  • given [quantity] [item name]

That is, in the console you need to, for example, write: given 500 coin - after that you will receive 500 units of game currency.

Item names

Note: Some names may not work because they were changed in the release version. If you have names of useful things that are not on the list, you can indicate them in the comments to the article.

  • Phlash - a speed drug
  • Shock Grenade - shock grenade
  • Vomit Bomb - vomit bomb
  • Berserk Bomb - berserk bomb
  • Berserk Dart - berserker dart
  • Electro Hammer Pipe (OP)
  • Blue Molotov – blue Molotov (can lead to relegation)
  • Banger - a grenade that deals huge damage
  • Dr. Feelgood Bomb – bomb with Joy
  • Smoke Bomb - smoke bomb
  • Tear Gas grenade - tear grenade
  • Feramyle Syringe - feramyle syringe
  • New Formula Dexipam – increases maximum endurance on a permanent basis
  • New Formula Sanitol – increases maximum health on an ongoing basis
  • Sunshine – fake Joy pills to deceive guards
  • Spiky Suit - Improved Soft Suit
  • Fab Threads – people will start following you
  • Blending Suit - a suit that increases stealth
  • Coin - money

These are all the cheats and codes for We Happy Few that are known to us. We hope they help you get through difficult moments games.

Stock up on master keys. Lockpicks are perhaps the most valuable thing a player has. You will need a lot of them, since there are a lot of closed storage rooms and houses in the game. Keep a couple of master keys in stock - sometimes they are needed to advance the plot.

Explore the forests at night. At night you can find unique berries that you won’t find during the day. They are necessary to create especially valuable drinks.

Don't eat rotten food. It will cause you to get food poisoning, which will make your character dizzy. Particularly spoiled food will cause vomiting. Have fresh food and water on hand.

Don't starve, otherwise endurance will decrease by -10%.

Use fast travel. To open it, you must find shelters on the world map. They look like this:

After this, restore power, after which you will be able to move using iron doors between open shelters.

Radostin has both pros and cons. If you take it, you can walk around Wellington as safely as possible. But as soon as the effect of the drug wears off, you will receive a negative effect, during which you will become twice as suspicious, and your thirst and hunger will increase rapidly.

It’s better to wait in some corner or on a bench behind a newspaper until the effect wears off. By the way, it’s not difficult to walk around Wellington without joy – almost no one will notice it. So there is not much point in taking pills all the time. If you take too much joy, you will find yourself in the nearest shelter with low health, thirst and hunger.

Find joy available in booths throughout Wellington. Sometimes the city residents themselves have it.

Upgrade your workbench to access more advanced recipes. To do this, find the “Workbench Upgrade Kit”. You can buy it in Wellington, at the Horns and Legs store:

Stealth is yours best friend . It's more effective than regular fighting. The stealth system here is very simple - you must approach the enemy behind him and neutralize him. If you are noticed, it is enough to simply run behind some object and hide behind it; usually opponents immediately stop pursuing when they lose the hero from sight.

Eat little trick, how to get rid of a whole crowd of opponents. Attract their attention and run away somewhere far away so that they will chase you for a long time. After they lose interest in you, the opponents will go back to their place. At this time, there will be a chance to quickly sneak up on them and stun them one by one. We also recommend learning the “Big Game Hunter” skill as early as possible so that tall enemies are not an obstacle:

To avoid getting involved in conflicts at all, try to follow the following rules:

  • Don't forget to change clothes - torn for poor areas, rich for Wellington.
  • Do not sprint in front of citizens, as you will arouse their suspicion, which will develop into aggression.
  • Don't steal, don't start fights, don't open doors.
  • Don't draw your weapon in public.
  • Try not to climb pipes and other objects in cities - this will attract unwanted attention.
  • Don't walk around cities at night.
  • Read the newspaper on the bench, so you can sit until the enemies pass by. This won't work at night.

Treat yourself to the plague. You must get to the Vault on Luda Island. There you will find a mini-laboratory where the medicine Phenocycline is created. To unlock the recipe, find the following items: two bottles of filtered water, antiseptic, and a syringe. Always keep a supply of syringes and inject immediately, otherwise the disease will progress to a stage where the medicine will not help.

A little about the beginning of the game

To begin with, let’s briefly say that the game world is not fixed, but procedurally generated. Accordingly, this means that each passage will be partially unique (Partially - since the main quests and objects remain the same, they are simply generated in different parts maps, with different roads, etc.).
- Plus, don't forget to uncheck Permadeath and turn on "Second Chance". The first one kills you forever, and you cannot recover, and the second one gives you the opportunity to craft a healer before death, so as not to die.
*If you still die in the mode with revival, then you lose some of the items from your inventory.

Part one

First we have a prologue. Currently only one character is available. There is no point in giving special advice here. There is no point in collecting items at the first location, or doing anything there, because it will not affect the gameplay. If you drink "Joy" (a local drug that makes everyone happy) you will unlock an alternate ending and there will be no gameplay. If you don't drink, the game begins.
- During your first playthrough, you can climb around the location, interacting with objects and reading notes to open up the game world a little. Collected energy cells will not be saved in the inventory.

After you have broken the penata and you have been spotted (they noticed that you are a “Bore”, and that is what they call people who do not accept “Joy”) - you lock yourself in a closet. Here you need to jump onto the cabinet, then crawl under the pipe and go out into the corridor. Then the cut-scene will do everything for you.

If you look out of your office window, you will see a small piece of the area. This is the location "Emerald City" (Literal translation - "Emerald City"), perhaps this is essentially a reference to some plot. It is not available to you in the current alpha build (Stable branch).

- You will see this location at the end of the alpha version, but you will not be able to explore it. In a couple of videos for the request “We happy few emerald city” on Google on April 2, 2016, an early version of it was shown.

Part two

After the cutscene, you rise to your feet in the maintenance tunnel underneath the "Garden District". In the center you will find a door that leads to the shelter. Search him, find everything you can, then break open the door in the central room and fight off the worker (Be careful, if you are hit by people armed with something more serious than a stick, you will feel bad. However, one-on-one battles here are quite easy if Do not miss blows, it is easy to kill the enemy).

Now you can go to the surface. Like I said, this is the Garden District. Unlike the chic area of ​​Emerald City and Harmlyn Village (Where you end up) - everything here is bombed, and the houses have not been rebuilt. Local residents are poor, ragged outcasts who have an allergic reaction to the drug "Joy", or the same "Bores" like ours main character. Those houses that are more or less handicraft restored from improvised means are inhabitable and are a source of objects.

On the map you will immediately need a tree with bees and a mushroom log. You need the latter as a source of food; five mushrooms are your daily diet. In addition, it is advisable to run around the map, opening it completely and picking blue berries from the bushes, this is also food. The rest of the food here isn't very good, because it's all rotten. To eat it, you need to take Nexidin tablets, which are rare. You don’t have to drink and go to bed, but GG will still feel bad. You definitely can’t eat rotten food on the go, it interferes with the game to the extreme.
- Water is fine here, carry two stacks (three units each) of flasks with you, filling them with water.

Believe it or not, you need a honey tree with bees to GET HONEY! The guy on the Toll Bridge demands it as a toll. Moreover, he needs to be given a jar for each pass (And to return back - as much as he can). Here you can craft a protective suit to constantly steal honey (And if you don’t craft it, then steal one tile with honeycombs, if you have full health, you will still have time).

In the alternative version of the bridge, you don’t need any honey, but you need to craft a valve and a repair kit to repair it and open the passage to the island. In this case, you don’t need to collect honey every time, but you will have to run around for spare parts.

On the other side of the bridge is the second location of the "Garden District", only unlike the previous one - this one is infected with a plague (Caused by hallucinogenic mushrooms). In this area, you can first meet the "Bobbies" (Local Policemen) guarding the apple tree. They are not very friendly to you, and are also a little dangerous, because they have clubs and shock grenades, in addition they have good health. True, if you block the blows and move, no one will stop you from hitting them with a shovel, especially since there are only three of them.

According to the plot, we need a location where a sick person is lying on the ground, and four others are beating him. For his salvation, he... Um. Well, how can I say, he will vomit toxic energy slurry (Some kind of local energy carrier that is used to charge batteries) into an empty energy cell, charging it. We will need this cell on the bridge in Harmlyn Village. Or it won't be needed. It depends on what kind of bridge will appear there.

Either there will be a decrepit bridge where it will be needed, or a powerful one, guarded, with a bobby. In this case, you will be asked a question, to answer which you need to find the cheerful citizens of Harmlyn Village on the plague island and save them. You will then find out who won the championship and you will be allowed onto the bridge.

However, to pass it, you will still need a Joy Pill, which will force the “scanner” to record you as ordinary person"Under joy" and not the "Bore" that you are. And also you need a normal suit, which can be crafted from your torn and sewing kit. Otherwise, you will either not be allowed into Harmlyn Village, or they will try to kill you already there if you cross the bridge.

Part three

There is no more devastation in the Harmlyn Village area. This is a sunny, joyful, happy island. Food here, unlike the Garden District, is plentiful, as are good things. But there are problems with water. The city water supply also contains Joy, just like the tablets. However, don’t worry, in fact, joy does not hurt that much, you can easily replenish 2/3 of your thirst without causing an overdose of joy, leading to “oblivion” (When the GG forgets that he had to escape from the city, an analogue of death).
- Still fill your flasks in the Garden District from the pumps. Sometimes you'll still have to drink from them. And after drinking water and falling under the influence of “joy,” you will have time to cross the bridge, get water and return without running into a wall of light.

Note: By the way, don’t wear good clothes to the Garden District, they will do the same thing to you as in Harmlyn Village if you come there in torn clothes. They will rush at you. As long as you regularly greet the villagers, everything is fine, but if you walk slowly along the streets and often open your inventory, then everyone will “suspect” you of not drinking joy and will attack you. Unless, of course, you are happy at this moment. Then everything is fine.

You need to roam around the house, but don’t forget to knock out the residents. The bobbies here pose some kind of threat (since there are maybe 5-8 of them on one street, and it will be quite difficult to fight back against such a crowd), but it’s still easy to fight. You can't go out at night because there is a curfew. They will try to punish you for violating it. Plus, TV screens on the streets act as video cameras, as written in the game's wiki.
- However, I didn’t notice this, bobbies do not react in any way to a person standing in front of the screen at night if they are not nearby. Only when the two came around the bend did their angle of view from the camera widen and they noticed the GG 10 meters away from them.

The bobbies' field of vision is very poor; if you're sneaking, they won't notice you until you hit their flashlight. But I didn’t care, I calmly ran through the streets at night, damn it, no one will catch up with you, the main thing is not to get stuck somewhere next to a bobby. And then you can escape.

Further, to complete the story you need to find a building with a small garden behind a fence. There will be a guy who looks like a sailor who will ask you to get a new valve. The valve costs £50 and can be purchased from one of the two shops in the village. You take it there, drag it to him and you can enter the house.
- You can complete the crying woman's quest in the garden. If you bring her lilies from the Garden District, you will receive the keys to a garden in the city, where you can replenish your food supplies for the week ahead.

An electric trap awaits you in the house, which you can disarm or run through. After 3.5 seconds she shocks you. You go into the living area, where the second guy in a sailor's suit is sitting, near the area with the "pole". There will also be a door leading to small room with another door. Here you will need a master key and a gas mask if you are slow. The doors will close and it will go countdown before releasing gas. You need to break open the second door and go to the stairs. After this, be sure to open the door on the left, which will allow you to go to the stairs from the entrance through a different area that you have already passed through.

As soon as you go up the stairs, you will encounter another shock trap. There are no options here, you will have to turn it off via the console. After this, you will talk to Miss Faraday and she will give you several tasks.

First. You will take a bucket and a collection tool. After that, you need to fill it with purple energy liquid, just like the battery. No, you don't need to look for the guy who ate this toxic purple crap, you can fill it in the village. You need to find the area protected by bobbies where the leak occurred and fill the bucket there. This will take about three seconds. If you are unlucky and the bucket is not filled, try to find pipes where this can be done.

If after that it doesn’t work out, then the city pipeline needs to be repaired. You need to repair a couple of pipes in different parts of the city, then open the windows at the power plant, give the worker coffee and repair three valves at the station itself (All repairs require a Pump Repair Kit), and then try to find this pipe again.
Note: You can also refill your batteries at the power station.

When you fill the bucket, bring it to Miss Faraday. She will give you an iron sucker, with which you can get advanced sets of spare parts from cars. Approach the hood, pull out the parts from it, and repeat this with all the cars in the region (Displayed on the map). Be careful, they may attack you for damaging cars. Residents will get suspicious and have to run, and if grandmothers are there, they will start screaming right away.

After that, take these parts and drag them to Faraday. She will say that you need to come the next day, but for now she will finish everything for the teleportation machine.

Part four

When you leave Miss Faraday, an “accident” will occur, and you will need to immediately return to her. In fact, she already had everything ready, and she herself escaped through the teleporter. However, this should not worry you, because you have her code, which she left for you.

You have to go to the next location, which is a large island park. Here you can sometimes meet ordinary citizens and ragged ones from the Garden District. If they meet, they will start fighting. There is also a passage to the second island of the Garden District, where there is a plague epidemic. But on the first visit it was closed for quarantine, and now it is either already open, or you passed quickly enough, and the quarantine is still in effect.

There is no shelter on this island, as well as useful resources other than food from the bushes.

Now you need to go to the third gate of the island, leading to a new location. There will be a broken electrical pole and two rooms. You will need to enter the Faraday code on the consoles, first in one room, then in the other. And then repeat it again. Run if you are fast - you may not even be hit by the discharge column. And if you got hurt, that’s why you needed first aid kits.

That's it, the codes have been entered and the door is open. Now you can go to the fifth location, which is called Apple's Holm.
- This is where you will need a gas mask, because the entire location is filled with volatile toxic impurities, distributed throughout airspace. Perhaps it was the chemical munition of the German V-1 cruise missile sticking out of the lake in the center of the map, the gas from which never cleared.

You need to go to the building in the center of the map, go through its corridors and go down to the shelter below it. Your inventory will be reset and you will not be able to go back, this is the end of the game. Go to the peculiar "Raft" (From wooden pallets for boxes), and sit on it.
- The main character will take out a shovel and begin to row it like an oar, conducting a monologue with himself on the topic “Why did I do all this?” At the end there will be a second cut-scene, where he sails to the same rocky island, only built up not with small houses like the previous ones, but with tall 5-9 storey buildings in victorian style. This is Emerald City, somewhere here is the city administration, which was in the prologue, and the newsroom building where our main character worked.

This is where the game comes to an end; further locations in the stable branch of the game are not yet available. And you have completed the game, for which I congratulate you!

The unusual indie game We Happy Few was officially released as a completed project only on August 10, 2018. The biggest difference from the alpha version of the game is the storyline and its passage. Now you have to go through the storyline for three characters - Arthur, Sally and Ollie. Their story develops in parallel, but they must be completed sequentially, starting with Arthur Gastling and ending with Ollie.

In this section you will learn a detailed walkthrough of We Happy Few, and besides this - where to find all the memory masks, where to find memories Arthur, Sally or Ollie and tips for surviving in the open world.


The first character you will play for will be Arthur Gastling, government editor at Wellington Wells.

The game begins with an introductory cutscene, after which you will find yourself at a newspaper press and will censor unwanted articles. Very soon, you will stumble upon a newspaper clipping from Arthur's past and at that moment you will be faced with a choice:

Take joyn to get rid of memories, in this option you will finish the game and go straight to the end credits.
- Remember, the second option will immediately lead you to further developments.

After some time, an employee will come into your office and notice that you have refused to take the lucky drug. In addition, she will remind you of Deirdre's birthday party, where you need to go. But before you go there, replace the battery in your typewriter. First, take out the old battery, and then stand up and grab the new one from the shelf to the right of your desk.

After installing the battery, go back to work and sort out the remaining articles. Having completed the routine procedure, exit the office and look through the window next to the Inter Network door to activate the main character's monologue. Then, go straight down the corridor and find Clive Birtwistle's office - inside take " Letter from Miss Bing", and then look around the table to find a crumpled handwritten letter on the floor. In addition, you can substitute a colleague and approve negative articles by sitting down at the printing press. Having finished examining the office, go out into the corridor and go through the door with the inscription “Central Processing Unit”, along the way you can look into other offices and get acquainted with the work of other editors. In the conference room, join the celebration and hit the piñata, then quickly run away. After jumping over the filing cabinet, make your way under the pipe and exit into the corridor to activate a cut-scene and end the prologue.

Wellington Underground

Your goal: find a way out

The first thing you need to know before continuing to advance through the game's plot is about interactive objects that can be searched. These include: office cabinets, garbage bins, shelves, etc. As a rule, in such places, items are generated randomly, but some key items have a fixed location, so by reading this walkthrough you can find out where the important items for the passage of We Happy Few are.

Having broken away from your pursuers, you will find yourself in the tunnels, the exits from the short one are blocked. IN long corridor find the steps next to the inscription - Barrow Holm Distribution Node. After going through the door with the round window, look for a handful of coins on the cabinet to the left, and then look around the table to find a sovereign. Having looked at everything, continue to move into the pantry, searching along the way various items furniture. This way you can find the following: two bobby pins (paper clips) " Tie a thread", lies on the main table, next to the coins; " Note from Rupert Underhill", attached to open pipe to the left of the refrigerator. Once you're done, inspect the restroom, specifically the cabinets above the sink, the cart, and the toilets. To obtain " The Diary of Scromie Holmes"and useful materials for creating items.

After that, using the two invisible ones found earlier, create a master key and go to the door with the inscription “For authorized personnel.” Behind the door in the next room, go to the body of Rupert Underhill and pick up the electric master key, and then take the syringe from the counter. After that, go to the control panel, which is located on the other side of the room, here you will find - “ Arthur's Memory: The Promise"and two more invisible ones.

Then, go to the back of the room. Examine another control panel, take another invisible one. After this, examine the pneumatic line by the bed - this item serves as a storage unit for the main character’s items, which you can access at any time. Drop the materials here, pick them up from the bed " Diary of Theodore Miner"and relax.

After resting, examine the hatch in the back of the room to find out more about it - these are unique fast travel points. To use it, lower the switch next to it, so you will be able to activate the fast travel point and be able to return here at any time. After that, find the door labeled “Control Room” (located near the hatch), a key card is required to open it, but if you found an electric master key, you can pick the lock and open the door without any problems. After going through the door you will activate a cut-scene, after which you need to fight against Theodore Miner. For a successful battle, fists will be enough, but if you have already found some kind of weapon, it will serve as a good trump card against such an enemy. After defeating the enemy, inspect the lockers for useful materials. After this, examine the wall - there you will find an open vent. Once inside you will receive carrots near the grate, looking into the restroom. Now, go in the opposite direction and turn left to get into a room with rotten vegetables and chest. At this point you will finish exploring this location, you can rest if you haven’t done so, or continue to move further along the plot of the game - to do this, return to the control room and press the button on the panel to lower the stairs, along which you will get out of the tunnels.

A starting point

Your goals: Get to the station; Enter the station; Get to the metro; Get to the top;

Attention! The We Happy Few game uses a random world generation system and this applies not only to various materials, but also your appearance in the city and some places. Therefore, you need to go through the path through Wellington Wells yourself - as a rule, there is nothing difficult there, your task is to follow some of the educational elements of the game and do not forget to inspect the territory. Nevertheless general recommendations you can find it here.

Having received this task, examine the body of the tramp who will be behind you. Then, go back outside and check the blue bush to the left of the Escape Wellington Wells sign. This way you will get currants - the most best product so as it will not cause poisoning to the main character. The Gardens are full of various bushes that allow you to collect berries and flowers, used to satisfy hunger or make healing items. Learn to identify these useful bushes so you can collect items as quickly as possible while traveling.

Step back and follow the other path leading towards the shelter until you reach the road with the abandoned car. Search the pile of rocks next to the car, then go right along the main road. Approach the red mailbox to hear Arthur speak about the past, then search the object to obtain materials. Throughout Wellington Wells you can find a lot of stones and glass bottles scattered on the ground, so if you pick them up, soon enough they will overwhelm the GG's inventory. Do not forget that any objects that Arthur carries increase his weight, weighing the hero down and making him less mobile. Follow the path to the back of the shelter and enter the ruined building to find another pile of rocks. Check the kettle on the ground. Now you can leave here and move around the shelter until you see a passage on the left between the destroyed houses leading to a wooden tower. Crouch down and go through open window, then go up the stairs to get some rotten food and a clue indicating the location of the cache.

Near the tower you can find a rusty shovel, pick it up and dig a hole to find a chest with useful items. Retreat to the street with the destroyed houses and continue searching the area to find a phone booth. Use the nail puller to open the telephone and get coins. If the phone rings, be sure to pick up the receiver to hear the secret code. Next you can explore the first small island - “Hilly Island” or immediately move to the marker and talk to David Livingstone, who will give you a pass across the bridge if you complete his task. Sneak into the Wardens' base and steal the man's war medals.

Rorke's Drift Bridge

Your goals: Get into the Headmen's club; Find the battery; Find David Livingstone's war medals; Return your items (optional); Give David Livingstone his medals back; Leave Hilly Island;

Go to the yellow circle behind the bandit camp and walk along the rocks to find the back entrance with a chest and a lockpick. Use them to craft a master key if you don't have one, then open metal gates and enter the camp area. When Arthur enters areas where he does not need to be, he automatically breaks the rules. In this state, the hero will need to avoid detection, otherwise a battle with the locals will automatically begin. Go down the stairs and check the materials locker, then move deeper until you reach a dead end with a knocked-off door and an elevator. After entering the lift, a cutscene will play. In order for the elevator to start moving, you will have to hand over all the equipment from your backpack.

As soon as the elevator goes down, take the “Prefect Rules” note from the wall. Listen to the announcer before entering the arena. After Arthur's opponent is announced, approach Danny Defoe, chat with him, and then choose the weapon you want - a padded branch or a sharp stick. The first weapon will stun Danny, the second will kill him.

Conflict resolution

Your goals: Beat Danny; Use the elevator;

When the battle starts, simply follow the on-screen instructions to block Danny's three attacks, then push him twice. You can now use this tactic to stun or kill your opponent, depending on the weapon you choose. Once Danny falls, quickly loot everything on his body, then pick the man up to prepare for the optional task.

Two Headwomen with sticks will emerge from the gate on the opposite side of the arena. They are going to attack Arthur. Throw Danny at one of your opponents to knock her down, then use the tactics you learned earlier to block her opponents' attacks. When both women are defeated, search their bodies, head to the elevator and follow even lower.

How to be a shadow

Your goals: Strangle the Headman; Get into the next room; Distract the Prefects;

This is another story mission that will teach you some of the gameplay mechanics of the game. During its execution, you will learn about the basic stealth elements. First of all, sneak up to the first enemy, having previously unlocked the “Sweet Dreams” skill, and use the V key to stun him. Follow in next room and stun the second Satrosta. Collect glass bottles, throw them to the sides to distract the attention of opponents. After stunning both enemies, find a charged battery in the room on the right (one of the bandits was sitting next to it). Go up the steps and find a mannequin with battle awards in the room.

Follow this room to the left to find a chest with Arthur's equipment, as well as a ladder that you can use to get out. Outside, you will need to deal with three bandits, and then leave the camp by opening the door from the inside, which requires a master key to open.

The character you need is David Livingstone, located in Edenham, on the opposite side of Hilly Island station. Go to the village and move inside to activate a cutscene.

Clothes are the key to success

In a poor area, a crowd of people will attack you, but the main character will manage to hide in the church. Talk to a girl named Beryl Marham, from her you will learn why people attacked you. Use a regular stone to create a torn suit, which will be equipped automatically and you will no longer be attacked by beggars. Before moving on, search the church, collecting different materials for crafting. In addition, here you can find: " Arthur's Memory: Lies" - on the speaker's podium and two books - on a shelf and on a cabinet in one of the side rooms

Talk with David Livingstone to give away rewards and collect your pass. After leaving church, explore the village. Behind one of the houses there will be an old shovel. Sign in only affordable house and take the following:Flask on the counter in the kitchen;"Mr. Kite's Instructions" on the table opposite the fireplace;The book is inside a box on the second floor, next to the sleeping tramps.With your key card and charged battery in hand, return to the station where you met David Livingstone. Place the battery in the capacitor inside the small hut, then swipe the key card through the reader nearby to activate the gate. Now you can leave the building and enter the Joyn detector to activate the cutscene. After looking at it, search ittrash can at the gate, follow the bridge and see another memory about the world in which Arthur grew up.

Il Pai Island

Your goals: Enter the train station; Get to the underground area; Escape through the tunnels; Go back upstairs;

Like the previous area, this location may differ between each playthrough you make. There are some permanent items here, including an abandoned building with a safe. But in some cases they can be located in the northeastern part of the island, and sometimes in the southwestern. It is also worth taking into account random events that may hinder you (toxic fog, gang, etc.). Beggars live on the island, but besides them, bandits patrol the streets here at night, and it is best to avoid them. Although there are many difficult areas here, there are also useful materials or tasks here are also in excess.

Places worth visiting:
Adams Park: “Slightly Bloodied Note” and a chest with a clue to the location of the cache
Basement: filled with loot, but will require a lantern
Picnic bench with bloody sheets indicating the location of the cache
Maeve O'Neaphy Hastings's grave, where you can listen to additional dialogue
Near the shelter there will be " Memory Arthur: Uncle Henry."

In addition, you can examine the mailboxes to find interesting letters: “Church Services”, “Records”, “Bridge”, “Liebchen”, “Vector” and “Trough”.

Having collected the necessary items and having thoroughly explored the location, go to the station and find a torn place in the mesh fence to enter the territory. Immediately after the cutscene, go into the hut behind you and search the table, trash can, filing cabinets and pay phone. Then choose one of the possible routes...

Method number 1 - Rafters
Navigating the rafters is a more stealthy path that requires your character to jump over scaffolding to the platforms. This way you won't fall down where the bullies are. If you want to use this method, slowly walk up the ramp near the entrance and pay attention to the enemy in the hut at the end. Silently deal with him, search the box with medicines, and then jump to the roof of the building. This will allow you to reach the rafters that lead to the third room. Be careful as you move down. Take the nail puller behind the counter and then remove the boards to trigger a cutscene.

Method No. 2 – First floor
First you need to deal with the hooligans in the courtyard to get to the station. Once inside, move silently around the room and find the enemy. Deal with him and drag him to the room on the right. Otherwise, he will soon be discovered by a bully nearby.
To continue, jump through the window to the right of the doorway and use the tables for cover to deal with the second bad guy. Be careful as there is a third enemy in the next room. Climb the scaffolding to reach the rafters. Use them to move to the third room, where you can destroy the third enemy. Also, take the nail puller behind the counter and remove the boards to watch a cut-scene.

After the cutscene, check the shelves to get a "List with Names and Dates" and a letter that says "Sebastian, We're Worried!" Search all the tables. Inside the Parts Storage, find the notes "My Dear Sebastian" and "Happy Birthday, Sebastian!", then be sure to grab a replacement switch. In the main room there is a lantern on the floor. Take it with you, collect different items in cabinets and drawers, and the closet. Move through the single doorway and place the switch on the control panel. To continue, use the power activation mechanism on the control panel, and then carefully examine the sign under the light. You will need to follow the "Always be careful" prompt by pulling the switches to in the right order(A, D, B, C) to remove the obstacle on the right. After a short flashback, make your way under the fallen brick column, enter the room and jump through the broken window, where another cut-scene will start. Check the nearby bench to collect a variety of crafting materials. Continue following the paths to find a cave and fight three bullies. Follow the path until you are on the other side of the chain link fence. Soon you should meet the man who shouted from the roof of the station.

Reward: three skill points, a random bonus and "Come on, let's go and die."

Scottish game

Your goals: Get out of the station; Cross the Inkerman Bridge and meet Ollie

Before leaving Ollie's hideout, examine Margaret's photo to listen to the monologue, then pick up the Flesh of Victory from the makeshift table. At the far end of the room you can climb up the scaffolding to reveal a chest. Jump back and pull the lever to leave the station. Go to the Inkerman Bridge, where you will find a guard who was put to sleep by Ollie. Check the storage locker near the red button to get various items. Continue moving to find two more guards talking. Take the jar of honey from the windowsill, then search the kitchen, where there is sugar on the counter. Instead of going to the other side of the bridge, open the door to the second guard tower to steal three bottles of scotch. Go up the stairs and pick up " Memory Arthur: Battleship" along with a bottle of whiskey. Now head to the exit and open the gate to watch a cutscene. Make your way to the marker on the map. Collect the "Moonshine Recipe" from the table to complete the side quest "In the Still of the Night."

Reward: Five skill points, a random bonus, and "Look at all those tanks."

Brothers in Arms

Follow the landfill area, climb onto the garbage and get out onto the roof. Move past the tanks. In general, this is a huge military base with big amount soldier, so you need to act carefully. Sneak past your opponents, avoid the beams of light, and get to Captain Bing's office, located at the far end of the area. Patrols are quite easy to deal with. Let the enemies pass by, then stun the last one and hide the body. Repeat the steps until all soldiers are stunned. Regardless of whether you dealt with the patrol or bypassed it, break open the door to the dining room to pick up the book “Clean Plate” from one of the benches, and “Poems” and “ Memory Arthur: Scouts."

There is no key to the generator room inside Bing's desk, so you need to carefully explore the premises. You must find a piano and sheet music. Play these notes by interacting with the piano several times to open the secret door. Take the key and open the room with the generator, then turn it off. Quickly go back to Bing's office and use the hatch located here. Head back to the station, go through the hole in the fence at the entrance you used earlier, and ring the bell.

Climb to the very top using the stairs and lifts, where you will talk to Ollie.

Reward: five skill points, a random bonus, and “I think I lied.”

Behave yourself properly!

Go to the Salamanca Bridge and talk to Constable Wright to accuse him of a crime and gain access to the building. Go through open door for another quick scene and then head to the reception area. The woman sitting at the table will insist that Arthur take a number, despite the empty room, so do so and wait your turn.After talking with the secretary again, enter the elevator and move to another room. Place items in a storage box. Collect various items, search the adjacent room for other consumables. In the Undressing Room, take off your clothes and take a shower to listen to Arthur sing. Once he's done, check the next room and pick up the matching suit.Continue towards the cop for a cutscene, then search the bar for tea. Login to one of telephone booths to get a portion of joy. Now that you're high, go up the stairs and sit in the theater to watch the short show "A Minute of Etiquette."

Unlike the Gardens, the citizens of Parade have a negative attitude towards a person who has not accepted joyn. Be sure to take the drug periodically when needed to avoid suspicion. Beware of overdose! After the show, enter the elevator and listen to the cop. Go to the room where the quiz is being held. You'll be asked five questions with fairly obvious answers, but it doesn't matter if you can answer correctly. Solve each question to complete the test, and when control returns, go to the room on the right. Take the nail puller from the cabinet and then escape through the ventilation hole. Upon entering the shelter, be sure to look into your air safe to take food and water that is not saturated with joyn, as well as healing items and weapons. Now you can leave the house and go to the elevator leading to Maiden Island.

Maiden's Island and Faraday's Quest

In addition to numerous side quests, the following entries can be found in mailboxes: "Dear Father McCartney", "Jack", "Dear Mrs Brown", "Dear Vicar", "Dear Uncle Jack" and "The Lost Letter Page".Maiden Island is the first area where drug addicts and police officers live. These people scrutinize everything you do, so you need to learn to comply with them to avoid detection. Never run or squat around anyone as this will attract unwanted attention.In addition, you should avoid detectors if you have not taken Radostin. At night, be careful with patrols and flying drones patrolling the streets.Make your way through Maiden Island until you find the location of the printing office, then examine the red door to enter an alley for a cutscene. After it, three opponents will attack Arthur. Fight the Plowmen or run out of the alley to watch another cutscene that ends the quest.

Reward: three skill points, a random bonus, and “And Then There Was Sally.”

The police headquarters is nearby. Follow the marker and go inside the building to talk to the officer. After convincing dialogue, go to the area behind the cop or search the lockers to obtain an "Interrogation Report". You can now take the elevator to see a cutscene, then enter the room on the right and talk to the constable. After the cutscene, go to the office across the hall, take the map from the headquarters, as well as the “Persecution Request” lying on the table. Continue down the hallway to another office with a note saying "Tell him to go to hell" and " A memory Arthur: Children."

At the end of the hall, swipe the key card through the reader to enter a room with two cops. If you have a special skill, then going through this area will be much easier, since you will be able to stun enemies. If it is not there, then try to distract the attention of the opponents, forcing them to move away from aisle E-J, and then search the filing cabinets to find "Faraday's Location" and "Report".

Reward: three skill points and a random bonus.

Sin of the English

You have to wait until nine o'clock in the evening to enter the club, but if you enter through the gate during the day, you can find an invitation lying on one of the benches. You will also need a rubber cat suit, which can be created, for example, after completing the side quest “Looks Like Rain”. Even though you have an invitation, the club's inhabitants will treat you with suspicion. Check the counter on the left side to get a "Note from Madame Wanda." Ignore the constable and head through the door on the right. Search the lockers, go into the room on the left, then immediately turn left to a small cabinet with a clock. Follow the vent in the room to reach the bathroom and collect various items. Leave the room and take the cat suit lying on the bed. The next door leads to the buffet. Inside the safe there is a hint indicating the location of the cache. Also take away " Memory Arthur: Binding."

Chat with the constable to gain access to the top, go up the stairs on the left. Loot the bar for various items, then head in the other direction. Take the Council employee ID, the notes “Difficult situation”, “Forgive me” and a bottle of scotch. Go upstairs to talk to Madame Wanda in the room on the right, which will allow you to take on the side quest " Magic wand Madam."

Before you leave, go to Madame Wanda's office to pick up the blueprint for the electric baton lying on the table, and then decide whether to search the two chests, take the torch and two empty syringes from the adjacent room. If you don't want to kill the villagers, use a concussion grenade or bomb to stun them and then run away.

Make sure you have a torn or reinforced suit, then go to the Megiddo Bridge and talk to the patrolman. Cross the bridge to reach Luda Island.

Reward: three skill points and a random bonus.

Inventor's House

Luda Island, its bThe majority is randomly generated. There are numerous side quests, buildings with craft materials.Get to Dr. Faraday's workshop and go through the main gate. Head to the house to watch a cutscene featuring James Maxwell. Now you will need to go pick up the pipe valve lying nearby (the marker points to it), and then return to Maxwell and hand over the item. After this, access to Faraday's house will be open.

Faraday cage

Upon entering the workshop you will likely find a trap. Open the control box nearby and use it on it special device, disarming traps. Examine the workbench to obtain the blueprint.The path through the hall leads to the kitchen, where Roger is in a side room. Disable another trap with wall panel. Now you can safely go to the pantry, where there is useful items and the note “Bird in Hand.” On staircase there is "Arthur's Memoir: Latin".Climb the stairs and run past the trap, disabling it later using the wall panel. Above the stairs there is a chest indicating the location of the cache. Go to the end of the hall and press the button on the wall to chat with Helen Faraday.

After the cutscene, pick up the device and follow the marker. Be sure to use a gas mask before entering a destroyed house. Repair the pipe in the living room (if you have a repair kit), then go up to the attic and look for a puddle of motilene. Collect it with the device by filling the bucket.Return to Faraday's workshop and place the buckets in the pipe to the right of the entrance. Pick up the extractor You need to visit three places on Luda Island to extract spare parts from cars. After this, return to Faraday. Talk to her, leave the house and watch a cutscene. Go back inside, upstairs and enter the escaped doctor's laboratory.Take the drawings and other items. Then read the note “A Modest Proposal.” To continue the storyline, you need to examine the “Letter from Helen Faraday” attached to the device in the center of the laboratory.

Reward: five skill points and a random bonus.

Plassey Bridge

First you need to complete - Two Musketeers, to do this just get to the right house, go inside and talk to her. But to do this you need to cross the Passy Bridge.

After talking with the patrolman, go through the door behind the fence on the right and enter the code while holding the E key. Lower the lever to supply electricity. Then go inside the bridge, after taking joyn. Here you will need to take part in the game “Simon Said”. Wait for the countdown to complete and stand on all the illuminated platforms. First you need to stand on one, then on two, then on three and finally on all platforms. Now you can go to the island of St. George.After this, all that remains is to get to Sally's house, go through the backyard using the master key, and enter the room upstairs. Chat with the girl and find out that your path lies in Hoert's laboratory.

Hoerth Labs and Have You Heard the News?

Follow the marker until you find the right place. Use the intercom, but they won’t want to let you in. You need a special card, which Mrs. Oliphant may have. This activates the task - Have you heard the news?

Go to the editorial office where you worked. To get upstairs, you need a key card, which is applied to the reader at the door in the far left corner. The card is on the table, but an employee is sitting next to it. To distract the attention of all reporters, go to the small kitchen and repair coffee machine. You will need a charged battery. Now you can take the key card and unlock the door. Alternative option associated with breaking the door in the far right corner from the entrance, but this must be done secretly. There will also be a map there. Enter the editor's office, watch the cutscene, go back down to the main office and search Gemma Olsen's desk. Read all the notes to begin another accompanying story mission.

Aspiring Reporter

Follow the marker, go to the backyard and enter the house. Soon you will see a burglar trying to break into the reader. Go upstairs and run into the room on the right. Using a nail puller, move the hatch and get to the room with the control panel. Use a contactor on it to turn off the alarm. Now go downstairs and find yourself in Gemma's room. Explore the investigation chain, then update the task. Need to escape: use the open hatch on the side. In the end, you will get out to activate the task - I sing about the electric body.

I sing about the electric body

Follow to the indicated location and make a jumpsuit. Put it on, then turn the valve next to the workers. Run away because there will be an explosion. After that, find the key to the hatch on the body of one of them. Open it and go downstairs.Go further, look into the next room, since the path further is blocked by fire. Next, you will need to lower the three levers on the large panels to interrupt the flow of motilene. Return to the beginning where the fire is burning and take the elevator down by pulling the lever on the floor. Below you will need to throw dead bodies onto the sparkling panels to cause a short circuit and move on.Soon you will find yourself in a basement with a large unit. Climb the scaffolding on the right, jump further until you find a ventilation hole. Go through it to get to the evidence room. Examine the tables and find two documents with evidence. The third evidence will be visible after you turn the valve in the center of the room.Go down, switch the lever to turn the rails around, then get into the device and ride forward. When the unit stops, look down to exit it. Enter the room from the side and pull the lever in the floor, which will open the path further. Eventually you will find yourself outside.

Great Stench

Jump down and go forward to make a river walker appear. If you go to the very end of the corridor and turn left, you will find a door with three wires connected to it. To open it, you will need to find and lower three levers into different rooms. First, go to the office opposite the corridor leading to that very door. Use the lifts on the side to go up. To move them, you can press the red buttons on the walls or the levers on the platforms themselves. Having climbed to the second tier, bend down and approach the corpse under the stream of steam. Search the body to get the key card.

Climb even higher, duck down and go around another stream of steam to interact with the first lever.Get down and go back to the ship. Turn left from it and open the door using the key card. Go to the room on the left, turn the valve at the top so that the stream of steam on the conveyor disappears. Move along the conveyor belt to the next room and lower the second lever. Go back the same way.Go to the last room filled with gas. On the left there is a device with a lever that supplies electricity. But for it to work, you will have to redirect the flow of motilene. There are three red valves. Move along the right wall, climb over the pipes and you will see the first one. Follow it further to find the second one. The third valve is hidden much better. Return to the device with the lever and stand with your back to it. Look under the ceiling and find a valve on the pipes. Turn it, switch the lever and press the green button by the door to go into the back room. On the right there is a shock grenade lying on the floor, and on the left there is a panel with the last lever.Go through the door at the end of the corridor and you will find yourself in a flooded room where you are attacked by a radome.To destroy it, throw that same shock grenade. Next, go to the marker, look up and start a conversation with Peter. Leave the subway by exiting through the hatch.Follow back to old office and talk to the editor, who will give you the journalist’s documents.

Hoerth Labs and Cruel Turn

Now feel free to return to the laboratories, go inside and take the elevator. Move along the corridor until you find yourself in forbidden territory. Stun enemies or bypass them. Eventually, the door ahead will be closed, and the hero will say that you need to look for an alternative route. Turn around and on the right you will see boxes that lead to technical ventilation. Crawl through it to get into the next room. When the path is blocked by jets of steam, go up the steps and turn the two valves. After turning them off, go into the partially flooded room with electricity. Jump on the boxes, and when you find yourself on the far barrels on the right, press yourself against the right wall and use the pipes to get to the yellow button. Click on it and move on.Look into the security office, pick up the desired item and follow to the elevator, dealing with enemies along the way. Go up to the third floor.Get to Dr. Verloc's office, defeat the huge constable and pick up his key card. Open the door using the reader and find Verloc. After talking to him, click on the red button on the bar counter. Follow the only path using the valves, then collect the fish oil. Go down and follow the small conveyor with pills. Make your way through the ventilation to the left of it, go down the elevator, after turning the valve to drain the water. Get out using the hatch.

At this moment, you can complete the task - Pass, which you have had for a long time, but you can only complete it now. Go across the bridge as there is now a pass. In order not to raise the alarm, you will have to eat joyn or insert a contactor into electrical panel from the trap to the left of the passage. In the Parade district, move towards the TV tower, but you will soon find that the path there is blocked by a document checkpoint. This way you will activate a new task - A Cruel Turn.

Enter inside the building from the side, taking the joyn. On the other hand, you will have to disguise yourself as a worker. The worker's card lies behind a door with a sparkling reader. You can use it to open the door on the other side of the stairs and press the button, removing the shutters. Behind the shutters there will be another corridor with several doors. The sparkling passage is not available right now, but it will allow you to get to the next part of the Parade District. Find the room where there is a key card on the table for access to motilene. Use it on a single reader and turn off two pumps. Now you can go through that same door to find yourself in a new part of the region.

Future perfect

Go inside the building using the twisted stairs. Go downstairs and go up the stairs to the director's office, but he will refuse to open the door. At the very bottom in the center of the hall are different devices. Take a look at each one to understand how they work. Now you will need to fix them. The markers point to the parts you need, so this shouldn't be a problem.After that, go upstairs to the control panel and study it.

The lever starts a chain of devices, colored buttons allow you to switch between them, and the “arrows” allow you to move and rotate the selected device. So, electric generator on the left, leave it as it is. Move the flamethrower (yellow barrel) so that it is to the right of the device that creates the electrical discharge. Be sure to rotate the flamethrower so its nozzle is pointed toward the rover on the right. The radhod doesn't move, but you don't need it. Switch to the high unit on the right and lower it down, closer to you. In its place, install a huge green cannon and turn it towards the director's office. Lower the lever, the cannon will fire, and you can climb through the hole into the office. Talk to the director and pick up the required device.

Unscrupulous doctors

The best way to get here is to walk additional task"House call." To do this, after leaving the scientific research department, go to the right, going up the road. The fact is that the health institute is located on top of a cliff, so you need to take a detour. At some point, the same task is activated.Follow the marker, enter the building and use special device to hack the reader. Surely there is a way to find the key card, but we didn’t bother this time. Inside, you need to neutralize the only constable, and then press the green button to turn off the electricity.Go outside and press the button in the floor behind the booth through which the constables appear. Go to the indicated building, make your way further along the conveyor belt and go outside. This will end the House Call.From here the institute is just a stone's throw away - enter through the main door.First, activate the elevator by turning the lever in one of the rooms. Go up to the second floor, go to the very end to find the access code for the quarantine area at the reception.

Take the elevator higher, get to the right place by applying the code to the reader. You will soon be caught. When the explosion occurs, get out of the room and go left, unlocking the door. Use the device received from the Director of Research Management to disable quarantine.The only way to get out of here is to the elevator, down and out.


The ending of We Happy Few is very simple and short. Go to the TV tower, and once inside the building, go to the fallen train, where the target marker points. Climb up it and crawl through ventilation system. Once outside, break open the door closest to you, again use the ventilation to move into the elevator shaft, and from there jump onto it and climb inside the elevator. Once you go down, you will find yourself in a protected area, so you should be wary of detection. Find the chief engineer, and then sabotage him by turning on the machine inside the building. After this, exit the building and run up the conveyor belt. After a short cutscene, you will find yourself outside, where you need to walk between trains. Having got out of this place, on the bridge you will meet an already familiar constable.

After the final cutscene, walkthrough storyline the character of Arthur Gastling and the first act on the site is completed.
