How long does it take for potatoes to sprout after planting? How many days does it take for potatoes to sprout after planting? Potatoes, proper planting of tubers, care after planting

Caring for potatoes after germination is very important, since it determines how the plant will develop and bear fruit. If the preparatory measures are carried out incorrectly, the potatoes will not sprout or will freeze in development.

Why do potatoes grow poorly? What to do if the plant develops incorrectly? Below we talk about all the features of planting potatoes and the reasons why potatoes may stop growing.

How many days does it take for potatoes to sprout after planting? This depends on the temperature conditions of the area. Normally, the germination time of tubers after they are buried is about 10 days. Twelve days is also a variant of the norm. A longer period already shows that the plant is lagging behind in development. But in all areas? No, only farmers living in the south of the country need to sound the alarm after 13 days without germination. In the northern regions, the period for sprouts to appear is at least 15 days, and sometimes 25.

After the stems appear, the plant should develop evenly. Within a few days, 3-5 leaves should appear on the stem, then the bush begins to grow systematically. If this does not happen, therefore, the culture is oppressed by something and will either no longer grow and die, or will grow too slowly.

The germination time of potatoes depends on the variety. On what day do potatoes sprout after planting southern crops? In warm areas they germinate quickly, in less than 10 days. But if you mistakenly purchase them for planting in the north, the plant may even die. Northern crops are not susceptible to such problems and develop stably within 15 - 25 days, regardless of the landing area.

Advice: Find out all the information about the characteristics of the variety when purchasing. Possibly a northern variety, but it requires a lot of light. Then the short daylight hours will be an obstacle to proper development.

Any deviations in the development of the crop are a reason to check the growth conditions of the bushes. All the problems that may arise when growing potatoes are described below.

Problems that may appear early in development

Potatoes are sensitive to frost, temperature changes, drought, and lack of nutrients. In this regard, at the slightest deviation from proper care, the crop may stop growing or die.

The main problems that may arise immediately after planting the seeds:

  1. No sprouts appear. This indicates that there are not enough nutrients in the soil or that the tubers have been damaged by insects. Also common reason lack of seedlings - incorrect selection of variety or seeds.
  2. The potatoes have sprouted and are not growing. This phenomenon is typical for cold regions with sharp temperature changes during the day and night. The soil can retain heat at night, but the air has a detrimental effect on young shoots, preventing them from growing in size. Also, lack of growth may be due to insufficient care.
  3. The plant develops only in soil. Why don't potatoes sprout, but tubers grow? Most likely, the variety is southern and cannot grow in cold air conditions, but the soil temperature and nutrient content are sufficient for the development of nodules. Simultaneously with the appearance of sprouts, the tuber actively “whelps” - many small root crops develop, which prevents the growth of the stem. Why do potatoes whelp? The problem may be a poorly selected or weak potato variety, or unfavorable outdoor conditions. Or the potatoes are buried too deep.
  4. Often sprouts appear, but in insufficient quantities - only half or even a third sprout. The remaining tubers produce stems later, after 10–15 days. Why do potatoes rise unevenly? The reason for this is poor seed material or uneven distribution fertilizers Sometimes farmers confuse varieties by planting early and late varieties together.

Problems during germination can be easily prevented by providing the potatoes with proper care. How to do this is described below.

Fact: The most “prolific” agricultural lands are those where watering and fertilization are regularly carried out, and where seed material is carefully selected. Under such conditions, seeds germinate without delay.

What causes abnormal growth?

Not all of the root causes due to which potato development may slow down or stop are listed above. There are many more factors that influence the growth of culture.

Potatoes do not sprout - reasons:

  1. Small seed. You cannot plant those nodules that have not reached 25 g in weight. The exception is potato varieties with small tubers.
  2. Poor quality seed material. If the tubers have black spots, cut spots, or serious deformations, then they are unlikely to sprout.
  3. Seeds purchased from grocery stores. In hypermarkets, vegetable products are processed so that they last longer. Preservatives reduce the viability of the tuber; it is less likely to sprout than potatoes purchased at a greengrocer's store.
  4. Pest attack. Mole cricket and some other insects (and their larvae) eat tunnels in tubers and can destroy the entire crop.
  5. Lack of nutrition. Minerals must be supplied to the plant system regularly. It is necessary to fertilize and fertilize the soil before sowing. If these measures are not taken, growth will slow or stop.

The strongest influence is exerted weather. If drought occurs, the plant dies. Even with a sufficient supply of minerals in the kidney, it cannot function normally because nutrients do not enter the kidneys. root system without liquid. Excess moisture at the onset of heavy rains is also dangerous. It can lead to rotting of the tubers, which will prevent them from sprouting at all.

Note: If potatoes are planted in lowlands, they are especially susceptible to rotting due to the accumulation of moisture in the soil.

If frosts or night cold snaps suddenly begin, the potatoes will sprout more slowly. It may die if the soil temperature is too low or stop developing by going into “hibernation” - the state in which the tubers are stored during winter.

Having understood why the potatoes sprout unevenly, you should move on to eliminating the problem.

How to eliminate delays in plant development

Potatoes don't sprout - what to do? Even if the potatoes have already been planted, you can still improve the conditions for their germination: start watering and fertilizing correctly. Secondary planting of tubers is also allowed, although it takes a lot of time and effort and does not always eliminate the reason why potatoes do not sprout.

It is better to start actively fertilizing the soil, hilling it, and covering the sprouts with a tent made of special material. Covering the culture is especially important. Plantings should be covered at night, before the onset of cold weather in the evening. This action is relevant in spring and during the cold periods of summer. Shelter reduces the risk of sprouts dying due to frost and allows them to develop normally even in very cold spring nights.

Don't overdo it with fertilizer. It is enough to water once every two weeks with fertilizers dissolved in water. In this case, the water for dilution should be warm; it should not be poured too much in one place.

Note: Treatment special compounds must be carried out exclusively in a protective suit. It is necessary to protect the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin.

The last resort is digging up the beds and removing bad tubers. Unsprouted, rotten and pest-infested nodules will only harm neighbors by rotting. If the seeds were planted too close, some of them will have to be removed and others discharged. Then development can begin with new strength.

If even after these measures the potatoes have not sprouted, what should I do? Completely change the seed material. Potatoes that do not sprout even after proper planting with constant care are simply defective and unviable.

How to properly prepare a crop for planting

Having understood why potatoes do not sprout well, you can easily ensure “prevention” of the slow development of potatoes. You need to start preparing tubers a month before planting.

Seed material needs to be selected.


  • small tubers;
  • damaged seeds;
  • rotten units;
  • specimens affected by diseases.

Tubers should be stored only in a warm and dry room. 10 days before planting, you need to put them in one layer in dry containers, provide an air temperature of about 15 degrees and give the tubers access to light.

It is very important to bury the seeds correctly. Planting too deep is the main reason why potatoes do not germinate, but produce tubers in the ground. The nodules should be 10 cm from the soil surface. Tubers can be planted only when the soil temperature reaches 10 degrees. The level of warming of the earth is measured with a separate thermometer; the temperature of the soil and air do not coincide. The earth warms up to 10 degrees Celsius at the end of spring, when the air temperature is about 20 degrees.

Advice: You can remember the rules for planting a crop according to the “3 tens”: 10 degrees – soil warming level, 10 cm – burial depth, 10 days – time for emergence of seedlings.

Before planting, it is advisable to treat the tubers copper sulfate. This will reduce the incidence of culture.

For reference: An excess of copper sulfate is as destructive as a disease or exposure to a pest. The concentration of this substance cannot be increased. The maximum allowable size for dilution is 2 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water.

After planting you need to regularly:

  • water the sprouts;
  • hill up bushes;
  • feed the plants;
  • carry out procedures against pests.

Using various technologies germination and varietal characteristics, I accelerated the time of potato germination and significantly increased the yield.

Potatoes are an important nutritional component; they store well and are unpretentious to growing conditions. Therefore, it is grown everywhere for themselves and for sale. The harvest largely depends on how friendly, timely and strong the seedlings are.

If the tubers are not germinated first, you need to be patient while waiting for the shoots. But it happens that high-quality seed produces late, uneven or sparse seedlings. Here are the factors that influence this.

The appearance of the first shoots depends on the temperature of the soil. Germination is affected by night and morning frosts, which inhibit the development of the crop. You can start planting tubers at a temperature of at least +10°C. In this case, after planting, the potatoes sprout on the 20-25th day. When the soil temperature ranges from +11 to +18°C, sprouts appear on the 15-20th day. If the soil warms up above +19°C, seedlings will appear within a week.

These indicators are relevant for ordinary seed potatoes. If you plant germinated tubers, they will hatch 3–5 days earlier than the specified time.

It is worth considering that root crops are not deeply buried when planted early, because the lower layers of the soil do not warm up well. And in such conditions the culture does not germinate.

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Potato germination

As has already happened, everyone plants potatoes in May, they grow all summer and, traditionally, harvesting in September. Almost all gardeners do this, so the demand, as well as the profit from sales, is significantly small.

Therefore, in order to grow a good harvest, and also make money on it, you need to know how fast do potatoes grow and the reasons why you can lose the harvest.

How many days do potatoes usually take to sprout after planting?

When the earth has warmed up to 10 degrees, then the first potato sprouts begin to appear. This happens approximately in 25 days. If the temperature remains within +20 degrees for a long time, then seedlings may appear and on day 15.

When planting any sprouted potatoes, germination occurs after 7 days.

The first potato shoots appear at about 15-20 days, depending on the temperature

For quick receipt yields in the early stages, should be planted shallow into the ground. Since when planted deeply, the tubers will be stuck in their development due to unheated soil. For quick germination, potatoes need to be planted in upper layer soil.

If the soil moisture reaches 75%, then planting is undesirable; you need to wait a little. Putrefactive diseases can attack here.

Dependence on variety

Basically, sprouts of any potato variety appear a month after landing. Exist special types potatoes that can be dug after 40 days from the moment the crop was planted.

These are the varieties:

  • Early ripening
  • Ultra early ripening.

If you choose large seeds for planting, then the fruits will be large

Tubers should be taken large, because they form a large bush and the fruits will be large.

For disembarkation early potatoes you need to take healthy seeds, they must be hard, not cracked and free from diseases.

Reasons for uneven germination

There are several reasons for uneven seed germination:

  • Potato seeds were planted to different soil depths. Since the soil warms up unevenly in the spring, the germination rate will be different;
  • The tubers had different shapes;
  • When planting, the tubers were germinated unevenly;
  • Use of planting material of various varieties.

Risk of potatoes not sprouting at all

There were cases when the potatoes did not sprout at all. It seems that all the technologies have been followed, but not a single sprout has appeared. It was such a sad experience storing seeds in white bags. Due to the fact that the potatoes spent the entire storage time in these bags, their germination rate came to zero.

Under no circumstances should seeds be stored in white synthetic bags.

Therefore, any gardener knows that tubers cannot be stored in white synthetic bags.

Tricks of gardeners to guarantee germination

For good harvest The variety, as well as the time of planting, play a role. But there are a couple of tricks to get the best cleaning effect.

  1. Before planting potatoes you need fertilize the soil. The use of fertilizers is also necessary during the growth process.
  2. When the tubers are just planted in the ground, they need to be watered with any type of complex fertilizer. After this, shoots will appear much earlier.
  3. After landing you can mulch with peat. This will protect the tubers from harmful insects.
  4. After a couple of days you need loosen the ground, so that the tubers are saturated with fresh air.

Timely loosening is one of the tricks for good germination

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Planting order for proper germination

To get a good potato harvest you need to use selected seeds. Gardeners generally approach their preparation in the fall.

Tubers must be of the correct shape without visible damage.

Then you need them green up. This way they are stored better and are not subject to rodent infestation. But here it is necessary to store separately from edible potatoes, due to the acquired content of poisonous solanine.

Before planting, the seed material is again sorted and ventilated. Then it is treated with a solution of boric acid and water.

Then a landing site is selected. It is advisable not to plant potatoes in the same place for several years in a row. The soil needs to be well fertilized. If there is not enough sand the potatoes will sprout Badly.

Need to plant deep about 8 cm. Not too many, because overgrown bushes will interfere with each other’s growth. They will not ventilate and a disease called late blight may occur.

Tubers for planting must have eyes. For quick germination, you need to plant with the eyes facing upward. This will lead to rapid germination.

Tubers for planting must have eyes

Planting time is carried out when the soil is warm enough and the nights are warm enough, without frost. Mostly the weather is like this in the beginning of May. For seeds early varieties will do mid-April.

If the time has come to plant potatoes, but it is clear that the ground is not properly warmed up, you can plant it shallowly, about 6 cm. Even the weak rays of the sun at such a planting depth will sufficiently warm the tubers.

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Why don't potatoes sprout?

Potatoes take a long time to sprout unevenly for various reasons:

  1. If there are sharp changes in temperature during the day compared to night, the vegetable tubers will lie in the ground without germinating. As soon as it gets warmer, green potato sprouts will begin to appear. The plant is able to withstand minor drops. But weather disasters in the form of severe frosts will destroy the seed material. Then, instead of sprouts, the potatoes sprout, forming miniature nodules.
  2. Soil moisture is important for crop growth. Excessively dry soil does not provide enough moisture and nutrition to the nodules. They dry up without ever emerging. There is a lot of moisture, its stagnation in the area will lead to rotting of the nodules.
  1. The depth at which the seeds are planted depends on the composition of the soil. Tubers are buried 8–10 centimeters in heavy clay soils, and 12–15 centimeters in light sandy soils. Then the potatoes germinate faster and on time.
  1. Potatoes grow poorly on poor lands. Therefore, when digging the site, humus, superphosphate and potassium salt are added. You can put fertilizers in each hole during planting.
  2. It is necessary to harrow the area for vegetable crops. The procedure is especially important for virgin lands. Unbroken lumps of soil will not allow potatoes to grow.
  3. One of the potato field pests, mole crickets, prevent seedlings from appearing. The gnawed tubers without eyes will lie in the ground and rot.

The quality of the seed material must be high, otherwise the sprouts will not sprout.

Seed quality

You should not wait for early potato shoots if tubers have been planted different sizes and with low-quality sprouts.

What kind of seed material should be:

  • each tuber has several large eyes;
  • large potatoes, approximately the same size;
  • the sprouts are thick, not very long;
  • there are no damaged areas or traces of putrefactive processes on the tubers;
  • Before planting, potatoes were treated with moderate doses of fungicides.

Each shoot is formed from an eye, so shoots will appear only if they are present. Even one “empty” tuber can ruin the harvest in the hole. Ungerminated seed will become a source of rot or mold. Small nodules will germinate only after 4-5 weeks, but the seedlings will be frail and non-viable. For planting, experienced gardeners recommend choosing potatoes over 40-50 g. The amount of harvest harvested in the summer depends on how much the tubers weigh.

Even in the absence of visible damage, the seed can present unpleasant surprises after germination. It depends on how long the potatoes were stored and under what conditions. Tubers that have been overwintered in airtight bags or boxes are often unsuitable for planting. Seed material is carefully selected in the fall and stored separately from the main crop. The place for containers should be dark and dry.

You cannot select tubers for planting in spring on a residual basis. In this case, the potatoes will sprout only after 25-30 days, and the sprouts will be weak and overly elongated. Expect a rich harvest from this seed material It’s not worth it to the gardener.

Sprouts appear on time when all the rules for processing tubers before planting are followed. About a month before the onset of stable heat, the potatoes are sorted, inspected and substandard ones are discarded. Then the seed must be immersed in a solution of any fungicide.

How long does it take to soak:

  • medium-sized potatoes - 10-15 minutes;
  • large tubers - about half an hour.

Now the tubers need to be spread out in a dry place for ventilation and sprout formation. How long germination takes depends on the air temperature. For proper preparation of the seed, it should be provided with 12-15°C.

Only tubers with thick and powerful sprouts are lowered into the holes. The first shoots will sprout in 15-20 days. Potatoes with weak sprouts that look like fragile threads are best discarded. They simply will not be able to break through the soil even a month after the tubers are buried and will begin to rot, putting neighboring tubers at risk of damage.

Often land owners commit big mistake before planting: they treat the tubers with highly concentrated solutions of pesticides. Toxic substances accumulate in the seed; it takes a very long time to germinate. Mole crickets will not eat such potatoes, but they are absolutely unsuitable for human food. Before using fungicides, it is necessary to dilute exactly the same as recommended in the instructions.

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Planting order

In order for the planted potatoes to germinate on time, you need to ensure proper preparation for planting and caring for crops. All work begins in the fall and continues throughout the growing season.


Potatoes prefer to grow in nutritious soil, so humus is added to the soil during digging. For normal development, one bucket per 1 sq.m. is enough. In spring, the soil is thoroughly plowed, removing plant debris. The lack of microelements affects not only fertility, but also the germination of raw materials.

When choosing a site, give preference to a well-lit place. In the shade, the crop develops poorly, and the timing of hatching from seeds may be delayed. Do not forget about the rules of crop rotation - do not plant vegetables after nightshade species. Recommended predecessors:

  • green manure;
  • zucchini;
  • garlic;
  • legumes

A week before planting, you can start laying out the beds. Remember that the plant will not produce a bountiful harvest in soil that is too dense, so it is necessary to “dilute” the structure with sand. Two tablespoons of superphosphate are poured into the bottom of each hole, after which the plantation is covered with polyethylene.

Preparation of raw materials

To get a good potato harvest, you need to take only high-quality varietal seeds. Under favorable conditions, potato seedlings appear a month after planting. However, there are varieties of the popular root vegetable that will produce a bountiful harvest 6 weeks after being buried in the ground. If you want to get young potatoes, then we recommend choosing early-ripening and ultra-early varieties.

Harvesting begins in the fall after the last harvest. Select correct, even tubers, without damage or stains. The raw materials are left for several days under the diffused sun for greening. Such fruits are perfectly stored until the next season, and low-quality specimens appear immediately.

In the spring, the sorted and sorted seeds are transferred to a room with access to light and a temperature of 15 to 20 C. We advise you to lay out the products in two layers on racks or in vegetable boxes. After 3 weeks, shoots with roots appear on the potatoes. Before starting work, remove all unsprouted specimens or those that have an irregular shape (single, thread-like).

If you don’t have time to sprout potatoes, then you can give preference to heating. The procedure begins 10 days before planting in the ground. To do this, the raw materials are left in the dark at elevated temperature– 18-20 C. Longer stay in such conditions leads to the formation of long shoots, which break off when buried in the ground.

Large tubers take longer to germinate than small ones. Huge fruits take a long time to form large bushes with a highly developed root system. If you don’t want to get giant specimens, then give preference to medium-sized raw materials - no larger than a chicken egg.

You cannot take tubers without eyes, otherwise you may not see shoots at all. The potatoes should be healthy, without cracks or dents. In addition, it is prohibited to store seed material in white plastic bags. Under such conditions, pipping is zero.

To ensure the health of the raw materials, we recommend cutting two potatoes for inspection. Additionally, pay attention to the shoots of sprouted tubers. The shoots should be short and thick. The longer the branches, the more likely they are to break during transportation or planting.


In order for potatoes to sprout, you need to bury them to a depth of 8 to 10 cm; the recommended planting pattern is 80x35 cm. Some gardeners prefer to place the tubers more densely, but densely planted vegetation will interfere with development. The tops are poorly blown by the wind, which increases the likelihood of getting late blight.

The first hilling is carried out after the seedlings reach 10 cm. Carefully sprinkle the bushes with soil, which is collected next to the bed. The plant takes root deeper into the ground, which will provide excellent protection from frost and help produce a bountiful harvest.

Potatoes began to sprout eight days after planting

The second turn of the cucumber 2017 emerges - 3 days after planting

As soon as the tops grow to 40 cm, a second hilling can be carried out. To avoid exposing the underground parts, it is necessary to carefully cover them with soil. At the same time, the rows are weeded, removing weeds. For relax further care plantings are mulched with sawdust.

When growing root crops, it is important to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology. Knowing how many days it takes for potatoes to sprout, you can provide the most comfortable conditions for a crop such as potatoes.

Reason for uneven emergence

“Bald spots” in a potato bed can most often be observed after planting non-vernalized tubers. Potatoes purchased at the market from an “unidentified person”, donated by “good neighbors”, or brought from a chain store may not sprout for various reasons:

  • illness;
  • eyes damaged by frost due to improper storage;
  • To preserve the goods, the trading network treats vegetables with special reagents that inhibit the germination process;
  • seed material is collected according to the principle “from one source to another” - tubers of different varieties, unequal in size;
  • planting was carried out at different depths.

The conclusions are obvious - seed tubers should be purchased only from a trusted seller, stored in proper conditions and agricultural practices should be followed.

If potatoes rise unevenly, the reasons may be:

  • different planting depths - tubers located close to the soil surface warm up better and germinate faster;
  • different sizes of planting material;
  • one batch may contain unsprouted and partially sprouted tubers;
  • a mixture of varieties in one bed - a mixture of planting material of early and late varieties produces uneven shoots.

Germination is influenced correct selection and preparation of planting potatoes

Acceleration methods

In the south of the country, gardeners manage to grow root crops twice a season. This is largely due to the air temperature and the type of vegetable. Some tricks also help speed up germination from the moment of planting:

  • During site preparation, organic and mineral fertilizers. But fresh manure is not used for potato beds.
  • Before planting, the tubers must be germinated.
  • Root crops are planted with their eyes facing up.
  • After planting, the soil is mulched to protect the sprouts from pests. This layer warms the tubers, which speeds up germination.
  • 5–7 days after planting, the soil is carefully loosened to a depth of 1–2 cm. Then more air reaches the roots.
  • After germination, the planting is fertilized with urea or ammonium sulfate. Thanks to these fertilizers, plants begin to bloom and bloom faster.

Mid-April is suitable for planting early varieties. But at this time the soil does not always warm up to desired temperature.If the weather is cold, potatoes are planted in the soil to a depth of no more than 5–6 cm. The weak rays of the April sun still warm the tubers and the plant sprouts.

Sprout potatoes in a ventilated, bright room. Root vegetables are laid out in wooden boxes filled with sawdust or sand. Once a week planting material treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, copper sulfate or boric acid. Such preparation will help to grow a large bush, and the fruits of the crop will be large.

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Technology for planting potatoes in open ground and its impact on the timing of emergence

Depending on climatic and soil conditions, potatoes personal plots open ground grown in various ways: from traditional, “old-fashioned” ones, to special ones - for straw, according to Mittlaider and others.

Planting potatoes with whole or cut tubers to a depth of 10-12 cm in holes has been practiced by summer residents to the point of automaticity: one digs, the other throws. A simple method proven by generations of experience gives excellent results with careful care and favorable weather conditions.

The start of planting work can be hampered by a prolonged spring - cold and damp, when the soil does not have time to warm up and ripen, this delays the time of planting.

If the tubers are set for vernalization, the sprouts overgrow, which leads to a deterioration in germination and productivity of the bed as a whole.

Planting seed tubers without pre-germination(directly from the cellar) delays the emergence of seedlings by up to 4 weeks.

It turned out that the progressive “Dutch” method of planting in ridges had long been used, without knowing it, by residents of the northern regions. The soil raised to the “ridge” warms up well even under the mild northern sun. Wide row spacing and big square the lateral surface of the “ridge” is created favorable conditions on soil temperature and ventilation, which allows the use of more early dates planting and obtaining seedlings even for 1-2 weeks.

Compared to a conventional garden bed, the use of “Dutch technology” not only shifts the timing, but also gives a significant increase in the yield due to more complete use natural resources- light, heat, water.

The currently popular method of growing tubers under straw has many advantages, the main ones:

  • labor costs are kept to a minimum - there is no need to dig, loosen, or hill;
  • no weeding is needed - weeds do not grow through the mulch layer;
  • Tubers can be selected as they grow without damaging the roots of the plant.

Spread the tubers on the garden bed and sprinkle with a layer of straw - anyone can do this. For everything to be successful, the following conditions must be met:

  • warm, moist soil;
  • vernalized potatoes;
  • straw or mown grass, layer thickness - at least 10 cm.

Compliance with the first point is mandatory. Tubers may not germinate at all, since a thick layer of mulch serves as a thermal insulator - protecting the soil from heating.

The time for “planting” potatoes under straw is delayed by 1-2 weeks compared to traditional way“under the shovel” plantings. Green potato leaves on a straw bed and a regular bed will appear at the same time. The difference in planting time will not be noticeable, since a favorable microclimate is created under the mulch layer.

What to do, how to speed up the germination of potatoes?

When the potatoes have not sprouted in the field after twenty days, you need to dig holes and look at the condition of the tubers. If there are not even sprouts on them or the seeds have rotted, then such vegetable plantings will be of no use. For potatoes to bear fruit, you must:

  • prepare tubers before planting, discarding beaten, cut, damaged ones;
  • carry out germination of seed material;
  • place the tubers in boxes with peat, humus, a moistened solution of mineral salts: 30 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of potassium salt per bucket of water;
  • choose a vegetable variety that suits the area;
  • choose a day for planting taking into account the weather and climate.

It is important to prepare the area for cultivation in a timely manner. The field is prepared in the fall after harvesting. Dig or plow the soil, adding humus. Harrowing the area will break up the dense layers of soil.

Taking into account the “three tens” rules - planting depth of 10 centimeters, soil temperature of 10 degrees - the first potato sprouts are obtained in 10 days.

Trying new potatoes as soon as possible is the understandable desire of every summer resident. Get early shoots, and therefore early harvest tubers in a small garden bed is quite possible.

The easiest way is to cover the bed with film or agrofibre immediately after planting. You can use any film - black or transparent. A greenhouse effect is created under the film, the bed quickly heats up, and the shelter does not allow the soil to cool down overnight. How long it takes for seedlings to appear depends on the following factors: within 1 week (vernalized tubers) or 2 weeks (without germination).

For this purpose, it is convenient to plant a separate double row, and above it install a simple shelter on arches. IN greenhouse conditions Potatoes can grow until summer weather sets in.

Rules for caring for potato plantings

Before the vegetable shoots appear, the area is harrowed, loosening the soil to a depth of 4–5 centimeters. For the procedure, choose a sunny, dry day so that the emerging weeds die.

Harrowing is also necessary when the sprouts hatch, the second time when the stems reach ten centimeters in height. The rows are loosened perpendicularly to a depth of seven centimeters.

Feeding the plantings vegetable crop depending on the composition of the soil. A solution is added to moist, rich soil. wood ash or superphosphate with potassium salt. Poor soils need superphosphate with ammonium nitrate and potassium salts. 30–50 grams of superphosphate, 10–15 grams of ammonium nitrate and 15–20 grams of potassium salt are dissolved in ten liters of water. From organic matter, mullein is taken in a ratio of 1:5 or bird droppings - 1:12. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones.

U The process for growing potatoes after germination consists of:

  • watering during the formation of tubers;
  • hilling twice per season;
  • vegetable pest control.

All types of care are aimed at providing the plant with moisture and nutrition. Hilling will cause the formation of underground stems on which a second tier of tubers will form.

If the formation of ovaries is weak and the stem is strong, fertilize the rows of the vegetable with ash or fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

Potatoes grow quickly if preparation for planting and care of the crop are properly organized.


Plants are not ventilated enough, and there is a risk of developing late blight. Often planted plants are difficult to hill up; some of the tubers may turn green and become unsuitable for consumption.

Potatoes did not rise - error analysis

Mistakes made during landing can lead to problems.

If there is no confidence in the quality of the seed tubers, planting should be carried out only after germination. If the eyes do not “wake up” within 1 week of vernalization, there is a high probability that it is useless to expect sprouts. It is urgent to look for a replacement: healthy tubers without damage from frost or disease.

Sprouted potatoes are difficult to tolerate low temperatures. Sprouts rot under the influence of frost, attracting underground living creatures - mole crickets, May beetle larvae and others.

After hibernation, insects are unusually voracious and can destroy the entire plantation even before germination.

Planting in cold soil inhibits the movement of juices and the development of sprouts. Temperatures up to 10°C are not conducive to the development of potato bushes, but are quite favorable for colonies of fungi, viruses and microorganisms. A tuber affected by disease stops growing or grows weak.

In any case, even when the reason for the “non-germination” is beyond doubt, you should dig up the nest and make sure your guesses are correct or incorrect in order to draw conclusions for the future.

100% potato germination is real

Experienced summer residents know how to achieve maximum germination of planted tubers and thus increase the productivity of the potato bed.

  1. Compliance with the rules of crop rotation reduces the risk of potato diseases at the stage of bush formation.
  2. Preparing the bed in the fall guarantees structured, nutritious soil by the time the tubers are planted.
  3. Seed material must be germinated.
  4. During vernalization, it is useful to treat tubers with a solution of complex fertilizers by spraying.
  5. On the eve of planting, it is advisable to treat the tubers with a growth stimulator. This speeds up metabolism and increases productivity.

Planting the main vegetable crop is half the battle. But to achieve high yields tubers, uniform shoots are difficult. Although it is known how many days it takes for potatoes to sprout after planting, the days go by and there are only a few stalks in the field. The reasons for the uneven emergence of seedlings are different. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to follow the timing and rules of planting and caring for it.

Vegetable planting begins when the air temperature warms up to 8–10 degrees Celsius. Appear in warm soil earthworms. This is a signal to plant early potato varieties. The time for planting late types of crops comes when dandelions bloom.

Depending on the climate of the region and weather conditions, the day for planting the field is determined. Take into account the advice of gardeners who are guided by the lunar calendar.

Planted tubers will germinate faster in a humid environment. But the dug up area for potatoes should not be salted. Nutrient substrates and humus are added to the soil.

Pre-sprouted tubers germinate better. For vernalization, planting material is placed in boxes, taking them to a warm and bright room. To speed up germination, wet sawdust, peat or humus are poured between the tubers. Seed material kept at a temperature of 14–18 degrees Celsius for 10–15 days will increase the potato yield by half.

Vegetable sprouts appear after planting on days 10–12. If the weather is cool and there are still slight frosts at night, then the waiting period will last up to twenty days.

Why don't potatoes sprout?

Potatoes take a long time to sprout unevenly for various reasons:

  1. If there are sharp changes in temperature during the day compared to night, the vegetable tubers will lie in the ground without germinating. As soon as it gets warmer, green potato sprouts will begin to appear. The plant is able to withstand minor drops. But weather disasters in the form of severe frosts will destroy the seed material. Then, instead of sprouts, the potatoes sprout, forming miniature nodules.
  2. Soil moisture is important for crop growth. Excessively dry soil does not provide enough moisture and nutrition to the nodules. They dry up without ever emerging. There is a lot of moisture, its stagnation in the area will lead to rotting of the nodules.
  1. The depth at which the seeds are planted depends on the composition of the soil. Tubers are buried 8–10 centimeters in heavy clay soils, and 12–15 centimeters in light sandy soils. Then the potatoes germinate faster and on time.
  1. Potatoes grow poorly on poor lands. Therefore, when digging the site, humus, superphosphate and potassium salt are added. You can put fertilizers in each hole during planting.
  2. It is necessary to harrow the area for vegetable crops. The procedure is especially important for virgin lands. Unbroken lumps of soil will not allow potatoes to grow.
  3. One of the potato field pests, mole crickets, prevent seedlings from appearing. The gnawed tubers without eyes will lie in the ground and rot.

The quality of the seed material must be high, otherwise the sprouts will not sprout.

What kind of potatoes are needed for planting?

Speaking about the quality of planting material, pay attention to:

  • absence of pest damage;
  • vegetable variety;
  • the presence of powerful sprouts on tubers.

If seed potatoes grown on the plot are sick, they cannot be planted. It will sprout slowly or rot in the ground. Tubers can be saved by treating them with potassium permanganate. A solution of boric acid and copper sulfate is used for disinfection. After processing, the seed material is dried.

Without germinating tubers, you cannot get a vegetable harvest. Before this, spoiled and diseased nodules are sorted. Ideal for planting would be healthy tubers weighing 50–70 grams. Larger ones are cut in half 2-3 weeks before planting. Sprouted potatoes are planted.

Why do potatoes rise unevenly?

Bald spots in a potato field are due to the fact that some of the planted tubers did not germinate. This happens because:

  • poorly selected planting material;
  • Some tubers had no sprouts before planting;
  • plant seeds are damaged by pests;
  • potatoes lack nutrients;
  • there are many large lumps of earth on the field.

To ensure uniform seedlings of the vegetable, you must carefully select the tubers for planting. They should be medium in size with thick, strong shoots. Long threads on the seeds indicate diseases of the crop and its inability to grow.

But greened tubers will be more useful on the site; they can produce a healthy harvest. They accumulate solanine, which will help the plant resist diseases and pests.

What to do, how to speed up the germination of potatoes?

When the potatoes have not sprouted in the field after twenty days, you need to dig holes and look at the condition of the tubers. If there are not even sprouts on them or the seeds have rotted, then such vegetable plantings will be of no use. For potatoes to bear fruit, you must:

  • prepare tubers before planting, discarding beaten, cut, damaged ones;
  • carry out germination of seed material;
  • place the tubers in boxes with peat, humus, a moistened solution of mineral salts: 30 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of potassium salt per bucket of water;
  • choose a vegetable variety that suits the area;
  • choose a day for planting taking into account the weather and climate.

It is important to prepare the area for cultivation in a timely manner. The field is prepared in the fall after harvesting. Dig or plow the soil, adding humus. Harrowing the area will break up the dense layers of soil.

Taking into account the “three tens” rules - planting depth of 10 centimeters, soil temperature of 10 degrees - the first potato sprouts are obtained in 10 days.

Rules for caring for potato plantings

Before the vegetable shoots appear, the area is harrowed, loosening the soil to a depth of 4–5 centimeters. For the procedure, choose a sunny, dry day so that the emerging weeds die.

Harrowing is also necessary when the sprouts hatch, the second time when the stems reach ten centimeters in height. The rows are loosened perpendicularly to a depth of seven centimeters.

Vegetable crops are fed depending on the composition of the soil. A solution of wood ash or superphosphate with potassium salt is added to the moist, rich soil. Poor soils need superphosphate with ammonium nitrate and potassium salts. 30–50 grams of superphosphate, 10–15 grams of ammonium nitrate and 15–20 grams of potassium salt are dissolved in ten liters of water. From organic matter, mullein is taken in a ratio of 1:5 or bird droppings - 1:12. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones.

All types of care are aimed at providing the plant with moisture and nutrition. Hilling will cause the formation of underground stems on which a second tier of tubers will form.

If the formation of ovaries is weak and the stem is strong, fertilize the rows of the vegetable with ash or fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

Potatoes grow quickly if preparation for planting and care of the crop are properly organized.

The article will provide tips and techniques for growing potatoes.

Potatoes are the main crop in many countries around the world. It is grown in their garden plots by many summer residents. However, potato yields are not always as high as we would like.

  • For greater yields, you need to choose the right potato varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests
  • You need to experiment with planting methods, because the method may differ in each region. It depends on the climate, soil conditions, humidity
  • The right fertilizers can ensure health and proper growth for your potatoes and increase productivity
  • Protection from pests and diseases is an important stage in growing potatoes. Colorado potato beetles and late blight are the most common problems in all regions
  • Land preparation, hilling and weeding of bushes also affect the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Potato varieties for planting: photo, description

Early potato varieties:

  • These potato varieties can be dug up within 45 - 60 days after planting
  • "Ariel" - potatoes with tubers average size, has yellow flesh and skin. Susceptible to late blight. The pulp is resistant to blackening. The variety quickly grows tubers, but with diseases this process slows down
  • "Riviera" - potatoes with oval yellow tubers. Rarely subject to blackening. Not resistant to diseases, which is why it requires additional processing
  • “Izora” is a potato with white skin and light flesh. It has a medium-sized bush, ready for harvest 50 - 65 days after planting. Has good taste. Not resistant to diseases
  • “Impala” - this variety has high yields and large tubers. However, it is better to grow it in regions with warm climates.
Variety "Riviera"

Mid-season potato varieties:

  • “Dubrava” is a variety of Belarusian selection. It has medium round fruits with a dense brownish skin. Loves mineral fertilizers and is resistant to drought. Resistant to nematode and cancer. Moderately resistant to late blight
  • “Skarb” is an oblong shaped potato variety with yellow soft skin and light yellow flesh. It is recommended to practice germination beforehand, since seedlings germinate quite slowly. Takes root well on all types of soils, resistant to diseases
  • “Universal” is a potato with brownish-colored tubers and rough skin. The pulp is white. The variety is well stored and resistant to damage, pests and diseases

Variety "Impala"

Late-ripening potato varieties:

Choosing the time to plant potatoes - important factor in obtaining a good harvest. There are several rules that will clearly help you choose the time to plant potatoes in any region:

  • Soil and air temperature is a very important factor. In cold soil, potatoes simply will not germinate, and if the air temperature drops sharply, the sprouts will simply freeze
  • The soil must have a temperature above 6 degrees at a depth of 10 cm
  • The air temperature should not drop below -1 degree, there should be no severe frosts at night
  • Another important nuance- soil moisture. After abundant melting of snow, you cannot immediately begin planting. The soil should be moist but loose

The main factor is soil temperature. The potatoes will remain in the ground for some time and will not be affected by external temperatures. It’s also not worth delaying the landing, waiting for it to warm up.

Approximate time to plant potatoes in different regions:

  • In the Urals and Moscow region, it is better to start planting in the first half of May, after the May holidays
  • In Siberia the temperature is lower, so planting begins in late May - early June
  • In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine - at the end of April - early May
  • In the south of Ukraine - in mid-April

Also, you can check with lunar calendar for planting potatoes. However, you should not rely on it completely. After all, it does not take into account regional characteristics, but only the influence of the forces of the Moon on plants

The best predecessors for potatoes:

  • Cabbage
  • Beet
  • Salad
  • cucumbers
  • Peas, beans
  • Pumpkin
  • Zucchini

Potatoes should not be planted after:

  • Tomatov
  • Pertsev
  • Eggplant

Do potatoes need to be watered when planting?

  • When planting potatoes, you should not water them. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the soil should already be moist at the time of planting. Secondly, the tuber for planting already contains a certain amount of moisture, which it will transfer to the future sprout
  • Watering for potatoes is needed, well, at a different period. When the buds appear and the drought begins. Watering should be done at the root so that moisture does not get on the leaves.

Treatment of potatoes when planting against the Colorado potato beetle

  • Treatment of crops against the Colorado potato beetle begins even before planting potatoes. During processing, special chemicals are used, which are sold in gardening stores.
  • Then the potatoes are processed after the sprouts have grown 15 cm. For this, a special solution is used: 150 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. This procedure must be done in two stages. Second stage - 12 days after the first
  • The famous drug “Prestige” fights Colorado potato beetles well, but has a toxic composition. It can only be used if harvesting is scheduled for August
  • Most safe way- This is the collection of pests and their larvae by hand. This procedure must be done as needed
  • A folk remedy is to use a decoction of wormwood, which repels beetles. You can regularly spray the bushes with it
  • Also, mint, sage, matiola, and calendula can be placed between the bushes. These plants repel Colorado potato beetles

How long does it take for potatoes to sprout after planting?

  • If the soil temperature at planting was below 10 degrees, then seedlings will appear on the 20th - 25th day
  • If higher, then after 15 - 20 days
  • Sprouted tubers sprout much faster (on average, a week)
  • To make the tubers sprout faster, it is better not to bury them to great depths. Especially if frosts are not expected
  • To ensure uniform germination, you need to choose tubers of the same size and variety. They need to be germinated for the same amount of time.

Distance when planting potatoes between rows, holes

  • Potato variety determines the best spacing between rows
  • Early varieties are best planted at a distance of 60 - 70 cm
  • Late varieties - at least 70 cm, better - about 80 - 85 cm
  • When calculating the distance between holes, also take into account the variety. It is better to plant early varieties at a distance of 20 - 25 cm, late and middle ones - more than 30 cm

Potato planting depth

  • For northern and central latitudes, the depth should be 10 - 12 cm, for southern latitudes 14 - 16 cm
  • Also, planting depth depends on soil type.
  • Light soils - about 12 cm
  • Heavy soils - up to 10 cm
  • Peaty soils - up to 7 cm

How to grow a second potato crop?

There are several mandatory conditions, which will allow you to grow two potato crops in temperate and southern latitudes:

  • Sufficiently fertilized and fertile soil. To fulfill this condition, it needs to be fertilized starting in the fall. Next, apply fertilizer at each planting and during growth.
  • Choosing a potato variety. In order for it to have time to grow and ripen, early varieties are needed
  • Complete thawing of snow and warming of the soil. The weather conditions, especially in the central regions, are not always pleasing with early warmth. But there are a few tricks that will help warm the soil faster
  • As soon as the snow melts and the frosts end, the soil is watered hot water(up to 65 degrees). And then early varieties are planted
  • It is necessary to germinate potatoes before each planting.

Technology for growing young and early potatoes

  • The tubers definitely need to be sprouted. This is done in a bright and fairly warm room (up to 15 degrees) a month before planting the potatoes in the ground. Potato tubers need to be turned over periodically so that they germinate evenly
  • To obtain young potatoes in as soon as possible early varieties are planted in prepared furrows. You need to maintain a distance (50 -60 cm between rows, 20 -25 cm between tubers)
  • If frost suddenly sets in, the potatoes need to be covered with film, hay or tops
  • Sometimes you need to water the potatoes, the soil should not be too wet. The ideal interval between waterings is a week - 10 days.
  • When flowering ends, young potatoes can be dug up. It is better to dig up the tubers gradually as they are used

Method of planting and growing potato sprouts

  • This technology has been known for quite a long time. Its essence is growing potatoes without using tubers. To grow new bushes we need sprouts, which are obtained during germination
  • These sprouts settle like seedlings into reinforced soil
  • There are two types of sprouts - light and shadow. Shadows appear when germinated in warm conditions, but dark place. Light - in light and moderate temperatures. Light sprouts are more durable and do not break
  • First, the tubers need to be planted in peat cups, fertilize and wait for germination. Then, separate these sprouts and transplant them into separate peat pots with soil
  • When the sprouts take root, they can be transplanted into the soil to a permanent place
  • Only mid-season and late potato varieties are suitable for this method.
  • Plus this method— significant savings in seed material. The downside is the cost of labor and time. No difference in yield was found

How to plant and grow potatoes without digging up the soil?

  • In the classical planting method, digging the soil is an important step when growing any crops. It allows the soil to become saturated with oxygen and raise fertile layers
  • However, as practice shows, yields are not always different
  • This is especially true for planting methods when planting is carried out at shallow depths. In this case, loosening with a rake is sufficient.
  • True, there are also disadvantages. The first is the difficulty of harvesting. The second is root crops that are smaller in size than with dug up soil

Why does hilling help increase potato yield?

  • When hilling, the tubers grow up the stem. Thanks to this, the harvest is better and larger, and the bush itself is stronger
  • Hilling allows you to saturate the soil with oxygen and nutrients, which will affect productivity
  • It protects the plant from frost, strong winds and other bad weather.
  • Hilling improves the supply of moisture to the root system of the plant
  • This procedure reduces the number of weeds, and therefore the labor costs for weeding
  • Processing and harvesting potatoes with hilled beds is much easier

Video: Method of growing potatoes without hilling and weeding

How many days does it take for potatoes to sprout after planting? What do we know about potatoes (interesting facts) How many varieties of potatoes are known in the world? (More than 3400.) What should be the average weight of seed tubers? (50–80 g) At what soil temperature should potatoes not be planted? (Below +7...+8 °C.) At what negative temperature air, the tops begin to turn black? (From –1 to –1.5 °C.). At what depth should tubers be planted? (For clay soils– 6–8 cm, for sandy loam 10–12 cm.) How many days do tubers usually germinate before planting? (30–35.) At what temperature is it best to germinate tubers? (8–14 °C.) How many days after planting do potato shoots usually appear? (After 20–30.) How many days after germination does flowering begin? (After 30–40.) How many days after planting do the early varieties harvest? (After 55–65.) How many days after planting do late varieties harvest? (More than 110.) What is the average potato yield in Russia? (250–300 c/ha.) How many stems does a potato bush usually consist of (4–5, less often 6–8.) How many days before harvesting is it recommended to remove the tops? (For 10–14.) What is it like optimal distance between rows and between tubers when planting manually? (70 cm and 30–40 cm.) If planting has to be done in parts of the tuber, what minimum mass should they have? (30 g.) How many eyes should there be on the cut part of the seed tuber? (1–2.) On average, how many buckets of potatoes are needed for planting on one hundred square meters? (3.) At what temperature is it best to store potatoes? (+5–7 °C.) At what temperature do the tubers develop a sweet taste? (+1–2 °C.) How long after the emergence of seedlings is the first hilling carried out? How long after the first hilling is the second hilling carried out? (Some tricks of growing potatoes) Potatoes are grown by all rural residents and many city dwellers. It is believed that it is easy to grow and everyone knows how to do it. In practice, potatoes actually grow almost everywhere; they are not as demanding as other types of root crops and caring for them is not very difficult. This is true, but what kind of potatoes will grow, what kind of harvest will be and at what time is often not taken into account, but in vain, your work must be appreciated and, in addition, the profitability of your farm and a very pleasant feeling of satisfaction with the results of your efforts depend on this. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that planted potatoes will sprout on the 21st day, will grow until autumn, and are harvested in September. This is traditional, with everyone together and of course there is no sales (mass cleaning is underway), there is no normal price, the income is either meager or zero. But if you work thoughtfully and diligently, you can have a completely different result. Do you want to grow an excellent harvest, harvest in June, sell at a good price and make a profit? I see you want it. Then be patient and read this page to the end. How to grow early potatoes. The site is selected on a hill that dries out earlier than others in the spring. The composition is better than loam. In the spring, add potassium and phosphorus. Early and mid-early varieties are taken. Germinate at a temperature of 12-15 degrees in 30-35 days. You can germinate in the light or in the basement with electric lighting, while the tubers are laid out in 2-3 layers. Spray with copper sulfate every week, boric acid or potassium permanganate (m. vitriol - 2 g. per 10 liters of water, b. acid - 50 g. per 10 liters of water, potassium permanganate - 10 g. per 10 liters of water). Tubers with short thick shoots are ready for planting. If germination has not been carried out, then a week before planting, you can keep the potatoes in a bright room at a temperature of 15 degrees to warm up. It is better to plant whole tubers - 70-80g (chicken egg), but you can also cut them, leaving 2-3 sprouts on each part. Cut 2-3 days before planting. Disinfect cutting knives (potassium permanganate) or heat them on fire for 10 seconds. Planting in late April - early May at a soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm equal to 8 degrees Celsius. If there is a threat of frost, hill up (you can fill up completely, it will break through). With a height of 10-12 cm, it is necessary to carry out hilling and loosening of row spacing. A month after planting, feed the sulfate with ammonium (25 g per sq. m.) or urea (12 g. per sq. m.). At the beginning of budding, the second feeding (potassium 30-50g per 10 liters of water). Cleaning can begin at the end of June. Completely harvest before August 1. After harvesting, for 10-15 days, green the potatoes in the light, which will be used for seeds. It is strictly forbidden to green food products. If you do everything as written, you will be in grief. Act with God! After planting potatoes, there is no need to worry at first; we all know that potatoes take a long time to sprout, and we just need to wait. But when there are still no shoots, you involuntarily begin to worry: is everything okay? Our relatives had real case, when the potatoes have not sprouted at all! So, when should we expect potato sprouts to appear, why are they not friendly and why did our relatives’ potatoes not sprout... The dependence of the emergence of potato sprouts on soil temperature or When to plant potatoes? The most important factor in the successful emergence of potato seedlings is the soil temperature. If the soil has warmed up at a depth of 10-12 cm to 7..8 degrees (the average daily temperature is usually +8 degrees) - you can start planting potatoes. Of course, not All gardeners check the soil temperature with a thermometer in their hands. You can trust folk signs, or rather, natural conventional signs. For example, the time of flowering and blooming of perennial plants. When to plant potatoes? According to popular wisdom, we begin planting as soon as the leaves on the birch tree become the size of a penny coin. Signs of soil warming and natural indicators for the start of sowing - in THIS ARTICLE When will potato seedlings appear? When the soil warms up to +10 degrees, potato seedlings appear in 23-25 ​​days. At a soil temperature of 18-20 degrees, seedlings appear in 10-20 days. Sprouted potatoes sprout 6-10 days earlier. If planting occurs in the early stages, there is no need to bury the tubers, they will “sit” for a long time, the upper layers warm up faster, with shallow planting the potatoes will sprout faster. When soil moisture is more than 75%, planting potatoes is not advisable; in such conditions, there is a high probability of tubers being damaged by putrefactive diseases. Why are there uneven shoots? Reasons for the appearance uneven shoots several: Various planting depths. The soil warms up unevenly - and those tubers that are closer to the surface sprout earlier, those that lie deeper wait for warmer weather. Planting tubers of different sizes. Unevenly sprouted tubers, or not sprouted at all. Mix of varieties different periods maturation, with various periods of rest. You've probably noticed that each variety behaves differently during storage. Much depends on the rest period. Those varieties in which it is short are in no way intended for long-term storage, only for processing (for example, for chips). But there are also well-stored varieties - their dormant period is quite long. If you have a mixture of varieties, it is quite possible that seedlings will appear at different times. Can potatoes not sprout at all? Quite, our relatives had such a sad experience. And the whole issue turned out to be improper storage of planting material. The planting potatoes were stored in the cellar, as always, but... they were not poured out of white synthetic bags. So it stood in them until spring. Everything seemed to be fine, they planted potatoes, but they still didn’t see any shoots. Such negligence cost a lot of money and nerves; at the beginning of summer I had to look for new potatoes and plant them again. But now we all have a lesson - we try not to leave potatoes in white bags even for a short time and always remember this incident. Caring for potatoes after planting: detailed instructions HERE In how many days should potato shoots appear? poligrafovna 2 years ago krusu 2 years ago I noticed that if I plant in warm, damp soil, then after a week and a half the potatoes sprout normally. But at the same time, the planting material itself should be normal; if you harden the potatoes before planting for at least two weeks, then they will grow much better and suffer less. the author of the question chose this answer as the best commentfktif 2 years ago It all depends on the soil, the depth of planting of the tuber, humidity, ambient temperature, the seeds themselves (variety), the length of the sprouted eyes. In general, there are quite a lot of factors, on average it will germinate in one or two weeks and then unevenly, somewhere it will sprout, somewhere later, then you need to harrow, hill up, collect beetles - you won’t get around to it. And without manure, peas will grow, not potatoes. And if you sprinkle chemical fertilizers from the store, a large one will grow, but with nitrates. commentLarca more than a month ago We plant potatoes in late April - early May. And it happens that potatoes planted in April “sit” in the ground longer than those planted in May. Factors that come into play here are: warming up of the soil and air, humidity and variety. If the soil is well warmed up and moistened, and the vernalization of potatoes is carried out correctly, then expect potato seedlings to emerge in about 10 days. If you planted “like everyone else,” then in 2-3 weeks you should shoots will appear. comment Potatoes, proper planting of tubers, care after planting When to plant potatoes correctly Planting tubers is carried out when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm reaches 7-8 degrees. Usually in the Moscow region this happens in early May. A delay in planting potatoes entails a 30% loss of yield. Well-sprouted tubers for early potatoes can be planted a little earlier - at a soil temperature of 5-6 degrees. Experience shows that such early boarding planting in insufficiently warmed soil produces a greater yield than planting it late in warmed soil. Potatoes are planted on a flat surface, and on waterlogged and heavy soils - in ridges. With this planting, the soil warms up better and more air flows to the tubers. Distance between rows of potatoes when planting Before planting, in order to evenly place the plants on the area, the area should be marked. To do this, use a marker to make shallow grooves along which the planting is carried out. For the first pass of the marker, pull the cord along which its outermost tooth is guided. You can plant tubers directly under the cord, but this is less convenient and takes more time. To increase productivity after planting, the soil can be mulched (sprinkled with a 2-3 cm layer of peat). The optimal distance between rows of potatoes for early-ripening varieties is 70-75 cm, for late-ripening varieties - 80-90 cm. Planting density depends on the size of potato tubers. Small ones are planted after 18-20 cm, medium and large ones after 26-28 cm. Tubers are planted on heavy soils to a depth of 6-8 cm, on light soils - 8-10 cm, counting the distance from the soil surface to the tuber. With such planting, approximately 350 large tubers, 450 medium ones, 500 and smaller ones will be required per hundred square meters. Caring for potatoes after planting Caring for potatoes mainly comes down to keeping the soil loose and eliminating weeds. Harrowing potatoes. The first harrowing is carried out 4-5 days after planting. Then two or three more before germination and one or two after the plants appear on the surface. Typically, 16-28 days pass from planting to germination. Loosening and hilling potatoes. After the rows are well defined and the plants have sprouted so much that it is impossible to harrow, they begin to loosen the rows. The first time the soil is loosened deeply - by 12-14 cm, and the second and third shallower - by 6-8 cm. When the plants reach a height of 12-15 cm, the first hilling is carried out, with a ridge height of 15-20 cm. The second time the potatoes are earthed up before by closing the tops. Feeding potatoes after planting. Before loosening the rows and hilling, it is advisable to feed the plants. This is especially important for mid-season and late potato varieties. It is enough to carry out two feedings. The first time, you can pour two handfuls of humus under each bush with the addition of two teaspoons of ammonium nitrate, or add two handfuls of ash mixed with the same amount of earth, or add 15 g chicken manure. For the second feeding, dilute 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska. Plants are watered with this solution at the roots, and then watered clean water. Keep in mind that fertilizing is given only during the initial development of plants. After flowering, they lead to late ripening of tubers and the accumulation of nitrates in them. Potatoes under mulch If there is a lack of moisture, potatoes are watered in furrows or by sprinkling. Drought 2-3 weeks after emergence, during the appearance of buds and in early August, when the tubers are growing, can significantly reduce the yield. After watering, the soil must be loosened so that a crust does not form. Advice: To avoid damaging the potatoes, keep in mind that in hot and dry weather you should not carry out deep loosening around the bushes or hill up the plants. This leads to dehydration and overheating of the soil, stops the growth of tubers and contributes to the emergence of diseases. During drought, shallow loosening of row spacing is sufficient.
