Thank you words when leaving your job. Letter to colleagues upon dismissal from work

The number of economic associations in Russia is increasing every day. The concept of corporate ethics, the purpose of which is to create a favorable atmosphere in the team, is becoming familiar to us.

Psychologically difficult moments(reorganization, change of management, hiring and departure of employees) are accompanied by certain rituals, one of which is writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal.

Why a farewell letter?

Large corporations and offices have hundreds and even thousands of employees. It is not possible to approach everyone for a personal farewell. Gather the team in the meeting room, too, if the person leaving is not the head of the enterprise.

It is also worth remembering that being fired is stressful and not conducive to personal communication. And if you consider that in a large team, not all employees are closely acquainted, you can also find yourself in an awkward situation.

The best way to avoid trouble is internal mailing Email.

Psychologists give another reason for writing a farewell letter to colleagues. When a person understands that he should quit, but cannot make up his mind, the process of composing farewell lines will help him objectively answer the questions: why does he want to leave, how does he work in his previous place, what has he achieved, what is he striving for, what are his relationships with colleagues? and superiors. Along with the last point, a reasonable, balanced decision will come.

When is it customary to write corporate farewell letters?

  • when moving to another place of work;
  • when transferred to another branch or department;
  • when changing position and level in the corporate hierarchy;
  • upon retirement;
  • when going on maternity leave.


The main objective - compliance with the rules of good manners. Nursing in English is incompatible with corporate behavior. The person resigning with the help of a letter shows respect for colleagues and the company and helps to ensure that his departure does not in any way affect the atmosphere in the team.

The second goal is personal and slightly selfish. This desire to maintain reputation in professional circles and business connections . People rarely leave bankers to become musicians. Usually he receives a lucrative offer from competing organizations. AND business relationship with former colleagues can greatly help in career growth in a new place.

How to write a farewell letter upon dismissal

The formality of the writing style is manifested in objectivity and unobtrusiveness. But it is advisable to abandon the dryness of presentation, making the message warmer and more friendly.

This way it will be perceived as an act of respect from a caring person, and not a burdensome obligation. Correct, delicate humor is allowed in a farewell letter.

Such a letter is not a document, but has a clear and binding structure.

Name, position

To save your colleagues time, avoid misunderstandings and sending the letter to spam, you first need to introduce yourself and remind your colleagues who the sender worked for and in what department. In the subject line of the email, you should also indicate “Farewell letter, full name, position in the genitive case.”

Notice of resignation and reason

There is no need for strong emotions in a corporate letter. It should leave the impression of the writer as a balanced person who can accept both failures and victories with dignity. The reason is formulated clearly and clearly, without hints that give rise to rumors and gossip.

When the reason for dismissal is unpleasant, you don’t have to indicate it.

If a person nevertheless decides to do this, he needs to suppress his resentment, anger and the desire to express everything that hurts about his former colleagues and place of work.

A pleasant reason is also discreetly indicated. In a farewell letter to colleagues there is no place for boasting, gloating, or expressions of superiority.

If desired, they explain what influenced the decision to quit, but remember that negative statements are inadmissible. When it is impossible to do without criticism, it is presented as a series of proposals for improving the work of the enterprise, indicating specific facts. This once again emphasizes competence and integrity.

Successor's name, contact details

The well-functioning mechanism of the corporation must work without failures or delays. If the departing employee informs his colleagues about the changes in a timely manner, they will be grateful.

Description of the employee's achievements during his employment

The starting point for describing achievements is the team. Professional successes should not be presented as personal victories.

You should start with what the writer learned while working at the enterprise. It is advisable to indicate the names of those who contributed to his development as a professional and express special gratitude to them.

At the end of this part of the letter, it is imperative to show that the professional improvement of the quitter is the result of the work of the team, which supported his endeavors, helped, showed patience and mutual understanding.

After expressing gratitude, it would be appropriate to apologize to the team if the person leaving feels discomfort after the offense committed.

Wishes to colleagues

This part is designed differently depending on the size of the team and the nature of employee relationships. Wishes can be specific if the small team has friendly relations.

If the team is large and unfamiliar, a few general points are enough. We wish you success in your work, career growth, creative success, professional discoveries, decent salaries, personal and family well-being.

At the end, they express a desire to maintain business and friendly relations in the future.

New contacts

So that the previous phrase is not an empty formality, former colleagues need to leave their contacts. It could be personal email address, cell phone number or home phone, residence address.

If data from a new place of work is provided (address, telephone), the position must be indicated to make it easier to find a new employee.

Should I send a goodbye letter to my boss?

It is necessary to write a farewell letter to your boss.

  • This is again a manifestation of tact and good manners.
  • This is an opportunity to leave with dignity and leave your mark good impression, especially if your field of activity accepts letters of recommendation and calls to the previous place of work.
  • This is a good opportunity to highlight your professionalism. If the resigning employee did not have free access to the boss’s office, he can unobtrusively express his accumulated ideas and suggestions in a letter, which will also have a beneficial effect on future recommendations.
  • This is the last chance to resolve a conflict or correct a mistake. By speaking frankly with your boss and describing your vision of the current situation, you can even avoid dismissal or demotion.

How and what to write to your boss? Unobtrusively, respectfully, respecting the chain of command, without unnecessary emotions and flattery, express gratitude for support, assistance in self-realization, and advanced training.

Emphasize that the experience gained is the result of the high professionalism of the management. If the dismissal is related to promotion, the role of governing bodies in achieving this should be emphasized.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal

There are no strict standards in the form of farewell letters. They can be in prose and verse, humorous and serious, official and friendly.

The only limitation is volume. If the letter is addressed to a large number of employees, you should not distract them from work with hundreds of farewell lines. Long letter permissible only in a narrow circle of colleagues who will definitely read it to the end.

Posts 1 - 20 from 59

Today you are leaving a friendly team.
Let your departure mean “a new breakthrough”!
May your career only go up.
And let the salary also go up with it!

Let your new colleagues be greeted well,
So that it would be easy to work with them.
We will often remember you,
Let's be honest: we will miss you!

There is no more interesting concern,
Why quit your job completely?
Only ahead White list,
It's so excitingly pure.

Don't forget about us
At least visit sometimes.
We wish you all the best.
Change is a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery.
The anticipation is so sweet.
We wish you good luck
On the upcoming adventure.

Today you resign from your position,
But this news definitely doesn’t make us any warmer.
After all, many will think again:
Well, why not turn back time?

We worked well together, no doubt about it,
And what we will do now is the secret.
They got used to you and seemed to have grown into you
The whole team, no matter how you look at it.

So may you always be lucky in everything,
And the black cat will bypass your path.
And if you want to come back to us,
Then boldly open the door and come in!

Everyone has moments in life,
When we are ready to experiment.
And, apparently, your turn has also come,
Leaving work took us by surprise.

Well, now that you have decided, we wish you success,
So that this decision does not become a hindrance
For new achievements and new heights,
You always strive only forward!

Everything ends someday
A new step in life!
May good luck be nearby
And it will open the door to happiness.

Let everything work out as it should,
Let the interest not fade away,
Let success be your reward,
And the path is woven from miracles!

It was very nice to work with you:
Yes, sometimes it’s serious, and sometimes it’s funny.
You did your job well,
And they carried out all their plans.

Start the working day with a smile
And they also pushed us in our work.
Of course, you worked without being lazy,
Sharing his energy with us.

We wish you a happy rest now,
Well-being so that it is deserved.
Clear sun and blue skies to you,
Love, good luck, joy, miracles!

Are you leaving work? No reason to be sad.
Let your soul let go of this place,
So that with a new dream and a new desire
Find understanding in a different place.

Find friends there, gain respect,
And more achievements are just around the corner.
Let this departure be the right step,
Let the time of happiness come in your life.

We part, and goodbye
I want to tell me so much
Wish you good luck, prosperity,
Remember everything, don’t forget about us!

Let them appreciate and love you,
Treasure you, as we always do.
They will accept you right away, they will even take a deep breath,
They never scold at all.

Let him be found in the new team
Close, dear soul -
The girl is smart, kind, beautiful,
May life be good with her!

We want you to always know
For us, you are a joyful star.
We value and respect you,
We leave work with sadness.

We wish you new achievements,
Success and achievements in everything.
So that all your dreams come true,
And there is a lot of beauty in life.

You are leaving your job
It has already been seriously decided.
You were held in high esteem by us,
It's sad to say goodbye to tears.

We wish you success,
Don't know any problems
And so that there is no interference
Sometimes visit us.

In a word, don't forget us,
We hope and wait.
Achieve your goals
And - good luck to you in everything!

It's such a pity to part with a person,
That in the team he became one of our own, family.
But now we wish you success
And achievements, new prospects!

Leaving work is a new step:
Let everything be as fate dictates.
Let fate open the door
For happiness, for health and goodness!

It's a pity that you are leaving work,
That you won’t return to the team,
After all, new worries await you,
There is a reason for this, after all!

We wish you success in everything,
So that everything works out for you...
We see you off with all our hearts,
Just don't forget us!

Congratulations on leaving your job!
Everything will be cool and cool now,
There will be other things and concerns,
Everything in this life is for the better, believe me!

Fate opened new doors,
Enjoy the world, dream, have fun!
The old is in the past, what was was,
Now a new life begins!

Mix into one glass
We are joy and sorrow
Are you leaving work?
And we are extremely sorry.

Work book for you
Solemnly presented
Says goodbye today
The team is with you.

We wish you happiness
And long - for long years,
More than once we will
Ask you for advice.

Today the team is suffering,
And the file cabinet became thinner.
After all, today we are seeing off
The most wonderful person.

You employee is simply a miracle:
Smart, responsive, everyone is welcome.
And let it be in the new place
You have the right job.

So that there is a lot of money and success,
Well, the employees are nice,
More joyful laughter.
What if we always wait back.

Leaving a job is not easy
After all, you have been related to her with all your heart for a long time.
But, once you change the place you have acquired,
It's probably outdated!

Go ahead, dare, new heights await
And new victories are ahead!
Life is decorated with new beginnings,
You can find happiness in them!

Happy leaving work!
To hell with it!
Income, expenses,
All these reports

So tired of it
And there is not a minute.
The weeks flew by
Minutes and days.

Now there's freedom
After all, there will be more.
With leaving work
You'll sleep longer!

Regardless of the challenges you're facing in your workplace, when you decide to quit, it can be difficult to say goodbye to your co-workers. Try to make the most of it by making your breakup cordial and inclusive. You may need to contact some of your former colleagues in the future, so say goodbye to them with tact and grace. Whether you say goodbye in person or via email, it shouldn't be stressful for you.


Personal farewell

    Give notice of your departure in advance. This should not be done on your last day at work, as many may find it rude or indecent. Try to make sure that all your colleagues know about your departure before you no longer appear in the office.

    • In most cases, you must submit your notice of resignation 2 weeks in advance (unless a different deadline is specified in your contract).
    • After submitting your application, you can inform your colleagues about your resignation. Announce this when appropriate, but be sure to announce it in advance and not on your last day of work.
  1. Say goodbye the day before last day work. Say goodbye on the second to last day to give your colleagues some time to process the fact that you are leaving. Time before your departure day will also give you a chance to finish all your projects without a stream of colleagues wanting to say goodbye to you.

    • After you've announced that you're leaving, chances are your coworkers will stop by from time to time to say goodbye. Because of this, saying goodbye can be made easier if you have completed all your tasks.
  2. Meet with people one on one. Pack your belongings early so you have time to say goodbye to your co-workers individually. This may make you feel like the end of your work together because it will be in last time when you meet as colleagues.

    Keep it brief. Say goodbye to your colleagues like a professional. There is no need to make a long speech. Tell your colleagues that you enjoyed working with them, that you wish them well, and that you will be in touch with them.

    • If your colleague is leaving, do not take too much time from him to say goodbye, as other colleagues may also come to say goodbye to him. Even if you are upset that this particular employee is leaving, keep your emotions to yourself.
    • Just tell him: “Mark! It was a pleasure working with you. You good man. Let me know how you are doing, okay?”
  3. Maintain a positive attitude. If you've been suspended or fired, you may find it difficult not to lose your cool while saying goodbye to your co-workers. However, you should try to remain calm in order to present yourself in the most professional light. Even if you are upset, remain calm and brief.

    Invite your close colleagues to a farewell meeting after work. Most likely, among your colleagues you have friends, enemies and people to whom you are indifferent, so you should not invite everyone.

    • Invite only your closest colleagues who have become your friends to your farewell meeting after work. This meeting will allow you to talk more openly with them and establish stronger connections for the future.

    Sending a goodbye email

    1. Make your corporate letter comprehensive. If you're saying goodbye to colleagues in a department or company and you can't say goodbye to each of them, kindly thank them. You should include people you don't know personally, as this is the right thing to do from a corporate ethics standpoint. The letter might include something like:

      • Dear Colleagues! As you may have heard, I will be leaving my position at (insert your position) tomorrow. I want to say that it was a pleasure working with all of you. I'd like to stay in touch; you can reach me at (your email) or (your LinkedIn profile). Thank you for the time we worked together. Best regards, (your name).
    2. Keep a positive tone. You could write about the difficulties associated with your job (especially if you were fired). However, it is better to maintain a positive tone in order to present yourself in better light. Having a positive attitude will make it more likely that you will communicate with colleagues in the future.

      • It's always a good idea to end on a positive note, so try to speak positively about the company (as much as possible). This is especially important if you are sending a letter to your manager.
    3. Write a short and to the point letter. There is no need to reveal the real reason for your leaving. If your colleagues have questions, ask them to contact you directly. In the letter, simply indicate that you are moving forward and have decided to try yourself in a different position.

    4. Please provide your contact details. Your farewell letter should end with your contact information. Please indicate your number clearly mobile phone, email address and Linkedin account address. However, do not share your personal contact information if you are not comfortable doing so.

      • You can also select several colleagues with whom you will share your personal contact information.
    5. Read the letter before sending to make sure there are no errors, that it is grammatically correct, and that the tone of the letter is friendly and positive.

      • Make sure you include everything you wanted in your email.
      • You can read your email out loud to identify unpleasant (or awkward, or ugly) parts.
    6. Talk personally with colleagues close to you. It's generally rude to tell your friends you're leaving via email. Try to say goodbye to them in person or at least over the phone.

      • If you can't meet close colleagues in person, send them personalized letters. Provide them with personal contact information so you can stay in touch outside of the office.
      • A personal email might include something like: “Dear (coworker's name), As you may have heard, I'm leaving this company tomorrow. It was a pleasure working with you and I will miss your positive energy. I'd like to stay in touch and I hope we can meet outside of the office. You can contact me by my phone (number) or by (your email). Thank you for the time we worked together. Sincerely, (your name)."

    How to avoid common mistakes

    1. Don't make false promises. If you have no intention or desire to stay in touch with a certain colleague, do not make false promises about future meetings. You will be considered insincere and deceitful. Be upfront and honest - if you don't want to communicate with someone after you leave, don't do it or promise it (remember, no one is forcing you to do it!).

      • If you think your intentions to connect with some colleagues will offend others, keep your plans to yourself. It is not necessary to spread the word on every corner that you will communicate with certain employees even after you leave.

A new stage has come in your life and you have decided to leave current work? You will have to resolve not only “technical” issues such as writing an application and transferring cases, but also organizational ones. In particular, you need say goodbye to colleagues so as to leave a favorable impression and good memories.

Of course, when we're talking about being fired with a scandal, saying goodbye to colleagues is somehow the last thing on your mind. If you are leaving “on good terms,” then why not carry out some kind of farewell ritual, especially since you had to spend 8 hours every working day with these people, willy-nilly.

The number of employees in different companies can range from just a couple of people to many thousands. And even though all these people can nominally be considered your colleagues, you have every right to say goodbye only to those with whom you actually kept in touch. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of relationships in your team.

So, if you communicate with your colleagues informally, you can say goodbye to each of them personally, or you can arrange a kind of farewell party to which you invite all your colleagues. If communication with colleagues is only of a formal business nature, then it is quite enough to write a special letter in parting, in which you notify everyone that you are leaving and express a few wishes for the future.

Saying goodbye to colleagues with whom you have become friends and, as they say, eat a lot of salt together, can be the most difficult thing. You may really be sorry to part with these people, and therefore you should prepare for farewell especially carefully.

First of all, tell your colleagues that you are going to leave. Do this in advance, for example, immediately after you write your resignation letter and “resolve all issues” with your boss. If you decide to throw a farewell party, also warn your colleagues early, giving them the opportunity to prepare for the event.

A farewell party with close colleagues can take place in different ways. For example, you can arrange modest “get-togethers” during the lunch break, inviting colleagues for tea and cake, or you can hold a wild “party” with a sea of ​​snacks and rivers of alcohol, albeit after hours. It all depends on your desire, capabilities and established traditions in the team.

In any case, when you gather your colleagues for a party, do not forget about a few main points. First, be sure to thank your colleagues for the time spent together and tell them what you were able to achieve thanks to your cooperation with them. Secondly, share how you see your future career. Don't worry, no details are required, all you have to do is indicate whether you are switching to new job or want to “search for yourself” in a completely new profession.

Finally, thirdly, express your wishes to your colleagues for the future. If possible, let these not be standard wishes for happiness, health and success in your personal life, but something individual for each colleague. After all, if you communicate closely, you probably know about the hobbies of your colleagues and their career aspirations, which means you can choose a personal wish. Still doesn't work? Ready-made wishes in prose, which can be used as templates, will help out.

I want to say a big and sincere “thank you” to my dear and wonderful colleagues. Dear ones, you have always been my support and support, you have become true friends and faithful comrades for me. Thank you for your collaboration, hard work and revenue in right time, thank you for the warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, for great mood and an optimistic attitude. I wish you all further success, great victories and great plans.

Colleagues, my dears, thank you very much for our close-knit, friendly team. Thank you for the fact that even in the most difficult situations you maintain your optimism. It was comfortable and easy to work with you, and this is simply necessary for effective work. Thanks to our abilities, we have created a unique team that is not only hardworking, but also very cheerful! I'm so sorry to leave him! And I sincerely thank you for the fact that our time together was not an ordinary, depressing routine, but bright and original days, which will leave only positive emotions in memory.

Dear colleagues, we spent a lot of time together. We helped and supported each other. And I want to say Thanks a lot thank you all for creating such a wonderful team! I would like to wish that it continues to remain as strong and united, and that you all together achieve new unsurpassed heights.

Dear Colleagues! We have walked many productive years and wonderful days together along the high road of our common cause! There was everything - shortcomings and omissions, victories and defeats, grievances and joys. But the most important thing was your tact, respect for my mistakes, which we corrected by uniting into a friendly team of allies. Your lessons will not be in vain! I promise you this for sure!

Dear colleagues, it's time to say goodbye. I'm happy and sad. There is new work, impressions and experience ahead. Here I leave a piece of my soul. Thank you for everything: for being there in difficult moments, helping, supporting in word and deed. I wish you to remain the same friendly team, close-knit team and good friends.

I will always remember our collaboration with warmth.

Colleagues, we spent a lot of time together, and our relationship became almost family. And although changing jobs is so natural, for some reason a bitter feeling of loss appeared in my soul.

Of course, we will continue to communicate, but everything will be different. Thank you for the cozy and cheerful atmosphere that brightened up your everyday life, helped you cope with problems and blues, and inspired you to work and grow!

L ittleone 2006-2009 > Family matters > Work and education > Help write an INFORMATION letter about the dismissal of an employee

View full version: Help write an INFORMATION letter about the dismissal of an employee

Who knows how to format an information letter about the dismissal of an employee, which will then need to be sent out to the people with whom we work?
(The manager was fired, we need to notify our suppliers and customers that this person no longer works in our organization)
What should the text be?
People, help... I can't find anything on the Internet...

Why inform customers and suppliers?

Because this comrade is such that he can do a dirty trick - therefore, we need to inform our partners that this person has been fired, and not maintain any contacts with him on behalf of our company.

14-09-2007, 13:57

Dear Sirs, We inform you that in connection with the dismissal of Ivanov I.I. from September 1, 2007, his duties at Horns and Hooves LLC are performed by P.P. Petrov.
Or do you need to emphasize that he was fired in a scandal?

Of course not!
Actually, the personnel officer should be doing this, but she’s on vacation now, so I have to do it... And I can’t even figure out what test to write... But thanks for the sensible idea)))) We’ll implement it)))

Well, I would write something like this:

We would like to inform you that due to the dismissal of manager Ivanov Petr Ivanovich, manager Petrov Ivan Sidorovich will work with your company.

For any questions, please call I.S. Petrov by phone at 555-55-55.


You can specify anyone working in your company. Who at least knows who you can switch to for any questions.

If you want to emphasize that the dismissed colleague does not represent the interests of your company, then you can write in the following context:
Dear sirs, we inform you that Ivanov I.I. is not an employee of the company "Horns and Hooves" from such and such a date and is not authorized to represent the interests of this company. For any questions, please contact Petrov P.P.

We suspect here that this comrade had access to seals, respectively. I stamped myself with an authorization to receive the goods..... And since we work on a non-cash basis and with deferments, we need to warn suppliers, at least not to deal with this person. Otherwise it will be terrible, terrible if he decides to “take revenge” on us for turning him down (for the cause, by the way)

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There are no specific rules for writing a farewell letter upon dismissal. The main thing is to maintain the general structure. The farewell letter template is something like this: Farewell letter Dear friends, colleagues! I would like to warn you that from ... (the exact date of your dismissal) I am officially leaving ... (company name), where as ... (job title) I performed ... (a brief description of your responsibilities) , and move to ... (place of new work) to the position ... (name). At the company ... (name of the company from which you are leaving), my duties will now be performed by ... (name, surname). Its coordinates... I thank everyone for their work and hope for future cooperation. Signature To write a farewell letter you can use various styles, literary techniques and techniques.

Writing a thank you letter to an employee for good work

Or you can write a letter in verse, once again demonstrating your creative abilities and education. The main thing is that your letter to your colleagues is pleasant to read, so that it brings a warm smile to the lips of the reading employee.

Example of a farewell letter with humor Farewell letter Dear colleagues! Well, I'm leaving! Yes, you heard right, I’m quitting on March 1st. The reason for my dismissal is simple - I found a new job where I can fully realize my creative potential.


Now I will no longer be a salesman; I am promised a career as a stylist and makeup artist. Another employee will come to work in my place. I don’t know who it will be, but I’m sure it will be a good person and you will get along with him.

I want to thank you for making me understand: trading is not my thing. I appreciate the experience that I gained thanks to you; it will definitely be useful to me in the future.

Farewell letter to colleagues when leaving work and examples

Is it necessary? For many people in our society, writing farewell words to your colleagues when leaving work may seem like a very strange decision, because we are used to communicating only with strangers. big amount of people. Of course, no one is forcing anyone to give up this habit, because Farewell letter does not apply to mandatory documents, you are already obliged to be dismissed from your position.

If the opinions of others, human relations are important to you, or you are sure that in the future you will need recommendations from your previous workplace, then it is better to spend a little time and write the specified letter.

Letter upon dismissal to colleagues: example and writing rules

Example of a farewell letter to colleagues when leaving work

Letter No. 4 After 15 years of work experience at the Without Borders company, I am leaving my position due to retirement. I was truly glad to have the opportunity to work in our friendly team.

However, at the moment I want to spend more time with my family. I sincerely wish you career growth and prosperity! Best regards, Petr Ivanov.

Examples of thank you letter texts to an employee

All your thoughts need to be expressed as positively as possible, but if you want to express negative aspects, point out the mistakes of the management apparatus, then try to do this more delicately, using specific facts. Never describe your conjectures or get personal. Also in the letter you can outline your proposals for improving the company’s activities or intra-collective relations (if any). It is important that they are all clearly relevant, otherwise there is a risk of presenting yourself not in the best light. The written letter should not have an overly emotional tone; there is no need to burden your colleagues with hysterical statements, as this will only put you in an unfavorable light, showing moral instability and low professionalism.

Text of a thank you letter to an employee

In particular, provide his contact information, phone number or email, depending on what is used in your company for employee communication. State the first and last name of the receiver, indicate the date from which the person takes office.
If a receiver has not been appointed, please provide contact information for an interim one. If the position is being reduced, mention this too, recommending that you familiarize yourself with the new business rules, without contacting a specialist in your profile.

  • Farewell words. Since you are leaving the company, it would not be a bad idea to wish your colleagues success in your farewell words. You can wish for career growth, expansion of spheres of influence for the company as a whole, etc.

Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal (samples)

The following points should be mandatory:

  • employee regalia: honorary titles, awards;
  • services to an enterprise or company;
  • personal qualities that influenced successful activities;
  • wishes for health, family well-being, continued energetic activity in the country, in the garage, in the home workshop, love and respect from numerous grandchildren, etc.
  • promise of any support and assistance from the team.

An example of wishes for a colleague retiring today is a solemn and at the same time sad day! Our respected Semyon Konstantinovich Pereverzev is retiring. He, like no one else, deserves honor from the working collective.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal

Working with you, I got the opportunity to realize my strengths and the possibility of further growth.

Among you I found new, true friends. I was glad to be your leader and reach greater and greater heights. I am proud to have worked for the company “.” I wish the company further prosperity and a great future.

Each of you should strive for better, bigger and higher. Appreciate your team and company. Difficulties will be inevitable, but you will cope with all adversities. If you have any questions, please contact me by phone or mail before August 15.

I am glad to help each of you. Sincerely, Belozerskaya Margarina Aleksandrovna.
It is advisable to avoid standard, banal phrases that are the same and applicable to everyone;

  • The end of the text usually consists of wishes for success and expressions of hope for further joint activities or partnerships if the letter is addressed not to an individual employee, but to business partners.

Example text and sample In order to clearly demonstrate what it should be thank you letter employee for Good work, consider possible options writing: Example No. 1 Dear Lev Alexandrovich! On behalf of myself personally and the entire team of the Company, I would like to express gratitude to you for your long and fruitful work, and also especially note your merits and high labor performance, which largely contributed to the development of the entire production.

When finishing your message, be sure to express best wishes, now already former colleagues, because even upon dismissal or after it, you can support a good relationship. You can also leave your contact details so that if necessary, you can be contacted.

Examples The form of a farewell letter to colleagues when leaving a job can be very diverse; there are many examples of this. You can express yourself more formally, add a little humor to a friendly message, write a story and wish in verse, or add to it negative emotions, which, of course, is better not to do.

A standard formal letter of resignation may be as follows. I, Zifina Yulia Grigorievna, worked for two years as a customer service manager at the Platon company, but was forced to leave my post due to a change in my workplace.

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Dear Colleagues!

Twice five years have passed. Today I signed that I am familiar with the Order of the FANO on the termination of my powers as Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences on December 21.

There are public actions that accompany the director's assumption of office. But there are no similar procedures when leaving the position of director. With this letter, I, of course, do not seek to compensate for their absence, but I still want to highlight this important moment in my life and turn to you, all together and to each individual, to say the following.

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone, not only the members of the Academic Council, the directorate, the administration, the heads of scientific departments, namely everyone, the entire team, for their joint work. All the achievements that we have, both in science and in overcoming organizational and other practical difficulties, are the result of our friendly work and joint actions. Without internal cohesion based on love and dedication to our work, we would not achieve anything. We publish more than a hundred books and thousands of articles every year.

I understand that a book is not equal to a book and an article is not equal to an article. We have more than 250 scientific employees and one scientific employee is not equal to another even within his category. Our Institute has outstanding specialists and thinkers, whose names will remain in history; they make up its face, its decoration. But the Institute is not only them, it is also, and even primarily, the environment where they appear, where they are noticed and appreciated; The institute's collective is an integral living organism with its own mind and instincts, everything in it is in its place, including what at first glance seems superfluous and unnecessary. It's like in big family, someone is successful, someone turns out to be unlucky, someone is cheerful, someone is gloomy, etc., but all of them, nevertheless, are members of the same family, welded together by a common origin and related feelings. The awareness of the uniqueness and even, if you like, the uniqueness of the Institute as a historically established intellectual environment of Russian philosophy is especially important right now, on the eve of a new stage of ongoing institutional reforms of science.

Secondly, I apologize to everyone for possible mistakes, inattention, involuntary offenses that I allowed. Many people, including my fellow directors, reproached me for being soft-hearted, for making poor use of administrative resources, for not exercising power even where it is necessary. Perhaps they are right. But still, the director cannot help but make decisions and, when making them, cannot help but be selective. I can’t say that I was impeccable in my decisions; for example, I was not always accurate in personnel matters. Even where there were no mistakes, the very selectivity of decisions can be associated with grievances. For example, the director makes a proposal to award annually a medal “For Contribution to the Development of Philosophy”; Since in one year you can only nominate two or three people, even when you nominate worthy people each time, you still feel awkward in front of other colleagues who are also worthy.

Thirdly, I consider it necessary to say: I am proud of the staff of the Institute, I consider it a great success, even a kind of happiness in my life, that I had to lead it for ten years. Of particular note is the wisdom and strength of our team, which was revealed in the last two major events his life - moving from Volkhonka to Goncharnaya and the election of a new director of the Institute. Although we were forced to leave our native Volkhonka, nevertheless, we were able to do this without humiliating our professional and civil dignity and enter Goncharnaya with our heads held high. The team also showed a great sense of responsibility and maturity in the election of a new director, which was reflected in many ways: in the nomination of candidates, in great activity in discussing their programs, in good turnout on voting day, in the impeccable organization of elections, in fair competition, in respectful attitude towards to all candidates and, most importantly, in the ability to make an informed choice in the most difficult conditions - conditions of free expression of will.

With this letter I say goodbye to the team as director, but I remain in it in the capacity and place that will, I hope, be assigned to me in the near future.

Long live the Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy sciences!

Yours A.A.Guseinov.

Dismissal is not only Organizing time, but also farewell to the team. How should we behave ethically?

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Is it necessary to write a farewell letter to colleagues when resigning, and how to do it correctly in 2019? The custom of writing farewell letters upon dismissal is quite popular in European countries.

This is an integral part of the corporate culture. For some time now, such farewells have become widespread in Russia. How to say goodbye to colleagues when leaving in 2019 in a letter?

Basic moments

A farewell letter is a corporate rule of good manners. It is most often used in large companies with a large number of employees.

Any society, both large and small, has its own set of rules of behavior and traditions. Similar customs include the ritual of saying goodbye to former colleagues upon dismissal or change of job.

They write farewell words to colleagues when leaving work or transferring to another position. That is, any reason why an employee leaves his own is a reason to write a farewell letter.

The most important question is whether it is necessary to write such letters? There is no clear answer to this question.

But it should be noted that when working in a large company, an employee has to interact with a considerable number of other employees.

How longer person worked in one place, the more established connections he has in the workplace. It's quite impolite to just leave without saying goodbye.

However, it is not possible to notify each employee individually.

Writing a farewell letter in this case becomes the best format for notifying the team about the dismissal of a particular employee. But this custom also pursues other goals.

For what purpose is it compiled?

The main goals of writing a farewell letter to colleagues are:

  • thank colleagues for their joint work;
  • notify employees of other departments about leaving their positions and dismissal from the company;
  • notify the team of the appointment of a successor, to whom it is now fashionable to contact on work issues;
  • leave the coordinates and contact information of the successor to simplify communications within the team;
  • leave your own contact details in case former colleagues need to contact the dismissed employee;
  • thank management for the opportunity to work in the organization and for the experience gained.

Nowadays, large companies are increasingly checking new employees not only previous experience work, but also reputation.

And in this situation, former colleagues and management become a source of recommendations.

Another extremely important point– maintaining business and friendly relations with former colleagues.

Over the years of work in an organization, certain connections are formed that are useful for business and can help in effective construction future career. You should not break off communication with colleagues, since each of them can be useful in some way.

It turns out that writing a farewell letter to colleagues is not necessary from a legal point of view, but it is highly desirable from a universal human standpoint. What reaction should you expect from colleagues to a farewell letter?

Response to request

Writing a farewell letter is not that difficult, but it is also important to present it correctly to the team. The way in which employees are presented with a farewell letter depends mainly on the size of the organization.

The main goal is to convey the content of the letter to more workers. In a medium-sized company, a farewell letter is not as necessary.

Rather, it represents a sign of remembrance for employees. But still, you shouldn’t neglect them. You can read it on general meeting employees.

For a small team, it is possible to do without a letter, saying goodbye to each employee personally. But best option– write an individual letter for each colleague.

You should not expect any response to the letter. The main thing is that it fulfills its main functions - transmit important information and notify about contacts for communication if further communication is necessary.

Sometimes doubts arise about writing a farewell letter in the event of dismissal against the employee’s initiative.

A feeling of resentment and a desire to quickly forget about an unpleasant incident are not the best motives for saying goodbye.

However, it is worth remembering that the issue is decided by management, not employees. In any case, it is better to overcome grievances and send a farewell letter to your former colleagues.

How to write a sample farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

When planning to write a farewell letter, you first need to decide on its character.

His tone can be grateful or humorous, it depends on the existing relationships in the team, the reason for conveying information.

You also need to determine target audience– will the letter be intended to be received by management, for the entire team, separate division or individual employees.

This way you can write paper letters separately to all colleagues and leave them on your desk.

In such messages, you can mention the points that made working with a particular colleague pleasant, useful, etc. You can send personal farewell letters via email.

When writing a general letter, it is worth mentioning all colleagues (if possible). At the same time, it is advisable to note their individual qualities and write how pleasant it was to work with them.

There is no need to criticize management and colleagues in a letter, complain about being undervalued, or regret work problems.

A farewell letter should leave the recipients with only pleasant memories and a good impression of the human qualities of the dismissed employee.

If new manager decides to turn to his former boss for recommendations, then the chance that the review will be positive increases noticeably with the competent preparation of a farewell letter when.

What should be in the document

The problem with writing a goodbye letter is not knowing what to write. It’s like with a resume - everyone knows what it is, but few know how to write it correctly.

To compose a loyal and maximally informative letter, you can follow the following approximate structure:

Greeting address to the team or individual addressee of the letter Any message should begin with a greeting. It can be formal or more personal for individual colleagues. But it is important that the greeting makes it clear who the letter is intended for.
Message about the purpose of the letter and the fact of leaving Although dismissal is accompanied by the issuance of an order from management, many employees may not be aware of personnel changes that do not particularly concern them
Statement of the reason for leaving Whatever the stated reason, fictional or real, it should be indicated. If this is not done, various speculations, gossip and rumors may arise. This will negatively affect your reputation. If the new employer decides to make inquiries about the employee’s previous place of work
Summing up the activities Results can be divided into rational and emotional. The first ones are written as results joint activities with the goal of being remembered by colleagues as best as possible. Former employees are often remembered for their deeds. As for the emotional part, here you can move away from formalities and tell how and why it was pleasant to work with colleagues, what impressions were left from the cooperation
Designating a successor It is important to indicate who will replace the dismissed person in the position, who can be contacted on work issues
Providing contact information in case of need for communication In this section you can specify everything possible ways communications – email address, social networks, icq and skype

It is better to end your farewell letter in an optimistic tone. You need to wish your colleagues success and express the wish that good relations will continue and possibly continue in the future.

Example text

There is no strictly defined form of farewell letter. You can follow the formal rules of address or choose a more friendly tone of the letter.

If the letter is written only to comply with tradition or is compiled for a large corporation, then it is better to choose the formal option:

With humor

An example of a farewell letter written with humor:

In prose

If you want the letter to be remembered precisely by its content, and not by its form, you can write it in prose and outline all the particularly significant points:

Creative in verse

If a farewell letter is a way to attract attention, then you can be creative and write the letter in verse:

Why is it better to write in your own words?
