Children's wardrobes

Children's wardrobes are a choice that should not be made superficially, because children's room– this is not just a place where your child plays, relaxes, learns, and becomes independent. This is for him separate world, existing according to its own special laws, where it should be comfortable and convenient. Children's bed, closet, table- these are the three “pillars” on which all the other furniture in the children’s room rests, which set the tone and style. But if the importance of the table increases with entry into school age, That baby bed and a closet are items that a child uses constantly, starting from a very young age. And choose the “right” one children's wardrobe or closet– the task is not as simple as it might seem at first.

Children's wardrobes: selection criteria

Healthy! Children's furniture for girls- furniture for children at different ages and the main characteristics of children's furniture.

What is an adult closet? This is a place where things are conveniently and compactly stored. What is a baby closet? Oh, this is an absolutely universal thing, in which the storage function is listed somewhere in the second ten. The closet is a place where you can hide from the local bigots. Or maybe quite the opposite - a place where these bigots can be driven and closed. This is Aladdin's cave, where children's treasures are kept. Or there lives a friend invisible to adults. For a child, especially a small one, any item furniture becomes the object of the game. And this imposes special conditions on children's wardrobes:

  • Stability is achieved by the correct height/width/length ratio, because the cabinet must stand tightly. Very tall and narrow wardrobe good for adults, but in the nursery he will have to withstand pushes, jumps and, possibly, climbing uphill regiments– and this is a completely different center of gravity. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the legs Special attention, it is better to choose planar rather than point ones;
  • Safety is a multifactorial criterion, including both the choice of material and the design features of the cabinet. It is desirable that the corners and ends of the furniture be rounded. Worth giving up mirrors And glass, especially in closets for little ones. Pens must be large enough, tightly screwed, without small loose or easily breakable parts;
  • Environmental friendliness - chipboard cabinets are the cheapest, but they can become a source of formaldehyde evaporation, so when purchasing, ask for a certificate that this category Chipboard allows its use at home. The best decision– solid wood cabinet natural wood or laminated high quality MDF boards, as well as natural materials with veneer coating. Dyes are natural, water-based;

  • Capacity– even the smallest child has so many things that not every adult can compare with him. And if you add here storage space for linen, towels and more toys, thereby you can get rid of a separate box, which takes up a lot of space. Children also grow, so a child’s closet will be as big as an adult’s. The lower part, where the child can reach, should be reserved for his daily needs, and in the upper part, accessible to adults, should be placed, for example, seasonal clothes

The older the child becomes, the more difficult it is tocan be used storage systems, including those consisting of several modules.

  • Functionality – shelves, compartments for hangers, retractable drawers, metal hooks. After all, clothes, toys, writing instruments, and books will have to be placed here - and everything should have its “right” place for storage. For small room it's worth considering the option transforming cabinet, where it will be possible to clean, for example, desk;
  • Hygiene– the children's closet must be regularly monitored, dusted and even washed. Furniture with laminated surfaces is well suited for a child's room - drawings with paints and even felt-tip pens are easily washed off.

Stylish children's room with white spacious wardrobes

Traditionally, a children's room is not the largest in apartment, so normal dresser or a wall cabinet will take up too much space needed for the child. in a small square room will help to use the corner area and create spacious storage space.

Wardrobe in the nursery

- selection of furniture, furniture design, how to properly arrange it.

If sliding wardrobes are already firmly established in the adult half, then their presence in the children's part Houses will require a special approach:

  • Mirrors - despite the fact that manufacturers claim that for children's wardrobes they install especially durable mirrors, which are additionally covered with a special film that prevents the formation of splinters, this is still not the case when it is worth taking risks. Considering the temperament of children, especially if there are several of them, there are few things that they really can’t break - and this list starts with reinforced concrete. Therefore, you should avoid mirrors, especially for small children. But for teenagers, especially girls, this will be a great option.
  • It is not at all necessary that the facade (doors) of the cabinet be designed in pastel colors. Experiment with unusual bright colors flowers, photo printing and three-dimensional drawings from your favorite cartoons or fairy-tale heroes– and the cabinet will become a full-fledged game piece interior

Open system storageUnusual cabinet that you can climb on

  • The older the child gets, the more restrained the furniture should become in style. A teenager’s closet is an almost full-fledged “adult” closet; it is also a psychologically correct approach, because at this age any teenager strives in every possible way to show his “adulthood”. But you shouldn’t approach this issue too categorically - leave some element of “rebellion” in the form of the original color range or decorative elements
  • accessibility - the child must reach shelves and various drawers, which must be taken into account when ordering a cabinet. It may be worth considering some kind of stand so that the baby can reach the upper shelves
  • place for toys - worth thinking about drawer and more, it will free additional area in the room.

Symmetrical children's wardrobes and unusual system wall shelves

The right wardrobe for a girl’s nursery will help you teach the growing lady to take care of her things. Furniture should not only be beautiful, but also practical. You can buy one in Moscow in the Kupistol online store.

Features of choice

When choosing a wardrobe for a girl, pay attention to the following features:

  • Size. The older the girl gets, the more things she will have. That is why, if space allows, it is better to choose a more spacious model: three- or two-door. If only a narrow version will fit in the nursery, choose the single-door version.
  • Type. The straight type is suitable for any interior, the corner type will allow you to rationally use the corner in the room.
  • Color. You can buy furniture with bright patterns or pastel colors. It all depends on the color scheme of the interior and your taste.

In our online store you can buy a wardrobe for a children's room in Moscow at a competitive price. We guarantee high level service and flexible terms payment. Our specialists will help you with your choice if necessary. Delivery is carried out both in Moscow and throughout Russia.

The appearance of the cabinets is impressive in variety design solutions. In general, models can be divided into 2 groups:

  • in a classic design (universal option for boys and girls of any age),
  • with bright prints and colors.
  • The second type of cabinet design involves the presence of models for boys and girls. The first ones are characterized by such prints as cars, racing, scenes of sports activities (skateboard, football). Wardrobes for girls have a romantic look. The manufacturer uses delicate colors and girly decor (princesses, cats, flowers, butterflies, handbags, cosmetics, etc.).

Children's wardrobe

A children's wardrobe is called a dressing room. It assumes the presence of a special compartment inside, in the upper part of which a beam is attached for hangers with clothes. Also in such cabinets there are shelves for underwear and those things that are inconvenient to hang on hangers. At the bottom of the furniture there are drawers for shoes.

The choice of wardrobe should be made depending on the child’s wardrobe. At the same time, practical parents think ahead and purchase large-capacity models. This is justified because quality furniture will last at least 10-15 years. During this time, the child will grow up and his wardrobe will become larger. This means there will be no need to change the closet to a new, more spacious one.

Types of children's wardrobes

The market offers big choice cabinets Among them:

  • two and three door wardrobes (suitable for storing clothes and shoes),
  • shelving (for books, souvenirs, toys, photo albums, etc.),
  • pencil cases (racks with shelves closed from view),
  • transformers (modular structures in the form of block cabinets that can be arranged in different ways in space),
  • dressing rooms.

We must not forget about corner models. It is very convenient and practical option for small rooms.

What else is needed for a children's room?

Of course, a closet is not the only attribute of a children's room. For getting functional interior need to take care of

You don't need to be a highly qualified specialist to understand the importance of furniture for a child's accessories. However, recommendations regarding the right choice will not be superfluous. The mistake of many is choosing an illiterate wardrobe for children's things.
How to choose a wardrobe for a children's room cheaply in Moscow?
It is difficult to order a children's wardrobe at reasonable prices in the capital. The online store catalogs present a variety of models designed for all taste preferences and types of premises. Customers are also offered a convenient form of payment and delivery.

Wardrobes for a children's room must comply with:

the age of the future owner, since every year the child’s requirements and interests change;
gender of the baby or schoolchild, since boy and girl are characterized by certain colors and shapes. Acceptable for the female category: pink, red, lilac tones and rounded curves, for the male category: blue, turquoise, purple shades and square completion;
room dimensions. For very small rooms, experts advise purchasing corner cupboard to the children's room, which will allow you to save as much as possible on space and visually expand the walls;
the presence or absence of other furniture attributes. If we're talking about about minimalism, that is, besides the bed and table, there is nothing else, then it is recommended to purchase a multi-door (double-leaf - four-leaf) children's wardrobe with drawers. Thanks to this combination, the household will have plenty of space to store their clothes and toys. Of course, if the bedroom is crowded, this option will not work. Here it is better to buy a single-door design.

Cabinets for children's things are as follows:

Pencil cases, racks: Sonya, Rico, City, Assol, Funk, Artek, Fiji, Lotus, Malta and others;
with 2 doors: LG-06, 4-4812, AS-02 and further;
with 3 doors: AS-27, Tango and others;
4-door: Malta 4-4811, Smart 06.38, Provence NM 009.25, Riva NM 013.08-02;
large series corner products, starting from simple solution Riva, finishing Fiji with built-in mirror;
the coupe is one of the most popular offerings;
combined - multifunctional products.

The true desire of every parent is to create comfort and coziness for their future generation. Sometimes in a children's room there simply is not enough dedicated storage space for things. To ensure coziness, a children's wardrobe is suitable. Furniture created for children has a number of fundamental differences, and the adult version is not suitable for a child’s bedroom, for a number of the following reasons:

  • A child is shorter than an adult, so there will only be discomfort from using such furniture.
  • Average depth wardrobes from 42 to 50 centimeters, the child’s things are much smaller in size and cluttering the room with huge modular sections is at least wasteful, especially considering the cost of living space in Moscow.

Selection and price

You can buy a children's wardrobe in our store in any color and equipment options. The price starts from 10,000 rubles, the cost directly depends on the selected size and content.

When choosing, you need to look, first of all, at the ability of the cabinet model to solve your problem. If you need to store only folded items, models equipped with shelves are suitable. There is also combined options, which simultaneously contain a rack with shelves and a bar for long items. There are slight differences in purchasing for a specific gender of the child. We will describe them below.

For boy

For boys, it is better to consider options with two barbells at once, because the boy does not wear a dress. Color solution it is better to choose in neutral ones bright colors, light colors furniture is less whimsical when it comes to cleaning.

For girl

My daughter needs a high bar where she can hang her outfits. It is desirable to have a mirror that can be installed on the facade of the product, or with inside doors. The overall design concept should emphasize the femininity of the interior.

Following these simple rules, You can buy a wardrobe for a children's bedroom that you and your child will definitely like. If any questions arise during the selection process, you can always contact a store consultant who will be happy to answer any questions.
