Winter care for indoor plants. Indoor plants in winter or how flowers survive the winter Specifications for the winter

Caring for indoor plants in winter is an important component of the process of growing them at home. Yes, perhaps in winter period caring for indoor flowers that bloom in winter is not so difficult, since many of them are in a state of suspended animation and do not require much attention (only lighting and watering). However, wintering indoor plants is a stage that every gardener should also master. Take proper care of your houseplants in the winter, and with the awakening of spring they will delight you with the intensity of their growth and will actively bloom, and new specimens can be safely transported and planted.

How to care for indoor plants in winter, is it possible to highlight key features? Every gardener can ensure a normal winter for house flowers on the windowsill. It wouldn't hurt to transport the flowerpots to the brightest places. at home in winter it is not always carried out properly.

If your greenery is actively developing in summer, then in winter some specimens may lose yellowed leaves, look drooping, or not bloom at all. Sometimes they even die. In this case, be sure to review the features of caring for them. Growing indoor plants on a windowsill in winter requires strict rules. For example, if possible, transport them to a place with an optimal microclimate.

Watering rules

If flowers are not properly cared for in winter, they can even wither. So as not to die indoor flowers, take the peculiarities of moistening the substrate seriously. Of course, even moisture-loving plants do not need watering as much in winter as in summer. In this regard, caring for indoor flowers in winter will be somewhat more simplified.

However, along with small amounts of water, plants require something else: regular loosening of the soil. In winter, it becomes even more clogged, and this needs to be dealt with.

Remember: almost everything ornamental plants, which are bred at home, do well in winter without regular moisturizing.

As for cacti and succulents, they do not need watering at all. Which flowers are grown in winter with minimal watering, and which are not, should be found out in advance.

Lighting in cold weather As a rule, indoor flowers suffer from a lack of lighting in the room in winter. First of all, you should move flowerpots to areas of your home with the best lighting, and those that are on the windowsill can be moved close to the window glass. If we're talking about O sun-loving plants

, they are generally recommended to extend daylight hours. For this, many gardeners use, for example, fluorescent lamps.

Fertilizing Houseplants flowers that bloom in the house in winter slow down in growth and development during this unfavorable period for them. However, lighting is not the only factor vital for flowers in pots. It is also recommended to feed them, albeit not as often as in.

summer period Homemade flowering plants should be fed with vitamins and minerals as soon as they produce buds. This process must be regular and stop when flowering time comes to an end. Do not forget that flowers in pots can react painfully to concentrated fertilizers. The best option

– dilute so that potted plants continue to bloom.

How not to dry out a flower IN winter time

Plants blooming in pots suffer greatly from the unfavorable microclimate in the apartment. And all because heating devices work constantly, the air becomes excessively dry. For flowers, this is akin to death.

To prevent houseplants that have overwintered in the room from losing their color saturation, drooping and becoming lethargic, it is recommended to move them away from radiators and various heaters in winter. At the same time, try to humidify the air in the room from time to time.

You can care for flowering greens so that the microclimate is not excessively dry in the following way: in addition to the main spraying of flowers, place containers of water in the house. When it evaporates, the air in your home will become somewhat humidified, which will have a beneficial effect on the development of flowers.

How to prevent a flower from freezing low temperature, how many temperature differences there are. Of course, indoor plants that bloom on windowsills generally thrive if the temperature drops a few degrees at night. But it is not advisable to overdo it with the regime.

Transplanting a plant

If indoor plants bloom on windowsills in winter, it is certainly not advisable to replant them. The vital processes of decorative greenery slow down significantly in winter. That is why it will be quite difficult for her to get used to the new conditions.

Rest period

Planting flowers and caring for them in summer are not the only important points for the florist. In winter, indoor flowers become vulnerable and weak, so don’t stop taking care of them. Daylight and lighting, watering rules in the house - all this needs to be studied by flower lovers in order to provide them with a full winter.

Remember: it can be organic or forced.

Organic dormancy is a period when the plant stops growing. The reason for this, as a rule, is the physiological characteristics of flowers. In the second case, you are faced with a serious problem, and it arises due to the lack of lighting in the house during the winter, as well as due to unfavorable temperature regime. Take care to transport plants to a favorable environment during winter dormancy. If you transport greens and create optimal conditions for them, they will one day bloom again and not die during the winter.

Video “Caring for indoor plants in winter”

From this video you will learn how to care for indoor plants in the winter.

Caring for indoor plants in winter: useful tips

Caring for indoor plants in winter is no less important than in spring - when most green spaces awaken - or in summer, which is the main time of flowering. In late autumn, plants begin their dormant period, and at this time they need to be provided with a number of conditions.

Caring for indoor plants: preparing for wintering

Start preparing flowers for winter better in autumn: if some plants do not stop growing, then by the next season they will lose their attractiveness or the ability to bloom.

Before wintering, plants are treated with fungicides and insecticides to prevent possible infection by fungi or pests. If you do not want to use pesticides, then wipe the leaves and stems with a cloth soaked in soapy water, making sure that water does not leak to the roots. We repeat the procedure after a week.

Remove all dry, damaged leaves. Due to dry indoor air, the green parts often turn yellow and are susceptible to pest invasion, so cleaning procedures will have to be repeated many times.

Some types of plants go completely dormant, so we stop feeding them and gradually reduce watering.

With gloxinia and caladium, you can do the following: stop watering them, wait until the leaves die, after which the tubers are dried, cleaned, placed in moss and stored in a cool place (basement, cellar).

If for some reason it was not possible to move the plants for wintering, you will have to provide them additional lighting and hydration - that is, to give the opportunity to go through all stages of the growing season. Callas, eucharis, and cyclamen will also have to be fed, since autumn and winter are the usual time for them to bloom.

Caring for indoor plants: lighting

We provide those plants that are not put to rest additional light and hydration. Phyto- and fluorescent lamps fixed at a certain height will solve this problem. As a rule, they are installed at right angles.

Turn on artificial lighting just to extend the day. Flowers usually require 12-14 hours of sun exposure.

Caring for indoor plants: moisturizing

How not to dry out a flower cold period Most green pets do not require much water. When and how much we determine depending on the type of plant - you can create your own schedule for this.

How can you tell if a plant needs water? To do this, we inspect the soil by touch: if it has dried to a depth of 2-3 centimeters, then water the flower. For succulents, the soil must dry completely - only after that they will require a little moisture.

In winter, the soil in pots becomes hard and dries out immediately after watering. We make sure that the earth does not turn into one big lump near the roots, otherwise the water will pass through, straight into the pan.

We arrange a warm shower: let the soil become saturated with life-giving moisture and clean the leaves from dust. By the way, this procedure will help the greenery better absorb sunbathing.

Before removing the plants to their usual place, make sure that there is no excess water left, thereby preventing the roots from rotting.

We spray the plants and loosen the soil - this way they absorb moisture better. The exception is. We install them on pallets with wet pebbles.

You cannot water flowers with cold water; it should be the same temperature as the room, or a little warmer.

Caring for indoor plants: comfort and temperature

Providing comfort to indoor plants is an important task for amateur gardeners. Wiping the leaves from dust, and giving some green pets a cleansing shower is just a small part of the work. Flowers are delicate creatures that are afraid of drafts and sudden temperature changes.

A window sill, especially a south-facing one, is ideal for receiving sufficient light, but the presence of radiators and fluctuations in heat and cold (emanating from the cracks of the windows) contribute to the withering of plants. A humidifier and sealed windows will help solve this problem.

The leaves should not come into contact with the glass, and it would be good to arrange the pots in such a way that there is some distance between them - it is better for the plants not to touch each other.

Heat-loving flowers (these are orchids, calatheas, schefflera, a coffee tree) we are looking for a place not on the windowsill - here they will feel bad.

If the green pets have begun to fade, then it’s time to insulate them. This can be done by using foam padding under the pots. During severe cold spells, we close the windows with blankets or wooden shields.

Plastic containers are warmer than clay ones. This is worth considering with some plants. Ceramic pots You can wrap yourself in warm cloths for a while.

Caring for indoor plants: feeding

Plants in winter are very careful, much less often than in summer. We feed those that bloom from the appearance of buds until the end of flowering. The rest - once every three to four weeks.

We make weak solutions. Plants well absorb water in which meat was washed, milk was found, or beets were boiled.

Sick and recently transplanted flowers do not need to be fertilized.

Caring for indoor plants: winter blooming

At proper care Orchids, jasmine, roses, fuchsias, and primroses will surprise you with their blooming attire.

Cyclamen will delight almost the entire season with its butterfly flowers.

Poinsettia, Decembrist in winter is blessed with flowering in the coldest time - in the middle of winter.

For Have a good mood At this time of year it is worth purchasing an azalea - indoor rhododendron envelops you in a luxurious cloud of inflorescences.

In January, lilies of the valley, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils, grown by forcing, ripen.

All these plants have a dormant period in summer. But even in cold weather, they prefer lower temperatures than we like. Only good care looking after indoor plants in winter will give us the opportunity to admire them.

If you carefully treat flowers in winter and create the necessary microclimate for them, you will be able to preserve and multiply them decorative look and prepare to meet spring.

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Every living thing needs rest from time to time, and indoor plants are no exception to this rule, especially since with the onset of autumn the days become shorter and shorter, and plants begin to lack light, and due to working around the clock heating devices your flowers also suffer from dry air. Therefore, the best thing you can offer them from November to April is to immerse themselves in a state of peace.

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Preparing indoor plants for winter

Prepare plants for winter regime should be done gradually. In nature, in autumn, along with the shortening of daylight hours, the temperature of the air and soil drops, and at this time plants begin to accumulate strength for growth and flowering next year. If you force your indoor flowers to continue growing, despite the snow outside the window, it is likely that they will refuse to bloom next season, and decorative foliage specimens may lose their attractiveness for a long time. Therefore, you need to let them rest in conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

To send plants for the winter, they must first be treated against fungal infections and pests. Flowers are sprayed against insects with insecticides or acaricides, and against fungi - fungicidal preparations, and it does not matter whether there are signs of disease or the presence of pests on the plants or not. Since most of the pests concentrate on the underside of the leaves, make sure that the insecticide gets on it during treatment. For sucking pests, such as aphids, mites and thrips, it is better to use insectoacaricidal preparations that cope with all types of insects, for example, Actellik, Fioverm, Apollo or Akarin, and scale insects and scale insects are destroyed with Confidor. However, if the pest infestation is minor or absent, first wash the plant leaves three times at intervals of five days with soapy water. To prepare the solution, 5 g of grated laundry soap or dishwashing detergent dilute in 1 liter warm water. And only if this measure does not produce results, spray the plants with pesticides.

Treatment for fungal diseases is carried out with preparations based on copper and sulfur - Abiga-pik, HOM, Oksikhom, Fundazol or Benlat, but before spraying, all dry and damaged leaves are removed.

After harmful microorganisms and pests have been destroyed, stop feeding, gradually reduce watering, transfer the flowers to an unheated room intended for wintering, and arrange the pots so that the plants do not touch each other - air should circulate freely between them. If the window sills in the room where the flowers will winter are cold, place thermal mats or foam padding under the pots. Keep in mind that unglazed ceramic containers lose heat faster than plastic ones. Amorphophallus, gloxinia, caladium, tuberous begonia and calla lilies stop watering when their leaves completely die, after which the plant tubers are removed, dried, cleaned of dry roots, rotten places are removed from the rhizomes and the wounds are sprinkled with crushed coal. The tubers are then wrapped in sphagnum moss and stored in a cool, dark place until spring.

If you do not have the opportunity to give your plants a rest period, you will have to provide conditions for their full growing season during the winter, namely, provide them with additional lighting and air humidification.

How to care for indoor plants in winter

Conditions for plants continuing their growing season

If your plants are not resting, they will need artificial light for several hours in the morning and evening. Illumination of indoor plants in winter is carried out by a light source fixed at a certain height above them - a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp.

The soil in pots of vegetative plants should be kept slightly wet. Avoid abrupt transitions from too dry soil to wet soil. Develop a watering regime for each type of plant and follow it strictly. Most of indoor flowers Requires watering when it dries out and brightens. upper layer substrate. The water temperature should be the same as the air temperature in the room. If, with regular watering, the leaves of the plant become lethargic, fall off, and the soil emits bad smell, you most likely allowed the soil to become waterlogged.

In winter, due to working radiators, air humidity drops sharply, and indoor flowers on the windowsill in winter begin to suffer from its dryness. To eliminate this problem, some plants will need containers of water placed around them, some will need daily misting, and there are plants that are better off placed on a tray of wet pebbles. You can cover batteries to increase humidity wet towels, but the easiest way to buy good humidifier air, especially since there is no shortage.

Watering indoor plants in winter

Caring for indoor plants in winter consists primarily of watering the plants, since even with the flowers’ reduced need for moisture during dormancy, they still need to drink. How often to water indoor plants in winter?

The frequency of watering depends on the conditions and the type of plant. Plants with high moisture requirements during the dormant period indoor culture very little. Usually these are those that naturally live along the banks of lakes and rivers or in marshy area– cyperus, sedge, colocasia and papyrus. For such crops, the soil in the pot should be constantly moist, but care must be taken to ensure that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

Most indoor plants are those whose need for moisture during the dormant period is moderate - palm, ficus, philodendron, aspidistra, syngonium, chlorophytum, citrus fruits, zamioculcas, monstera, tradescantia, fern, spathiphyllum and others. These plants are watered when the soil in the pots has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm.

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Caring for plants in winter different from summer. It is during the autumn-winter period that plants first leaves are falling, they wither and die for various reasons.

Many gardeners lose their plants during this period. Let's look at the reasons why plants die in winter and autumn.

With the onset of cold weather, you need to be especially attentive to indoor plants. Already in the fall, their conditions of detention change. Your home is getting colder, the days are shorter, and your plants are receiving less light. Some flowers move with open air(from the street) home and therefore the climate immediately changes globally for them. Then in winter they turn on the heating and the hot air can completely destroy them.

How to save plants in winter? There are many nuances here. Of course, depending on the type of plant, it requires its own conditions, but there are general rules, without which plants can easily die during this period of the year.


When cooler weather sets in, you need to monitor watering; in the fall, it is usually reduced. If you continue to water the plants as usual, then the lump of earth will not have time to dry out, which will cause the death of the root system, and therefore the death of the plant itself. It is very dangerous to water plants in the autumn-winter period if the top layer of soil is still wet. This is not summer, when water can quickly evaporate in a day and the soil can dry out under the rays of the sun.

Moreover, plants wither equally from both overwatering and dry soil, and with the heating appliances turned on in winter, the latter is very likely. This means that when the heat is turned on, the watering regime is changed again.

The soil of plants can be different, lighter or heavier, and it dries out differently. This must also be taken into account when watering. In general, we monitor the uniformity of watering and water the plants as the earthen clod dries out.

Water for irrigation should be room temperature, because cold water can also cause root rot. Except that azalea and cyclamen love ice water.

Cold and hot air

Both are not good. You need to prepare in advance for the onset of frost, I’m talking about windows. It is necessary to seal the cracks and close the windows.

It may even be possible to build structures that redirect cold air when ventilated past the flowers. Or move the flowers to other windows where the windows will not open.

If the windows are plastic, then do not be fooled that a small micro-ventilation gap will not harm the plants.

The flowers will immediately tell you that this is not so, or rather they will die from the frosty air, hanging their frozen leaves. Or the soil in the pots will get cold and the roots of the plants will rot. Sub-zero temperatures and indoor plants are not compatible.

When to turn it on central heating- this is another test for indoor plants, many of which come from the tropics and need wet air. Some measures will help to slightly change the “desert” environment and create humidity. You can place the plants on trays with damp moss, or fill the trays with pebbles, expanded clay, and fill them with water so that the bottom of the pot does not touch the water. Alternatively, place containers of water between the plants. Water evaporating will increase the humidity around the plants. The easiest way is to spray the plants. Spraying is carried out regularly. Preferably in daytime so that the leaves of the plants are already dry by the evening, when it gets colder on the windows. To prevent hot, dry air from falling directly on the plants, you can fit a wide cardboard onto the radiator, which will shift the flow of rising heat away from the plants. Hot, dry air also contributes to the activation of pests, so it is possible that you will need to treat the plants with appropriate preparations once or twice during the winter.

Temperature and rest period

Many plants begin a dormant period in winter. They slow down and stop growth altogether. Such plants require lower air temperatures for wintering, usually 16-18°C and very limited watering. Therefore, such plants are placed as close to the glass as possible, and maybe even fenced off from the warm room with film. If the window sill is warm, then such plants are isolated from it by placing cardboard or polystyrene foam. They also ventilate the room more often, excluding, of course, cold air from directly hitting the plants.

Some bulbous and tuberous plants generally go dormant. Watering them is gradually reduced, and then stopped completely when the leaves die off. These are, for example, hippeastrum, gloxinia.

Certain plants are deciduous, such as fuchsia, hydrangea, and fig. After they have leaves are falling They are watered very moderately, one might say occasionally, and normal watering is resumed when new leaves and shoots begin to grow.

One of the problems of keeping plants in winter is the contrast in temperatures between the above-ground and underground parts of the plant, or, more simply, the leaf and root parts. In the natural subtropical conditions native to many plants, the temperature of the soil and the outside air is almost the same. What happens in our country during the winter? Often the plant stands on a cold windowsill, and the upper part of the plant gets too much water. warm air from heating system devices, which is 8-10 degrees higher than normal room temperature. With such a contrast, it is very difficult for the plant; it does not know “how to behave.” At high air temperatures, the plant requires more moisture and nutrients, which it must take from the soil. But our land is cold, root system Not only does it not develop, but it is also unable to provide the required nutrients to the plant in the required volume, since the absorption of water by the roots in cold soil decreases. Thus, by watering the plant, we do not get the desired effect; additional watering in this case will not only not help plant, and also and will worsen the situation, simply lead to rotting of the roots in the cold soil, the plant will wither and die.

If you have a similar situation, then you need to try to equalize the temperatures, to do this, if possible, isolate the plant from both excessive cold and excess heat. To reduce the cold, as mentioned earlier, you need to insulate the windows, plug and seal all the cracks if your windows are wooden. Then insulate the pots with plants from the cold window sill by laying an insulating layer (this can be planks, polystyrene foam, cardboard, foam rubber, in extreme cases, thick rugs and newspapers, or maybe special plastic shelves, in general, you can show your ingenuity). You can also protect yourself from the hot air of batteries in several ways. Move the plant away from the edge of the window sill, redirect the air from the battery towards the room from the window, or make a fence from polyethylene film at 2/3 of the height of the plant. But since it will still not be possible to completely equalize the temperatures of the soil and air, reducing the intensity of watering in winter and spraying the plant from above more often will help it.

Plant nutrition in winter

A mistake may be replanting plants before winter and intensively fertilizing indoor plants in winter. Since many plants slow down their growth in winter and go into a dormant state, their need for nutrients is reduced, which means they do not require additional nutritious soil for growth, much less fertilizing. Continuing to intensively feed plants, we simply accumulate fertilizers in the soil, which can negatively affect the plant. Or the plant will try to grow and bloom in unfavorable, non-seasonal conditions for flowering of this plant conditions, will weaken, and in the spring-summer period will not be able to fully develop and bloom. Give the plants a rest.

For plants that are able to grow and bloom all year round It’s just that fertilizing is done much less frequently (for example, instead of 2-3 times a month, once a month) and lighter solutions of fertilizers are made, with lower concentrations.

Well, for those plants that bloom in winter, of course, they need abundant, regular watering, spraying and proper fertilizing. To different plants in winter suited individually.

Lack of light

plant lighting

In winter, the days are much shorter and plants suffer from lack of light. For those plants that rest during this period, placing them closer to the glass and daylight will be quite sufficient.

Plants that are not so demanding of light will survive this period calmly even in the summer, for example, aglaonema, fern, monstera, etc.

For those plants that love light, it would be useful to provide additional lighting for at least 1-2 hours in the morning and evening, lengthening the daylight hours to at least 10-12 hours.

For plants flowering at this time, it is necessary to provide at least 12 hours of daylight per day. For example, violets require 14 hours of daylight for full flowering. They can grow perfectly on special racks with fluorescent lamps, located at a distance of 20 cm above the plants, especially since cold window sill It won't suit them at all.

There are recommendations for helping plants with special drugs. It is a natural stimulator of chlorophyll formation in case of deficiency sunlight- HB-101. There are also biofertilizers “Siyanie-9″ and “Shine-10″, which promote the growth of beneficial microflora in the soil and prevent its salinization with minerals.

To each his own

Following the general rules for creating more favorable conditions plants in winter and helping them survive, do not forget about an individual approach to each type of plant, each requires its own temperature, required amount light, defined watering plants. And to do this, study the conditions of keeping each of your pets (taking into account the characteristics of your apartments, they are also very different), follow them and the plants will thank you, delighting you with the beauty of healthy leaves and subsequently lush flowering.

Love your plants. Good luck to you.

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