Jasmine indoor care. Indoor jasmine not blooming? We urgently save the plant! Garden jasmine is drying up, what to do?

Increasingly, in various parks and gardens you can see shrubs up to two meters in height, which are dotted with unusually white beautiful flowers, from which the aroma spreads throughout the area, this is garden jasmine.

This plant also has a second name - mock orange, this flower is very unpretentious and easy to care for, so even a novice gardener can grow it. In today's article we will figure out how to properly care for garden jasmine and in what conditions it is more comfortable to grow.

Suitable place to plant jasmine

Garden jasmine will grow in both sun and partial shade, but the abundance of flowering in the same bush will be different. Thus, bushes that are planted in the sun bloom better and look more spectacular, while a plant in the shade has more green mass.

Advice: garden jasmine is a frost-resistant plant, but even with all this, when choosing a suitable place for planting, it is better not to give preference to windy areas where there are constant drafts.

Also pay attention to the location of the selected area, is there a possibility that melt water in winter could flood the flower? Excess water can lead to waterlogging of chernozem and, as a result, rotting of the rhizome.

Optimal watering for garden jasmine

Despite all its unpretentiousness, garden jasmine, as mentioned above, does not tolerate stagnant water. And here's to groundwater, which are located close to the surface of the earth, mock orange bushes are treated normally.

You need to water the garden jasmine bush abundantly, but do not over-water the plant. Two waterings a week will be quite enough, and water that has been heated and previously settled should be used. A plant that is watered regularly is very cold water, are more susceptible to various diseases.

Necessary fertilizers for garden jasmine

Mock orange bushes especially urgently need additional feeding during the period of active growth and flowering. Therefore, the first fertilizing should be carried out in early spring, as soon as the snow melts, it is best to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers during this period, they will help the plant actively grow. But at the time of budding and flowering, it is better to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Pruning a jasmine bush

The bush should be trimmed every 2-3 years, this will help it not to grow too much and at the same time “keep in shape.” Shearing occurs as soon as the plant has flowered or, conversely, after winter, until the bush has bloomed. In any case, pruning excess shoots should be done carefully, because this procedure is not so much aesthetic as it is therapeutic, because after it the plant begins to grow and develop faster.

Propagation of garden jasmine bush

There are several methods for propagating garden jasmine, but the most popular are propagation cuttings And dividing the bush. Both the first and second methods can be performed both in spring and autumn, but most gardeners still prefer the period from mid-September to mid-October.

When dividing a bush, you need to dig out the bush very carefully so as not to leave part of the rhizome in the ground, it is better to get the root directly in the ground, and then wash this lump with water, and then remove all the rotten roots. To divide you need to use sharp knife, after completing the procedure, parts of the rhizome are planted in separate holes and watered; it is better to treat the cut area with ash.

The genus Jasmine (Jasminum) unites upright or climbing shrubs of the Olive family. They are densely branched plants with simple, odd-pinnate or trifoliate leaves and large, very beautiful flowers. The separate corolla of jasmine flowers is white, reddish or yellow. The tube of most is narrow and long; it contains 2 stamens with rather short filaments. The superior ovary is formed. The fruit is a berry.


The genus Jasmine (Jasminum L.) unites, according to various sources, from 210 to 300 species of plants of the Olive family. In nature, they are common in the subtropics and tropics of Asia, Australia, Africa, South America and the Mediterranean.

Jasmines are deciduous or evergreen shrubs, less commonly vines. On their numerous shoots, trifoliate or odd-pinnate leaves are arranged alternately and oppositely.

When flowering, jasmine forms single or umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They can be at the top and on the sides of the shoots. White or yellow flowers They look like small stars and last up to 20 days. As the petals fade, they acquire a purple or reddish tint. The white, yellow or pink corolla looks like a saucer, the tube is cylindrical, with an open mouth.

Selection has produced many double and semi-double forms.

The following types of jasmine are grown at home and in gardens. Bees jasmine (Jasminum beesianum Forrest & Diels) is an evergreen shrub or vine up to 2 m long. There are grooves along all the shoots. Dark green, simple, slightly pubescent leaves grow opposite. They are lanceolate or ovoid in shape, slightly pointed. Bees jasmine blooms in May. Flowers are formed at the top of the shoots in groups of 1-3 pieces. Their color is pink or dark pink. They have a pleasant aroma.

Holoflowered jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl.) is a not very branching shrub with drooping long shoots, practically not covered with foliage. The bright green small trifoliate leaves mostly fall off in the winter. Large, egg-yellow flowers of naked jasmine are formed from January to April in the axils of leaves located along the entire stem. Grandiflorum jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum L.) is a species created by man. It is an evergreen shrub or vine, reaching 10 m in length, with bare shoots. Its pinnate leaves are arranged oppositely and consist of 5-7 elliptical or rounded-elliptic leaflets with a point at the top. Large flowers are laid in groups of up to 10 pieces at the top of the shoots. Inflorescences are umbrellas. Most often they are white and fragrant. This jasmine blooms profusely and for a long time (almost all summer and half of autumn). Its flowers are used as a flavoring for tea.

Officinalis jasmine (Jasminum officinale L.) - medium-sized perennial shrub with smooth, long, thin, climbing shoots. Its pointed, lanceolate, smooth leaves are light green on the underside and bright green on top. Their edges are ciliated. Jasmine officinalis blooms in April. Its flowers are white, on long stalks, and fragrant. They are combined in several pieces into umbrella inflorescences. Shrub up to 2 m tall, multi-flowered jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum Franch.) is a weakly branching plant with rather curly shoots and oval leaves, pointed at the top. These dark green leaves, slightly wavy along the edges, are arranged alternately. During flowering, jasmine multiflorum forms a huge number of pink buds, collected at the top of the shoots, 3-5 pieces in groups. They have a fairly narrow tube and a bend with 5 blades. The flowers are very fragrant.

Low or bare jasmine (J. humile L. var. glabrum (DC.) Kobuski) is a not very tall (up to 2 m) shrub with bare shoots and trifoliate leaves, consisting of 5-7 elliptical or ovate leaves. The foliage color is dark green on top and light green on the underside. Umbrella inflorescences form and bloom from June to August and consist of several fragrant flowers. Their corolla is yellow.
Turned or low jasmine (J. humile L. var. revolutum (Sims) Stokes) is a small bush with compound leaves consisting of 5-7 ovate-rounded leaves. During flowering, averted jasmine forms a multi-flowered inflorescence of medium-sized yellow flowers.

Jasmine sambac or Arabian (J. sambac (L.) Aiton) is an evergreen vine up to 6 m in length with thin pubescent shoots. Its long, ovate leaves, rounded at the base, grow oppositely. They may be slightly pubescent or naked. White flowers of Arabian jasmine are collected in small groups into umbrella inflorescences. They can be terry, semi-double or simple, but always with a pleasant smell. Abundant flowering This jasmine can last from March to October. Highly valued for its decorative qualities.

Jasmine (J. gracillimum Hook. f.) can be an evergreen shrub or vine. It is distinguished by thin, pubescent shoots with simple, oval-lanceolate leaves pointed at the apex. They are light green, slightly pubescent on the underside, and arranged oppositely. The finest jasmine blooms abundantly, occurring in the second half of winter - the beginning of spring. Its large white fragrant flowers form umbrella-like inflorescences.

Sometimes jasmines are mistakenly called mock orange (saxifrage family). It also has white flowers with a pleasant aroma, but all other signs point to a different family. The main purpose of jasmine when grown at home is to decorate the garden and room. It is used both as a hanging and as a beautiful climbing flowering plant.

CARE Location and lighting

Jasmine loves light, but prefers its diffuse forms. Therefore, western and eastern windows are best suited for him. On a south window, to avoid burns, it is better to shade the plant during the midday hours. When grown with a north orientation, jasmine may not receive enough light to grow and bloom properly.

The plant can easily spend the summer on fresh air on the balcony or in the garden in any place protected from direct sun. If you need to change the light level for jasmine, you need to do it gradually, maintaining an adaptation period. Temperature is not a critical factor for the plant. It can easily tolerate 18-25 degrees during activity and 8-10 degrees during rest.

If you keep it during a warmer winter, the plant may not bloom at all this year. All efforts will be spent on the formation of green mass. To avoid air stagnation, regularly ventilate the room with the plant. Watering In spring and summer, water the plant abundantly as soon as the soil on top dries out. With the beginning of autumn, watering is reduced, bringing it to a minimum in winter. During cold wintering, it is very easy to overwater the plant, causing stagnation of water. When caring for jasmine, it is better to water with soft (rain, melt or settled) warm water.

Air humidity Jasmine grows best at fairly humid air. Therefore, it should be sprayed regularly. It is better to use soft and settled water for this. There is only one limitation for spraying jasmine: it cannot be done during the flowering period. During this period, it is better to place trays with wet sand or expanded clay under the pots. In winter, when kept cold, spraying can destroy the plant.

Soil and replanting

At home, young jasmines are replanted in the spring every year, older ones - every spring or two. To do this, use ready-made soil that has the following characteristics: neutral, fairly dense soil with a high content of humus and nutrients.

You can make a mixture yourself from leaf and coniferous soils, deoxidized peat and sand. It will also do well in hydroponics. Feeding Jasmine must be fed before and during flowering. The optimal frequency is once every 7-10 days. To do this, use special complex fertilizers for flowering plants.


Jasmine is propagated mostly by layering or cuttings. Cuttings are harvested in spring or summer. To do this, take lignified shoots with 2-3 internodes at the ends of the branches. They are cut with a sharp blade and planted in a mixture of peat and sand. With lower heating, the cuttings take root quite quickly (1-1.5 months). Then they are transplanted into separate containers in the soil for adult jasmines.

When the roots entwine the soil, transshipment is done. Other The lower part of the bush becomes woody over time, and the upper, thinner shoots begin to need support. Then they are sent along a trellis or tied to something. To extend the flowering time of jasmine, pinch the plant, leaving 6-8 pairs of leaves on the shoot. In February, long shoots are shortened by a third. Dry, weak and underdeveloped branches inside the bush are cut out.

If, when grown at home, jasmine is quite large and blooms profusely, then it is better to take it outside, otherwise the strong aroma of the flowers can cause a headache.


Problems with foliage (leaves dry, curl, become deformed or fall off) most often arise due to insufficient air humidity, poor watering or exposure to direct sunlight. Move the plant to a shaded area, adjust watering and spraying.

If the jasmine has buds, but does not want to bloom, then the plant does not have enough light. And if they suddenly begin to darken, this indicates that the air is too warm and dry.

Among the pests, jasmine can be attacked by aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites or whiteflies. Use appropriate drugs against them.

is a plant belonging to the Hydrangea family. This bush with beautiful white flowers and a sweet aroma can be confused with jasmine This article is about why you should plant garden jasmine and how to do it correctly.

We will also consider proper care behind it are the types of propagation of the plant and the time of year when it is worth planting mock orange. Let's look at the beneficial properties of garden jasmine and learn how to fight pests and diseases of mock orange.

Did you know? The plant began to be called mock orange because chibouks and mouthpieces for smoking pipes were made from its wood.

Planting mock orange

Garden jasmine leaves have a light green color. When autumn arrives, the color changes to bright lemon.

The inflorescences smell like strawberries.

The mock orange looks something like this:

Now that we know what it looks like, we should start planting the mock orange itself.

Choosing a landing site

Mock orange loves the sun very much, but at the same time feels great in the shade. If you plant garden jasmine on sunny plot garden, it will bloom profusely and beautifully, and if in the shade, the flowers gradually become smaller and the branches stretch out.

The most comfortable soil for garden jasmine is considered to be gerbil. But even on very moist soil, mock orange feels great. The main thing is to use drainage (crushed stone or pebbles).

Garden jasmine does not tolerate stagnant water near the roots. It is also resistant to temporary drought. The soil should contain leaf soil, sand and humus.

Basic landing rules

Now that we know which place is best for planting mock orange in your garden, let's move on to the rules for planting this plant.

Proper care of mock orange

Caring for garden mock orange won't be difficult. In this section we will look at proper watering and fertilizing the soil, as well as proper pruning and thinning of bushes.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

The bush needs to be watered very often. If the mock orange does not have enough moisture, the leaves begin to wither and lose their elasticity. Only if you water it again does the plant regain its healthy appearance.

Also, when growing mock orange, it is necessary to fertilize the plant at least three times.

First feeding of mock orange held in early spring. For this they take mineral fertilizer"Agricola" and dilute 2 tbsp. for 10 liters of water. One bush is watered with this mixture.

Second feeding passes before flowering. This time we use organic fertilizers, for example, "Effecton". It is diluted in the same way as Agricola.

You can also add liquid fertilizer"Rossa". One bush will now require 2 buckets of diluted fertilizer.

Third held in autumn period. This strengthens the plant winter time. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are used. Add 1 tbsp to 10 liters of water. each fertilizer.

Now you should water half a bucket of each bush. If suddenly the bush freezes over in winter, don’t worry, it will quickly recover.

The soil, preferably in the root circle, should be loosened a couple of times during the summer. Also, do not forget about mulching in winter, with a layer of up to 4 cm.

Pruning and thinning of bushes

Let's find out when and how to prune garden jasmine.

This should be done annually. Mock orange needs to remove wilted flowers and pruning shoots older than 12 years. You can also shape the crowns at your discretion.

In early spring, strong branches should be cut by half, which will facilitate the development of shoots of normal growth on them. All procedures help the mock orange to grow quickly.

In winter, cold weather can cause young shoots to freeze, but if next year trim them, the young shoots will restore the appearance of the mock orange. In adult plants, the trunks thicken and become bare. Such bushes should be pruned.

At the end of winter or early spring, the trunks are cut to 40 cm. The rest are cut to the ground.

Important! After pruning, treat the cuts with garden varnish.

Shoots that grow in the fall should be removed the following spring, leaving 3 shoots on each stump.

The next year, new bushes are formed from these shoots. In a couple of years, the mock orange will bloom in full force.

Mock orange transplant

In this section we will figure out how to replant mock orange without harming the plant itself.

Since garden jasmine easily tolerates replanting and quickly recovers, you should sacrifice some of the foliage and, unfortunately, lose a year of flowering of the plant. Mock orange needs to be replanted before mid-September.

It's worth waiting for a rainy or cloudy day. Before digging up the bush, it should be watered well and left for a day. Then half of the old shoots are removed at the root, and the rest are shortened.

After this, we dig up the mock orange and move it to a new area, watering it beforehand and compacting the soil. In order for garden jasmine to quickly adapt to a new place, after replanting we advise you to trample the soil under the bush a little and water it generously.

Reproduction of mock orange

Propagating mock orange is not difficult. It can be propagated using seeds, cuttings and layering, which will be discussed in this section.


Species mock oranges are propagated in this way, and not plants bred by crossing. Sowing is carried out in autumn, winter or spring.

If you decide to sow in winter, you should do this at a temperature of at least 10°C, in weather without wind. Sow directly into a layer of snow to a depth of 30 cm and cover the seeds with straw. Large branches can be pressed down from above. In spring, the cover is removed and the emerging shoots are shaded.

If planting is carried out in the spring, the seeds are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses. Before sowing, future plants are placed in a gauze bag and immersed in water at room temperature for an hour and a half.

Then the seeds in the bag are transferred to wet sawdust or peat. On the 3rd day, when the seeds swell, they are mixed with dry sand and sown, and then sprinkled with humus.

After the sprouts sprout, they must be shaded.


In order to propagate mock orange by cuttings, you need to tear off a small branch from the bush you like. Semi-lignified cuttings should be taken during or after flowering.

Side branches with flowers go to the cuttings. The branch should be pulled off from the main shoot with a sharp movement. There should be a piece of wood with bark left on it.

To root cuttings, you need to pour a layer of drainage (for example, expanded clay) onto the bottom of the dish and fill it with a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. We recommend moistening them slightly before mixing. Sprinkle a 3 cm layer of sand on top and water it with a fungicide solution.

Preparing cuttings is also very simple. To do this, cut off the lower leaves and flowers on the cuttings and soak them in the Epin solution for 12 hours.

Dip the cut of the cutting into powder to stimulate root formation. We plant the cuttings in a container at an angle of 40 degrees.

Important! The lower petioles of the leaves should not be immersed in the sand.

After planting, cover the cuttings with a transparent bag or jar and transfer them to the shade in the garden. We also recommend spraying the cuttings every day to ensure successful rooting.

When the cuttings have taken root, we plant them together with a lump of earth on permanent place, shading it at first.

By layering

Mock orange easily forms layering, which takes root by 70%. First, the bushes are trimmed to a stump (height approximately 5-7 cm from the ground). This stimulates the growth of young shoots.

In the spring, they dig up the soil around the mock orange, level it with a rake and feed it with fertilizers. After this, they tie the shoots at the lower bud to the ground and secure them with wooden pins. The constriction should be done using soft wire.

After fastening, the shoots are covered with soil. By the end of the growing season, shoots, layering, independently develop into bushes with good roots.

Next spring they are dug up and cut off from the bush with pruning shears. Layings should be grown within two years.

Mock orange in garden design

In landscape design, mock orange is used in large unformed hedges as the main shrub.

The plant goes well with lilac and hydrangea. You can also plant several types of mock orange varieties, creating unusual compositions and play of colors. They may differ in crown shape, height and texture of foliage.

Example landscape design garden using mock orange:

Useful properties of mock orange

Mock orange is not only beautiful decoration your garden, but also has beneficial properties, which will be discussed in this section.

Garden jasmine is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The smell of the plant has a good effect on nervous system and relieves anxiety and nervousness.

For medicinal purposes, mock orange flowers, leaves, young shoots and roots are used.

Did you know? Baskets are woven from thin mock orange twigs.

The flowers of the plant begin to be collected in July and until October. This should be done in clear weather, around 5 am or at night. After picking the flowers, they are spread out thin layer in the shade and dry. Thus, part of the essential oils and aroma.

Garden jasmine is dried in ovens at a temperature of 35°C. When the flowers are completely dry, they are placed in glass jar and close with a lid.

Garden jasmine oil has disinfecting and healing properties. Also, decoctions and infusions will help you relieve pain.

An oil tincture can be made from jasmine flowers. To do this, place the flowers in a glass jar and fill with any vegetable oil and close the lid. The jar is wrapped in dark paper and placed in the sun. You should leave it there for 40 days, shaking it twice daily.

Did you know? Jasmine is used as an additive in green tea.

Jasmine oil does not require straining and is used externally for the following diseases:

  • Cold;
  • Migraine;
  • Convulsions;
  • Paralysis;
  • Nervous tremors;
  • Inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • Chapping of the skin.
The oil is stored in a dark and cool place.

Essential oil is used in aromatherapy. And in cosmetic applications it restores the youth of the skin and tones it.

Pests and diseases of mock orange, combating them

Deformation, drying, curling and falling of leaves occurs due to lack of air humidity, poor watering or direct exposure to direct rays of the sun. If you have such problems, you should transplant the plant to a shaded place and constantly spray and water it.

If the mock orange buds have withered and do not want to bloom, it means that the plant does not have enough light. If the flowers begin to darken, this indicates dry and warm air.

Mock orange can also be damaged gray mold on leaves and shoots and septoria.

This disease develops during severe temperature changes and high precipitation. Gray rot completely affects the entire plant.

The causative agent is a fungus of the genus Botrytis. Brown, blurry spots of irregular shape appear on the mushrooms. They quickly dry out, crack and fall out.

The fight against this disease is simple: you need to spray the bush with Bordeaux mixture and remove fallen leaves and diseased shoots.

The causative agent of this disease is the Septoria mushroom. Signs of the disease are the appearance of small round spots of dark brown color on the upper leaf plate. These spots are 2-6 mm in diameter.

The fungus grows into all leaf tissue and causes leaf drop. In this case, the entire plant is completely damaged, it blooms poorly and is susceptible to other diseases caused by the fungus.

You can fight them in the same way as gray mold.

Among the pests, mock orange can suffer from aphids, mealybugs, spider mites and whiteflies.

Adults and larvae of this pest feed on plant juices. As a result, the leaves are damaged - they curl and become deformed. These leaves then dry out and remain underdeveloped. In addition, bean aphids spread viral diseases.

To get rid of them, you should spray the bush with Karbofos or Rogor.

These pests are easily recognized by their white cotton-like coating and are easily visible on the foliage. Scale insects retard plant growth by sucking the juices of leaves, buds and young shoots.

If affected by this pest, the bush should be sprayed with one of the preparations: Aktara, Calypso, Confidor or Confidant, with an interval of 7-14 days.

This pest gets to your mock orange in different ways. You should not wait for the tick to multiply and you should get rid of it as soon as possible.

This is done by spraying with 0.3% Keltan emulsion. This should be done 2-3 times with an interval of 6-8 days.

If you are growing young mock orange in an area with high temperature and humidity (i.e. in greenhouses or conservatories), you should prepare for such a scourge as whiteflies.

The surface of the leaf turns white and then black. It is these mushrooms that can harm the plant, because they stop the growth of shoots.

In order to get rid of whiteflies, you can use a soap solution, or drugs - Aktara, Confidor, etc.

In this article we figured out what mock orange is and what role it plays in the design. landscape design. We also defined The best way propagation of this plant and rules for caring for it. Thanks to this article, you learned about medicinal properties garden jasmine and pest control of this plant.

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55 once already

Stephanotis is an indoor flowering plant whose name comes from two Greek words meaning “crown” and “ear.” This indicates the ear-shaped arrangement of the stamens of its white, fragrant, five-petaled flower. It also looks like jasmine, hence its other name - madagascar jasmine. And due to the fact that this delicate flower often appears at weddings as a decoration for the bride, it is also called the “bride’s flower” or “veil vine.”

Appearance and homeland of stephanotis

Madagascar jasmine is actually found in Madagascar, and it also grows in Japan, China and other subtropical and tropical regions. This small climbing shrub has been known in home gardening for more than two centuries. In nature, a powerful vine is capable of climbing to a height of five meters. Domestic specimens require special supports to support their own weight. The dark emerald oval ten-centimeter leaves of the vine are dense, glossy with pointed ends. They are separated in the middle by a lighter vein.

The main value of the plant is its snow-white, fragrant flowers., arranged in clusters, each of which has up to 7 three-centimeter wax stars. It is customary to weave these delicate flowers (along with orange blossom) into brides’ hairstyles. After the fancy stars fade, elliptical seed pods filled with flying seeds similar to dandelion seeds ripen in their place.

The ability of liana-like exotics to bend along guides is used to create bizarre flower arrangements in the form of hoops, balls, hearts and other shapes. They decorate window openings, arches, and walls. But most often it is grown in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Optimal conditions for indoor cultivation of Madagascar jasmine

Stefanotis is best kept in rooms facing the south, east and west. But direct sunlight causes burns, so you should stick tracing paper on the southern windows or shade them with curtains. In the northern direction, plants do not have enough light; they have to be additionally illuminated with phytolamps. The flower likes bright lighting to last for at least half a day.

An important condition for comfort for a vine is its permanent location. Otherwise, the buds that have not yet blossomed will fall off. To avoid accidentally turning the pot, thereby creating inconvenience for the plant, a light mark is placed on the flowerpot.

The temperature in the room where the Madagascar jasmine is located should be at least 18 degrees in the warm season, but not more than 24, since it does not tolerate heat. In the cool season, this figure should be 4-8 degrees lower. This will lead to the formation of flower buds in the plant. Liana does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

How to care for stephanotis (video)

Description of Stephanotis species

About one and a half dozen varieties of stephanotis are known, but best tolerated room conditions Stephanotis profusely blooms, which is what is often meant when talking about these plants. Brief characteristics species grown at home look like this:

  1. S. profusely flowering or Stephanotis floribunda has snow-white star-shaped flowers, up to 6 cm in size. Its variation (variegata) is distinguished by the fact that its leaves are not plain, but patterned. They have light or golden spots and dashes.
  2. S. acuminata(S. Acuminata) with cream-colored flowers.
  3. S. grandiflora(S. grandiflora) with magnificent large inflorescences, on which up to three dozen greenish flowers bloom.
  4. S. thorsii(S. thouarsii) is famous for its flowers of a delicate lilac-pink hue.

Stephanotis propagation methods

Madagascar jasmine is propagated at home mainly by cuttings and seeds. Both methods are not simple and require careful adherence to technology.

Propagation by cuttings

This method preserves all the species qualities of the mother plant. This procedure is carried out in the spring and consists of the following stages:

  1. A one-year-old petiole with two pairs of leaves is separated from the main plant.
  2. The cut sites are pollinated with stimulating powder.
  3. A hole is made in the earthen mixture filling the pot, into which it is firmly installed. planting material. Lower leaves should be slightly above the ground.
  4. The cutting is covered with a film with a wire frame.
  5. The improvised greenhouse is cleaned daily while watering and ventilating the seedlings.
  6. They should be kept at a temperature of 18 degrees in bright (indirect) light for at least three weeks.
  7. After rooting, the greenhouse is removed, and the plant with root soil is transplanted into another pot.

Propagation by seeds

The sequence of growing new plants is as follows:

  1. The seeds are soaked in water for two days.
  2. Prepare a container filled with a disinfected (soak for a couple of tens of minutes over steam or a couple of minutes in the microwave) and moistened peat-sand mixture. Its bottom is lined with fine expanded clay.
  3. The seeds are pressed into the ground and covered with glass.
  4. For seed germination you need a sunny, warm place with a temperature of 26 degrees.
  5. The soil must be sprayed with a spray bottle, but the moisture should not stagnate in it.
  6. To prevent condensation from falling on the seedlings, it is better to install a container with a slight slope. Then excess moisture will flow to the edges of the vessel.
  7. After a couple of months, seedlings appear, when leaves bloom on them, the seedlings are transplanted into five-centimeter separate pots with an earthen mixture as for adult plants.

Features of stephanotis transplantation

When transplanting floribunda, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is done in the spring, when there are no buds on the plant yet, no more than once every two years. In this case, transshipment is used while preserving the near-root earthen coma.
  2. To stimulate plant flowering new pot should be only a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.
  3. It is important that it is heavy enough. Otherwise, it will tip over under the weight of the massive plant.
  4. Its bottom is filled with expanded clay balls in a layer of 5 cm.
  5. The soil should be heavy, with a slightly acidic reaction. Its composition should be dominated by peat (almost half the volume), a third should consist of sand, and the remaining components - clay and leaf soil - should be contained in equal proportions. And when selecting ready-made soil mixtures, you need to focus on their acidity within 5-6 units with a nitrogen content of no more than 200 mg per liter.
  6. Watering of transplanted plants should be normalized, it is advisable to replace it with frequent spraying as much as possible. It is recommended to dissolve in water a small amount of growth stimulants.

Caring for stephanotis at home

Caring for stephanotis is not easy and the process requires some knowledge and patience. And unskilled care weakens the plant, it gets sick more often and becomes vulnerable to pests.

Watering and spraying

The room should be high humidity, especially at temperatures above optimal. Frequent spraying of leaves is practiced, but moisture should not remain on the buds and flowers. The water should be warm and soft.

It’s good to place air humidifiers and water containers next to flowers. Flowerpots can be placed in other containers filled with wet pebbles, expanded clay, and moss. Leaves need dusting. If there are no buds or flowers on the vines, the leaves can be washed with a warm shower. In this case, the soil in the flowerpot is covered with film.

In warm weather, the bride's flower needs abundant watering with soft water several times a week. In cool weather their frequency decreases. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot. Watering with rain or snow water is very useful. You can soften the water by placing a fabric bag filled with peat in a bucket of water overnight.

Varieties of indoor jasmines (video)

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Floribunda does not need to be fed frequently. It is advisable to do this twice a month. Potash fertilizers are preferred. A large amount of nitrogen stimulates the growth of the green part of plants to the detriment of flowers. A heavily overgrown crown needs serious pruning. This complicates the wintering of vines. Pruning also slows down their flowering, which may not occur this year.

The formation of buds and their full blooming is promoted by fertilizing with potassium salts and superphosphates. Organic matter, such as mullein, is also useful. Fertilize twice in the middle and end of spring, combining it with watering the plants.

Plants are fertilized until the end of summer. In winter, vines do not need feeding.

Pruning a houseplant

Stephanotis grows quickly, becoming (if all care rules are followed) a magnificent flowering vine. To adjust its size, direction of growth, and shape, it is necessary to trim the plants. Dry and damaged parts of the floribunda and weakened shoots are completely removed. Before transplanting, the stems are also partially trimmed.

It is known that buds appear only on new shoots, so Madagascar jasmine needs rejuvenating pruning. It should be gentle, but it is done in the depths of winter. In this case, the shoots are cut to half their length. They try not to disturb the central stem, because the plant doesn't like it. To prolong the flowering of the vine in the summer months, shoots are pinched.

Signs and superstitions associated with stephanotis

Madagascar jasmine is considered by some to be a muzhegon. This means that a woman who grows this flower dooms herself to loneliness. In addition, The jealous man drives husbands out of the house, breaking up families. But this is an unsubstantiated superstition.

In some European countries It is believed that blooming stephanotis promises a quick wedding in the house. It is not for nothing that snow-white flowers are an indispensable attribute of many weddings. Flowering vines, according to their lovers, bring happiness and financial stability to the house.

You should know that the caustic sap of a tropical plant, when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, causes burning and itching. For people with delicate skin, it is better to take care of it with gloves. Flowerpots with flowers should be inaccessible to children and pets.

In addition, these plants should not be placed with strong and persistent odor in the bedrooms. They can cause insomnia and headaches.

Difficulties in growing Madagascar jasmine

Madagascar jasmine is a difficult plant to care for, so even experienced gardeners encounter problems and difficulties when growing it. We will talk about fighting them.

What to do if stephanotis does not bloom

In nature, stephanotis blooms most of the year. It is difficult to recreate the conditions familiar to him at home. For stable flowering, the tropical plant needs potassium supplements.

Has reached the age of three indoor plant usually blooms all summer. To achieve this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not forget about its timely transplantation.
  • Do not place the flower in a draft and do not allow sudden temperature changes in the room where it grows.
  • Provide for its wintering in a cool environment.
  • Ensure constant lighting of the plant.
  • Do not change the position of the flower pot (in relation to the light) during the formation of buds and its flowering.

Why do plant leaves turn yellow and fall off?

Yellowing of leaves occurs for several reasons:

  • From watering with hard water with chlorine. In this case, first water with special solutions with absorbed iron, and then with soft water.
  • Lack of light, when rearranged into appropriate place the condition of the flower improves.
  • The influence of the red spider mite. You get rid of it by wiping the leaves with denatured alcohol.
  • Excessive watering of the vine. In this case, you should focus on spraying, reducing watering.

Stephanotis diseases and pests

Flowering vines get sick and even die if not cared for properly. When the roots rot, which results in the plants wilting, they need to be replanted, replacing the soil, removing the affected parts and treating them with a weak solution of foundationazole. From powdery mildew, manifested by the appearance on the leaves white plaque, is saved by spraying 2-3 times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate at intervals of several days. If this does not help, then the vines are treated with Skor, Topaz, and Fundazol.

Stefanotis is also attacked by the following pests:

  • A spider mite that weaves a web around it.
  • Scale insects and aphids suck the juices out of it, which leads to yellowing of the leaves.
  • A mealybug that envelops plants in a cotton-like coating.

Wedding flower stephanotis (video)

In the fight against them and other insects, washing the plants with a weak solution of soap or vinegar helps. The heavy artillery is the drugs Actellik, Fitoverm, Decis.

To properly care for rare tropical plant stephanotis, the inexperienced gardener has a lot to learn. But after considerable effort has been spent on it, Madagascar jasmine will delight household members for many years decorative leaves, which can be given any shape, and fragrant exotic flowers.

Jasmine attracts with its intoxicating aroma and radiance of its petals. But sometimes, no matter how hard the caring owner tries to care for his flower garden, indoor jasmine does not bloom and withers. Why is this happening?

Why doesn't indoor jasmine bloom?

The reason for this is one of the factors or a combination of them:

  1. Violation of the thermal regime. If the room temperature is above 24 degrees or below 14, lush flowering can't achieve it. The buds will either fall off immediately after ovary, or will not be able to set at all. To avoid such moments, restore the required temperature to 15-22 degrees. Based on the specific case, you will need to either shade the plant from excessive light and move it away from heating devices, or, conversely, place it closer to the sun.
  2. Lack of humidity. Jasmine dries, its leaves begin to curl, deform and fall off. You will need more frequent, but not too intense watering (every 1-2 days in summer, twice a week in winter) and air humidification. You should not spray the leaves.
  3. It happens that buds appear on the bush, but subsequently fall off. The florist is tormented by the question of what happened to his jasmine, but all he had to do was increase the lighting. The first buds form at the end of winter. During this period, it is transferred to a warmer and brighter place. At the same time, you should not place a pot of jasmine directly on the windowsill above the central heating radiator, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy the fragrant flowering. Place the flowerpot in a well-lit room with diffused light, watch the soil - it should not dry out. Spray the air around the jasmine with water every 2-3 days and soon you will be able to enjoy flowering.
  4. Hard water. If you use tap water for irrigation, then you should not be surprised why there is still no flowering. The way out of the situation is to let the water for irrigation sit for at least 2 hours or use rain water. Filtering the water won't do anything.
  5. Soil acidity. Jasmine can grow beautifully, reach luxurious sizes, but never bloom just because the soil in which it grows is completely unsuitable for this. Neutral and alkaline soils I don't like this shrub. Transplant your jasmine into a different soil mixture: mix turf soil, sand and leaf humus (3/1/1) or purchase special acidic soil from a herbal store.
  6. Incorrect landing. If the neck of the trunk is buried more than 3 cm into the soil, there will be no flowers on the jasmine. Replant your flower so that the section of the trunk where the plant's roots begin is on the surface.

The correct regime is necessary not only for the luxurious flowering of jasmine. This important conditions for plant life, including growth and development.

Video about home jasmine

Jasmine pests - who are they and how to deal with them?

When indoor jasmine grows and develops normally in your home, it is practically not afraid of diseases. Much more problems delivered by pests. They can start either as a result of failure to care for shrubs, or they can move from other plants in the house.

Carefully! Brought home beautiful flower capable of destroying everything nearby standing flowers. Be attentive to the copies you buy, carefully choose where to sell!

The appearance of pests on a plant can lead to its death. More often than others, indoor jasmine is attacked by spider mites and whiteflies.

Whitefly larvae, green in color, cling to the leaves from the underside. They suck out the cell sap, leaving behind sugary particles. Whitefly-infected leaves begin to curl, then turn yellow and fall off. Large colonies of small white midges accumulate on the plant.

Preparations sold in flower shops are successfully used against whiteflies. The most effective:

  • Actellik - 1 ml of the drug per 500 milliliters of settled water,
  • Intavir in the same proportion
  • Agravertine from 1 ml to 1.5 ml of product per 500 milliliters of water.

Aphids are very annoying to indoor jasmine. It entangles the tops of the bush with a thick white cobweb, the places where new leaves are formed. As a result, the growth rate slows down significantly. Without proper care, the plant may stop developing and dry out. You can fight aphids with chemicals, for example, Iskra Bio 2 ml per liter of water.

Pest control at home

You can wash the leaves with a solution of water and laundry (brown) soap (1 half tablespoon of soap grated on a coarse grater per 2 cups), the solution should be room temperature. Such measures give positive results in the fight against ticks and whiteflies.

Video about caring for jasmine

You can defeat aphids and weevils using an infusion of potato tops. Place 2 kg of fresh potato tops in a ten-liter container with water and leave for 10 days. Then the resulting infusion is filtered and sprayed with jasmine leaves every 5 days, no more than three times.

With proper care, indoor jasmine will become your favorite and a real pearl of your flower collection. But because of the heady, rich aroma, beware of installing it in the bedroom and children's rooms.
