Mirrors in the living room interior: types, design, shape options, choice of location. Mirrors in the living room - how to properly design and combine them in the interior? (80 photos) Large mirrors in the interior

Since childhood we have heard a lot mystical stories about mirrors: supposedly they can bring misfortune, take away the soul or mind. We don’t undertake to judge how true these stories are, but mirrors in the interior various rooms are still used today, and have not yet brought any misfortunes. On the contrary, it is a valuable accessory and a good tool for working with room design.

It is obvious that a mirror can be the most magic item interior

A logical question arises: is it worth using mirrors in the interior of a living room or other room?

Playing with space is the main function of a mirror

We are accustomed to perceive this object only with practical point vision, which regularly performs its functions in the bathroom and hallway. But we are not used to seeing it as a design element. However, this element performs important functions in the design of the room:

  1. Visually expands the space. This item is often used to visually enlarge a space, so this option is perfect for a small room.
  2. Improves lighting. If you position it correctly in a room, it will evenly distribute the penetrating light and illuminate even remote and dark corners of the room.
  3. Corrects proportions. With its help, it is possible to adjust the proportions of a room or furniture, or, conversely, to advantageously emphasize an irregular shape.
  4. Places accents. If you want to direct attention to an object in the room, install a reflective element so that it reflects it or directs light towards it.

The decorative possibilities of mirror surfaces are simply enormous.

Thus, a mirror is useful not only in the bathroom or hallway. It can serve good tool to create a design and correct the shortcomings of the space of any room.

Variety of models

The modern market offers big choice various models. Now everyone can find something they like. However, here you still need to choose a product that will harmonize with the overall mood of the room.

A mirror in a beautiful frame will easily transform the interior of even the most modest room

We suggest considering the available options for using various models and the style directions to which they are well suited:

This unusual mirror will be the highlight of a modern interior.

So, based on what mood you want to create, choose the appropriate design. Let's look at their advantages, disadvantages and methods of use in more detail.


In modern design, there are many options for using mirrors in the interior, but the most popular is still the traditional one - in a frame. But can it be called traditional, given all the available variety of models.

Large mirrors look good in the living room

Here the greatest attention is paid to the choice of frame: its shape, color, material, texture. The choice of frame determines in what style you can use the purchased item.

So, for antique styles, a frame with stucco molding and heavy plaster decor is suitable. English, Renaissance, mannerism accepts heavy carved frames from natural wood. Natural material can be replaced artificial tree, use stain, giving it a natural look.

Two round mirrors in a frame, placed side by side, look like portholes

New styles also accept the use of frames, but they appearance It's already changing a bit. Here we have more simple options, as well as other materials. Simplicity and practicality are the main tenets of the current style. Accordingly, they were adopted by accessories. Circle and square are the most common shapes. Simple plain frames without decorations are what you need for new trends.

Without frame

Modern trends accept the previous version, but some of them went further, completely submitting to the concept of minimalism, and completely removed the frames.

When choosing models without a frame, pay attention to the edges - they must be well processed

It is worth noting that such models do not seem empty or comfortable. They bring a touch of novelty and futurism to the room. Often such models have an unusual shape, but round or rectangular mirrors without a frame are also found.


One more interesting solution modern design is the creation of compositions. Here you can use both models of interesting shapes and ordinary ones.

Original composition of mirrors various shapes will be a great wall decoration

Mirrors can have additional functions, such as coat hooks

Create interesting installation possible using regular glass different shapes. You can add family photos to it, which will also diversify the picture. In this case, you have the right to select any models and connect them with a common story. The main thing is that they match each other and the overall style of the room.


Next unusual idea– mosaic. This technique has been around for a long time. It is associated with colored glass, churches and ancient style. With the help of mirror mosaics, you can create both antique and modern styles in the interior.

Mirror mosaics can be used to cover a small area or be used to decorate an entire wall.

Mosaic can be completely different. With its help you can create various “broken figures”, patterns and compositions from small parts. Good decision will be the design of an ordinary mirror with mosaics.

You can make this kind of mirror frame with your own hands.

Combine this technique with others, and also add to it various materials (colored glass, metal, wood). Please note that the mosaic elements are not only broken and sharp, as we are used to seeing. IN modern style they can be round or other interesting shapes. Depending on the chosen design theme, this technique is suitable for any style.

Instead of gender

This unusual solution is suitable only for daredevils, as there are many nuances here:

  • the model is suitable only for certain parts of the room;
  • the decor should be thought out to the smallest detail;
  • you will have to make a solid panel to cover the floor only to order;
  • this requires special care and gentle operation;
  • the cost of such an idea is quite high.

How to implement this solution? There are several options for this unusual design.

You can install mirrors completely around the entire perimeter of the floor, covering them with protective material. This way you will be able to maximize the space and create the illusion of a transparent floor. This idea is interesting only for some non-residential rooms, since being in such a room every day may not be comfortable.

Mirror floor is a very extraordinary and expensive solution

The second option is to focus attention. Using a mirror floor, you can easily highlight any area or object in the room. Simply finish a certain area of ​​the floor in this way and place the desired item on top.

Instead of a ceiling

Let's move on to the opposite - the ceiling. This option is more common. This idea is perfect for rooms with low ceilings, and will support minimalist futuristic styles.

Mirror ceiling tiles will make the hallway visually taller

On a note! To apply this idea, the floors in the room must be light.

A panel on the entire ceiling will create a feeling of fullness in the room, visually increase the space, and with skillful use ceiling lamps will play an important role in shaping the lighting. When positioned correctly lighting fixtures mirrors will diffuse light and also reflect light fixtures, creating even more light.

Instead of a wall

This is an even more common idea than the previous two. Mirror walls are used in dance classes and aerobics rooms. This helps the student self-correct all elements and monitor the correctness of their implementation. A full-wall mirror in a living room interior does not have such practical significance, but it will be useful and a good design.

Full wall mirror - perfect solution for a narrow corridor

Mirrored walls will help expand the space and bring more light into the room. In addition, they will be useful for self-correction of posture.

This idea allows you to use not only a solid panel, but also combine mirrors with other elements, apply sandblasting patterns, or use partitions various types, breaking the whole structure.

Models built into furniture

This option is suitable for those who like large models, but cannot afford a mirrored wall, floor or ceiling. Sliding wardrobes with such a door are most often used. They can be installed in the bedroom, living room or hallway. An interesting effect will be created by similar floor cabinets or a table.

The most common option is a mirror included in the headset

Do you want your bed to “float” in the air? Cover its perimeter with a mirror strip

When using such furniture, take care of the elements that it will display. Place an interesting vase or other element that looks unusual in reflection against the cabinet or table.

A few words about styles

It is worth briefly outlining the main postulates most used in modern interior styles. This will help you choose the right model, choose the right colors and create a harmonious image. In the most general sense, we can divide the available styles into modern and ancient.

Mirrors with neutral, thin frames suit almost any style

Modern directions

We include futuristic styles in this category. These include minimalism, chalet, art deco, loft, techno, contemporary, bionics, hi-tech. We are talking about those trends that profess the postulate of minimalism, use modern technologies in design.

Marble wall covering with mirror inserts is truly modern

For lovers non-standard solutions there are unusual mirrors

Advantageous materials for modern styles: metal, glass, plastic and wood. The color range covers all shades, both light and dark. The color of the surfaces is predominantly monochromatic. The frame for the mirror in such styles must be chosen as simple and uncluttered as possible. There is no place for ornate decor here. Simplicity and practicality are the basic rules of all elements of modern trends.

Ancient directions

We consider old styles to be those styles that do not use innovation in design. This includes classics, antique styles, Provence, English, and all national trends. They are not old and irrelevant. They simply take us back in time and give us ancient luxury.

A mirror with a gilded frame is suitable for a classic style

Here you will not find an abundance of glossy surfaces, cold light, strict lines and the tenets of minimalism. Simple and tasteful - this is not from this opera. The destinations of this group are luxurious and magnificent. Perhaps for modern life some of them are overloaded. However, there are lovers of luxury and ancient chic even today.

IN Scandinavian interiors mirrors are often on the floor

In this case, mirrors must match the style and be truly luxurious. Most of them are in beautiful massive frames. They can be carved or with stucco elements. Large floor-standing models work well.

Important Installation Considerations

Before you finally come to the decision to use mirrors as room decor, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of installation and operation of this element:

  1. When installing, take care correct location light sources. It should become an assistant in the formation proper lighting rather than preventing it.
  2. When installing several products with a mirror surface, it is better to arrange them in such a way that they do not appear in each other.
  3. If there are children in the apartment, install the product out of the reach of children.
  4. It is better to use the proposed ideas in bright rooms.

How larger sizes mirrors, the stronger the effect of increasing space

It is also worth taking care of proper care. This is especially necessary when the product is in constant use (furniture, walls, floor). Buy special remedy for cleaning such surfaces, and regularly monitor their cleanliness. Select the correct operating mode. The most acceptable would be a gentle mode, where such surfaces are located away from frequently used areas.

Large mirrors should be hung by professionals

As you can see, the use of mirrors in the interior is not limited traditional way. This element can be a real salvation for a small room, and also serve as an excellent decor.

When looking for a place for a mirror, always consider what will be reflected in it.

Use colored mirrors. You can buy ready-made ones (painted in the paste), but they color palette limited, the most common tones are green, bronze, blue, gray, gold. Another option is to apply a tint film to the mirror.

Light version

Decorate an ordinary wooden staircase with mirror mosaics glued to the risers. This will add light and shine and visually “open up” the staircase, creating a feeling of spaciousness.

Wardrobe under the stairs

Multiply by two

This bedroom has a very interesting story. First, its size was reduced (part of the room was spent on installing a bathroom located behind the bed), and then it was increased again. Thanks to the headboard, lined with mirror panels, the room almost doubled in size. There is no need to be afraid of sleeping next to a fragile mirror. Experts assure that a properly glued mirror cannot be broken. It does not crack even with direct impact elbow.

Mirrors are present everywhere in our lives: they are in almost every room. Mirror in the living room- unique item. It performs many functions, is ideal for decorating a room and is absolutely neutral in nature.

This makes it possible to use it in rooms designed in any stylistic direction.

Such an element can successfully replace a painting or artistic photography, without imposing a certain mood and bringing practical benefits, unlike images.

A sure way to unexpectedly change the interior is to hang a mirror in it.

IN in capable hands mirror surfaces can work miracles of transformation. In order to fully realize the potential of mirrors in the interior, it is necessary to understand its main functions. Using a reflective surface you can achieve the following effects.

  • Visual expansion of space.

This is the main function most often used by interior designers.

It is especially useful when decorating small or narrow spaces.

  • Scattering of light.

If the room lacks additional lighting, then a mirror in the living room can help with this. To use this feature, you need to place a reflective surface in front of a window or artificial light source.

The rays will be evenly scattered throughout the room.

  • The effect of abundance.

Some stylistic trends involve loading the interior with many decorative elements.

A mirror will help to visually double their number.

  • Correction of the shape of the room.

By placing the mirror in in the right place, you can correct the proportions of the room and visually raise the ceilings.

You can also change the ratio of the walls of the room.

  • Placement of accents.

You can easily highlight any object with the help of reflection and small lighting.

You can choose a frame in the same color as the walls.

  • Decor.

In addition to emphasizing individual interior details, a mirror can be an independent decorative element.

This effect is achieved by decorating it with ornaments, laying it out using a mosaic method, or framing it in a beautiful, stylish frame.

Principles of mirror placement

In order to make the most of the mirrors' capabilities, you must adhere to simple rules, which design specialists have been using for a long time.

  1. Rule of symmetry.

Mirror surfaces located on adjacent walls- subtle art. The effect of an endless corridor would be appropriate for an entertainment labyrinth, but not for a living space.

When resorting to this technique, you need to make sure that the mirrors do not reflect on each other.

  1. Rule of the world.

A mirror reflects light and scatters it. But placing the product in a dark corner will only worsen the situation.

A mirror in a dark area of ​​the room can create the feeling of a “dark hole.”

  1. Reflection rule.

In order for the room not to look sloppy, it is necessary to place only a small amount of large details or one main accent.

A mirror in the dining room creates a “restaurant” effect, suitable for a formal dinner.

  1. Location rule.

If you place a mirror directly in a visible place in the interior, then sooner or later it will begin to irritate the household.

The reflective surface should not be constantly visible.

  1. Magnification rule.

If you place a mirror at the end of an already long corridor or place it on a high ceiling, this will only exacerbate the perception of space.

This position of the mirror may cause dizziness in sensitive people.

  1. Rule of location towards the door.

According to Eastern teachings, mirrors are not placed opposite doors.

It is better to place the reflection near the window.

  1. Frame rule.

The use of a frame is only appropriate for paintings of the correct shape.

In other cases, it is not used for shaped mirrors of non-standard proportions.

Interior style and mirrors

Another unique feature of this interior element is the ability to use a mirror in a room made in any stylistic decision.

Each style has its own characteristics, which are unforgivable not to take into account.

How can a reflective surface be successfully incorporated into every popular trend? A simple table with recommendations will help you with this.

Style How to apply?
Roman style An invariable attribute of the Roman era are rounded shapes. When decorating a mirror, a massive light frame with a characteristic ornament is best suited.
Baroque The main feature of the style will be pomp and cost. Gold and its shades will become the best option frame colors.
Provence French style assumes a romantic motif and a certain weightlessness of each element. Avoid sharp corners in the frame; decorate the mirror using artificial aging.
Minimalism It is necessary to adhere to a laconic design, use straight lines, and abandon unnecessary elements. Large mirror surfaces will fit perfectly.
Classic A rectangular frame shape is ideal. You can decorate the element with gilding or a floral motif.
Country Rustic style will emphasize the use of natural materials. Best choice will become a wooden or wicker frame.
Modern The most extravagant design ideas are applicable. It would be appropriate to use disproportionate turns, streamlined shapes and modern materials.
Victorian style The ideal solution would be to decorate the element using patterned forging. The style is characterized by oval shapes.
Nautical All kinds of shells are suitable for decorating a mirror. The most successful use of light colors, gradient, like a wave, color transitions.

Living room ideas

Placing a mirror in the living room interior - what could be more trivial? In fact, there are many ways to successfully “fit” them into the design.

  • Fireplace area.

A fireplace in the living room is a historical tradition dating back to ancient times. But now it is more of an artificial decorative element than a functional design.

The mirror located above it should match the style of the fireplace, then it can complement the overall atmosphere as much as possible.

  • Mirror wall.

This solution can be a real salvation for small room. It is best if the reflective surface is fully or partially placed on the facade of built-in furniture or a wardrobe. Then such a technique will not only enlarge the room, but also hide the wardrobe.

Plus, it looks very modern.

  • Mirror ceiling.

The rays from the lamp reflected in such a ceiling will be scattered, giving additional lighting. It is best to use a multi-level ceiling in this case.

You can combine mirror surfaces with matte or glossy ones.

  • Mirror furniture.

Mirrored tables look modern.

Such an element will suit the currently popular eclecticism or become a harmonious high-tech detail.

  • Compositions.

Fans of experiments will love the idea of ​​​​creating a mirror gallery from individual frames of different shapes.

Mirrors can be combined with other details, or walls can be decorated with mirror patterns.

Light sources and mirrors

The successful placement of a mirror in the living room is not everything. The combination of a reflective surface and rays of light can create stunning effects, distract from the shortcomings of the layout and emphasize the advantages.Initially, you should set clear goals for yourself.

For example, illuminate the recreation area as much as possible, emphasize additional light a decorative element or to hide an uneven wall.

If the main goal is decoration, then placing lighting around the perimeter of the frame is an ideal example of a stylish look.

You can emphasize the mirrored facade of furniture with the help of symmetrically located small lamps.

You can create a backlit mirror with your own hands using a special LED strip. If the reflective surface is located on the ceiling, a functional option would be to use spotlights.

If the room is missing natural light, then the mirrors are installed opposite the window.

Furniture and mirrors

When placing a mirror in the interior of the living room, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other furniture in it. Choice upholstered furniture quite simple, it is enough to adhere to the general stylistic direction of the room. The only caveat is that if the sofa is located opposite a reflective surface, then you should use bright and colorful colors for the upholstery.

This will visually overload the room and distract the guest’s attention.

Cabinet furniture, the facade of which is partially or completely covered with a mirror surface, deserves special consideration. Let's look at the pros and cons.

In the furniture industry, both mirror patterns on a matte surface and vice versa are used. Stained glass art and sandblasting designs are widely used here.

The reflective facade will “fit” well into a futuristic high-tech or classic style, depending on the design option.

Selecting a mirror

In order for a mirror hung in the living room to last a long time, you need to take care of its quality at the purchase stage. The first thing you need to know is that any mirror surface must have a quality certificate.The next step in choosing is a simple trick: you need to quickly walk past the mirror. In a low-quality product, ripples may appear or the image may “float”.

If you bring a pencil or ruler perpendicular to the surface and move it from side to side, the reflection will lag a little behind if there are bends or defects.

The best choice would be a living room mirror with a thickness of more than 4 mm. It should be smooth and free of stains, scratches, dots, irregularities or air bubbles.IN modern world The most common coatings are silver and aluminum.

Using the first is preferable, since aluminum has a lower reflectivity.

The edge of the canvas deserves special attention. It not only affects the appearance of the product, but also performs a protective function for the coating layers.

The edge made by grinding is inferior to ground or polished models.

VIDEO: Mirrors in the interior or how to decorate a house with mirrors.

Interior decor using mirrors – 50 photo ideas:

Mirrors are good because they can create an effect additional spaces. At the same time, they reflect Sun rays, so they are installed in dark corners to fill them with light. Often mirrors are installed to control unseen spaces. Mirrors in the interior - 50 photos design ideas. And of course, mirrors add lightness and elegance to the interior.

Many people have the habit of hanging mirrors in the interior on built-in furniture. Yes, it's convenient, but too banal. If we are talking about a narrow corridor, then large mirrors in the interior on built-in cabinets will be a plus. They will expand the space and allow the owners to meticulously inspect themselves before leaving the house.

IN large rooms- children's bedrooms, bedrooms, living rooms - this use of mirrors simplifies the interior too much.

Mirrors in the living room

Let's say you want to create a classic living room. First, you should put the TV in the corner, and put a false fireplace opposite the sofa. It's easy to do. And the room will immediately look like the center of a home.

Large mirrors in the interior would look quite logical above the fireplace. Firstly, it will complete the design of the fireplace, play with the classics, and secondly, it will create the effect high ceiling rooms. Let the proportions of the mirror in the interior be elongated vertically. It is important here that the mirror is narrower than the fireplace or its console.

If you don’t want to install a fireplace, then you can hang a mirror next to paintings and photographs. There can be several mirrors in the interior photo among paintings or instead of paintings and of very different shapes.

Sun mirrors look especially impressive. In the living room you can hang either one mirror or a whole group. Mirrors in the shape of lines look great in a modern minimalist interior. Sometimes real art objects are made from mirrors. And that's great!

Large mirrors in the bedroom interior

If you don’t want the whole room to be reflected in the mirror, it’s enough to organize a small dressing table. Sometimes bureau tables are already equipped with mirrors. But if you get creative, you can choose a mirror for the wall in front of the table yourself.

Designers recommend taking a closer look at Venetian mirrors. Venetian mirrors in the interior of an apartment are incredibly aesthetic. A little iconic classic won't hurt even in the most modern bedrooms. For this case, choose a classic photo frame for the Venetian mirror and - voila!

It’s great if the table with a mirror is next to the window. Part of the window and curtains will be reflected, adding space and light. Another option is to hang identical mirrors in the interior design on both sides of the bed above bedside tables. You can put a lamp on each bedside table, and then their reflection will double the light.

Mirrors in children's rooms

In the girls’ children’s room, you can repeat the technique with a dressing table and a mirror, only in small version. For the future princess it will be both beautiful and useful.

In a boy's room, there is no need to focus on mirrors. There, if you hang mirrors in the interior of the photo, then it is better to mix them with photographs, hang them on the closet door, on interior door or above the bed as a decorative element.

Mirrors in interior design classic style get along really well with modern furniture. The rhythm in the furniture is supported by the frames and shapes of the mirrors. This article only suggests what mirrors can be like in the interior of an apartment. The goal is to awaken imagination. Create, create and create. The main thing to remember is that the interior should be filled with love!

Mirrors in the interior - 50 photos of design ideas - their use

From time immemorial, mirrors have accompanied man in interior design. They were looked at, they were used to increase space, to demonstrate their status. The use of mirrors in the interior can make the design more unique and unusual.

  1. Mirrors used as an art gallery. In this case, you can use several large mirrors in the interior or a composition of small ones. Correctly selected shapes and combinations can add zest to the interior.

  2. Mirrors in the interior photo in full height. The use of full-length mirrors for cabinet cladding is nothing new. But currently, sliding wardrobes are popular, the doors of which are completely mirrored. This way of using mirrors will help increase the space and make the room brighter.

  3. Mirror - fish eye. This form of mirror has only an aesthetic function. The effect of a “crooked” mirror can add a finishing touch to the interior. The use of such a self-sufficient decorative element requires laconicism in the interior so as not to overload it with details.

  4. Mirror mosaic. Very interesting and unusual way use of mirrors. You can use this mirror mosaic to cover a small area, or use it for an entire wall in the bathroom.

  5. Antique mirror. Patina on the mirror is a new trend. This interior detail will add light interior a touch of antiquity. This technique will look great on accent wall. But it is not at all necessary to look for a mirror that has existed for several centuries. Make old mirror surface You can do it at home, just buy the necessary supplies in craft stores.

  6. Mirror ceiling– a unique solution. This solution will visually raise the ceiling and add light to the room. But this technique also has disadvantages. Firstly, such a design move is not cheap; secondly, with a mirror ceiling, the room must be supported perfect order, since such a ceiling will reflect not only the beauty of the interior, but also the clutter of individual areas.

  7. Mirror window. Mirrors in the interior do an excellent job of adding light to the room. Therefore, if the window in the room is not large, you should use mirrors. This will make the room lighter and brighter.
  8. Mirrors in interior design in the form of stripes. This format of mirrors will help reshape the space of the room. For example, horizontal mirror strips can expand the room, and vertical ones can increase the height.

  9. Unusual shapes. The use of mirrors is not limited to them geometric shape. Squares, ovals, diamonds - all this last century. After all, in the workshop the canvas can be cut into any shape. For example, for a bedroom it is ideal in the shape of a heart, and for a nursery - in the shape of a star, sun or flower. A mirrored abstraction or letter decor would look appropriate in the living room.

  10. Mirrors in the interior of an apartment with unusual functionality. In the interior you can use, for example, a mirror in the form of a large dial. Thus, in addition to its usual functions, the mirror will play the role of a unique clock that will decorate the interior of the room.

Using mirrors in the interior is a very exciting activity. As with any design, a sense of proportion is important here.

A mirror in an apartment expands the space, transforms rooms, and allows you to realize your wildest fantasies. The mirror becomes the final detail when creating an interior. If it is installed incorrectly, then the surface will narrow the corridors and cause discomfort for the owners.

Dimensions and location

Before installing any type of mirror in a room, it is very important to familiarize yourself with all the nuances that may appear during installation.

  • the dimensions of the large mirror are within the range of 1.7-1.9 m;
  • to display in full height, a surface with a height of 140 cm is needed, to the knees - no more than 120 cm, to the waist - 60 cm is enough, only the head - 40 cm;
  • A ceiling-to-floor mirror will significantly enlarge the room;
  • the smallest in width - no less than 0.3-0.4 m;
  • when located in a work area, we will encounter trouble - a constant struggle with fingerprints and other contaminants;
  • we raise a composition of several small accessories from the floor by 1.5 m;
  • We install wall structures at eye level so as not to bend over trying to look at the reflection;
  • It is a mistake to place mirror surfaces opposite each other, so the apartment will turn into a labyrinth, instead visual expansion space;
  • we avoid working with fragments with raw edges to avoid injury;
  • If hung in an area of ​​direct exposure to sunlight, the surface will quickly become cloudy from heating. Lighting should not fall on the accessory, but on the interior items that are displayed in it.

To decorate rooms, the ability of mirrors to display streams of light is used.. Properly placed interior details will transform dark rooms, and will add volume to narrow corridors. If the accessory is not hung straight, but at a certain angle, the amount of furniture in the room visually increases or an endless corridor is created.

Functionality and purpose

We choose the shape of the mirror in relation to the function it will perform in the interior of the apartment. We will discuss all options with family members to take into account preferences:

  • vertical direction - they make the canvases higher, allowing you to see yourself in full height;
  • horizontal - they “pull apart” the walls, but the ceilings seem low;
  • square and rectangular shape– will complement the strict classic style;
  • oval and round shape– most often used in the decoration of hallways;
  • figured or in the form of a triangle - made to order, will decorate the apartment creative people with extraordinary thinking;
  • enclosed in frames - perform a decorative function.

Mirror surfaces not only reflect the world, but also become an indescribable part of the decor. We will make a mosaic template to decorate the walls with imagination, while simultaneously “expanding” or “raising” the ceilings.

Entrance door with mirror

Decorating the door:

  • A quick glance to straighten your hair is an unconscious instinct, so the decision to get a door with a mirror will appeal to modern ladies.
  • Fits harmoniously into any style. Combines with country, classic and even African style, which involves mounting accessories into the walls.
  • Such doors are in harmony with any furniture in the hallway. Most often, panels are purchased from ash, bleached oak or wenge.
  • The door design involves the manufacture of panels more than 12 mm in thickness, compared with standard ones - 10 mm.
  • Visually the walls are moving apart, so we will arrange the space in the hallway and corridor in a new way.


Price for standard design will be lower than on snow-white or colored doors. What looks interesting is not a solid canvas, but a complex mosaic made from colored pieces or small mirrors of different shapes (laid out with patterns, round or square).

Mirrors on the wall

Mirror surfaces enlarge narrow rooms and visually expand usable space. If you hang one mirror at the end of the corridor, then this erroneous technique will not add attractiveness to the apartment. You should consider a composition of several accessories to make the space sparkle.

Panel of fragments

A bold decision to cut the mirror surface into strips or squares to implement the idea of ​​decorating a larger area of ​​the wall. You can place the fragments end to end or leave space. Even if one square falls away during operation, it can be easily replaced with a similar element.


We do not attach mirrors to opposite walls. It is best to hang a picture opposite family photo. This way the interior will not be overloaded, and the space will visually become larger.

Mirror ceiling

They are increasingly used in the design of ceilings. We place an ordinary mirror or make a mosaic from pieces, enlarging and “raising” low ceilings. We lay out any pattern in pieces; even a beginner can learn to work with them. You can make a mirror cornice, running it around the perimeter of the room. The reception looks luxurious in classic-style bedrooms.

Textured walls

If part of the wall is decorated with decorative plaster, we complement it with a mosaic of mirror fragments. We also design the transition between the plastered wall and the wallpaper. Light will fall on the mosaic, expanding the space. The light source doesn’t matter, even if it’s not the sun’s rays, but the built-in backlight.

Using Light

For the Art Nouveau style, we use models with a matte surface, and replace the light bulbs with less powerful ones. The composition will be complemented by copper or aluminum plates, rubbed to a shine, which we place on the walls.


We decorate the wall not with mosaics, but with mirrors in frames of different shapes. This is how we make the ceiling lower, this technique “breaks” the wall with small elements. A gallery on the wall is suitable for decorating a living room and will add home comfort to it.

Several small mirrors hang on the walls long corridors. We equip accessories with lighting, install several wall lamps. To expand the space, you need a wardrobe equipped with doors with a reflective surface.

In the hall

We install a mirror in the hallway, even if there is no room left for a chest of drawers or an ottoman. A decorative item not only performs a practical function, but also becomes a decoration of the room.

  • A narrow hallway will be visually expanded by a mirror covering the entire surface of the wall. A reception area with furniture equipped with mirrored cabinets and doors also works.
  • We choose models with hooks, shelves or drawers.
  • Fans of originality will equip an accessory with an unusual shape.
  • For low ceilings, we will install reflective stretch ceiling or ceiling tiles.
  • We nail several small mirrors with identical frames along the wall or make a composition from frames of different configurations.
  • We decorate the expressionless hallway with a large mirror in a beautiful frame. For minimalism, choose a laconic frame, for ethnic style– we decorate with leather or twine, Baroque and Gothic – oval wooden frames covered with patterns.
  • Mirror cabinets carry a functional load. We hide keys, small accessories, clothing and shoe care products in them.
  • If you want to place a picture and a mirror in the hallway, hang a mirror-picture on the wall.
  • Small mirrors in original frames will complement the composition of photographs and paintings.
  • We will cover the walls and niches with mirror tiles. This will add light to the hallway and create more space.
  • We combine mirrors with lighting and place small lamps next to the decorative elements.

We increase the space with a reflective surface under the bathtub. To make it last longer, we use shockproof material. We hang multifaceted mirrors on the walls that have no clear boundaries.

Choosing mirrors for the bathroom

When choosing mirrors for the bathroom small apartment, we combine practicality and beauty.

Cabinets or shelves

Instead of a shelf with a reflective surface, we choose cabinets. The area for storing creams and toothbrushes is increased, and we place indoor plants on the free shelves.

Illuminated models

A practical solution is to choose a vanity unit with a mirror for your bathroom. The design acts as a dressing table, so the mirror needs lighting. Dim lighting promotes relaxation warm water, in contrast to harsh overhead light. Instead of built-in lighting, they choose an expensive option - pendant and table lamps.

Large mirrors

Even in a small bath we install a tall full-length mirror. We complement it with several small models on the walls or make a reflective mosaic. The reception will “expand” the room, the bath will seem much more spacious.


Release expensive models heated, so even with high humidity they don't fog up. To care for a regular reflective surface, use a solution for car glass to provide protection from moisture.


The bathroom will require several “medical” mirrors. They will help in preparing for procedures and make it easy to apply makeup.

In the kitchen

In the kitchen we place large-sized furniture, and mirrors here will help expand usable area. They not only decorate the walls with models in various frames, but also make a mirror surface on the furniture.

Increasing the kitchen area:

The classic placement is a framed mirror on the kitchen wall. It is hung at eye level to protect it from drops of fat and water. Placement above the sink is also not envisaged. more care than the same accessory in the bathroom.

Wall-mounted models with massive frames, reflecting small interior details, will not increase, but reduce the space. This option is suitable for large kitchens, but in small ones we paint the frames to match the furniture set so that they “dissolve” in the air.

  • Mirror covering the entire wall area. If you make an entire wall or two mirrored, then we will avoid the feeling of a “closed” space. The idea is suitable for small kitchens, will require minimal costs. Opposite kitchen set will make a typical narrow room rectangular.
  • Mirror apron. It is difficult for the housewife to wash away stains on the surface every time, although you can choose a material that does not become so dirty;
  • Reflective finish kitchen furniture. When entering the kitchen, it seems that there is no furniture at all; it “dissolves” in the air. The punishment for the housewife is to clean the mirrored room when fingerprints are visible again. An option is to order a relief or aged coating for furniture;
  • Mirror surfaces as an addition to furniture. Strips of mirrors will decorate air ducts or smooth out unsightly surfaces;
  • Composition in one style. We place several accessories on the wall, united by one type of frame. We experiment with form to make the composition play.

Mirrors are placed opposite dining table. They bring abundance to the owner, pacify her, and attract prosperity.

In the living room

Location rules:

  • No more than two large vases or figurines should be reflected. Otherwise, the room will turn into a pile of junk.
  • You can't do it in the spacious living room mirrored ceilings. This technique is acceptable in rooms with low ceilings in order to “raise” them.
  • Vertically elongated accessories “pull” the walls upward, and to “expand” them, they decorate the walls with long horizontal mirror strips.
  • Gallery. A gallery of mirrors will help reduce the height of the room. We hang the framed models on the wall. This technique “breaks” the wall, making it visually lower.
  • Do not overuse in dark living rooms. Accessories increase the space of illuminated rooms, but without light they will not fulfill their practical purpose. The location is acceptable if it is possible to equip the lighting with table or floor lamps.
  • We hang a mirror surface opposite a window with a beautiful landscape. If you can see a construction site or dilapidated houses outside the window, it is better to abandon the idea.
  • Select an antique vase or expensive painting You can use a mirror. We place it opposite the subject to attract attention.
  • Composition. We decorate the living room with a composition of several mirrors framed in frames of the same style. We hang family photos between the items. The center of the composition will be large mirror, decorated with floral patterns.
  • Front garden. We turn several pots with plants into an oasis with the help of a reflective surface. We place a mirror behind the plants to get a spectacular display.
  • We lean accessories in heavy frames against the wall. Interior walls may not support their weight, so we install them on the floor. The surfaces look beautiful near pieces of furniture, so we install them near a chest of drawers, a cabinet or a lamp on a curved leg.”
  • Fireplace mantel. The fireplace is being decorated decorative elements, leather chairs are placed nearby, candles are placed on the shelf, but the upper space is empty. Attaching a mirror above the mantel will not only increase the space, but also display the fire of candles, figurines and trinkets.
