Higher military schools. Tambov Higher Military Aviation Engineering School of Radio Electronics. What you need to take on a military girl

If you dream of connecting your life with the Armed Forces, you should think about a military university. There you can get a profession and knowledge that will allow you to build a career in the military sphere.

Today we will tell you about who and under what conditions will be able to enter such a university.

You can choose a universal profession that will be in demand in the "civilian world"

How to choose a university, where to go?

First of all, decide on the direction of training and the type of troops in which you want to continue to serve: sea, land, air. When choosing a specialty, take into account your abilities and inclinations, the army needs both humanities and "techies".

You can choose a universal direction that will be in demand in the civilian world. These include: engineering, psychology, pedagogy, management, personnel management, journalism, medicine, etc. Here are several universities where it is possible to obtain universal professions:

The name of the university

Enlarged direction, specialties

Performance psychology

Economic security

Legal support of national security

pedagogy and psychology deviant behavior

Translation and translation studies

Conducting a military brass band

Military journalism

Moscow, st. B. Sadovaya, 14

Engineering and construction technologies

Military administration

Engineering and technology of land transport

St. Petersburg, nab. Makarova, 8

Application and operation automated systems special purpose

Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

St. Petersburg, K-64, Tikhoretsky prospect, 3

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov




Preventive medicine

St. Petersburg, st. Academician Lebedev, 6, lit. E

Military institute physical culture

Service-applied physical training

St. Petersburg, Bolshoi Sampsonievsky prospect, 63

A list of the rest of the military educational institutions and the minimum threshold scores can be viewed.

Who can apply

The rules for admission to military universities are established by the Ministry of Defense. The requirements for applicants are much higher than in civilian institutions. Mandatory conditions for admission after school:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • getting the first higher education;
  • age from 16 to 22 years old;
  • fitness for military service for health reasons;
  • absence of unexpunged and outstanding convictions and other problems with the law.

In addition, you need to have good physical fitness and a positive testimonial from school. They will not be admitted to a military university if you have health problems.

These include the following diseases and disorders:

  • mental disorders;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • malignant and benign formations that disrupt the work of organs;
  • anemia;
  • obesity of the 3-4th degree;
  • AIDS and HIV;
  • scoliosis of the 2nd degree;
  • flat feet of the 3rd stage;
  • enuresis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases- ulcers, polyps, etc.
  • pathology of the organs of vision;
  • heavy cardiovascular diseases;
  • food allergies.

A complete list of diseases can be viewed.

Fitness for health reasons is determined by the draft board at the military registration and enlistment office

Who has special rights and benefits for admission

  • Without entrance examinations in general education subjects, they have the right to enter prize-winners and winners final stage All-Russian Olympiad, as well as prize-winners and winners of international and peer-to-peer olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. This right can be used in case of admission to a specialty in the profile of the Olympiad. If the direction is different, you can get the maximum scores in the subjects of the Olympiads.
  • You can count on the advantage in admission and out-of-competition admission, subject to successful completion of the professional selection, if you belong to one of the categories:
    • orphans;
    • children who are left without parental care;
    • persons under 20 years of age who have one disabled parent of group I with an income below the average subsistence level;
    • victims of the disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • children of military personnel, prosecutors, as well as employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the judicial executive system, drug control bodies, the fire and customs system, who died while on duty;
    • children of the fallen Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as holders of the Order of Glory;
    • children of military personnel who have served for at least 20 years, including those dismissed upon reaching the age limit or state of health.
  • Another preferential category is military personnel who have served by conscription or contract. If you do not enter the university the first time and serve in the army, after it you will be able to use special rights. How to enter a military university after the army, read our article.

What entrance tests do you need to pass

When entering military universities, you will have to take the Unified State Exam. Most institutions definitely need profile mathematics and Russian. Third exam depends on the profile of the direction. For example, physics is required for military-technical specialties, social studies - for legal and legal, chemistry and biology - for medical, etc.

In addition to the exam, you must pass the internal physical fitness exam... It consists of the following standards:

  • running 100 m;
  • running 3 km (for girls - 1 km);
  • pull-ups on the bar (for girls - press);
  • swimming 100 m (not in all universities).

In some universities, creative and professional tests are additionally carried out. For example, there are creative exams in the specialty - "Conducting a brass band", and professional ones - "Applied physical training", "Legal support of national security" and "Translation and translation studies".

For girls, a slight relaxation is provided for the delivery of physical standards

How to enter a military university: step by step instructions

We have prepared a complete algorithm of actions for you.

Step 1. Decide on the university

You need to choose a direction and. After that, go to the institution's website, find out the rules for admission and the list of entrance examinations. There you will also find admission milestones and passing marks for the past year.

Step 2. Take the exam

You need to pass the required and specialized subjects. If you have not completely decided on the university, take several specialized exams. This gives you more options to choose from.

Step 3. Pass the preliminary selection

To do this, you need to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration no later than April 20. If you are entering a university where you need to obtain access to information constituting a state secret - no later than April 1. In the application, indicate basic information about yourself, as well as the university and specialty where you plan to enroll.

In the military registration and enlistment office you will pass medical and psychological examination... The decision on your suitability will be made by the draft board.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • a characteristic from the school with a recommendation note on admission to a military university;
  • a certificate from the school about the current progress;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • medical examination card and others medical documents;
  • three certified photos without a headdress 4.5 x 6 cm;
  • a copy of the identity document;
  • copies of documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

When a positive decision is made, the military commissioner sends your documents to a military university. Farther selection committee educational institution decides whether to admit you to professional selection or not. The written decision comes to the address of the military registration and enlistment office. In case of refusal, the reasons must be indicated.

Step 4. Pass the professional selection

  • determination of fitness for health reasons;
  • psychological testing, on the basis of which the study of the social and mental state is carried out;
  • entrance examinations, which consist of an assessment of general education (USE), passing physical standards and conducting professional and creative exams (in some specialties).

Upon arrival at the university, you need to provide a passport, military ID, originals of the certificate and documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

Based on the results of professional selection, a competition is held for admission. Candidates with special rights pass first, the rest of the places are distributed in accordance with points, which are summed up for all tests.

The educational process in the military at a university is very different from civilian educational institutions. Tough discipline, living in a barracks and heavy physical activity await you. In addition to lectures and practical exercises, you will undergo drill, firepower and tactical training. Upon graduation, you will be required to work in the military sphere for distribution for at least 5 years (sogaccording to the obligatory contract for budgetary military training). Getting into a military university is difficult, but possible. Begin now to intensively prepare for exams and tighten up your physical fitness.

The popularity of the military profession is growing. This is due to stable income, preferential pension and social guarantees.

Despite this, military universities are not as widely known as civilian ones.

The choice of a university for future officers depends on which troops the graduate will then serve in.

In total, there are 75 military schools and academies in Russia.

Each branch of the military has its own specialized higher educational establishments.

  • missile forces are trained at the Strategic Forces Academy. The Academy is located in Moscow and is known for its excellent teaching staff;
  • future officers of the navy undergo training at the naval academy. It is located in St. Petersburg;
  • if you decide to link your career and life with the Air Force, then you must enter the Air Force Academy. The university is located in Moscow;
  • graduates of the artillery academy will receive an excellent military education. Its location is St. Petersburg;
  • future border guards and officers of other units of the security service are trained at the departmental academy;
  • the only specialized university for officers of the Russian Space Forces is the Space Academy;
  • paratrooper officers study at the legendary Ryazan School, which has many famous graduates. It is located in Ryazan;

Each of the listed universities has qualified teachers, including many doctors of science, authors of well-known scientific papers.

The quality of education at any specialized university is at the highest level.

All this guarantees a decent education.

Education in military universities is also good because upon graduation, the graduate is guaranteed employment.

How much to study for a military man

Upon receiving higher education, the total period of study is 5 years.
In the case of the middle vocational education, training takes 2 years and 10 months.
During the period of study at the team university, the student receives a serious scholarship in the amount of 15 to 25 tr., Provided with uniforms.

Enrollment in universities, the passage of the competition is carried out on the basis of USE results... At the same time, attention is paid to strictly defined disciplines.

For example, for admission to the military-humanitarian faculties, the results in the Russian language, history, social studies are important.

For medical faculties, knowledge in biology and chemistry is decisive.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the physical state the applicant is fundamentally important.

Only persons fit for passing can enroll in military universities military service who graduated from 11 classes of secondary schools.

Submission of documents for admission is carried out through the territorial military commissariats.

Where to study for a military doctor

The profession of a military doctor is considered the most prestigious. Such education can be obtained in several universities in the capital and St. Petersburg.

All medical military academies have several faculties:

  • leading medical staff;
  • training doctors for certain types of ground forces;
  • training of doctors for the air force;
  • training of doctors for the fleet;

Some universities also have faculties of training doctors of foreign armies. The presence of such a faculty is another confirmation of the highest level of education received at the academy.

In general, military medical education is one of the best, if not the best medical education.

Where to study to become a military lawyer

The question of where to study to become a military lawyer is a little easier.

The fact is that anyone who has a general civil higher legal education can become a military lawyer. You just need to meet the physical requirements.

Also, a serviceman who received a law degree at a civilian university can repurpose and become a military lawyer.

However, there are specialized universities that graduate workers in educational and political work. Such universities belong to multidisciplinary educational institutions.
There they are trained in various specialties:

  • lawyer,
  • military journalist,
  • sociologist,
  • military psychologist.

All of these are civilian professions, however, the training focuses on the military specifics of these professions.
The procedure for admission and training does not fundamentally differ from training in other military universities.

For hundreds of years, representatives of the Russian elite could not imagine themselves without a higher military education. It remains prestigious today - and its quality in Russia is at the world level.

The best educational institutions

Before defining the top ten military universities, it should be noted that the comparison will be correct only in relation to educational institutions of the 1st stage of military education, since in the RF Armed Forces there are also 2nd and 3rd stages.

At the second stage, the Military Diplomatic Academy prepares reconnaissance officers who have already passed the 1st stage (sent on the recommendation of the high command to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the middle-level command personnel), and the Combined Arms Academy trains the command personnel of all other branches of the military. At the third stage at the Military Academy of the General Staff, officers are trained to obtain senior and higher ranks of the army table of ranks (from colonel and above) - and these 3 military higher educational institutions in our ranking of military universities will, of course, not be considered.

Among the remaining 75 schools and academies in Russia (of which almost half are stationed in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 16 and 14, respectively), the best are the following:

  1. (Moscow city).
  2. (St. Petersburg).
  3. Air Force Academy named after the first cosmonaut Gagarin (Moscow).
  4. (St. Petersburg).
  5. (Moscow city).
  6. (St. Petersburg).

Features of training

Training in military universities has significant differences from similar training in civilians - and not only by the prevalence of exclusively military disciplines in them. Given the specificity of the military structure as a whole, the hours of training plans even in general civil disciplines in such universities are regulated not by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, but by orders of the Ministry of Defense and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Exact content curricula(as well as the list of military registration specialties), in accordance with the provisions of the Law Russian Federation"On state secrets", for open publication are prohibited. For this reason, today only the following can be officially said. According to the last Order of 05/01/2013 by Sergei Shoigu on the development of new curricula for military universities, the number of hours in the Russian language, psychology and philosophy in them was reduced, and the hours in military disciplines (technical training, tactical training, fire training, etc. .) - increased.

How much - each of the higher military institutions decides autonomously.

Quality of teaching

Not only in the universities of the top ten, but also in all the others, scattered throughout Russia, the quality of training is delivered at the highest level(in any case - in comparison with the average quality of the same in the "higher" civilians). However, this is typical for all higher educational institutions of a military or close to military orientation. They do not save money on the army and special services in our country. In addition, the majority of the teaching staff is represented by personnel who have undergone not only theoretical training, but who have also visited (albeit as advisers) more than one hot spot.

Most Popular Specialties (Bachelor's Degree)

As mentioned above, military (or rather, military registration) specialties are prohibited for official publication... For this reason, it would be most correct to talk about the popularity of areas of military training - namely, about the branches of the armed forces, the competition for the future occupation of officer positions in which is the highest. Here, universities and faculties that train future officers of the Air Force, Airborne Forces, the newly created MTR troops (for conducting special operations outside Russia), as well as military intelligence, are promoted to the first places.

Learning prospects

The training prospects for future military personnel are somewhat different priorities than for civilian specialists. In the first place among them - to be an officer of the troops of a country with a rich and glorious history, to be able to always and everywhere defend the interests of their Motherland and to rise to the highest command heights (according to Suvorov's apt expression about a soldier who simply must dream of becoming a general). Because, unlike "citizen", a place for each freshly baked graduate is provided in 100% of cases from the very first day after graduation.

Showing entries 1-12 from 12

Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia
Academy civil protection Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
FSB Academy of Russia
Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after V.I. Peter the Great
VA Strategic Missile Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Military Academy of Communications named after S.M. Budyonny
Military Academy of Logistics and Transport. General of the Army A.V. Khruleva

Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A.I. Evdokimova
MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimova

National Research University "MIET"
Serpukhov branch of the Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after V.I. Peter the Great of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Serpukhov branch

Military universities in Moscow: institutes and universities

An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Military universities are special educational institutions that differ from all other universities in the admission rules, educational process, strict discipline and regime. And most importantly, graduates of military institutes and academies become not only specialists in their field, but also professional military men who faithfully serve their Fatherland. In addition to serious training in military specialties, thorough ideological work and political training are carried out here. Many professional military personnel have made brilliant political career... It is noteworthy that recently, admission to military universities has become possible for girls as well.

A distinctive feature of admission to military universities is specific age restrictions: from 16 to 22 years for those who did not serve in the army; up to 24 years for those who have served.

When planning to enter a military university, you need to approach the choice of a university from a completely different standpoint than when entering ordinary universities. Entrance exams to military universities are still held in uniform control works, dictations and oral examinations. The USE is not used here.

If all universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, then military universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They are subdivided according to the types of troops:

  • air Force;
  • ground troops;
  • rocket troops.

The best purpose is to defend your homeland.

Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin

Among the military universities, there are also universities of a wide profile, which train specialists in civilian areas: economists, lawyers, translators. Engineering specialties are equally in demand both in the military sphere and in everyday life - specialists in the design and construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, airfields; engineers for construction and road machines, etc. They are trained by the Military-Technical University of the Federal Service for Special Construction of the Russian Federation.

At the first stage of admission, a psychophysical and psychological examination of applicants is carried out. After that, the level of physical fitness is checked. Those who passed these tests are allowed to pass exams in general subjects: mathematics, Russian and the third exam in the profile of the direction (history, physics or chemistry). After passing all the exams, the applicant becomes not a student, but a cadet. The first two years of training pass like real military service - in the barracks on full allowance and free uniforms. Cadets are taught everything that goes on in the army on active service. After graduating from the university, graduates receive the rank of lieutenant and are distributed for 5 years to a certain place of service. During the crisis, this is a significant plus - a 100% guarantee of employment after graduation.

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

Film "Officers"

If we talk about the quality of education, then absolutely all universities of military specialization in all regions of Russia provide education itself high level... The teachers have extensive practical experience of participation in hostilities.

Rating of military universities. The best of the best:

  1. Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces (Moscow).
  2. (Moscow).
  3. Military Space Academy. A.F. Mozhaisky (St. Petersburg).
  4. Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Moscow).
  5. Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow).
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