Aladdin's magic lamp. Arabian tale. Aladdin's magic lamp

In one Persian city there lived a poor tailor Hasan. He had a wife and a son named Aladdin. When Aladdin was ten years old, his father said:
“Let my son be a tailor like me,” and he began to teach Aladdin his craft.
But Aladdin did not want to learn anything. As soon as his father left the shop, Aladdin ran outside to play with the boys. From morning to evening they ran around the city, chasing sparrows or climbing into other people's gardens and filling their bellies with grapes and peaches.
The tailor tried to persuade his son and punished him, but to no avail. Soon Hassan fell ill with grief and died. Then his wife sold everything that was left after him and began to spin cotton and sell yarn to feed herself and her son.
So much time passed. Aladdin turned fifteen years old. And then one day, when he was playing on the street with the boys, a man in a red silk robe and a large white turban approached them. He looked at Aladdin and said to himself: “This is the boy I am looking for. Finally I found it!
This man was a Maghreb - a resident of the Maghreb*. He called one of the boys and asked him who Aladdin was and where he lived. And then he came up to Aladdin and said:
- Aren't you the son of Hassan, the tailor?
“I am,” answered Aladdin. “But only my father died long ago.” Hearing this, the Maghreb man hugged Aladdin and began to loudly
“Know, Aladdin, I am your uncle,” he said. “I have been in foreign lands for a long time and have not seen my brother for a long time.” Now I came to your city to see Hassan, and he died! I recognized you immediately because you look like your father.
Then the Maghrebian gave Aladdin two gold pieces and said:
- Give this money to your mother. Tell her that your uncle has returned and will come to you for dinner tomorrow. Let her cook a good dinner.
Aladdin ran to his mother and told her everything.
- Are you laughing at me?! - his mother told him. “After all, your father didn’t have a brother.” Where did you suddenly get an uncle?
- How can you say that I don’t have an uncle! - Aladdin shouted. “He gave me these two gold pieces.” Tomorrow he will come to dinner with us!
The next day Aladdin's mother prepared a good dinner. Aladdin was sitting at home in the morning, waiting for his uncle. In the evening there was a knock on the gate. Aladdin rushed to open it. A Maghrebi man entered, followed by a servant who carried a large dish with all sorts of sweets on his head. Entering the house, the Maghreb man greeted Aladdin’s mother and said:
- Please, show me the place where my brother sat at dinner.
“Right here,” said Aladdin’s mother.
The Maghribian began to cry loudly. But he soon calmed down and said:
- Don't be surprised that you've never seen me. I left here forty years ago. I have been to India, the Arab lands and Egypt. I've been traveling for thirty years. Finally, I wanted to return to my homeland, and I said to myself: “You have a brother. He may be poor, and you still haven’t helped him in any way! Go to your brother and see how he lives.” I drove for many days and nights and finally found you. And now I see that although my brother died, he left behind a son who will earn money by craft, like his father.
“No matter how it is!” said Aladdin’s mother. “I have never seen such a slacker as this bad boy.” If only you could force him to help his mother!
“Don’t worry,” answered the Maghrebian. “Tomorrow Aladdin and I will go to the market, I will buy him a beautiful robe and apprentice him to a merchant.” And when he learns to trade, I will open a shop for him, he himself will become a merchant and get rich... Do you want to be a merchant, Aladdin?
Aladdin blushed with joy and nodded his head.
When the Maghrebian went home, Aladdin immediately went to bed so that morning would come sooner. As soon as it was dawn, he jumped out of bed and ran out the gate to meet his uncle. The Maghribian soon arrived. First of all, he and Aladdin went to the bathhouse. There Aladdin was thoroughly washed, his head was shaved and he was given rose water and sugar to drink. After that, the Maghrebian took Aladdin to the shop, and Aladdin chose the most expensive and beautiful clothes for himself: a yellow silk robe with green stripes, a red hat and high boots.
He and the Maghreb man walked around the entire market, and then went outside the city, into the forest. It was already noon, and Aladdin had not eaten anything since the morning. He was very hungry and tired, but he was ashamed to admit it.
Finally he could not stand it anymore and asked his uncle:
- Uncle, when are we going to have lunch? There isn’t a single shop here, and you didn’t take anything with you from the city. You only have one empty bag in your hands.
- You see there, in front, high mountain? - said the Maghreb man. - I wanted to relax and have a snack under this mountain. But if you are very hungry, you can have lunch here.
- Where will you get lunch from? - Aladdin was surprised.
“You’ll see,” said the Maghribian.
They sat down under a tall, dense tree, and the Maghreb asked Aladdin:
-What would you like to eat now?
Aladdin's mother cooked the same dish for dinner every day - beans with hemp oil. Aladdin was so hungry that he immediately answered:
-Give me some boiled beans with butter!
- Would you like some fried chicken? - asked the Maghrebi man.
- Want! - Aladdin was happy.
- Would you like some rice with honey? - continued the Maghribian.
- I want to! - Aladdin shouted. “I want everything!” But where will you get all this, uncle?
“From this bag,” said the Maghrib man and untied the bag. Aladdin looked into the bag with curiosity, but there was nothing there.
did not have.
- Where are the chickens? - asked Aladdin.
- Here! - said the Maghrebi man. He put his hand into the bag and pulled out a dish of fried chicken. - And here is rice with honey, and boiled beans, here are grapes, and pomegranates, and apples!
The Maghrebian began to take one food after another out of the bag, and Aladdin, with his eyes wide open, looked at the magic bag.
“Eat,” the Maghreb man said to Aladdin. “There are all kinds of food in this bag.” Place your hand in it and say: “I want lamb, halva, dates,” and you will have all this.
- What a miracle! - said Aladdin. “It would be nice for my mother to have such a bag!”
“If you listen to me,” said the Maghreb, “I will give you many good things.” Now let’s drink pomegranate juice with sugar and move on.
- Where? - asked Aladdin. “I’m tired and it’s late.” Time to go home.
“No,” said the Maghreb man, “we need to get to that mountain over there today.” And when we return home, I will give you this magic bag.
Aladdin really didn’t want to go, but when he heard about the bag, he sighed heavily and said:
- Okay, let's go.
The Maghrebian took Aladdin by the hand and led him to the mountain. The sun had already set and it was almost dark. They walked for a very long time and finally came to the foot of the mountain. Aladdin was scared, he almost cried.
“Get some thin and dry branches,” said the Maghribian. “We need to make a fire.” When it lights up, I'll show you something that no one has ever seen.
Aladdin really wanted to see something that no one had ever seen. He forgot about fatigue and went to collect brushwood.
When the fire flared up, the Maghreb man took a box and two planks from his bosom and said:
- Oh Aladdin, I want to make you rich and help you and your mother. Do everything I tell you.
He opened the box and poured some powder out of it into the fire. And now, from the fire, huge pillars of flame - yellow, red and green - rose to the sky.
“Listen carefully, Aladdin,” said the Maghrebian. “Now I will begin to read spells over the fire, and when I finish, the earth will part before me, and you will see a large stone with a copper ring.” Grab the ring and lift the stone. Under the stone there will be a staircase that leads to the dungeon. Go down it and you will see a door. Open this door and go forward. You will meet terrible animals and monsters, but do not be afraid: as soon as you touch them with your hand, the monsters will fall dead. You will go through three rooms, and in the fourth you will see an old woman. She will speak to you kindly and want to hug you. Don't let her touch you, otherwise you will turn into black stone. Behind the fourth room you will see big garden. Go through it and open the door at the other end of the garden. Behind this door there will be a large room full of gold and precious stones. Take whatever you want from there, but bring me only the old copper lamp that hangs on the wall in the right corner. When you bring me the lamp, I will give you a magic bag. And on the way back you will be protected from all troubles by this ring.
And he put a small shiny ring on Aladdin’s finger.
Hearing about the terrible beasts and monsters, Aladdin became very frightened.
“Uncle,” he asked the Maghreb citizen, “why don’t you want to go underground yourself?” Go get your lamp yourself and take me home.
“No, no, Aladdin,” said the Maghrebian, “no one but you can enter the treasury.” The treasure has been lying underground for many hundreds of years, and only a boy named Aladdin, the son of tailor Hasan, will get it. Listen to me, otherwise you will feel bad!
Aladdin became even more frightened and said:
- Well, okay, I’ll bring you a lamp, but just make sure you give me a bag!
- I'll give it to you! I'll give it to you! - the Maghreb man shouted.
He added more powder to the fire and began to cast spells. He read louder and louder, and when he finally shouted out the last word, there was a deafening roar and the ground parted before them.
- Pick up the stone! - the Maghreb man shouted in a terrible voice.
Aladdin saw a large stone with a copper ring at his feet. He grabbed the ring with both hands, pulled the stone towards him and easily lifted it. Under the stone there was a large round hole, and in the depths of it a narrow staircase was visible. Aladdin sat down on the edge of the pit and jumped down to the first step of the stairs.
“Well, go and come back quickly!” the Maghreb man shouted. Aladdin quickly went down. The lower he went, the
It was getting darker around him, but he moved forward without stopping.
Having reached the last step, Aladdin saw a wide iron door. Pushing her, he entered a large, dim room and suddenly saw in the middle of the room a strange black man in a tiger skin. The black man silently rushed at Aladdin, but Aladdin touched him with his hand, and he fell to the ground dead.
Aladdin was very scared, but he moved on. He pushed the second door and involuntarily jumped back: in front of him stood a huge lion with a bared mouth. The lion fell with his whole body to the ground and jumped straight at Aladdin. But as soon as his front paw touched the boy’s head, the lion fell to the ground dead.
Aladdin was sweating from fear, but still went on. He opened the third door and heard a terrible hissing: in the middle of the room, curled up in a ball, lay two huge snakes. They raised their heads and, sticking out their long stings, slowly crawled towards Aladdin. But as soon as the snakes touched Aladdin's hand with their stings, their sparkling eyes went out and they stretched out dead on the ground.
Having reached the fourth door, Aladdin carefully opened it. He poked his head through the door and saw that there was no one in the room except a little old woman, wrapped from head to toe in a blanket. Seeing Aladdin, she rushed to him and shouted:
- Finally you have come, Aladdin, my boy! How long have I been waiting for you in this dark dungeon!
Aladdin extended his hands to her: it seemed to him that this was his mother. He was about to hug her, but remembered in time that if he touched her, he would turn into black stone. He jumped back and slammed the door behind him. After waiting a little, he opened it again and saw that there was no one in the room anymore.
Aladdin walked through this room and opened the fifth door. In front of him was a beautiful garden with dense trees and fragrant flowers. Small colorful birds chirped loudly in the trees. They could not fly far: they were prevented by a thin golden mesh stretched over the garden. All the paths were strewn with round sparkling stones.
Aladdin rushed to collect pebbles. He stuffed them into his belt, his bosom, and his hat. He loved to play pebbles with the boys.
Aladdin liked the stones so much that he almost forgot about the lamp. But when there was nowhere else to put the stones, he remembered about her and went to the treasury. This was the last room in the dungeon, the largest. There were heaps of gold, silver and jewelry. But Aladdin did not even look at them: he did not know the price of gold and expensive things. He only took the lamp and put it in his pocket. Then he walked back to the exit and climbed up the stairs with difficulty. Having reached the last step, he shouted:
- Uncle, extend your hand to me and take my hat with pebbles, and then pull me up: I can’t get out on my own!
- Give me the lamp first! - said the Maghrebi man.
“I can’t get it, it’s under the stones,” Aladdin answered. “Help me get out, and I’ll give it to you.”
But the Maghrebian did not want to help Aladdin. He wanted to get the lamp and then throw Aladdin into the dungeon so that no one would know the way to the treasury. He began to beg Aladdin, but Aladdin would never agree to give him the lamp. He was afraid of losing the stones in the dark and wanted to get to the ground as soon as possible.
When the Maghrebian saw that Aladdin did not want to give him the lamp, he became terribly angry and shouted:
- Oh, so won't you give me the lamp? Stay in the dungeon and starve!
He threw the rest of the powder from the box into the fire, said some words - and suddenly the stone itself closed the hole, and the earth closed over Aladdin.
This Maghrebin man was not Aladdin’s uncle at all: he was an evil wizard and a cunning sorcerer. He learned that there was a treasure underground in Persia and only the boy Aladdin, the son of the tailor Hasan, could open this treasure. The best of all the treasures of the treasure is the magic lamp. It gives the one who takes it into his hands such power and wealth that no king has.
The Maghreb man cast a spell for a long time until he found out where Aladdin lived and found him.
And now, when the lamp is so close, this bad boy does not want to give it away! But if he comes to earth, he can bring other people here who will also want to take possession of the treasure.
Let no one get the treasure! Let Aladdin die in the dungeon!
And the Maghrebian went back to his magical country of Ifriqiya.
When the earth closed over Aladdin, he cried loudly and shouted:
- Uncle, help me! Uncle, get me out of here, I'll die here!
But no one heard him or answered him. Aladdin realized that this man, who called himself his uncle, was a deceiver and a liar. He ran down the stairs to see if there was another way out of the dungeon, but all the doors immediately disappeared and the exit to the garden was also closed.
Aladdin sat down on the steps of the stairs, buried his head in his hands and began to cry.
But as soon as he accidentally touched his forehead to the ring that the Maghrebian put on his finger when he lowered him into the dungeon, the earth began to tremble, and a terrible genie* of enormous stature appeared in front of Aladdin. His head was like a dome, his hands were like pitchforks, his legs were like pillars, and his mouth was like a cave. His eyes sparkled, and a huge horn stuck out in the middle of his forehead.
- What do you want? - asked the genie in a thunderous voice. - Demand - you will receive!
- Who are you? Who are you? - Aladdin shouted, covering his face with his hands so as not to see the terrible genie. - Spare me, don’t kill me!
“I am Dakhnash, the head of all genies,” answered the genie. “I am the slave of the ring and the slave of the one who owns the ring.” I will do whatever my master commands.
Aladdin remembered the ring that was supposed to protect him and said:
- Lift me to the surface of the earth.
Before he had time to finish these words, he found himself upstairs, near the entrance to the dungeon.
It was already day and the sun was shining brightly. Aladdin ran as fast as he could to his city. When he entered the house, his mother was sitting in the middle of the room and weeping bitterly. She thought that her son was no longer alive. As soon as Aladdin slammed the door behind him, he fell unconscious from hunger and fatigue. His mother splashed water on his face, and when he woke up, she asked:
- Where have you been and what happened to you? Where is your uncle and why did you return without him?
“This is not my uncle at all, this is an evil sorcerer,” Aladdin said in a weak voice. “I will tell you everything, mother, but first give me something to eat.”
Aladdin's mother fed him boiled beans - she didn't even have bread! - and then she said:
- Now tell me what happened to you.
“I was in the dungeon and found wonderful stones there,” said Aladdin and told his mother everything that happened to him.
Then he looked into the bowl where the beans were and asked:
- Do you have anything else to eat, mother?
- I have nothing, my child. You ate everything I cooked for today and tomorrow. I was so worried about you that I couldn’t work at all, and I don’t have any yarn to sell at the market.
“Don’t worry, mother,” said Aladdin. “I have a lamp that I took into the dungeon.” True, it is old, but it can still be sold.
He took out the lamp and gave it to his mother. The mother took it, examined it and said:
“I’ll go clean it and take it to the market.” Maybe they will give so much for it that we will have enough for dinner.
She took a rag and a piece of chalk and went out into the yard. But as soon as she began to rub the lamp with a rag, the ground suddenly shook and a terrible genie appeared.
Aladdin's mother screamed and fell unconscious. Aladdin heard a scream. He ran out into the yard and saw that his mother was lying on the ground, the lamp was lying next to her, and in the middle of the yard stood a genie of such enormous height that his head was not visible, and his body was blocking the sun.
As soon as Aladdin lifted the lamp, the thunderous voice of the genie was heard:
- O Lord of the Lamp, I am at your service! Order - you will receive!
Aladdin had already begun to get used to the genies and was not too afraid. He raised his head and shouted as loud as possible so that the genie could hear him:
-Who are you, O genie, and what can you do?
- I am Maimun Shamhurasha! “I am a slave to the lamp and a slave to the one who owns the lamp,” answered the genie. “Demand from me what you want.” If you want me to destroy a city or build a palace, give the order!
When he spoke, Aladdin's mother came to her senses. Seeing the genie, she screamed in horror again. But Aladdin put his hand to his mouth and shouted:
- Bring me two fried chicken and something else good and then get out, otherwise my mother is afraid of you!
The genie disappeared and soon brought a table covered with a beautiful tablecloth. On it stood twelve golden dishes with all kinds of delicious dishes and two jugs of water.
Aladdin and his mother began to eat and ate until they were full.
“Oh, mother,” said Aladdin when they had eaten, “this lamp must be taken care of and not shown to anyone.” She will bring us happiness and wealth.
“Do as you please,” said the mother, “but I don’t want to see this terrible genie anymore.”
A few days later, Aladdin and his mother again had nothing to eat. Then Aladdin took the golden dish, went to the market and sold it for one hundred gold pieces.
From then on, Aladdin went to the market every month and sold one dish. He learned the value of expensive things and realized that every pebble he picked up in the underground garden was worth more than any precious stone that could be found on earth.
One morning, when Aladdin was at the market, a herald came out into the square and shouted:
- Lock the shops and enter the houses! Let no one look from the windows! Now Princess Budur, the daughter of the Sultan, will go to the bathhouse, and no one should see her!
The merchants rushed to lock their shops, and the people, jostling, ran from the square.
Aladdin really wanted to look at the princess. Everyone in the city said that there was no more beautiful girl in the world than her. Aladdin quickly went into the bathhouse and hid behind the door so that no one could see him.
The entire square was suddenly empty. Soon a crowd of girls appeared in the distance on gray mules under golden saddles. And in the middle of them a girl rode slowly, dressed more magnificently and elegantly than all the others and the most beautiful. This was Princess Budur.
She got off the mule and, walking two steps away from Aladdin, entered the bathhouse. And Aladdin wandered home, sighing heavily. He could not forget about the beauty of Princess Budur.
“It’s true what they say is that she is more beautiful than all the girls,” he thought. “If I don’t marry her, I’ll die.”
Arriving home, he threw himself into bed and lay there until evening. When his mother asked him what was wrong with him, he just waved his hand at her. Finally she pestered him so much that he could not stand it and said:
- Oh mother, I want to marry Princess Budur! Go to the Sultan and ask him to marry Budur to me.
- What are you saying! - exclaimed the old woman. “Your head must have been baked by the sun!” Is it ever heard of the sons of tailors marrying the daughters of sultans? Better have dinner and go to sleep. Tomorrow you won’t even think about such things.
- I don’t want to have dinner! I want to marry Princess Budur! - Aladdin shouted. “Please, mother, go to the Sultan and woo me!”
“I haven’t gone crazy yet to go to the Sultan with such a request,” said Aladdin’s mother.
But Aladdin begged her until she agreed.
“Okay, son, I’ll go,” she said. “But you know that they don’t come to the Sultan empty-handed.” What good can I bring him?
Aladdin jumped out of bed and shouted cheerfully:
- Don't worry about it, mother! Take one of the golden dishes and fill it with the precious stones that I brought from the underground garden. It will be good gift to the Sultan. He probably doesn't have stones like mine.
Aladdin grabbed the largest dish and filled it to the top with precious stones. His mother looked at them and covered her eyes with her hand: these stones sparkled so brightly.
“With such a gift, perhaps, it’s not a shame to go to the Sultan,” she said. “I just don’t know if I’ll be able to say what you’re asking.” But I'll be brave and try.
“Try, mother,” said Aladdin. “Go quickly!” Aladdin's mother covered the dish with a thin silk scarf
and went to the Sultan's palace.
“How will I talk to the Sultan about such a matter? - she thought. “Who are we to woo the Sultan’s daughter?” I am a simple woman, and my husband was a poor man, and suddenly Aladdin wants to become the son-in-law of the great Sultan! No, I don't have the courage to ask for this. Of course, the Sultan may like our precious stones, but he probably already has a lot of them. It’s good if they just beat me up and kick me out of the couch*. If only they wouldn’t put me in a dungeon.”
So she spoke to herself, heading to the Sultan's divan through the streets of the city. Passers-by looked in surprise at the old woman in a holey dress, whom no one had ever seen near the Sultan's palace. The boys jumped around and teased her, but the old woman paid no attention to anyone.
She was so poorly dressed that the gatekeepers at the palace gates even tried to prevent her from entering the sofa. But the old woman slipped them a coin and slipped into the yard.
Soon she came to the sofa and stood in the farthest corner. It was still early and there was no one on the couch. But little by little it filled with nobles and noble people in colorful robes. The Sultan arrived later than everyone else, surrounded by blacks with swords in their hands. He sat on the throne and began to sort out cases and receive complaints. The tallest slave stood next to him and drove flies away from him with a large peacock feather.
When all the business was over, the Sultan waved his handkerchief - this meant: “The end!” - and left, leaning on the shoulders of the blacks.
And Aladdin’s mother returned home without saying a word to the Sultan.
The next day she went to the sofa again and left again without saying anything to the Sultan. She went the next day too - and soon got used to going to the sofa every day.
Finally the Sultan noticed her and asked his vizier:
- Who is this old woman and why does she come here? Ask what she needs and I will fulfill her request.
The vizier approached Aladdin's mother and shouted:
- Hey, old woman, come here! If you have any request, the Sultan will fulfill it.
Aladdin's mother trembled with fear and almost dropped the dish from her hands. The vizier brought her to the Sultan, and she bowed low to him, and the Sultan asked her:
-Why do you come here every day and say nothing? Tell me what do you need?
Aladdin's mother bowed again and said:
- O Lord Sultan! My son Aladdin sends you these stones as a gift and asks you to give him your daughter, Princess Budur, as his wife.
She pulled the scarf off the dish, and the whole sofa lit up - the stones sparkled so much.
- O vizier! - said the Sultan. - Have you ever seen such stones?
“No, O Lord Sultan, I haven’t seen it,” answered the vizier. The Sultan was very fond of jewelry, but he did not have a single stone like those that Aladdin sent him. Sultan said:
- I think that the person who has such stones could be my daughter’s husband. What do you think, Vizier?
When the vizier heard these words, he envied Aladdin with great envy: he had a son whom he wanted to marry the princess Budur, and the Sultan had already promised him to marry Budur to his son.
“Oh, Lord Sultan,” said the vizier, “you shouldn’t give the princess to a man you don’t even know.” Maybe he has nothing but these stones. Let him give you forty more of the same dishes filled with precious stones, and forty female slaves to carry these dishes, and forty slaves to guard them. Then we will know whether he is rich or not.
And the vizier thought to himself: “It’s impossible that anyone could get all this!” Aladdin will be powerless to do this, and the Sultan will not give his daughter for him.”
- You came up with a good idea, Vizier! - the Sultan shouted and said to Aladdia’s mother: “Did you hear what the vizier said?” Go and tell your son: if he wants to marry my daughter, let him send forty golden dishes with the same stones, forty female slaves and forty slaves.
Aladdin's mother bowed and returned home. Seeing that his mother did not have a dish in her hands, Aladdin said: “Oh, mother, I see you spoke with the Sultan today.” What did he answer you?
- Oh, my child, it would be better for me not to go to the Sultan and not talk to him! - answered the old woman. - Just listen to what he told me...
And she conveyed the Sultan’s words to Aladdin. But Aladdin laughed with joy and exclaimed:
- Calm down, mother, this is the easiest thing!
He took the lamp and rubbed it. When the mother saw this, she ran into the kitchen so as not to see the genie. And the genie immediately appeared and said:
- Oh sir, I am at your service. What do you want? Demand - you will receive!
“I need forty golden dishes full of precious stones, forty female slaves to carry these dishes, and forty slaves to guard them,” said Aladdin.
“It will be done, oh lord,” answered Maimun, the slave of the lamp. “Perhaps you want me to destroy the city or build a palace?” Order!
“No, do what I told you,” Aladdin answered. And the slave of the lamp disappeared.
Soon he appeared again. Forty beautiful slave girls followed him. Each one held a golden dish with precious stones on her head, and behind the slaves were tall, beautiful slaves with naked swords in their hands.
“This is what you demanded,” said the genie and disappeared.
Then Aladdin's mother came out of the kitchen and examined the slaves and slaves. Then, joyful and proud, she led them to the Sultan's palace.
All the people came running to watch this procession. The guards in the palace froze in amazement when they saw these slaves and slaves.
Aladdin's mother led them straight to the Sultan. They all kissed the ground in front of the Sultan and, removing the dishes from their heads, placed them in a row.
“O Vizier,” said the Sultan, “what is your opinion?” Is not the one who has such wealth worthy to become the husband of my daughter, Princess Budur?
- Worthy, oh lord! - answered the vizier, sighing heavily.
“Go and tell your son,” said the Sultan to Aladdin’s mother, “that I accepted his gift and agree to marry Princess Budur to him.” Let him come to me: I want to meet him.
Aladdin's mother hastily bowed to the Sultan and ran home so fast that the wind could not keep up with her. She ran to Aladdin and shouted:
- Rejoice, son! The Sultan accepted your gift and agrees for you to become the princess’s husband! He said this in front of everyone! Go to the palace now: the Sultan wants to meet you.
“Now I’ll go to the Sultan,” said Aladdin. “Now go away: I’ll talk to the genie.”
Aladdin took the lamp, rubbed it, and immediately Maymun, the lamp's slave, appeared. Aladdin told him:
- Bring me forty-eight white slaves: this will be my retinue. And let twenty-four slaves go in front of me, and twenty-four behind me. And also bring me a thousand gold pieces and the best horse.
“It will be done,” said the genie and disappeared. He got everything Aladdin told him to do. and asked:
-What else do you want? Do you want me to destroy the city or build a palace? I can do everything.
“No, not yet,” said Aladdin.
He jumped on his horse and rode to the Sultan. In the market square, where there were a lot of people, Aladdin took a handful of gold from the bag and threw it into the crowd. Everyone rushed to catch and pick up coins, and Aladdin threw and threw gold until his bag was empty. He drove up to the palace, and all the nobles and confidants of the Sultan met him at the gate and escorted him to the divan. The Sultan rose to meet him and said:
- Welcome, Aladdin! I heard that you want to marry my daughter? I agree. Have you prepared everything for the wedding?
“Not yet, O Lord Sultan,” answered Aladdin. “I have not built a palace for Princess Budur.”
- When will the wedding be? - asked the Sultan. - After all, you can’t build a palace soon.
“Don’t worry, Sultan,” said Aladdin. “Wait a little.”
-Where are you going to build a palace? - asked the Sultan. “Would you like to build it in front of my windows, in this vacant lot?”
“As you wish, Sultan,” Aladdin answered.
He said goodbye to the Sultan and went home along with his entire retinue.
At home, he took the lamp, rubbed it, and when the genie Maimun appeared, he said to him:
- Build me a palace, but one that has never been before on earth! Can you do it?
- Can! - exclaimed the genie in a voice like thunder. “It will be ready by tomorrow morning.”
And indeed: the next morning a magnificent palace rose among the wasteland. Its walls were made of gold and silver bricks, and its roof was made of diamonds. Aladdin walked around all the rooms and said to Maimun:
- You know, Maimun, I came up with one joke. Break this column and let the Sultan think that we forgot to put it up. He will want to build it himself and will not be able to do this. Then he will see that I am stronger and richer than him.
“Okay,” said the genie and waved his hand. The column immediately disappeared, as if it had never existed.
“Now,” said Aladdin, “I will go and bring the Sultan here.”
And the Sultan went to the window in the morning and saw a palace that glittered and sparkled so much that it was painful to look at it. The Sultan ordered the vizier to be called and showed him the palace.
- Well, vizier, what do you say? - he asked. “Is the one who built such a palace in one night worthy to be the husband of my daughter?”
- O Lord Sultan! - shouted the vizier. “Don’t you see that this Aladdin is a sorcerer?” Beware lest he take your kingdom from you!
“You are saying all this out of envy,” the Sultan told him. At this time Aladdin entered and, bowing to the Sultan,
asked him to inspect the palace.
The Sultan and the Vizier walked around the palace, and the Sultan greatly admired its beauty. Finally Aladdin led the guests to the place where Maimun broke the column. The vizier immediately noticed that one column was missing and shouted:
- The palace is not completed! One column is missing here!
“It doesn’t matter,” said the Sultan. “I will erect this column myself.” Call the chief builder here!
“It’s better not to try, Sultan,” the vizier quietly told him, “you can’t do it.” Look: these columns are so high that you can’t see where they end. And they are lined with precious stones from top to bottom.
- Shut up, vizier! - the Sultan said proudly. “Can’t I really put up one such column?”
He ordered to call all the stonecutters who were in the city, and gave them his precious stones. But there weren't enough of them. Upon learning of this, the Sultan became angry and shouted:
- Open the main treasury, take away all the precious stones from my subjects! Is all my wealth really not enough for one column?
But a few days later the builders came to the Sultan and reported that there were only enough stones and marble for a quarter of the column. The Sultan ordered their heads to be cut off, but still did not erect a column. Having learned about this, Aladdin said to the Sultan:
- Don't be sad, Sultan! The column is already in place, and I have returned all the precious stones to their owners.
That same evening, the Sultan organized a magnificent celebration on the occasion of Aladdin's wedding with Princess Budur. Aladdin and his wife began to live in a new palace.
And the Maghreb returned to his home in Ifriqiya and grieved and was sad for a long time. There was only one consolation left for him. “Since Aladdin died in the dungeon, that means the lamp is also there. Maybe I will be able to take possession of it without Aladdin,” he thought.
And then one day he wanted to make sure that the lamp was intact and was in the dungeon. He told fortunes in the sand and saw that the lamp was no longer in the dungeon. The Maghribian got scared and began to wonder further. He saw that Aladdin had escaped from the dungeon and was living in his hometown.
The Maghrebian quickly got ready to set off and drove across the seas, mountains and deserts to distant Persia. He rode for a long time and finally arrived in the city where Aladdin lived.
The Maghrebian went to the market and began to listen to what people were saying. In the market there was only talk about Aladdin and his palace.
The Maghribian walked around, listened, and then approached the seller cold water and asked him:
-Who is this Aladdin that everyone is talking about here?
“It’s immediately clear that you’re not from here,” answered the seller, “otherwise you would know who Aladdin is: he is the richest man in the whole world, and his palace is a real miracle!”
The Maghreb man handed the seller a gold piece and said to him:
- Take this gold and do me a favor. I am truly a stranger in the city, and I would like to see Aladdin's palace. Take me to this palace.
The water seller led the Maghrib man to the palace and left, and the Maghrib man walked around the palace and examined it from all sides.
“Only a genie, a slave to the lamp, could build such a palace. The lamp is probably in this palace,” he thought.
The Maghreb man thought for a long time about how to take possession of the lamp, and finally came up with an idea.
He went to the coppersmith and said to him:
- Make me ten copper lamps, but quickly. Here's five gold pieces for you as a deposit.
“I listen and obey,” answered the coppersmith. “Come in the evening, the lamps will be ready.”
In the evening, the Maghreb resident received ten brand new copper lamps, shining like gold. As soon as it was dawn, he began to walk around the city, shouting loudly:
- Who wants to exchange old lamps for new ones? Who has old copper lamps? I'm replacing them with new ones!
A crowd of people followed the Maghreb man, and children jumped around him and shouted:
- Crazy, crazy!
But the Maghrebin did not pay attention to them.
Finally he came to the palace. Aladdin was not at home at that time. He went hunting, and only his wife, Princess Budur, was in the palace.
Hearing the cry of the Maghreb man, Budur sent a servant to find out what was the matter. The servant returned and told her:
- This is some kind of crazy person: he is replacing new lamps with old ones.
Princess Budur laughed and said:
- It would be good to know whether he is telling the truth or deceiving. Do we have any old lamp in our palace?
“Yes, madam,” said one maid. “I saw a copper lamp in our master Aladdin’s room.” She's all green and no good.
“Bring this lamp,” Budur ordered. “Give it to this madman, and let him give us a new one.”
The maid went out into the street and gave the Maghreb man a magic lamp, and in return received a brand new copper lamp. The Maghribian was very happy that his trick was a success and hid the lamp in his bosom. Then he bought a donkey at the market and left. Having left the city, the Maghrebin rubbed the lamp and, when the genie Maimun appeared, shouted to him:
“I want you to move Aladdin’s palace and everyone in it to Ifriqiya!” And take me there too!
- Will be done! - said the genie. - Close your eyes and open your eyes - the palace will be in Ifriqiya.
- Hurry up, genie! - said the Maghrebi man.
And before he could finish speaking, he saw himself in his garden in Ifriqiya, near the palace. That's all that happened to him so far.
And the Sultan woke up in the morning, looked out the window and suddenly saw that the palace had disappeared. The Sultan rubbed his eyes and even pinched his hand to wake up, but the palace was gone.
The Sultan did not know what to think. He began to cry and moan loudly. He realized that some kind of trouble had happened to Princess Budur. The vizier came running to the Sultan’s cries and asked:
- What happened to you, Sultan? Why are you crying?
- Don't you know anything? - the Sultan shouted. “Well, look out the window.” Where is the palace? Where is my daughter?
- I don’t know, oh lord! - answered the frightened vizier.
- Bring Aladdin here! - the Sultan shouted. “I will cut off his head!”
At this time, Aladdin was just returning from hunting. The Sultan's servants went out into the street and ran to meet him.
“Forgive us, Aladdin,” said one of them. “The Sultan ordered to tie your hands, put you in chains and bring you to him.” We cannot disobey the Sultan.
- Why was the Sultan angry with me? - asked Aladdin. “I didn’t do anything bad to him.”
They called a blacksmith, and he chained Aladdin's feet. A whole crowd gathered around Aladdin. The inhabitants of the city loved Aladdin for his kindness, and when they learned that the Sultan wanted to cut off his head, everyone ran to the palace. And the Sultan ordered Aladdin to be brought to him and said to him:
- Is my vizier telling the truth that you are a sorcerer and a deceiver? Where is your palace and where is my daughter Budur?
- I don’t know, O Lord Sultan! - Aladdin answered. “I am not guilty of anything to you.”
- Cut off his head! - shouted the Sultan.
And Aladdin was again taken out into the street, and the executioner followed him.
When the city residents saw the executioner, they surrounded Aladdin and sent him to tell the Sultan: “If you do not have mercy on Aladdin, we will destroy your palace and kill everyone who is in it. Free Aladdin, otherwise you will have a bad time!”
The Sultan got scared, called Aladdin and told him:
- I spared you because the people love you. But if you don’t find my daughter, I will still cut off your head! I give you forty days.
“Okay,” said Aladdin and left the city.
He did not know where to go and where to look for Princess Budur, and out of grief he decided to drown himself; he reached a large river and sat down on the bank, sad and sorrowful.
Lost in thought, he lowered it into the water right hand and suddenly felt that the ring was falling from his little finger. Aladdin quickly picked up the ring and remembered that this was the same ring that the Maghrebin man had put on his finger.
Aladdin completely forgot about this ring. He rubbed it, and the genie Dahnash appeared before him and said:
- O lord of the ring, I am in front of you! What do you want? Order!
- I want you to move my palace to its original location! - said Aladdin.
But the genie, the servant of the ring, lowered his head and answered:
- Oh lord, I can't do this! The palace was built by the slave of the lamp, and only he can move it. Demand something else from me.
“If so,” said Aladdin, “take me to where my palace now stands.”
“Close your eyes and open your eyes,” said the genie. Aladdin closed and opened his eyes again. And I found myself in the garden
in front of his palace. He ran up the stairs and saw Budur, who was crying bitterly. Seeing Aladdin, she screamed and cried even louder - now from joy. She told Aladdin everything that had happened to her, and then said:
“This Maghreb man came to me many times and persuaded me to marry him. But I don’t listen to the evil Maghreb, but cry about you all the time.
-Where did he hide the magic lamp? - asked Aladdin.
“He never parts with it and always keeps it with him,” Budur answered.
“Listen, Budur,” said Aladdin, “when the Maghreb comes to you again, be more kind to him.” Ask him to have dinner with you and, when he begins to eat and drink, pour this sleeping powder into his wine. As soon as he falls asleep, I will enter the room and kill him.
“He should come soon,” said Budur. “Follow me, I’ll hide you in dark room; and when he falls asleep, I will clap my hands and you will come in.
Aladdin barely had time to hide when a Maghreb man entered Budur’s room. She greeted him cheerfully and said affably:
- Oh my lord, wait a little. I'll get dressed up, and then you and I will have dinner together.
The Maghrebian went out, and Budur put on her best dress and prepared food and wine. When the sorcerer returned, Budur told him:
- Oh my lord, promise me to do everything I ask of you today!
“Okay,” said the Maghrebi man.
Budur began to treat him and give him wine. When he got a little drunk, she said to him:

Give me your cup, I will take a sip from it, and you drink from mine.
And Budur handed the Maghrebian a cup of wine into which she added sleeping powder. The Maghrebian drank it and immediately fell, struck by sleep, and Budur clapped her hands. Aladdin was just waiting for this. He ran into the room and, swinging his sword, cut off the head of the Maghreb man with his sword. And then he took the lamp from his bosom, rubbed it, and immediately Maymun, the slave of the lamp, appeared.
- Take the palace to its original place! - Aladdin ordered him.
A moment later the palace was already standing opposite the Sultan's palace. The Sultan at that time was sitting by the window and weeping bitterly for his daughter. He immediately ran to his son-in-law's palace, where Aladdin and his wife met him on the stairs, crying with joy.
The Sultan asked Aladdin for forgiveness for wanting to cut off his head...
Aladdin lived happily in his palace with his wife and mother until death came to them all.
That's the end of the fairy tale Aladdin and the magic lamp, and whoever listened - well done!

Dear fellow buyers! Have you picked up this record and are thinking: to buy or not to buy? My advice to you: buy it. This is a very interesting oriental fairy tale, known throughout the world. And known to you. If you don’t know it, then buy it. You probably don’t visit the east often, but buying this record and listening to it is like visiting there.
Therefore, feel free to tell the saleswoman:
- Comrade saleswoman, urgently wrap this record for me.
Now that you have bought this record, you are a listener.
Dear comrade listeners! There are many different events in this story. And they all happened to one boy - Aladdin. I can't understand why he got so lucky. Aladdin wasn't the best boy in ancient city. Moreover, by today's standards, he was a difficult teenager.
However, when many difficult adventures befell him, he did not perform so badly. From somewhere he had courage, ingenuity, and perseverance. Perhaps, like all difficult teenagers, all this was inherent in him. And extraordinary circumstances were needed for good qualities to awaken in him.
Dear comrade listeners! I know that you love Russian folk tales. But you must admit that oriental tales are much more magnificent and brighter. How the sun of the east shines more brightly. How more lush its vegetation is. You will not find such a number of precious stones, magic rings, palaces and genies of incredible dimensions in northern folklore. It usually has a magic ring - that's all. Robber - so on singular. And the most powerful genie is Kashchei the Immortal. So he is just a novice villain compared to the eastern genie Dahnash or his more senior comrade, the high-rise genie Maimun. It is all the more interesting for us to listen to the lush, flowery oriental fairy tale. Or listen to this song:
In reality, not in a dream,
Quite conscientiously
The almighty genies serve me.
There's no need to guess about
What happens next
And today there is no reason to be sad.
Dear comrade listeners! A record is essentially home-delivered theater. And what actors are in this theater! Alexander Lenkov, Rostislav Plyatt, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Evgeny Vesnik... Not in every capital theater you will find so many such actors at once!
They play so lively that the listener has the effect of presence. It seems that this is not a record, but a movie. Color, widescreen. And we have the most comfortable places, with tea and sweets. We see blacks with wide swords, servants with fans, advisers in turbans and a sultan indifferent to his government duties, but showing keen interest to precious stones, palaces, gifts and maids. A typical figure of the ancient east is the vizier of the sultan, who, under the guise of public service, arranges his personal affairs and the affairs of his relatives. In our cinema on the record we see him as if he were alive. We can even tell you what he looks like.
This fairy tale is very infectious and true (as true as a fairy tale can be). I want to wipe it down after listening old chandelier or a lampshade and see a terrible all-powerful genie in front of you. He will say:
-What do you want, owner of the lampshade? I will do everything!
And in response I want to order him:
- Immediately build a palace of one hundred floors.
And if the genie does not appear, at least the lampshade will be wiped.
That's all. Put the record on the player and invite your friends to listen to it with you.

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Arabic folk tale

Aladdin and the magic lamp

Once upon a time there lived a poor tailor in a Persian city.

He had a wife and a son, whose name was Aladdin. When Aladdin was ten years old, his father wanted to teach him a craft. But he did not have the money to pay for the apprenticeship, and he began to teach Aladdin how to sew dresses himself.

This Aladdin was a big slacker. He didn’t want to learn anything, and as soon as his father left for the customer, Aladdin ran outside to play with the boys, who were just as naughty as himself. From morning to evening they ran around the city and shot sparrows with crossbows, or climbed into other people's gardens and vineyards and filled their bellies with grapes and peaches.

But most of all they loved to tease some fool or cripple - they jumped around him and shouted: “Demoniac, demoniac!” And they threw stones and rotten apples at him.

Aladdin's father was so upset by his son's pranks that he fell ill from grief and died. Then his wife sold everything he left behind and began spinning cotton and selling yarn to feed herself and her idle son.

But he didn’t even think about helping his mother in any way, and only came home to eat and sleep.

So much time passed. Aladdin turned fifteen years old. And then one day, when he, as usual, was playing with the boys, a dervish, a wandering monk, approached them. He looked at Aladdin and said to himself:

This is the one I'm looking for. I experienced many misfortunes before I found him.

And this dervish was a Maghreb, a resident of the Maghreb. He motioned to one of the boys and asked him who Aladdin was and who his father was, and then he went up to Aladdin and asked him:

Are you not the son of Hassan, the tailor?

“I,” replied Aladdin, “but my father died long ago.”

Hearing this, the Maghreb man hugged Aladdin and began to cry loudly and beat his chest, shouting:

Know, O my child, that your father is my brother. I came to this city after a long absence and was glad that I would see my brother Hassan, and then he died. I recognized you immediately because you are very similar to your father.

Then the Maghrebian gave Aladdin two dinars** and said:

O my child, besides you, I have no consolation left in anyone. Give this money to your mother and tell her that your uncle has returned and will come to you for dinner tomorrow. Let her cook a good dinner.

Aladdin ran to his mother and told her everything that the Maghreb man had ordered, but the mother became angry:

All you can do is laugh at me. Your father didn't have a brother, so where did you suddenly get an uncle?

How can you say that I don’t have an uncle! - Aladdin shouted. - This man is my uncle. He hugged me and cried and gave me these dinars. He will come to us for dinner tomorrow.

The next day, Aladdin’s mother borrowed dishes from neighbors and, having bought meat, herbs and fruits at the market, prepared a good dinner.

This time Aladdin spent the whole day at home, waiting for his uncle.

In the evening there was a knock on the gate. Aladdin rushed to open it. It was a Maghrebin man and with him a servant who was carrying strange Maghrebin fruits and sweets. The servant put his burden on the ground and left, and the Maghreb man entered the house, greeted Aladdin’s mother and said:

Please show me the place where my brother sat at dinner.

They showed it to him, and the Maghrebin man began to moan and cry so loudly that Aladdin’s mother believed that this man was really her husband’s brother. She began to console the Maghreb man, and he soon calmed down and said:

O wife of my brother, do not be surprised that you have never seen me. I left this city forty years ago, I was in India, in the Arab lands, in the lands of the Far West and in Egypt and spent thirty years traveling. When I wanted to return to my homeland, I said to myself: “O man, you have a brother, and he may be in need, but you still have not helped him in any way. Find your brother and see how he lives ". I set out and rode for many days and nights, and finally I found you. And now I see that my brother died, but after him there was a son who will work in his place and feed himself and his mother.

No matter how it is! - Aladdin's mother exclaimed. “I have never seen such a slacker as this bad boy.” All day long he runs around the city, shoots crows and steals grapes and apples from his neighbors. At least you forced him to help his mother.

“Don’t worry, O wife of my brother,” answered the Maghrebin. - Tomorrow Aladdin and I will go to the market, and I will buy him beautiful clothes. Let him watch how people buy and sell - maybe he himself will want to trade, and then I will apprentice him to a merchant. And when he learns, I will open a shop for him, and he himself will become a merchant and get rich. Okay, Aladdin?

Aladdin sat all red with joy and could not utter a single word, he just nodded his head: “Yes, yes!” When the Maghrebian left, Aladdin immediately went to bed so that morning would come sooner, but he could not sleep and tossed and turned from side to side all night. As soon as it was dawn, he jumped out of bed and ran out the gate to meet his uncle. He didn't have to wait long.

First of all, he and Aladdin went to the bathhouse. There they washed Aladdin and kneaded his joints so that each joint clicked loudly, then they shaved his head, perfumed him and gave him rose water and sugar to drink. After that, the Maghrebian took Aladdin to the shop, and Aladdin chose for himself all the most expensive and beautiful things - a yellow silk robe with green stripes, a red cap embroidered with gold, and high morocco boots lined with silver horseshoes. True, their feet were cramped in them - Aladdin put on boots for the first time in his life, but he would never agree to take off his shoes.

His head under his hat was all wet, and sweat rolled down Aladdin’s face, but everyone saw how Aladdin wiped his forehead with a beautiful silk scarf.

He and the Maghreb man walked around the entire market and headed to a large grove that began immediately outside the city. The sun was already high, and Aladdin had not eaten anything since the morning. He was very hungry and quite tired, because he had been walking for a long time in narrow boots, but he was ashamed to admit it, and he waited until his uncle himself wanted to eat and drink. And the Maghrebin man kept walking and walking. They had long left the city, and Aladdin was thirsty.

Finally he couldn’t stand it anymore and asked:

Uncle, when are we going to have lunch? There is not a single shop or tavern here, and you did not take anything with you from the city. You only have an empty bag in your hands.

Do you see a high mountain up ahead? - said the Maghrebi man. - We are going to this mountain, and I wanted to rest and have a snack at its foot. But if you are very hungry, you can have lunch here.

Where will you get lunch from? - Aladdin was surprised.

You’ll see,” said the Maghrebi man.

They sat down under a tall cypress tree, and the Maghrebian asked Aladdin:

What would you like to eat now?

Aladdin's mother prepared the same dish for dinner every day - boiled beans with hemp oil. Aladdin was so hungry that he answered without hesitation:

Give me some boiled beans with butter.

Would you like some fried chicken? - asked the Maghrebi man.

“I want to,” Aladdin said impatiently.

Would you like some rice with honey? - continued the Maghribian.

“I want it,” Aladdin shouted, “I want everything!” But where will you get all this, uncle?

“Out of the bag,” said the Maghreb man and untied the bag.

Aladdin looked into the bag with curiosity, but there was nothing there.

Where are the chickens? - asked Aladdin.

“Here,” said the Maghreb man and, putting his hand into the bag, pulled out a dish of fried chicken. - And here is rice with honey, and boiled beans, and here are grapes, and pomegranates, and apples.

Saying this, the Maghrebin took one food after another out of the bag, and Aladdin, with his eyes wide open, looked at the magic bag.

“Eat,” the Maghrebi man said to Aladdin. - This bag contains all the food you could want. All you have to do is put your hand in it and say: “I want lamb, or halva, or dates” - and all this will end up in the bag.

“What a miracle,” said Aladdin, stuffing a huge piece of bread into his mouth. - It would be nice for my mother to have such a bag.

“If you listen to me,” said the Maghreb, “I will give you many good things.” Now let’s drink pomegranate juice with sugar and move on.

Where? - asked Aladdin. - I'm tired and it's late. Go home.

“No, nephew,” said the Maghreb man, “we definitely need to get to that mountain today.” Listen to me - because I am your uncle, your father's brother. And when we return home, I will give you this magic bag.

Aladdin really didn’t want to go - he had eaten a hearty lunch, and his eyes were sticking together. But, having heard about the bag, he parted his eyelids with his fingers, sighed heavily and said:

Okay, let's go.

The Maghrebian took Aladdin by the hand and led him to the mountain, which was barely visible in the distance, since the sun had already set and it was almost dark. They walked for a very long time and finally came to the foot of the mountain, into a dense forest. Aladdin could barely stand on his feet from fatigue. He was scared in this remote, unfamiliar place and wanted to go home. He almost cried.

“Oh Aladdin,” said the Maghrebian, “gather thin and dry branches on the road - I need to make a fire.” When the fire burns, I will show you something that no one has ever seen.

Aladdin so wanted to see what no one had seen that he forgot about fatigue and went to collect brushwood. He brought an armful of dry branches, and the Maghreb man lit a large fire. When the fire flared up, the Maghrebin man took out from his bosom a wooden box and two tablets covered with letters as small as ant tracks.

O Aladdin, he said, I want to make a man out of you and help you and your mother. Don’t contradict me and do everything I tell you. Now look.

He opened the box and poured yellowish powder out of it into the fire. And now, from the fire, huge pillars of flame - yellow, red and green - rose to the sky.

Listen, Aladdin, listen carefully,” said the Maghrebian. “Now I will begin to read spells over the fire, and when I finish, the earth will part in front of you, and you will see a large stone with a copper ring.” Grab the ring and roll away the stone. You will see a staircase that leads down to the ground. Go down it and you will see a door. Open it and go forward. And no matter what threatens you, do not be afraid. Various animals and monsters will threaten you, but you can boldly go straight towards them. As soon as they touch you, they will fall down dead. So you will go through three rooms. And in the fourth you will see an old woman, she will speak to you kindly and want to hug you. Don't let her touch you - otherwise you will turn into black stone. Behind the fourth room you will see a large garden. Go through it and open the door at the other end of the garden. Behind this door will be a large room full of gold, gems, weapons and clothing. Take whatever you want for yourself, but bring me only the old copper lamp that hangs on the wall in the right corner. You will find out the way to this treasury and become richer than anyone in the world. And when you bring me the lamp, I will give you a magic bag. On the way back, this ring will protect you from all troubles.

And he put a small shiny ring on Aladdin’s finger.

Aladdin died of horror when he heard about terrible animals and monsters.

“Uncle,” he asked the Maghrebian, “why don’t you want to go down there yourself?” Go get your lamp yourself and take me home.

No, Aladdin, said the Maghrebian. - No one but you can enter the treasury. This treasure has been lying underground for many hundreds of years, and only a boy named Aladdin, the son of the tailor Hasan, will get it. I have been waiting for today for a long time, I have been looking for you all over the earth for a long time, and now that I have found you, you will not leave me. Don't contradict me, or you'll feel bad.

“What should I do?” thought Aladdin. “If I don’t go, this terrible sorcerer will probably kill me. It’s better if I go down to the treasury and bring him his lamp. Maybe then he’ll really give me a bag. My mother will be happy.” !"

I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you! - exclaimed the Maghribian. He added more powder to the fire and began to read spells in an incomprehensible language. He read louder and louder, and when he shouted the last word at the top of his voice, there was a deafening roar, and the ground parted before them.

Pick up the stone! - the Maghreb man shouted in a terrible voice.

Aladdin saw at his feet a large stone with a copper ring sparkling in the light of the fire. He grabbed the ring with both hands and pulled the stone towards him. The stone turned out to be very light, and Aladdin lifted it without difficulty. Under the stone there was a large round hole, and in its depths there was a narrow staircase that went far underground. Aladdin sat down on the edge of the pit and jumped down to the first step of the stairs.

Well, go and come back soon! - the Maghreb man shouted. Aladdin went down the stairs. The further he descended, the darker it became around. Aladdin walked forward without stopping and, when he was scared, thought about the bag of food.

Having reached the last step of the stairs, he saw a wide iron door and pushed it open. The door slowly opened, and Aladdin entered a large room, into which a faint light penetrated from somewhere in the distance. In the middle of the room stood a scary black man in a tiger skin. Seeing Aladdin, the black man silently rushed at him with his sword raised. But Aladdin remembered well what the Maghrebin man told him - he extended his hand, and as soon as the sword touched Aladdin, the black man fell to the ground, lifeless. Aladdin walked on, although his legs were giving way. He pushed the second door and froze in place. A ferocious lion stood right in front of him, baring his terrible mouth. The lion fell with his whole body to the ground and jumped straight at Aladdin, but as soon as his front paw touched the boy’s head, the lion fell to the ground dead. Aladdin was sweating from fear, but still went on. He opened the third door and heard a terrible hissing: in the middle of the room, curled up in a ball, lay two huge snakes. They raised their heads and, sticking out their long forked stings, slowly crawled towards Aladdin, hissing and squirming. Aladdin could barely resist running away, but he remembered the words of the Maghreb man in time and boldly went straight towards the snakes. And as soon as the snakes touched Aladdin’s hand with their stings, their sparkling eyes went out and the snakes stretched out dead on the ground.

And Aladdin went further and, reaching the fourth door, carefully opened it. He stuck his head through the door and took a breath of relief - there was no one in the room except a little old woman, wrapped from head to toe in a blanket. Seeing Aladdin, she rushed to him and shouted:

Finally you have come, Aladdin, my boy! How long have I been waiting for you in this dark dungeon!

Aladdin stretched out his hands to her - it seemed to him that his mother was in front of him - and was about to hug her, when suddenly the room became lighter and some terrible creatures appeared in all corners - lions, snakes and monsters that have no name, they as if they were waiting for Aladdin to make a mistake and allow the old woman to touch him - then he would turn into a black stone and the treasure would remain in the treasury for eternity. After all, no one except Aladdin can take it.

Aladdin jumped back in horror and slammed the door behind him. Having come to his senses, he opened it again and saw that there was no one in the room.

Aladdin walked across the room and opened the fifth door.

In front of him was a beautiful, brightly lit garden, where thick trees grew, fragrant flowers and fountains flowed high above the pools.

Small colorful birds chirped loudly in the trees. They could not fly far because they were prevented by a thin golden mesh stretched over the garden. All the paths were strewn with round multi-colored stones; they sparkled dazzlingly in the light of bright lamps and lanterns hung on tree branches.

Aladdin rushed to collect pebbles. He hid them wherever he could - in his belt, in his bosom, in his hat. He really loved playing pebbles with the boys and happily thought about how nice it would be to show off such a wonderful find.

Aladdin liked the stones so much that he almost forgot about the lamp. But when there was nowhere else to put the stones, he remembered the lamp and went to the treasury. This was the last room in the dungeon - the largest. There were piles of gold, piles of expensive materials, precious swords and cups, but Aladdin did not even look at them - he did not know the price of gold and expensive things, because he had never seen them. And his pockets were filled to the brim with stones, and he would not give even one stone for a thousand gold dinars. He took only the lamp that the Maghreb man had told him about - an old, green copper lamp - and wanted to put it in the deepest pocket, but there was no room there: the pocket was filled with stones. Then Aladdin poured out the pebbles, put the lamp in his pocket, and again put as many pebbles on top as he could fit. He somehow stuffed the rest into his pockets.

Then he came back and with difficulty climbed the stairs. Having reached the last step, he saw that it was still far from the top.

“Uncle,” he shouted, “extend your hand to me and take the hat that I have in my hands!” And then take me upstairs. I can’t get out on my own, I’m heavily loaded. And what stones I collected in the garden!

Give me the lamp quickly! - said the Maghrebi man.

“I can’t get her, she’s under the stones,” Aladdin answered. - Help me get out, and I will give it to you!

But the Maghrebian did not even think of pulling out Aladdin. He wanted to get the lamp and leave Aladdin in the dungeon so that no one would recognize the entrance to the treasury and reveal his secret. He began to beg Aladdin to give him a lamp, but Aladdin would never agree - he was afraid to lose the pebbles in the dark and wanted to get to the ground as soon as possible. When the Maghrebian became convinced that Aladdin would not give him the lamp, he became terribly angry.

Oh, will you give me the lamp? - he shouted. - Stay in the dungeon and die of hunger, and don’t even let your own mother know about your death!

He threw the rest of the powder from the box into the fire and said some unclear words- and suddenly the stone itself closed the hole, and the earth closed over Aladdin.

This Maghrebin man was not Aladdin’s uncle at all - he was an evil wizard and a cunning sorcerer. He lived in the city of Ifriqiya, in western Africa, and he learned that somewhere in Persia there was a treasure underground, protected by the name of Aladdin, the son of the tailor Hassan. And the most valuable thing in this treasure is the magic lamp. It gives the one who owns it such power and wealth that no king has. No one except Aladdin can get this lamp. Any other person who wants to take it will be killed by the guards of the treasure or turned into black stone.

The Maghreb man wondered for a long time on the sand until he found out where Aladdin lived. He suffered many disasters and torments before he got from his Ifriqiya to Persia, and now, when the lamp is so close, this bad boy does not want to give it up! But if he comes to earth, he might bring other people here! It was not for this reason that the Maghrebi man waited so long for the opportunity to take possession of the treasure in order to share it with others. Let no one get the treasure! Let Aladdin die in the dungeon! He doesn't know that this lamp is magic...

And the Maghrebi man went back to Ifriqiya, full of anger and frustration. And that's all that happened to him for now.

And Aladdin, when the earth closed over him, cried loudly and shouted:

Uncle, help me! Uncle, get me out of here! I'll die here!

But no one heard him or answered him. Then Aladdin realized that this man who called himself his uncle was a deceiver and a liar. Aladdin cried so hard that he wet all his clothes with his tears. He rushed down the stairs to see if there was another way out of the dungeon, but all the doors immediately disappeared and the exit to the garden was also closed.

Aladdin had no hope of salvation, and he prepared to die.

He sat down on the step of the stairs, lowered his head to his knees and began to wring his hands in grief. By chance, he rubbed the ring that the Maghrebi man put on his finger when he lowered him into the dungeon.

Suddenly the earth shook, and a terrible genie of enormous stature appeared in front of Aladdin. His head was like a dome, his hands were like pitchforks, his legs were like roadside posts, his mouth was like a cave, and his eyes were throwing sparks.

Who are you? Who are you? - Aladdin shouted, covering his face with his hands so as not to see the terrible genie. - Spare me, don't kill me!

“I am Dakhnash, the son of Kashkash, the head of all genies,” answered the genie. - I am the slave of the ring and the slave of the one who owns the ring. I will do whatever my master commands.

Aladdin remembered the ring and what the Maghrebian said when giving him the ring. He gathered his courage and said:

I want you to lift me to the surface of the earth!

And before he had time to utter these words, he found himself on the ground near the extinguished fire, where he and the Maghreb man had been at night. It was already day and the sun was shining brightly. It seemed to Aladdin that everything that happened to him was just a dream. He ran home as fast as he could and, out of breath, went in to see his mother. Aladdin's mother sat in the middle of the room, her hair down, and wept bitterly. She thought that her son was no longer alive. Aladdin, as soon as he slammed the door behind him, fell unconscious from hunger and fatigue. His mother splashed water on his face and, when he came to his senses, asked:

O Aladdin, where have you been and what happened to you? Where is your uncle and why did you return without him?

This is not my uncle at all. “This is an evil sorcerer,” Aladdin said in a weak voice. “I’ll tell you everything, mother, but just give me something to eat first.”

Mother fed Aladdin boiled beans - she didn’t even have bread - and then said:

Now tell me what happened to you and where did you spend the night?

I was in the dungeon and found wonderful stones there.

And Aladdin told his mother everything that happened to him. Having finished the story, he looked into the bowl where the beans were and asked:

Do you have anything else to eat, mother? I am hungry.

I have nothing, my child. “You ate everything I prepared for today and tomorrow,” Aladdin’s mother said sadly. “I was so sad about you that I didn’t work, and I don’t have any yarn to sell at the market.”

“Don’t worry, mother,” said Aladdin. - I have a lamp that I took into the dungeon. True, it is old, but it can still be sold.

He took out the lamp and gave it to his mother. The mother took the lamp, examined it and said:

I’ll go clean it and take it to the market: maybe they’ll get enough for dinner for us.

She took a rag and a piece of chalk and went out into the yard. But as soon as she began to rub the lamp with a rag, the ground shook and a huge genie appeared in front of her. Aladdin's mother screamed and fell unconscious. Aladdin heard a scream and noticed that the room had gone dark. He ran out into the yard and saw that his mother was lying on the ground, the lamp was lying nearby, and in the middle of the yard stood a genie, so huge that his head could not be seen. It blocked out the sun, and it became dark, like twilight.

Aladdin raised the lamp, and suddenly a thunderous voice was heard:

O lord of the lamp, I am at your service.

Aladdin had already begun to get used to the genies and therefore was not too afraid. He raised his head and shouted as loud as possible so that the genie could hear him:

Who are you, O genie, and what can you do?

“I am Maimun, son of Shamhurash,” answered the genie. - I am a slave to the lamp and a slave to the one who owns it. Demand from me what you want. If you want me to destroy a city or build a palace, give the order!

While he was speaking, Aladdin’s mother came to her senses and, seeing the genie’s huge foot, like a large boat, near her face, she screamed in horror. And Aladdin put his hands to his mouth and shouted at the top of his voice:

Bring us two fried chickens and something else good, then get out. Because my mother is afraid of you. She is not yet used to talking to genies.

The genie disappeared and a moment later brought a table covered with a beautiful leather tablecloth. On it stood twelve golden dishes with all kinds of delicious dishes and two jugs of rose water, sweetened with sugar and cooled with snow. The slave of the lamp placed the table in front of Aladdin and disappeared, and Aladdin and his mother began to eat and ate until they were full. Aladdin's mother cleared the remains of food from the table, and they began to talk, gnawing pistachios and dry almonds.

“Oh mother,” said Aladdin, “this lamp must be taken care of and not shown to anyone.” Now I understand why this damned Maghrebi wanted to get only her one and refused everything else. This lamp and the ring that I still have will bring us happiness and wealth.

Do as you please, my child,” said the mother, “but I don’t want to see this genie anymore: he is very scary and disgusting.”

A few days later, the food that the genie brought ran out, and Aladdin and his mother again had nothing to eat. Then Aladdin took one of the golden dishes and went to the market to sell it. A jewel merchant immediately bought this dish and gave one hundred dinars for it.

Aladdin ran home cheerfully. From then on, as soon as their money ran out, Aladdin went to the market and sold the dish, and he and his mother lived without needing anything. Aladdin often sat in the market in the shops of merchants and learned to sell and buy. He learned the price of all things and realized that he had inherited great wealth and that every pebble that he picked up in the underground garden was worth more than any precious stone that could be found on earth.

One morning, when Aladdin was at the market, a herald came out into the square and shouted:

O people, lock your shops and enter your houses, and let no one look out of the windows! Now Princess Budur, the daughter of the Sultan, will go to the bathhouse, and no one should see her!

The merchants rushed to lock their shops, and the people, jostling, ran from the square. Aladdin suddenly really wanted to look at Princess Budur - everyone in the city said that there was no girl in the world more beautiful than her. Aladdin quickly walked to the bathhouse and hid behind the door so that no one could see him.

The entire square was suddenly empty. And then at the far end of the square a crowd of girls appeared, riding gray mules saddled with golden saddles. Each one had a sharp sword in her hands. And among them slowly rode a girl, dressed more magnificently and more elegantly than all the others. This was Princess Budur.

She threw the veil off her face, and it seemed to Aladdin that there was a shining sun in front of him. He involuntarily closed his eyes.

The princess got off the mule and, walking two steps away from Aladdin, entered the bathhouse. And Aladdin wandered home, sighing heavily. He could not forget about the beauty of Princess Budur.

“They say it’s true that she is the most beautiful in the world,” he thought. “I swear on my head - may I die the most terrible death if I don’t marry her!”

He entered his house, threw himself on his bed and lay there until evening. When his mother asked what was wrong with him, he just waved his hand at her. Finally she pestered him so much with questions that he could not stand it and said:

O mother, I want to marry Princess Budur, otherwise I will perish. If you don’t want me to die, go to the Sultan and ask him to marry Budur to me.

What are you saying, my child! - exclaimed the old woman, “Your head must have been baked by the sun!” Is it ever heard of the sons of tailors marrying the daughters of sultans! Now, eat better than a young lamb and go to sleep. Tomorrow you won’t even think about such things!

I don't need a lamb! I want to marry Princess Budur? - Aladdin shouted. - For the sake of my life, oh mother, go to the Sultan and woo Princess Budur for me.

“Oh son,” said Aladdin’s mother, “I have not lost my mind to go to the Sultan with such a request.” I have not yet forgotten who I am and who you are.

But Aladdin begged his mother until she got tired of saying no.

“Okay, son, I’ll go,” she said. - But you know that they don’t come to the Sultan empty-handed. What can I bring that is suitable for His Sultan Majesty?

Aladdin jumped out of bed and shouted cheerfully:

Don't worry about it, mother! Take one of the golden dishes and fill it with the precious stones that I brought from the garden. This will be a gift worthy of a Sultan. Of course he doesn't have stones like mine!

Aladdin grabbed the largest dish and filled it to the top with precious stones. His mother looked at them and covered her eyes with her hand - the stones sparkled so brightly, shimmering with all colors.

“With such a gift, perhaps, there is no shame in going to the Sultan,” she said.

I just don’t know if I’ll be able to say what you’re asking. But I'll be brave and try.

Try it, mother, but quickly. Go and don't hesitate.

Aladdin's mother covered the dish with a thin silk scarf and went to the Sultan's palace.

“Oh, they will drive me out of the palace and beat me, and take away the stones,” she thought.

Or maybe they’ll go to jail.”

Finally she came to the sofa and stood in the farthest corner. It was still early and there was no one on the couch. But gradually it was filled with emirs, viziers, nobles and noble people of the kingdom in colorful robes of all colors and became like a blooming garden.

The Sultan arrived later than everyone else, surrounded by blacks with swords in their hands. He sat on the throne and began to sort out cases and receive complaints, and the tallest black man stood next to him and drove flies away from him with a large peacock feather.

When all the business was finished, the Sultan waved his handkerchief - this meant the end - and left, leaning on the shoulders of the blacks.

And Aladdin's mother returned home and said to her son:

Well, son, I had the courage. I went into the sofa and stayed there until it ended. Tomorrow I will talk to the Sultan, be calm, but today I didn’t have time.

The next day she went to the sofa again and left again when it was over, without saying a word to the Sultan. She went the next day and soon got used to going to the sofa every day. She stood in the corner for whole days, but could not tell the Sultan what her request was.

And the Sultan finally noticed that some old woman with a large dish in her hands came to the sofa every day. And one day he said to his vizier:

O Vizier, I want to know who this old woman is and why she comes here. Ask her what is wrong, and if she has any request, I will fulfill it.

“I listen and obey,” said the vizier. He approached Aladdin's mother and shouted:

Hey old woman, talk to the Sultan! If you have any request, the Sultan will fulfill it.

When Aladdin's mother heard these words, her veins began to shake, and she almost dropped the dish from her hands. The vizier brought her to the Sultan, and she kissed the ground in front of him, and the Sultan asked her:

Oh old woman, why do you come to the sofa every day and say nothing? Tell me what do you need?

“Listen to me, O Sultan, and do not be surprised at my words,” said the old woman. - Before I tell you, promise me mercy.

“You will have mercy,” said the Sultan, “speak.”

Aladdin's mother kissed the ground again in front of the Sultan and said:

O Lord Sultan! My son Aladdin sends you these stones as a gift and asks you to give him your daughter, Princess Budur, as his wife.

She pulled the scarf off the dish, and the whole sofa lit up - the stones sparkled so much. And the vizier and the sultan were dumbfounded at the sight of such jewelry.

“O vizier,” said the Sultan, “have you ever seen such stones?”

No, O Lord Sultan, I didn’t see it,” answered the vizier, and the Sultan said:

I think that a man who has such stones deserves to be my daughter’s husband. What is your opinion, O Vizier?

When the vizier heard these words, his face turned yellow with envy. He had a son whom he wanted to marry Princess Budur, and the Sultan had already promised to marry Budur to his son. But the Sultan was very fond of jewelry, and in his treasury there was not a single stone like those that lay in front of him on the platter.

“O lord sultan,” said the vizier, “it is not proper for your majesty to give the princess in marriage to a man whom you do not even know.” Maybe he has nothing but these stones, and you will marry your daughter to a beggar. In my opinion, the best thing is to demand from him that he give you forty similar dishes filled with precious stones, and forty female slaves to carry these dishes, and forty slaves to guard them. Then we will know whether he is rich or not.

And the vizier thought to himself: “It is impossible that anyone could get all this. He will be powerless to do it, and I will get rid of him.”

You came up with a good idea, O Vizier! - the Sultan shouted and said to Aladdin’s mother:

Did you hear what the vizier said? Go and tell your son: if he wants to marry my daughter, let him send forty golden dishes with the same stones, and forty female slaves, and forty slaves.

Aladdin's mother kissed the ground in front of the Sultan and went home. She walked and said to herself, shaking her head:

Where will Aladdin get all this from? Well, let's say that he goes to the underground garden and picks up more stones there, but where will the slaves and slaves come from? She talked to herself like this all the way until she got home. She came to Aladdin sad and embarrassed. Seeing that his mother did not have a dish in her hands, Aladdin exclaimed:

Oh mother, I see you spoke with the Sultan today. What did he tell you?

“O my child, it would be better for me not to go to the Sultan or talk to him,” answered the old woman. - Just listen to what he told me.

And she conveyed the Sultan’s words to Aladdin, and Aladdin laughed with joy.

Calm down, mother,” he said, “this is the easiest thing.”

He took the lamp and rubbed it, and when the mother saw this, she ran into the kitchen so as not to see the genie. And the genie now appeared and said:

O lord, I am at your service. What do you want? Demand - you will receive.

“I need forty golden dishes full of precious stones, forty female slaves to carry these dishes, and forty slaves to guard them,” said Aladdin.

“It will be done, O lord,” replied Maymun, the slave of the lamp. - Maybe you want me to destroy the city or build a palace? Order.

No, do what I told you,” Aladdin answered, and the slave of the lamp disappeared.

In a very short time he appeared again, followed by forty beautiful slave girls, each holding on her head a golden dish with precious stones. The slaves were accompanied by tall, beautiful slaves with drawn swords.

This is what you demanded,” said the genie and disappeared.

Then Aladdin's mother came out of the kitchen, examined the slaves and slaves, and then lined them up in pairs and proudly walked ahead of them to the Sultan's palace.

All the people came running to watch this unprecedented procession, and the guards in the palace were speechless with amazement when they saw these slaves and slaves.

Aladdin's mother led them straight to the Sultan, and they all kissed the ground before him and, taking the dishes off their heads, placed them in a row. The Sultan was completely lost with joy and could not utter a word. And when he came to his senses, he said to the vizier:

O vizier, what is your opinion? Is not the one who has such wealth worthy to become the husband of my daughter, Princess Budur?

“Worthy, O lord,” answered the vizier, sighing heavily. He did not dare say “no,” although envy and frustration were killing him.

“O woman,” the Sultan said to Aladdin’s mother, “go and tell your son that I accepted his gift and agree to marry Princess Budur to him.” Let him come to me - I want to see him.

Aladdin's mother hurriedly kissed the ground in front of the Sultan and ran home as fast as she could - so fast that the wind could not keep up with her. She ran to Aladdin and shouted:

Rejoice, O my son! The Sultan accepted your gift and agrees for you to become the princess’s husband. He said this in front of everyone. Go to the palace now - the Sultan wants to see you. I completed the assignment, now finish the job yourself.

“Thank you, mother,” said Aladdin, “I’ll go to the Sultan now.” Now go away - I will talk to the genie.

Aladdin took the lamp and rubbed it, and immediately Maymun, the lamp's slave, appeared. And Aladdin said to him:

O Maimun, bring me forty-eight white slaves - this will be my retinue. And let twenty-four slaves go in front of me, and twenty-four behind me. And also bring me a thousand dinars and the best horse.

“It will be done,” said the genie and disappeared. He delivered everything that Aladdin ordered and asked:

What else do you want? Do you want me to destroy the city or build a palace? I can do everything.

No, not yet, said Aladdin.

He jumped on his horse and rode to the Sultan, and all the inhabitants came running to look at the handsome young man riding with such a magnificent retinue. In the market square, where there were the most people, Aladdin took a handful of gold from the bag and threw it. Everyone rushed to catch and pick up coins, and Aladdin threw and threw until the bag was empty.

He drove up to the palace, and all the viziers and emirs met him at the gate and escorted him to the Sultan. The Sultan rose to meet him and said:

Welcome to you, Aladdin. It's a pity that I didn't meet you earlier. I heard that you want to marry my daughter. I agree. Today will be your wedding. Have you prepared everything for this celebration?

“Not yet, O Lord Sultan,” answered Aladdin. “I did not build a palace suitable for Princess Budur for her rank.”

When will the wedding be? - asked the Sultan. - After all, you can’t build a palace soon.

“Don’t worry, O Lord Sultan,” said Aladdin. - Wait a bit.

And where are you going to build the palace, O Aladdin? - asked the Sultan.

Would you like to build it in front of my windows, in this vacant lot?

“As you wish, O lord,” Aladdin answered.

He said goodbye to the king and went home with his retinue.

At home, he took the lamp, rubbed it, and when the genie Maimun appeared, he said to him:

Well, now build a palace, but one that has never been seen on earth before. Are you hesitant to do this?

And in fact, the next morning a magnificent palace rose in the wasteland. Its walls were made of gold and silver bricks, and its roof was made of diamonds. To look at her, Aladdin had to climb onto the shoulders of the genie Maimun - the palace was so high. Aladdin walked around all the rooms in the palace and said to Maimun:

Oh Maimun, I came up with a joke. Break this column and let the Sultan think that we forgot to build it. He will want to build it himself and will not be able to do this, and then he will see that I am stronger and richer than him.

“Okay,” said the genie and waved his hand; the column disappeared as if it had never existed. - Do you want to destroy anything else?

No, said Aladdin. - Now I will go and bring the Sultan here.

And in the morning the Sultan went to the window and saw the palace, which sparkled and sparkled so much in the sun that it was painful to look at it. The Sultan hastily called the vizier and showed him the palace.

Well, what do you say, O Vizier? - he asked. “Is the one who built such a palace in one night worthy to be my daughter’s husband?”

“O Lord Sultan,” cried the vizier, “can’t you see that this Aladdin is a sorcerer!” Beware lest he take your kingdom from you!

“You are an envious person, O vizier,” said the Sultan. “I have nothing to fear, and you say all this out of envy.”

At this time Aladdin entered and, kissing the ground at the feet of the Sultan, invited him to see the palace.

The Sultan and the Vizier walked around the entire palace, and the Sultan never tired of admiring its beauty and splendor. Finally Aladdin led the guests to the place where Maimun destroyed the column. The vizier immediately noticed that one column was missing and shouted:

The palace is not completed! One column is missing here!

No problem, said the Sultan. - I will erect this column myself. Call the chief builder here!

“It’s better not to try, O Sultan,” the vizier quietly told him. - You can't do it. Look: the columns are so high that you can’t see where they end, and they are lined with precious stones from top to bottom.

Shut up, oh vizier,” the Sultan said proudly. - Can’t I really build one column?

He ordered to call all the stonecutters who were in the city, and gave away all his precious stones. But there weren't enough of them. Upon learning of this, the Sultan became angry and shouted:

Open the main treasury, take away all the precious stones from my subjects! Is all my wealth really not enough for one column?

But a few days later the builders came to the Sultan and reported that there were only enough stones and marble for a quarter of the column. The Sultan ordered their heads to be cut off, but still did not erect a column. Having learned about this, Aladdin said to the Sultan:

Don't be sad, O Sultan. The column is already in place, and I have returned all the precious stones to their owners.

That same evening, the Sultan organized a magnificent celebration in honor of the wedding of Aladdin and Princess Budur, and Aladdin and his wife began to live in the new palace.

That's all that happened with Aladdin for now.

As for the Maghrebian, he returned to his home in Ifriqiya and grieved and was sad for a long time. He experienced many disasters and torments, trying to get a magic lamp, but he still did not get it, although it was very close. The Maghrebian had only one consolation: “Since this Aladdin died in the dungeon, it means the lamp is there. Maybe I will be able to take possession of it without Aladdin.”

So he thought about it all day long. And then one day he wanted to make sure that the lamp was intact and was in the dungeon. He told fortunes in the sand and saw that everything in the treasury remained as it was, but the lamp was no longer there. His heart sank. He began to guess further and found out that Aladdin had escaped from the dungeon and was living in his hometown. The Maghrebian quickly got ready to set off and drove across the seas, mountains and deserts to distant Persia. Again he had to endure troubles and misfortunes, and finally he arrived in the city where Aladdin lived.

The Maghrebian went to the market and began to listen to what people were saying. And at this time the war between the Persians and the nomads had just ended, and Aladdin, who was at the head of the army, returned to the city as a winner. There was only talk in the market about the exploits of Aladdin.

The Maghribian walked around and listened, and then approached the seller of cold water and asked him:

Who is this Aladdin that all the people here are talking about?

It’s immediately obvious that you’re not from here,” the seller answered. - Otherwise you would know who Aladdin is. This is the richest man in the whole world, and his palace is a real miracle.

The Maghreb man handed the water-carrier a dinar and said to him:

Take this dinar and do me a favor. I am truly a stranger in your city, and I would like to see Aladdin’s palace. Take me to this palace.

“No one can show you the way better than me,” said the water carrier. - Let's go. He brought the Maghrebian to the palace and left, blessing this stranger for his generosity. And the Maghrebi man walked around the palace and, examining it from all sides, said to himself:

Only a genie, a slave of the lamp, could build such a palace. She must be in this palace.

For a long time the Maghreb man thought of a trick with which he could take possession of the lamp, and finally came up with it.

He went to the coppersmith and said to him:

Make me ten copper lamps and take whatever price you want for them, but just hurry up. Here's five dinars as a deposit.

“I listen and obey,” answered the coppersmith. - Come in the evening, the lamps will be ready.

In the evening, the Maghreb resident received ten brand new lamps, shining like gold. He spent the night awake, thinking about the trick he would play, and at dawn he got up and walked through the city, shouting:

Who wants to exchange old lamps for new ones? Who has old copper lamps? I'm replacing them with new ones!

A crowd of people followed the Maghreb man, and children jumped around him and shouted:

Possessed, possessed!

But the Maghrebin did not pay attention to them and shouted:

Who has old lamps? I'm replacing them with new ones!

Finally he came to the palace. Aladdin himself was not at home at that time - he had gone hunting, and his wife, Princess Budur, remained in the palace. Hearing the screams of the Maghrebian, Budur sent the senior gatekeeper to find out what was the matter, and the gatekeeper, returning, said to her:

This is some kind of possessed dervish. He has new lamps in his hands, and he promises to give a new one for each old lamp.

Princess Budur laughed and said:

It would be good to check whether he is telling the truth or deceiving. Do we have any old lamp in our palace?

Yes, madam,” said one of the slaves. - I saw a copper lamp in our master Aladdin’s room. She's all green and no good.

And Aladdin, when he was leaving for a hunt, needed supplies, and he called the genie Maimun to bring him what he needed. When the genie brought what was ordered, the sound of a horn was heard, and Aladdin hurried, threw the lamp on the bed and ran out of the palace.

Bring this lamp,” Budur ordered the slave, “and you, Kafur, take it to the Maghreb, and let him give us a new one.”

And the gatekeeper Kafur went out into the street and gave the Maghreb man a magic lamp, and in return received a brand new copper lamp. The Maghribian was very happy that his trick was a success and hid the lamp in his bosom. He bought a donkey at the market and left.

And having left the city and making sure that no one saw or heard him, the Maghrebin rubbed the lamp, and the genie Maimun appeared before him. The Maghribian shouted to him:

I want you to move Aladdin’s palace and everyone in it to Ifriqiya and place it in my garden, near my house. And take me there too.

It will be done, said the genie. - Close your eyes and open your eyes, and the palace will be in Ifriqiya. Or maybe you want me to destroy the city?

Do what I ordered you,” said the Maghrebi man, and before he had time to finish these words, he saw himself in his garden in Ifriqiya, near the palace. And that's all that happened to him for now.

As for the Sultan, he woke up in the morning and looked out the window - and suddenly he saw that the palace had disappeared and where he stood was a flat, smooth place. The Sultan rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was sleeping, and even pinched his hand to wake up, but the palace did not appear.

The Sultan did not know what to think and began to cry and moan loudly. He realized that some kind of trouble had happened to Princess Budur. The vizier came running to the Sultan’s cries and asked:

What happened to you, O Lord Sultan? What disaster has struck you?

Don't you know anything? - the Sultan shouted. - Well, look out the window. What do you see? Where is the palace? You are my vizier and are responsible for everything that happens in the city, and palaces are disappearing under your nose, and you know nothing about it. Where is my daughter, the fruit of my heart? Speak!

“I don’t know, O Lord Sultan,” answered the frightened vizier. - I told you that this Aladdin is an evil wizard, but you didn’t believe me.

Bring Aladdin here,” the Sultan shouted, “and I will cut off his head!” At this time, Aladdin was just returning from hunting. The Sultan's servants went out into the street to look for him, and when they saw him, they ran to meet him.

Do not exact from us, O Aladdin, our lord,” said one of them. - The Sultan ordered to twist your hands, put you in chains and bring you to him. It will be difficult for us to do this, but we are forced people and cannot disobey the orders of the Sultan.

Why was the Sultan angry with me? - asked Aladdin. “I have not done or conceived anything bad against him or his subjects.”

They called a blacksmith, and he chained Aladdin's feet. While he was doing this, a crowd gathered around Aladdin. The inhabitants of the city loved Aladdin for his kindness and generosity, and when they learned that the Sultan wanted to cut off his head, they all ran to the palace. And the Sultan ordered Aladdin to be brought to him and said to him:

My vizier was right when he said that you are a sorcerer and a deceiver. Where is your palace and where is my daughter Budur?

“I don’t know, O Lord Sultan,” Aladdin answered. - I am not guilty of anything before you.

Cut off his head! - the Sultan shouted, and Aladdin was again taken out into the street, and the executioner followed him.

When the city residents saw the executioner, they surrounded Aladdin and sent him to tell the Sultan:

“If you, O Sultan, do not have mercy on Aladdin, then we will overturn your palace on you and kill everyone who is in it. Free Aladdin and show him mercy, otherwise you will have a bad time.”

What should I do, O Vizier? - asked the Sultan, and the vizier told him:

Do as they say. They love Aladdin more than you and me, and if you kill him, we will all be in trouble.

“You are right, O Vizier,” said the Sultan and ordered Aladdin to be unchained and the following words to be said to him on behalf of the Sultan:

“I spared you because the people love you, but if you do not find my daughter, then I will still cut off your head. I give you forty days for this.”

“I listen and obey,” said Aladdin and left the city.

He did not know where to go and where to look for Princess Budur, and grief pressed him so much that he decided to drown himself. He reached a large river and sat down on the bank, sad and sorrowful.

Lost in thought, he lowered his right hand into the water and suddenly felt something slipping off his little finger. Aladdin quickly took his hand out of the water and saw on his little finger the ring that the Maghrebian had given him and which he had completely forgotten about.

Aladdin rubbed the ring, and immediately the genie Dahnash, son of Kashkash, appeared before him and said:

O lord of the ring, I am before you. What do you want? Order.

“I want you to move my palace to its original place,” said Aladdin.

But the genie, the servant of the ring, lowered his head and answered:

Oh lord, it’s hard for me to confess to you, but I can’t do it. The palace was built by the slave of the lamp, and only he alone can move it. Demand something else from me.

If so,” said Aladdin, “carry me to where my palace is now.”

Close your eyes and open your eyes, said the genie.

And when Aladdin closed and opened his eyes again, he saw himself in the garden, in front of his palace.

He ran up the stairs and saw his wife Budur, who was crying bitterly. Seeing Aladdin, she screamed and cried even louder - now from joy. Having calmed down a little, she told Aladdin about everything that had happened to her, and then said:

This damned Maghreb comes to me and persuades me to marry him and forget you. He says that the Sultan, my father, cut off your head and that you were the son of a poor man, so there is no need to grieve for you. But I don’t listen to the speeches of this evil Maghrebian, but cry about you all the time.

Where does he keep the magic lamp? - Aladdin asked, and Budur answered:

He never parts with her and always keeps her with him.

Listen to me, O Budur, said Aladdin. - When this damned one comes to you again, be kind and friendly to him and promise him that you will marry him. Ask him to have dinner with you and, when he begins to eat and drink, add this sleeping powder to his wine. And when the Maghrebian falls asleep, I will enter the room and kill him.

It won’t be easy for me to speak kindly to him,” said Budur, “but I will try.” He should arrive soon. Go, I’ll hide you in a dark room, and when he falls asleep, I’ll clap my hands and you’ll come in.

Aladdin barely had time to hide when a Maghreb man entered Budur’s room. This time she greeted him cheerfully and said affably:

Oh my lord, wait a little, I’ll dress up, and then you and I will have dinner together.

With eagerness and pleasure,” the Maghreb man said and went out, and Budur put on her best dress and prepared food and wine.

When the Maghreb returned, Budur told him:

You were right, oh my lord, when you said that Aladdin was not worth loving or remembering. My father cut off his head, and now I have no one but you. I will marry you, but today you must do everything I tell you.

Give orders, oh my lady,” said the Maghreb man, and Budur began to treat him and give him wine, and when he became a little drunk, she told him:

In our country there is a custom: when the bride and groom eat and drink together, each takes the last sip of wine from the other’s cup. Give me your cup, I will take a sip from it, and you will drink from mine.

And Budur handed the Maghrebian a cup of wine, into which she had previously added sleeping powder. The Maghrebian drank and immediately fell as if struck by thunder, and Budur clapped her hands. Aladdin was just waiting for this. He ran into the room and, swinging his sword, cut off the head of the Maghreb man with his sword. And then he took the lamp from his bosom and rubbed it, and immediately Maymun, the slave of the lamp, appeared.

“Take the palace to its original place,” Aladdin ordered him.

A moment later, the palace was already standing opposite the Sultan’s palace, and the Sultan, who at that time was sitting by the window and weeping bitterly for his daughter, almost fainted from amazement and joy. He immediately ran to the palace, where his daughter Budu r. And Aladdin and his wife met the Sultan, crying with joy.

And the Sultan asked Aladdin for forgiveness for wanting to cut off his head, and from that day Aladdin’s misfortunes ceased, and he lived happily ever after in his palace with his wife and mother.

Vyacheslav Orlov


This story is known to us
Popular for many years
Who is its author?
There's no way to know anymore.
Someone wrote something
And the other one repeated everything
I also added on my own behalf.
He told this to passers-by.
A storyteller was walking nearby
He wrote it all down.
Changed half of it
The character has been replaced.

The translator is also a master
Inserted partly from myself
So the fairy tale was written
And she appeared into the light of day.
Only one thing is certain
What about Galland Antoine?
The world owes this
Everyone in the world knows the fairy tale.
Only its initial plot
We will accept it as optimal.

Chapter 1
People know a lot of fairy tales
Here's one they told me
What's in one of the countries of the East
Somewhere far, far away
There lived a poor tailor Hassan
From hereditary peasants
The tailor has one son
Nicknamed Aladdin.

The naughty son was too
Let's just say he's a bad boy.
He walked from morning to evening
There was nothing to do
Only jokes on my mind
"Where is the school looking?"
We would say that now
And they called him a teenager.

Everyone shamed Aladdin
And the neighbors said:
"At least I could calm my mother down
Stopped walking all day
Mess around companies.
And it’s time to come to your senses.”
By the way, already then
The youth have gone wrong.

The family will not see their happiness
Another misfortune has come
From illness or grief
But Hassan died one day
Mother and son are now alone
Aladdin should at least give a damn.
He's taking a walk again
He doesn't understand anything.
Now you can do as much as you want
Have fun day and night

He didn't want to
Learn at least something.
There was no money in the house.
This is what happened next.
Where Aladdin walked
The Maghribian lived for a living
"Maghribi" means he has arrived
He is from the distant countries of the Maghreb.
He comes from Africa,
Its northern peoples.

This same Maghrebin
He was a terrible rogue
And the most insidious swindler
Very greedy, in terms of money.
But he knew how to pretend
To seem kind.

He, like few in those years,
I was interested in astrology.
Calculated horoscopes
And I kept guessing by the stars
One Sunday
After much calculation
The secret was revealed to the swindler...
And so the fairy tale began to spin...

Like, in a mysterious cave
At the end of a long tunnel
The old lamp lies
A genie has been sitting in it for a hundred years.
Well, that genie is almighty
He can get everything in the world.
Fulfills all wishes
He knows everything in the world.

There was a rumor that she was divorced
He even made a child.
However, without evidence
And without any litigation.
You just need to rub the lamp.
Service to the Jinn is like a reward.
In general, who has the genie
He then owns the world.

But you can't enter the cave
Greedy people have no faith
There is only one exception
The one whose name is Aladdin.
The Maghribian began to guess"
"Where can I get Aladdin?
Among all my friends
There is not one like it."

I started asking people:
"Where does Aladdin live?"
And everyone answered him:
"We haven't met Aladdin
Are you still here?
Ask someone."

He wandered like this for many years
Traveled to a lot of countries
To different people at the market
No hint about the product
I asked one question:
"Where is this Aladdin?"

Finally they told him:
"We know who you are looking for"
There is a boy who is a bully
Just a complete idiot
Doesn't help mother
Doesn't clean up after himself
He is already fifteen years old
Doesn't want to study
Their father is already in the grave
Recently buried
His mom, by the way
Works from morning till night
Actually Aladdin
Scoundrel and son of a bitch.

“It’s good that he’s an imbecile,” -
The Maghribian thought so, -
"It's easier for me to get along with a fool
It will be easier to come to an agreement"
That same evening, the Maghrebi
(Damned rascal)
Found out where Aladdin is
And I went to meet him.

Hey kid, can I hear you?
Like Aladdin's name?
What are you staring at, sick man?
I'm your uncle.
You don't believe me, I see
Do you want me to show you the certificate?
Read: "Name is Jafar
Brother of a tailor, from distant lands."
Can't you read?
Well, school, for fuck's sake.
How do they even teach you there?
Or is it better to be illiterate?
My dear brother is your father
Do you finally understand?
My brother and I were born a long time ago
Separated as a child
IN different countries I've been
I was looking for my brother.
Where is he? Drive faster
Me to my brother quickly.

You're late, my uncle
Dear dad died
From illness or pain
Maybe I'm the reason for that.

Woe is me, Allah forgive me
Brother in heaven
I didn't have time, I was late
I never saw my brother in my life.
How can I stay now?
The meaning of life has been lost.
Maybe you can accompany me?
Would you like to introduce me to your mother?
Take me Home
Here, take the gold one.

Aladdin grabbed the dinar
He immediately hurried to his mother.
Out of breath, he ran
He told everything immediately.

Mom, listen, oh my God
We have an uncle
He came to us, I'm glad.
By the way, he is very rich.

Aladdin's mother
My husband lived with me for a long time,
My brother didn’t say what to eat.
Will he come to our house now?
Suddenly it brings trouble to us
Should we sit him at the table?
Are you sure he's your uncle?
What if you warmed up to a swindler?
Have you even looked at the documents?

Maghrib (entering the house)
You're a widow, don't be surprised
And don't doubt me
So fate decided for us
Separated from my brother as a child
We separated 40 years ago.
We never saw him again
For a long time I wandered around the world
Everyone thought I was gone.

Aladdin's mother
I can't find the answer
Should I believe you or not?
What if you want to rob us?
But there is nothing to take from us.

Why talk like this for nothing?
Here take two dinars
Make a luxurious dinner
You are a widow, remember your husband.

Aladdin's mother
You seem to be an honest person
In some ways it’s even interesting.
Oh well, God be with you
Like, you will be my brother-in-law.

They respected the Maghrebi
In this house for hotels
So here's Aladdin without looking
I accepted the swindler as an uncle.
The Maghreb is happy
He was received with dignity.
To seem good
He took on Aladdin.

Aladdin, stop walking
We need to help mom
You have to work in life
And learn something
Do you want me to teach you how to trade?
Farming, fishing
In the meantime, you ignoramus
I'll give you beautiful clothes.
You're still a slob
And a complete lazy person.

What are you uncle I agree
The path in life is now clear to me
I'm happy with any business
Just to be as rich as you are.

Mother is happy with the Maghreb
Like an overseas prince
Aladdin listens to him
No more mischief.
Too fat wallet -
This “uncle” captivated everyone.
And when he became sure
That everyone believes him now
I began to implement my plan.

Maghribian (to Aladdin)
Listen, there is a cave
There are treasures beyond measure
You and I will go there
Let's take a bunch of gold
You can take whatever you want there
You will become very rich
Give me just a little bit
So, something to remember
The souvenir is there, a calendar
Yes, even an oil lantern
What do you agree? So, let's go.
Tomorrow morning, don't forget.

At dawn Maghrebi
(The most harmful rogue)
Taking Aladdin with him
Set off on a difficult journey
First we walked through the back streets
Incomprehensible alleys.
Here is the ruler's palace
That country's ruler.

And then we walked along the garden
Near the bunches of grapes
They passed the palace
This is the end of the city.
Aladdin is already tired
Even “uncle” objected
Only "uncle" everything goes
Drags the boy forward
Finally stopped
We found ourselves in a strange place.

Come on make a fire
Do you see the brushwood? Collect!
If you don't offend your uncle
Cool trick you'll see.

They lit a fire
"Uncle" is also an actor
Untied the big bag
I took some powder
He poured it into his palm
And then he threw it into the fire.
In this place at the same moment
Marble stone originated
Copper ring in stone
To have something to take for.

How to lift the stone now?
You can't count the weight in it
Or uncle it seems
Heavyweight champion?

No, you can lift everything yourself
I'll give you a hint
Grab the ring with your hand
Well, call yourself a stone
Who is this? Where are you from?
And what breed are you?
Who are your parents?
Name your grandparents...

Like will this all help?
I'll try maybe.
Only if I can't
I'll go home now

Aladdin, no noah, come on
Pick up the stone quickly
Just put your hand
And report calmly.

Aladdin grabbed the ring
I explained everything to myself
Marble stone opened
The entrance to the cave appeared.

Listen boy, I'm old
My heart was already in shock.
I'm actually getting treatment right now
I'm afraid of closed spaces
The doctors seemed to say
I have claustrophobia.
You better come down yourself
And take what you want there
Money, gold, diamonds
At least porcelain vases.
I want any trinket
So a rattle toy.
Souvenir for the refrigerator,
Even an oil lamp!
In this dark dungeon
There are four rooms
In the first three there are jugs
Money and gold can't be counted
But don't you dare come closer
And even more so touch
If you are seduced by them
You'll immediately turn to stone.
Only in the fourth room
The magic of transformation:
Garden with wonderful fruits
Precious stones
There you can only take what you want
And without any hassles.
There is also an old lamp there
Take it for me as a gift
And then you can take it for yourself
Whatever you can type.
In general, go into the basement alone
You got it all, Aladdin
Take my ring, perhaps
Somehow he will help there.
Be careful in the dark
And Allah bless you.
Remember, I don't need anything
The lamp is old and okay.

Chapter 2
Aladdin prayed to God
And went down the stairs
Well, and there, treasures, ah!
Allah has never seen so much
Diamonds, emeralds
Pearls, piles of rubies.
The jewels are countless
A hundred camels cannot carry away.

As they told Aladdin,
Everything was in jugs:
They collected it many years ago.
They filled the jugs.
Aladdin through the dungeon
I walked with understandable apprehension.
And how “uncle” explained
Didn't touch anything there

Finally, the fourth hall
Aladdin is already tired
But as soon as the door opened
I realized that it was not in vain that I was in a hurry.
A bright light spread within it.
The Garden of Eden was there.

And there are no fruits on the branches
Rows of jewels
The garden is as far as the eye can see.
Multi-colored patterns
Millions of options
All kinds of diamonds
Emeralds and rubies
Aladdin's mouth was wide open.

Here in this assortment
Above everyone else, on a pedestal.
The lamp was old
How did you even get here?
The lamp looked pathetic
Not suitable for a gift
Dirty, covered in dust and soot
It's awkward to even pick it up.

Wonderful uncle, he wants a lamp
Maybe my uncle is very modest
Oh well, he's rich
I'll take some money for myself.

He collected treasures there
I barely lifted everything
Pockets full
Precious stones
I grabbed a couple of bars
And he hurried back.
Walked back without stopping
Here are the stairs and the exit.
This is the last step
But I’m already a little tired.
And the step is high
Not even a jump is enough.

Uncle, uncle, help
Raise Aladdin

Give me the lamp first,
And then I'll get you.

I can't give you a lamp
I can't get it here
He's loaded with money
Precious stones.

Hey, what are you shocked about?
Do as I say.
Give me the lamp quickly
And don't bother me.

Honestly, honestly I can't.
I'm afraid I'll fall.
Upstairs please
I will give everything without pity.

Oh, you dirty puppy!
Did I not help you enough?
The entrance to the cave showed
Where are the treasures?

Why do you need it?
Get me out first
If I start looking
I might lose everything.

Give me a lamp, you lousy brat
Give it back quickly!

Why is she so urgent?
What if you set it up on purpose?
And there's no need to call names
I can snap back.

Scoundrel, you little scoundrel
Throw away your trinkets
Give me the lamp here quickly
Otherwise I'll kill you.

I won't give it back until you say so.
Maybe the lamp is stolen?
If you pull it out, I’ll give it back later
In general, you, uncle, are a boor.

Are you showing your arrogance?
Stay here forever
Do you want to be rich?
Let the worms eat you.

After that the villain
(There was no more harmful thing in the world)
Aladdin fell down
And he closed the stove behind him.
Aladdin couldn't come down
Drink water in a wonderful garden
Since "uncle" took revenge
He closed the doors with witchcraft.

And all over the big cave
This is how the sizes decreased
What's left for Aladdin?
Instead of a festive valley
The room is only three steps away
Aladdin felt sad.

That's it uncle, that's a surprise
He dropped it to the very bottom
Why did you want to kill?
How to solve the riddle?
I'm trapped here
He went after the profit
Uncle is just a scoundrel
The most damned villain
We have to get out somehow
It's disgusting to stay here.

So suffering and crying
Without understanding anything
He squatted down
And he touched the ring with his hand.
(This ring "uncle" gave
Before going down to the basement.)
Just touched - little genie
Appeared in front of him.
The guy saw the genie
Trembling with fright
Huddled in the corner of the room
And he prayed to Allah.

Little genie
Hello boy, I'm a genie
Don't be afraid, Aladdin.
I'm actually a slave to the ring
Son of Ahmed the Sage
Who has the ring now?
So he owns me
You are now my master
True, I'm not a strong genie.
I can't give you wealth
I can't get money
I'm not good at witchcraft
I can only bear it.

That's what the genie is, my dear
Carry me home
And here I have weakened
I didn’t eat for the second day.
It's no longer interesting here
It's time for me to be resurrected now.

Little genie
Everything is clear, in any case,
You'll be home soon, boy.

Aladdin is spinning here
I instantly found myself at home.

Hello mom, dear
You will swear, I know.
The Maghribian deceived
Threw him into the dungeon
He's not my uncle
He is cruel and merciless
He kept talking about the lamp
He didn’t say why.
At first I was happy
The dungeon is the Garden of Eden.
Collected jewelry
He stuffed it into his pockets.
There was a lot of everything there
Money, gold - for free.
There was also a lamp there
Among all the good
It was just lying there
How did you even end up there?
By the way, here is the lamp
True, very old
Copper, plain, soot
Don't even sell it to us
What's the secret, I didn't find out
Can it be passed as non-ferrous metal?

Aladdin's mother
If we wash it -
We'll sell it, and be calm.
I got it from the neighborhood
Super cleanser.

And like a rusty file
The mother began to rub the lamp
Immediately smoke came out of the lamp
There was a strange smell there.

And the genie appeared in the smoke
As tall as a giant
Scary, about as tall as a tower.
Much more than yesterday

Aladdin, having come to his senses,
I inspected the lamp first
I realized how strong she is
And what did my uncle strive for?

Well, it's all started again!
Something has gone wrong with the genies
I met the genie rings here
Maybe you have a third one?

Your truth, it's my fault
That genie is my unfortunate brother
He doesn't know witchcraft
He only knows how to endure.
But I am the only one
The most almighty genie.
I will fulfill your wishes
And any orders.
The truth is here, unfortunately
Limitations, so to speak.
I can't kill people
I can't make you fall in love
Raise from the dead too
It won't work, it seems.
What else can I tell you?
By the way, the genies know everything
Since childhood, school, education,
Institute, education
I have countless knowledge
Only the highest as many as six
I'm actually Aladdin
Quiz Winner
I was in the lamp for many years
It's boring there, there's no communication
You are now my master
Best friend and ruler.

Now it’s clear to me why
Uncle wanted to take the lamp
I couldn't get it myself
And they had to look for me.

Your uncle is a terrible sorcerer
He is cruel and dangerous
The stars told him
So he pretended to be an “uncle”.
He's been dreaming for a long time
How the planet is controlled.

So, you are the omnipotent genie
Getting everything in the world?
Well, how about something to eat?

What would you like to prefer?
There are raisins, hazelnuts, pita bread
Pilaf, pate, stew, goulash
Kozinaki, honey, halva,
Cheese, Caspian caviar
There are even fries
Brought from overseas
There is fast food, Big Macs, that is.
Prepared with care.
Even hot peppers Chile
The country has just been opened.

Listen, genie, enough words
Make us a great pilaf
We haven't eaten for a long time
You know, we wanted to eat

Glad to try, sir.
Incomparable Aladdin
One two three four five
I'm starting to do magic.

I just managed to say
In an instant the pilaf was ripe in the cauldron
Taste like the Sultan's kitchen
Better than from a restaurant
Aladdin, having eaten pilaf
Was ready to communicate again
Only the trace of the genie disappeared
No matter how the guy searches.

Genie, dear, where have you gone?
We would eat together with you
I'm bored here alone
I don’t understand how he disappeared?

The old lamp is silent
And lies in the corner
Aladdin grabbed her
He rubbed it a little and let it go
Again the roar, again the smoke
And a genie came out of the lamp.

What do you want, Aladdin
You, my, remember, sir.
Do you want to see the genie?
You need to rub the lamp.

Finally I thought
Did I dream of a miracle?
Well, where did you run off to?
I didn't say thank you.
By the way, the pilaf was wonderful
Who taught you to cook like that?

I told you so
Or have you already forgotten?
Remember, genies can do anything.
What more do you want?

Nothing, I'm just doing it
To communicate somehow.

Call for a chat
It's not allowed, understand
If you need something to get
I am, please, ready to serve

But teach me
Well, at least lay bricks
How to cook delicious pilaf
How to fix a cart?
Uncle promised me
It turned out that he lied.
Don't lie to me
And at least explain something
I'll be sixteen soon
I don't know what to do.

It's possible. All I know
I want to explain it to you.

Every day now I'm fiddling
The genie treats him like a crown prince.
So I filled my leisure time
Aladdin's best friend.
Constant training
And instructions from the genie.
By the way, every day at the genie's,
Without going shopping
Aladdin asked for food
Genie brought what he needed.
And the clever guy does the dishes
I started selling it at the market.

On the first day he was cheated
Two merchants deceived
Precious plate
Considered a fake
For the most gorgeous tray
They gave me money like crazy.
For a silver glass
He changed and robbed
I gave him just a coin
Like candy for a child.
Aladdin was happy at first
What the money changer handed him.
He was afraid to ask for more
He didn't understand money.

The guy only found out later
What a big mistake I made.
But then he became bolder
I traded smarter now.
They knew him at the market
They changed everything without deception.
There was money in the house
Mother and son dressed up.
Our Aladdin has become rich
Well, almost like an emperor
And I already dreamed of getting married
On a beautiful maiden.

Chapter 3.
The ruler had
Beautiful daughter alone
Name Budur, sixteen years old
There is just no happiness in life.
It turned out to see her
Everyone in the world was forbidden
The Sultan himself issued a decree
Who will see his daughter at least once?
No matter how he starts to pray
He will immediately lose his head

Once a week a hundred nannies
I accompanied the girl to the bathhouse.
It was difficult to wash
In those years, any girl
Well, the guards guarded
She didn't let anyone in.

To see the girl's face
Aladdin played a trick
He hid near the bathhouse
Behind the open doors
And Budur passed so decorously
Without noticing Aladdin.

Only he saw Budur
It's like he's been replaced
From then on he became not himself
I just lost my peace
Only Budur dreams at night
And he decided to marry her.

Aladdin (mother)
Here take a big vase
There are rubies and diamonds.
Take everything to the Sultan
And ask the bride.

Aladdin's mother
You're completely crazy
What do you need it for?
There are many beautiful girls
Take any one, okay?

I only want the daughter of the Sultan
I dream about her all the time
And I'm another wife
Now I won't take it for nothing
Give the Sultan diamonds
He will understand about me right away.
If you can, let me know.
Just keep quiet about the lamp.

Nothing to do, mother went
I took the jewelry
I began to stand at the palace
Wait for the Sultan's favors
Maybe finally security
Will allow you to go to the Sultan
But, alas, on that day
Haven't noticed yet.
I walked like this every day
To the palace and I’ve already decided
That no one will let her in
But apparently chance helped her.

Someone in the Sultan's palace
Suddenly I noticed constantly
An old woman visits them
The day stands - then it goes away
Maybe she's in trouble?
Why does he come here?
Every day is like going to work
There's something standing at the gate.
And finally we decided
Give her a pass to the palace.

What do you want from us?
Just tell the truth
Money, help, protection
Were you tortured by bandits?
Got laid off at work?
Come on in, take a rest.
What if you uncovered a conspiracy?
Maybe we executed the wrong ones?

Aladdin's mother
I didn't just come
I brought gifts
My dear son, Aladdin
Even though he has a low rank
But very rich
He wants to marry Budur
To confirm your words
Ready to give decorations
Here, take this vase.
There are rubies and diamonds
Emeralds and sapphires
They are worth more than half the world.

Although the Sultan was surprised -
Agreed to take gifts
He knew the price of masterpieces
I've seen a lot of them
But such cool diamonds
I've never met you before
I could only give them
Prince, prince or God.

Since your son is so rich
And still unmarried
Let him come in a month
Well, everything needs to be weighed
By the way, if he's not a miser
Let him bring more gifts.

The Sultan had a vizier
Well, the most evil ghoul
He was listed as an advisor
For minors
He was a terrible embezzler
And he’s also greedy for women.
How I met you on the street
I didn’t miss it anymore.
I myself have been stubbornly dreaming for a long time
Become a relative of the Sultan.
And I already wanted it
To his son
Marry Budur quickly.
Strengthen ties through marriage.

I am the dearest Sultan
I won't lie here
Aladdin is no good
Marry your Budur
It is legal to become a groom
Who is always faithful to the Sultan.
We need a decent man here
Who is famous and deserved
Here, for example, is my son
And thoroughbred and tall
Loves your daughter immensely
And she probably is his.

Have you seen these gifts?
Can't find them in the whole world
Will your son be able to give no worse?
I can give him my daughter.

It smells like witchcraft in here
We'd better bring it
So you can at least now
Announce your wedding with us.

Okay, let your son be
Than unintelligible Aladdin
You're still not a stranger to me
And practically dear.

We need to prepare them for the wedding
Equip everything in the bedroom.
So that the children are happy.
So that an heir is born.

Okay, so be it
If your son is not a fool.
Let's lock them both in the bedroom
So that by morning he becomes a groom.

Well, the wedding was announced
At Budur with the vizier's son.
They began to decorate the city
Everything about him began to sparkle.
Aladdin found out about it
And became fiercer than a tiger
Jinnah called him too
Explained everything, what's what.

Listen, friend, this is the case
Deceived, Sultan, cholera
Budur has a fiance now
Son of a vizier, one of the thieves
This is what it means to trust people
It’s okay, we’ll cool their ardor
I won't trust them anymore
And especially to the Sultan.
Call them immediately
These very young
Lock the groom in the toilet
It will be good for him, the bully.
And Budur in my bed
He will sleep in my house.

It would be better if you got busy
And not playing with girls
Okay, I can do anything
I'll bring them both
Budura will be here for you
But don't spoil her figure.

I understand everything, I take the oath:
I'll lie down on the folding bed myself.

Well, we decided on that:
The vizier's son - night in the toilet,
And the princess to Aladdin
Into the bedroom, as if on display.
appeared unexpectedly
How she came down from heaven
I was scared at first
How did you even end up here?
Instead of a bunch of servants - one
Incomprehensible Aladdin

You're beautiful don't be afraid
Don't make noise and calm down
I won't touch you at all
I guess I'm not perverted.

But the princess continued,
She kept screaming and threatening
Only in the morning I calmed down
She screamed and resigned herself.
In the morning the genie returned
Put everyone in place carefully.

Vizier (to son)
Well, tell me, how is it going?
How is she? What did you want?

Vizier's son
How to say, well, I tried
But I haven’t figured it out yet...

Don't talk nonsense
And don't get too hot
Failed? Nothing, nothing
Tomorrow there will be another chance...

Night again and the vizier's son
Like yesterday locked in the toilet
And Aladdin's Budur
Like a painting at an exhibition.
The night went pretty well
And Budur was calm.

Budur (to Aladdin)
You are generally good looking
It's time for me to go home
It's nice to be with you though
But take me back.

In the morning the genie returned to its place
The groom, his bride,
The Sultan himself came running:
He already knew about the scandal.

Sultan (son of the vizier)
So, I hope everything is okay?
We're tired of riddles
Give me a specific answer
Are you her fiancé or not?

Vizier's son
I actually didn't mind.
Spend the night with the princess.
I found out everything about it
I picked a flower from the flowerbed for her
But an unknown force
She dragged me to the toilet
I didn't want to be there
But I sat in it all night.

What nonsense? Don't you want Budur?
Maybe he's too concerned?
Or do you have one
Is the orientation different?

Vizier's son
I love your Budur
I say this honestly.
However, if she has a brother
If only I could love you more...

(The Vizier pulls his son back)

Give your son another chance
I believe he can handle it now...

Everything is clear with your son:
Instead of a girl, he wants a brother.
Let your son, at least a little
Trains on cats.
And he will forget about my daughter
What will I tell people now?
Announce my decree!
Like, we have the wrong groom
We're canceling the wedding, sort of.
We convene a gathering of grooms

Sultan (to Princess Budur)
Well, tell me, dear daughter
What happened that night?

Maybe a dream or not a dream
He was just in love with me
Strange guy and us
We are sitting in the same room
True, he's on a folding bed
I'm in bed on a pillow.

I've met a lot of stupid things
I've never seen a dumber "dream"
Like, they just sat there.
Didn't want anything?

Maybe it wasn't a dream?
The guy was delighted with me
The guy's name was Aladdin.
So we talked to him all night.
By the way, he is so beautiful.
Overall it was great.

The Sultan began to call the elders:
"What should we do now?
We don't want Aladdin
Give away your daughter."
The elders gathered here
We consulted among ourselves
And we decided to say so.
Before you panic.

Explain that to the princess
It was all a dream, no doubt.
Aladdin was just a dream
The dream is so common
For girls at sixteen
The most popular story.
If it's not a dream, say it's a dream
And tell me about the dream - it’s not a dream
Let no one understand
Nothing, it will do.

You see, my dear daughter
I wish you well
Everything you saw at night
It's just a vicious dream.

Is it really just a dream
It's a shame, he's beautiful
By the way, this is me dreaming again
Ready to watch every day.

Maybe you've become sick?
This "dream" is very bad
The dream is bad, forget it
You'll get by somehow
If you don't calm down
And you’ll talk about the dream
I'll take you to the doctors
By the way, to your shame.

At this time Aladdin
Looking like a gentleman
Showed up at the palace
Take the princess down the aisle.

A caravan went with him
He brought goods from different countries:
Honey, silk, brocade, furs,
Jewelry in jugs.
Sugar, fruit, salt, lobster,
Well, there are plenty of spices.
Lots of gold and silver
And various good things.

The Sultan himself meets him
Immediately he declares his son-in-law
And Budur is quite happy
Looks like a worthy groom
They need a genie sage for their wedding
New built palace
All made of marble, sapphires,
Emeralds and rubies.

There are carpets in every room,
Gifts from the Garden of Eden.
It was all pretty nice
They lived happily.
Aladdin was respected
And they were respected for their intelligence.
He managed the war
Even win one there.
And the people loved him
Well, I almost idolized him.
Apparently it's not in vain the genie
I tinkered with it every day.

Chapter 4.
How long does our fairy tale last...
We forgot the Maghrebian.
He believed that Aladdin
Together with the lamp and the genie
Buried in the dungeon
And he lived happy with it.
But then decide to check
What if it's not really like that?
He painted the horoscope
Calculated everything according to the stars
And I found out that Aladdin
Now an important gentleman.

The Maghrebi man got angry
I almost hanged myself from boredom.
And I began to think about how to cheat
Aladdin to take revenge
This is how he decided to do it:
I bought a bunch of new lamps
I went to change them
And collect all the old stuff.

Give me the old lamp
I'll give you a new one for free.
We are supposedly a company now
The promotion is happening here.

People thought "weird"
Or some fool."
But the lamps were changed
They handed over their old ones.
So I changed my good
For someone else's junk
He spent the whole day and finally
A palace appeared before him.

Then the princess heard
That the money changer came to them
And not knowing what the reason is
Aladdin's husband's lamp
Exchanged it for a lamp
After all, she didn’t know the secret.
The Maghribian was happy
The trick turned out to be cool.

Finally, here she is
My old lamp
Now I'll get things done
I'll get everything in the world.

The Maghribian was cunning
He immediately rubbed the lamp
And from the lamp the genie appeared
Dissatisfied with the Maghrebi.

Hello new master
You are now my master
Although I'm not glad to see you
But I have to do it
What will the owner of the lamp say?
Whatever he orders the genie to do.
I'll do whatever you want
I have to, you know.

So, yes, I wish
So that the palace, Budur, me
You immediately sent
To the city where I will rule
This city is near the sea
Mediterranean, do you understand?

I obey, sir
You are now my master
One two three four five
I'm starting to do magic.

Instantly the palace moved
To the hometown of a Maghreb citizen
The Maghreb began to rule there
But Budur could not force
Submit to the scoundrel
No matter how hard he tried
And although his wife
The villain announced her.
But Budur kept telling him
What's next for Aladdin?

And when did the Sultan disappear?
New wedding palace
And his own daughter
She also disappeared into the evil night
Immediately became furious
Aladdin ordered to take
And he was thrown into prison
Where it's dark and cobwebs.

Aladdin sits sadly
Everything seemed to be fine
Lamp, genie, Budur, palace
Respect, finally.

I don’t understand how it happened
Why did everything disappear?
There is no lamp and no friend
And suddenly my wife disappeared
And the Sultan screams and yells
The executioner is already calling.

He was already thinking about the end
But then I remembered the ring
What once "uncle" gave
Like sending for a lamp.

But you can take the ring
Call the little genie
Although he is small, he is also a genie
And at least it will help somehow.

He took the ring from Maghreb
He rubbed it a little and then he appeared
Little genie, servant of the ring
Son of Ahmed the Sage.

Little genie
What does my master want?
You called, I will do it.

Old friend, at least you stayed
I ended up in jail here
No palace, your brother is missing
No Budur. Who took everything?
I'm not interested without them
Just put everything back in its place.

Little genie
Sorry, no way
I can't, I can't
My elder brother is a strong genie
He can do it alone
Undo his efforts
I can’t, no matter how much I want.
He did everything, he took it away
He built it, he is in demand.

Well, what can you do?
You're a magical genie too.
And since the genie, although weak
At least do something.

Little genie
I can reschedule.
Where do you want to take it?

Well then take me there
Where is Budur, my wife.

Little genie
It's possible. I'll deliver it right away.
I'll send you to the ends of the world.

Aladdin rose into the air
I found myself in a new place
Strange country
So sad and gloomy
Here he sees his palace
Only he is now a stranger.
I started asking people
"Who rules here, who is the villain?
Have you seen Budur at the palace?
Tell me the details?"

People answered him:
"The evil sorcerer controls everything
Lives in a palace with his wife
She, they say, doesn’t seem to give it.
That makes him even angrier
The villain would fail.
Always walks around with an old lamp
Takes care of her and cherishes her
Maybe she has some kind of strength.
Only we don’t know about that.”

So I found out everything I wanted
Aladdin sat down sadly.
Then I saw that my wife
There is one standing by the window.
At first she stood still
But, noticing Aladdin,
She threw herself into his arms,
Almost jumping out of my dress.

I was in a hurry
I decided to exchange the lamp
Now I know there is strength in her
He goes everywhere with her, the villain
He does not part with the lamp
I can even sleep with her
Wraps it around your fist.
There is no way to get it.

If you can't get it by force
We will use tricks
Here's what you can do
But look, be careful.
It's up to you now
And the abilities of the actress
Will we be together or not?
Will we see the sunrise tomorrow?

Came home in the evening
The Maghribian is terribly evil
But Budur dressed up
Came to his room...

What happened to you today?
You didn't show it before
Your tenderness towards me
It was like we were at war.

I resigned myself to fate
It's hard to be alone forever
You're no worse than Aladdin
Prominent, man
It's possible to love you
You are a very reliable man.
And now forgetting the past
Let's drink to love with you

Budur went for wine
I brought two glasses
But she's in someone else's glass
The sleeping liquid was poured

The Maghribian got drunk
Got tired and sniffled,
And then he yawned some more
He turned away and fell asleep.

The girl took the lamp
Gave it to Aladdin
Aladdin called the genie
He came running in an instant.

Yes, I admit, I'm guilty
He served evil and is not happy about it
But that's the way it is here
The one with the lamp is in abundance.

Okay, like, I understand
And I forgive you, my friend.
Now take back the palace
The Maghribian should disappear.
As if it never happened
In the world of this impudent man.
Get him there
Where would he be stuck forever?

Glad to try Aladdin
You are my master again.

Everything came back
appeared in their places
Here is the palace and Aladdin
And Budur, of course, is with him.
The Sultan himself immediately
He came running to ask for forgiveness.

Everything seems to be fine
It's not over yet
Somehow I got into this fairy tale
Like some evil demon
That story is Indian old
Even though it's ridiculous, it's funny.
The author is not to blame here
The Maghrebian had a brother!

Maghrib number two
I couldn't go a day without stealing.
He was even worse than his brother
All shaggy and bearded.
But he's a specialist
As an artist and parodist.
I also rummaged through horoscopes
And so the stars told their fortunes
That he ruined his brother
The one whose name is Aladdin

Brother decided to kill the enemy
To take revenge for the family
But the stars also said
What is difficult to take Aladdin:
He lives without bothering himself,
He has money, he’s friends with the Sultan,
And his wife
The daughter of the Sultan himself.

Aladdin's enemy found out
What's in the mysterious desert
There is an old woman Fatima
Bogomolnaya is very
Respected among the people.
Goes to town once a week
People revere her
They praise and adore.
And the brother of the Maghrebian decided
Dress up as Fatima
Hide the knife under the robe
Avenge your brother with blood

That's what the evil brother did
Dressed up as Fatima
He walked around the city
Everything as Fatima said
And no one guessed
Disturb the impostor.
And Budur called him
To her palace and received
Like Saint Fatima
Only one is revered.

Look what a palace
The genie sage built us
Only, I apologize
Give your blessing

Brother of a Maghreb man (disguised as Fatima)
My answer is of course clear
Your palace is quite beautiful
The best of all buildings
But he is also imperfect.
I'll tell you the secret now
According to fairness if you build
Not enough for a palace
Birds Rukh Big eggs...

Came home in the evening
Aladdin found it there too
Your sad princess
The princess's appearance was deplorable.

Your wife is sad
Because Fatima
She told her: “Unfortunately,
Your palace is imperfect
Not enough for a palace
Birds rooh big eggs
Like, we need to weigh him
And hang it in the middle of the room."

Why is it there at all?
Is the house damaged without it?
Go around the whole world
There is nothing better than our palace.

I know a big secret
If you build according to Feng Shui
Without this egg
The palace looks too pitiful.

Her husband calmed her down
He promised that he would arrange everything
He called the genie from the lamp
And he ordered everything.

My wife told me here
That our palace is sad:
Not enough for a palace
Bird's egg.
Can you get it?
They asked me to find it here.
Or are you already tired?
Maybe I shouldn't have called you?

Aladdin, you're crazy
Or have you gone crazy in nature?
I'm trying here for him
I'm running out of strength,
So that this gigolo
Did I get a dressing down?
The command is inappropriate
The Rukh bird is my bride
I won't offend her
And I won’t get you an egg
However, I hardly know myself
You would say such nonsense.
This is a Maghrebi brother
Damn, villain and adversary.
It was he who forced you all
In violation of any rules
Take the egg from the Rukh bird.
Aladdin, you are my friend.

Aladdin guessed it
Why is the genie being cheeky with him?
And he ordered the Maghrebin
A swindler and a rogue
Send to your older brother
To leave everyone alone.
The genie arranged everything as it should
He hid the swindler safely.

This is how our heroes lived
For many years we didn’t bother
Happy and in joy
To a ripe old age.

Everything passes, by the way.
And it's time to end the story
No matter how much I compose
Sorry, that's it, final.

In a Persian city there once lived a poor tailor.

He had a wife and a son, whose name was Aladdin. His father wanted to teach him the craft, but he did not have the money to pay for the apprenticeship, and he began to teach Aladdin how to sew dresses himself.

This Aladdin was a big slacker. He didn’t want to learn anything and ran outside to play with boys just like himself.

Aladdin's father was so upset by his son's pranks that he fell ill from grief and died. Then his wife sold everything he left behind and began spinning cotton and selling yarn to feed herself and her idle son.

So much time passed. And then one day, when Aladdin, as usual, was playing with the boys, a dervish, a wandering monk, approached them. After asking one of the children who Aladdin was and who his father was, he approached Aladdin and asked him:

Are you not the son of Hassan, the tailor?

“I,” replied Aladdin, “but my father died long ago.”

The old man hugged Aladdin and began to cry loudly and beat himself

in the chest, shouting:

Know, O my child, that your father is my brother. I came to this city after a long absence and was glad that I would see my brother Hassan, and then he died. I recognized you immediately because you are very similar to your father.

The next day, in the evening, the old man came to their house and convinced Aladdin’s mother that he was really her husband’s brother.

“Don’t worry, O wife of my brother,” said the old man. - Tomorrow Aladdin and I will go to the market, and I will buy him beautiful clothes. Let him watch how people buy and sell, maybe he will want to trade himself, and then I will apprentice him to a merchant. And when he learns, I will open a shop for him, and he himself will become a merchant and get rich.

Aladdin and the old man walked around the entire market and headed to a large grove that began immediately outside the city. The sun was already high, and Aladdin was very hungry and quite tired. And the old man kept walking and walking. They had long since left the city.

The sun had already set and it was dark. They finally came to the foot of the mountain, into a dense forest. Aladdin was scared in this remote, unfamiliar place and wanted to go home.

The old man made a big fire.

“Oh Aladdin, don’t contradict me and do everything I tell you,” he said and poured yellowish powder into the fire and immediately began to read spells over the fire. - When I finish, the ground will part in front of you, and you will see a staircase. Go down it. And no matter what threatens you, do not be afraid. There will be a large room full of gold, gems, weapons and clothes. Take what you want, and bring me the old copper lamp that hangs on the wall in the right corner. On the way back, this ring will protect you from all troubles. -And he put a small shiny ring on Aladdin’s finger.

There was a deafening roar, the ground parted before them, and Aladdin went down the stairs.

A brightly lit garden opened before him. All the paths were strewn with round multi-colored stones; they sparkled dazzlingly in the light of bright lamps and lanterns hung on tree branches.

Aladdin rushed to collect pebbles. He hid them wherever he could. But when there was nowhere else to put the stones, he remembered the lamp and went to the treasury. There he took only a lamp - an old, green copper lamp. Then he came back and with difficulty climbed the stairs.

Having reached the last step, he saw that there was still a long way to go:

Uncle, help me! - he called.

But the old man did not think of pulling Aladdin out. He wanted to get the lamp and leave Aladdin in the dungeon so that no one would recognize the entrance to the treasury and reveal his secret. When the old man was convinced that Aladdin would not give him the lamp, he cast a spell and the earth closed over Aladdin.
