Water supply for dachas, cottages and suburban areas. Cottage water supply project

Requirements for the level of equipment of any residential building engineering communications, in particular, water supply networks, have increased a hundredfold these days. But if, say, in an ordinary city apartment, all worries and worries about comfort come down to buying the most modern pipes and the most advanced plumbing (everything else is the work of the water utility), then in a country property you have to take care of all the details of the water supply system yourself. Water supply country house- one of the primary tasks that you will have to solve if you suddenly decide to move to live in the “bosom of nature”. There are several ways to solve it; Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Its main and only advantage is its low cost.

Interesting! The “average” depth of a well is ten to fifteen meters.

Everything else is pure shortcomings. Judge for yourself:

  • the maximum volume of water that you can “milk” from a well in an hour is two hundred liters. In practice, this is enough to water the garden, cook dinner and wash the dishes. And not even in parallel, but in series;
  • it is possible that well water contains all kinds of harmful impurities - from bacteria to nitrates and heavy metals;
  • Using well water without risk to your own health is permissible only after its bacteriological and chemical analysis.

Water supply to your home can be done from a well using this simple scheme

Option 2 - drilling a sand well

Drilling is carried out using the auger method: the rock destroyed by the drill is removed to the surface with an auger.

Interesting! The auger is a steel strip wound around a drill rod.

In three to four days you can drill a well up to thirty meters deep.

Water from a sand well is much cleaner than well water. However, it may also contain a whole “bouquet” of impurities, since the sand layer is “in contact” with surface waters. Even if you plan to use the water exclusively for household and household needs(not related to quenching thirst and cooking), as in the case of a well, it is recommended to carry out its analysis and not neglect to repeat it at least once a year.

Installation of filtered sand and artesian wells for water supply

Option 3 - drilling an artesian well

An artesian well on limestone is the most successful source of water for suburban water supply.

To create it, the rotary drilling method is used.

Interesting! The limestone aquifer can lie at a depth of forty to two hundred and fifty meters!

Drilling an artesian well can take five to ten days. The well casing is done with black metal pipe with a diameter from one hundred twenty-five to one hundred fifty-eight millimeters. Double binding possible: outer pipe- made of metal, internal (working) - made of plastic.

And here working diagram water supply based on a well

The “productivity” of this source is about a thousand liters per hour. This is more than enough to provide water to a country house with big amount parsing points.

Well, we have figured out the question of where to get water from and it’s time to move on to another, no less important one - how exactly the water supply system of a country house should be arranged.

What may be required for the arrangement?

You will need:

Which pump is better?

Choosing the right one pump you should give maximum attention. This is a key part of the system, saving on which is “the height of madness.” A surface pump is suitable for supplying water from a well; wells are “combined” exclusively with submersible well pumps.

This is what a well pump looks like

Important! The deeper the well, the more expensive the pump. This is a pattern. Experts recommend purchasing pumps from manufacturers who have managed to “prove” the quality of their “brainchildren” to the consumer market - Aquario, Wilo, Grundfos, Pedrollo, Unipump, Gilex, Speroni. With a well passport in hand, choosing technically suitable equipment for water supply to a country house will not be easy. special labor— sales consultants in stores will definitely answer all exciting and dubious questions.

When choosing a unit, you should focus on such basic parameters as pressure and productivity.

Worth knowing! Calculate required pressure you can, using one simple formula - water depth + forty meters + fifteen percent. Based on the results obtained, you will buy a pump that is slightly more powerful than required - but this will not be harmful. After all, who knows - maybe after a while you will want to add another floor or two to the house.

Pumps are very sensitive to voltage drops in the network, so when organizing water supply in the house with your own hands, be sure to take care of the devices and means of protecting the equipment.

Why is a caisson needed?

Caisson- an obligatory part of the water supply system of a country estate. It protects the well from contamination and cold, and ensures the structure is completely sealed.

The installation of a caisson for a well must be performed by professionals, as this is a very important stage

Visually, it looks like a tank with a lid welded to the casing. It is placed in the ground at a depth of about two meters, so to install it you will have to remove the required volume of soil.

Types of storage tanks

Concerning storage tanks, then there are two main types of them - water pump And hydropneumatic. The latter is operationally more convenient. Let's take a closer look at its device.

The hydropneumatic tank is installed on the ground floor or in a heated basement

The hydropneumatic tank is represented by a metal reservoir (capacity - from one hundred to five hundred liters), inside of which there is a rubber membrane. It divides the volume of the tank into chambers - external air and internal liquid. A special relay “fixes” the water pressure in the tank; when the pressure reaches its minimum value, the device sends a signal to turn on the pump, and when it reaches its maximum, to turn off the pump. If water is being actively dismantled at a particular moment, the pump works “directly”. Upon completion of disassembly, the unit pumps liquid into the tank to the specified level. maximum pressure and temporarily ceases to function. When the taps in the house are opened again, the water from the tank is first used up, but the pump remains in “standby mode”. As soon as the tank is empty, the equipment is turned on again, etc.

If desired, the tank can be made with your own hands - from steel, observing all dimensions - and equipped necessary pipes, sensors, taps.

What about pipes?

So that the well can be exploited all year round, pipes to the house should be laid below the freezing depth of the soil. For the Moscow region this is about one and a half meters.

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One of the conditions for comfortable country life is a reliable water supply in the cottage. Since central water supply outside the city is a rather rare occurrence, the owner of the site has to decide on his own the issue of establishing an autonomous water supply system. Water supply to a private house from a well is one of the most convenient ways provide everyday comfort.

To set up a water supply system from a well, you can use both sand and artesian sources. With the help of a sand well it is easy to solve the issue of water supply in the area. summer cottage, at which the water consumption on average does not exceed 1.5 cubic meters/hour. This volume is enough for a small house.

The main advantages of a sand well are the speed of construction, low cost of construction and the possibility of construction without the use of special large-sized construction equipment

But for country cottage where people live all year round, a sand well is far from the best choice. The depth of aquifers when constructing such wells does not exceed 50 meters, which is not a guarantee of water purity. Although the water in a sand well is cleaner than a well, it can contain all kinds of impurities and aggressive compounds. The reason for this is the close location of the sandy aquifer relative to surface waters. The well's productivity is relatively small (about 500 liters on average), and its service life is short - about 10 years.

Most best option- an artesian well, which is installed at a depth of 100 meters or more. The main advantage of such a well is an unlimited supply of water. High Quality. Such a well is capable of producing up to 10 cubic meters per hour. This is enough to provide water large plot with the house. And the service life of such a source, even with active use, can exceed more than half a century.

Water located at a significant depth is filtered and purified naturally. Thanks to this, it does not contain impurities and pathogenic bacteria harmful to the human body.

If a sand well can be drilled and equipped with your own hands, then when installing an artesian well it is necessary to involve specialists. Although the cost of drilling an artesian well is quite high, it is not worth saving on it. This stage of work must be entrusted to professional drillers who, depending on the composition of the rocks underlying the site, will determine the aquifer and equip the well according to all the rules of drilling technology. Thanks to a professional approach when constructing a well, you will save yourself from a number of problems with the system during operation.

Equipment for arranging a water supply system

The technology for arranging water supply from a well with your own hands depends on the depth of the source and its characteristics.

An autonomous water supply scheme can be developed using the services of specialists, or you can take a suitable ready-made option from the network

One of the key elements in arranging the water supply system on the site is the water supply system, which will ensure uninterrupted rise and supply of water to the house from the well. For arrangement autonomous well it is enough to install a unit with a diameter of 3 or 4″, equipped additional protection from "dry running". This will prevent overheating and damage to the pump if the minimum water level in the source is reached.

The technology of water supply from a well also involves the installation of a plastic or metal tank - a caisson, which is placed so as to have easy access to it, but at the same time prevent dirt or water from entering from the well. external environment. It is necessary for the well and its further monitoring during operation.

When installing a water supply from a well to a house, pipes with a diameter of 25-32 mm made of metal-plastic are most often used - polymer material, which bends easily and is highly resistant to corrosion.

Water pipes are laid from the source to the house, buried below the freezing level of the soil (at least 30-50 cm)

Options for autonomous water supply from a well

Having a shallow well on the site, if the water level in the source allows, install or hand pump. The essence automated system is that under the influence submersible pump water is pumped into a hydropneumatic tank, the capacity of which can vary from 100 to 500 liters.

When working with a shallow sand well, the best option is to install an automated water supply system that will ensure uninterrupted water supply to the house

The water storage tank itself is separated by a rubber membrane and a relay, thanks to which the water pressure in the tank is regulated. When the tank is full, the pump is turned off; if water is consumed, a signal is received to turn on the pump and pump out water. This means that the pump can operate both directly, supplying water to the system, and after reducing the pressure in the system to a certain level, in order to replenish the “reserves” of water in the hydropneumatic tank. The receiver itself (hydraulic tank) is placed in any convenient place in the house, most often in the utility room.

From the caisson to the place where the pipe enters the house, a trench is laid, on the bottom of which they lay water pipe and an electrical cable to power the pump. If possible, it is better to purchase an electric heating cable, which, in addition to direct use, will protect the water pipe from freezing.

Method #2 - with installation of a deep-well pump

With this method of water supply deep well pump pumps water from the well into a storage tank, which is placed on an elevated point in the house.

Most often, the space for installing a storage tank is allocated in one of the rooms on the second floor of the house, or in the attic. When placing the container in the attic, to prevent water from freezing during the winter months, the walls of the tank must be insulated

By placing the tank on a hill, the effect of a water tower is created, in which, due to the height difference between the hydraulic tank and the connection points, pressure arises when 1 m of water column is equal to 0.1 atmosphere. The tank can be made from of stainless steel or food grade plastic. Capacity volume – from 500 to 1500 liters. The larger the volume of the tank, the greater the supply of water: in the event of a power outage, it will flow by gravity to the tap.

Installing a limit float switch will allow the pump to automatically turn on when the water level in the tank drops.

Deep pumps are used in cases where the distance to the water level in the well exceeds 9 meters or more

When choosing a pump, you should take into account the productivity of the well. Despite the fact that the power of the unit will only affect the speed of filling the water storage tank, when choosing a unit it is better to start from the mark of the maximum water flow into the house.

The deep pump, along with the electric cable and pipe, is lowered into the well, suspended on a galvanized cable using a winch, which is installed inside the caisson. To maintain I required pressure in the system and to prevent water from being pumped back into the well, a check valve is placed above the pump.

After installing all elements of the system, all that remains is to check the internal wiring to the connection points and connect the equipment to the control panel.

the total cost automatic system water supply is about 3000-5000 dollars. It depends on the depth of the source, the type of pump and the number of water intake points inside the house. From 30% to 50% of this amount goes to the engineering arrangement of the system, the rest of the costs goes to elements that determine the level of living comfort.

Borehole pump and its piping for a domestic well:

An urban family of 4-5 people uses about 1 ton of water per day, approximately 200-250 liters for each person. How much water is needed for comfortable living in a cottage? In addition to the standard set - dishwasher and washing machine, toilet, bathroom and cooking, you need to water the lawn, wash the car, fill the pool, go to the bathhouse... As a result, in a suburban area a person spends several times more water than in the city.

In general, for a comfortable stay of 4-5 people in a cottage, you need an artesian well with a diameter of 133 mm and a flow rate of up to 3 m3/hour. 3 tons of water per hour is 50 l/min, or 5-6 simultaneously open taps with a pressure of 5 atmospheres.

cottage water supply from a well

To organize effectively and reliable system Autonomous water supply project is being developed. The cottage water supply is being calculated. The parameters of the well specified in its passport, the total and maximum water flow at the water withdrawal points are taken into account, and the design characteristics of each system unit are determined.

The performance of the well pump is selected in accordance with the required volume of water. The volume of the hydraulic tank is directly related to the power of the pump. The well pump and hydraulic tank, working in pairs, ensure an uninterrupted supply of water from the well.

The standard hydraulic tank volume is 100 l. A properly selected membrane tank stabilizes the water supply to the house and protects the water supply system from water hammer, and also reduces the number of pump starts, thereby increasing its service life. If there are frequent power outages, it is recommended to install a larger hydraulic tank. In this case, when the pump is turned off, water will be supplied from the tank under the pressure of the elastic membrane for some time.

Supply cross section electric cable should provide a minimum voltage drop. Otherwise, the characteristics of the well pump deteriorate or it fails.

automation unit on the hydraulic tank

Automation controls the operation of the pump and protects it in critical situations, such as dry running, overheating, power surges, etc.

When calculating water supply, it is necessary to take heating into account if water is used instead of antifreeze in the space heating system. Hydraulic calculation of the heating system is a necessary addition to thermal calculation. The task of thermal calculation is to find out the heat loss in each room and the amount of heat that needs to be supplied to create comfortable temperature. According to the results hydraulic calculation the parameters of the heating system pipeline are determined, circulation pump and expansion tank.

Having received the calculated characteristics of all components of the water supply system, a selection is made necessary equipment and materials, an estimate is drawn up.

It is strictly not recommended to save on design and accurate engineering calculations of water supply. General and approximate calculations are also not enough for stable operation of the equipment. A technically unbalanced water supply system will not provide comfortable water supply and can quickly fail. For example, a heavy-duty pump selected “with reserve” in combination with membrane tank a small volume, in addition to pointless waste of money, can lead to serious problems in the operation of the well and equipment.

The water supply system of a country house, built on the basis of professionally performed engineering calculations, will not only be able to long years effectively solve all everyday problems, but will also have an optimal price/quality ratio.
