We cook deliciously - cauliflower baked in the oven with egg, cheese and other ingredients. Cauliflower and eggs are an ideal tandem: cook in a frying pan, in the oven and in a slow cooker Cooking cauliflower with eggs in the oven


I used to often cook cauliflower in an egg, frying it in a frying pan. And recently, while the “Summer Frying Pan” was baking with new potatoes, zucchini and cauliflower, all under chicken breasts in sour cream, I got the idea to bake the leftover cauliflower in the oven! It turned out soooo delicious - with a minimal set of ingredients and simplicity of the recipe - that I decided to purposefully repeat it. Help yourself to delicious cauliflower baked with egg and sour cream!

This cabbage turns out to be much more dietary than fried cabbage; she is so gentle and beautiful in her own right. Although you can complicate and vary the recipe by adding other vegetables - zucchini or bell peppers, for example; Or maybe cheese or chicken breast. But simply baked cauliflower in sour cream is an excellent dish!

You can also cook broccoli cabbage in the same way - an emerald green and also very healthy and tasty cauliflower subspecies.


  • 1 medium-sized cauliflower inflorescence;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 ml sour cream;
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of sunflower oil.


Rinse the inflorescence and separate it into pieces. Boil salted water in a saucepan and put the inflorescences in boiling water, let them boil under the lid for 5 minutes. Boil cauliflower, like broccoli or green beans, so that the vegetables turn out soft.

Then we put the cabbage in a colander so that the water and inflorescences cool a little.

Meanwhile, grease the baking dish with sunflower oil, and beat the egg in a separate plate. Add a little salt, maybe a little pepper.

Dump the cabbage into the egg and mix - carefully so as not to break the inflorescences, but carefully so as to dip them in the egg on all sides.

Place the cabbage in a mold and use a spoon to pour sour cream on top.

Bake the cauliflower in the oven at 180C for about 20-30 minutes until the inflorescences become soft and slightly browned. The exact time depends on the features of your oven, so check it periodically! And next to the form you can put something else to bake, for example, chicken chops - it will be an addition to the side dish! Or cupcakes :) Or

Cauliflower itself doesn't offer much flavor, but if you prepare it correctly using additional ingredients, this recipe can become your favorite.

A simple recipe that allows you to turn cabbage into a culinary masterpiece.

Required Products:

  • a few tablespoons of cream or milk;
  • three table eggs;
  • one medium sized cabbage;
  • about 200 grams of cheese;

Action steps:

  1. First, rinse the vegetable well and divide it into inflorescences. Boil them until softened. About five minutes after the water boils.
  2. In a bowl, mix the selected dairy product with eggs, and add pre-grated cheese. You can add spices to your taste.
  3. Place the boiled cabbage in a mold, pour the prepared sauce on top and place in a hot oven for 20 minutes, setting the oven to 180 degrees.

Recipe for cooking in batter

Cauliflower is low in calories, but if you cook it in batter, you must take into account that the energy value will increase significantly.

Required Products:

  • one cauliflower;
  • two table eggs;
  • about a glass of flour;
  • spices and cheese - to taste.

Action steps:

  1. As always, you should start cooking by washing the cabbage and cutting it into separate parts.
  2. Then the resulting pieces are boiled in salted water for about 10 minutes.
  3. While the cooking process is underway, you can prepare the breading. To do this, beat the eggs, add flour and salt to them. You should get a thick mass.
  4. Dip the prepared cabbage well in the resulting mixture and place in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Casserole with minced meat

Cauliflower casserole with minced meat is an unusual dish that is quite suitable for a family dinner.

Required Products:

  • about 500 grams of cauliflower;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 700 grams of minced meat;
  • one onion and carrot;
  • spices to your taste.

Cooking process:

It is very important to choose good cabbage for preparing a dish; for this, always pay attention to its leaves and structure. The leaves should be green, the vegetable itself should be dense, and the inflorescences should not fall apart easily.

  1. After the cabbage has been selected, it needs to be cut into separate parts, washed well and boiled so that it becomes softer. To do this, just fill it with water, wait for it to boil and cook for about 10 minutes. Take it out and let it dry a little.
  2. While the cabbage is cooking, you can make the minced meat. Onions and carrots are chopped, sent to a frying pan and fried.
  3. The minced meat is laid out in a bowl, seasoned with spices, fried vegetables are laid out on it, and milk is poured in.
  4. First you need to put some of the prepared minced meat into the baking dish, then the prepared cabbage and then cover it all again with the remaining meat mixture.
  5. All this is prepared in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for about 45 minutes.

How to make it with an egg in the oven?

A quick way to get not only a tasty, but also filling dish. In addition, the option is also suitable for those who are on a diet due to the fact that cauliflower contains very few calories.

Ingredients needed to prepare the dish:

  • about half a glass of milk;
  • half a kilogram of cauliflower;
  • one carrot and one onion;
  • two table eggs;
  • a little more than 100 grams of cheese;
  • choose spices to your taste.

Action steps:

  1. First, let's prepare the vegetables. To do this, chop the onion, three carrots and bring it all to a beautiful golden color in a hot frying pan.
  2. At this time, you need to wash the cabbage, divide it into parts and soften it by cooking. Place the inflorescences in a pan of water, wait until the water boils, cook for about 10 minutes and take out the finished cabbage to cool slightly. Don't forget to add some salt.
  3. Now we prepare the filling for the dish. Mix eggs with milk. This is best done using a mixer, but your hands will also work. Add grated cheese to the resulting mass. At this stage, you can add spices or do this when all the ingredients have already been laid out in the dish.
  4. First, place the cabbage in a thick layer in a baking dish, cover it with a mixture of fried vegetables, and pour the whole thing with the prepared sauce made from milk and eggs.
  5. Keep in the oven for at least 20 minutes, using a temperature of 180 degrees.

With sour cream filling

Cauliflower with sour cream filling is very tasty. In addition, sour cream makes the cabbage even richer and more satisfying. Vegetable lovers can use this recipe as a complete dinner.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • a head of cauliflower;
  • approximately 100 grams of cheese;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • about 400 grams of sour cream.

Action steps:

  1. You need to start preparing the dish by preparing the cabbage. It is necessary not only to cut it into inflorescences, but also to wash it very well, since dirt and various insects can be deep in the vegetable inflorescences.
  2. After the vegetable has been washed and cut, its parts are placed in a pan of water and set to cook. Usually, after boiling, this takes no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Once the cabbage has become soft, it can be used for further cooking.
  4. While the vegetable is cooling, it's time to prepare the filling. First, grate the cheese on a fine grater. A variety with a pronounced taste is best, preferably slightly spicy.
  5. In a bowl, mix grated cheese with sour cream and lightly pepper.
  6. Place the cauliflower in a thick layer in the selected baking dish and completely cover it with the prepared sour cream sauce. If desired, you can sprinkle a little more cheese on top.
  7. You need to cook the dish according to this recipe in an already preheated oven for about 30 minutes, setting the heating temperature to 200 degrees.

Required Products:

  • cabbage weighing 400 grams;
  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • cheese – 100 grams;
  • 200 grams of broccoli;
  • 100 milliliters of cream;
  • two table eggs.

Action steps:

  1. Vegetables should always be washed well, and this should be done especially carefully when planning to cook cauliflower and broccoli. After the vegetables are washed, they are cut into pieces and placed in a pan of water to soften. After the water boils, wait about another 5-10 minutes and remove the vegetables. Set them aside to cool slightly.
  2. At this time we prepare the filling. In a bowl, first beat or mix the eggs well together, then pour in the milk and mix everything again. At this stage, you can add salt, pepper and other selected spices to your taste.
  3. Prepare the baking dish and turn on the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.
  4. First, place the cauliflower mixed with broccoli in the pan. Then we completely cover it all with the prepared filling.
  5. Grind the hard cheese on a coarse grater and cover the cabbage in the sauce with it. Place the pan in a hot oven and bake for about 30 minutes until a nice crust forms on top. If you want to diversify your menu even more using cabbage, try the whole oven roasting recipe.

Cauliflower, unlike its white cabbage cousins, has a more delicate taste, and it looks more original, especially in side dishes. In our family, we enjoy eating this cabbage all year round, especially when we cook cauliflower in the oven, baked with egg and cheese. When baked and combined with a cheese omelette, its taste is simply incomparable. My step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to deliciously bake cauliflower in the oven.

We will need:

  • cauliflower forks;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • 140 g sour cream;
  • 150-200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 50 g butter;
  • salt and a mixture of ground pepper to taste.

How to cook cauliflower in the oven with egg and cheese

Prepare everything needed for the dish.

Wash the cabbage, arrange it into small florets and let the water drain.

Boil water, add salt and add cabbage. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes.

Place the inflorescences in a colander to remove excess liquid.

Mix eggs with sour cream, salt and spices until smooth.

Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Add it to the egg-sour cream omelette.

Grease a ceramic mold with butter and distribute the cabbage evenly inside the mold.

Pour the omelette mixture and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

The average cooking time is about 30 minutes, but it may vary depending on the capabilities of your equipment.

The finished omelette should be set over the entire surface and the cheese should be browned.

All that remains is to cut the omelette with cauliflower into pieces, garnish with herbs and serve.

This vegetable version of an omelet in the oven is suitable for children and people who watch their figure and health. And once you try this light but satisfying dish with a delicious cheese crust, you will probably include it in your menu more often. Cauliflower in the oven is quick, simple, satisfying and healthy.

Cauliflower is tasty and healthy; it enriches the diet with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients important for health. Soups, casseroles, appetizers - cabbage will be good anywhere.

One of the simplest and most delicious dishes that you should definitely prepare regularly is cauliflower casserole with egg and cheese in the oven. Even those who don’t particularly like vegetables or are lukewarm about cauliflower will eat it with pleasure. For expectant mothers, this dish is simply irreplaceable as an excellent source of folic acid and protein.

Nourishing, healthy, beautiful cauliflower with egg and cheese in the oven is ideal for a healthy diet. Unlike many healthy but tasteless dishes, it will delight you with its crispy crust and juicy filling.

Cauliflower with egg and cheese in the oven - general cooking principles

To prepare this dish you will need medium sized cabbage forks. First, wash the cabbage, pick off the thick, hard leaves and disassemble them into pieces. If you put raw cabbage in the oven, you will have to wait a very long time for it to soften - about an hour, and you will have to add water to the baking sheet. Cauliflower has a dense structure and, despite its juiciness, is cooked in water.

Therefore, cabbage “flowers” ​​must first be boiled by filling with salted water. Only after this can you assemble the casserole in the mold.

The required components of the dish are an egg and cheese, which you can use in any way. The main thing is that it melts easily. You will also need a milk component to create an omelette base for baking. It could be milk, cream, sour cream.

You can further diversify the basic recipe with your favorite vegetables, spices, mushrooms, and meat. By the way, a meat version of cauliflower with egg and cheese in the oven is an excellent balanced dinner.

The dish is baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until the cheese crumbs melt and brown. Depending on the power of the appliance and the temperature in the room, this takes from 20 to 30 minutes.

Cauliflower with egg and cheese in the oven with cream

The delicate taste of this dish and ease of preparation have long made the basic recipe for cauliflower with egg and cheese a secret of experienced housewives. Healthy, fast and very tasty!


Medium fork of cauliflower;

Half a glass of cream;

150 grams of semi-hard cheese;

Three eggs;

Two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

A little salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the cabbage or disassemble it into small balls with your hands, add two fingers of water and put it on the fire.

Add salt and cook after boiling for ten minutes.

Pour the cabbage into a colander, cover with cold water and let it drain.

Break the eggs into a bowl and beat.

Add cream, a pinch of salt and beat again.

Turn on the oven to preheat.

Finely grate a piece of cheese.

Pour the cheese crumbs into the beaten eggs and mix with a fork.

Grease the pan or baking tray on which the casserole will be prepared.

Place boiled cabbage on the bottom of the mold so that the inflorescences face up.

Pour the egg-cheese mixture into the mold.

Place the heatproof dish in the oven and wait until the egg thickens and the cheese bakes.

Remove the cauliflower with egg and cheese from the oven, cut into portions and serve.

Cauliflower with egg and cheese on sour cream

If you need to prepare a side dish for boiled or baked meat, an excellent solution instead of potatoes and pasta would be cauliflower with egg and cheese in the oven. It can be served separately so as not to overwhelm the tender juiciness of the cabbage under the cheese crust with the meat aroma.


Half a kilo of cauliflower;

One hundred grams of thin sour cream;

One hundred grams of any easy-melting cheese;

One egg;

Ten grams of butter;

Pepper or a mixture of peppers to your taste;

Cooking method:

Boil the cabbage, disassembling it into pieces.

Cool the boiled cabbage.

Pour the egg into a mixing bowl, add sour cream, pepper, add a pinch of medium or fine salt and beat thoroughly.

Set the oven to preheat.

Grate the cheese piece on the fine or medium side of a grater.

Coat the bottom and walls of the mold with butter so that the cabbage does not burn and can be easily removed.

Distribute the cabbage in the form, trying to arrange the inflorescences nicely, with the tops up.

Pour beaten egg and sour cream over cabbage.

Cover the casserole with cheese shavings.

Place the pan in the oven and wait until the cheese melts and bakes.

Remove from the mold and let cool slightly.

Serve warm with meat or fresh tomatoes and bell peppers.

Cauliflower with egg, cheese and mushrooms

A light, beautiful, nutritious dish is made more satisfying by adding mushrooms. In addition, cauliflower with egg and cheese becomes even more piquant thanks to the mushroom aroma. The dish is great for a family dinner.


A head of cabbage weighing up to a kilogram;

Half a kilo of mushrooms, fresh, frozen or canned;

One egg;

Half a glass of liquid;


150 grams of semi-hard or soft cheese;

Two tablespoons of sunflower oil;

Two spoons of breadcrumbs;

A tablespoon of chopped greens;

Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

Prepare cabbage for baking as described above.

Cool the cabbage before baking.

While the cabbage is cooling, turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

Peel the onion and finely chop it.

Cut fresh champignons into small pieces or slices, as desired. Thaw frozen mushrooms first.

Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up and fry the onion first.

After three minutes, add the chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry everything together for another five minutes.

Grate the cheese piece.

Salt the egg, add sour cream and beat everything.

Grease a mold or baking sheet with any oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Place the boiled cabbage rolls on the bottom of the pan.

Place a layer of onion and mushroom frying on top.

Spread the remaining cabbage in the final layer.

Pour the egg and sour cream over the cabbage.

Distribute the cheese crumbs over the cabbage.

Bake at high temperature (240-250 degrees) for about fifteen minutes.

While the cauliflower with egg and cheese is baking in the oven, chop the greens.

Serve the finished dish sprinkled with chopped dill and parsley on top.

Cauliflower with egg and “Ostraya” cheese

Fans of spicy aromatic dishes can be offered a garlicky version of cauliflower with egg and cheese in the oven. Garlic will add piquancy to the dish, and red pepper will add spiciness.


Five hundred to six hundred grams of cauliflower;

A hundred gram piece of cheese;

Two eggs;

A third of a glass of milk;

Three cloves of garlic;

A pinch of red hot pepper;

Salt to taste;

Spices and dried herbs to taste;

Oil for baking sheet.

Cooking method:

Boil cauliflower in salted water and drain.

Grate the cheese on the middle side of the grater.

Grease a baking dish with oil and lay out a layer of cabbage stalks.

Beat the eggs vigorously with milk and salt.

Pour the egg base over the cabbage.

Sprinkle with pepper and spices (optional).

Peel and chop the garlic. You can simply chop it with a knife.

Distribute the garlic mass over the casserole.

Top everything with cheese crumbles.

Place in the oven for about twenty minutes.

Cauliflower with egg, cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes

A very juicy and tender version of cabbage casserole with cheese and egg will be obtained if you add tomatoes and creamy sauce to the basic recipe. Thanks to the mushrooms, the dish will also be very filling, so it’s suitable for both lunch and a hearty dinner.


Medium cabbage fork;

Three small tomatoes;

Two hundred grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms;

A glass of high fat cream;

Three eggs;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

Two tablespoons of white flour;

A tablespoon of fresh or dried dill;

Oil for mold.

Cooking method:

Boil and dry the cabbage.

Drain the water, let the cabbage dry and cool.

Cut the mushrooms finely into cubes. If these are champignons, then you do not need to cook them first. If these are other mushrooms, they should be boiled for about ten minutes after boiling, and only then chopped.

Grease a casserole dish with oil and place the cabbage base there.

Place a mushroom layer on top of the cabbage inflorescences.

Sprinkle with dill.

Cut the tomatoes into small slices and distribute over the casserole.

Beat the eggs in a bowl first, then the cream and flour. You can do this using a mixer so that there are no lumps.

Salt the creamy egg sauce and add spices if desired.

Pour sauce over cabbage, tomatoes and mushrooms.

Grate the cheese block and sprinkle crumbs over the casserole.

Bake until the cheese crust is nicely golden.

Cauliflower with egg and cheese “Myasnaya”

The meat version of cabbage casserole is a very satisfying and tasty dish. Both children and men will eat it with pleasure. You can also serve the dish to unexpected guests: it cooks quickly if you already have ready-made meat. Any meat product goes well with cauliflower: beef, pork, poultry, lamb, rabbit. If there is no meat, it can be replaced with ham or sausages.


Eight hundred grams of cauliflower;

Two hundred grams of boiled meat;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

Two eggs;

Half a glass of cream or full-fat milk;

Spices to taste;

Any oil for greasing the mold.

Cooking method:

Prepare cabbage as described above.

Coarsely grate the cheese piece.

Cut the meat into thin strips or tear into fibers.

Mix the eggs with cream and salt, then beat.

Arrange the cabbage stalks in the greased pan.

Place meat cubes or fibers on top of the cabbage.

Sprinkle with pepper or other spices if desired.

Pour the creamy egg mixture over everything.

Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Cauliflower with egg and cheese in the oven - tricks and useful tips

If you don’t have fresh cabbage at home, but want to eat cauliflower with eggs and cheese in the oven, you can take a bag of frozen vegetables.

You can serve cabbage and cheese casserole not only with meat, but also with fish, meatballs, and sausages. It can also be a side dish for a vegetable dish, such as mashed potatoes.

You can add not only mushrooms or tomatoes to the casserole, but also zucchini, peppers, eggplants, and onions.

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The benefits of the main ingredient (cauliflower) have been proven by scientists, which is why doctors advise eating it.

Cauliflower can:

  • reduce the risk of cancer by three times;
  • protects against ulcers, gastritis;
  • tidies up the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Not all vegetables can boast of this effect.

Nutritional content of the dish per serving (by weight it is 265 grams):

  • calorie content – ​​97 kcal;
  • presence of proteins – 8 grams (38%);
  • fats – 8 grams (37%);
  • carbohydrates – 5 gr. (25%).

Ingredients 100 grams of cauliflower (raw):

Cauliflower in the oven with egg and cheese can easily be classified as a healthy food dish!

We invite you to watch a video about the benefits of cauliflower:

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook with egg, cheese and milk

To prepare cauliflower with egg in the oven we will need:

  • 300 grams of cauliflower;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • milk – 5 tablespoons;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • cheese (hard) – 40 grams;
  • salt to your taste;
  • dry spices to taste.

The quantities above are written for 4 servings.

How to bake cauliflower with egg and other products to make a tasty and juicy dish? Let's look at it step by step.

Cooking steps:

We invite you to see another recipe for cooking cauliflower in the oven:

Various variations of the recipe for casseroles with tomatoes, sour cream and other ingredients

Not everyone likes the presence of any product in a recipe, so you can safely experiment with adding different ingredients. You can add other ingredients to baked cauliflower, but then the taste will be very different.

Options for other recipes:

  1. Before putting all the ingredients of the recipe into a baking dish, you can put fried onions on the bottom, and then lay out the half-boiled cabbage (cook for 5-7 minutes in water).
  2. then pour in 1-2 lightly beaten eggs.
  3. Add cream to the cheese for a softer taste.

This variation of the recipe is prepared at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

There is an even more interesting option with a casserole, where fresh and juicy vegetables are bell peppers and tomatoes.

  1. This recipe takes young cabbage and cooks for only 3-4 minutes.
  2. In a baking dish, after the cabbage is laid out, tomatoes and peppers cut into rings are placed on top.
  3. Everything else is the same as the main recipe.
  4. You need to bake the dish for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

To make the casserole with cabbage acquire a spicy, spicy taste, you can add Korean-style carrots, and at the same time remove milk and cheese from the recipe, but add sour cream (about 15% fat content). You can also add smoked chicken and mushrooms here (you can find out more about other delicious recipe options for cauliflower and chicken, and you can read more about recipes for this vegetable with cheese and mushrooms in).

Before all the ingredients are in the pan, you can grease it with olive oil, after which the aroma of olives and a light taste will remain in the casserole itself. Certainly, you can bake in the oil itself, but without using dairy products, as the dish may turn out to be very fatty.

There are other recipes for vegetables with cheese. You can find out more about recipes for baked cauliflower in the oven with cheese.
We invite you to watch a video on how to prepare cauliflower and tomato casserole:

Options for serving dishes, photos
