Options for decorating a room for the New Year holidays. How to decorate a room for the New Year with your own hands Ideas on how to decorate a room for the New Year

It doesn't matter how old you are, New Year makes everyone children. And at least for the sake of this night, it’s worth creating a fabulous atmosphere around. You may not believe in Santa Claus and the magic of the New Year for a long time, but do not break this faith in your children ahead of time. New Year's Eve is the time to write him a letter, make general cleaning and decorate the room with a variety of decorative details that will give you a New Year's mood.

There is a lot you can do on your own. If you don’t know how to decorate a room for the New Year 2018 with your own hands, refer to the master classes, which tell you in detail about making this or that craft. Here you will find many interesting, simple and original ideas.

Instructions for making large decorative elements

Sometimes you want to bring some significant decorative detail into the interior so that it becomes central element, and his gaze immediately caught her upon entering the room. We advise you to create something voluminous and bright, just like the New Year.

Cardboard crafts: chimney, fireplace

We suggest making a simple element of New Year's decor - a chimney with branches. You can use it to decorate a table or bedside table.

Make a rectangle measuring 40x12 cm from cardboard.

Fold the workpiece into a box with sides of 10 cm.

Secure with glue or tape.

Glue the bottom to the appropriate size. In order not to bother yourself with gluing the box, you can use a ready-made one, for example, from juice.

Cover the box with white paper on all sides.

Mix black and white paint to obtain a gray color.

Use a sponge to paint the paper grey colour. Let the box dry.

Paint a piece of cardboard brick red or use red cardstock. Let it dry.

We cut the red cardboard into small bricks measuring 2.5 by 4 cm, first making markings on the back of the cardboard.

Glue the bricks to the surface of the box.

Cut out “snow” from white paper or felt and glue it to the top of the chimney.

We complement the imitation of snow with cotton wool or synthetic padding. Glue on hot glue.

We tint the tree branches with white paint.

We insert the branches into the chimney and decorate them with balls.

We hang balls on the branches.

If we continue the topic of heating


You should definitely remember about such a Christmas and New Year attribute as a fireplace. The warmth emanating from the hearth, the crackling of wood in a real fireplace, of course, cannot be compared with anything, but such luxury only happens in country house, and even then not everyone has it, so we suggest limiting ourselves to only visual effects. Who knows, maybe you won’t want to part with the craft even after the New Year holidays. And we will make it from ordinary cardboard boxes.

We lay out the boxes in a “P” shape and glue them together.

Use Moment-Crystal glue for this purpose or this glue for tiled ceilings.

First glue the boxes in twos, put a weight on top so that the glue sets.

Glue the fireplace stands.

The mantelpiece can be strengthened by gluing several sheets of cardboard.

We cut the cardboard to size and glue the sheets together.

You can cover the fireplace with cardboard on all sides.

Glue back wall and bottom.

Place the fireplace on a pedestal. It is made from 6 sheets of cardboard glued together.

Glue the pedestal to the fireplace.

Cover the joints and corners with newspaper, placing it on PVA glue.

Once this job is done, paint the fireplace with white acrylic paint.

Take a sheet of foam plastic 2 cm thick. Line the foam to a width of 4-5 cm. Cut first into strips, then into bricks.

In principle, bricks 1 cm thick will be enough, so we cut the bricks in half again.

We glue thick bricks in the first row; they form a decorative side.

We lay out the next rows of bricks in a checkerboard pattern.

The fireplace is ready. Install it and decorate it.

There must be a luminous garland inside; it will replace the light of a real fire.

Wood products: star, wreath

Stars as an element of New Year's decor are not inferior in popularity to snowmen, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens. The proximity of Christmas has an effect, and we start the celebration at night. Let's try to make a big star from wooden slats.

For the Christmas star you will need a wooden box, the kind they sell fruits and vegetables in at the market.

Remove three planks.

The boards are quite wide, so we cut them in half. Let us mark the middle for convenience.

We saw it.

Sand the boards to avoid burrs. Don't forget about the corners.

We will need 5 of these narrow slats. Basically, if you have narrow slats, you can skip the steps listed above.

Spray paint the slats bright red.

We fold the slats into a star and nail them together, bending the nails on the back side.

It should look like a star like this.

Now wrap the entire star with an electric garland.

In Hollywood films, even in Home Alone, you could see that wreaths are used for decoration. It is not necessary to take spruce branches for this purpose; we will make do with ordinary branches without leaves.

Video: wreath made of branches

Crafts from pompoms: a cozy wreath and a cute snowman

In winter, when you return home from work, and it’s freezing outside, dark, and the wind is howling, you want to wrap yourself in a soft, warm blanket upon arrival, have a hearty meal, drink hot tea with mint, and touch something fluffy (seals are fine). Fluffiness brings a sense of peace to many people. Pom-poms are one of those things that are pleasant to look at and provide a pleasant tactile sensation. Let's make some crafts from pompoms.

The first idea is a wreath.

To make a wreath you will need two skeins of thread. different colors- V in this case brown and white, two cardboard blanks in the form of slingshots of slightly different sizes, scissors.

Wind the threads around the stencil.

Pass the thread through the hole and pull off the wound threads.

Remove the skein from the stencil and cut the threads on both sides with scissors.

Make 10 large and 5 small pompoms. Do the same with brown threads. There will be 30 pompoms in total.

Now you need a metal ring. It can be made from wire or a cheap metal hanger.

Just tie the pom poms onto the metal base.

Additionally, decorate the wreath with Christmas tree decorations.

You can use the most different elements decor to decorate the wreath, such as bells or bows. We have about tying bows.

Now let's make a snowman from white threads.

Take the thread. Wrap it around three fingers 170 times.

Tie across the middle.

Cut the threads along the fold. Trim with scissors.

Next, we wind the threads on 2 fingers 150 times. We proceed in the same way: remove, bandage, cut.

Then we wind the threads only on thumb 100 times.

Take a cocktail tube and string pompoms onto it. We cut off the excess.

From thin branches we make a nose, mouth, eyes, hands. Glue it.

You can make a New Year's composition by placing a snowman on a cut tree trunk, decorating it with painted cones, Christmas tree balls, fir branches, and artificial snow.

Video: penguin made from pompoms

Garlands for decorating rooms and windows

Who among us as a child did not make garlands at home with relatives or during labor lessons before the New Year? Now, by the way, there are significantly more opportunities for creativity, due to the availability of materials for needlework, and the Internet is simply replete with an abundance of ideas. You can decorate a child's room with garlands by hanging them from the ceiling. The child will not get to them, will not tear them and will not get confused.

Many people know how to make paper garlands - all kinds of flags, chains, snowflakes, but not everyone knows that felt is also used for this purpose. Let's make a garland with gingerbread men from this material.

Garlands on the window look especially beautiful. If you choose the right material, it will shimmer, reflecting both daylight and artificial light. We propose to decorate the window with a garland made of ordinary padding polyester, decorated with lurex.

Gut the synthetic padding pillow, or buy it at a craft store. Roll into small balls.

Then wrap each ball with lurex.

Thread the resulting pieces onto the same lurex thread.

To prevent the balls from bunching up, in the right places Place a drop of hot glue on the thread. It will not be visible due to the fact that it will sink into the padding polyester, but the balls will stay in place.

It will make an excellent garland for a window opening.

To make a garland for the window, you can also use tinsel. You won't need a lot of it, since we will cut it into small pieces.

After cutting a piece about 1-2 cm long, twist it and flatten it with your fingers.

It should look like this.

We make many, many details.

Then we string the “snowflakes” onto the fishing line. If you choose a thin line, it will not be visible at all, and it will look like “snowflakes” are floating in the air - very beautiful.

See what it looks like.

Even more master classes on making New Year's garlands you will find .

Candlesticks and lamps - creating a cozy atmosphere

Dimmed light will create a secluded, calm atmosphere in the room, which is what you need if you are going to celebrate the New Year together. Although it is not a sin to decorate the room with candles in original candlesticks or lamps from LED garlands to take a break from the hustle and bustle on long winter evenings.

When the glow of a candle on the wall is combined with the indescribably cozy aroma of cinnamon, it is doubly pleasant.

And inside a glass glass or vase, which is used as a candlestick, they recreate winter forest in miniature. Want to try? The more interesting and detailed the composition, the better. Except ornamental trees made of paper, figures of people, snowmen, houses are placed there. This installation is very mesmerizing when illuminated by candlelight.

You will need a round vase, salt, a candle, green colored paper, glue, toothpicks. Pour salt into the vase and place a tea candle inside.

Cut out strips of 1.5*20 cm from colored paper.

Let's make a small fringe.

Cover the toothpicks with glue and wrap them in colored paper, fringe up. Break off the excess part of the stick.

Fluff the fringe.

Stick Christmas trees into improvised snow.

Decorate with beads.

Draw snowflakes using a line, a white outline, a white marker, or acrylic paints.

The decorative candle is ready.

Another version of the candlestick is made from a whiskey glass, which is decorated with finely chopped tinsel.

At the beginning we talked about lamps. How to implement the simplest option, read below

Take an ordinary LED garland, which is sold in almost any supermarket on New Year's Eve, and put it in a narrow, tall glass.

Cover the top of the glass with clear tape.

Place the glass in the jar.

Fill the space between the glass and the jar with artificial snow.

Close the jar with a lid and turn on the garland. The room will be filled with soft, pleasant light.

Video: rotating Christmas tree lamp

Transformation of interior items

The New Year's mood is created not only by special decorative items, but also by interior items. Find out how you can decorate everyday things in master classes. For example, do you want to turn an ordinary chair into an original decorative item?

Now let’s give the room a New Year’s touch with decorative pillowcases. They are also suitable for decoration. sofa cushions in the living room and for decorating the bed in the bedroom.

Take two pillowcases: one white, the other red, rhinestones, fabric paints, glitter, scissors, tape, sheets of paper and a print of a deer.

For the first pillowcase, cut out a snowflake from a sheet of paper.

Place something under the fabric inside the pillowcase, as paint can stain the other side of the pillowcase and the surface on which the pillowcase lies.

Secure the snowflake with tape. Then, armed with a sponge and fabric paint, paint over the holes in the stencil.

Peel off the stencil and decorate the pillowcase with rhinestones and glue them.

Cut out a deer's head from paper and use the piece of paper as a stencil.

Paint with golden metallic paint.

We remove the stencil.

Panel. When you want more holiday

The more New Year's details, the more interesting. Don't ignore the shelves and bedside tables, decorate them with original panels.

Take a blank for the panel. In this case, canvas on a stretcher is used. Although you can also use cardboard painted with white paint.

Tear off a piece of foil. Foil that is intended for baking is suitable.

Tear off small pieces of foil and crumple them to create an irregular shape.

Having previously laid out all the pieces, stick them on reverse side Double-sided tape.

Glue all the pieces in place.

We will make another panel from threads. Let's make the background the most New Year's Eve - red. To make a panel, prepare two identical rectangular sheets of corrugated cardboard, a hammer, acrylic paint red, double-sided tape, thick threads (can be knitting), small carnations, a silhouette of a deer's head printed on paper.

We glue the cardboards with double-sided tape. If possible, you can use a piece of wood instead of cardboard.

Now evenly cover the entire cardboard with red paint.

Don't forget about the edges either.

If the panel is large, you don’t have to print the template, but transfer the silhouette from the screen onto sheets of paper glued together.

Drive the nails along the lines, especially carefully where the contour line bends. Fill the middle with cloves.

Carefully remove the paper.

Tie the thread to one of the nails. Fill the silhouette with threads, not too tightly. To avoid mistakes, when winding threads, check the drawing. To select the outline, you can go over the outline again.

Drive a nail into each corner and make a frame out of threads.

The result of the work looks as if you purchased this craft in the department of decorative items and gifts.

Other souvenirs

You can literally go nowhere without New Year's souvenirs. They can not only decorate, they can also be given as gifts. Crafts into which you have invested a piece of your soul will most likely be received with great delight and gratitude. It would seem like a small boot with spruce branches, a cone-shaped Christmas tree made of cardboard, but how much anticipation of the holiday is contained in these products.

To make such a boot, we use a plastic capsule from a chocolate egg.

Let's cut it into two parts, cutting the connecting jumper.

Mark the smaller part with a marker.

Cut off the curved part with scissors.

The remaining parts should form a boot.

Take a piece of paper and trace the bottom of the boot. Let's cut it in. This is a template for making a “sole”.

Using the template, we cut out the sole from thick black felt.

Hot glue the parts of the boot to the sole. First the larger part, then the smaller part.

We also glue the parts together. We trim the sole if there are protruding areas.

Now we cover the boot with red felt. Apply glue to the edge of the sole and glue a piece of felt in a circle.

At the joint we cut off the excess and seal the joint.

We cut off the excess length of the material, but not end to end.

Secure the fabric to the front of the boot. Apply a drop of glue approximately in the middle inside and press the fabric with your finger.

Then we fix the two side folds with glue.

Cut off the excess from the top.

Using white felt, we imitate the fur edge of the boot.

Glue the decor in the fold area.

We place several artificial branches in the boot.

We decorate the branches.

The computer desk or the place where you work at home also needs to be decorated for the New Year. Let's make a Christmas tree in the form of a topiary. By placing it somewhere in a corner, you will remember that the New Year is coming soon, which means that the New Year holidays are close and you can give yourself a long-awaited rest.

Wrap the cardboard glass in wrapping paper.

Use a blade to trim the protruding areas.

Now we will make the base of the Christmas tree in the form of a cone out of cardboard.

Glue the cone together using PVA glue. In addition to a cardboard cone, you can use a purchased foam cone.

Level the bottom of the Christmas tree so that it stands stable.

Trace the “bottom” of the Christmas tree on a piece of paper. Cut it out.

Insert a piece of foam plastic inside the Christmas tree.

Apply glue and glue the cut cardboard circle.

The tree trunk can be made from sushi sticks. If desired, decorate them with ribbons. To do this, secure the edge of the tape with a drop of hot glue and wrap it around the stick. Insert the stick into the center of the Christmas tree, deepening it into the foam.

Now we wrap the cone with knitting threads. Again, place the tip of the thread on the hot glue, then, laying the thread tightly, wrap the entire cone. At the end, secure the thread with glue.

We will decorate the Christmas tree with bows and beads. Make small bows from ribbons.

To secure the decor, use hot glue.

Cut out a small star from red felt and decorate the top of the tree with it.

To install a Christmas tree in a glass, take building gypsum and dilute it with water according to the instructions. Place the Christmas tree in the glass and wait until the plaster hardens.

Pour artificial snow on top and, having coated the edges of the glass with hot glue, glue the artificial snow there too.

The house, which we will now tell you how to make, can be used as a container for papers on the desktop, as a napkin holder, as a gift bag for light gifts, and much more.

Take an A4 sheet and draw the house itself and all the elements with which it will be decorated. Cut it out.

Let's draw a Christmas tree on the house.

Now let's cut out all the details from felt. First, we will cut out the front and back parts of the house, two side parts and the bottom from red felt.

Now cut out from paper those elements that should be white and green. Transfer them to felt of the corresponding color.

We cut out a window from green felt, as well as a Christmas tree, dividing it into several parts in tiers, snow on the roof of the house - from white felt - all in duplicate for both sides.

Now let's glue the house together. Glue the bottom to one of the halves using hot glue.

Then the side parts. Glue them to the bottom.

This is the kind of house we have already made.

We glue white felt parts to the roof and pipe, as well as the Christmas tree backing.

Then we glue the window and the trunk of the Christmas tree from brown felt. And the tiers are green with a yellow star on the top.

Glue on a handle cut from the same red felt.

Video: New Year's crafts

Advent calendar

And how great it is to treat yourself or your children to some sweets in anticipation of the holiday. Let's make a sweet calendar for December. Counting down the days until the New Year will become much more enjoyable. The Advent calendar is one of the attributes of European Christmas. But the idea is good: eat a piece of candy every day and feel the holiday approaching. Who, who, and even the children from this decorative item They will definitely be delighted, you won’t be able to pull them away by the ears.

Take a hanger, wrapping paper, a ruler with a pencil, double-sided tape, scissors, scrap paper, and candy.

We cut out 21 rectangles from wrapping paper, focusing on the size of the candies that we will wrap in this paper.

Wrap each candy in paper, forming these “gifts”.

From scrap paper, cut out rectangles or stars, in general, any shape, and write numbers from 1 to 31 on them.

Punch holes in the rectangles with a hole punch, string them on string and tie it around the candies wrapped in paper.

When everything is ready, tie all the candies onto a hanger using twine.

Toy pendants: for the Christmas tree and for decoration

Toys that can be hung on a Christmas tree can be a great way to decorate a room, not just a Christmas tree, especially since they are made from a variety of available materials. For example, use this decor to decorate windows, Christmas trees, and walls.

Draw a snowflake using hot glue on a piece of cellophane, which can be a regular file.

When the snowflake hardens, peel it off the cellophane.

Sprinkle on some glitter. Apply a second layer of glue to the snowflake.

Dip the snowflake in glitter. They will stick where you applied the glue. You can make a multi-colored snowflake if you apply glitter of the same color to some areas, and when the glue dries, coat other areas with glue and dip the snowflake in glitter of a different color.

It is better to apply glitter in parts so as not to get smeared with glue.

Video: felt Christmas tree toys

Video: toys-gifts

More more ideas You will find New Year's toys in this article.

When everything is decorated, take a break and look at all this beauty. Do you feel like the New Year is approaching?

New Year is a wonderful time that not only children, but also adults await with trepidation. Drawing up a holiday menu, choosing, wrapping gifts, selecting an outfit for New Year's Eve - all these are pleasant chores on the eve of the important day per year.

In addition, an important ritual is the installation of a festive tree; the whole family takes part in this activity.

It is important to remember that in addition to the forest beauty, you need to decorate your home in order to truly achieve the New Year's mood.

On the eve of the holiday, each of us wonders how to decorate our home for the New Year. You can trust your taste and family traditions and dress up as usual. Or you can borrow a few ideas and bring freshness and innovation to your home.

Forest beauty tree

Perhaps the Christmas tree is not just a tree, it is the main symbol of the upcoming fabulous holiday, it is the one that is in the center of attention, requiring a special approach and a selection of decorations. The choice of Christmas trees is huge, everyone will find something to their liking.

You can choose a live Christmas tree, fluffy pine, or artificial tree for a large hall or a small one as an accessory on the table. Recently, compositions made from spruce branches that can be placed in a vase are gaining popularity.

This option is perfect for studio apartment, in which there is a shortage of free space. This composition is quite miniature in size, but capable of giving festive look room.

The fashion for wreaths that hang on the door came to us from the West. They are made from the same Christmas tree with the addition of cones.

To do this, you need to take a thick wire frame rolled into a ring, fasten the branches to it, and decorate it with cones and ribbons. Upon completion of the work, you can spray an imitation snow spray on top, it will turn out very impressive.

You can also make a wreath entirely from pine cones. To do this, you need to cut out the base from polystyrene foam and stick the cones into it one by one, then turn the tails of the cones over and bend them so that they hold on.

For such work you will need a lot of cones, a composition of cones will look good different sizes. The finished product can be decorated with ribbons.

The pine cones make unusual Christmas trees that can transform any decor for the better.

To do this, take a large longitudinal cone as a basis and paint it in green color, for greater effect, you can spray silver or golden paint, then it will look even more interesting.

The finished product can be placed on a platform made of wood or foam and decorated with multi-colored beads. The result will be a fashionable, bright composition.

Decorating a room with garlands

Garlands have been an indispensable holiday companion for many years. It is noteworthy that you can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the room itself.

If you put in enough effort and use your imagination, you can wonderfully decorate your room for the New Year with your own hands without using large investments. Glowing garlands powered by electricity can only be bought in the store. But it is quite possible to make other options yourself.

A beautiful copy can be made from corrugated paper. You need to cut out small strips of different colors, then cut often along the edges to create a lush effect.

Window decoration

Among other things, windows need decoration. Since Soviet times, there has been a fashion for cutting out snowflakes and sticking them on windows.

Nowadays various figures of houses, Christmas trees and stars are in fashion. A whole composition is built from them on the window, which is illuminated with lights. It looks very impressive not only from the house, but also from the street.

You can also make decorative holiday curtains from the inside. To do this, hang a strip of rain on the cornice, to which Christmas tree decorations, pine cones, and ribbons are attached.

New Year's candles as an element of the holiday

Candles are an important attribute of the New Year's holiday; they create a fabulous atmosphere and give the home coziness. Candles placed in candlesticks made with your own hands look especially beautiful.

To create a candlestick, you can take a transparent glass on a thin stem and decorate it with rhinestones, beads, and gold paint. The leg can be decorated with ribbons and lace.

A small candle is placed in the finished product. This craft looks original.

Decorating a child's room

Children, like no one else, are waiting for New Year's Eve, the time when all their dreams and desires come true. You should not deprive the nursery of attention and decorate it no less solemnly than the main room.

The most important thing is that an adult needs to follow some rules when decorating a child’s room for a holiday in order to avoid an accident:

  • If the child is small and under 4 years old, for safety reasons it is worth hanging the decorations as high as possible to the ceiling so that he cannot pull them off.
  • No need to use small parts, toys that a child can pull into his mouth and swallow.
  • Glass Christmas tree decorations should be replaced with plastic ones that do not break.
  • For fire safety reasons, you should not decorate your child’s room with candles.
  • If there is a Christmas tree in the nursery, then you need to check its fastening, to ensure that the tree is not knocked over by children.

Decorating a room is an entertaining process that gives you the opportunity to feel fashion designer. This does not require special costs, many elements can be made with your own hands using available materials.

The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination and then your home will certainly give you a feeling of celebration and create a New Year's mood.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Preparing for New Year's holidays lifts your spirits and brings an atmosphere of magic to your home. Many people are interested in the question: how to decorate a room for the New Year 2017 in order to give family and guests a lot of positive impressions? Year Fire Rooster involves the use of bright, rich colors and plant elements. Show your imagination and you can beautifully decorate your apartment with your own hands.

In order to beautifully decorate your room for the New Year, take note of these simple rules:

  • choose a Christmas tree according to the size of the room. A small Christmas tree is not noticeable in a large living room, and a huge tree does not fit into small room and will take up a lot of space;
  • match the decorations to the interior style of the room. For example, if the interior of the room is made in one tone, choose bright multi-colored decorations;
  • Fresh smells will help create a New Year's atmosphere. A small orange vase will be an interesting New Year's decoration for a room with a pleasant smell. Remove the pulp from the orange and cut out an original vase from the peel. Pour coffee into it and your home will be filled with the New Year's aroma. The second method is to soak dry twigs of any tree essential oil with the smell of pine. Stick the branches into the tree or place them in a vase and decorate with garlands. A pleasant aroma will unobtrusively spread throughout the room.

Symbol of 2017 - Fire Rooster

2017 is the year of the fiery red rooster. If you want to bring good luck to your apartment, you will have to please the owner of the year. The bright Rooster will love a multi-colored fluffy garland. Color range For interior design, choose yellow, lilac, purple, red, orange or lilac shades. Use bright snowflakes of various sizes and shapes, large balls of the above shades and sparkles. But don’t turn the room into a circus booth; the shades should be in harmony and fit with the overall interior.

The rooster lives in the country, so create a rustic decor indoors. Looks good in decor Wicker basket with balls, flat wide tray with a candle. Set aside the main place for the rooster figurine. It can be a soft toy, a Christmas tree, or make a figurine of a cockerel out of cardboard, coloring bright colors and placing it near a bowl of grain. Big decorative candle will appease the owner of the year and bring good luck and health to the apartment.

An interesting holiday idea - a whole chicken family. The housewife can knit figurines of chickens and hens. Hand-made birds placed under the Christmas tree or on the New Year's table will lift the spirits of all guests.

Decorating the living room for the New Year 2017

The owners celebrate the New Year in the living room, and there is a decorated Christmas tree. To decorate a room for the New Year 2017, use pine wreaths, beautiful candles, winter compositions from bows, toys and Christmas tree branches. Decorate not only the Christmas tree with garlands, but also doors and windows. Volumetric snowflakes, balls or funny figures on a chandelier will bring a fabulous atmosphere to the room.

Hang red socks, ribbons and spruce branches in the style of American films over the fireplace (if you have one). For a country style, use bouquets of fresh hay instead of pine needles. Make decorations from wood, fabric and other natural materials.

Decorating the bedroom for the New Year 2017

Don't overload this room with decor. Decorate the windows with snowflakes and add some New Year's compositions from fir branches. From plain white paper you can beautifully decorate your room for the New Year with your own hands, just make beautiful snowflakes.

Decorating a children's room for the New Year 2017

Draw posters with the image of the Rooster with your children and hang them on the walls in the nursery. Reflective stickers will create a fabulous atmosphere at night for your child. On Stuffed Toys Place rain and tinsel together with your baby. Paint the windows with gouache window frame hang a garland. During the holiday, change the regular light bulbs in the chandelier to colored ones. Create a fairy-tale Rooster, Father Frost and Snow Maiden from helium balloons.

The exciting time of preparation for the New Year holidays is coming. On this occasion, we offer you a selection of the most beautiful and elegantly decorated holiday living rooms, as well as ideas that will help you create the same beauty in your home

The next month promises to be busy pleasant chores and anticipation of New Year's miracles. To make the holidays fun and carefree, we recommend that you start making the appropriate preparations now. The best place to start is by creating a themed decor in your living room.

We invite you to take a virtual walk through the most beautiful holiday rooms, the charming decoration of which will surely inspire you to a decorative feat. In addition, in this article you will find ten ideas and tips for creating New Year's decor for the living room.

1. Thematic color scheme

Change the color accents of the living room to traditional New Year's ones. Depending on the prevailing basic shades you can choose one of the most popular traditional combinations: white with red, green with red, silver with white and blue, or original variations on the theme of crimson, purple, pink and gold.

Having decided on a decorative color palette, try to stick to it even in the smallest details. Textiles, toys, garlands, candles and other festive attributes should carry a single color message.

2. Natural decor

Traditional New Year's tinsel does not always fit harmoniously into the interior. An excellent alternative to garlands and balls will be natural cones, dry branches, pine needles and even fruits (for example, oranges, which are shaped like balls). They fit perfectly into the New Year's concept and don't break! And if you think that natural accessories do not look elegant enough, then you can always transform them with the help of gold or silver paint.

3. Original Christmas tree

Of course, the Christmas tree is an integral attribute of the New Year's decor in the living room. However, if the room is too small to install a full-fledged holiday tree, or you simply don’t want to spend the next few weeks raking needles out of all the cracks, you can use a little trick and create Alternative option Christmas trees.

We are talking about a wall panel. To create it, you can use anything: a garland, toys, decorative stickers or any other elements that you manage to mount on the wall.

4. Ribbons

Ribbons always look elegant. Use them to tie curtains, hang Christmas tree decorations (and not only on the Christmas tree, but also on the wall or lamps). Under the tree or in the fireplace portal, you can put several decorative gifts, which will also be decorated with ribbons. When selecting ribbons, keep in mind the festive color scheme.

5. Christmas pillows

Decorative pillows with New Year themed patterns or made of elegant shiny fabric (in the color of the main color motifs) will skillfully emphasize the holiday theme. You can purchase them or make them yourself. The money and effort spent will not be in vain, since such bright accents enliven the interior regardless of the time of year.

6. Garlands

Well, what kind New Year's decor without festive lights of garlands! It’s worth remembering here that they can be used not only to decorate the Christmas tree. The decorative potential of garlands is much wider. With their help you can make decorative wall panel, luminous inscription, window curtains, lighting for furniture.

In addition, garlands can be used to complement decorative compositions, entangle firewood in a false fireplace to create an association with a live fire, or simply put it in a jar to create an original lamp.

7. Fireplace portal

If you have a real fireplace in your home, then you are very lucky. After all, it can become the main focus of the New Year's decor in the living room. But if there is no fireplace, then you can still have time to install a decorative fireplace portal in the room. And then it’s a matter of little things: a New Year’s composition of candles, pine needles and toys on the mantelpiece, a few bright socks for gifts and beautifully wrapped gifts instead of firewood.

More decor options fireplace portal Here.

8. New Year's smells

If there is a live spruce in your living room, a pleasant aroma of pine needles in the room is guaranteed. But if the tree is artificial or absent altogether, you can use aromatic oils with a characteristic odor. In addition to the aroma of pine needles, the smells of chocolate and cinnamon are appropriate in the New Year's interior.

How to choose scents for other rooms, read here.

Our opinion:

Of course, no flavorings can replace natural odors. Therefore, even if you do not have the opportunity to place a live spruce, try to find a place for at least a few spruce or pine branches. As for cinnamon, its sticks placed in warm water or in close proximity to the fire, they will not only smell fragrant, but also complement the overall decorative composition.

9. Sledge

Do you want to show off your originality? Use sleighs in decoration. They can fit perfectly into New Year's interior, especially if they are made of wood or rattan and decorated with appropriate New Year's attributes.

The sleigh can serve as a stand for the Christmas tree, an original coffee table, a place for folding gifts, an extra seat for the youngest guests, or even a base. decorative composition New Year's table. The main thing is that the size of the sled is comparable to the size of the surrounding objects.

10. New Year retro poster

For those who are alien to the traditional approach to holiday decoration, retro posters with a New Year theme will help create an original atmosphere in the living room. They will give the living room a special style and, perhaps, a piquant charm (depending on the choice of poster).

Our opinion:

Of course, posters on their own are unlikely to make your living room decor truly New Year’s. Therefore, it is recommended to emphasize their presence in the interior with one or two more decorative touches, for example, lighting from garlands or a pine frame.

The magical time of the New Year holidays is approaching, which both children and adults are looking forward to. Since childhood, we all associate winter with real miracles and long-awaited gifts. You just have to believe in magic, and your most cherished wish will definitely come true! And so that the festive atmosphere completely envelops you even before the onset of the New Year and Christmas, work some magic on the New Year's decor at home.

How to decorate your house for the New Year?

Already on the eve of this wonderful time, you can come up with and make new Year decoration with your own hands. If you don't have enough imagination to create own ideas, the Internet and various glossy publications offer a lot of options. Enough to stock up necessary materials, and most importantly - patience and perseverance, and everything will work out for you.

First, imagine what your wreath will look like, what colors will prevail in its decorative elements, and where you would like to place it. Typically, this Christmas decoration is hung on the door, but you can place it anywhere. Once the wreath design is put together in your mind, choose suitable materials and the elements that will be needed to make it. The basis for it can be:

  • clothespins;
  • socks;
  • wine corks;
  • newsprint;
  • cardboard;
  • fruits;
  • Christmas tree toys;
  • candies;
  • cones;
  • balloons;
  • small items of clothing;
  • beads, fabric, and much more.

Candles and champagne

Candles are an essential attribute New Year's Eve which will make your home even more comfortable and... All that remains is to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the upcoming holidays in a warm family circle. Besides, it's very simple idea DIY New Year's decor.

You can knit candle covers, or use an old knitted sweater, cutting off the necessary piece from it. This decor will warm and delight you at home on cold winter days.

For next idea you will need glass containers and long candles. Place a New Year's candle in their neck, and free place, which is formed at their junction, decorate with fabric or pine needles.

With the help of beautiful candles, you can create a spectacular New Year's decor with your own hands, a photo of which is presented below. These can be entire compositions of cones, twigs, artificial snow, tinsel and other small details.

You can take an unconventional approach to decorating candles and decorate them with Christmas balls, only miniature, bright and neat ones. It'll be easy wonderful decor for the New Year!

As for champagne and glasses for it, they also need to be transformed for the holiday. They will be spectacular additions to home decoration for the New Year. You can decorate the wine glasses with interesting beads or paint something New Year's on them.

Champagne can be decorated in the following ways:

  • using colored ribbons that can be tied around the bottle and neck;
  • replace the usual sticker on the bottle with a festive New Year's greeting;
  • draw a winter landscape or any other thematic picture on the champagne using paints;
  • for a bottle, just like for a candle, you can do knitted cover, or use some interesting fabric.

As you can see, you already know several ways to decorate your home with your own hands.

DIY Christmas garlands

Garlands are a proven way to create the right atmosphere in your home. With their help you can decorate all rooms and make them more festive. If you are wondering how to decorate a room for the New Year, then garlands will be the most suitable option.

You can hang them on the windows, above the door and at the head of the bed. To make the tree shimmer with bright lights and look even more elegant, decorate it with a garland.

This New Year's apartment decor will delight all family members. And if you want not only the interior of the rooms to twinkle, you can use garlands to decorate the outside of the house, and then not only you, but also your neighbors will be able to enjoy the pleasant holiday atmosphere.

Christmas tree decorations

Can not imagine New Year's Eve without this green beauty. Live Christmas tree creates a magical holiday atmosphere, and the process of decorating it for the New Year attracts everyone. This is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Every year, trends in Christmas tree decorations change, but the main thing is to decorate it the way you like. It can be anything: balls, pendants, candies, paper snowflakes, garlands with colorful lights, stars, fruits and much more. Here everything depends only on your imagination.

You can also make your own Christmas tree decorations. To do this you need:

  1. Take balloon and inflate it, just not too much.
  2. Coat it with regular glue on top.
  3. While the glue is not dry, you need to wrap the ball with threads and yarn of different colors and leave it all to dry.
  4. Take a needle, blow the balloon and you're done!

This way you can make one of the many original Christmas tree decorations for New Year's decor that will be remembered by all your guests.

Decorating the windows

If snow has not yet pleased you this winter, but you want to see frosty drawings outside the window, then you can decorate the windows. These New Year's ideas will make your home stand out from others, and you will feel winter like no other.

For those who are fond of knitting, you can make multi-colored snowflakes from threads decorated with beads and hang them around the apartment. This DIY New Year's decor, ideas for which can be taken from the Internet, can be easily implemented in any place convenient for you. To do this, you only need diagrams and available materials. There are a lot more ways to make snowflakes:

You can also make the following decorations:

  • make a composition of candles, pine cones and spruce, and place it on the windowsill;
  • take homemade or purchased balloons and hang them around the perimeter of the window;
  • You can also hang Christmas stockings, garlands and other New Year decorations for your home.

Don’t limit your imagination and create entire New Year’s compositions, because it’s so fun and interesting to create something with your own hands. Involve children in this process and help them create something magical.

Wall and door decor for the New Year

Just like the windows, the walls should be decorated with snowflakes and garlands self made. for the New Year, it will take you a little time, because you just need to attach the decorations with tape or a nail.

If there is no place in the house for a living Christmas tree, then you can make it from scrap materials and place it directly on the wall. Such home decoration for the New Year will look very original and beautiful, and such an integral attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree can delight you all winter.

They like to decorate doors in New Year's houses with natural or self-made wreaths. They identify some special festive spirit, and seem to remind us that the New Year will soon be knocking on the door.

You can hang rain or tinsel on it and make a horseshoe that will bring good luck and success to the whole family. Thus, decorating your home for the New Year with your own hands can be not only beautiful, but also useful.

Ideas for setting the New Year's table

When the interior decoration is completed, and the question of how to decorate the house for the New Year is closed, you can proceed to the final stage - setting the festive table.

This is the place where all your close people and friends will gather on New Year’s Eve, so you need to put your whole soul into its design, and then all the guests will appreciate your preparation.

Place on the table the candles and compositions that you have prepared to decorate your home with your own hands. Think about how you can “dress up” the table with festive napkins. Dishes should also match the holiday atmosphere, so look at how you can decorate salads and other prepared delicacies.

You can also put a homemade Christmas tree in the center, and have everyone write wishes to each other on it. You can also make gifts with your own hands for the New Year, videos of which can be watched on the Internet. This good idea, because such a gesture of attention will be doubly pleasant.
