The essay contains stylistic errors. Speech errors: types, causes, examples

Which are regularly repeated in people’s speech and are recognized as correct at this stage of development of the literary form of the language. As a rule, norms are enshrined in various textbooks and dictionaries.

Stylistic norms regulate correct selection certain words and their forms, as well as sentences - depending on specific situation communication and the attitude of the writer or speaker to the subject of the message. Stylistic norms concern the selection of linguistic means, the rules for combining these means with each other, and the relationship of stylistic linguistic phenomena.

Stylistic errors- errors that arise as a result of deviations from existing stylistic norms, if such deviations are not intentional and do not pursue any stylistic or aesthetic goals. For example, you can find many deviations from the norms, but they all pursue some purpose and express the intention of the author of the text.

Thus, stylistic errors are speech errors that consist of the use of words, phrases and sentences that do not fit into the style of the given text. Deviation from norms and violation of stylistic unity can weaken the expressiveness of the text and its meaning.

There are several groups of errors. First - lexico-stylistic errors. They are associated with the unjustified use of jargon, dialectisms, archaisms and other marked words. This also includes errors of an anorthemic-stylistic nature, which are associated with the incorrect use of words with diminutive suffixes; syntactic and stylistic errors (incorrect use of participial phrases in a sentence); logical and stylistic errors.

The next group of errors is related to insufficient knowledge of language resources. Such errors include:

1. Inappropriate repetition of a word or cognates in a narrow context.

2. The use of pleonasms - phrases with an excessive semantic component.

6. The use of speech cliches - hackneyed expressions with blurred lexical meaning and faded expressiveness.

8. Inappropriate use of non-literary words.

9. Monotonous construction of sentences.

10. Lack of figurative means in the text where they are needed.

There is also a group of errors that are associated with insufficiently developed stylistic sense. These errors include the following:

1. Inappropriate use of epithets, metaphors, comparisons and others

2. Mixing vocabulary related to different styles.

3. Dissonance caused by excessive concentration of vowels or consonants.

4. Violation of the overall integrity of the text.

5. Incorrect word order.

Compliance with stylistic norms is very important, since it is the correct use of words and the construction of sentences that shows the level of education of a person, as well as the level of his knowledge of native or foreign language. It is stylistic errors or their absence that indicate whether a person has sufficient command of the resources of the language and whether he has a developed stylistic sense.

Today, such errors occur very often: both in official speech and in informal discourse. Some mistakes have become so common that people hardly notice them. However, it is very important to carefully monitor your speech and do everything possible to ensure that it is competent and motivated.

    Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it:
    Wrong: jargon words, you need to read a lot.
    Right:To be literate and have great stock words, you need to read a lot.

    Violation of lexical compatibility: cheap prices vm. low prices, increase level of well-being vm. promotion level of well-being(“level” can be increased or decreased, but not increased or decreased); This plays big meaning vm. This It has big meaning or This plays big role (meaning combines with verb have, play combined with role).

    Using an extra word ( pleonasm ): Arrived feathered birds vm. The birds have arrived; He was indignant with indignation vm. He was indignant. or He was indignant.

    Use of cognate words next to or close to each other in a sentence ( tautology): IN story"Mu Mu" is told vm. The story “Mumu” ​​tells...; IN image Nilovny depicted vm. In the image of Nilovna is presented...

    Lexical repetitions in the text.
    I recently read one interesting book . This book called “Young Guard”. This book is interesting is told...
    Better: I recently read an interesting book called “The Young Guard”. It tells...

    In order to do well study, students should pay more attention teaching.
    Better: To achieve success, students must pay more attention to classes.

    The use of a word (expression) of inappropriate stylistic connotation. Thus, in a literary context, the use of slang, colloquial, abusive language is inappropriate, business text Colloquial words and expressive words should be avoided.
    Example: sucks up to the auditor.
    Better: Trustee of charitable institutions ingratiates himself before the auditor.

    Mixing vocabulary from different historical eras:
    Wrong: The heroes wear chain mail, trousers, mittens.
    Right: The heroes wear chain mail, armor, gauntlets.

    Poverty and monotony syntactic constructions.
    Example: The man was dressed in a burnt quilted jacket. The padded jacket was roughly mended. The boots were almost new. The socks are moth-eaten.
    Better: The man was dressed in a roughly darned, burnt padded jacket. Although the boots were almost new, the socks turned out to be moth-eaten.

    Bad word order.
    Example: There are many works telling about the author’s childhood in world literature.
    Better:In world literature there are many works that tell about the author’s childhood.

    Stylistic and semantic inconsistency between parts of a sentence.
    Example: Red-haired, fat, healthy, with a shiny face, the singer Tamagno attracted Serov as a person of enormous internal energy.
    Better: Huge internal energy Serov’s attraction to the singer Tamagno was reflected in his appearance: massive, with wild red hair, and a face bursting with health.

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If a person strives to fully master all the capabilities of a language, to belong to an elite type of speech culture, then he must master all styles of speech, and avoid not only spelling, punctuation, spelling, etc., but also stylistic errors. If a person strives to fully master all the capabilities of a language, to belong to an elite type of speech culture, then he must master all styles of speech, and not only avoid spelling, punctuation, spelling, etc., but also stylistic errors. Stylistic errors are, on the one hand, the use of linguistic means inappropriate in a given style, and on the other hand, a violation of the requirements of clarity, accuracy, brevity, richness and expressiveness. Stylistic errors are, on the one hand, the use of linguistic means inappropriate in a given style, and on the other hand, a violation of the requirements of clarity, accuracy, brevity, richness and expressiveness.

Among the errors associated with poor mastery of the resources of the Russian language, the most common are the following: Type of error Examples Unmotivated repetition in a narrow context of the same word or words with the same root. The builders worked at the construction site for a month. Onegin received a superficial education at home. Onegin only knew how to speak French and dance the mazurka. Pleonasms, that is, phrases containing a semantically unnecessary component. Every minute of time is precious (a minute is related to the concept of time). The competition is scheduled for the month of April (the word April already contains the concept of a month). Tautology, that is, identity: a) repetition of what was said in other words; Copyright words are the words of the author. The blow was sudden and unexpected. b) repetition of words with the same root. Connect together; getting closer and closer; move further and further away. Verbosity caused by the use of universal words, that is, words that are used in the most general and vague meanings (case, fact, question, task, etc.). The matter of increasing discipline was discussed at a meeting of the plant's board. Verbosity caused by splitting the predicate, that is, replacing the verb with a combination of a verb with the broadest and most indefinite meaning (raise, provide, receive, etc.) and a verbal noun (if this is not dictated by the specifics of the style). Wed: The workers decided to repair the tractor in as soon as possible. – The workers decided to repair the tractor as soon as possible. The use of cliches, that is, hackneyed expressions with a faded lexical meaning and erased expressiveness. The theme of human loneliness in this world runs like a red thread throughout the novel. They gave their lives for the bright future of humanity.

Among the errors associated with an insufficiently developed linguistic stylistic sense, the most common are the following: Type of error Examples Stylistically unmotivated use of expressive means (epithets, comparisons, etc.). Zhukovsky's ballad rings like a bell. Teachers' herculean efforts have borne fruit: student achievement has clearly increased in the past year. Mixing different styles of vocabulary, in particular, unmotivated use of colloquial or book vocabulary. Andrei Bolkonsky is a man with progressive views. Secular society is not related to him (the word is not motivated not only in meaning, but also stylistically - it refers to colloquial vocabulary). Cacophony, which is created by the accumulation of vowels, sibilants, etc. And Andrei Bolkonsky... This is the greatest work depicting the best people of that time, who devoted their lives to the struggle for a bright future for humanity. Violation of the overall functional and stylistic integrity of the work. For example, an essay topic requires emotional expression their impressions, and it is embodied in a dry scientific or clerical style.

Various types stylistic errors can be played out in speech, in particular, in literary texts. Thus, in “The Tale of the Troika” by A. and B. Strugatsky, the passion of officials for drawing up unnecessary memos and instructions is ridiculed. There was a notice on the elevator door stating that “sleeping and jumping is not allowed.” IN in this case not only the absurdity of the content of the instructions is played out, but also the clerical technique of splitting the predicate: sleep - practice sleeping, jump - practice jumping. Stylistic errors are quite common in both formal and informal speech. Many of them become so typical that we hardly notice them. That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor your speech, and from this point of view, Stylistic errors are called violations of the laws of use of lexical units in speech, as well as shortcomings in the formation of syntactic structures. A stylistic error is the incorrect use of a word and (or) incorrect construction of a sentence. Here is a summary table of the main stylistic errors with examples. And below are the most common stylistic mistakes:Here

To avoid pleonasm, it is necessary to cut off everything unnecessary. It is enough to follow the simplest rule: if any word can be deleted from the text without reducing the quality (in every sense), then this should be done. Below are several examples (words that can and should be removed are highlighted in bold): The examples in the table show... (Examples show...); After updating an already existing object... (After updating an object...); An operation is the way an action is performed... (Operation is a way of performing an action...); A method is a certain set of operations... (A method is a set of operations...); Building a model in accordance with known rules... (Building a model according to the rules...); In order to provide... (To provide...).

3. Tautology. A tautology is a definition that repeats something previously said in a different form. Tautology is easily detected when reading the text aloud. Overused words usually include which, so, and can. In general, for the same word to appear twice in the same paragraph it must be quite serious reasons. A good example tautologies:Tautology Incorrect: Along with these features, there are a number of others... Correct: Along with these features, there are others. Choice of plural and singular forms. Often there are problems with using a single or plural. Recently, coordination by meaning has been increasingly used: if a single whole is meant, then it is used singular, and if you need to emphasize individual objects, plural. Examples of correct use are combinations: Two or more options; Three or more forms; Select any field or number (the gender is the same); Select any number or number (different gender); There are several options; There are some options.

5. Coordination of words in a sentence. Errors in word agreement in sentences often occur, especially when it comes to controlling verbs. Below are some examples: Incorrect: This section talks about opening, working with, and saving a document; Correct: This section describes the procedures for opening, saving, and working with documents. False: In order to remain in the lead, choice is critical correct system test color printing; Correct: To remain a leader, it is important to choose the right color proofing system. 6. Creation of verbal nouns. You should be careful when creating verbal nouns. Many of the mechanically created words are not in the dictionary, and their use is considered illiterate (arrange ordering, not ordering; collapse collapsing, not collapsing, etc.). In addition, a passion for verbal nouns worsens the style (opening a file is like discovering America).

7. Stringing identical shapes. You should avoid stringing together identical case forms, for example with the words so and which: Incorrect: To perform the task of arranging value indices... True: To arranging value indices... Incorrect: In order to avoid the possibility of danger... Correct: To avoid danger... Incorrect: A global warming gas that poses a real threat... Correct: A global warming gas that poses a real threat A stylistic error can also be an oxymoron (a combination of words with the opposite meaning), unless a contradiction is used intentionally to create a special stylistic effect.oxymoron

Stylistic syntax errors in Russian, stylistic-syntactic errors are a violation of the connection between members of a sentence. Stylistic-syntactic errors are a violation of the connection between members of a sentence. 1. Disruption of communication between members simple sentence: 1. Disruption of connection between members of a simple sentence: Disruption of connection between subject and predicate Incorrect: The viewing exhibition is open daily. Correct: The viewing exhibition is open daily. Incorrect: Several guys came out of the forest. Correct: Several guys came out of the forest. Incorrect: Connections with revolutionaries: Nikolai Ivanovich, Sasha, Sophia and others had a huge influence on Pavel’s worldview. Correct: Communication with revolutionaries: Nikolai Ivanovich, Sasha, Sophia and others had a huge influence on Pavel’s worldview. Disruption of the connection between the subject and the predicate Incorrect: The viewing exhibition is open daily. Correct: The viewing exhibition is open daily. Incorrect: Several guys came out of the forest. Correct: Several guys came out of the forest. Incorrect: Connections with revolutionaries: Nikolai Ivanovich, Sasha, Sophia and others had a huge influence on Pavel’s worldview. Correct: Communication with revolutionaries: Nikolai Ivanovich, Sasha, Sophia and others had a huge influence on Pavel’s worldview.

Case inconsistency of names Incorrect: He had never seen such eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with inescapable melancholy. Correct: He had never seen such eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with inescapable melancholy. Homogeneous members must agree in case with the generalizing word Incorrect: The meeting was attended by delegates from the following countries: England, France, Italy. Correct: The meeting was attended by delegates from the following countries: England, France, Italy. Combination of an infinitive and a noun as homogeneous members: Incorrect: This book taught me honesty, courage and respect for friends. Correct: This book taught me honesty, courage and respect for friends.

Common dependent word homogeneous members proposals that have different management Incorrect: The trust organized and manages the enterprises. Correct: The Trust organized the enterprises and manages them. Violation of word order when using double comparative conjunctions Incorrect: The masses not only create material wealth, but also great cultural treasures. Correct: The masses create not only material wealth, but also great cultural treasures. Omitting required words Incorrect: Vladik somehow nailed the board and ran to volleyball. Correct: Vladik somehow nailed the board and ran to play volleyball. Violation of sentence boundaries (the rule is not strict, violations can be dictated by stylistic features) Example: The hunter put down his gun and tied up the dog. And he went to the beast. Better: The hunter put down his gun, tied the dog and went to the beast.

2. Disruption of communication between members complex sentence: Cluttering a complex sentence subordinate clauses Example: Doctors believe that the disease is so serious that they have to fear for the patient’s life. Better: Doctors consider the disease so serious that they have to fear for the patient’s life. Heterogeneity of parts of a complex sentence Incorrect: The report puts forward two points: 1) strengthening the moral foundations of society is becoming increasingly important; 2) the role of broad layers of the intelligentsia in this work. Correct: The report puts forward two points: 1) strengthening the moral foundations of society is becoming increasingly important; 2) broad layers of the intelligentsia play a major role in this work (or: it is necessary to involve broad layers of the intelligentsia in this work). Mixing the main and subordinate clause Incorrect: The last thing I will focus on is the question about Lensky. Correct: The last thing I will dwell on is the question of Lensky.

Incorrect combination of simple and complex sentences Incorrect: The play exposes the “dark kingdom” and how the Wild and Boars cruelly treat people dependent on them. That's right: The play exposes the “dark kingdom”, shows how Wild and Boars cruelly treat people dependent on them. Wrong join participial phrase and subordinate attributive clause Incorrect: On Manilov’s table there was a book, open on the same page and which he had never read. Correct: On Manilov’s table there was a book open on the same page that he had never read. Separating a subordinate attributive clause with the word which from the defined noun Incorrect: From the conversation between Lisa and Sophia, we learn about Chatsky, who grew up in this house, who (the house or Chatsky?) is now traveling somewhere. Correct: From the conversation between Lisa and Sophia, we learn about Chatsky, who grew up in this house, and is now traveling somewhere.

Unjustified repetition of identical conjunctions Example: Some critics believed that the author was so young that he was unlikely to be able to convincingly solve the problem posed. Better: Some critics believed that the author was so young that he was unlikely to be able to convincingly solve the problem posed. Unlawful collision of close relatives subordinating conjunctions Example: He thought that we misunderstood him. Better: He thought we misunderstood him (or He thought we misunderstood him). Incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words Incorrect: The issue was discussed at a meeting where a corresponding decision was made. Correct: The issue was discussed at a meeting at which a corresponding decision was made. Mixing direct and indirect speech Incorrect: Korchagin firmly states that I will definitely go over to the Budenovites. Correct: Korchagin firmly declares that he will definitely go over to the Budenovites (or Korchagin firmly declares: “I will definitely go over to the Budenovites”).

Lexico-stylistic errors

Definition of a stylistic error

Often, violation of stylistic norms leads to the so-called stylistic errors. Errors usually result from a violation stylistic homogeneity of the text, for example, if the author uses stylistically colored language means where they are unacceptable. For example, in scientific genres proper, the use of ambiguity is unacceptable. This will lead to a stylistic error. In genres formal business style Colloquial and emotionally charged language is inappropriate. Its use is a stylistic error.

Types of stylistic errors

Stylistic errors can appear in lexical, morphological and syntactic levels. They are divided into lexical stylistic, morphological-stylistic and stylistic-syntactic errors. Let's give examples.


· Childe Harold had a lot drinking buddies (from a student’s speech at a literature lesson). In this example, instead of spoken word “drinking buddy” you need to use the words “friend” or “buddy”.

· Democrats shouldn't act splayed (V. Chernomyrdin, politician) unjustified use of stylistically reduced vocabulary in an educational context or in public speaking. Can replace with the word " at random».

· Hell nosomeday the fox would get the cheese if the crow pretended to be deaf (from school essay) – use of abusive language in written literary speech. It would be correct to say: “Fox I would never get cheese."

· It would be a gift to the whole country if the President passed Chubais (from the speech of politician Zhirinovsky) use of criminal jargon in public speaking. Can be replaced with "President" sold Chubais".

· Teacher's erudition captivated students. Guys got satisfaction from the lesson (from a review of the lesson) – mixing in one the context of expressions belonging to different styles (poeticism “to captivate” and clericalism “to receive satisfaction”). More correct it would be to say: “Guys interested erudition of the teacher. Lesson for them Very I liked it."

· Snowflakes swirled in the air like white flies, then intertwined into lace. – unsuccessful image construction (image incompatibility – swirling flies and lace).

· The driver of the detained state-owned car. number XXXX xx from explanations at the place of detention suspended due to lack of articulation sound reproduction (from the police report) - a jumble of clericalism and speech cliches. We can say: The driver was unable to give clear explanations at the scene of arrest.

Morphological and stylistic

· "She is very envious» - using the form short adjective, more typical of book speech in a conversational style. IN colloquial speech sounds more natural "She is very envious» .

· Gagarin was the first rogue in space use of incorrect word formation model . The words rascal (swindler, scoundrel) and pioneer (discoverer), formed from the same verb, differ in the opposite evaluative meaning. Correct option: “Gagarin was pioneer in space."


· Driving past the university , I saw mine old friend Lenku use of participial or participial phrase, characteristic of book-written style, in colloquial oral speech. In conversation it would be more correct to say: “ When I passed by the university, I saw my old friend Lenka".

· “Mozart and Salier” - This is one of Pushkin’s works. Heredescribed. How two musicians lived and they were also writers (from a school essay) - usage incomplete sentences in writing, logical connections between sentences are weakened. Can be corrected on: "Mozart and Salieri" this is one of Pushkin's works, in which describes the life of two musicians."

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From the reader's point of view, all texts can be divided into the following categories:

The main danger that stylistic errors pose is undermining the authority of the author. What kind of trust and respect can we talk about if phrases like this appear in the text?

The Palace of Culture building itself has retained not only the original appearance of the Stalinist Empire style, but also the original stucco molding and balustrades on the walls.

Mistake 1: Using words whose meanings you don’t know

Very often, authors use words without thinking about their true meaning. For example, something foreign with the letter “b” sits in the memory, and as a result, instead of “bas-reliefs”, “balustrades” appear on the walls of the cultural center, that is, railings consisting of a series of columns.

How to fix: If there is even the slightest doubt, look in the dictionary.

Mistake 2. Wrong choice of words

Selfishness clouds our hearing.

How to fix: When editing, we check the entire text - does it convey what we really want to say?

Mistake 3. Using unclear words

I give as an example the beginning of a popular science article:

What have we learned from Tokugawa-era manuscripts about Toyotomi Hideyoshi?

If the author writes for specialists in Japan, such a text has a right to exist (and it is better to replace the word “manuscripts” with “chronicles”). But if the target audience - ordinary people, they simply will not understand the author.

How to fix: We avoid if possible unclear words, and if you still need to introduce a new term, we try to explain it - without footnotes, so as not to distract the reader from the story.

What do we know from the chronicles about Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the great Japanese military leader of the 16th century?

Do you see? The reader immediately understands what is going on.

Mistake 4: Using filler words

Everything that you can do without must be crossed out. Duplicate words, introductory constructions, cliches, extra adverbs and adjectives make the text cumbersome.

At the next congress, his position was subjected to merciless and merciless criticism.

The word “ruthless” is clearly superfluous.

ABOUT! - she exclaimed. - Oh, look what a beautiful building!

“O” can also be cut out - and the meaning will not change.

Mistake 5: Unclear definitions

If we define a person, object or situation, it must be specific - so that the reader can imagine it.

He looked kind of strange.

Her eyes were of some unnatural shade.

Such definitions do not provide clarity. What should the reader imagine? That the hero grew a second head? Or that he just turned pale?
What's wrong with the heroine's eyes? Did they blush? Or did they turn white?

How to fix: We help the reader imagine what is happening in our work.

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