UZ “12th city clinic. How to get to Olshevsky, 61 in the Frunzensky district by bus, trolleybus, metro, train or minibus? Physical condition map

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Looking for the nearest stop or station to Olshevsky 61? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Serdicha D. St.; Mikhalyanka; Olshevsky St..

You can get to Olshevsky, 61 by bus, trolleybus, metro, train or minibus. These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby: Bus, Train, Subway, Trolleybus,

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» to determine body mass index, body type and identify weight problems.

Healthy eating

To maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, do not consume more than 170 grams per day (including red meat and poultry).

Health control

For health monitoring digestive system Once a year, be examined by a therapist, determine your body mass index and blood cholesterol level, and if you are over 50 years old, get tested for colon cancer.


Find the right specialist, medical institution, specialized organization in the field of health and healthy lifestyle in the “” section.


Quit smoking or don’t start if you don’t smoke - this will minimize the risk of developing obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and a number of other specific “smoker’s diseases”.

Healthy eating

For a healthy digestive system and proper balance of nutrients, make it the basis of your diet, consuming at least 6-8 servings per day (300 ml of whole porridge and 200 g of bran bread).


Visit the dentist at least once a year, have your teeth treated on time and get rid of tartar, preventing the development of serious oral diseases.

Excess weight

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal range of Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. To calculate and control BMI, use "".

Survey map

Use “ ” to store and interpret laboratory test results (blood tests, urine tests, etc.).


Do not allow the development of chronic disease, which is fraught with a serious deterioration in well-being and a decrease in the quality of life: solve emerging problems in a timely manner, rest, get enough sleep, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy eating

Do not consume more than 5 g (1 teaspoon) per day. This will protect you from problems with water-salt metabolism in the body.

Physical condition map

Use " " to determine your level of physical development.

Anthropometric map

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal values ​​of the Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. “” will help you with this.

Survey plan

Using " ", create your own schedule of preventive examinations, tests and medical consultations.

Physical activity

To prevent physical inactivity, increase your regular physical activity at least up to (150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week), try to move more.


Use “ ” to calculate body mass index, smoking index, level of physical activity, anthropometric indices and other indicators.

Health control

For health monitoring endocrine system Get your blood glucose tested periodically.

Negative Impact

Find out all the risk factors that affect your health in the “Negative Impact” block.


Avoid developing abdominal obesity, which increases your risk of disease diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, etc. Watch out: for men it should not exceed 94 cm, for women – 80 cm.

Health control

For health monitoring of cardio-vascular system Once a year, be examined by a therapist, regularly measure your blood pressure and take a blood test for cholesterol.

Healthy eating

Eat at least 300 g per week, including fatty varieties (mackerel, trout, salmon). Omega 3 acids contained in fish help prevent atherosclerosis.

Health control

To monitor the health of the respiratory system, do fluorography once a year and be examined by a therapist.

Health control

To monitor the health of the urinary system, take a blood and urine test once a year.

Healthy eating

To avoid problems with weight and blood glucose levels, limit consumption to 6 teaspoons per day (women), 9 teaspoons per day (men).

GBUZ "GP No. 12 DZM" opened on December 4, 2005.

Located in a modern seven-story building.
This is a state medical and preventive institution operating in a compulsory system. health insurance, which means that you can receive free assistance from us to the extent provided for by Russian legislation. The state nature of our clinic guarantees that all its employees have appropriate certificates for the diagnostic and therapeutic work they carry out, and the clinic has a license to carry out them. The clinic employs experienced and qualified doctors, 37 of them have the highest qualification medical category, 16 people are candidates of medical sciences.

The clinic operates a Health Center, where you can undergo a free screening examination of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, mental health reserves, as well as receive advice on disease prevention and development healthy image life.
Since October 2012 GBUZ "GP No. 12 DZM" includes branches No. 1 (city clinic No. 75), No. 2 (city clinic No. 77), No. 3 (city clinic No. 98), No. 4 (city clinic No. 111), No. 5 ( city ​​clinic No. 183). The attached population including branches is 209,875 people.

Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs – Candidate of Medical Sciences Kleimenova Svetlana Igorevna.
Deputy Chief Physician for Clinical Expert Work - Irina Aleksandrovna Kabanova
Head of the clinical diagnostic department of State Enterprise No. 12 - Natalya Shotovna Levidze

Admission conditions

The attached adult population of the Marfino districts, some houses of the Otradnoe district, located along Altufevskoye Highway, are accepted.

“The clinic’s antenatal clinic also serves the female population of the Marfino and Maryina Roshcha districts:

antenatal clinic No. 1 (City Clinical Hospital No. 40),

antenatal clinic No. 2 (City Clinical Hospital No. 40),

antenatal clinic No. 4 (City Clinical Hospital No. 20),

antenatal clinic No. 5 (City Clinical Hospital No. 20).

There is a day hospital with 31 beds, specializing in neurology and surgery.

List of structural divisions:

  • 2 therapeutic departments
  • surgery department
  • urology department
  • neurological department
  • ophthalmology department
  • cardiology department;
  • endocrinology department
  • otorhinolaryngology department
  • prevention department
  • medical rehabilitation department
  • clinical diagnostic laboratory
  • radiology department
  • Department of Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics
  • gastroenterologist's office
  • pulmonologist's office
  • office of an allergist-immunologist
  • rheumatologist's office
  • nephrologist's office
  • oncologist's office
  • geriatrician's office
  • clinical pharmacologist's office
  • primary stroke prevention room
  • palliative care room
  • treatment room
  • vaccination room
  • endoscopy room
  • HIV prevention room
  • health center
  • day hospital with 31 beds
  • infectious diseases doctor's office

Attachment to a clinic and preferential provision.

To register with a clinic or register for a preferential category of citizens, you need to contact office No. 426.
You must have the following documents with you:

In accordance with the order of the Moscow City Health Department, the Department information technologies dated October 22, 2014 No. 914/64-16-421/14 “On the procedure for maintaining the Unified City Register of citizens entitled to security medicines and medical products dispensed according to doctors’ prescriptions free of charge or with a 50 percent discount in the city of Moscow,” the inclusion of a citizen in the Unified City Register of Medicines is the basis for issuing electronic prescriptions to him using the functionality of EMIAS.
When a citizen personally contacts a medical organization, it is not necessary to provide a certificate from the territorial body Pension Fund Russia on receiving EDV

List of outpatient clinics providing specialized medical care citizens living at serviced addresses:
psychoneurological dispensary No. 7 and No. 19
anti-tuberculosis dispensary No. 18
Narcological clinic No. 3
Dermatovenerologic Dispensary No. 19
District traumatology department of State Municipal Enterprise No. 218
District Oncology Department of State Hospital No. 107
Opening hours of the clinic are 8.00 to 20.00, on Saturdays from 9.00 to 18.00.
