Exercises to develop correct posture. “sets of exercises to develop correct posture in physical education lessons. Posture Exercises for Teens

Exercise therapy for poor posture must be done daily if you really need to correct it. Unfortunately, over the past decades, the issue of poor posture has become acute and topical. This happens mainly due to an inactive lifestyle, prolonged use of the computer and sedentary work.

Inappropriate posture affects not only a person’s appearance, but also the overall health picture. Exercise therapy can help cope with this problem.

The meaning and role of exercise therapy

Therapeutic physical culture is a method of preventing and treating poor posture, which is based on a set of specialized exercises. Health-improving physical culture is divided into two categories – general and special.

General exercise therapy is aimed at cumulative training, which includes a set of exercises to develop various muscle groups in order to strengthen and comprehensively develop the body.

Special exercise therapy is focused on specific exercises, during which specific muscle groups are used, the function of which may have been impaired due to injuries or illnesses.

The central objectives of exercise therapy are:

  • minimizing the occurrence of serious consequences;
  • training the body as a whole;
  • Creation favorable conditions for movements in the spine;
  • correction of inappropriate posture;
  • consolidation correct position posture;
  • increasing muscle tone and endurance.

A set of exercises for children

IN childhood the body is being formed and if the foundations are not laid initially beautiful posture, then serious complications may arise in the future.

Exercise therapy for children with poor posture:

  1. While standing, place your arms parallel to the axis of the body. You need to take a deep breath, bend down to touch the floor with your palms and exhale. Then return to the starting position, straightening your back as much as possible.
  2. The initial position is similar to the previous one, but the hands are crossed in a lock at the back of the head. The chest must be bent as much as possible, and the elbows must be pulled back as far as possible; in this position, perform twists.
  3. An effective exercise is tilting and rotating the head.
  4. Kitty.
  5. Boat.

Before starting, it is advisable to drink a glass of water, juice or tea without sugar; you should refuse food.

Gymnastics for scoliosis

Scoliotic posture is a pathological distortion of the normal position of the spine with a general displacement of the vertebrae. It is quite easy to detect scoliotic posture, since such changes are accompanied by asymmetry in the shoulders and shoulder blades, which is visible to the naked eye.

In most cases, the presented type of posture is observed in primary schoolchildren who maintain an incorrect position while sitting at a desk.

Training to eliminate this disease is based primarily on the following exercises:

  • while standing, you need to inhale, which is accompanied by raising your arms up above your head until maximum level, exhale – smooth lowering;
  • alternately bending the leg at the knee and abducting it to the stomach;
  • standing, take a breath and rise on your toes all the way, while spreading your arms to the sides and stretching your neck, while exhaling - the starting position;
  • bending the torso forward with a gymnastic stick lying on the shoulder blades;
  • standing, holding any stick in your hands, as you inhale, raise your arms up, as you exhale, lower them;
  • Bicycle lying on your back;
  • Boat.

The presented exercises must be repeated at least seven times. The boat should be held for as long as possible and repeated four times. Bicycle - fifteen revolutions per approach, number of repetitions - four.

Useful video on the topic

Exercises for schoolchildren

In order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences associated with poor posture, it is necessary to do exercise therapy with the child.

The set of exercises includes:

  1. Standing, ball in hands. As you inhale, lift the ball up, as you exhale, lower it to chest level with maximum abduction of your elbows and then lower your arms.
  2. The starting pose is similar. Raise your hands with the ball up, arch your back and throw the ball back. Return to the starting position, lowering your arms to your sides.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Boat.
  5. Bike.
  6. Lying on your back, alternately raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees.
  7. Bend forward and to the sides with a gymnastic stick.
  8. Standing on all fours raise left hand And right leg simultaneously. Hold the pose for five seconds, then change arms/legs.

All exercises must be repeated at least five times at a slow pace. It is recommended to enroll your child in a swimming class, because it is in the water that the spine is in an even position, and the work of the muscles when rowing helps to fix the correct posture.

Massage for curvature of posture

Massage is preparatory stage before directly engaging in health-improving gymnastics. Thanks to massage, you can identify the main problem and, based on this, select an appropriate set of exercises.

In addition, massage normalizes blood circulation in the spine, increases the flow of nutrients and balances metabolism, and also tunes the muscles to perform exercises.

There are several central massage techniques:

  1. Shallow and deep stroking actions.
  2. Rubbing.
  3. Kneading.
  4. Vibration.

Each of the presented methods has its own specific effect on the body, therefore, when resorting to massage, you should contact only professionals, and you should not self-medicate.

Correct posture of a schoolchild is a matter of concern for parents and doctors. What posture is and how curvature affects the health of schoolchildren will be discussed in the article.

Posture is formed throughout the growth and development of a child, starting from an early age. A schoolchild with correct posture should not have any deviations prescribed by anatomical standards. People with correct posture can be seen from afar. They always hold their heads straight, their gait is light, and their backs are not slouched.

Poor posture is predetermined by congenital or hereditary characteristics, as well as past diseases and injuries. Such a pathology may be a consequence of a sedentary life. Schoolchildren sit at their desks during lessons, and at home they learn their lessons at their desks. During the school day, for an average of 5-6 lessons, the child becomes tired. Immobility reduces perception curriculum.

Often, poor posture in schoolchildren is caused by the fact that prolonged sitting at a table causes stagnation of blood circulation. The back muscles, spine, neck, legs get tired. Signs of fatigue are indicated by drooping shoulders and head, fidgeting in the chair. All these factors have a detrimental effect on the correct formation of a student’s posture. At an early age, the child has the opportunity to move actively; when he comes to school, he has to sit more.

The child needs to be explained about the importance of taking the correct position at the desk. When performing written work, the shoulders should be straightened, at the same level, and the student’s head should be tilted. The student should be able to relax at his desk in those moments when the teacher explains the lesson. At this time, you can relax and lean firmly on the back of the chair. By observing important principles, problems with bearing can be avoided.

How does curvature of posture appear?

List of the main reasons that lead to poor posture:

  • previous injuries or illnesses;
  • neglect of an active lifestyle;
  • insufficient return on physical education lessons;
  • inconsistency of desktop standards in relation to the student’s height;
  • fatigue from prolonged sitting;
  • wrong position behind desk;
  • insufficient lighting of the workplace;
  • vision problems.

In order to avoid the manifestation of problems with posture, it is necessary to eliminate, if possible, factors of its distortion.

How to determine a violation

With incorrect posture, the body develops: unnatural stoop, asymmetry in the location of the shoulders, and bulging of the abdomen. In medicine, this phenomenon is characterized as a curvature of the spinal column, which is scoliosis. Identify and identify postural defects in school age Examining the child will help.

The examination is carried out in a standing position. Heels should be placed together, toes should be spread at an angle of 45 degrees. If abnormalities are detected that deviate from the norms of anatomical symmetry, an X-ray examination of the back is recommended. This must be done in order to detect spinal pathologies.

Visually noticeable signs can be aggravated by diseases that may arise as a result of changes caused by posture. The systematic presence of a child at a desk in the wrong position is complemented by secondary, more serious signs. For example, one leg may be shorter than the other.

Scoliotic postural disorder

The curves of the human spine are formed from an early age. Any disorders appear due to the impact of a number of unfavorable factors on the back. Without noticing the problem in time, over the years the student will acquire additional curvatures. As a result, in adult life this will affect your health. With scoliosis, the spine curves to one side, often to the right.

If everything is clear with congenital scoliosis, since it can be a consequence of genetic predisposition. With an acquired disease, things may be worse. Sometimes parents don't pay attention to the problem. long years. When a violation can be noticed in time, thanks to corrective exercises and monitoring by specialists, the situation can be easily restored.

Posture exercises for schoolchildren

Simple exercises are performed as a warm-up to relieve fatigue and stress on the spine. By influencing the formation of correct posture in schoolchildren with the help of physical complexes, noticeable results can be achieved. It is recommended to do the exercises with your parents or on your own. The complex goes like this:

  1. Standing with your buttocks pressed against the wall, you should close your heels together, and then spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level. With your palms forward, imitate sliding your hands along the wall.
  2. For correct posture, it is enough for the child to stand straight against the wall. Raise your arms up, tense your back. Count from 1 to 10. Relax, lower your arms.
  3. Exercise while lying on your stomach. To do this, you need to stretch your legs and arms along your body. Leaning on your stomach and chest, simultaneously raise your arms and legs. Good results can be achieved by holding the position of raised arms and legs for several seconds. Returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise.
  4. Lying on your back imitate riding a bicycle. Legs should be at an angle of 45 degrees. Do the manipulation with minute breaks in 10 approaches.

More complex physical exercises to correct posture are best performed only under the supervision of specialists, a trainer or a doctor.

Prevention of postural disorders

An excellent preventive measure would be self-monitoring of the position of your back while standing and sitting. The back should always remain straight. When sitting for a long time, you need to take a break; you can lean on the back of a chair or stand up and walk around. If necessary, the table height should be adjusted according to the child’s height.

In a standing position, it is better to distribute the load, leaning alternately on one leg or the other. Instead of staying in one place for a long time, it is useful to walk back and forth. In order to pick up a bag or an object that has fallen on the floor, it is not necessary to bend your back, just sit down with your knees bent.

When sitting at a desk or on a chair, you need to ensure that the child’s back fits snugly against the backrest. Sit up straight during lessons, without tilting your back and head forward. The feet should be on the floor. Otherwise, you need to place a footrest under the table or adjust workplace.

Don't underestimate the damage a shoulder bag can cause. Wearing such accessories instead of backpacks directly threatens the curvature of the spine. When explaining to your child how important correct posture is for schoolchildren, it is recommended to give them advice more often.

For correct posture, it would be useful for a school-age child to follow the following rules and follow simple recommendations.

For many parents it is actual problem correct posture in a child. Unfortunately, many reasons now lead to incorrect formation of children's posture. This may be improper sleep, constant sitting, the habit of slouching, and so on. But incorrect posture is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. The correct set of exercises for curvature of posture in children helps to solve the problem, because the baby’s spine has not yet formed, which means it is easy to change.

Correct posture is usually understood as a body position in which the head is slightly raised, the shoulders are turned, the shoulder blades are close to the spine without protruding, and the abdominal line does not extend beyond the level of the chest.

Correct posture is the key to health. And these are not just big words. It is important to take this responsibly, since curvature of the spine and disturbances in the functioning of the back muscles provoke serious problems in work internal organs. A child with a curved back is more susceptible to colds, bronchitis, gastritis, constipation, and problems in the development of the heart and lungs.

You need to take care of your baby's spine from the very beginning. early years. You need to simply and clearly explain to your child that if he holds his back unevenly and sits incorrectly, he may get sick. It is important to make it a rule to do light exercises with your baby for prevention - this will prevent many troubles.

Poor posture often appears at school age. Schoolchildren have to stay in the same position for a long time, their muscles are constantly tense, they get tired, and pain occurs. To relieve tension, the child needs to constantly change position, bend the spine and lean to the side.

If your child experiences symptoms such as constant fatigue, clumsiness, headache and neck pain, refuses to be active, or complains of cracking joints and pain in the limbs when moving, it is important to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Only a specialist can determine the level of poor posture and recommend procedures that will be useful in your case.

The formation of posture is a fairly long process, starting at birth and lasting up to 25 years. Special attention you need to pay attention to posture during the period when children are actively growing - 5-6 years in preschoolers, as well as adolescence: 11-13 years for girls and 13-15 years for boys.

To avoid poor posture in children, adhere to the following principles:

  • Proper organization of sleep. You need to use a hard mattress and a special orthopedic pillow, which will help ensure proper functioning of the spine. Try to teach your baby to sleep on his back.
  • Fighting inactivity. Pay attention to the fact that the child leads an active lifestyle, walks more, and plays outdoor games.
  • Correct selection of shoes. Try to buy shoes with arch support, which will help ensure proper gait. Also make sure that the child does not twist his feet when walking.
  • Control of the load on the spine. Make sure it is even. Do not allow excessively heavy briefcases or carry a bag on one shoulder at all times.
  • Correct walking. It is important to rid your child of the habit of standing on one leg. This provokes an oblique position of the body, which in turn leads to improper curvature of the spine.
  • The right choice of furniture. Furniture should be selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the baby. Teach him to sit correctly at the table. Optimal distance between the table and the eyes - 30-35 cm. In this position, the posture will be as correct as possible, and the spine will be unloaded. It is better to use chairs with a backrest. Let the child not lie down on the table. If he feels tired in his back, let him take a break - lie down or move around.

Exercises to correct posture in children

There are a large number of sets of exercises for posture for children. Below you will find basic complex, which can be used both to correct posture and to prevent its violations.

  • You need to walk in place, keeping your posture straight for 10-15 minutes.
  • Perform ten squats, stretching your arms out in front of you and keeping your back straight.
  • Standing straight, you need to relax all the muscles of the body one by one, and then tense them without bending your back.
  • Sit on a chair or on the floor. Bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible, then relax. Repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Starting position - lying on your back. Raise your legs one at a time, holding them in the upper position for five seconds. Repeat ten times.
  • You need to stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your belt. As you inhale, spread your elbows so that your shoulder blades meet. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Hands need to be joined behind your back. Do five side bends. Breathing may be arbitrary.
  • You need to take a gymnastic stick in your hands and stretch your arms in front of you. As you exhale, squat down, while inhaling, return to the starting position.
  • For the next exercise, you need to lie on your stomach with your arms stretched forward. At the same time, raise your arms and legs up, bending slightly at the lower back. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • The next exercise is walking on your toes with a book on your head. You can arrange a competition with your child and walk with him.
  • Another exercise that perfectly shapes posture is the “cat”. While kneeling, the baby should rest his hands on the floor, head down. The baby needs to arch his back as a bridge, and then bend it, raising his head high and arching in the opposite direction.
  • The baby needs to sit cross-legged. Let him keep his back straight, and stretch his arms above his head and stretch as high as possible. It is recommended to perform 2-3 repetitions.

These posture exercises are universal, they Can be done for children 10 years old, older or younger, as well as adults.

Exercises for poor posture in children aimed at strengthening back muscles

Exercises for correct posture in children should also strengthen the back muscles. Their execution time is 30 seconds - three minutes. They may be as follows:

  • Sit on the floor, pull your knees towards you, clasping them with your hands. You need to roll on your back on the floor and then return to the starting position.
  • Starting position - lying on your back. Perform circular movements with your legs, simulating riding on your back.
  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees. Lift your pelvis as high as possible from the floor, hold this position for five seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • The child needs to rest his hands on the floor, while the mother should take his ankles at this time. Let the baby walk in your arms for 2-3 minutes.
  • Alternately walk on your heels, toes, and outer edges of your feet for half a minute. Then get on all fours and extend your left arm and right leg, and then switch them.

Posture exercises for children under 4 years old

Posture exercises for children 3-4 years old must be performed as a game. They may be as follows:

  • Walking on a rope located on the floor, like a tightrope walker.
  • Let the baby crawl on the floor under a stretched rope.
  • Exercise "crocodile". The baby needs to lie on his stomach on the floor, stretch his arms forward. Then let him raise his head smoothly upward, while arching his lower back and without lifting his hands from the floor. Smoothly return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated several times.
  • Lumberjack exercise. The baby needs to bend over as if he were chopping wood.

In order for the baby’s posture to form correctly, sports such as swimming, volleyball, and basketball are useful. It is also recommended to do small physical exercises every couple of hours.

A set of exercises for children with poor posture It is best to perform it after or an hour before meals in the morning or evening.

Posture Exercises for Teens

It is important to choose correct exercises to correct posture in adolescents. They may be as follows:

  • Lie on the floor on your back. Try to lift your head and shoulders while keeping your torso pressed to the floor. Hold for a few seconds.
  • In a lying position, as you exhale, first lift the knee of one leg towards your stomach, and then the other.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet on the floor, arms along your body. You need to perform pelvic lifts without lifting your hands from the floor.
  • Exercise "bicycle". Performed in a supine position, arms along the body. Use your legs in a circular motion as if you were riding a bicycle.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands on your waist. Raise your head and shoulders, trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together, then carefully return to the starting position.
  • While lying on your stomach, lift your head, arms and legs at the same time. The exercise is performed for ten seconds. You need to repeat it five times. The amount of time increases gradually.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands in front of you. Raise your arms and legs at the same time, hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform 15 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles. Bend over maximum distance from the floor level. Return to the starting position.
  • Perform push-ups, keeping your back straight, at least five times.
  • Starting position standing. Walk on your toes and then on your heels for 40 seconds. Repeat four times.
  • Exercise "Cat". Get on your knees with your hands on the floor. Arch your back upward in a semicircle with your head down. Then lift your head up and bend your back inward. Repeat several times.
  • In a standing position, join your hands behind your back and perform several bends.
  • Standing on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your torso horizontally. Then relax and shake your hands. Return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat six times.

The correct set of exercises for correcting posture in children, which can be performed at home, will help solve existing problems. Remember that the sooner you start working on correct posture, the higher the likelihood that you will prevent all possible Negative consequences further.

Exercises to correct posture in children on video

The key to the health of an adult is his correct posture in childhood. . And these words are worth listening to, because a curved spine can lead to damage to internal organs, which can lead to malfunctions for the entire body. For this purpose, doctors advise children to practice posture exercises from an early age. Starting from 2-3 months, you should use the most ordinary massage and gymnastics for children, because it is always better to prevent a disease than to try to eliminate it later.

Exercise therapy for the spine is a series of physical exercises for postural disorders in children. With the help of therapeutic physical culture Can:

  • Correct abnormal curvature of the spine;
  • Tone the child’s muscle corset;
  • Instill in your child the habit of holding his back correctly from childhood, no matter what position his body is in.

Usually physiotherapy for school children and preschool age prescribed 3-4 times a week for 2-3 months with a possible break of 1.5-2 months. During the course, the child must complete 4 similar “approaches”. To quickly achieve the necessary results, doctors advise constantly increasing the complexity of the set of exercises approximately every three weeks. If on this recommendation If you don’t pay attention, your muscles may soon get used to the same loads, and therefore the fruitfulness of your exercises will noticeably decrease.


Those who have problems with posture have contraindications. The following cannot be admitted to exercise therapy classes:

  • Children with serious muscle tension caused by incorrect spinal position;
  • Children who have a pinched nerve root;
  • Children with a large number vertebral and cerebral vessels;
  • Guys with a low pain limit.
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Therapeutic gymnastics for schoolchildren

This type Gymnastics plays a significant role in the formation of normal posture in a child. This problem is often faced by ordinary schoolchildren who sit in a bent or half-bent position during classes. They have to sit in one position for quite a long time, after which the back muscles begin to feel tired and, as a result, ache. In this regard, children have to strongly bend their spine back or lean to the side in order to relieve incredible tension from the muscles.

If you notice that your child, who is attending classes at school, has developed poor posture, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, and not try to solve the problem yourself, as many parents do. Indeed, in the case of independent exercises, it is possible to inadvertently stretch or tear the back muscles, which will cause even more problems.

Remember that only a doctor can answer the question of what set of exercises for your child will be able to develop normal posture. Having considered the individual characteristics of the student, he will select measures to correct his back.

  • All the ways

A set of exercises for prevention

Now there are a lot of activities that can help a child develop correct posture. Moreover, exercises for correcting posture in children are also suitable for adults who are faced with this problem.

To acquire an even and stately posture, you need to perform the following easy set of exercises:

  • We stand on our feet and hold them wider than shoulder-width apart. We put our hands on the belt. As you inhale, spread your elbows until your shoulder blades close together. When we exhale, we come to the starting point. We repeat the exercise five times.
  • We perform rotational movements with our hands. To do this, we place them on the sides, and then rotate them back and forth. You can breathe freely while doing one of the exercises.
  • Place your legs as wide as possible, press your hands tightly to your shoulders. As you exhale, bend forward; while inhaling, you should take the starting position. Remember that while performing the exercise, keep your back straight. At least seven such bends must be performed.
  • Next, carefully join your hands behind your back. In this position we perform bends. Back - forward, right - left. And so six times.
  • We take the bodybar in our hands and extend it in front of us. As you exhale, do a squat. As you exhale, return to the starting point. Keep your back as straight as possible. Do five to six similar approaches.
  • Hold the bodybar in your hands. When inhaling, we stretch forward and upward. As you exhale, we come back and repeat the exercise.

The next exercise is performed lying down. The arms are placed along the body, and the legs alternately rise and fall. Four repetitions will be enough.

  • We lie down on our stomach again. As you inhale, you slowly raise your body, and as you exhale, you lower it. Do four sets.
  • Place your hands on your belt and jump up. Jumping should be alternated with walking around the room.
  • Finally, perform the exercise while standing with your arms spread apart. As you exhale, your arms move apart, and as you inhale, your arms come together.

Exercises for severe curvature

If your baby’s posture is already impaired, and the attending doctor told you about it, then we recommend that you contact us for special posture problems in children.

First exercise

The essence of the exercise is that the patient needs to stand near a wall or any other flat surface so that you can lean against it with the back of your body. Next, arms are raised, raised at shoulder level with palms away from the surface. Next, we slowly slide along the wall with our hands, without changing the position of our back. All those parts of the body that touched the wall should not change their position. As you complete the task, your back and arm muscles must be tense. This type of exercise is performed 7-8 times.

Second exercise

The next exercise involves using a mirror. According to it, you must stand in front of this reflective object and press against the wall as described in the first exercise. Next, try to move away from the wall so that your back does not change its position relative to the wall . From the outside, everything should look as if you are still “holding on” to the wall. Move away from her very slowly, and do not forget to glance at the mirror. Do you have correct posture? This exercise is performed in three approaches.

Third exercise

We stand next to the wall again. We position our elbows so that they touch the flat surface we have chosen. We slide along the wall with our arms, buttocks, back of the head and shoulder blades and slowly sit down. Then stand up at the same slow pace. It is important to look carefully at the mirror at this moment. For your child, you will be a kind of reflection. After five similar squats, you can rest and repeat this exercise a couple more times.

  • Be sure to check out:

Physical education for correct posture

Normal posture is the key to good blood supply to organs, normal functioning pulmonary system and good mood. Slouching children and adolescents often feel depressed, and this fact has been scientifically verified by experts. Try to convey this fact to your baby, and he will probably hear you.

The simplest exercise for creating good posture is walking on your toes with an object on your head. For example, you can use a book as an object. Try to arrange a tournament - whoever gets the book off his head first loses. An exercise that’s good for your back will turn into a game, and you’ll be able to keep your baby busy for a while.

Also a great exercise is “Cat”. To do this, you need to get on all fours and lower your head down. To turn a difficult task into a game, say the phrase “The cat sees the mouse!”, in which the child must arch his back into a bridge. At the same time with his head bowed. And then say the phrase “The cat sees its mother!”, after which the baby should raise his head high and bend his back in the other direction. And by the way, this exercise is also good for adults, so feel free to do it with your child in a playful way. In addition to benefiting your posture, this will bring you closer together.

To ensure correct posture, push-ups and the so-called plank will not interfere. To make push-ups easier, you can start on your knees. Don't be lazy either. You can, for example, do push-ups with your child every day, and at the end of the month organize a competition to see who can do the best and the most push-ups.
