“Smart greenhouses” or how to automate a greenhouse with your own hands: modern technologies. New technology in ventilation! Modern air purification systems

Modern man meticulously monitors its food: is there GMO in the meat, in what conditions were these potatoes grown, what did they feed the cow that gave this milk? The average person arranges his home with maximum comfort: renovation, soundproof windows, heated floors. But in all this bustle, he often forgets about the air - so everyone breathes not clean, but saturated carbon dioxide air, filled with fumes and particles of sweat.

In order to make the air in the home clean and safe for the normal functioning of each family member, it is necessary to organize high-quality ventilation. Modern technologies make it possible to make ventilation natural or forced, as well as use forced ventilation.

Regardless of what kind of ventilation system operates in the apartment, it must meet the following conditions:

  • The air inside the apartment () should move from the living rooms to the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Passive ventilators should be located at a height of at least 2 meters from the ground to prevent polluted city air from entering the house.
  • The exit of the ventilation shaft is located above the roof of the house.

Natural ventilation: operating principle

This method of ventilating a room is the simplest and least expensive. Ventilation ducts in the design of the house - this is the natural ventilation of the apartments. Exhaust vents located in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and equipped with grilles.

Air should also enter the apartment through slightly open windows and doors, but residents try to isolate apartments as much as possible by installing sealed doors and windows, thereby disrupting the necessary air balance.

ADVICE! Do not check the draft level in the ventilation shaft by holding a burning match or lighter to it: if there is gas in the duct, it may ignite.

Residents do not have the right to clear a clogged ventilation shaft on their own: all such work must be carried out by employees of the housing organization specializing in this area. It is blockages that are called the most common cause inadequate ventilation, but it is extremely difficult to get rid of them yourself.

The only thing the homeowner can do is to clean the part of the channel that is directly adjacent to the room. Cleaning the remaining channels is the task of specialists.

But sometimes, even if the ventilation in the apartment works well, the windows can fog up, and the air always remains heavy and stale. In this case, the problem may lie much deeper: natural ventilation cannot cope and needs help. The standard response of residents to such a situation is frequent ventilation using open windows, but in the cold season such ventilation threatens colds.

Therefore, experts recommend installing several supply valves or passive ventilators. Some of them are installed near heating radiators, then the air from the street is immediately included in the indoor air circulation system. Modern models They are often equipped, which allows them to work both as a supply and exhaust mechanism.

Features of forced ventilation

In some cases, natural ventilation, for one reason or another, cannot cope with the load and does not provide sufficient air flow. In this case, experts advise turning to forced ventilation systems for the apartment.

ADVICE! You should not rely only on your own strength and try to install forced ventilation yourself: this work should be done by a master.

The need to organize forced ventilation of an apartment is usually associated not only with the actions of the apartment owners themselves (organization of thermal insulation of the room, sealed doors), but also with the unsatisfactory work of public utilities.

Supervision over the adequate operation of ventilation channels, timely cleaning of air ducts and normal draft indicators, if carried out, is extremely rare and of poor quality.

FACT! Special need for forced ventilation testing premises with plastic windows: the tightness of the structures disrupts the microclimate of the room, so its ventilation is mandatory.

In the kitchen or living room, the air duct can be laid above the cabinets

There are two main schemes for organizing forced ventilation in premises:

  • With the help of the air supply ventilation unit.
  • Using an air handling unit with recovery.

Supply ventilation: advantages of the system and nuances of operation

The ideal solution to the problem of apartment ventilation is the installation of a supply ventilation unit. The standard system for such installation is perfect mechanism for forced injection, filtration, and also. Often in such installations, an electric heater is also installed next to the fan, which makes it possible to regulate the ventilation problem in winter and autumn. In addition, the installation in this configuration becomes additional source warmth in the apartment.

ADVICE! When purchasing a supply fan unit, pay attention to models equipped with additional functions: humidification, ionization, disinfection. This will save on additional devices.

To ensure the operation of such a system, a system of air ducts and grilles must be installed in the room, through which purified and heated air will be supplied to the room. The complexity of performing such work makes it optimal to construct everything necessary at the construction stage or overhaul premises.

The required dimensions of the box are calculated using special tables and formulas, so such work should not be carried out by a non-professional who does not have sufficient knowledge about ventilation systems and air supply standards.

The air handling unit itself should be installed outside residential premises: for example, on a balcony. To do this, a hole is made in the wall, which allows outdoor air to be taken in. After the necessary filtration and purification procedures, the resulting warm air served to the apartment rooms.

Flat air ducts are laid along the ceiling, which will be done later suspended ceiling,
which will hide the wiring and air duct pipes

A significant disadvantage of such systems is considered to be a significant increase in energy costs: heated air instantly escapes into the exhaust openings. In order not to encounter such difficulties, many apartment owners prefer to install. The advantage of an installation with recuperation is the ability to reduce the power required to heat the room due to the heat from the removed air. Such a system is much more expensive to install, but at the same time it allows you to significantly save on electricity, reduce the load on the power grid and “leave” heat in the home, which with a conventional system thoughtlessly goes outside.

FACT! When using an installation with recovery, one air flow transfers only heat to the other, and not odors and pollution: therefore, you should not be afraid of the spread of kitchen or toilet aromas throughout the apartment.

Directly depends on the atmospheric conditions of the room physical health and human performance. Therefore, it is very important that the atmosphere in the room is fresh, with comfortable temperature and moderate humidity. All tasks of creating a microclimate comfortable for humans are solved by ventilation.

But as for industrial facilities, with working conditions harmful to health, then standard ventilation and air conditioning systems are unable to provide a comfortable atmosphere. In such enterprises it is used technological ventilation.

What is process ventilation?

Technological ventilation is the process of ensuring industrial building a specially specified composition of air masses, with certain:

  • Temperature;
  • humidity;
  • circulation speed.

These indicators must comply with the established standards of a particular technological process.

Also, the task of such a ventilation system is to sufficiently remove exhaust air masses.

Industrial or technological?

Industrial ventilation is, in fact, technological ventilation of an industrial building with air filtration by cyclones, local suction of aggressive and harmful gases.

Substances that are formed during work at industrial and technical enterprises:

  • Gas and steam emissions, including toxic substances;
  • Dust release;
  • Emission of smoke - tiny solid particles are released, which subsequently float freely in the air;
  • Heat release;
  • Moisture release, etc.

Areas of application

Technological ventilation is often used for:

  • Hot shops;
  • “Clean” rooms;
  • Various production lines;
  • Swimming pools;
  • Printing houses.

Quite common:

In the swimming pools

When calculating the ventilation system in a swimming pool, the main indicators are the humidity and air temperature in the building (according to SNiP it should be 2 degrees Celsius higher than the water temperature).

When humidity levels are high, condensation collects on the ceiling and walls of the room.

When calculating the ventilation system in buildings of this type, the main parameters are:

  • Building area;
  • Area of ​​pool mirrors;
  • Building height;
  • The number of people swimming at the same time;
  • And some others.

If the incoming air masses need to be further processed - “dried”, then supply system a special dehumidifier is installed.

In hot shops

To eliminate odors, fumes and steam that are released during the cooking process and maintain comfortable temperature conditions, technological industrial ventilation is installed.

The calculation of the system is based on the configuration of the room equipment:

  • Gas (electric) stoves;
  • Furnaces;
  • Deep fryers;
  • Other equipment.

Exhaust technological ventilation in such buildings has certain features, which consist in the fact that exhaust air masses are removed through umbrellas. Such systems should not only be used to remove exhaust air masses from the room, but also supply and exhaust. This makes it possible to control the temperature in the workshop.

Hoods for ventilating hot shops are usually equipped with grease filters and flame arresters (in places where there is access to fire or coals).

Since there is a significant air flow in hot production areas, it would be advisable to install heat recovery equipment in the ventilation.

In “clean” rooms

Used for rooms where air purity is a critical parameter. A fairly common example of such a room is a medical operating room.

For such institutions, special “medical” installations are used. The body of such equipment is made of of stainless steel. For deeper air filtration, filters of high purification classes are used.

The air duct system of such premises is made of stainless steel. It has antibacterial sections that are equipped with disinfecting ultraviolet lamps.

At the end of the air duct, before entering the room, it is equipped with HEPA filters. They prevent the penetration of bacteria and the smallest dust particles.

In addition to medical institutions, such systems are installed in high-precision production, for example: in production electronic components, pharmaceutical industry and more.

Accordingly, for installation, commissioning and operation of such systems, maintenance personnel must have special training.

Heating system installation sequence technology.

When installing heating systems, the following must be provided:

accurate execution of work in accordance with the project and SNiP instructions; density of connections, strength of fastenings of system elements; verticality of risers; compliance with the slopes of distribution and main sections; absence of curvature and kinks in straight sections of pipelines; proper operation of shut-off and control valves, safety devices and instrumentation; the ability to remove air, empty the system and fill it with water; reliable fastening of equipment and guards of their rotating parts.

When installing CO, the following sequence of work is used:

Unloading, packaging, delivery of pipe and heating units to the installation site;

Installation of main pipelines;

Installation of heating devices;

Installation of risers and liners;

System testing.

Installation of main pipelines is carried out after laying out the assembly units on supports and hanging them from building structures by assembling units on flax and red lead or joining units and then welding them. Then the lines are aligned and secured to supports and hangers.

After assembling the main pipelines, risers and branches to the equipment are connected to them. First, the heating units are installed in place and verified by level and plumb, then the heating units are connected using an interfloor insert. Heating devices interfloor inserts are connected by thread or welding.

Ventilation system installation sequence technology.

Installation and assembly work on ventilation and air conditioning systems includes the following main sequential processes:

preparing the facility for installation of ventilation systems; reception and storage of air ducts and equipment; assembly of air ducts, fittings and ventilation parts; selection and assembly of ventilation equipment, and, if necessary, carrying out a pre-installation inspection of the equipment; assembly of units; delivery of units, parts and elements to the installation site; installation of fastening means; installation of equipment; enlarged assembly of air ducts; installation of main air ducts; production and installation of sub-measurements; running-in of installed equipment; adjustment and regulation of systems; commissioning of systems.

During installation metal air ducts The following basic requirements must be observed: do not allow air ducts to rest on ventilation equipment; vertical air ducts should not deviate from the plumb line by more than 2 mm per 1 m of duct length; Air duct flanges and wafer connections should not be embedded in walls, ceilings, partitions, etc.

Installation of air ducts, regardless of their configuration and location, begins with marking and inspecting the installation sites in order to identify the most convenient routes for transportation and lifting of air ducts and missing fastening means. Then lifting equipment is installed at the design marks and delivered to work area installation of air duct parts and target the missing embedded parts. Next, enlarged blocks are assembled from individual parts in accordance with the assembly list with the installation of clamps for hanging the air ducts.

When assembling on flanges, make sure that the gaskets between the flanges ensure a tight connection and do not protrude into the air duct.

Installation of ventilation equipment is carried out in accordance with standard technological maps in the following order: check the completeness of the delivery; perform a pre-installation inspection; delivered to the installation site; lifted and installed on a foundation, platform or brackets; check the correct installation, straighten and secure in the designed position; check functionality. When supplying ventilation equipment “in bulk” to the listed technological operations a number of operations for assembling and aggregating equipment are added, which can be performed directly at the installation site or assembly site. Installation method and methods of installing ventilation equipment.


1. Methodological instructions for course work“Technique and technology of procurement, welding work and installation” for students of specialty T.19.05 – “Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air protection” / compiled by Anatoly Afanasyevich Shabelnik, - Mn.: BSPA, 2000;

2. Meltser A.N. Sanitary Engineering Handbook. – Mn.: Higher. school, 1977. – P.256;

3. Soskov V.I. Installation technology and preparation work: Textbook. For universities on special "Heat and ventilation". – M.: Higher. school, 1989. – 344 p.

4.Installation ventilation systems. Under. Ed. I.G. Staroverova. Ed. 3rd, revised and additional M., Stroyizdat, 1978

The efficiency of air circulation determines the quality of the indoor microclimate, which determines the level of comfort and overall well-being of a person. The air inside the room must meet certain oxygen content standards and carbon dioxide. To achieve and maintain optimal atmospheric parameters, a ventilation system is installed. Installation of a ventilation complex requires a professional approach and special knowledge from the contractor.

Operating principles of different ventilation systems

A ventilation system is a set of equipment and measures that ensure sufficient air circulation. The main task of ventilation is to remove “waste” from the room and fill it with flow fresh air. Each system can be characterized by four basic characteristics: purpose, method of movement of air masses, design features and scope of application.

Natural air circulation

IN apartment buildings Natural ventilation is predominantly used. Air circulation is carried out under the influence of pressure and temperature changes. The principle of natural air exchange is often implemented in private homes.

The popularity of natural circulation is due to a number of advantages:

  1. Ease of organization. Expensive equipment is not required to install a ventilation system. Air exchange is carried out without human intervention.
  2. Energy independence. Air supply and removal occurs without electricity.
  3. Opportunity to improve efficiency. If necessary, the network can be equipped with forced ventilation elements: supply valve or hoods.

Basic design of the ventilation system natural type presented in the diagram. For the complex to function, exhaust and supply channels are required to ensure free movement of air.

Ventilation scheme:

  1. Fresh air (blue “streams”) enters the home through windows or ventilation valves.
  2. Entering the room, the air is heated by heating devices and displaces the “spent” composition saturated with carbon dioxide.
  3. Next, the air (green “streams”) moves through the through windows or gaps under the doors and moves in the direction of the exhaust vents.
  4. Due to temperature differences, flows ( Pink colour) rush through vertical channels and the air is discharged outside.

Mechanical air exchange

If the performance of natural circulation is not enough, then installation of a mechanical ventilation system is necessary. Special equipment is used to remove and supply air flow.

In complex systems, incoming air can be processed: dehumidified, humidified, heated, cooled or purified.

Forced action systems are commonly used in manufacturing, office and warehouses where high-power ventilation is required. The complex consumes a lot of electricity.

Comparative advantages of mechanical ventilation:

  • wide range of action;
  • maintaining specified microclimate parameters regardless of wind speed and outside air temperature;
  • automation of system management.

We implement mechanical air exchange in several ways:

  • installation of a supply or exhaust device;
  • creation of a supply and exhaust complex;
  • general exchange systems.

The supply and exhaust complex is considered the most rational. The system has two independent flows of air expulsion and supply, connected by ventilation ducts. Main components of the complex:

  • air ducts;
  • air distributors - receive air from outside;
  • automatic systems - control of network elements that monitor basic parameters;
  • supply and exhaust air filters - prevent debris from entering the air duct.

The system may include: air heaters, humidifiers, hand-operators and dehumidifiers. Structurally, the device is made in monoblock or assembled form.

Operating principle of the ventilation system:

  1. The supply compressor “draws in” air.
  2. In the recuperator, the air is cleaned, warmed up and further supplied through ventilation ducts.
  3. The exhaust compressor generates a vacuum in the air duct, which is connected to the intake grille. There is an outflow of air.

Special purpose air exchange systems

Types of special purpose ventilation systems:

  1. Emergency installation. An additional ventilation system is installed in enterprises where leakage or large volume discharge is possible gaseous substance. The task of the complex is to remove air flows in a short time.
  2. Anti-smoke system. When there is smoke in the room, the sensor is automatically triggered, the ventilation is turned on - some of the harmful substances enter the exhaust ventilation ducts. At the same time, fresh air is supplied. Job smoke ventilation increases the time for evacuating people. The complex is installed in public buildings or where fire-hazardous technologies are used.
  3. Local - organized as an exhaust or supply ventilation system. The first option is relevant for kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms. Supply devices usually used in production, for example, to blow air over a workplace.

Organization of the ventilation system

Standards for air exchange arrangement

When planning a ventilation system, one must proceed from the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations imposed on premises for various purposes. Fresh air supply rates are based on one person.

Basic standards are given in the table.

IN office premises the main focus is on the rooms where the staff are located. Thus, in an office, an air change of 60 cubic meters is considered sufficient. m/hour, in the corridor - 10 cubic meters. m, in the smoking room and bathroom - 70 and 100 cubic meters, respectively.

When organizing a ventilation system in an apartment or private sector, they are guided by the number of residents. By sanitary standards air exchange should be at least 30 cubic meters per hour per person. If the housing area does not exceed 20 sq.m., then the area of ​​the premises is taken as the basis for the calculation. There should be 3 cubic meters of air per square meter.

Planning and calculation

The design of a ventilation system in a private house must be developed during the construction phase. In this case, it is possible to make it under the ventilation chamber separate room, determine the optimal places for laying pipes and create decorative niches for them.

It is better to entrust the calculation and planning of the supply and exhaust system to professionals. The specialist will draw up technical specifications taking into account the area and number of rooms, the location and purpose of rooms, the arrangement of elements that increase the load on the ventilation system (stoves, bathrooms and fireplaces).

Important! Design requires a balanced, serious approach to determining the power of the equipment - this will allow for sufficient air exchange and at the same time not “drive” air in vain.

The power of the system, depending on the air exchange rate, is calculated as follows: L=N*Ln, where:

  • N - the largest number of people in the room;
  • Ln - hourly air consumption by a person.

The average productivity of the complex for apartments is 100-500 sq.m/h, for private houses and cottages - 1000-2500 sq.m/h, for administrative and industrial buildings- up to 15000 sq.m/h.

Based on the design power, the remaining characteristics of the ventilation systems are selected: the length and cross-section of the air duct, the size and number of diffusers, and the performance of the ventilation unit.

The cross-section of the air duct is calculated using the formula: S=V*2.8/w, where:

  • S - cross-sectional area;
  • V is the volume of the ventilation duct (working air volume/system power);
  • 2.8 - standard coefficient;
  • w - air flow speed (about 2-3 m/s).

Ventilation system installation technology

All technological process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Preparation of equipment, components and installation tools.
  2. Assembly and installation: installation of air ducts, joining pipes to each other, fixing air heaters, fans and filters.
  3. Power connection.
  4. Adjustment, testing and commissioning.

To work you will need:

  • flanged busbars;
  • metal corners of different sizes;
  • anchors, screws;
  • thermal insulation material (mineral wool);
  • reinforced tape;
  • vibration isolation fasteners.

The installation of air ducts begins if the following requirements are met:

  • walls, partitions and interfloor ceilings were erected;
  • installation sites for wet filters and inflow chambers are waterproofed;
  • markings have been applied for the finished floor;
  • in the direction of laying the air duct, the walls are plastered;
  • doors and windows installed.

Air duct installation procedure:

  1. Mark the fixation points of the fasteners.
  2. Install fasteners.
  3. According to the diagram and the proposed instructions, assemble the air ducts into separate modules.
  4. Raise the system elements and attach them to the ceiling using clamps, anchors or studs. The fixation option depends on the dimensions of the ventilation ducts.
  5. Connect the pipes together. Treat the junction points with silicone or cover them with metallized tape.
  6. Attach grilles or diffusers to the ventilation ducts.
  7. Connect the control system.
  8. Connect power to the ventilation complex and perform a test run.
  9. Check the correct operation of the entire system and each element separately.

The most labor-intensive process is installing air ducts. Requirements to installation work different ventilation ducts are almost identical:

  • flexible elements are installed in an extended position - this way pressure losses are minimized;
  • when “cutting” a ventilation duct into a wall, adapters or sleeves must be used;
  • if the air duct is damaged or deformed during installation, it must be replaced with a new fragment;
  • when placing ventilation ducts, it is important to take into account the direction of the air flow;
  • Flexible air ducts are connected using galvanized or nylon clamps.

Principles for creating natural ventilation

A number of requirements are put forward for the organization of natural air circulation:

  • in winter, supply ducts should not cool the air in the room;
  • in every living room it is necessary to ensure a flow of fresh air;
  • air flow must circulate even with the windows closed;
  • drafts in the house are not allowed;
  • “exhaust” air must be removed freely and promptly through exhaust ducts.

Exhaust ventilation ducts should be installed in the following rooms:

  1. Technical and sanitary rooms: bathroom, kitchen, swimming pool, laundry.
  2. Pantry and dressing room. If the room is small, it is enough to leave a gap of 1.5-2 cm between the floor and the door.
  3. In the boiler room, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a “supply inlet” and an exhaust duct.
  4. If the room is separated from the ventilation duct by three or more doors.

In other rooms there is an influx of fresh air - through the cracks in window frames. WITH mass implementation plastic window designs the efficiency of supply natural ventilation has greatly decreased. To increase its performance, it is recommended to install supply wall or window valves.

The wall inlet is a cylindrical flask, inside of which there is a heat and sound insulating insert, a filter element and an air duct. The throughput capacity of most models is 25-30 cubic meters per hour with a pressure drop of 10 Pa.

Installation procedure for wall valve:

  1. Preparing the wall. WITH outside remove the hinged ones façade panels(if there are any), and apply markings from inside the room. The optimal location of the inlet: between the window sill and the radiator or near the window at a distance of 2-2.2 m from the floor.
  2. Drilling a hole. First, starting drilling is performed to a depth of 7-10 cm, wall fragments are removed and final drilling is carried out.
  3. Cleaning the hole. Construction dust remove with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Valve installation. Install a heat-insulating “sleeve” and an air duct. After this, secure the grille, valve body and damper.

The inlet should be periodically cleaned of dust, soot and small particles of dirt. It is enough to wash the filter element under running water and install it in place.

The principle of natural air circulation: video.
