Warm floor on polystyrene foam. Expanded polystyrene for heated floors: base for installation, characteristics and methods of fixing expanded polystyrene under heated floors. Option #2 - profile systems with guides

In order for a warm floor to please you with its efficiency and uniform heating, you should take care of its thermal insulation. This way you can reduce the load on the floor and there will be no leaks of thermal energy. One of the most popular and high-quality insulation materials for heated floors is polystyrene foam.

Concept and types

Expanded polystyrene is also called polystyrene foam. He represents insulation material, which are used for warm water floors. The production technology of this material consists of foaming polystyrene with the addition of various compounds that make it more durable.

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Expanded polystyrene practically does not absorb liquid and does not allow vapor to pass through. In this regard, even under the influence of moisture thermal insulation the characteristics of the described material will remain unchanged.

The following types are distinguished expanded polystyrene for heated floors:

Polystyrene foam with bosses

Profile slabs with bosses are a material whose main purpose is to simplify the installation of heated floors. By by and large it replaces the reinforcing mesh for securing pipes. You will save time because... you don't have to mark and install guides.

As is clear from the name of the material, small bosses are located throughout its entire area at the same distance from each other. With such insulation, the layout scheme can be any. Polystyrene foam with bosses not only saves time on installation, it also protects pipes from any mechanical influences.

Slabs with bosses come in different densities and are suitable for different diameter pipes, they are made using molding technology. A vapor barrier layer is placed on top of them, and there are locks on the edges, thanks to which the strength of their fastening is achieved.

Relief surface on back side promotes good sound insulation and ventilation, which does not allow moisture to accumulate.

The material is laid from left to right (starting from the left edge of the room).

You need to cover the entire floor surface, regardless of whether the system will be placed there or not. If you neglect this requirement, you will have a multi-level surface.

Foam plastic with bosses Knauf Therm

This material has an additional heat-reflecting layer of foil. Its main advantage is the presence of a reflective effect, therefore heating systems he is very helpful.

Foil expanded polystyrene promotes better heating and the most equal distribution of heat throughout the room. With this material, you no longer need to lay a heat-reflecting layer, which means you will save time on installation.

However, it is very important when using foil-coated polystyrene foam to first lay down a buffer layer that will protect the foil from any damage.

Foiled polystyrene foam


Expanded polystyrene for heated floors has many positive properties, which are important to know:

  1. Firstly, this material is very easy to lay, the slabs weigh little, and the material is easy to cut. The joining of the plates to each other is carried out using a groove, however, in order to still prevent moisture and air from entering, it is better to seal the connection areas with mounting tape.
  2. Even though extruded boards are quite thin, their thermal conductivity is low. Even a small layer of material will provide your room with good, uniform heating.
  3. You don't have to worry about expanded polystyrene mold and other unpleasant growths may appear due to its chemical composition The material resists bacteria very well.
  4. Due to the fact that the material weighs little, there is no additional load on load-bearing walls there will be no structure.
  5. Expanded polystyrene is different for a long time operation, no deformation will occur.
  6. Another important plus is that it isolates sounds well.
  7. Laying polystyrene foam can be done on any surface, be it soil, wood, concrete.

Material selection

When choosing expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of material, but also the quality of the product.

Therefore, be sure to consider the following points:

  1. Color. It must be uniform and bright. Just a few years ago it was difficult to find polystyrene foam in a color other than white. But today you can already find orange and blue slabs. This or that color will not in any way affect the quality of the material and the cost, but you need to pay attention to the uniformity of coloring and the saturation of the color itself.
  2. Smell. The product should not emit any strong odors.
  3. Edges of slabs. Take a good look at them; if they have irregularities and crumble, it means the material is of poor quality.
  4. Surface. It is also very important that the slabs are level, since the thermal insulation properties of polystyrene foam depend on this.

Expanded polystyrene is a material that improves the thermal insulation of water heated floors. Choose a material that meets all the requirements and you will receive high-quality heating in your home.

Water heated floor systems are widely used for heating private houses and cottages. Floor heating can be used as main heating or additional source heat when used with radiator heating. To increase heating efficiency when installing the system Special attention is given to thermal insulation of the subfloor.

If you install a system pipeline without insulation, then most of the heat will go down. Warm air and poor ventilation under the subfloor lead to the formation of condensation, which, in turn, causes the development of fungi and pathogenic bacteria that threaten the occupants of the house and destroy the foundation.

What can be done to ensure that the water heated floor system works for the benefit of the home, and not to the detriment, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and saving money on energy costs? Materials with heat-insulating properties help achieve the desired result. And the most affordable of these materials is polystyrene foam for heated floors.

Expanded polystyrene: history of appearance

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam in the form in which it exists now appeared in the middle of the last century thanks to the developments of the German company BASF. The main component of this material is styrene, a chemical compound obtained by heating the resin of the Styrax tree.

In the 30s of the last century, DOW specialists managed to synthesize styrene, as a result of which such a polymer as polystyrene became known to the world. It was from that time that polystyrene began to be widely used in the production of cases for televisions, telephones and other equipment, as well as as a thermal insulation and packaging material.

Expanded polystyrene is a foamed polymer. It is made by heating the polymer with steam and filling the resulting voids with gas. Thanks to special technology, a unique material appears, characterized by lightness and the ability to resist compression, which allows it not to change in size.

Popular types of polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is usually produced in the form of slabs. The following types of polystyrene foam boards are most popular among consumers:

In the production of expanded polystyrene we use various technologies, defining its characteristics, scope of application and installation methods.

Pressless expanded polystyrene

The manufacturing process of this type of material is that polystyrene granules are placed in hot water, and after swelling, they are dried and foamed, placed in special molds or an extruder.

Considering the low cost of production, such foam plastic has a very affordable price, and therefore is especially popular among citizens who are puzzled by the installation of a warm water floor.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The foam of this type is produced by mixing polystyrene granules with a foaming agent under pressure and at a high degree of heating. The result is a viscous mass, which is extruded using a special tool equipped with an extrusion head.

Laying extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam for heated floors is especially popular among installers installing water-based systems. Plates made from this material are also widely used in other areas of construction, for example, for insulating roofs, foundations and facades of houses.

Foiled polystyrene foam

This foam has distinctive feature, consisting in the presence of an additional metallized layer. This material is often used in underfloor heating systems, as the foil layer acts as a reflector, increasing heating efficiency by evenly distributing heat.

When installing a warm water floor, it is always necessary to lay an additional layer of foil under the pipeline, acting as a reflector. The use of foil polystyrene foam eliminates this need.

However, when laying it, it is necessary to take into account that the concrete screed in which the system is placed completely corrodes in a short period of time thin layer aluminum with which the plates are covered. Therefore, this material must be protected with an additional layer of waterproofing.

It should be noted that foil polymer insulation can be used when installing water and cable heated floors. But it cannot be used when laying infrared mats.

Profile polystyrene foam

The use of this material makes it easier to install a heated floor system, as it eliminates the need to lay a reinforcing mesh to which the pipeline is attached, apply markings and install guides, since all these functions are performed by bosses located over the entire surface of the slab.

The distinctive features of such a plate are the following factors:

  • the bosses themselves, which make it possible to easily lay a water pipeline or an electric heated floor cable, regardless of the chosen scheme;
  • increased mechanical strength, ensured by high material density;
  • the presence of a shell that acts as a vapor barrier that protects against moisture;
  • a layer of laminated foil, impervious to chemical attack;
  • the presence of locking connections, thanks to which the slabs are laid without gaps;
  • the presence of a relief pattern on the underside of the slab, which provides ventilation and smoothes out minor irregularities in the base.

Advantages of expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene board, compared to other types of thermal insulation materials, has a number of advantages. On what basis can polystyrene foam be laid?

Foamed polymer boards are produced in various color scheme, which in no way affects technical specifications material. They can be laid on the following bases:

Features of laying the thermal insulation layer

Expanded polystyrene slabs are laid on a base that has been previously cleared of debris and leveled using appropriate solutions. Next, waterproofing is laid on the base of the floor, and polystyrene foam boards are placed on top of it. If a slab without bosses is used, then metal or plastic mesh, to which the cable or pipes of the water heated floor will be attached.

The last stage of arranging the heating system is pouring cement-sand screed, promoting uniform heat distribution.

Companies that produce polystyrene foam for heated floors claim that this material can last 50 years. However, tests conducted by scientists have shown that heated floors laid on polystyrene foam slabs will function flawlessly for more than 60 years. And if we add to these factors the affordable cost of materials, we can say that polystyrene foam is an ideal insulation not only for underfloor heating systems, but also for various types finishing works.

Video: Foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam and PIR

Thermal insulation is one of the important components of underfloor heating systems, allowing for efficient energy consumption. An insulating layer is needed to reduce the load on heating equipment and to maintain the resulting microclimatic parameters. It prevents heat leakage through the ceiling into unheated areas and sets the necessary direction heat flow. Expanded polystyrene copes with the listed tasks better than all known insulation materials: for heated floors it is generally recognized as the best option.

Famous technical term“expanded polystyrene” combines several types of thermal insulation products. They differ in characteristics, areas of application and installation methods. Information about the differences will help you determine what is best to buy for installing an underfloor heating system with specific technical data.

Foamed polystyrene foam and its competitors

Of the insulation materials currently used in construction, almost all are applicable for the installation of underfloor heating systems. However, there are reservations that suspend the desire of professional and independent builders to buy and install:

  • cork insulation, the price of which suggests looking for a more affordable alternative;
  • mineral wool, overly sensitive to the action groundwater, which is why it is highly undesirable to use it in floor structures on the ground and above an unheated underground;
  • foamed polyethylene with or without a foil shell - a material that decreases three times in thickness under the weight of the screed;
  • granular and pressed foam plastic, which is attractive due to its cost and insulating qualities, but does not have sufficient rigidity.

Let us note that granulated and pressed foam plastic for heated floors is quite suitable material if the load is not intended to be distributed over it. Those. There is nothing cheaper and more practical to find for installing heating equipment in the construction of a wooden floor with joists and a cold subfloor.

In general terms, the scheme for constructing a heated floor with foam plastic or crumbly polystyrene insulation will look like this:

  • Polystyrene granules or cut foam boards the free space between the logs installed on a plank or plywood base is filled.
  • The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier membrane on top, then an additional sheathing is built across the joists to ensure ventilation.
  • Plywood or similar sheet material is attached to the sheathing.
  • Install guides from slats, between which the heated floor loops will be laid.
  • Further in accordance with the budget. Either 30 micron thick foil is laid only along the path of water floor pipes or electrical cables, or it is completely covered with foiled polyethylene. Or metal profiled guides, produced specifically for wooden heated floors, are installed between the slats.

After laying pipes or cables, the structure is covered with plywood, OSB boards, GVLV sheets according to the rules, and then the covering is laid. By default, we assume that this structure is protected from ground moisture and condensation by waterproofing on the underground side or that it already existed under a plank or plywood sub-base.

Attention. Despite the assurances of most manufacturers that polystyrene foam and granulated styrene are insensitive to moisture, waterproofing is imperative. Otherwise, moisture penetrating into the pores and spaces between the granules will significantly reduce the insulating qualities of the insulation.

It is very advisable to protect the material from the basement side with fine metal mesh from rodents. Polystyrene does not cause appetite in them, but you should not give them the opportunity to taste it.

Technical and technological advantages of expanded polystyrene

Foamed polystyrene differs from its insulating counterparts in its increased density, strength and rigidity, which is due to the manufacturing method.

Production steps simplified:

  • Polystyrene or one of its derivatives, according to the name of the future product, is foamed by introducing a low-boiling liquid into the initial mass.
  • As a result of boiling, granules coated with a waterproof styrene surface are formed. Inside the granules is a gas that determines the lightness and insulating properties of the material.
  • The “semi-finished product” is heated with steam to increase the size of small pellets by 10 and even 30 times.
  • Then the enlarged granules are sintered together and form insulation boards with small but very strong numerous cells.

The technical data of the product depends on the sintering method. To combine individual components into a heat-insulating product, sintering suspensions, press equipment, extruders, and autoclaves are used. In construction, extruded polystyrene foam is the most popular; it is suitable not only for installing heated floors, but also for insulation. ground floors, for thermal insulation of basements and walls. True, it is rarely used as insulation interfloor ceilings. Most often, structures between floors are equipped with foamed polyethylene or cork. After all, they are thinner and no special optimization of heating technology is required.

Extruded foam insulation is offered to the consumer in numerous multi-colored variations, the color of which depends on the preferences of the manufacturer and does not in any way affect the scope of application. You can lay it:

  • on the ground with preliminary compaction, backfilling with crushed stone and 10 cm of sand preparation;
  • on a concrete floor covered with a 0.2 mm polyethylene layer;
  • on wooden beams, covered with polyethylene or glassine.

note . Use of insulating bitumen mastics, materials containing solvents are prohibited. They destroy the structure and dissolve polystyrene foam.

Stack hard polystyrene foam boards You can even use compacted gravel. The main thing is not to forget that in any case, the insulation must be protected from moisture and cut off from the walls in order to interrupt the transfer of heat and sound vibrations.

Most rooms have a practical and durable concrete floor, but it is cold. To save energy resources and money, it must be insulated. We'll tell you how to do this in our review of installation technologies: .

Specifics of foil insulation

The use of foamed polystyrene boards in underfloor heating systems requires modification by marking, installing guides, selecting fasteners and requires the use of foil. It is laid on top of thermal insulation. The purpose of using foil is to shield energy and distribute heat evenly around the entire perimeter, otherwise the heated floor will work with a “zebra” effect. Those. around or around the cable the temperature will be higher, and in the spaces between the heat-conducting components it will be lower.

To reduce the number technological processes, slab polystyrene foam obviously equipped with a useful aluminum layer. We also thought about it and applied markings to the surface to make it easier to lay pipes or cables using a snake, snail, etc., so that there was no need to install a marking grid for heating loops. Then the slabs were supplemented with a ruler and a joining seam. And some were divided into strips with a common foil base, so that they could be folded and unfolded and easily carried.

In general, we tried to make the workdays of the stacker as easy as we could. We invented foil tape for fastening the plates, clamps and clips for heat pipes, and plastic guides for convenient installation of loops. As a result, there were many options for individual components and ready-made sets foil polystyrene foam, thanks to which you can find a product for a heated floor that ideally matches the level of the master, his desire to work hard, be smart and comply with technical requirements.

However, all the shortcomings were never eliminated. Foil thermal insulation under heated floors must be covered plastic film. Otherwise, the polystyrene foam insulation will quickly corrode the screed made of concrete or cement-sand mortar poured on top.

Expanded polystyrene boards with bosses

The achievements described above did not allow the developers’ imagination to dry up. The invention of slabs with pre-formed bosses helped completely abandon grids, markings and guides. The list of advantages of these plates:

  • increased density and, as a result, higher mechanical strength;
  • the presence of a vapor barrier shell made of hard polystyrene that protects against condensation;
  • lamination of foil against chemical aggression of the screed;
  • bosses that facilitate the laying of loops in accordance with any technological “ornament”;
  • light weight, which the installer likes and puts little stress on the base;
  • side locks, thanks to which you can build a monolithic thermal insulation carpet without acoustic seams and cold bridges;
  • a relief backing that provides ventilation, easy smoothing of small irregularities, protecting the ears of neighbors from the murmur of a working system.

Foamed polystyrene with bosses, designed for the rapid installation of heated floors, does not compress under a heavy screed, but in the linear direction some changes in geometry are not excluded.

Important. Any type of thermal insulation under heated floors in concrete screed constructed in compliance with the deformation gap around the perimeter. Also needed expansion joints, which in residential premises are more convenient to arrange in doorway.

The material does not emit toxins harmful to users unless it is heated to 180º C, which is unlikely to happen. Short-term heating up to 110º passes without consequences. Owners who comply with operating conditions will use heated floors with polystyrene foam insulation for at least 50 years.

The person laying slabs with bosses will need to start from the corner farthest from the door. Floor elements are arranged according to the principle brickwork, i.e. with a displacement of the butt seam of the subsequent row relative to this landmark of the previous row.

Read more about various materials for floor insulation you can read in our special article:. Review of insulation materials and tests of various substrates.

Work algorithm:

  • Cover the prepared concrete base with a layer of polyethylene. We lay it with an overlap of 10 cm, and secure the individual components with construction tape.
  • We attach damper tape to the walls in one layer. To facilitate the process, there is an adhesive strip on its back side.
  • In the doorway we install a strip of two segments facing each other with their rears damper tape. They will stick together thanks to the aforementioned adhesive strip.
  • We lay the first row as expected, with deformation distances from the walls.
  • We cut the last panel in the row according to the situation.
  • We begin the next row from the resulting panel segment.

Before pouring the screed over the cable or pipes, it is no longer necessary to lay waterproofing, because most slabs have protective surface from lavsan.

The performer will be prompted by the desire to make an effort or spend money on what material and installation scheme to choose. Naturally, improved insulation will cost more, but preparing the floor for laying pipes or cables will not force you to overexert yourself and waste time. Thrifty and diligent craftsmen should show their best sides and use extruded polystyrene foam without markings, foil, seam locks and fastenings.

Underfloor heating systems should be installed in accordance with regulations, one of which requires the use of thermal insulation to reduce losses and direct heat flow in the desired direction. Today we will look at expanded polystyrene for heated floors, its features and advantages over other materials.

The use of polystyrene foam for heated floors

Purpose and criteria for choosing thermal insulation

If we look at the structure and operating principle of the underfloor heating system, we will find that for its normal operation, insulation is required between the heating elements and the floor slab.

This requirement is quite logical: otherwise, a significant part of the thermal energy will be spent on heating the floor slab and the room located below, since the thermal conductivity of concrete is quite high.

If between heating elements and place a sufficient layer of material with low thermal conductivity with concrete, then almost all useful thermal energy will be spent on heating the floor surface. That is, we will turn the entire heat flow in the direction we need, namely upwards.

In this case, we will be able to use a system with a low coolant temperature, since it will be enough to warm the surface. This will not only save electricity or gas, but also reduce the cost of the entire system through the use of more efficient and inexpensive materials, will make it safer and easier.

Since there are many insulation materials and materials with low thermal conductivity, we should find out the criteria by which we will choose thermal insulation.

So, the criteria:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient plays a very important role, as it affects the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. The thinner the layer, the less living space the system will “steal”;
  2. High compressive strength. The insulation layer will be located between the floor surface and the floor slab, that is, it will take on the entire load that the materials will exert flooring, leveling and furniture. The insulation must withstand this load without deformation;
  3. Moisture resistance. The material must have a low water absorption coefficient, otherwise during a system leak, when used on the ground or in wet areas the insulation will become saturated with moisture and lose its thermal insulation qualities. There is no possibility to ventilate the insulation to remove moisture;
  4. Safety. The material should not emit harmful substances when heated to 60-70 degrees. Usually the coolant temperature does not rise above 55 degrees, but a reserve is required;
  5. Biological resistance. The material must not become a habitat or breeding ground for insects, mold, bacteria or rodents;
  6. Durability. The insulation should serve no less than the underfloor heating system itself. Replacing the insulation will require disassembling the entire structure and reassembling it, so such a replacement should be excluded;
  7. Smooth surface. Obviously, it is advisable for us to use the material in the form of slabs with a uniform thickness, as this will simplify the installation of the floor.

Now that the selection criteria thermal insulation material listed, we can easily select the option that best matches these criteria. To do this, we will consider the main materials and, using the method of elimination, we will focus on the appropriate one.

Why expanded polystyrene?

The first criterion on our list is low thermal conductivity. And here are several options:

  • foam plastics(polyurethane foam, polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, etc.),
  • fibrous materials(stone, slag or glass wool),
  • Cork tree;
  • foam glass.

You can immediately exclude fibrous materials from this list, since they are afraid of moisture and have a low compressive strength. Also, foam glass is not suitable for us, since it is too expensive and has a large thickness.

What remains is balsa wood, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. The latter is applied in liquid form, in addition, its price is too high. Other foams are too soft and will simply shrink under the screed.

Consequently, of all the materials, polystyrene foam turned out to be the most suitable in terms of its characteristics, cost and ease of installation.

Features of expanded polystyrene

What are the features of expanded polystyrene? I propose to consider those that influence the choice of this material as a thermal insulation substrate for a heated floor:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. Extruded polystyrene foam has one of the lowest thermal conductivity coefficients, which is 0.029-0.034 W/m*K. Only polyurethane foam is more effective in this regard, but its application and the foam itself are too expensive;

  1. High compressive strength. In this indicator, extruded foam plastic is superior to most insulation materials. For 10% linear deformation, a pressure of 250 kPa or more than 100 kg/m² will be required;
  2. Low water absorption. After 24 hours of being in water, only 0.1% of the foam volume is filled with moisture. That is, even when immersed in water, the material retains its qualities by 99%;
  3. Fire safety. The grades approved for use in construction have the following fire resistance indicators: G1, V2, D3, RP1 (according to SNiP 21-01-97);
  4. Heat resistance. The operating temperature range is from minus 50 to plus 75 degrees. Short-term heating up to +110 °C is possible. The material fully matches temperature conditions using heated floors;
  5. No corrosion. Polyfoam is absolutely not afraid of mold, bacteria, moisture, acidic or alkaline environment and other destructive factors;
  6. Low density. The density of expanded polystyrene is 30-35 kg/m³. This means that thermal insulation will not create a significant load on;

  1. Durability. As a substrate for heated floors, extruded PPS will last at least 50 years. Data about him future fate so far, simply not, but a number of studies suggest that after this period the material almost completely retains its qualities and can be used further;

  1. Toxic safety. Expanded polystyrene does not emit toxic compounds such as phenol, formaldehyde, etc. The same cannot be said about dense stone wool.

Ravaterm is another brand with good quality.


When using extruded EPS boards you will get a lot of advantages, including:

  • Easy installation. The instructions for laying slabs do not require you to have special tools, special skills, knowledge or abilities. Almost everyone can handle laying thermal insulation with their own hands;

  • Quality geometry. Plates from reputable manufacturers (TechnoNIKOL, Penoplex, URSA, etc.) differ correct geometry and high-precision milling of edges, locks, bosses and other elements;

  • Soundproofing. In addition to cutting off the ceiling from heating, the foam layer will provide sound insulation sufficient to prevent neighbors below from hearing the gurgling of water in the system pipes;

  • Affordable price. Compared to other options, such as balsa wood, polyurethane foam or foam glass, the cost of PPP is quite affordable and differs significantly;
  • High efficiency. The material copes well with its responsibilities and ensures almost complete absence of heat loss;

  • No smell. High-quality polystyrene boards do not emit odors. The material can be confidently laid in a bedroom or other room without fear of smelling a chemical aroma;
  • Additional moisture protection. The material is completely waterproof and has a very low vapor permeability coefficient. Thanks to this, your floor will be additionally protected from moisture coming from below, and your neighbors will be protected from flooding.


I have clearly shown that when considering various options Insulation for heated floors turned out to be polystyrene foam that was the most effective and suitable in all respects. If you want to learn more about the material, watch the video in this article and ask questions in the comments.

Extruded polystyrene- this is one of best options thermal insulation modern type. Its structure is uniform and consists of small cells closed type size 0.1-0.2 mm. Extruded polystyrene foam is one of the polystyrene derivatives obtained by mixing under high pressure, at high temperatures polystyrene granules and a foaming agent (carbon dioxide and freon mixtures). Externally, extruded polystyrene is a rigid board high level strength with excellent thermal insulation properties.

The material began to be produced more than sixty years ago. And, despite this, today it can be called a universal insulation of all times and peoples.

One of its first advantages is its wide range of applications, both in civil and private construction. Here are the areas where extruded polystyrene successfully replaces its counterparts:

  • thermal insulation of foundations and basements;
  • thermal insulation of floors;
  • facade insulation;
  • installation of “warm floors”;
  • wall insulation;
  • thermal insulation of roofs;
  • thermal insulation of pipelines and refrigerators;
  • arrangement of basement walls and floors;
  • construction of partitions;
  • insulation of the soil around the foundations to prevent freezing.

The second advantage of this material is its unique technical parameters:

  • the lowest thermal conductivity among thermal insulations;
  • high compressive strength;
  • chemical resistance
  • waterproof and vapor-tight;
  • resistance to the formation of mold and fungi;
  • environmentally friendly material.

As a result of the tests carried out, it has been proven that characteristic properties extruded polystyrene do not change as a result of repeated freezing and thawing. It does this material almost ideal for the territory of Russia.

The most popular among builders is the use of extruded polystyrene for the device.

To date construction market offers a wide range of these products. The choice is yours. Here are just some popular brands: “Penoplex”, “Europlex”, “Technoplex” and many others.

Before direct installation of thermal insulation, it is required preparatory work by leveling the floor surface using a cement screed. If your task also includes sound insulation, then you will need a thermoacoustic film on top of the cement. Then slabs of extruded polystyrene for underfloor heating are installed. The edges of the slabs are joined so that they are in a free position relative to each other. To completely waterproof the floor, the slabs are covered with a waterproofing film with a thickness of 0.2 mm or more. And to increase the reliability of fastening the structure, another layer of cement screed with a thickness of more than 5 cm is applied. Finally, the type of flooring you have chosen is laid: parquet, linoleum or tiles.

To install “warm floors” using water pipes, it is recommended to use foil insulation, i.e. slab polystyrene equipped with an aluminum layer. It significantly reduces the number of technological processes when installing “warm floors”. There are even foil-type slabs with markings applied, which are necessary when laying pipes or cables.

The only question that remains open is how to correctly calculate the thickness of extruded polystyrene for installing heated floors in a specific region of the Russian Federation. Here you can’t do without SNiP II-3-79 “Construction Heat Engineering” and 02/23/2003 “ Thermal protection buildings." Thanks to these smart vaults, you can calculate the R-value for your specific region. For Moscow this figure will be 4.15 m20С/W, and for Krasnodar – 2.8 m20С/W. This will be followed by a series of calculations to determine heat transfer taking into account all building materials. And the value that falls short of the cherished norm is compensated by insulation.

Of course, if you are not an expert in this area of ​​calculations, you can trust specialists in the sale of extruded polystyrene, or use specialized calculators provided on the Internet. For complete non-professionals, some companies produce extruded polystyrene with the appropriate name: “Penoplex foundation”, “Penoplex wall”, etc.

For the basic basis of our knowledge about extruded polystyrene, the rule is useful:

to insulate the 1st floor, the thickness of the slab must be at least 50 mm;

everything above the first floor is in the range of 20-30 mm.

So, given this information about extruded polystyrene, you can choose the right insulation for your floor.
