VKontakte targeting - pay for clicks or impressions? Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs

The topic of making money on affiliate programs has been touched upon many times already, but today we will talk about the best affiliate programs with pay-per-clicks.

It would be great if your site is installed on a paid hosting to avoid any restrictions. But if you don’t have any serious ideas, then it’s better to start a regular blog.

Pay-per-click affiliate programs (by link) will help you monetize absolutely any resource (even groups on social networks and YouTube channels).

As a rule, affiliate programs require certain actions from the people involved: subscriptions, registrations, orders. But there are other systems where money is paid for clicks on promotional materials.

Current pay-per-click affiliate programs

In videos, profiles and websites, you can place as many ad units as you like to earn money for clicks. This is, in principle, the most common advertising network scheme.

For this reason, the same approach is used almost everywhere:

Advmaker — — Go to the affiliate website =>

One of those networks that allows you to place a block immediately. They pay from 5 kopecks per click; advertisers can place their bids during the auction.

The pay-per-click affiliate program is similar to the previous one and does not advertise scams. Each webmaster can receive 75% of the money spent by advertisers, payments are instant.


Viboom — Go to the affiliate website =>

Another affiliate program optimized for mobile versions sites. Several formats, you can choose the cost of impressions and clicks, from 50 kopecks. For one click they pay from 50 kopecks or more. – after registration, you need to place the code on the site, and you can start making a profit for each transition to the affiliate site. There are many formats mobile traffic converts, advertiser rates are encouraging.

To get here, your site must have over 300 visitors per day.

Here you can get money for teaser advertising viewed on your resource. They pay from 30 kopecks to 1.5 rubles. But for this, the site must have at least 50 unique visitors per day, prerequisite is hosting a website on paid hosting.

Pay-per-click affiliates– the most popular services that are used even by large companies with contextual advertising. In order to start earning money through them, promote your resource, and then proceed to monetization.

Attracted a visitor - earned money!


In addition to this, we can highlight another affiliate program with pay-per-clicks, which did not disappoint or cause any inconvenience - BestChange.

Cost per click

Thanks to her, we get 4 cents for every click.

“But it’s so little!” - you may object. But that's not all.

Here they also pay money for other actions, for example:

  • if a person then returns to the site and registers as a partner (your commission on his income is 15%),
  • if your referral brought another partner (from a referral - 15%, and from a secondary referral 5%).

2. Short

Many services have been created for this type of earnings, you can find others, more interesting options.

It is very convenient to create short links on Short, and when the user follows the link, he will find himself on a specialized site, where he will be shown a stub with advertising material.

This service has also been personally verified, so we advise you to work with it too.

Thanks to this method, you can receive a pleasant bonus at the end of the month.

3. Ttarget

Websites and blogs on financial topics work with adsmmgp, each click costs 17 cents. You won’t find an affiliate program anywhere else that pays so much per click. You can add any financial sites and sites with SEO traffic there.

Help for SEO bloggers: Blogs and websites with SEO topics are accepted here.

Brief statistics:

  1. Advertising formats: context and teaser advertising.
  2. Site moderation - up to 3 working days.
  3. Currency - dollar.
  4. Withdrawal from $30 (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, PerfectMoney, Qiwi, Bitcoin, Wallet One, Visa/MasterCard and Payeer).
  5. Expensive claque cost up to 20 cents!

Attracting clients from VKontakte is the main trend recent years. This is due to the fact that the number of users of social networks is growing every day. If you are seriously thinking about how the setup is carried out, what to pay for, for impressions or transitions, read these instructions.

To understand how to set up your first campaign on VKontakte, it’s worth considering 3 reasons why it’s important to avoid serious mistakes.

  1. Proper campaign setup allows you to increase the overall reach of your ads by 2-3 times.
  2. By choosing the right target audience segment conversion advertising offer can start from 10% and higher.
  3. An advertising campaign set up with a minimum number of errors allows you to save your budget.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then the best option will order advertising setup from professionals.

What can happen if configured incorrectly: 3 examples

Now let's look at what the wrong campaign setup can lead to using three examples.

  1. Rapid audience burnout.
  2. Wasting your advertising budget without getting a conversion.
  3. Blocking the advertising account.

Setup instructions

There are two options to choose from: placement in the news feed or advertisements on the site pages (for example, to the left of the user’s wall).

Entries in the news feed are displayed in the feed of the target audience in the form of separate entries of the advertised community.

Advertisements on VKontakte pages are banners located in the side part, menu mods. To put it roughly, they are on all pages. Those. going into news feed, a person can immediately see two ad formats - in the feed and banner, under the menu.

Their main difference is that feed posts are paid only for impressions, while banner advertising can be paid for both impressions and clicks.

By selecting suitable option placement, we proceed to the stage of setting up VKontakte. First of all, we choose the target audience.

Geography. Here we determine the country, city where our target audience is located. If you work in Russia, but some cities are an exception, you can indicate them in the field "With the exception of".

Demography. Select gender (if necessary), age, marital status. This is needed for a more precise target.

Interests. For example, to advertise sports nutrition on VKontakte, you need to specify sport in the interest category. In point "Communities » you can specify sports publics and groups. If desired, you can exclude unnecessary publics.

Applications and sites – here you can specify thematic sites or applications to whose audience advertising posts and advertisements will be shown.

Paragraph "Travelers “This is the name given to visitors who often access the site from different IP addresses.

Education and work. Rarely used item. Few users social network indicates real information about your education and work. You can skip this section.

Extra options. Here you can upload your retargeting databases, which are collected using the pixel installed on the site. The second way to obtain a retargeting base is to use parsers by type "Cerebro " or "Target Hunter".

Operating systems and Internet browsers. Suitable for advertising software for a specific OS or browser. Used extremely rarely.

Setting price and location. Since in this example we considered launching advertising in the news feed, payment is possible only for a thousand impressions.

The system determines the cost per thousand impressions automatically. The amount can be reduced or increased. Coverage depends on changes in cost.

It is important to set a limit of 5 impressions per person. This will save your budget and avoid showing ads to uninterested people.

When creating your first campaign, you need to select "Create a new one."

At the end, click on “Create an ad.”

Setting up advertising for mobile devices

The list of devices includes a large number of popular smartphone models under Android control and iOS. You can specify several at once different devices, or all at once.

Pay for impressions or clicks: what to choose?

In case of payment for transitions, funds from the budget are debited for each click on the advertising banner. The more clicks a banner gets, the lower the cost per click.

When choosing the transition cost, the system sets its own amount. Feel free to divide it by ten and gradually increase it if necessary.

Pay per impression allows you to pay for every thousand impressions of a teaser. Don't forget to check the box next to the item “Limit to 100 impressions per person " This is necessary to save money - it is better to show the ad regularly, especially if you pay for impressions

Five cases when it is profitable to pay for clicks

Let's list a few points:

  1. When you buy clicks for someone and have agreed on exactly how many people should click through the ad to the page.
  2. You are satisfied with the prices and do not want to experiment with the effectiveness of impressions. Just pay and get money for one transition.
  3. If the ads are shown to a huge audience, then VKontakte will quickly show your ad and exhaust your budget. Even the meager cost of display will not save you.
  4. In competitive niches with a wide audience.
  5. If the goal is to make as many impressions as possible for a specific audience. Place the minimum bet per transition. If you targeted a small city, plus indicated the age of the audience. By the way, you will have a lot of impressions in this case; if you charged for impressions, it would cost you an incredible amount.

Now let's summarize the benefits:

  1. You can predict exactly what budget you need and how many people will go to your page;
  2. There is no need to monitor the effectiveness of impressions.


  1. Not shown at low cost;
  2. The system recommends a bid that is 5 times > impression rates.

Four situations when it is more effective to invest in impressions

When it might be:

  1. If you are sure that you can choose the right target audience, leave only those who are active and suitable for the conditions.
  2. When should the ad be shown? more people in the shortest possible time.
  3. When you work with a retargeting base and target it.
  4. When the cost per click is very high.

Let's summarize the advantages:

  1. 4 times cheaper than paying for impressions;
  2. If you study your audience and choose correct parameters displaying advertising, you can get a lot more visitors (compared to paying for transitions), and for little money;
  3. Faster audience reach.


  • It is impossible to predict the number of transitions;
  • You need to monitor the effectiveness of your advertisements. There is a chance that your ads will show and you will get fewer clicks as if you were paying for the click.

If you have problems selecting the optimal option, you can order advertising setup from professional targetologists.

On the Internet, everyone makes money in the way that suits them. The most interesting, profitable and promising option is to create your own site.

It is advisable that this be a site on paid hosting so that there are no restrictions. And if not interesting ideas and serious knowledge, start a regular blog.

Pay-per-click affiliate programs will help you monetize any resource (even groups on social networks and YouTube channels).

Most often, affiliate programs require some action from the attracted users (order, subscription, registration). But there are also systems where money is paid for clicking on promotional material.

Attract visitors and earn money

I have been using it for a long time. It also pays for clicks on advertisements placed on websites.

Here, sites only on the topic of MLM and information business are monetized. Visitors from 100 hosts per day and huge selection types of banners for placement in any part of the site.

Another pay-per-click affiliate program that I have been working with for a long time is BestChange. Monitoring exchangers is constantly useful for money makers, and each click on a referral link brings in 4 cents.

Too few? Additionally, money is paid for other actions:

Many services have been created for this type of income, and you can find more interesting options. For example, it’s convenient to create short links on Shorte, and when users click on them, they are shown a special plug with advertising.

For 1000 transitions you can get $14, but it all depends on the geography of the traffic:

I use these services myself, so I recommend everyone to make money with them. Of course, these are not the usual pay-per-click advertising systems, but the essence is almost the same. You need to force people to follow the links, and for this you earn profit.

Other pay-per-click services

You can install as many ad units as you like on your websites and videos to get money for clicks on them. In general, pay-per-click This is the most common way advertising networks work.

That is why this scheme is used almost everywhere:

  1. TAK is one of the few networks that allows you to place a block instantly. Pay per click from 5 kopecks, advertiser rates are set in auction mode.
  2. Wmlink is a similar pay-per-click affiliate program that does not advertise scams. Webmasters are paid 75% of advertisers' expenses, payments are instant.
  3. Ttarget – place teaser advertising and work on available offers with pay-per-action. Withdrawal from 500 rubles.
  4. Adcash – you register, place the code on the site, and receive profit for each click. Many formats, mobile traffic is converted, good rates.
  5. Mobile-click – when collaborating with this system, wherever a visitor to your site clicks, the advertiser’s site will open in a new tab. Suitable for mobile traffic.
  6. Advmaker is the widest advertising network, it has the most advertisers and many advertising formats. The site has a tool for calculating expected profit.
  7. Viboom - adds advertising to videos with payment per click from the ruble. You can also receive 50 kopecks for viewing advertisements ( perfect option for social networks).
  8. Mobiads is another affiliate program for mobile versions of websites. There are several formats, you can choose the cost of a click and impression, at least 50 kopecks.

VKontakte remains one of the most popular Internet platforms for promoting medium and small businesses. One of the legal ways of promotion is targeted advertising. In this article we will tell you how to pay for VK advertising. We'll tell you what the differences are between paying for impressions and paying for conversions, and in which cases which method to choose.

Payment for advertising on VKontakte

The thing is that there is no clear answer here. Each method is appropriate in a given situation. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss further.

In addition, when setting up targeting, a recommended price is displayed in the right corner, which only confuses inexperienced advertisers. Those who indicate the recommended rate are not able to fully assess the effectiveness of advertising on VKontakte. This is due to the fact that this figure is always overestimated by 2-3 times.

In this situation, the coverage will be less, but perhaps it will be enough for you.

If your ads are moving slowly, increase your bid by 1 ruble. Increase until you get the desired result.

Also, do not forget that VKontakte groups all users according to certain criteria, one of which is solvency. And the higher you set your price, the more quality audience your ads will be shown.

From all of the above, it follows that paying for advertising on VK is not a simple matter. For getting maximum efficiency and return you need to be patient. By testing different bets, you will be able to identify the most best option for your project. Look for a middle ground between price and audience quality.

But before we start testing, let's understand what is pay-per-click (CPC) and what is pay-per-view (CPM).

Per clicks (CPC)

Cost per CLICK is payment only for VK clicks

This method involves paying for each click on an ad, regardless of how many times the ad was shown. It can be shown at least ten times, at least a thousand times, but if only one transition was made, then the money will be withdrawn only for this transition.

For example, you created an advertisement, set up targeting and indicated the price of 1 click - 10 rubles. During the campaign, the ad was shown 2,000 times. At the same time, only 20 clicks were made. Thus, your total budget was 200 rubles.

This method is good because you know exactly how much each click will cost you. This allows you to accurately predict your advertising budget. You know how much money you will need and what return you will get from it. But often this method of advertising is more costly.

  • If you have a lot of ads and simply don’t have time to constantly monitor statistics on them;
  • If you are advertising your product/service to an audience of millions. Here, even with a minimal transition cost, impressions will quickly turn off;
  • Often in highly competitive niches, paying for clicks will be more profitable than paying for conversions;
  • If you provide an advertising setting service and you and the client have a clear agreement on KPIs for the cost of a click and the number of impressions;
  • For various tests. For example, you decide to test both payment methods.

This payment method is only available for advertisements (those displayed on the left side of the site under the main menu). This function is not available for advertising posts/entries.

Per views (CPM)

COST PER MILLE - a fee is charged for viewing VK advertisements.

This method involves payment for 1000 views. It doesn’t matter how many times your ads/posts are clicked on. With proper targeting and ad creation this method It costs several times less than when paying for transitions.

For example, you set the cost for 1000 impressions - 6 rubles. If at least one person clicks during all these impressions, then the cost of the click will be 6 rubles. If two people click - 3 rubles, if 20 people click - 0.3 rubles.

20 clicks from 1000 impressions are not prohibitive numbers. This is quite possible to achieve. The main thing is to create a high-quality ad that can attract people’s attention, interest them and force them to click, and also correctly set up targeting parameters. To do this you need to know who your the target audience(target audience), what problems she has, questions, how to hook her, etc. The more precisely you customize your selection criteria, the greater the impact will be.

This method also has disadvantages. If you set up your advertising incorrectly, you could waste your money without getting a single click. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the result, unless you have been advertising for a long time and were able to find out approximate indicators through experience.

Here you need to constantly monitor statistics and disable ineffective ads. You can raise or lower your bid to increase or decrease the speed of impressions.

  • You know exactly who your target audience is and can set up high-quality targeting;
  • If the cost per click is just off the charts;
  • When necessary in short time show ads to as many people as possible;
  • If you are collecting a database for retargeting.

Unlike the previous one, this method can be used to pay for both advertisements and advertising recordings.

How to pay for advertising in VK?

In order for your ads to start working and being shown to people, you need to top up your balance in personal account. This is done as follows:

For electronic wallets:

For terminals:

Your unique advertising account ID is indicated here. You can top up your balance using payment terminals by specifying this ID. Click the “Details” button to see the payment systems through whose terminals replenishment is possible. If necessary, you can go to the website of each of the systems and clarify the location of the terminals.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about how to pay for advertising on VKontakte. Now you know the difference between pay-per-click and pay-per-impression, and in what situations which method to choose. Use the option that is most convenient for you. We hope the article was useful to you.

Pay per click or per impression.

Some work based on clicks, others on impressions, but nevertheless, this is an eternal topic of debate - what is more profitable than clicks or impressions.

I use two payment formats, and let me tell you the logic I came up with for myself:

Pay per click.

Simple and clear - put 1000 rubles, received 300 clicks. In this case, we don’t care about the number of impressions or the CTR (I have ads with an insignificant CTR, and 3k clicks for 3 rubles). Most of my ads run at a CAP of 0.02 per impression. You only pay for those people who are interested in your product.

The main problem is that it is not always possible to make a click cheap - you set 4 rubles - the ads don’t run, 5 rubles - the ads don’t run, 8 rubles - barely. And if standard methods did not help us in this case - such as making 20 different ads so that at least something would catch the user, he would click on the ad and thereby increase the rate of its impressions, then we convert the ads into payment for impressions.

When I use pay per click:

1. With a very wide audience - if I understand that my product is potentially interesting to athletes, but not to all 400 thousand people who fall under my targeting criteria. Large audience - we pay for clicks. Let only those who are interested in the product click.

2. If I am unsure of my target audience. With controversial audiences, when I don’t know in advance whether my product will be interesting to this audience and I want to check the result, I also click.

Payment for impressions.

Theoretically, it saves money if your product or service is really interesting and you know how to create “tasty ads.” Cons - you need to monitor the indicators, you can waste a LOT of money.

In this case, both who the ads are targeted to and how the ads look are important. If the ads and product are interesting to your target audience, they click on the ads, your CAP increases, and you get cheap traffic. When paying for impressions, you need to try to ensure that the CAP is higher than at least 0.03%, otherwise it turns out to be unreasonably expensive, it is advisable to have a CAP of 0.06%, then you will really save money.

When I use pay per impression:

1. When I am confident in my target audience - if I know that the target audience that I have targeted is interested in my product (the audience of competitors, similar communities, etc.) and they will definitely click.

2. When my audience is less than 30k people - well, I just made a rule for myself that if there are few people, then it is more profitable to deliver impressions than clicks.

3. When there is a lot of competition and pay-per-click ads don't work. In this case, paying for impressions will be more useful.

Again, both options need to be tested. If you have a wide audience, make 7 ads for clicks, 3 for impressions. Run it and check the result.

Are you confident in your target audience? Make 7 ads for impressions, 3 for clicks - check the results.
