Simferopol - Yalta: distance between cities, and how to get from one to another? Vorontsov Palace

Waiting for guests all year round, but the peak season is in the summer months. The peculiarity of Yalta is the absence of both an airport and a railway station nearby, so most tourists first get to Simferopol, and from there by car to Yalta. There are several ways to get to Simferopol, and it is better to purchase tickets for public transport in advance.


Simferopol Airport receives flights from major cities of the country - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Ufa and others. Transportation is carried out by Aeroflot, S7, Utair, and Ural Airlines. The earlier you purchase your ticket, the cheaper it will cost. It’s even more profitable to buy a round-trip ticket immediately. Travel time is about 3 hours.

The airport is not located in Simferopol itself, but 15 km from the city. You can get from the airport by buses and trolleybuses, or you can immediately take a bus that goes straight to Yalta. Low-budget, but the most convenient option- take a taxi at the airport. You won’t have to look for taxi drivers for long - they are waiting potential clients near the airport.


You can get to Simferopol by train. The local railway station receives trains from different cities of the country. Train schedule in summer period changes, as does the price of tickets. Once you are in the city, you can similarly take a trolleybus to Yalta or use a taxi.


Perhaps not the most comfortable, but quite popular way to get to Yalta. From Moscow, direct flights depart from several metro stations. The journey will take about 30 hours, and you can leave both at night and in the morning.

It is worth choosing an officially registered company as a carrier rather than private carriers, even if they offer lower prices.


Many tourists prefer to travel by car. This is really convenient, since you don’t have to limit yourself in luggage, plan your route yourself, taking into account traffic jams, and don’t have to adjust to the public transport schedule.

The most convenient route is the M4 highway. She's going through Krasnodar region to the Kerch Strait. Then you need to overcome the crossing, where many of the same tourists-car enthusiasts gather.

Water transport

In the warm season, from May to October, sea voyages are carried out to Yalta from Gurzuf, Alupka and Alushta.

Yalta is a resort city on the Crimean peninsula.

general information

Yalta remembers VIPs of the 19th century who came here to improve their health, as well as citizens of the communist era who received the privilege of going to Yalta to relax. Today it is a "tourist trap" with picturesque surroundings.

The city is full of tourists in the summer, but during the autumn months the weather is still warm and pleasant. For example, in October the air warms up to 20 degrees. Winters in Yalta are not cold. Sheltered in the north by mountains and warmed by the Black Sea, Yalta never gets much snow, but beware of the winds, which can be unbearably cold. You can see prices for tours to Yalta in different seasons.

The main languages ​​on the peninsula are Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar. People in Crimea are very friendly, and the crime rate in the city of over 80,000 people is quite low. Tourists are safe as long as they follow practical rules: don't flash money, avoid unlit sidewalks at night (and drunk people), and don't say yes if a stranger offers to buy you a drink.

Short video about Yalta

How to get there

By plane

Today Crimea is part of Russia, and The best way get to the peninsula by plane from Moscow, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar or other cities. You can view prices for air tickets.

Airport departure options:

By bus or trolleybus

From Simferopol Airport (the capital of the Republic of Crimea), which is located in the northern part of the city, you can take a scenic route to Yalta by trolleybus - the longest trolleybus route in the world (the trip, which can hardly be called comfortable, takes 2.5 hours, The traffic is very slow, but you can enjoy a wonderful view of the mountains). It is worth noting that some trolleybuses are quite old. However, the vehicle fleet is gradually being replaced by new, more comfortable models.

You can also use a minibus, which will take you faster, with more comfort and for a higher fee (3 euros).

By taxi

This is the fastest and most expensive way to get to Yalta (30 - 40 euros). The trip takes a little more than an hour, depending on the technical condition of the car and the driver’s skill in avoiding potholes on the road.

What to see in the area

  • Visit Balaklava (about an hour and a half from Yalta). This beautiful port city, hidden behind the Genoese towers and walls, was closed to tourists until 1996 due to the Soviet submarine base located at the foot of the cliffs. The base operated until 1991, and in 1996 the last submarine left the bay. Today this remains from the times cold war the relic serves as a museum. gained fame during the Anglo-Russian War in the 1850s, and is also famous for the charge of the light cavalry, which took place in a valley four kilometers from the city. only recently received the status of a tourist city and delights tourists with new hotels and excellent restaurants. Throughout the city, about 50 monuments praise the heroic deeds of the soldiers. These monuments are worth a visit.

  • - another place worth visiting. This vibrant city of more than half a million people is famous for its many monuments commemorating the events of World War II, when the city's defenders held off outnumbered Nazi forces. For this, the city was awarded the honorary title of Hero City of the USSR. - a haven for the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
  • - the gates of Crimea. There are practically no attractions, with the exception of the beautiful train station. Attractive shopping centers, excellent markets and numerous cafes.

Food. What to try

At the vegetable market you will find several pleasant cafes with reasonable prices. They are clean and good service compared to other cafes nearby. The cafe offers a varied menu and delicious food. The sanitary condition of Crimean institutions general nutrition not subject to criticism. Walk through the markets looking for local products, where you can buy meat and vegetables at a good price. Crimea has a lot of sweets, cakes and pastries that cost a penny but are incredibly tasty.


  • In the port, across the bridge to McDonald's, there is a small cafe, which you will get to by going up to the very top. top floor. The cafe is not very popular, but it opens up beautiful view over the city and also serves good cocktails.
  • For the best vodka, head to supermarkets outside the city center. Their prices will seem incredibly low to you.
  • Yalta and Crimea are famous for their wines. Try Crimean wine! The Crimean region is known for its unique wine, which owes its subtropical microclimate. Famous brands, like Massandra, are famous for their excellent wines that can be brought home as a gift. It is recommended to try not only red wines, similar in taste to port, less strong, with a fruity aftertaste, but also white, similar to dessert, sweet wines, as well as whiskey that is strong as a blow.
  • If you prefer beer, you will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of Russian, Polish and Ukrainian foamy drinks, tasty and cheap compared to Western prices.

Things to do

  • Be sure to visit Mount Ai-Petri, from the top of which you can see great view to Yalta, where you can reach by cable car, the longest in all of Europe.

  • Be aware that you are visiting a developing country that has recently spiraled out of control Soviet Union, so many services do not reach Western standards. But there are banks and ATMs everywhere with favorable exchange rates.
  • Explore the surroundings of Yalta: many of them have rich story. There are many interesting places, where you can reach by bus in just an hour.
  • Be prepared that during the summer months Yalta is one of the main destinations for Russian and Ukrainian tourists, so it gets crowded.
  • Be sure to visit the large markets where you can find anything you want!

Shopping and shops

  • You will find a variety of souvenirs in the stalls on the embankment, where items from Yalta and Crimea are sold: from beautiful paintings to handmade carvings.

  • It makes sense to visit the numerous clothing markets of Yalta, where you can buy high-quality clothing, fabric and shoes imported from Turkey and other countries at an attractive price.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

  • The Crimean region is famous for red onions. It is believed that onions were once sweeter, but to this day they remain a delicacy.
  • Take a stroll through the souvenir shops located on the opposite side of the embankment (on the other side of McDonald's). There you will find countless trinkets and other interesting things to remember Yalta.
  • You can buy fresh honey in Crimea in almost every store directly from the apiary. best prices throughout the summer.

How to get around the city

Yalta is located on large area(). The center and harbor are a great place to stroll, but be careful: local drivers tend not to give way to pedestrians. During the summer months, traffic in the city is heavy and there is a chance of getting stuck in traffic jams if you are traveling by vehicle. However, this method of transportation is often much faster than walking. In the evenings, locals dress up and head to the pier (a great way to spend an evening) or while away the time enjoying a drink in one of the many cafes. The promenade is over a mile long, from McDonald's on the east end to the Oreanda Hotel on the west. After walking along it, you will find a place on the beach, which can be rocky.


Most people travel by cheap minibuses. On some buses you have to pay when you get on, on others you have to pay when you get off the bus, which can sometimes be confusing. You will find a taxi anywhere in the city. Also, some motorists are engaged in private transportation. If the fare is high, walk further, there will definitely be someone with whom you can negotiate.


To visit the best beaches or the Swallow's Nest (the famous "folly" on the rock that now houses an Italian restaurant), you can take the ferry. In summer, luxury cruise ships call at Yalta while sailing the Black Sea, which is in a great way travel.

Note: Unless you're from Istanbul or a similar city with extremely narrow, unmarked, one-way streets and steep inclines, don't drive in Yalta. Google and Apple maps are not suitable for this city and should not be relied upon outside of highways and main roads.

Yalta is, without a doubt, the most popular and beloved resort. Millions of Russians dream of relaxing in this beautiful sunny city on the seashore. Every season, thousands of people strive to get there, wanting to enjoy all the delights of the southern sea city. But how to get to Yalta from Moscow, because there are no planes, no trains, and it is quite problematic to get from Moscow by car?

From Moscow to Yalta by plane

Nevertheless, you can fly here by plane, by train and by car. We will try to tell you how to do this. So, how to get from Moscow to Yalta by plane? Having become part of our country, Crimea faced big problem- transport links with Russia. The fact is that the route across the mainland through Ukraine is impossible due to recent events. The Kerch ferry crossing remains, which causes a lot of trouble for vacationers, so many prefer air travel.

Moscow is located 1.5 thousand kilometers from Yalta, the route with transfers suits not many people, so the plane is the most convenient form of transport. There are three airports on the peninsula: in and Sevastopol. The majority of passenger traffic to Crimea is handled by the Peninsula. It has a well-developed road junction; from the capital of the autonomous republic you can easily get to every district of Crimea.

How to get to Yalta from Moscow? First, you need to get a plane ticket. It is advisable to do this in advance, because it will be difficult to buy it at the height of the season. Planes fly to Simferopol daily, and flights are operated by various airlines. If you worry in advance, round-trip tickets will cost around 8.5 thousand rubles. Flight duration is 2.5-3 hours.

How to get from the airport to Yalta by taxi?

Having arrived at Simferopol airport, a person is faced with the question: “What is the best way to get to Yalta?” We arrived from Moscow without any problems, what should we do next? The distance from Simferopol to Yalta is 50 kilometers. You can use a taxi. The cost of this method can reach up to 6,000 rubles.

If you come with a group, then the price of a comfortable move will not be burdensome for you, and if you bargain, you can get there cheaper. In the airport building there is where you can order a taxi of any class. You can use the Internet, for example the Yandex.Taxi program. The service will cost several times less. The fee for 1 km is approximately 30 rubles.

Trolleybus to Yalta

There are two more ways: the famous trolleybus and a comfortable bus. This, of course, will take more time on the road, but you will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful scenery outside the window. There is a trolleybus stop not far from the airport. You need No. 55, it goes to Yalta. They leave her every hour. Travel time is 2-2.5 hours. This is, of course, tedious, but very cheap. Only 90 rubles. You can also get to the railway station, from where trolleybuses also go to Yalta. The frequency of movement is 15 minutes. You can get to the railway station by trolleybus No. 9, bus or minibus No. 115 and 98.

It's faster by bus

Next to the railway station there is the Kurortnaya bus station, from which buses run to Yalta. Sending - every 10-15 minutes. You can get to Yalta a whole hour faster using them.

In Simferopol there is no such problem as getting to Yalta. From Moscow and other Russian cities, the most important thing is to get to Simferopol. Here the entire infrastructure works for vacationers. There are no problems with vehicles on the peninsula, so don’t be afraid.


The most popular, accessible, convenient and economical is the railway. There is no one in Yalta, but we can come to the Simferopol station, and from there, as we now know, getting to Yalta is not at all difficult. Since a certain time, the question has been: “How to get from Moscow to Yalta by train?” - interests many.

The route will be as follows: from Moscow you go by train to then by ferry to Kerch, from there by train to Simferopol. A little troublesome. But for now this is the only way to get to Crimea by rail. In 2018, with the opening of the bridge that will connect the Kerch and Taman peninsulas, this route will be non-stop, but today it is the only railway route. On the railway, you take a Moscow-Simferopol ticket - this is a single ticket, this includes the cost of services railway and sea ferry.

There is another option on how to get to Yalta from Moscow. By rail you get to Krasnodar, Krymsk, and from there by regular bus to any region of Crimea. Here you can also use a single ticket, which includes road, rail and sea transport.

To Yalta in your own car

You can get from Moscow to Yalta by car, but when setting out this way, you need to be prepared for hours of traffic jams at the ferry crossing. Although the authorities are trying to resolve this issue, due to the huge flow of vacationers, it is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate it completely.

You need to leave Moscow along the M-4 highway in the direction of Rostov-on-Don. Further to the village "Kushchevskaya", from where your path will go to the port of Kavkaz. Here it will take you to the city of Kerch, from there to Simferopol and further to Yalta. The path is not short and difficult, but for lovers of road travel it will not be a big hassle. This way to get to Crimea is the most expensive.

If you cannot live without a car, then you can fly or take a train to Simferopol and rent a car, which will allow you to travel around the peninsula on your own.

From Moscow to Yalta by bus

You can travel from Moscow to Yalta on a modern bus departing from the bus station. Flights on even days depart at night, and on odd days - in the morning. Besides, in summer time Additional flights are being organized. The cost of such a trip is 2600 rubles. During peak holiday season, fares may be higher.

Of course, we are not talking about those who drive their own car - here, in addition to Google Map or a regular paper map, you will probably only need to be attentive and observant on the road. But those who get here by other means of transport have to think in advance about how to get to their destination. There are several options for getting to Yalta from Simferopol - let's look at each of them.

Crimea is often criticized for the fact that there is no service, the roads are bad, people are rude on every corner, and so on. But all this can be avoided if you use the services of taxi drivers who keep up with the times and, instead of catching onlookers on the platform or the first line of the airport, use force online services. These guys greet you personally upon arrival, help with loading your luggage and take you to your destination. No overpayments, deception, unexpected scenarios, and so on. As they say, any comfort is worth your money, especially the biggest money by Russian standards.

How to get there by public transport

Private minibuses

  • Price: ~600 rubles

Private travelers in minibuses are another feature of the resort region. You will be taken directly from the airport to Yalta, however, it will not be that cheap - 8.15 euros. True, minibuses depart when they are full; the parking lot where they can be found is located immediately behind the public transport stop. There are similar minibuses at the bus station.

Trolleybus Simferopol - Yalta

  • Price: 98 rubles/person

This is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly clean look transport. Riding on it is exciting and interesting, especially if you happen to have a new trolleybus (of course, they are still rare on the roads of the peninsula) - with a TV, air conditioning, and large viewing windows. True, it will take longer to get there than anything else - the journey will take 2.5-3 hours. The trolleybus runs both from the airport (which is very convenient if you arrive by plane) and from the railway station - routes No. 55 and 52. You can leave for Yalta from 4.35 in the morning until the evening - the last flight is at 20.50. The trolleybus runs every half hour in the summer, less often during the non-resort season. The cost of a ticket to Yalta is 98 rubles/person. Tickets are sold with seat indication.

If you don’t want to wait, you can get from the airport to the city, to the railway station (the stop is nearby): by trolleybus (No. 8/9), as well as by minibus (No. 98, 115), it takes about 15 minutes .

By the way, the trolleybus is the only official transport that can be used to travel to Yalta from the capital’s airport; the rest go from the railway and bus stations.

On this site, by marking the starting and ending points, and selecting the type of transport “any”, as well as the date you are interested in, you will find the schedule and travel time. It will also be useful to visit the address of the tram and trolleybus website for detailed information.


We must not forget about this long-familiar and familiar transport - the bus. Buses run from the Kurortnaya bus station (directly at the train station) and from the Central bus station (upper platform). Flights are offered directly from Simferopol-Yalta, there are also passing ones - from many cities of Crimea (Dzhankoy, Bakhchisarai, Evpatoria, Krasnoperekopsk, etc.), as well as several from Lugansk, Donetsk, Odessa, Krivoy Rog, Tuapse, Chisinau, Novorossiysk (they operate usually on certain days).

Travel time is on average 2 hours, fare is 1.8 euros. On the official website of the bus station, where the bus schedule from the central bus station and the Kurortnaya bus station (near the railway station) can be found useful information before the trip.

Minibus taxi

A fairly convenient form of transport - the trip takes on average 1.5 hours, and it will cost you less than 2 euros. The only upsetting thing is that you can only get to Yalta from the railway station - there are no minibuses from the airport to the resort. However, if the alternative is private minibuses.

The first option is train

There is no train station in Yalta, so unfortunately it is impossible to get directly to this city by train. However, a popular option for traveling to Yalta using this type of transport is the Moscow - Simferopol train, and from there to the city you need.

Upon arrival, you can get to Yalta by taxi or public transport (minibus or trolleybus). The trolleybus stop is located right next to the railway station; trolleybuses run regularly every 15-20 minutes. The journey by this type of transport will take you almost 2 hours. Traveling by minibus is twice as expensive, but the travel time is almost half as long.

Train schedule in the direction Moscow - Simferopol

One high-speed train 062Ч - Simferopol runs from the capital of Russia from the Kazan station to Simferopol. The frequency of flights is daily, travel time is 1 day 18 hours. This route includes a ferry crossing (port Kavkaz -).

Ticket prices

The price of the travel document depends on the train category and the seats you want to choose. The cost of a reserved seat starts from 5,350 rubles, a coupe - 7,800 rubles. This price also includes the ferry crossing. Therefore, it is very important to buy a combination ticket together with a ferry voucher.

Where to buy tickets

Train tickets for this route can be purchased either at the Kazansky railway station ticket office or on the official website of Russian Railways -

The second option is an airplane

An airplane is the fastest and comfortable looking transport that can easily get to the desired city.

Due to the location of Yalta in a place where there is no airport, Simferopol will become an intermediate point on the journey to Yalta from the capital of Russia. It is very easy to get to Yalta from Simferopol - there are frequent buses and even a unique trolleybus that connects these two large cities.

Flight schedule Moscow - Simferopol

This direction is served by several airline companies - Aeroflot, VIM-Avia, Ural Airlines, Orenburg Airlines, Transaero, Red Wings. Planes in the direction of Simferopol depart from the following airports in the capital of the Russian Federation: Vnukovo (VKO), Sheremetyevo (SVO), Domodedovo (DME). There is only one airport in Simferopol that accepts planes - (SIP).
Air flights on this route depart daily, from morning to evening.

Ticket prices

The cost of travel documents for this type of transport directly depends on the date of purchase or booking. The most expensive tickets are during the popular summer period, when thousands of tourists travel to Crimea for a seaside holiday. This period is considered to be the entire summer - June, July and August. One-way tickets can cost from 10,400 Russian rubles. When the season comes, the price drops accordingly. The low season is February, March and November, then the average cost of travel documents reaches 7,400 rubles. I recommend buying tickets in both directions at once, it turns out cheaper.

Where to buy tickets

You can buy a plane ticket to Moscow at the ticket office of any of the capital's airports.

Third option - bus

One of the options for getting from the capital of Russia to the picturesque city is by bus.

Traveling along this route using this type of transport includes a ferry crossing (port Kavkaz -). So be prepared for such a journey. The travel time takes 30 hours; comfortable buses with soft, large seats with adjustable seat belts and width, a dry closet, a flight attendant, and multimedia operate along the route.

Bus schedule in the direction Moscow - Yalta

Direct flights depart from Moscow to Yalta. In particular, night flights operate on even days, and morning flights on odd days. On special days there are also additional buses, this is usually observed in summer season when there is demand for transportation.

Ticket prices

The ticket price for this route starts from 2,600 rubles. Everything also depends on demand and the season; in the summer there is an increase in prices.

Where to buy tickets

Detailed information regarding free seats and the cost of tickets will be told to you at the ticket office of Kursky or Shchelkovsky stations. You can also purchase travel documents here.

The fourth option is a car

You can quickly and conveniently get to Yalta from Moscow by your own car. The most acceptable road route runs only through the territory of Russia and includes a ferry crossing across the Kerch Strait (from the port of Kavkaz to).

The road starts along the M4 Don highway, until Rostov-on-Don it remains a motorway. There are toll sections here.

Further, the road runs towards the port of Kavkaz, which begins behind the village of Kushchevskaya. The ferry crossing lasts just over half an hour, which will pass quite unnoticed.
Then you can drive along the road, which is very difficult for beginners: a mountain serpentine with sharp changes in elevation, narrow and unlit. If you don't like to take risks, then it's better to go through.
There are signs everywhere, this is very convenient if this is your first time in Crimea.
There are many gas stations in this area, and there are also places to relax - cafes, restaurants and hotels.
