Seminar "dynamic sand therapy" in Tomsk

With immeasurable Love I greet everyone!

Today, the topic of Pranoedia from the privilege of individual yogis in caves becomes an everyday reality for many and in 50-200 years - for everyone.

The nutrition paradigm on Earth is actively changing. “Habitual nutrition will die out along with the people who consume it,” says Kryon.

This is my third year at Prana. I switched from regular nutrition straight to liquids: ideal water, diluted fresh juice. And now I am on full Prana and water. When visiting, for social reasons, I sometimes drink tea. I have no inhibitions or aversions to physical food. On the contrary, I can happily cook food for my family or guests. I'm just always full. I am nourished by the energy of Prana. I transitioned quickly without complications or difficulties - comfortably. According to my method, in two weeks.

For me key point In Pranic life there was a meeting with Jasmukhin - the most popular Pranoeater in the world.

Pranoedia is in no way a courageous refusal of something and not hunger. This is an absolutely complete alternative nutrition with complete preservation of all functions and systems of the body. It’s just that the organs restore their original appearance from a stretched-painful state. And who said that our organs: brain, eyes, bones, stomach, intestines do not transmute over time?! It has always been this way. Pranoedia - nutrition from other sources, and not indirectly through solid food.

You can switch back to your regular diet at any time. This, in my opinion, is also wonderful: the method has been mastered and you can use it at any time. It's like riding a bicycle - the main thing is to learn. And then I want to ride a bike, I want to walk. Although, of course, Pranic life is not just cycling. It's more than a rocket ride. A person, imagine(!) becomes free from the fear of dying of hunger.

Usually people ask me how am I, absolutely adequate, socially adapted, modern man, having a bohemian profession, a businesswoman, and suddenly - this! Lightning didn't strike me clinical death and there were no fatal diseases either. Deep call of the Soul.

I have been going towards this, as it turned out, without realizing it, for more than 20 years. And all the experience that I acquired during this time allowed me to switch to Prana quickly, joyfully, observing the laws of physiology, without complications and pain, correctly, competently.

I communicated with Academicians, studied scientific literature on the Golden Section, fractal geometry, quantum physics, biophysics, metaphysics, channelings from Archangels, Entities Higher Dimensions and much, much more. She visited many esoteric schools and courses, received all kinds of Initiations. Daily walks of 5 - 50 km on the Divine codes of nature - this is where True Knowledge from the Creator began to come to me.

I understood all the complex knowledge I learned simply at the level of one atom and 6th grade physics. With God everything is simple. I understood exactly how Prana nourishes us and how our body is built, as if from nothing. This absolutely strengthened my Faith.

They started asking me about the New Nutrition, asking me to talk about it in groups. And I realized that it is somehow not divine to know and remain silent in these difficult times for the Earth. Talking about Pranic life means increasing Love and Light on our Planet many times over. The greatest hunger is True Love. Although everyone talks about Love. So people rush through life, playing catch-up with Love, replacing this hunger with anything, including food.

By breathing with Love, we gain the skill of getting into those fields where Prana freely nourishes us and anchoring there forever.

We feel the rhythm of Love within ourselves. This is how our Highest Divine essence vibrates. It becomes possible to see the Divine essence in any other person and communicate with it. Therefore, the energies of conflict and chaos leave life. You live in complete harmony and clarity. One Pranoeater balances 70 million people with his vibrations, simply by being present on Earth.

What a blessing it is to breathe like that! Even bunnies in the forest, jumping out onto the path, do not run away in fear, but begin to examine you. Birds sit on your hands and do not fly away. The heart sings with Joy. You think: “Well, why was I previously pounding through life in unknown energies?!” Do you believe in such moments that after the Great Transition of 2012, as the song says,
“Love will have power on Earth and no one will be able to cope with it”!

Pranoeater Galina El Sharaz, part 1

Pranoeater Galina El Sharaz, part 2

Pranoeater Galina El Sharaz, part 3

Pranoeater Galina El Sharaz, part 4


The first training module for sand therapy “Specialist” - 12 lessons.

  1. Secrets of the sand field: composition, field meanings, landscape. Rhythms manifested on a sand field.
  2. The golden ratio is a projection of a person, his natural calculated formula. Sand field color scheme.
  3. A figurine placed on a sand field is the key to the client’s soul.
  4. In gestures while building a composition, a person shows his problems. Psychology of gesture.
  5. Theory of the human psyche. The essence of a person manifests itself on a sand field.
  6. The magical world of sand. The subconscious mind obeys you in everything.
  7. Water spaces and their filling. The sea is love. And everything that belongs to water is love. Diagnostics. Correction.
  8. Archetypes manifested on a sand field. Archetypal figures are ancient energy woven through generations.
  9. Figures buried in the sand are either a buried problem or a hidden, inaccessible resource. What happens if you excavate and get a hidden figurine.
  10. Deadlock situations in field space. A cornered problem or resource. Diagonals.
  11. Balance in a sand field. Is stability potential? That is driving force human development.
  12. Transformation of the field - restructuring of the subconscious.

The second training module for sand therapy "Professional" - 12 lessons.

  1. "Museum of Experiences" based on materials from Natalia Sakovich.
  2. Battle. What unconscious battles and wars take place within us.
  3. Arrangements "Orders of love".
  4. Arrangements "Orders of help".
  5. Family. Why don't we understand each other?
  6. Relationship. I do not like them. They don't like me. Working in parallel sandboxes - based on materials from Evgenia Mishchenko
  7. Black box. A look into the dark unconscious
  8. Black box. A resource that is hidden in the darkness.
  9. Black box and metaphorical cards.
  10. Games for teams, families, groups.
  11. Ecumenical matrix cross, line of beauty
  12. Success Matrix.

The third training module of sand therapy based on materials from the Tomsk seminar (25 lessons)

  1. Meeting the seminar participants. The purpose of training.
  2. Dimensions of the sand field.
  3. Working with the request "Fear of delegation in your business (private children's center)."
  4. What sectors is the sand field divided into?
  5. Working with the request “I want to live.”
  6. Working with the request “I want peace of mind” - working with subpersonalities.
  7. Symbolism of the figures.
  8. Exercise "House" - two options.
  9. Gesture theory.
  10. Working with the query “About men”.
  11. Landscape construction.
  12. Composition of space.
  13. Practice of the collective game "Holiday"
  14. Exercise "Cross" - 3 practical works.
  15. Figures buried in sand - 2 practical works.
  16. Features of working with children.
  17. Working in a black box and with metaphorical cards. Request “I want to know my place in this world.”
  18. Working in a black box. Query "Fear of men."
  19. Working in a black box. Request "I live yesterday and then. I want today."
  20. Algorithm for working with a black box.
  21. Working in a black box and with metaphorical cards. Query "Self-doubt".
  22. Success Matrix. The ideal matrix. Spiral from the matrix. Collective construction of the matrix. Living Matrix.
  23. Group supervision of a sand therapist - job No. 1.
  24. Group supervision of a sand therapist - job No. 2.
  25. Feedback from seminar participants.

Fourth module sand therapy "Sand therapist's workshop - part 1" (10 sessions).

  1. Session No. 1. The man’s request “More money.”
  2. Session No. 2. Client’s request “I want to open my resource.”
  3. Session No. 3. Client’s request “I want a relationship, children.”
  4. Session No. 4. Client’s request “I want self-realization.”
  5. Session No. 5. Client’s request “I want inner harmony.”
  6. Session No. 6. A man’s work with fears, panic attacks, and uncertainty in a black box.
  7. Session No. 7. Client’s request “I want to learn to trust my internal resources.”
  8. Session No. 8. Client’s request “I want more pleasure, relaxation, joy from life. Decide on a man.”
  9. Session No. 9. Request from the mother of a 4-year-old son “I want my child to be independent, and not attached to me.”
  10. Session No. 10. The client’s request “I want it to be easy and good for me” and the “Cross” exercise.

Fifth module of sand therapy "Workshop of sand therapist - part 2" (10 sessions).

  1. Session No. 11. Client’s request “I want to show my emotions.”
  2. Session No. 12. Working in a black box. Request from the mother of an 8-year-old boy: “The child is afraid of the dark, being left alone without his mother.”
  3. Session No. 13. Working in the black and blue boxes. Client request “I don’t feel needed”
  4. Session No. 14. Diagnosis of mother and 5-year-old daughter.
  5. Session No. 15. Request from the mother of an 8-year-old boy: “Child’s closed nature.”
  6. Session No. 16. Client’s request “How to find the main thing that will give, and not take away, resources”?
  7. Session No. 17. Client’s request “I’m sitting on two chairs. I want to understand where to stay.”
  8. Session No. 18. Request from the mother of a 4-year-old son “I want dad to play more with the child.”
  9. Session No. 19. Request from a mother of a 5-year-old son: “The child is sick all the time.”
  10. Session No. 20. Work in black and blue boxes, with metaphorical cards. Client's request: “Fear that I will suppress my successful man and he will become unsuccessful.”

“Page of life. Life Without Limits. Online diary real life. 05/17/2016 Light, peace and warmth! Good luck to you! My friends!
Give life the green light! In honor of Galina El-Sharas's birthday on May 16, 2016!"

“How to always be in a state of Inspiration
or how to catch cool ideas from Space"

We attract into our field
We are health and love!
We also sometimes dream
About the peace of ages!

True, it's not available
In our business world!
But it's quite reasonable
Get creative with it!

What will allow us to open up,
And find freedom!
Enjoy the cleanliness!
And achieve harmony!

I wish you happiness and prosperity
I wish you all! Friends!
And enjoy the wealth!
Light, peace and warmth!!!

Optimism, positivism, courage and confidence
In your own strengths is a plus, and also trust
To life, people and fate, what sometimes happens, where!
You have to make your choice! Before yourself and before fate.

Why did you so sincerely draw me into your networks?
Stupid running around, your life! And understand,
You are the routine of existence!.. You are your mastery
Not developed yet! Let's get creative!

Just be kind and don't be lazy! Give life the green light!
And you will receive in return everything you deserve! Yes!
You are a wizard! And when will you take me as a friend?
Everything that excites you so much! Yes! A bird of happiness sometimes!

And you will go through life! And you will make friends!
Why so sincere at times! Just open your soul
They are for sincere conversations! And you will send your greetings!
To everyone who values ​​a friend! And that's why it beckons

Bright distances are deep, Friendship is always important
When communicating with each other! And sometimes we go in circles
Live your valiant life! Just be wiser:
Don’t be angry with those who are not capable of love in life,

Wisdom of life... And be ready to communicate with anyone!
Don't be angry with people! After all, not everyone is always ready
Be open! By chance, you might break something
Their peace! A different soul! You won't understand right away

Who it! Or maybe into battle! You will go to your dreams,
What sometimes leads you to such joyful efforts:
Always be like a guard! Be on guard of your laziness,
And sometimes let her hang up! Bring your patience with you

And dive into the abyss of water! You will know the depth of souls
Those who are nearby on the way! They will want to congratulate you
And encourage you along the way! Your life and sometimes!
Everything is called just a game! Our friendship! And forever

A person will be happy only in “community”! Yes!
Sincerely! That's it friends! We, having, do not keep
Sometimes we have true friendship, and then we regret it... so!
Only this is all a trifle! We will be with you now

Very friendly, sometimes! And let's go through life... Here!
What a mighty ship! Through the depths of existence
Let's be together, and lovingly, let's thank life
And love, dream, create!!! Forever!!!

Afterword... And this, believe me, is much more important than “successful circumstances.”

And here is what Galina El Sharas says about herself:

"With immeasurable Love, I greet everyone!

Today, the topic of Pranoedia from the privilege of individual yogis in caves becomes an everyday reality for many and in 50-200 years - for everyone.

The nutrition paradigm on Earth is actively changing. “Habitual nutrition will die out along with the people who consume it,” says Kryon.

This is my third year at Pran. I switched from regular nutrition straight to liquids: ideal water, diluted fresh juice. And now I am on full Prana and water. When visiting, for social reasons, I sometimes drink tea. I have no inhibitions or aversions to physical food. On the contrary, I can happily cook food for my family or guests. I'm just always full. I am nourished by the energy of Prana. I transitioned quickly without complications or difficulties - comfortably. According to my method, in two weeks.

For me, the key moment in Pranic life was the meeting with Jasmuheen, the most popular Pranoeater in the world.

Galina El Sharas knows Jasmukhin.

Pranoedia is in no way a courageous refusal of something, nor is it hunger. This is an absolutely complete alternative nutrition with complete preservation of all functions and systems of the body. It’s just that the organs restore their original appearance from a stretched-painful state. And who said that our organs: brain, eyes, bones, stomach, intestines do not transmute over time?! It has always been this way. Pranoedia - nutrition from other sources, and not indirectly through solid food.

You can switch back to your regular diet at any time. This, in my opinion, is also wonderful: the method has been mastered and you can use it at any time. It's like riding a bicycle - the main thing is to learn. And then I want to ride a bike, I want to walk. Although, of course, Pranic life is not just cycling. It's more than a rocket ride. A person, imagine(!) becomes free from the fear of dying of hunger.

Usually they ask me how it is that I am an absolutely adequate, socially adapted, modern person, having a bohemian profession, a businesswoman, and suddenly - this! I was not struck by lightning, there was no clinical death or fatal illnesses. Deep call of the Soul.

I have been going towards this, as it turned out, without realizing it, for more than 20 years. And all the experience that I acquired during this time allowed me to switch to Prana quickly, joyfully, observing the laws of physiology, without complications and pain, correctly, competently.

I communicated with Academicians, studied scientific literature on the Golden Section, fractal geometry, quantum physics, biophysics, metaphysics, channelings from the Archangels, Entities of Higher Dimensions and much, much more. She visited many esoteric schools and courses, received all kinds of Initiations. Daily walks of 5 - 50 km on the Divine codes of nature - this is where True Knowledge from the Creator began to come to me.

I understood all the complex knowledge I learned simply at the level of one atom and 6th grade physics. With God everything is simple. I understood exactly how Prana nourishes us and how our body is built, as if from nothing. This absolutely strengthened my Faith.

They started asking me about the New Nutrition, asking me to talk about it in groups. And I realized that it is somehow not divine to know and remain silent in these difficult times for the Earth. Talking about Pranic life means multiplying Love and Light on our Planet. The greatest hunger is True Love. Although everyone talks about Love. So people rush through life, playing catch-up with Love, replacing this hunger with anything, including food.

By breathing with Love, we gain the skill of getting into those fields where Prana freely nourishes us and anchoring there forever.

We feel the rhythm of Love within ourselves. This is how our Highest Divine essence vibrates. It becomes possible to see the Divine essence in any other person and communicate with it. Therefore, the energies of conflict and chaos leave life. You live in complete harmony and clarity. One Pranoeater balances 70 million people with his vibrations, simply by being present on Earth.

What a blessing it is to breathe like that! Even bunnies in the forest, jumping out onto the path, do not run away in fear, but begin to examine you. Birds sit on your hands and do not fly away. The heart sings with Joy. You think: “Well, why was I previously pounding through life in unknown energies?!” Do you believe in such moments that after the Great Transition of 2012, as the song says,
“Love will have power on Earth and no one will be able to cope with it!”


Thought is material, and the cosmos responds to thoughts, feelings and desires. And unhealthy people will appear in order to be healed later. I felt that something was wrong here. I didn't need such a provocation. As a result of reflection, I realized that I wanted something completely different. People are born whole, ready to enjoy life, to show active feelings, thoughts and actions.

Having gone through the path of communication with parents and teachers modern school, where they are literally chained, nailed to a desk, to traditions, to the family hierarchy, children, becoming adults, lose the strength and wisdom originally given to them. Or rather, they don’t lose it: it is covered by the system of relationships accepted in society and family. The task of an adult is to find himself.

It's good if he didn't lose himself. Parents who managed to preserve both their integrity and the integrity of their child deserve highest award. The task of a psychologist is to remove the ceilings and free a person’s mental strength. Having no experience of communicating with the subconscious.

a person does not know where the barrier stands between him and his aspirations, what hinders his path, what stone lies on his soul, what needs to be removed in order to make the path of development free. Modern techniques are aimed specifically at helping a person learn how his subconscious is formed, what kind of relationship he has with his consciousness. At this stage I created the “School practical psychology", where I introduce people to NLP practices and sand therapy. These practices allow you to look into the depths of the mind, and deeper into feelings, and deeper into premonitions, and further into the subconscious, and further, as far as a person is ready to dive.
