Herring in vinegar. Appetizer of herring with onions. Marinade with onions for herring. Step by step recipe

The classic recipe for delicious herring with onions and vinegar at home is perfect for a holiday dinner or an everyday snack. How easy it is to prepare this wonderful herring with onions and vinegar, even a novice housewife will find it easy to cope with this task.

Cooking time – 10 minutes.

Ingredient preparation time: 20 minutes.

After cooking you will receive 8 servings of 100 g each.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Onions – 200 grams.
  • Potatoes – 500 grams.
  • Herring – 400 grams.
  • Dill - one bunch.
  • Vegetable oil – 30 milliliters.
  • Salt – ½ tablespoon.


  • Vinegar (70%) – 1 teaspoon.
  • Boiled water – 100 milliliters.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt – ½ teaspoon.


  1. We take four onions, peel them, and rinse them under running cold water. Using a sharp knife, cut into thin rings, see the step-by-step photo.

  2. First of all, marinate the onions in water acidified with vinegar. So, take a deep plate, pour half a glass of boiling water into it, add one teaspoon of 70% vinegar, add salt, sugar, and mix the contents thoroughly.

    Then add the prepared vegetable to this marinade. Marinate for twenty minutes.

  3. We wash the potatoes, fill them with water, add salt with ½ tablespoon and let them cook in their skins for 15–20 minutes (cooking time depends on the size and type of vegetable). After the above time has passed, pierce it with a fork and look at readiness.

    After the potatoes are cooked, drain the liquid, then put in a cold place to cool. Cut the boiled potatoes into medium rings, see the photo.

  4. We quickly cut whole salted herring into fillets. First we cut off the head, then the fins, cut the belly, take out the inside and wipe it with a paper towel. Cut the fish into two halves along the spinal bones. We take out the remains of small bones and remove the film.

  5. Cut the chopped lightly salted herring into thin pieces.

  6. We wash one bunch of fresh dill, then finely chop it.

    After the onions have been pickled, completely drain the spicy water, pour in 10 milliliters of vegetable oil, sprinkle with dill and stir.

  7. We take a flat, elegant dish, put potatoes around the edges, herring, and tender pickled onions in the center and sprinkle with the remaining oil. The home-style snack is ready, now we serve it to our household.

Agree that in our country everyone loves herring, everywhere and in any form - spicy or lightly salted. But even in the way of serving herring, there is a certain classic - supplement it with vinegar marinade and onion rings. Despite the abundance of all kinds of recipes for salads, rolls and appetizers with herring, only the combination of this fish with onions and vinegar is considered ideal.
Pickled herring with onions and vinegar has completely different taste qualities, excess salt will be smoothed out, and the fish itself will acquire a new spicy aftertaste. This herring is stored longer and the bones become completely soft due to the marinade in it.

Taste Info From fish and seafood


  • salted herring – 1-2 pcs.;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • acetic acid 70%

How to cook pickled herring at home with vinegar and onions

Where to start cutting herring?

Of course, first remove the head, tail and guts.

Next, cut off all the fins.

Now remove the thin skin from the fish carcass. It will be most convenient to pick it up in the area of ​​the dorsal fin and, carefully pulling, remove it completely.

The next step is to get rid of the bones. First, remove the ridge; to do this, simply separate the side parts of the fish from it one by one.

If the rib bones are not removed along with the spine, pull them out by hand; they come off easily. Small bones in the dorsal part are difficult to remove, but this is not necessary, since the marinade will dissolve them and make them invisible.
The result was a herring fillet.

Cut it into small pieces and place in a bowl or container, where the fish will be marinated in the future.

Cut the onion into half rings or rings, as you like, and place on top of the fish.

Pour water over the herring and onion until they are completely covered. First add vinegar essence to the water. The concentration is approximately this: 1 tbsp. spoon per 200 ml of water, however, it is not necessary to carefully measure, just taste the marinade - it should be well acidified.

Now put the fish in the refrigerator, and after 6-8 hours the marinated herring at home will be ready to eat.
Now you know how to marinate herring with vinegar and onions, all that remains is to serve it beautifully to the table. It goes best with potatoes in any form (boiled, fried, baked), and herring can also be served with okroshka for lunch on a hot summer afternoon.
If you like more spices, add peppercorns, cloves, and bay leaves to your taste when marinating.

One of the traditional and most popular snacks is rightfully considered herring with onions, cooked in a fragrant marinade with vinegar and all kinds of spices.

Moderately salted and pickled herring will be an excellent addition for both a family dinner and a festive feast.

Herring is the basis of the appetizer; the taste of the entire dish depends on its choice. Experienced housewives advise:

  • Buy fish of oceanic varieties (Atlantic, Pacific, Far Eastern) - in its nutritional and beneficial properties it is superior to marine herring.
  • When choosing, give preference to whole (not headless) herring.
  • Pay attention to the appearance: the surface should be shiny and moist, without cloudy mucus. Yellow and rusty spots indicate oxidation of fish oil. You should refuse to buy such fish. The herring's eyes should not be sunken or cloudy.
  • When pressing with your finger on the carcass, there should be no “pit” left - the elastic consistency of the meat indicates the freshness of the herring;
  • Paying attention to the smell is one of the most important signs of stale goods.

It is equally important to properly cut the herring:

  • Place the fish on a cutting board.
  • Cut off the head and, inserting the knife into the abdomen, cut it to the tail.
  • Carefully remove the insides so as not to damage the gallbladder.

Important! When gutting, be sure to remove the black film, which gives the herring a bitter taste.

  • Cut off all fins. Using a sharp knife, make a deep cut along the back of the carcass and remove the ridge, cutting it off from the tail.

Note! Before cutting, you can hit the herring on the table several times on each side, after wrapping it in cling film. Then unfold the carcass like a book, pressing with your hand along the entire ridge. After this “procedure” the bones will easily separate from the pulp.

  • Remove ribs and large bones.
  • Carefully remove the skin, pulling it like a stocking towards the tail.
  • Finally, the fillet is cut into pieces of the required size.

Helpful information! If you wrap the cutting board in cling film before starting work, it will remain clean, without the characteristic smell of herring.

How to pickle herring correctly

  1. Depending on the recipe, the herring can be pickled whole or cut into pieces.
  2. Both white and red onions are used. Sometimes finely chopped carrots are added to it.
  3. Spices and spices must be added to the marinade, which will give the appetizer a special aroma and taste.
  4. You should adhere to the strength of the vinegar solution and cooking time indicated in the recipe.

Important! For the marinade, you should use table vinegar, not! In some recipes it is allowed to use grape and.

The best recipes for herring with onions and vinegar

There are a great many options for preparing herring. Some of them have already become classics, others are only winning the hearts of gourmets, but have already entered the “best” category.

Classic incomparable recipe

Herring with onions marinated in vinegar and oil is one of the most favorite recipes. Its popularity is due to its ease of preparation and unparalleled taste.

The fish is cut, bones are removed, and placed in a deep bowl. The onion is cut into half rings (for 1 herring carcass you will need 1-2 medium onions) and placed on top of the fish.

For the marinade, use 9% vinegar, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, which is poured over the herring so that it covers all the ingredients.

For flavor, you can add 1-2 bay leaves and a few black peppercorns to the marinade.

After 6-8 hours, the fish is removed from the vinegar solution and served.

Additional Information! In order for the herring to be tender, before placing it in the marinade, the fish is soaked in milk for 40-50 minutes.

Herring appetizer recipe for the holiday table “Instant”

Unexpected guests or unplanned friendly gatherings... Sometimes you need a recipe for a delicious snack that can be prepared as quickly as possible.

Preparing this dish will not take much time. The herring is filleted, cut into small pieces and placed on a plate. For the marinade, mix 4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and 2 tsp. , add spices to taste (ground black pepper, coriander, etc.). The dish is decorated with onion rings, poured with marinade and allowed to stand for 20-30 minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

Herring fillets are divided into two parts in the form of long strips.

For the filling, chop gherkins, sweet peppers and onions.

And finally, they begin to form the rolls. To do this, herring strips are laid out on a board and smeared with mustard. Place the filling on top, carefully roll it up and secure with a wooden skewer.

The resulting rolls are placed in a glass container, poured with cooled marinade, and put in the refrigerator for 1-3 days.

The finished rollomps are placed on a plate and decorated with green onion feathers and lemon slices.

Recipe with a twist

A snack for spicy lovers.

In order to prepare a marinade for spicy herring, you need to take 1 glass of water, add a little 9% table vinegar to it (here you can focus on your taste - some people like more seasoning, others less). When the water boils, add hot pepper, 15-20 g of mustard seeds, herbs (depending on preference), several peas of allspice and 80-100 g of sugar.

Stirring constantly, simmer the mixture over low heat for several minutes.

While the marinade cools, cut the fish and chop the onion. Then all the ingredients are mixed and placed in a cool place for 10-12 hours.

Before serving, drain the marinade. If desired, the herring can be poured with vegetable oil and sprinkled with fresh green onions.

Some more useful tips for preparing a delicious herring snack:

  • It is easier to remove the skin from the carcass towards the tail. If you try to remove it in a different direction, it will move away with the meat.
  • You can remove very small bones from fillets using regular tweezers.
  • If you lightly press the layers when placing herring and onions in jars, the fish will marinate faster.

How and with what to serve

A tasty, juicy, aromatic and moderately fatty herring appetizer is appetizing and fits perfectly on a holiday table, harmoniously combining with many dishes.

When serving, you can additionally serve it:

  • the same onion with which it was marinated;
  • dark olives, which will give the fish additional piquancy;
  • thin slices of lemon.

There are many options for decorating holiday herring snacks. Each housewife adds her own ideas depending on the situation and occasion.

Despite its simplicity, an appetizer of herring with onions, marinated in vinegar, can compete with expensive and even exotic dishes. The variety of recipes will allow any housewife to constantly surprise her family and guests with her culinary talents.

Pickled onions are an interesting and original addition to many dishes. Today we will tell you how to pickle onions for herring so that the fish turns out incredibly tasty, without bitterness and an unpleasant onion smell.

How to pickle onions for herring under a fur coat?


  • onion – 3 pcs.;
  • table vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fine sugar – 2 teaspoons;


Take medium onions, peel them and cut them into very small cubes. Then put it in a bowl and scald with hot water. Carefully drain the liquid, pour in table vinegar and filtered water. After this, add a little fine sugar, mix and leave the onion to marinate for about 25 minutes, putting it in the refrigerator. Next, we throw it onto the cheesecloth, squeeze it out and use it to prepare a salad.

Quick recipe for pickled onions for herring


  • onion – 3 pcs.;
  • table vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • – 1 teaspoon;
  • filtered water – 6 tbsp. spoons


The recipe for pickled onions for herring is quite simple: we clean the vegetable, chop it into thin half rings and rinse under cold water. Then put it in a bowl, fill it with vinegar, dilute with cold water, throw in sugar and put in a little mustard. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the onion to marinate for about 10 minutes. After that we use it for salads or just as a snack.

How to quickly pickle onions for herring?


  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • fresh dill - to taste;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • acetic acid – 5 teaspoons.


Before marinating onions for herring in vinegar, take white and red onions and peel them. After this, chop the onions into thin half rings and scald with boiling water. To prepare the marinade, pour cold water into a bowl, dissolve sugar in it and pour in vinegar. Rinse the dill, shake it, chop it finely and throw it into the marinade. Place the chopped onion in a wide bowl and pour in the prepared mixture. Leave it for 30 minutes, and then sprinkle on the prepared herring and serve the dish.

How to pickle onions for herring with lemon?


  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • filtered water – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • fine sugar - a pinch;
  • ground white pepper - a pinch.


Peel the onion, rinse and chop into thin half rings. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with ground white pepper and mix thoroughly with your hands. We wash the lemon, cut it into 2 halves, peel one of them and grate the zest on a fine grater. Squeeze all the juice from the remaining lemon. Pour water into a ladle, heat it to a temperature of 70 degrees and dissolve fine sugar and salt in it. Pour vegetable oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice and chopped zest into the prepared solution. Fill the onion hot marinade and leave for half an hour at room temperature. After the specified time has passed, we throw it into a colander and when all the liquid has drained, put it in a beautiful salad bowl and serve it to the table with lightly salted herring.

The methods described above for pickling onions for herring are considered the simplest, most accessible and fastest. However, you can always show your imagination, experiment, and diversify the taste of the marinade by adding a variety of spices to it to suit your own taste. For example, a pinch of cinnamon, oregano or a simple bay leaf will give the onion an unusual and piquant taste.

You can use any herring. However, to choose it, you must have special art. To avoid purchasing a damaged product:

  • Herring should be purchased from a trusted place.
  • It should be free of dents, damage and “rusty” spots.
  • The abdomen is light silver in color, and the back is dark, black and blue.
  • There should be no red liquid oozing from the fish.
  • If possible, taste the brine. Feel the excess salt and taste of acid - do not buy the product.
  • Also avoid stale, weathered herring from the display case; the fish should always be in brine.
  • And after buying herring, ask the seller to pour a little brine into the bag with the herring.

Let's start cooking with vinegar and oil, step-by-step recipe with photos.


Herring – 2 pieces

Onions – 2 pieces

Vinegar – 3 tablespoons

Refined vegetable oil - for seasoning snacks to taste

Green onions - a couple of sprigs (can be frozen)

To prepare a delicious cold appetizer “Herring with onions, vinegar and oil”

1. First of all, peel, wash and chop the onion into half rings about 3 mm thick. Put it in a deep container, add vinegar, pour hot water and mix. Hot water in the onion will remove the sharpness and make it softer and more tender. Let the onion marinate, stirring it occasionally. Onions can spend an unlimited amount of time in the marinade, from 10 minutes to 2 hours. The main thing is not to forget to stir it.

2. In the meantime, let's take care of the herring. Now there is a lot of controversy about whether it is necessary to skin it. I still adhere to the idea that it is better to remove the film, then the skin of the fish will be more tender. So, we’ll make a shallow longitudinal cut along the back from head to tail, this will make it easier to remove the skin. Next, from the head or tail, whichever is more convenient, we will pry up the skin and slowly begin to pull it in the opposite direction. We will try to remove it in one go.

3. Carefully rip open the belly so as not to damage the insides.

4. Take the caviar or milk from the fish, cut off the head immediately behind the gill covers, the tail closer to the caudal fin and 5 mm of the abdomen on both sides.

5. Then divide the fish into two fillets, disconnecting the ridge.

6. Wash the fillet thoroughly, clearing the inner cavity of the dark film that covers the walls of the fish. Remove all large rib bones and, if possible, visible small bones along the spine. Dry the fillets with a paper towel.

7. Remove the onions from the marinade, press them with your hands to drain all the liquid and place them in a herring serving dish.8. Cut the herring into pieces about 1 cm thick.

If you find bones when cutting, remove them.. Place the herring on a plate, giving it the shape of a fish. Although this is for aesthetes. You can arrange the pieces on the plate as you like.

9. In a deep container, mix about 30-50 grams of vegetable oil (to taste) with 1 teaspoon of vinegar and pour this sauce over the herring. Finely chop the green onions and sprinkle on top of the fish.

The herring with onions, vinegar and oil is ready and can be served.
While preparing the cold herring appetizer, you can boil the potatoes in their jackets, or you can cook them in the microwave. This will take about 10-12 minutes. Serve hot potatoes as a side dish for an appetizer.
