Do springless mattresses sag? Which mattress is better, spring or springless - compare the orthopedic effect. Independent spring block

Spring. Such models are made on the basis of Bonnel blocks and independent springs. The first are a single system in which the load is distributed over the entire area, creating a wave effect. That is, any movement of the person lying will be felt over the entire surface. This disadvantage mattresses with an independent spring block are deprived.

Their design allows you to create zones of different rigidity. This makes for a good orthopedic effect. The “multi-pack” model can be chosen by couples with a significant difference in weight. They will sleep comfortably on such a mattress.

Springless. Manufactured from various natural and synthetic materials. They can be combined to create a certain stiffness indicator. Most often used in production:

  1. coconut coir. This material is obtained from the fruit coconut tree by pressing or latexing. It is characterized by high rigidity, biological inertness, breathability and elasticity;
  2. latex. It can be natural or synthetic. The first is distinguished by its high cost, but also significant orthopedic and antibacterial properties, and environmental friendliness. It practically does not press through and provides proper support for the spine during sleep. The difference between natural and artificial latex is stiffness, cost and durability;
  3. polyurethane foam. Dense foam material, which is characterized by elasticity and elasticity, good air exchange, anatomical effect, and safety. For many users, its significant advantage is its affordable cost;
  4. Memory Foam. Foamed polymer material, which is specially designed to create maximum orthopedic effect. It is able to “remember” the contours of the body and return to its original shape after removing the load. In addition, it ensures good blood microcirculation and allows the body to completely relax;
  5. felt, horsehair, seaweed, etc.. Such materials are used in the form of layers that adjust the rigidity or other parameters of the product.

Comparison of the main characteristics of mattresses

To understand exactly how a spring product differs from a springless product, it is important to compare them performance indicators, take into account the comfort of their use. The main indicators are shown in the table.




Silence Over time they may begin to creak. completely silent when in use.
Effective area have edges that provide the structure with additional rigidity and strength, but reduce the usable area. have a uniform structure over the entire area, so the entire surface can be used.
Moisture accumulation In inexpensive models, moisture can accumulate and cause corrosive oxidation of the springs. the materials have good ventilation.
Dust accumulation The springs in mattresses are hollow, and dust can accumulate in them, which is an excellent breeding ground for mites. dust particles with upper layers can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. Most materials are unsuitable for tick breeding.
Static electricity the presence of metal springs causes the creation of static electricity, which negatively affects the body. fillers are not prone to the formation of static electricity. When purchasing, it is also important to pay attention to the material of the case.
Life time based on a Bonnel spring block - about 5 years, with independent springs - 8–15. made from artificial materials - from 7 to 12 years, based on natural latex - up to 20.

Based on age

For children. To decide which is better - a spring or springless mattress, it is important to take into account such a factor as age. The child's body is actively growing, the spine is just forming, so it needs reliable support. In the first years of a baby's life, it is very important to create a rigid foundation for sleep. For this period ideal option are mattresses made from coconut coir. Among other things, their significant advantage is the preservation of the original characteristics after drying. For an older child (from 3 to 6 years old), it is better to buy a springless, medium-hard mattress. During this period, the spine and muscular system are actively developing, so this model will only contribute to proper growth. For older children, not only springless products of medium hardness are suitable, but also orthopedic ones with independently arranged springs. They will provide comfortable support while you sleep.

"Adult" models. For adults, it is important to combine the period of life with existing diseases. If there are no significant problems, then:

  1. young people under 25–30 years old can buy elastic models of medium hardness with an orthopedic effect, for example, made from a latex monolith or a block of independent springs;
  2. Any mattress is suitable for persons aged 25 to 45 years. Here the main selection criterion is personal preferences and health status. Some people find it more comfortable to sleep on a soft surface, while others prefer a firmer base. A universal option could be a model “with memory”;
  3. for people over 45 years of age, it is more advisable to choose a soft or semi-rigid anatomical model;
  4. For older people, it is better to buy a spring or springless soft or medium-soft mattress.

Choosing a mattress if you have illnesses

A sedentary lifestyle and a frantic pace can have a detrimental effect on your health. Pain in the neck, back and lower back are signs of serious illness. To prevent them or reduce discomfort, it is important to choose the right mattress. Experts recommend:

  1. for herniated intervertebral discs, use soft orthopedic models with good support. You may prefer an asymmetrical mattress, which has differences in the hardness of the sides;
  2. For radiculitis (sciatica), purchase a medium-hard model based on a block of independent springs or a monolith of natural latex or foam;
  3. for scoliosis, use hard or medium-hard mattresses. Reviews indicate that a springless product in which layers of coconut coir and a softer filler alternate may be a good option;
  4. osteochondrosis to find a middle ground. In this case, medium-hard or soft (but not too soft) products are suitable. The optimal solution can become a mattress where layers of latex coconut coir and high-quality polyurethane foam or latex alternate.


A comparison of spring and springless mattresses showed that each option has its own advantages and features. They should be taken into account when choosing. Also important criteria are age and the presence of diseases. Only A complex approach to the problem will allow you to solve it most effectively and buy an excellent mattress.

Spring and springless models are comfortable, durable, and support the spine well. But each has pros and cons. To make a choice: a spring or springless mattress is the best, it is worth understanding each product.

What to consider when choosing a mattress

To buy a mattress that will allow you to sleep in a comfortable position and not waste money, take into account the subtleties of choice:

. The maximum permissible value for spring models is lower than for springless analogues.
  • Size. With a standard length of 1.9 - 2 m, the width and thickness of the products differ. For the sofa, choose topper or futon options, thin springless samples. For a bed, buy thick products - 0.2 - 0.3 m or more.
  • If a person is prone to allergies, you should not choose a mattress made from artificial fillers.
  • Latex and coconut are more expensive, but they do not start dust mites. The material is not prone to the accumulation of odors and allows air to pass through well.
  • Products with wool fillings are purchased in regions with cold climates. Sheep or camel wool retains heat well and is lightweight. Lack of materials - dust mites accumulate in them, raw materials do not absorb moisture well.
  • If you have modest financial resources, choose mattresses that combine several fillings. The latex mixture is cheaper than natural latex, but is not much inferior in quality.
  • Spring products have weak side: metal elements may break and cannot be repaired or replaced.
  • Case. The removable cover is easier to clean/wash. When choosing a model, pay attention to the method of fixing the cover and the textiles from which it is made.
  • Some companies make combined mattresses, which have low springs and several layers of other filler. These are latex, polyurethane foam and others. Such models combine the advantages of both types of mattresses.

    Features of spring mattresses

    In such samples, installation of springs is carried out using several methods. Each of them affects quality, has positive and negative sides. The number of fragments is calculated per 1 m². The denser the elements are, the better the orthopedic properties.

    Important! A mattress with a spring density of 512 per m² has a good orthopedic effect. Elite class products have 1,000 springs per square meter. meter

    Installation using the method proposed by Bonnell is carried out by fixing adjacent springs. The result is a single canvas that comes into motion when exposed to a certain area. This allows the structure to be strong and stable.

    Method block installation– Pocket Spring works by influencing a specific location. The anatomical effect is achieved through separate fixation of the springs. When a point is loaded, the remaining elements remain motionless. With this method of placement, the orthopedic effect is higher than in the first case.


    Advantages of spring mattresses:

    • availability - Bonnell type models are cheap;
    • mattresses with fixed blocks have good orthopedic properties;
    • long service life;
    • block products do not create noise.


    Negative qualities:

    • products with independent springs are expensive;
    • if two people with different weights sleep, a “hammock” effect is created when the surface bends under one more than under the other;
    • pressure is applied to a certain place, and the load is distributed unevenly;
    • cannot withstand weight more than 150 kg;
    • Bonnell models creak.


    The cost of classic single products is 4,000 – 6,000 rubles. Mattresses with fixed springs are more expensive - 10,000 - 20,000 rubles. Double samples will cost in the first case 7,000 - 9,000 rubles, in the second - 20,000 - 50,000 rubles.

    Features of springless mattresses

    To produce mattresses without the use of springs, fillers are made from natural and synthetic raw materials:

    • latex;
    • coconut;
    • memory foam.

    It's environmentally friendly clean materials, non-allergenic, lightweight, easy to care for. They do not harbor dust mites, do not rot, and do not accumulate odors.

    In springless products inner part laid in layers, and there are no springs. To reduce costs, manufacturers make mattresses from synthetic raw materials. It has similar qualities to natural ones, but does not last as long and can cause allergies.


    Positive qualities of springless products:

    • do not creak;
    • support the spine well;
    • synthetic fillers are cheap;
    • can withstand loads of more than 150 kg;
    • long service life (15 years), since there are no elements that can break.


    The high price of springless mattresses made of natural material is their main disadvantage.


    The cost of springless products depends on its type. Toppers and futons cost from RUB 4,000. Standard products are more expensive. Models made from artificial fillers cost 6,000 – 12,000 rubles. for a single bed and 18,000 for a double bed. Natural raw materials cost 15,000 for a single version and from 20,000 for a double.

    Fillers with a “memory” effect are the most expensive - their price for single samples starts from 25,000 rubles, for double samples - from 60,000 rubles.

    Who is suitable for spring, and for whom springless?

    The choice of one sample or another depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. However, there is general rules that will help you choose the best option:

    1. People over 50 years old should buy soft mattresses.
    2. Children choose models made from coconut coir; they hold the shape of the spine well and do not cause curvature.
    3. Natural latex is suitable for people with greater weight. It does not bend, does not deform over time, and can withstand heavy loads.
    4. Hard spring models of any type are chosen by people with large weights. Their advantage over latex mattresses is their low price.

    Important! Products of medium hardness are suitable for those who do not have problems with the spine. These are latex mixture fillers, as well as block spring samples.

    Comparison table

    The summary table presents the main indicators by which you can determine which mattress is better - spring or springless.

    Comparison parameter Spring model Springless option
    Cost, rub.) 6 000 – 23 000 7 000 – 70 000
    Convenience Has a lower level of rigidity compared to springless samples Natural latex does not deform; coconut guillemot and artificial latex have a high level of rigidity.
    Benefit for health Good for the spine and joints Coconut and latex mixture is recommended for children and teenagers
    Up to 150 150 and more
    Ease of transportation Cannot be folded, must be translated unfolded Thin models - topper or futon are rolled up and easily transported. Standard analogues are folded, but more difficult
    Service life (years) 10 15
    Noise Non-block models create an unpleasant squeak Doesn't make noise

    Personal preferences are, of course, good, but in order for the mattress to be useful and comfortable, it is worth taking into account the features of each model.

    The level of work ability, physical well-being, mood - all this largely depends on the quality of night's rest. During the night, the human body must fully restore its strength, and the muscles must relax as much as possible. The quality of rest is influenced by many things: bed linen, color of wallpaper in the bedroom, stress, etc. One of the most important factors is the mattress. It is he who is responsible for the comfortable position of the body during sleep. The sleeping surface should have good orthopedic properties, be ideally sized for the bed, serve for a long time, and not require complex maintenance. To choose correct option, it is necessary to understand its types in detail. There are spring and springless mattresses. What are their differences and advantages? All this is discussed in more detail in this article.

    It is very important to choose a mattress for yourself, taking into account your health status, tastes, ideas about comfort and various physiological traits

    Spring and springless mattresses: choosing the appropriate option

    Which is better: a spring or springless mattress? Answering this question is problematic. First of all, you need to know about the main differences between the models. There are quite a lot of them.

    1. Dust accumulation. Dust accumulates in the springs at a tremendous speed. Over time, the inside of the product begins to resemble a vacuum cleaner.
    2. Presence of static electricity. Static electricity has an ambiguous effect on the human body. It is especially dangerous for children. Sleeping surfaces with metal elements (springs) accumulate it in small quantities.
    3. Corrosion. Products made of latex and polyurethane are devoid of metal parts. When moisture gets into them, corrosion does not form. On springs this phenomenon occurs. Over time, corrosion leads to squeaking.
    4. Softness. The softness of spring ones is much higher.
    5. Operational life. Good springless mattresses can serve their owners for about fifteen years; those with springs last less - about ten years.
    6. Area of ​​use. The surface of the product with spring blocks is not fully used during sleep. This is due to the presence of reinforced edges. Double models in practice turn out to be not as roomy as they seemed when purchased. The surface of a springless mattress can be fully used by people.

    Choosing a mattress is a very important issue regarding relaxation, well-being, and health.

    Springless models: pros, cons

    The characteristics of a springless mattress largely depend on the type of filler used in it.

    So, which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. It will be different for each person. However, you can consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each material. Using them, the buyer can easily make his choice.

    Construction of springless mattresses

    Springless ones can be monolithic or stacked - from several plates of different thicknesses, from different materials

    The following materials are used as padding materials: cotton wool, down, polyurethane foam, latex, memory foam. Cotton wool and fluff are practically no longer used in the production process. PPU, latex, and foam are in great demand.

    Both natural and synthetic materials can serve as filling for springless mattresses

    Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed in more detail in the table.

    Advantages Flaws
    Excellent orthopedic properties. The materials are elastic and resilient. They adapt to the individual characteristics of the human body and ensure correct positioning during rest. High moisture absorption. Some models absorb moisture like a sponge. They are not suitable for people who sweat profusely.
    No noise. There are no metal elements in the design. The creaking simply has nowhere to come from. The appearance of allergic reactions. This drawback applies only to models made from natural raw materials. However, allergic reactions occur extremely rarely.
    Hygiene. Insects and bacteria never grow inside. High price. High-quality springless mattresses cost above average. However, the high price is fully justified by the presence of a huge list of advantages and a long service life.
    Absorption of vibrations. The main problem with a bed with springs is strong vibrations when moving. It is uncomfortable for two people to sleep on the bed. When one person moves, vibrations are transmitted to the side where the second person sleeps. Polyurethane foam, latex, and foam effectively absorb such vibrations.
    Durability. The service life can exceed ten years. The main thing is to adhere to the basic operating rules.

    Spring mattresses: features, types, advantages, disadvantages

    Types of springs in orthopedic mattresses

    The simplest mattresses of this type first appeared almost 150 years ago. For a very long time, their competitors were products made from cotton wool and fluff. Now other springless mattresses with improved parameters are being manufactured. Despite high competition, box spring beds are still in demand.

    Construction of spring mattresses with additional layers

    They come in two types:

    Products with independent springs have improved orthopedic properties and practically do not creak. Each spring is hidden in a separate case and is in no way connected with the others.

    Types of independent spring blocks

    Models with a dependent spring block are cheaper and are popular. In them, the springs are fastened together and united by a steel frame.

    The design of dependent springs is extremely simple: large-diameter springs are rigidly connected to each other, forming a firmly dependent frame

    Advantages Flaws
    Good air exchange. The structure is almost hollow inside. Air circulates well through it. Lack of orthopedic effect in cheap models. The lack of proper orthopedic properties makes sleep not so comfortable. The surface does not adapt to the curves of the body.
    Affordable price. The cost of classic spring mattresses is quite low. They are available to families of any income level. Models with an independent spring block are much more expensive. Fragility. The service life is less than ten years. The bed may begin to sag after just a few years of use. They especially quickly lose their shape when high loads(when overweight people use them).
    Safety. Products with an independent spring block are absolutely safe during operation. Even if one spring breaks, the surface will not be pierced. The cover will protect it. The appearance of a characteristic creaking sound. Over time, the bed may creak during use. This is due to the metal springs inside. Due to moisture, corrosion forms on them.
    The presence of different zones of rigidity. Beds with independent springs can be selected with different zones rigidity. This is true for married couples where the weight of one spouse is significantly different from the weight of the other.

    The dependent spring block is inferior in quality to more modern independent blocks

    What's best for a child?

    There are strict requirements for a children's mattress, which vary depending on the baby's age and health condition.

    Every parent knows how important sleep is for a growing body. In a dream, the baby gains strength before active wakefulness, his body continues to form. During childhood, it is very important to provide decent conditions for the child’s growth. One of these conditions is choosing the right bed. The sleeping surface should be firm, elastic, and safe. You absolutely cannot save money on purchasing a mattress. Saving can lead to serious diseases of the spine and joints.

    The completely natural latex material meets the most stringent standards and requirements for products for children.

    Important! Each child is individual. Rely on general recommendations not worth it when choosing a bed. It is better to additionally consult an orthopedic doctor. The doctor will be able to advise a good option, taking into account the characteristics and needs of your baby.

    Coconut coir is a very popular material for the production of mattresses for children. younger age due to its natural qualities

    It is known that spring mattresses can create vibrations under load. In the first years of life, this is dangerous for the baby’s health. Vibrations can negatively affect the condition of the spine. Low load resistance is also a contraindication.

    Mattresses for children with independent springs - optimal orthopedic mattresses for older children

    You cannot jump on the surface. This threatens rapid wear. For these reasons, it is better for your baby to choose orthopedic ones based on latex and coconut coir.

    When choosing a mattress, you need to take into account not only the quality of the filler, hardness and size, but also the age of the child

    When choosing a model, be sure to focus on several parameters.

    For correct formation posture up three years A child needs a hard surface to sleep

    Which model should an adult choose?

    When choosing a mattress, it is important to consider everything: height, weight, age, health status

    In adults, the skeleton is already fully formed. However, there are a number of other issues that need to be taken into account when choosing. Each person has their own, so recommendations for choosing a model vary.

    Springs, polyurethane foam or latex?

    Types of fillings for mattresses: spring and polyurethane foam

    Most often, modern consumers choose from three options: natural latex, polyurethane foam, with an independent spring unit. Which one will serve better? Let's look at a short comparative characteristics in tabular form.

    Characteristics Product type
    Latex Polyurethane foam With independent block
    Price Expensive product. Most cheap option costs at least 13,000 rubles. Budget models. The cost ranges from 750 to 3000 rubles. There are different price categories. The price ranges from 8,000 to 100,000 rubles. The high price is due to the difficult technological process production.
    Life time Many manufacturers claim that latex blocks can last about twenty years. Artificial latex is not as durable. It can withstand no more than six years of use. The average operating life is five to six years. IN difficult conditions operation (high humidity, temperature changes) the period will be much shorter. With independent springs, the bed will last no more than eight years.
    Allergenicity All natural materials can cause allergies. Latex is no exception. If you have allergies, it is better to give preference to an artificial analogue. Polyurethane foam itself is not capable of causing a severe allergic reaction. However, during production, harmful substances may be added to it. They can provoke an attack. It all depends on the filler. If desired, you can choose a hypoallergenic model.
    Orthopedic properties Perfectly adapts to the body's shape, supports the spine in correct position throughout the night. They are elastic and perfectly follow the curves of the body. The properties are high, but short-lived. Over time, polyurethane foam begins to sag. Independent springs easily adapt to the body of a sleeping person. Orthopedic characteristics are high.
    Moisture resistance Thanks to its natural porous structure, latex has excellent air exchange. It does not absorb moisture and ensures proper thermoregulation. Not resistant to moisture. Quickly absorbs liquid. Acts like a sponge. In rooms with high humidity It is better not to use polyurethane foam. It “breathes” well, moisture does not stay inside for a long time.
    Health safety The products do not accumulate dust inside themselves. This makes them accessible even to asthmatics. Bacteria, mold, and fungus do not multiply inside the material. Because of high humidity the material can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This is unsafe for human health, especially children. Over time, a lot of dust accumulates inside spring covers. This is a good basis for the development of harmful microorganisms.

    Video: How to choose a mattress? Main selection criteria

    Modern man strives to constantly improve the quality of life. This is greatly facilitated by proper rest and healthy sleep. The comfort of a place to sleep is determined largely by the properties of the mattress. The quality of rest, spinal health and posture depend on deciding which mattress is better to choose, spring or springless. Both types of products have advantages and disadvantages, and you need to understand this before purchasing.

    When selecting, you should consider the following characteristics:

    • The length of the product must exceed the height of the owner by 20 centimeters.
    • No harmful synthetic and causing allergies materials.
    • Hygiene, ensuring sufficient air circulation.
    • Comfort and convenience are the main signs of the right choice.

    Having defined the criteria, you can compare different types and decide which is better- spring or springless mattress.

    Spring products

    Spring mattresses are produced in two types:

    • Bonnell type, containing a dependent spring block. The springs in the block are fastened and work as a single unit.
    • Pocket Spring type, have an independent spring block. Individual steel springs are placed in thick covers. The rigidity of the product varies along the length and width, as springs of different stiffness are used. Computer data processing is used to calculate loads.

    "Bonnel" with dependent spring block- This is the most common type of product. The springs inside are connected into a single unit and work together. When loaded, the entire structure bends, and therefore there are no orthopedic properties. This can lead to problems with the spine. The disadvantages include rapid wear of the springs, which begin to creak. The advantage of these products is their relatively low price.

    The main difference between an independent spring unit is that each spring is placed in a tight case and works independently of the others. The quality of the design is determined by the number of springs per unit area. For an orthopedic mattress there should be at least 250 pieces per square meter. Orthopedic properties allow you to relieve the spine. The advantage of an independent unit for a double bed is that the vibrations of the springs do not affect the other sleeper. The disadvantages include the high price and sensitivity to point loads; you cannot jump on it. Individual springs may break.

    Springless mattresses

    Springless mattresses differ according to the type of filler. Products with the following types of padding are available for sale:

    • horsehair;
    • sea ​​grass;
    • coconut;
    • latex;
    • foam;
    • bamboo;
    • struttfiber.

    They are made soft, medium and hard, which depends on the layers of material.

    Latex is most often used for padding. This is a natural filler made from the juice of the Brazilian Hevea plant. It has a slightly honeycomb-like structure that forms after foaming and vulcanization. The holes are obtained different diameters, which allows you to create zones with different stiffness for different areas of the body. Air cavities provide air circulation. Latex is soft and is usually used in conjunction with coconut coir.

    Medium-hard latex mattresses are made upper layer, and in hard ones the latex is located under a layer of coir. You can combine and make products double-sided with different hardness of the sides.

    Cord mattresses are often used in cribs. They are rigid, moisture resistant and have good ventilation. Of the new materials, the most commonly used is memoryform, which is capable of remembering the outlines of the body. The cheapest products are made from polyurethane foam. This soft material and other ingredients are added to it to increase hardness. Struttfiber is characterized by packing in which the internal fibers are arranged vertically. It is durable and wear resistant.

    Which mattress to choose, spring or springless, is determined by operating conditions, state of health, weight, age of the owner, and doctor’s testimony.

    "Bonnel" is an obsolete type. When using it, problems with the back and joints may begin. It's better to buy a modern model.

    Overweight people should choose a firm spring mattress. It will not be pressed down and will support the spine.

    With a weight of 50 kg, it is better to choose soft springless products made of latex and with shape memory effect, and for other weight categories you can purchase high-quality spring and springless mattresses.

    For children under 12 years old, springless mattresses are more suitable. Oscillations of the springs negatively affect the fragile spine. It is recommended to use latex or coconut padding for children. The main thing is to avoid dependent blocks. It is advisable to use hypoallergenic impregnation.

    Which orthopedic mattress better: spring or springless - a question that should be discussed with a specialist. An experienced orthopedist will give advice on choice. It may be a not very hard spring or latex springless.

    If you make a choice among springless types, you must remember that polyurethane foam is not harmless and can cause allergies. It is better to choose models with latex or coconut. Springless mattresses with natural filling, in particular coir, are considered the most beneficial for health. But these products have increased rigidity and are less comfortable. The buyer is faced with a choice: softness and comfort or usefulness.

    A spring block lasts 10 years, and a springless block lasts one and a half times longer.

    Having understood all the variety of products on the market, you can choose the most suitable look taking into account the climate, living conditions And personal characteristics buyer. The choice of products is very large, the types are varied, it is difficult to determine which is better. A mattress, spring or springless, should serve the main purpose, provide complete relief from fatigue, restful sleep and protection of the spine and joints.

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