Prolonged numbness of the limbs. Why does the left side of the body feel numb?

Numbness is a sensation that typically occurs in certain areas of the skin. The most common accompaniments of numbness are tingling, chilliness, burning and tightening. Such symptoms, for the most part, turn out to be signs of such diseases:

  • migraine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of intervertebral hernias;
  • poor circulation in the arm or leg area;
  • diabetes;
  • are signs of deficiency of vitamins, microelements and excessive consumption alcoholic drinks;
  • transient ischemic attacks, which involve one arm or one leg, one or another part of the body, or maybe all limbs;
  • compression of the nerve in the narrow areas where it passes, in the areas of the wrist, elbow, groin, ankles, tunnel syndromes are formed;
  • nerve damage as a result of joint deformation. These are rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • some hereditary diseases that are associated with nerve damage.

People who experience attacks of numbness often wonder what to do: see a doctor or wait until the symptoms go away on their own. In fact, if attacks of numbness occur quite often, it is imperative to see a doctor. Moreover, if, in addition to numbness, there is pain, awkwardness, weakness, or loss of sensitivity, and also if, with numbness, there is a lack of coordination of movements. In addition, a visit to a neurologist is mandatory if you cannot distinguish cold water from warm water.

Numbness of the limbs (numbness of the limbs)

Numbness of the limbs is very an unpleasant feeling, which occurs when a nerve is briefly pressed when a person assumes an uncomfortable position for a while. When you change position, the numbness goes away within a few minutes. But if changing posture does not help get rid of this feeling, and it occurs quite often, this should be taken as a signal that you should consult a doctor.

Numbness in the extremities may indicate the presence of arterial vascular disease (most often in the legs). This disease can cause inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels, the formation of obstruction in the arteries (Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis obliterans, stroke), and impaired blood circulation. This may result in partial gangrene of the limb. Numbness of the limbs can occur due to nerve injury, which is caused by diseases such as tunnel neuropathy, osteochondrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Numbness of the hands - a very widespread disease. Its cause is compression of the nerves supplying blood to the median nerve. If this disease is not treated in a timely manner, its consequences can be very negative. First, the disease manifests itself in numbness of the fingers, then the palms, arms, over time, it can turn into pain that occurs at night, then it can appear in the morning. Later, the pain appears during the day, and especially intensifies when you raise your arms up.

Numbness of the limbs may be due to the following reasons:

  • Uncomfortable posture when lying and sitting. In such situations, after numbness, a tingling sensation occurs, which goes away when you change position;
  • pinched nerve caused by spinal problems, for example, osteochondrosis;
  • due to carpal tunnel syndrome. In this case, the first, second and third fingers of the hand usually go numb, as compression occurs on the middle nerve passing in the area of ​​the hand. Often the cause of this disease is prolonged use of a computer mouse. First, the fingers become numb, followed by a tingling sensation that turns into severe pain;
  • lack of vitamin B12 in the body. This vitamin is included in the metabolic processes of nerve fibers and its low content in the body causes not only fatigue and general weakness, but also leads to impaired sensitivity, heart rhythm disturbances and irritability;
  • Raynaud's disease. This disease manifests itself as paroxysmal circulatory disorders of the arteries, which most often appear in the area of ​​the feet and hands. The occurrence of the disease can be caused by stress, hereditary factors (consisting of structural features nervous system), intoxication (nicotine and alcohol). Young women who have suffered from hypothermia, infectious diseases, overwork or prolonged exposure to sunlight are most susceptible to this disease. In addition, young women who work a lot with the computer, as well as pianists, are at risk. With Raynaud's disease, not only numbness is felt, but also rapid freezing, as well as the acquisition of a blue tint to the fingers in the cold and during excitement. Most often, the disease affects the second, third and fourth fingers and toes. If such symptoms are not given proper attention and are not treated, the disease can also affect other organs (chin, ears, nose). The arms are affected first, and later the legs;
  • obliterating endarteritis. This disease affects arterial vessels (most often of the lower extremities). Due to significant vasoconstriction, blood circulation is disrupted, accompanied by a feeling of numbness, as well as cooling of the extremities. A progressive disease leads to complete blockage of blood vessels, resulting in gangrene;
  • neuropathy. This disease affects the nerves. It is caused by metabolic disorders or intoxication. Symptoms characteristic of this disease are: itching, tingling, burning, tightening sensations in the toes and hands, and on the protruding parts of the foot. Patients often describe their sensations as “numbness.” There is a manifestation of spontaneous pain. Neuropathy is also characteristic of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, and so on;
  • ischemic stroke of the vertebral and inferior cerebellar arteries. Often numbness of the limbs accompanies this disease;
  • There are cases when numbness of the limbs occurs due to hyperventilation, accompanied by rapid and shallow breathing in a state of anxiety or fear.

Numbness of the limbs is a symptom caused by bending of nerve bundles or blood vessels, uncomfortable body position, impaired blood circulation, or more dangerous diseases that were described above. Numbness is a change in the sensory function of the limbs, often accompanied by painful sensations and tingling sensations.

Consequences of numbness limbs can vary significantly: from blood circulation disorders and up to gangrene of the limbs (partial). These consequences depend on what caused the numbness. However, regardless of the reasons, if numbness occurs frequently, this means that the functioning of blood circulation and blood vessels in the extremities is impaired. This implies that there is a risk of dangerous diseases and you should consult a doctor in order to diagnose the disease in time and prevent its development.

Numbness of hands (hands go numb)

The most common reason for numbness in the hands is considered to be compression of the neurovascular bundle by connective tissue, as well as muscles. This bundle provides nutrition and innervation to the muscles. There are seven places where compression can occur. After conducting a diagnosis, the doctor can identify the affected area and eliminate compression of the vessel or nerve. In cases where numbness of the limbs is associated with disorders in the functions of the spine, the doctor will also determine the location of the lesion and take action to eliminate it.

Numbness of the fingers (numbness in the fingers)

Numbness of the fingers, or carpal tunnel syndrome, was not common until the 1980s and was almost unheard of. However, from that time on, the number of people using computers began to increase rapidly. Daily work using a computer keyboard is a significant risk factor in the development of this syndrome. But not only people associated with computers are at risk for this disease; it also includes carpenters, painters, seamstresses, that is, those people who have to make the same type of hand movements every day. In practice, carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when, after straining, the tendons swell, thereby compressing the nerve responsible for sensation in the palm, middle, index and thumb. The nerve and tendons pass through the same fairly narrow canal. This compression of the nerve due to swelling of the tendon leads to tingling, numbness, and throbbing pain localized in the fingers. Pain and other symptoms of this syndrome are often felt more strongly at night or in the morning. Lack of timely treatment can cause death of the muscle responsible for the movement of the thumb. As a result, a person will not be able to bend thumb, just like clenching your hand into a fist. A large number of people, in such a situation, have to change their profession. Statistics show that women are more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome. The most common age at which the disease occurs is 40-60 years.

Numbness of the legs (feet go numb)

Numbness in the legs is a very common symptom in people of working age. This manifestation of the disease causes big number inconvenience and anxiety. In this case, the concern is not unfounded, since impaired nervous sensitivity is a sign of a serious illness. According to statistics, 90 percent of leg numbness is caused by problems with the spine: intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, and so on.

The spine is responsible for many functions in our body. Normal operation legs and arms - this is also under the responsibility of the spine. Pain in the legs may occur as a result of changes in the lumbar spine. The frequency and nature of numbness may vary, depending on the reasons for which they arose.

Intervertebral hernias can compress the nerve roots, thereby causing a reflex spasm of the tissues, as a result, patients have numb legs, a feeling of “cottonness”, pain, a feeling of “crawling goosebumps”, prolonged standing, sitting, tilting the head, coughing, and so on lead to increased pain. Less commonly, the occurrence of numbness is caused by osteochondrosis or other systemic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).

Osteochondrosis is a disease that progresses over a long period of time and can be accompanied by various clinical manifestations. To determine the causes of numbness in the legs, additional examinations often need to be performed. In order to clarify the diagnosis, an X-ray of the spine, namely its lumbar region, is used, MRI and ultrasound are used.

In order to establish the cause of numbness in the legs, it is often necessary to additional methods research. To clarify the diagnosis, MRI, X-ray of the lumbar spine, and ultrasound are used.

Usually, before numbness in the legs occurs, the patient experiences other symptoms of diseases associated with the spine, such symptoms can appear as early as the age of twenty and be in the nature of chronic lower back pain. If health care is not provided on time, the disease will continue to progress, despite the fact that the pain goes away over time, leaving behind a feeling of stiffness in the spine, then various pains appear in the legs.

If the cause of numbness turns out to be radiculitis, hernia, osteochondrosis (in 95% of cases), then timely assistance from a specialist who can find out the causes of the disease, as well as take all measures to prevent its development, is very important. Our clinic offers highly accurate diagnosis of diseases, as well as their effective treatment.

Numbness of the toes (numb toes)

There are many reasons that cause numbness in the toes. For example, various metabolic disorders, such as radiculoneuritis, can lead to numbness in the legs. Similar reasons also include spinal osteochondrosis, accompanied by narrowing of the intervertebral spaces, vascular disorders, spinal tuberculosis, and sometimes the development of cancer.

Oncological diseases lead to numbness of the fingers due to the growth of a tumor outside or inside the spinal cord, creating pressure, which in turn causes numbness. This process does not carry the danger that a person will not be able to walk. However, if the numbness is caused by the development of a tumor in the legs, then the risk that the person will quickly develop disability is very high.

If numbness is caused by osteochondrosis, loss of the ability to walk can occur either quite quickly or develop slowly - it all depends on the degree of damage to the spine.

Obviously, if you experience numbness in your legs, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor must conduct all the necessary examinations and, only after that, make a diagnosis. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based solely on the patient's complaints.

It is impossible to delay contacting a specialist, since it is a well-known fact that the earlier treatment is started, the more effective and faster it will be.

Typical complaints of patients with numbness of the extremities

  • I woke up this morning with strange sensations, as if my heel was numb. I went to work, and by lunchtime the numbness had risen to my knees, on both legs. In the evening we went to the hospital, by this time even my stomach was numb;
  • numbness and pain only in the ring toes;
  • there was an attack of severe pain. By evening, my left leg was numb from the knee to the foot on the left side.
  • a feeling of numbness in the legs from the knees to the scrotum;
  • The fingers on the hands go numb, more often on the right: the little finger and the ring finger, and if you don’t notice right away, then the lower part of the palm up to the wrist goes numb, but it also goes away quickly if you straighten your hand. This happens only when I sleep and more often when the elbow is bent. But lately I have been feeling a chill at the bottom of my palm during the day;
  • first, the upper surface of the big toe became numb, within 2 weeks, followed by the lower surface of the big toe on the other foot;
  • My right leg hurts from the buttock to the heel, there is partial numbness. Cutting pain. For some reason the pain gets worse when I lie down;
  • My little finger and ring finger on my left hand are numb and it won’t go away;
  • Immediately after sleep, in the area of ​​the big toe of the left foot, a feeling arose and persists to this day, as if I had been lying down, i.e. decreased sensitivity and slight tingling sensation;
  • the soles of the feet become numb, but not over the entire surface, and the outer edges are closer to the toes;
  • partial numbness of the left side of the left thigh, lasting three weeks with slight improvement;
  • I have osteochondrosis. Often the fingers on the hands (in particular the middle and ring fingers) go numb at night;
  • Part of the foot on my left leg, the fingers on my left hand and my cheek began to go numb. But they don’t go numb all the time - you lie down, it goes away, then again;
  • The right side of my foot was numb. At first I thought that I was just sitting on my leg, at least that’s how it felt. There are no painful sensations, and in principle, there are none at all, only when I run my hand along my leg - it feels like the inside of the foot is frozen;
  • Over the weekend, I took part in a competition for the first time, where the main load was on my arms. After this, for the second day the fingers became a little numb and tingling. Maybe I pressed a nerve ending somewhere or overstrained it;
  • about 2 weeks ago I developed numbness in my toes, the process is progressing, now my entire big toe on my right foot is numb. There is also a feeling of tingling, goosebumps, sometimes a burning sensation, often a iciness - this is exactly the feeling, although when you touch the feet are warm. Now the thumb began to ache slightly when touched;
  • For about two weeks now I have begun to notice numbness in the skin on my left leg in the thigh area. Running my hand over my left and right legs I just can’t calm down, the difference is obvious;
  • there was pain in the right knee (it hurts to bend) and numbness of the skin around the knee with outside. There is no sensitivity;
  • About a year ago, numbness appeared on the thigh near the knee. Now the numbness has quadrupled. There was not severe, but constant pain + sharp pains when walking;
  • a couple of weeks ago, after a long car ride, a constant feeling of numbness in the heel appeared and still does not go away, which spreads to the entire foot;
  • a feeling of tingling or “pins and needles”, numbness in the limb, and these sensations can begin from the buttock or behind the knee and continue to the foot;
  • hands go numb. At the same time, in most cases the same, regardless of body position. The cramps happen at night, the cramp reduces the arm to the elbow, after 5 minutes everything goes away;
  • my hands are going numb, it started about 2 weeks ago, at first I felt a tingling sensation in my hands, as if I was “resting”, and very rarely once a week, but then they began to go numb to the point of loss of sensitivity, yesterday it started in the evening, I fell asleep, and in the morning and afternoon everything continued;
  • partial numbness of the soles (a feeling like when you sit on your leg), numbness in the calves and thighs of both legs, although I can still walk on my own... Numbness in the lower parts of the buttocks, pubis and at the base of the penis.

Numbness of the body or paresthesia is a decrease or complete loss of skin sensitivity in some areas of the body. This condition is accompanied by unpleasant sensations of tingling and “crawling” on the skin, sometimes pain and impaired mobility in the joints.

Typically, numbness of body parts is a normal reaction of the body to compression of a nerve or disruption of the blood supply to tissues. This happens, for example, when staying in one position for a long time. At the same time, diseases of the nervous system, including very serious ones, can manifest themselves in this way. Thus, a very alarming symptom is unilateral paresthesia (numbness on the left side of the body or, conversely, only on the right). To treat this condition, it is necessary to diagnose and find out what exactly caused it.

Symptoms of numbness in body parts

Most often, the arms and legs become numb. The symptoms of this may be temporary and intermittent or persistent and long-lasting. Sometimes with such numbness of body parts, pain, dizziness and weakness, difficulty in movement and speech are observed, which indicates the development of any diseases.

If your arms and legs become numb as a result of nerve compression or impaired blood flow to tissue, no treatment is required. In this case, it is enough to change your position and lightly rub the numb area. Sometimes the hands or feet become numb at low temperatures; in order to restore sensitivity to them, it is enough to warm up.

In other cases numbness of the body does not go away on its own after changing position or light massage. If this occurs regularly and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor. You should also undergo an examination if such manifestations are the result of injuries to the back, head or neck.

Causes of body numbness

If body numbness is not due to circulatory problems, freezing or nerve compression, this may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  • Radicular syndromes (radiculitis, radiculopathy associated with inflammation, vascular disorders or mechanical compression of nerve roots in segments of the spine and spinal cord, intervertebral hernia) are the most common cause of paresthesia, and usually several fingers or part of the arm go numb, rather than the entire limb. In some cases, numbness of the body is accompanied by a burning sensation, the intensity of which increases at night;
  • Polyneuropathy - manifests itself in patients with diabetes mellitus, when, as a result of metabolic disorders due to prolonged higher level glucose in the blood causes damage to peripheral vessels and nerves. In this case, patients complain of a symmetrical disturbance of sensitivity, most often in the periphery of the arms and legs;
  • Stroke is the most dangerous cause of body numbness, when, due to an acute cerebrovascular accident, areas of the brain responsible for the sensitivity of certain parts of the body are damaged. With a stroke, the nature of the disorder is always one-sided, that is, only numbness occurs on the right side of the body (or only on the left), and the damage can spread to the limbs or to the entire half of the body, including the face. Other symptoms of a stroke include impaired motor function, changes in vision, difficulty speaking;
  • Brain tumor - due to the fact that the tumor compresses the surrounding areas of brain tissue and causes disruption of their functioning, headaches, difficulty moving the limbs, blurred vision, weakness, weight loss, decreased appetite and periodic paresthesia may occur. The nature of the sensitivity disorders is usually one-sided; numbness is observed on the left side of the body, face or only the limbs (or, conversely, on the right side). Unpleasant sensations do not arise acutely, but increase over time;
  • Multiple sclerosis - chronic illness Central nervous system, which is characterized by the replacement of areas of the nervous tissue of the brain with connective tissue, which causes numbness of body parts with loss of sensitivity and control over movements, visual impairment, etc.

Causes of body numbness can also be Raynaud's syndrome, cerebral circulatory disorders, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, as well as recent surgeries on different parts of the body.


If body numbness recurs frequently and does not disappear for more than 5 minutes, you should determine what is causing it. For diagnosis, the following are usually prescribed:

  • Blood analysis;
  • X-ray studies;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound examinations;
  • Consultations with specialists of various profiles.

Treatment of body numbness

Therapy for body numbness is selected individually in each case.. Both traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment are used. Thus, to alleviate the condition of radicular syndromes, they practice physical therapy, massage, reflexology, physiotherapy. Manual therapy and osteopathy can have a certain effect.

If numbness appears as a result of diabetes mellitus, an endocrinologist should prescribe a treatment regimen; it usually includes drug therapy, diet and adherence to the necessary lifestyle.

If there is numbness on the right side of the body (or left) and there is a suspicion of a stroke, the patient needs immediate hospitalization. It is important to start treatment no later than 4 hours after the onset of alarming symptoms, before irreversible changes occur in the brain.


To prevent body numbness, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, engage in feasible physical activity and monitor your diet. Nicotine, alcohol, salty and spicy dishes. It is recommended that you always dress in accordance with weather conditions to avoid hypothermia, as well as to treat diseases in a timely manner, preventing them from becoming chronic.


The causes of numbness are very diverse and cannot be avoided without an in-person consultation and personal examination by a neurologist.

Numbness of body parts (the most common companions are tingling, chilliness, burning and tightening) are signs of diseases such as:

  • migraine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of intervertebral hernias;
  • poor circulation in the arm or leg area;
  • diabetes;
  • are signs of deficiency of vitamins, microelements and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • transient ischemic attacks, which involve one arm or one leg, one or another part of the body, or maybe all limbs;
  • compression of the nerve in the narrow areas where it passes, in the areas of the wrist, elbow, groin, ankles, tunnel syndromes are formed;
  • nerve damage as a result of joint deformation. These are rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • some hereditary diseases that are associated with nerve damage.
  • The cause of numbness in the limbs can also be hyperventilation - rapid, shallow breathing, which occurs in some people in a state of anxiety or fear.
  • and more serious problems: numbness can be a harbinger of a stroke or transient ischemic state of the brain, micro-stroke.

Remember! It is very important not to underestimate existing symptoms, even if they are observed for a few minutes. If you suddenly develop numbness or weakness in any part of your body and you cannot explain its origin, you should seek medical help immediately.

If your sensations of numbness in a limb are similar to what is called “sitting” or “lying down” on an arm or leg, then the following recommendations will help you get rid of these disorders.

First, move more. Regular exercise in the form of walking, running and swimming improves blood circulation and reduces numbness in the body due to prolonged sitting, standing or sleeping. However, you should be careful when choosing exercises. Activities such as cycling, which require a lot of sitting, can cause numbness in the perineal area and thus aggravate existing disorders. Therefore, you also need to consult your doctor about your planned physical exercises.

Secondly, as strange as it may sound now, remove unnecessary things from your pockets. If you experience numbness in your leg, you should consider the possibility that this disorder may be related to a thick wallet or other items in the back pockets of your pants. They can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs in the gluteal region and down the back of the thigh. Hence the conclusion - find other places to store your wallet.

To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, take breaks every 30-60 minutes in monotonous work associated with repetition of movements.

In addition, you should stop smoking, which causes spasm of small blood vessels. Avoid coffee, alcohol, and strong tea - these products also constrict blood vessels. Eat more hot foods, cereals, and iron-rich foods.
And finally, dress well during the cold season to prevent heat from escaping from the body.

And since the treatment of numbness is associated with cleaning blood vessels, we recommend that you carry out this procedure yourself at home using decoctions:
1. Drink 200-300 g on an empty stomach hot water daily.
2. Grated lemon with zest and a head of garlic, pour 600 ml of cold water, leave for 2-4 days at room temperature. Take 50 ml per day on an empty stomach.
3. Pass 1 kilogram of parsley roots, 1 kilogram of celery with roots and 2 lemons through a meat grinder and mix with a glass of honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and take 2-3 tablespoons on an empty stomach in the morning.

All the best! Be healthy!

Almost every person at least once in his life has encountered an unpleasant sensation called numbness of the limbs.

Numbness of the limbs (causes of this disease are different) are almost always accompanied by tingling in the area of ​​numbness, chilliness, burning and tightening. Sometimes these sensations can be caused by minor reasons, but sometimes they are harbingers of serious illnesses.

So, what diseases or disorders may such symptoms indicate?:

  • circulatory problems in the extremities, arterial disease;
  • pinching a nerve in narrow areas of its location, for example, in the area of ​​the wrist or elbow, groin or ankle. In this case, tunnel syndromes may form;
  • nerve injury due to the development of certain diseases such as tunnel neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • migraine;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • diabetes;
  • for serious transient ischemic attacks that affect either the limbs or any part of the body;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • passion for alcoholic beverages;
  • nerve damage is hereditary or due to joint deformation (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis).
To treat or not?

Should you see a doctor if you experience numbness in your limbs (the cause has not been established) or can you just wait? If attacks of numbness are rare, and its causes are pinching of the limbs, then you don’t have to worry too much. However, if it is difficult for you to determine the cause, and you suffer quite often, then you should consult a doctor.

And if numbness is accompanied by pain, weakness, loss of sensitivity, in which you cannot distinguish cold water or hot, and even impaired coordination of movements, then a visit to a neurologist cannot be postponed. The article "" may help partially answer this question.

Why is numbness in the limbs dangerous?

In addition to the fact that numbness may reflect a serious illness, it itself may have Negative consequences. Since the main cause of numbness is compression of the nerves that supply blood to the median nerve, this disease can gradually progress, starting from numbness of the fingers and ending with causeless pain at any time of the day. An important symptom is increased pain when raising your arms up.

Causes of numbness in limbs.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of numbness in the limbs:
- the most common is not a comfortable position while lying or sitting. To stop it, you just need to change your position, after which a tingling sensation appears;

-pinched nerve , which is a consequence of problems with the spine;

- carpal tunnel syndrome , in which the fingers gradually become numb due to compression of the middle nerve located in the hand.

The cause of this symptom may even be long work with a computer mouse. With this disease, numbness occurs in the fingers, then tingling begins, after which severe pain comes;

- lack of vitamin B12 in the body. The reason for this reaction is that this vitamin is involved in the metabolic processes of nerve fibers, so a small amount of B12 in the body leads to rapid fatigue, general weakness, irritability, but, even worse, to impaired sensitivity and disturbances in the heart rhythm;

-Raynaud's disease. This disease can be recognized by paroxysmal circulatory disorders of the arteries, most often appearing in the feet and hands.

The cause of the disease can be stress, hereditary factors due to the special structure of the nervous system, nicotine or alcohol intoxication. It can cause severe hypothermia, infections, fatigue, and prolonged sun exposure. Most often, young women who work a lot with computers and pianists are at risk.

A clear sign of this disease is numbness and rapid freezing, blue tint fingers in cold and excitement. The disease most often affects the second, third and fourth fingers of the limbs. Later, if you do not start treatment, you can develop diseases of other organs - the chin, ears, nose;

- obliterating endarteritis. This disease affects the arterial vessels of the lower extremities. Vasoconstriction leads to impaired blood circulation, which is accompanied by numbness and cooling of the extremities. The progression of this disease can lead to complete blockage of blood vessels, and ultimately to gangrene;

- ischemic stroke of arteries - vertebral or inferior cerebellar. Numbness of the limbs often accompanies this disease;

- neuropathy, leading to nerve damage, metabolic disorders and intoxication. Itching, tingling and burning appear, accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the toes and protruding areas of the foot. “Stiffness” and spontaneous pain appear. Neuropathy can result from rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis;

Numbness of the extremities may occur due to hyperventilation , which appears as a result of rapid and shallow breathing during anxiety or fear.

warns that numbness of the limbs will have fewer consequences the sooner the cause of this symptom is determined.

The root causes of numbness left-hand side, there may be a large number. At such a time, a person experiences not only a sensation of “goosebumps” on the skin, but also other disturbances - pain, loss of sensitivity. In the field modern medicine numbness is called paresthesia. A feeling of numbness occurs at a time when the blood supply to certain parts of the body is disrupted or hypothermia of the extremities appears. In such cases, it is enough for a person to change the position of the body or massage the muscles, after which the numbness will disappear. But there are other reasons for this phenomenon, which are associated with serious disorders in the body.

Provoking factors

Numbness of individual parts of the body cannot be considered as an independent disease. Such violations indicate pathological conditions, which are the main provocateurs of discomfort. Numbness has the ability to manifest itself in different parts body, especially the limbs. People who work at a computer for long periods of time are susceptible to this problem. Musicians face this problem quite often. A disease such as Raynaud's disease (carpal tunnel syndrome) worries people due to a hereditary factor.

If we exclude nerve compression and hypothermia, the causes of numbness can be quite serious. Most often, such disorders arise as a result of the effects of radicular syndrome. This includes radiculitis and radiculopathy, which are associated with inflammatory processes. Also, these changes may be a consequence of vascular disorders or mechanical compression of the nerve roots, which often provokes serious health problems.

It is worth noting that such pathologies most often cause numbness in the limbs. Numbness can be accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms in the form of a burning sensation, which intensifies at night.

Numbness on the left side of the body may occur as a result of polyneuropathy. Most often, this disease develops in people suffering from diabetes. Numbness occurs when metabolic processes are disrupted when there is presence in the body high level glucose. As a result of these internal changes, severe damage to peripheral vessels and nerves occurs. When polyneuropathy appears, patients suffer from a symmetrical loss of sensitivity.

A more serious cause of body numbness is a stroke. This disease is quite dangerous, as damage occurs to areas of the brain that are responsible for the sensitivity of the body. This happens as a result of impaired blood circulation. Most often, during a stroke, numbness occurs. Right side. It must be said that when such disorders occur, one-sided numbness is always observed. Numbness has the ability to spread to the limbs and even to the face. For this reason, patients who have suffered a stroke undergo a long recovery period. The part that has succumbed to numbness loses its motor functions. In addition to loss of sensitivity, changes in vision and difficulty speaking occur.
